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(Set a claim value: summary (P836): Este projeto tem como objetivo melhorar o desempenho da atividade docente num ambiente online. O projeto é necessário e oportuno para a realização de atividades de ensino no ano letivo de 2020/2021, que envolve uma série de medidas necessárias para o bom desenrolar do processo educativo, tanto para alunos como para professores, no contexto da crise pandémica criada pelo coronavírus SARS — CoV-2, a fim de evitar um rápido aumento da infeção pelo coro...) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt) |
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Latest revision as of 09:11, 11 October 2024
Project Q3131627 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
Project Q3131627 in Romania |
960,766.75 Romanian Leu
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192,153.35 Euro
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1,130,313.9 Romanian Leu
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226,062.77500000002 Euro
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84.9999942493850700 percent
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13 September 2021
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13 August 2022
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Prezentul proiect își propune îmbunătățirea desfășurării activității didactice în mediu on-line.Proiectul este necesr și oportun pentru desfășurarea de activități didactice în anul școlar 2020/2021 care presupune o serie de măsuri necesare pentru desfășurarea în bune condiții a procesului educațional atât pentru elevi, cât și pentru cadrele didactice în contextul crizei pandemice create de coronavirusul SARS - CoV - 2, pentru a evita o creștere rapidă a infecției cu coronavirus, dar și pentru a crea condițiile necesare desfășurării activităților didactice.Modul de organizare a procesului de învățare în mediul on-line:În scenariul verde, elevii și cadrele didactice își vor desfășura activitatea față în față, dar există și elevi care învață în permanență în sistem on-line datorită stării lor de sănătate (boli cronice) sau a unor membrii din familiile unor elevi. În acest context cadrele didactice își desfășoară activitatea din unitatea de învățământ cu transmiterea sincronă a informațiilor către elevii care studiază exclusiv on-line, astfel cadrele didactice și elevii având nevoie în permanență de echipamente/dispozitive electronice, activitatea se desfășoară pe Platforma Classroom. În scenariul galben, formațiunile de studiu vor funcționa cu efective 50% în unitatea de învățământ și 50% la domiciliul copilului cu schimbare la un interval de două săptămâni. În acest context cadrele didactice își desfășoară activitatea din unitatea de învățământ cu transmiterea sincronă a informațiilor către cei 50% elevi care studiază online și pentru elevii care învață exclusiv on-line, astfel cadrele didactice și elevii având nevoie în permanență de echipamente/dispozitive electronice, activitatea se desfășoară pe Platforma Classroom.. În scenariul roșu toți elevii învață de la domiciliu iar cadrele didactice își pot alege modalitatea de predare, de la domiciliu sau de la unitatea de învățământ în cazul în care cadrul didactic nu dispune de echipamente/dispozitive electronice, activitatea se desfășoară pe Platforma Classroom.Pentru a facilita accesul la un învățământ de calitate, și pentru obținerea performanței școlare și a rezultatelor bune la Evaluarea Națională și Bacalaureat sunt necesare tabletele pentru uz scolar pentru elevi si laptopurile pentru cadrele didactice.Obiectivul general al proiectului il constituie asigurarea accesului elevilor la procesul de invatare in mediul on-line si cresterea gradului de participare la procesul educational a populatiei de varsta scolara din orasul Buzias.O infrastructura scolara moderna si dotata cu echipamente IT care sa sustina baza tehnica necesara derularii invatamantului on-line va asigura un proces educational la standarde europene, va creste participarea copiilor la actul educational, contribuind totodata si la atingerea obiectivelor orizontale in domeniul egalitatii de sanse, protejarea mediului si dezvoltare durabila, prevenind astfel riscul de infectare cu coronavirusul SARS-CoV-2, fapt (Romanian)
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Ce projet vise à améliorer les performances de l’activité d’enseignement dans un environnement en ligne. Le projet est nécessaire et opportun pour mener des activités d’enseignement au cours de l’année scolaire 2020/2021, qui comprend une série de mesures nécessaires au bon déroulement du processus éducatif tant pour les élèves que pour les enseignants dans le contexte de la crise pandémique créée par le coronavirus SARS — CoV-2, afin d’éviter une augmentation rapide de l’infection par le coronavirus, mais aussi de créer les conditions nécessaires à la réalisation des activités d’enseignement. Dans ce contexte, les enseignants exercent leur activité à partir de l’unité éducative avec la transmission synchrone de l’information aux étudiants qui étudient exclusivement en ligne, ainsi