Investment programme (Q3696059): Difference between revisions

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(‎Set a claim value: summary (P836): A empresa planeia investir numa nova prensa de cisalhamento ligada e em dois espectrómetros para aumentar a sua produtividade. Estas aquisições melhorarão, assim, o ciclo económico e contribuirão mais para a economia circular.)
(3 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Torcy / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The company plans to invest in a new connected shear press and two spectrometers to increase its productivity. These acquisitions will thus improve the business cycle and contribute more to the circular economy. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0572044459273617
Property / summaryProperty / summary
A empresa planeja investir em uma nova prensa de cisalhamento conectada e em dois espectrômetros para aumentar sua produtividade. Estas aquisições melhorarão assim o ciclo económico e contribuirão mais para a economia circular. (Portuguese)
A empresa planeia investir numa nova prensa de cisalhamento ligada e em dois espectrómetros para aumentar a sua produtividade. Estas aquisições melhorarão, assim, o ciclo económico e contribuirão mais para a economia circular. (Portuguese)
Property / date of last update
8 June 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 8 June 2023 / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Torcy / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
50°28'59.02"N, 2°1'22.87"E
Property / coordinate location: 50°28'59.02"N, 2°1'22.87"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 50°28'59.02"N, 2°1'22.87"E / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Pas-de-Calais / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Saône-et-Loire / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS: Saône-et-Loire / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Torcy / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
46°45'58.18"N, 4°26'42.76"E
Property / coordinate location: 46°45'58.18"N, 4°26'42.76"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 46°45'58.18"N, 4°26'42.76"E / qualifier
Property / date of last update
7 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 7 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 11:35, 11 October 2024

Project Q3696059 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
Investment programme
Project Q3696059 in France