les enseignants et les étudiants ont besoin en permanence d’équipements/appareils électroniques, l’activité est réalisée sur la Plateforme Classroom. Dans le scénario jaune, les formations d’étude fonctionneront avec 50 % à l’école et 50 % à la maison de l’enfant changé toutes les deux semaines. Dans ce contexte, les enseignants travaillent dans l’unité d’enseignement avec la transmission synchrone de l’information aux 50 % d’étudiants qui étudient en ligne et pour les étudiants qui apprennent exclusivement en ligne, donc les enseignants et les étudiants ont besoin en permanence d’équipements/appareils électroniques, l’activité est réalisée sur la plate-forme Classroom. Dans le scénario rouge, tous les élèves apprennent à la maison et les enseignants peuvent choisir leur mode d’enseignement, de la maison ou de l’unité d’enseignement si l’enseignant n’a pas d’équipement/de dispositifs électroniques, l’activité est effectuée sur la plate-forme de classe.Afin de faciliter l’accès à une éducation de qualité, et d’obtenir des résultats scolaires et de bons résultats à l’évaluation nationale et le Baccalauréat, des tablettes pour l’utilisation de l’école sont nécessaires pour les élèves et les élèves de l’école de l’école de l’environnement de l’école de l’école de la (French)
27 November 2021
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This project aims to improve the performance of teaching activity in an online environment. The project is necessary and opportune for carrying out teaching activities in the school year 2020/2021, which involves a series of measures necessary for the smooth conduct of the educational process for both pupils and teachers in the context of the pandemic crisis created by the coronavirus SARS — CoV-2, in order to avoid a rapid increase in the coronavirus infection, but also to create the necessary conditions for carrying out the teaching activities. In this context, teachers carry out their activity from the educational unit with the synchronous transmission of information to students studying exclusively online, thus teachers and students permanently need electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform. In the yellow scenario, the study formations will operate with 50 % in the school and 50 % at the home of the changed child every two weeks. In this context, teachers work in the educational unit with the synchronous transmission of information to the 50 % students who study online and for students who learn exclusively online, thus teachers and students permanently need electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (English)
29 November 2021
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Dieses Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Lehrtätigkeit in einem Online-Umfeld zu verbessern. Das Projekt ist notwendig und zweckmäßig für die Durchführung von Lehrtätigkeiten im Schuljahr 2020/2021, das eine Reihe von Maßnahmen umfasst, die für die reibungslose Durchführung des Bildungsprozesses sowohl für Schüler als auch für Lehrer im Zusammenhang mit der durch das Coronavirus SARS – CoV-2 verursachten Pandemie-Krise erforderlich sind, um eine rasche Zunahme der Coronavirus-Infektion zu vermeiden, aber auch die notwendigen Voraussetzungen für die Durchführung der Lehrtätigkeiten zu schaffen. In diesem Zusammenhang üben die Lehrer ihre Tätigkeit von der Bildungseinheit aus mit der synchronen Übermittlung von Informationen an Studierende aus, die ausschließlich online studieren, so dass Lehrer und Studenten dauerhaft elektronische Geräte/Geräte benötigen, die Tätigkeit auf der Classroom-Plattform durchgeführt wird. Im gelben Szenario werden die Studienformationen mit 50 % in der Schule und 50 % in der Wohnung des veränderten Kindes alle zwei Wochen arbeiten. In diesem Zusammenhang arbeiten Lehrer in der Bildungseinheit mit der synchronen Übermittlung von Informationen an die 50 % Online-Studierenden und für Studierende, die ausschließlich online lernen, so dass Lehrer und Studenten dauerhaft elektronische Geräte/Geräte benötigen, die Aktivität auf der Classroom-Plattform durchgeführt wird. Im roten Szenario lernen alle Schüler von zu Hause und Lehrer können ihre Art des Unterrichts wählen, von zu Hause oder von der Bildungseinheit, wenn der Lehrer nicht über elektronische Ausrüstung/Geräte verfügt, wird die Aktivität auf der Ebene des Klassenzimmers durchgeführt werden.Um den Zugang zu einer qualitativen Bildung zu erleichtern, und um sicherzustellen, dass die Schüler Zugang zum Lernprozess im Bereich der Bildung in der Online-Umgebung haben, und die Teilnahme am Bildungsprozess der Schulbevölkerung in Buzias Stadt, und die Teilnahme der Schüler in der Schule in der Lage sein wird. (German)
1 December 2021