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    246,351.0 Euro
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    861,500.0 Euro
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    28.6 percent
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    24 July 2018
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    31 December 2020
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    46°45'58.18"N, 4°26'42.76"E
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    L'entreprise a pour projet d'investir dans une nouvelle presse-cisaille connectée et deux spectromètres afin d'augmenter sa productivité. Ces acquisitions vont ainsi permettre d'améliorer le cycle productif de l'entreprise et de contribuer davantage à l'économie circulaire. (French)
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    The company plans to invest in a new connected shear press and two spectrometers to increase its productivity. These acquisitions will thus improve the business cycle and contribute more to the circular economy. (English)
    22 November 2021
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    Das Unternehmen plant, in eine neue vernetzte Scherpresse und zwei Spektrometer zu investieren, um seine Produktivität zu steigern. Dadurch wird der Produktionszyklus des Unternehmens verbessert und ein weiterer Beitrag zur Kreislaufwirtschaft geleistet. (German)
    1 December 2021
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    Het bedrijf is van plan te investeren in een nieuwe aangesloten schuifpers en twee spectrometers om de productiviteit te verhogen. Deze overnames zullen aldus de conjunctuurcyclus verbeteren en meer bijdragen aan de circulaire economie. (Dutch)
    6 December 2021
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    L'azienda prevede di investire in una nuova pressa a taglio connessa e in due spettrometri per aumentarne la produttività. Tali acquisizioni miglioreranno quindi il ciclo economico e contribuiranno maggiormente all'economia circolare. (Italian)
    13 January 2022
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    La compañía planea invertir en una nueva prensa de corte conectada y dos espectrómetros para aumentar su productividad. Estas adquisiciones mejorarán así el ciclo económico y contribuirán más a la economía circular. (Spanish)
    14 January 2022
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    Ettevõte kavatseb oma tootlikkuse suurendamiseks investeerida uude ühendatud nihkepressisse ja kahte spektromeetrisse. Need omandamised parandavad seega majandustsüklit ja panustavad rohkem ringmajandusse. (Estonian)
    11 August 2022
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    Bendrovė planuoja investuoti į naują prijungtą šlyties presą ir du spektrometrus, kad padidintų savo našumą. Tokiu būdu šie įsigijimai pagerins verslo ciklą ir labiau prisidės prie žiedinės ekonomikos. (Lithuanian)
    11 August 2022
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    Tvrtka planira uložiti u novu povezanu smicalicu i dva spektrometra kako bi povećala produktivnost. Tim će se akvizicijama tako poboljšati poslovni ciklus i više pridonijeti kružnom gospodarstvu. (Croatian)
    11 August 2022
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    Η εταιρεία σχεδιάζει να επενδύσει σε ένα νέο συνδεδεμένο διατμητικό πρέσα και σε δύο φασματογράφους για να αυξήσει την παραγωγικότητά της. Ως εκ τούτου, οι εξαγορές αυτές θα βελτιώσουν τον επιχειρηματικό κύκλο και θα συμβάλουν περισσότερο στην κυκλική οικονομία. (Greek)
    11 August 2022
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    Spoločnosť plánuje investovať do nového prepojeného šmykového lisu a dvoch spektrometrov, aby zvýšila svoju produktivitu. Tieto akvizície tak zlepšia hospodársky cyklus a viac prispejú k obehovému hospodárstvu. (Slovak)
    11 August 2022
    0 references
    Yhtiö aikoo investoida uuteen yhdistettyyn leikkauspainatukseen ja kahteen spektrometriin tuottavuuden lisäämiseksi. Nämä yritysostot parantavat siten suhdannekiertoa ja edistävät enemmän kiertotaloutta. (Finnish)
    11 August 2022
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    Firma planuje zainwestować w nową prasę ścinającą i dwa spektrometry, aby zwiększyć jej wydajność. Nabycie to poprawi w ten sposób cykl koniunkturalny i przyczyni się w większym stopniu do gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym. (Polish)
    11 August 2022
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    A vállalat új, csatlakoztatott nyírógépbe és két spektrométerbe kíván befektetni a termelékenység növelése érdekében. Ezek a felvásárlások így javítják az üzleti ciklust, és nagyobb mértékben járulnak hozzá a körforgásos gazdasághoz. (Hungarian)
    11 August 2022
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    Společnost plánuje investovat do nového připojeného smykového lisu a dvou spektrometrů ke zvýšení své produktivity. Tyto akvizice tak zlepší hospodářský cyklus a více přispějí k oběhovému hospodářství. (Czech)
    11 August 2022
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    Uzņēmums plāno ieguldīt jaunā savienotā bīdes presē un divos spektrometros, lai palielinātu savu produktivitāti. Tādējādi šīs iegādes uzlabos uzņēmējdarbības ciklu un dos lielāku ieguldījumu aprites ekonomikā. (Latvian)
    11 August 2022
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    Tá sé beartaithe ag an gcuideachta infheistíocht a dhéanamh i bpreas lomadh nasctha nua agus dhá speictriméadar chun a tháirgiúlacht a mhéadú. Dá bhrí sin, feabhsóidh na héadálacha sin an timthriall gnó agus cuirfidh siad níos mó leis an ngeilleagar ciorclach. (Irish)
    11 August 2022
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    Podjetje namerava vlagati v novo povezano strižno stiskalnico in dva spektrometra za povečanje produktivnosti. Ti prevzemi bodo tako izboljšali poslovni cikel in bolj prispevali h krožnemu gospodarstvu. (Slovenian)
    11 August 2022
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    Компанията планира да инвестира в нова свързана преса за срязване и два спектрометъра, за да увеличи производителността си. По този начин тези придобивания ще подобрят бизнес цикъла и ще допринесат в по-голяма степен за кръговата икономика. (Bulgarian)
    11 August 2022
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    Il-kumpanija qed tippjana li tinvesti fi istampa ġdida konnessa ta’ shear u żewġ spettrometri biex iżżid il-produttività tagħha. Dawn l-akkwiżizzjonijiet għalhekk se jtejbu ċ-ċiklu tan-negozju u jikkontribwixxu aktar għall-ekonomija ċirkolari. (Maltese)
    11 August 2022
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    A empresa planeia investir numa nova prensa de cisalhamento ligada e em dois espectrómetros para aumentar a sua produtividade. Estas aquisições melhorarão, assim, o ciclo económico e contribuirão mais para a economia circular. (Portuguese)
    11 August 2022
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    Virksomheden planlægger at investere i en ny forbundet forskydningspresse og to spektrometre for at øge produktiviteten. Disse opkøb vil således forbedre konjunkturforløbet og bidrage mere til den cirkulære økonomi. (Danish)
    11 August 2022
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    Compania intenționează să investească într-o nouă presă de forfecare conectată și două spectrometre pentru a-și crește productivitatea. Astfel, aceste achiziții vor îmbunătăți ciclul economic și vor contribui mai mult la economia circulară. (Romanian)
    11 August 2022
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    Företaget planerar att investera i en ny ansluten skjuvpress och två spektrometrar för att öka produktiviteten. Dessa förvärv kommer därmed att förbättra konjunkturcykeln och bidra mer till den cirkulära ekonomin. (Swedish)
    11 August 2022
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    7 December 2023
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