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Dit project is bedoeld om de prestaties van onderwijsactiviteiten in een online omgeving te verbeteren. Het project is noodzakelijk en opportuun voor het uitvoeren van onderwijsactiviteiten in het schooljaar 2020/2021, dat een reeks maatregelen omvat die nodig zijn voor een vlotte uitvoering van het onderwijsproces voor zowel leerlingen als leerkrachten in de context van de pandemiecrisis die is ontstaan door het coronavirus SARS — CoV-2, om een snelle toename van de corona-infectie te voorkomen, maar ook om de nodige voorwaarden te scheppen voor het uitvoeren van de onderwijsactiviteiten. In dit verband voeren leerkrachten hun activiteiten vanuit de onderwijseenheid uit met de synchrone overdracht van informatie aan studenten die uitsluitend online studeren, zodat leerkrachten en studenten permanent elektronische apparatuur/apparatuur nodig hebben, de activiteit wordt uitgevoerd op het klaslokaalplatform. In het gele scenario werken de studieformaties om de twee weken met 50 % in de school en 50 % thuis bij het veranderde kind. In dit verband werken leerkrachten in de onderwijseenheid met de synchrone overdracht van informatie aan de 50 %-studenten die online studeren en voor studenten die uitsluitend online leren, waardoor leerkrachten en studenten permanent elektronische apparatuur/apparatuur nodig hebben, wordt de activiteit uitgevoerd op het klaslokaalplatform. In het rode scenario alle leerlingen in het onderwijs en leraren kunnen kiezen voor hun manier van onderwijs, van school of van de educatieve eenheid als de leraar niet beschikt over elektronische apparatuur/apparaten, de activiteit wordt uitgevoerd op het klaslokaal Platform.Om de toegang tot een kwalitatief onderwijs te vergemakkelijken, en om schoolprestaties en goede resultaten te bereiken op het gebied van onderwijs in de online omgeving, en om de deelname aan het onderwijsproces van de schoolbevolking in Buzia’s stad te verhogen.Het algemene doel van het project is om ervoor te zorgen dat studenten toegang hebben tot het leerproces op het gebied van onderwijs in de online omgeving, en om de deelname aan het onderwijsproces van de school in Buzia’s stad te verhogen, en de deelname van kinderen in het onderwijsgebied zal worden uitgerust. (Dutch)
6 December 2021
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Il progetto è necessario e opportuno per lo svolgimento delle attività didattiche nell'anno scolastico 2020/2021, che prevede una serie di misure necessarie per il corretto svolgimento del processo educativo sia per gli alunni che per gli insegnanti nel contesto della crisi pandemica creata dal coronavirus SARS — CoV-2, al fine di evitare un rapido aumento dell'infezione da coronavirus, ma anche di creare le condizioni necessarie per lo svolgimento delle attività didattiche. In questo contesto, gli insegnanti svolgono la loro attività dall'unità didattica con la trasmissione sincrona di informazioni a studenti che studiano esclusivamente online, quindi gli insegnanti e gli studenti hanno bisogno permanentemente di apparecchiature/dispositivi elettronici, l'attività viene svolta sulla Piattaforma Aula. Nello scenario giallo, le formazioni di studio opereranno con il 50 % nella scuola e il 50 % a casa del bambino cambiato ogni due settimane. In questo contesto, gli insegnanti lavorano nell'unità didattica con la trasmissione sincrona di informazioni ai 50 % degli studenti che studiano online e per gli studenti che imparano esclusivamente online, quindi gli insegnanti e gli studenti hanno bisogno permanentemente di apparecchiature/dispositivi elettronici, l'attività viene svolta sulla piattaforma Classroom. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Italian)
12 January 2022
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Este proyecto tiene como objetivo mejorar el rendimiento de la actividad docente en un entorno en línea. El proyecto es necesario y oportuno para llevar a cabo actividades docentes en el curso escolar 2020/2021, que implica una serie de medidas necesarias para el buen desarrollo del proceso educativo tanto para alumnos como para profesores en el contexto de la crisis pandémica creada por el coronavirus SARS — CoV-2, con el fin de evitar un rápido aumento de la infección por coronavirus, pero también crear las condiciones necesarias para llevar a cabo las actividades docentes. En este contexto, los profesores realizan su actividad desde la unidad educativa con la transmisión síncrona de información a los estudiantes que estudian exclusivamente en línea, por lo que los profesores y estudiantes necesitan permanentemente equipos/dispositivos electrónicos, la actividad se lleva a cabo en la Plataforma de Aula. En el escenario amarillo, las formaciones de estudio funcionarán con un 50 % en la escuela y un 50 % en el hogar del niño cambiado cada dos semanas. En este contexto, los profesores trabajan en la unidad educativa con la transmisión síncrona de información al 50 % de los estudiantes que estudian en línea y para los estudiantes que aprenden exclusivamente en línea, por lo que los profesores y estudiantes necesitan permanentemente equipos/dispositivos electrónicos, la actividad se lleva a cabo en la Plataforma de Aulas. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Spanish)
13 January 2022
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Projekti eesmärk on parandada õpetamistegevuse tulemuslikkust veebikeskkonnas. Projekt on vajalik ja sobiv õppetegevuse läbiviimiseks 2020./2021. õppeaastal, mis hõlmab mitmeid meetmeid, mis on vajalikud nii õpilaste kui ka õpetajate haridusprotsessi sujuvaks läbiviimiseks koroonaviiruse SARS-CoV-2 põhjustatud pandeemiakriisi kontekstis, et vältida koroonaviiruse nakkuse kiiret suurenemist, kuid luua ka vajalikud tingimused õppetegevuseks. Selles kontekstis teevad õpetajad oma tegevust haridusüksusest, edastades teavet sünkroonselt üliõpilastele, kes õpivad ainult internetis, seega vajavad õpetajad ja õpilased pidevalt elektroonilisi seadmeid/seadmeid, mida viiakse läbi klassiruumi platvormil. Kollase stsenaariumi korral töötavad õppekoosseisud 50 % koolis ja 50 % muutunud lapse kodus iga kahe nädala tagant. Sellega seoses töötavad õpetajad haridusüksuses, edastades teavet sünkroonselt 50 %-le internetis õppivatele üliõpilastele ja üliõpilastele, kes õpivad ainult internetis, seega vajavad õpetajad ja õpilased pidevalt elektroonilisi seadmeid/seadmeid, tegevus toimub klassiruumi platvormil. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Estonian)
4 August 2022
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Šiuo projektu siekiama pagerinti mokymo veiklos rezultatus internetinėje aplinkoje. Projektas yra būtinas ir tinkamas mokymo veiklai 2020–2021 mokslo metais vykdyti, o tai apima įvairias priemones, būtinas sklandžiam tiek mokinių, tiek mokytojų švietimo procesui, atsižvelgiant į koronaviruso SARS (CoV-2) sukeltą pandeminę krizę, užtikrinti, kad būtų išvengta greito koronaviruso infekcijos padidėjimo, taip pat sudarytos būtinos sąlygos mokymo veiklai vykdyti. Atsižvelgiant į tai, mokytojai vykdo savo veiklą iš švietimo skyriaus, sinchroniškai perduodama informaciją studentams, studijuojantiems tik internetu, todėl mokytojams ir studentams nuolat reikia elektroninės įrangos ir (arba) prietaisų, veikla vykdoma „Classroom“ platformoje. Geltonuoju scenarijumi, studijų formacijos veiks 50 % mokykloje ir 50 % pasikeitusio vaiko namuose kas dvi savaites. Atsižvelgiant į tai, mokytojai dirba švietimo skyriuje sinchroniškai perduodama informaciją 50 proc. internetu studijuojančių studentų ir studentams, kurie mokosi tik internetu, todėl mokytojams ir studentams nuolat reikia elektroninės įrangos ir (arba) prietaisų, veikla vykdoma klasių platformoje. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Lithuanian)
4 August 2022
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Cilj je ovog projekta poboljšati uspješnost nastavnih aktivnosti u internetskom okruženju. Projekt je nužan i prikladan za provođenje nastavnih aktivnosti u školskoj godini 2020./2021., što uključuje niz mjera potrebnih za neometano provođenje obrazovnog procesa za učenike i nastavnike u kontekstu krize uzrokovane pandemijom koronavirusa SARS – CoV-2, kako bi se izbjegao brz porast zaraze koronavirusom, ali i stvorili uvjeti potrebni za provođenje nastavnih aktivnosti. U tom kontekstu nastavnici obavljaju svoju djelatnost iz obrazovne jedinice uz sinkrono prenošenje informacija učenicima koji studiraju isključivo na internetu, stoga nastavnici i učenici trajno trebaju elektroničku opremu/uređaje, aktivnost se provodi na platformi Učilišta. U žutom scenariju, studijske formacije će raditi s 50 % u školi i 50 % u kući promijenjenog djeteta svaka dva tjedna. U tom kontekstu nastavnici rade u obrazovnoj jedinici uz sinkrono prenošenje informacija 50 % studenata koji studiraju na internetu i za učenike koji uče isključivo na internetu, stoga nastavnici i učenici trajno trebaju elektroničku opremu/uređaje, aktivnost se provodi na platformi Učilišta. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Croatian)
4 August 2022
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Το σχέδιο αυτό αποσκοπεί στη βελτίωση των επιδόσεων της διδακτικής δραστηριότητας σε ένα διαδικτυακό περιβάλλον. Το έργο είναι απαραίτητο και κατάλληλο για τη διεξαγωγή διδακτικών δραστηριοτήτων κατά το σχολικό έτος 2020/2021, το οποίο περιλαμβάνει μια σειρά μέτρων που απαιτούνται για την ομαλή διεξαγωγή της εκπαιδευτικής διαδικασίας τόσο για τους μαθητές όσο και για τους εκπαιδευτικούς στο πλαίσιο της πανδημίας που δημιουργήθηκε από τον κορονοϊό SARS — CoV-2, προκειμένου να αποφευχθεί η ταχεία αύξηση της μόλυνσης από τον κορονοϊό, αλλά και να δημιουργηθούν οι απαραίτητες συνθήκες για την εκτέλεση των εκπαιδευτικών δραστηριοτήτων. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, οι εκπαιδευτικοί ασκούν τη δραστηριότητά τους από την εκπαιδευτική μονάδα με τη συγχρονισμένη μετάδοση πληροφοριών σε φοιτητές που σπουδάζουν αποκλειστικά στο διαδίκτυο, με αποτέλεσμα οι εκπαιδευτικοί και οι μαθητές να χρειάζονται μόνιμα ηλεκτρονικό εξοπλισμό/συσκευές, η δραστηριότητα πραγματοποιείται στην Πλατφόρμα Classroom. Στο κίτρινο σενάριο, οι σχηματισμοί μελέτης θα λειτουργούν με 50 % στο σχολείο και 50 % στο σπίτι του μεταβαλλόμενου παιδιού κάθε δύο εβδομάδες. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, οι εκπαιδευτικοί εργάζονται στην εκπαιδευτική μονάδα με τη συγχρονισμένη μετάδοση πληροφοριών στο 50 % των μαθητών που σπουδάζουν στο διαδίκτυο και για μαθητές που μαθαίνουν αποκλειστικά online και έτσι οι εκπαιδευτικοί και οι μαθητές χρειάζονται μόνιμα ηλεκτρονικό εξοπλισμό/συσκευές, η δραστηριότητα πραγματοποιείται στην Πλατφόρμα Τάξης. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Greek)
4 August 2022
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Cieľom tohto projektu je zlepšiť výkon vyučovacej činnosti v online prostredí. Projekt je potrebný a vhodný na vykonávanie vyučovacích činností v školskom roku 2020/2021, ktorý zahŕňa súbor opatrení potrebných na hladký priebeh vzdelávacieho procesu pre žiakov aj učiteľov v kontexte pandemickej krízy spôsobenej koronavírusom SARS – CoV-2, aby sa zabránilo rýchlemu nárastu nákazy koronavírusom, ale aj aby sa vytvorili potrebné podmienky na vykonávanie vzdelávacích činností. V tejto súvislosti učitelia vykonávajú svoju činnosť zo vzdelávacieho oddelenia so synchrónnym prenosom informácií študentom, ktorí študujú výlučne online, takže učitelia a študenti trvalo potrebujú elektronické vybavenie/zariadenia, činnosť sa vykonáva na platforme tried. V žltom scenári budú študijné formácie fungovať s 50 % v škole a 50 % doma zmeneného dieťaťa každé dva týždne. V tejto súvislosti učitelia pracujú vo vzdelávacej jednotke so synchrónnym prenosom informácií 50 % študentom, ktorí študujú online, a študentom, ktorí sa učia výlučne online, takže učitelia a študenti trvalo potrebujú elektronické vybavenie/zariadenia, činnosť sa vykonáva na platforme tried. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Slovak)
4 August 2022
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Hankkeen tavoitteena on parantaa opetustoiminnan suorituskykyä verkkoympäristössä. Hanke on välttämätön ja tarkoituksenmukainen opetustoiminnan toteuttamiseksi lukuvuonna 2020/2021. Siihen sisältyy joukko toimenpiteitä, jotka ovat tarpeen sekä oppilaiden että opettajien koulutusprosessin sujuvoittamiseksi koronavirus SARS – CoV-2:n aiheuttaman pandemiakriisin yhteydessä, jotta voidaan välttää koronavirustartuntojen nopea lisääntyminen ja myös luoda tarvittavat edellytykset opetustoimien toteuttamiselle. Tässä yhteydessä opettajat harjoittavat toimintaansa koulutusyksiköstä siten, että tietoja välitetään synkronisesti yksinomaan verkossa opiskeleville opiskelijoille, joten opettajat ja opiskelijat tarvitsevat jatkuvasti sähköisiä laitteita/laitteita. Toiminta suoritetaan luokkahuoneen alustalla. Keltaisessa skenaariossa tutkimusmuodostelmat toimivat 50 % koulussa ja 50 % muuttuneen lapsen kotona kahden viikon välein. Tässä yhteydessä opettajat työskentelevät koulutusyksikössä, jossa tietoa välitetään synkronisesti 50 prosentille verkossa opiskelevista opiskelijoista ja opiskelijoille, jotka oppivat yksinomaan verkossa, joten opettajat ja opiskelijat tarvitsevat jatkuvasti sähköisiä laitteita/laitteita. Toiminta toteutetaan luokkahuoneen alustalla. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Finnish)
4 August 2022
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Projekt ten ma na celu poprawę wyników zajęć dydaktycznych w środowisku online. Projekt jest niezbędny i odpowiedni do prowadzenia zajęć dydaktycznych w roku szkolnym 2020/2021, który obejmuje szereg działań niezbędnych do sprawnego przebiegu procesu edukacyjnego zarówno dla uczniów, jak i nauczycieli w kontekście kryzysu pandemicznego wywołanego przez koronawirusa SARS – CoV-2, aby uniknąć gwałtownego wzrostu zakażenia koronawirusem, a także stworzyć warunki niezbędne do prowadzenia działań dydaktycznych. W tym kontekście nauczyciele prowadzą swoją działalność z jednostki edukacyjnej poprzez synchroniczne przekazywanie informacji studentom studiującym wyłącznie online, a zatem nauczyciele i uczniowie stale potrzebują sprzętu/urządzeń elektronicznych, a działanie jest prowadzone na Platformie Klasowej. W scenariuszu żółtym formacje badawcze będą działać z 50 % w szkole i 50 % w domu zmienionego dziecka co dwa tygodnie. W tym kontekście nauczyciele pracują w dziale edukacyjnym z synchronicznym przekazywaniem informacji 50 % studentom, którzy studiują online, oraz uczniom, którzy uczą się wyłącznie w internecie, w związku z czym nauczyciele i uczniowie stale potrzebują sprzętu elektronicznego/urządzeń elektronicznych; działanie to jest prowadzone na platformie klasowej. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Polish)
4 August 2022
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A projekt célja, hogy javítsa a tanítási tevékenység teljesítményét egy online környezetben. A projekt szükséges és időszerű a 2020/2021-es tanévben folytatott tanítási tevékenységek elvégzéséhez, amely számos olyan intézkedést foglal magában, amelyek a koronavírus okozta SARS – CoV-2 koronavírus okozta válsággal összefüggésben a tanulók és a tanárok oktatási folyamatának zökkenőmentes lebonyolításához szükségesek annak érdekében, hogy elkerülhető legyen a koronavírus-fertőzés gyors növekedése, valamint hogy megteremtsék a tanítási tevékenységek elvégzéséhez szükséges feltételeket. Ebben az összefüggésben a tanárok az oktatási egységen keresztül végzik tevékenységüket a kizárólag az interneten tanuló diákoknak szóló információk szinkronátadásával, így a tanároknak és a diákoknak folyamatosan elektronikus berendezésekre/eszközökre van szükségük, a tevékenységet az osztályterem platformon végzik. A sárga forgatókönyv szerint a tanulmányi formációk kéthetente 50% az iskolában és 50% a megváltozott gyermek otthonában működnek. Ebben az összefüggésben a tanárok az oktatási egységben dolgoznak az információk 50%-ának online tanulmányokat folytató és kizárólag online tanuló diákoknak történő szinkronátadásával, így a tanároknak és a diákoknak állandóan elektronikus berendezésekre/eszközökre van szükségük, a tevékenység az osztálytermi platformon történik. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Hungarian)
4 August 2022
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Cílem tohoto projektu je zlepšit výkon pedagogické činnosti v on-line prostředí. Projekt je nezbytný a vhodný pro provádění výukových činností ve školním roce 2020/2021, který zahrnuje řadu opatření nezbytných pro hladký průběh vzdělávacího procesu pro žáky i učitele v souvislosti s pandemickou krizí způsobenou koronavirem SARS – CoV-2, aby se zabránilo rychlému nárůstu infekce koronavirem, ale také aby se vytvořily nezbytné podmínky pro provádění výukových činností. V této souvislosti učitelé vykonávají svou činnost ze vzdělávací jednotky se synchronním předáváním informací studentům, kteří studují výhradně on-line, takže učitelé a studenti trvale potřebují elektronické vybavení/zařízení, činnost je prováděna na platformě učebny. Ve žlutém scénáři budou studijní útvary pracovat s 50 % ve škole a 50 % v domově změněného dítěte každé dva týdny. V této souvislosti učitelé pracují ve vzdělávací jednotce se synchronním předáváním informací 50 % studentům, kteří studují on-line, a studentům, kteří se učí výhradně on-line, a tedy učitelům a studentům trvale potřebují elektronické vybavení/zařízení. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Czech)
4 August 2022
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Šā projekta mērķis ir uzlabot mācīšanas darbību izpildi tiešsaistes vidē. Projekts ir nepieciešams un piemērots mācību pasākumu veikšanai 2020./2021. mācību gadā, kas ietver virkni pasākumu, kuri nepieciešami izglītības procesa raitai norisei gan skolēniem, gan skolotājiem saistībā ar koronavīrusa SARS — CoV-2 izraisīto pandēmijas krīzi, lai izvairītos no straujas inficēšanās ar koronavīrusu pieauguma, kā arī lai radītu nepieciešamos apstākļus mācību pasākumu veikšanai. Šajā kontekstā skolotāji veic savu darbību no izglītības vienības, sinhroni pārraidot informāciju studentiem, kuri studē tikai tiešsaistē, tādējādi skolotājiem un skolēniem pastāvīgi ir vajadzīgas elektroniskas iekārtas/ierīces, un darbība tiek veikta klasē. Dzeltenajā scenārijā pētījuma veidojumi darbosies ar 50 % skolā un 50 % mainītā bērna mājās ik pēc divām nedēļām. Šajā kontekstā skolotāji strādā izglītības nodaļā, sinhroni pārraidot informāciju 50 % studentu, kuri studē tiešsaistē, un studentiem, kuri mācās tikai tiešsaistē, tādējādi skolotājiem un studentiem pastāvīgi ir vajadzīgas elektroniskas iekārtas/ierīces, un darbība tiek veikta klasē. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Latvian)
4 August 2022
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Tá sé mar aidhm ag an tionscadal seo feabhas a chur ar fheidhmíocht na gníomhaíochta múinteoireachta i dtimpeallacht ar líne. Tá an tionscadal riachtanach agus tráthúil chun gníomhaíochtaí teagaisc a chur i gcrích sa scoilbhliain 2020/2021, lena mbaineann sraith beart is gá chun an próiseas oideachais a chur i gcrích go rianúil do dhaltaí agus do mhúinteoirí araon i gcomhthéacs ghéarchéim na paindéime a chruthaigh an coróinvíreas SARS — CoV-2, chun méadú tapa ar ionfhabhtú an choróinvíris a sheachaint, ach freisin chun na dálaí is gá a chruthú chun na gníomhaíochtaí teagaisc a chur i gcrích. Sa chomhthéacs sin, déanann múinteoirí a ngníomhaíocht ón aonad oideachais le tarchur sioncronach faisnéise chuig mic léinn atá ag staidéar go heisiach ar líne, agus dá bhrí sin teastaíonn trealamh leictreonach/gairis leictreonacha go buan ó mhúinteoirí agus ó mhic léinn, déantar an ghníomhaíocht ar Ardán an tSeomra Ranga. Sa chás buí, oibreoidh na foirmíochtaí staidéir le 50 % sa scoil agus 50 % sa bhaile an linbh athraithe gach coicís. Sa chomhthéacs sin, oibríonn múinteoirí san aonad oideachais le tarchur sioncronach faisnéise chuig na daltaí 50 % a dhéanann staidéar ar líne agus do mhic léinn a fhoghlaimíonn go heisiach ar líne. Dá bhrí sin, teastaíonn trealamh leictreonach/gairis leictreonacha go buan ó mhúinteoirí agus ó mhic léinn, déantar an ghníomhaíocht ar Ardán an tSeomra Ranga. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Irish)
4 August 2022
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Cilj tega projekta je izboljšati učinkovitost poučevanja v spletnem okolju. Projekt je potreben in primeren za izvajanje pedagoških dejavnosti v šolskem letu 2020/2021, ki vključuje vrsto ukrepov, potrebnih za nemoten potek izobraževalnega procesa za učence in učitelje v okviru pandemične krize, ki jo je povzročil koronavirus SARS – CoV-2, da bi se izognili hitremu povečanju okužbe s koronavirusom, pa tudi ustvarili potrebne pogoje za izvajanje izobraževalnih dejavnosti. V tem okviru učitelji opravljajo svojo dejavnost iz izobraževalne enote s sinhronim prenosom informacij študentom, ki študirajo izključno na spletu, zato učitelji in učenci stalno potrebujejo elektronsko opremo/naprave, dejavnost pa se izvaja na platformi učilnice. V rumenem scenariju bodo študijske formacije delovale s 50 % v šoli in 50 % na domu spremenjenega otroka vsaka dva tedna. V tem okviru učitelji delajo v izobraževalni enoti s sinhronim prenosom informacij 50 % dijakom, ki študirajo prek spleta, in dijakom, ki se učijo izključno na spletu, zato učitelji in učenci stalno potrebujejo elektronsko opremo/naprave, dejavnost pa se izvaja na platformi učilnice. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Slovenian)
4 August 2022
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Този проект има за цел да подобри ефективността на преподавателската дейност в онлайн среда. Проектът е необходим и подходящ за извършване на преподавателски дейности през учебната 2020/2021 година, който включва серия от мерки, необходими за гладкото протичане на образователния процес както за учениците, така и за учителите в контекста на пандемичната криза, създадена от коронавируса SARS — CoV-2, за да се избегне бързо увеличаване на инфекцията с коронавируса, но също така и за да се създадат необходимите условия за провеждане на преподавателските дейности. В този контекст учителите извършват дейността си от образователната единица със синхронно предаване на информация на учащите се изключително онлайн, поради което учителите и учениците постоянно се нуждаят от електронно оборудване/устройства, като дейността се извършва на платформата на класната стая. В жълтия сценарий, учебните формации ще работят с 50 % в училището и 50 % в дома на промененото дете на всеки две седмици. В този контекст учителите работят в образователната единица със синхронно предаване на информация на 50-те процента студенти, които учат онлайн, и за студенти, които учат изключително онлайн, като по този начин учителите и учениците постоянно се нуждаят от електронно оборудване/устройства, дейността се извършва на платформата на класната стая. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Bulgarian)
4 August 2022
0 references
Dan il-proġett għandu l-għan li jtejjeb il-prestazzjoni tal-attività tat-tagħlim f’ambjent online. Il-proġett huwa meħtieġ u opportun għat-twettiq ta’ attivitajiet ta’ tagħlim fis-sena skolastika 2020/2021, li jinvolvi sensiela ta’ miżuri meħtieġa għat-tmexxija bla xkiel tal-proċess edukattiv kemm għall-istudenti kif ukoll għall-għalliema fil-kuntest tal-kriżi pandemika maħluqa mis-SARS tal-coronavirus — CoV-2, sabiex tiġi evitata żieda rapida fl-infezzjoni tal-coronavirus, iżda wkoll biex jinħolqu l-kundizzjonijiet meħtieġa għat-twettiq tal-attivitajiet ta’ tagħlim. F’dan il-kuntest, l-għalliema jwettqu l-attività tagħhom mill-unità edukattiva bit-trażmissjoni sinkronika ta’ informazzjoni lill-istudenti li jistudjaw esklussivament online, u b’hekk l-għalliema u l-istudenti jeħtieġu b’mod permanenti tagħmir/apparat elettroniku, l-attività titwettaq fuq il-Pjattaforma tal-Klassijiet. Fix-xenarju isfar, il-formazzjonijiet tal-istudju se joperaw b’50 % fl-iskola u 50 % fid-dar tat-tifel mibdul kull ġimagħtejn. F’dan il-kuntest, l-għalliema jaħdmu fl-unità edukattiva bit-trażmissjoni sinkronika tal-informazzjoni lill-50 % tal-istudenti li jistudjaw online u għall-istudenti li jitgħallmu esklussivament online, u b’hekk l-għalliema u l-istudenti jeħtieġu b’mod permanenti tagħmir/apparat elettroniku, l-attività titwettaq fuq il-Pjattaforma tal-Klassijiet. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Maltese)
4 August 2022
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Este projeto tem como objetivo melhorar o desempenho da atividade docente num ambiente online. O projeto é necessário e oportuno para a realização de atividades de ensino no ano letivo de 2020/2021, que envolve uma série de medidas necessárias para o bom desenrolar do processo educativo, tanto para alunos como para professores, no contexto da crise pandémica criada pelo coronavírus SARS — CoV-2, a fim de evitar um rápido aumento da infeção pelo coronavírus, mas também de criar as condições necessárias para a realização das atividades de ensino. Neste contexto, os professores realizam a sua atividade a partir da unidade educativa com a transmissão síncrona de informação aos alunos que estudam exclusivamente online, pelo que os professores e os alunos necessitam permanentemente de equipamentos/dispositivos eletrónicos, sendo a atividade realizada na Plataforma Sala de Aula. No cenário amarelo, as formações do estudo operarão com 50% na escola e 50% na casa da criança mudada a cada duas semanas. Neste contexto, os professores trabalham na unidade educativa com a transmissão síncrona de informação para os 50 % de alunos que estudam online e para os alunos que aprendem exclusivamente online, pelo que os professores e os alunos necessitam permanentemente de equipamentos/dispositivos eletrónicos, a atividade é realizada na Plataforma Sala de Aula. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Portuguese)
4 August 2022
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Dette projekt har til formål at forbedre udførelsen af undervisningsaktiviteter i et onlinemiljø. Projektet er nødvendigt og hensigtsmæssigt for at kunne gennemføre undervisningsaktiviteter i skoleåret 2020/2021, som omfatter en række foranstaltninger, der er nødvendige for en gnidningsløs gennemførelse af uddannelsesprocessen for både elever og lærere i forbindelse med den pandemiske krise, som coronavirus SARS — CoV-2 har skabt, med henblik på at undgå en hurtig stigning i coronavirusinfektionen, men også for at skabe de nødvendige betingelser for at gennemføre undervisningsaktiviteter. I denne forbindelse udfører lærerne deres aktiviteter fra uddannelsesenheden med synkron overførsel af information til studerende, der udelukkende studerer online, således at lærere og studerende permanent har brug for elektronisk udstyr/udstyr, aktiviteten udføres på Classroom Platform. I det gule scenario vil studieformationerne fungere med 50 % i skolen og 50 % i det ændrede barns hjem hver anden uge. I den forbindelse arbejder lærere i uddannelsesenheden med den synkrone overførsel af information til de 50 % studerende, der studerer online, og for studerende, der udelukkende lærer online, således at lærere og studerende permanent har brug for elektronisk udstyr/enheder, udføres aktiviteten på Classroom Platform. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Danish)
4 August 2022
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Detta projekt syftar till att förbättra utförandet av undervisningsverksamhet i en online-miljö. Projektet är nödvändigt och lämpligt för att genomföra undervisningsverksamhet under läsåret 2020/2021, vilket inbegriper en rad åtgärder som krävs för att både elever och lärare ska kunna genomföra utbildningsprocessen på ett smidigt sätt i samband med den pandemikris som orsakats av coronaviruset SARS – CoV-2, för att undvika en snabb ökning av coronaviruset, men också för att skapa de nödvändiga förutsättningarna för att genomföra undervisningen. I detta sammanhang utför lärare sin verksamhet från utbildningsenheten med synkron överföring av information till studenter som enbart studerar på nätet, vilket innebär att lärare och studenter ständigt behöver elektronisk utrustning/utrustning, verksamheten utförs på klassrumsplattformen. I det gula scenariot kommer studieformationerna att fungera med 50 % i skolan och 50 % i hemmet för det förändrade barnet varannan vecka. I detta sammanhang arbetar lärare på utbildningsavdelningen med synkron överföring av information till de 50 % studenter som studerar på nätet och för studenter som enbart lär sig online, vilket innebär att lärare och elever ständigt behöver elektronisk utrustning/utrustning, verksamheten utförs på klassrumsplattformen. In the red scenario all students learn from home and teachers can choose their way of teaching, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipment/devices, the activity is carried out on the Classroom Platform.In order to facilitate access to a quality education, and to achieve school performance and good results at the National Assessment and Baccalaureate, tablets for school use are required for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the online environment, and to increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of children in the educational field will be equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure, the educational activity will be provided to the educational environment in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city, and the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided with the necessary educational infrastructure, and the educational infrastructure will be provided by the students in the educational environment, and the educational level of the school population in Buzias city will be able to choose the way to teach, from home or from the educational unit if the teacher does not have electronic equipments, the school tablets for school use are needed for students and laptops for teachers.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population of the school age in Buzias.The overall objective of the project is to ensure that students have access to the learning process in the field of education in the on-line environment and increase the participation in the educational process of the school population in Buzias city, the participation of the students in the educational field will be provided, and the educational infrastructure of the children will be equipped with the necessary education in the educational environment, the educational level of the school population in Buzias city and will be equipped with the educational infrastructure of the children who are equipped with the necessary educational infrastructure in the educational environment, in order to achieve the educational objectives of the school age in Buzias city. (Swedish)
4 August 2022
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20 June 2023
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Oraş Buziaş, Romania
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