Support for Elementary School in Varets in general education and retrofitting activities for the economic development of KS “Pyrzyce+” (Q138776): Difference between revisions

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(23 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / enlabel / en
Support to the Primary School in Warsaw in education and retrofitting for economic development SC “Pyrzyce +”
Support for Elementary School in Varets in general education and retrofitting activities for the economic development of KS “Pyrzyce+”
label / frlabel / fr
Soutien de l’école primaire de Warnice aux activités d’éducation générale et de rénovation pour le développement économique de KS «Pyrzyce+»
label / delabel / de
Unterstützung der Grundschule in Warnice bei der allgemeinen Bildung und Nachrüstung von Aktivitäten zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung von KS „Pyrzyce+“
label / nllabel / nl
Ondersteuning van de basisschool in Warnice in het algemeen onderwijs en retrofitting activiteiten voor de economische ontwikkeling van KS „Pyrzyce+”
label / itlabel / it
Sostegno della Scuola Primaria di Warnice nelle attività di educazione generale e ammodernamento per lo sviluppo economico di KS "Pyrzyce+"
label / eslabel / es
Apoyo a la Escuela Primaria en Warnice en educación general y actividades de adaptación para el desarrollo económico de KS «Pyrzyce+»
label / dalabel / da
Støtte til grundskolen i Warnice inden for almen uddannelse og eftermontering af aktiviteter til økonomisk udvikling af KS "Pyrzyce+"
label / ellabel / el
Υποστήριξη του Δημοτικού Σχολείου Warnice στη γενική εκπαίδευση και μετασκευή δραστηριοτήτων για την οικονομική ανάπτυξη του KS «Pyrzyce+»
label / hrlabel / hr
Potpora Osnovnoj školi u Warnicama u općem obrazovanju i aktivnostima naknadnog opremanja za gospodarski razvoj KS „Pyrzyce+”
label / rolabel / ro
Sprijinul Școlii Primare din Warnice în domeniul educației generale și al activităților de modernizare pentru dezvoltarea economică a KS „Pyrzyce+”
label / sklabel / sk
Podpora základnej školy vo Warniciach vo všeobecnom vzdelávaní a dodatočnej montáži pre hospodársky rozvoj KS „Pyrzyce+“
label / mtlabel / mt
Appoġġ għall-Iskola Primarja f’Warnice fl-edukazzjoni ġenerali u attivitajiet ta’ tagħmir mill-ġdid għall-iżvilupp ekonomiku ta’ KS “Pyrzyce+”
label / ptlabel / pt
Apoio ao ensino básico em Varets no ensino geral e atividades de adaptação para o desenvolvimento económico da SK «Pyrzyce+»
label / filabel / fi
Warnicen peruskoulun tukeminen yleissivistävässä koulutuksessa ja jälkiasennuksissa KS ”Pyrzyce+:n” taloudellisen kehityksen edistämiseksi
label / sllabel / sl
Podpora Osnovne šole v Warnicah pri splošnem izobraževanju in dejavnostih naknadnega opremljanja za gospodarski razvoj KS „Pyrzyce+“
label / cslabel / cs
Podpora základní školy ve Warnici v oblasti všeobecného vzdělávání a dovybavení pro hospodářský rozvoj KS „Pyrzyce+“
label / ltlabel / lt
Parama Warnice pradinei mokyklai bendrojo lavinimo ir modifikavimo veikloje, skirta KS „Pyrzyce+“ ekonominei plėtrai
label / lvlabel / lv
Atbalsts pamatskolai Warnice vispārējā izglītībā un modernizēšanas pasākumos KS “Pyrzyce+” ekonomiskajai attīstībai
label / bglabel / bg
Подкрепа на началното училище по общо образование и модернизиране на дейностите за икономическо развитие на KS „Pyrzyce+“
label / hulabel / hu
A Warnice-i Általános Iskola támogatása az általános oktatási és utólagos felszerelési tevékenységekben a KS „Pyrzyce+” gazdasági fejlődéséhez
label / galabel / ga
Tacaíocht don Bhunscoil i Warnice i ngníomhaíochtaí oideachais ghinearálta agus iarfheistithe d’fhorbairt eacnamaíoch KS “Pyrzyce+”
label / svlabel / sv
Stöd till grundskolan i Warnice i allmän utbildning och eftermonteringsverksamhet för den ekonomiska utvecklingen av KS ”Pyrzyce+”
label / etlabel / et
Warnice algkooli toetamine üldhariduses ja moderniseerimistegevuses KS „Pyrzyce+“ majandusarenguks
description / endescription / en
Project in Poland financed by DG Regio
Project Q138776 in Poland
description / pldescription / pl
Projekt w Polsce finansowany przez DG Regio
Projekt Q138776 w Polsce
description / bgdescription / bg
Проект Q138776 в Полша
description / hrdescription / hr
Projekt Q138776 u Poljskoj
description / hudescription / hu
Projekt Q138776 Lengyelországban
description / csdescription / cs
Projekt Q138776 v Polsku
description / dadescription / da
Projekt Q138776 i Polen
description / nldescription / nl
Project Q138776 in Polen
description / etdescription / et
Projekt Q138776 Poolas
description / fidescription / fi
Projekti Q138776 Puolassa
description / frdescription / fr
Projet Q138776 en Pologne
description / dedescription / de
Projekt Q138776 in Polen
description / eldescription / el
Έργο Q138776 στην Πολωνία
description / gadescription / ga
Tionscadal Q138776 sa Pholainn
description / itdescription / it
Progetto Q138776 in Polonia
description / lvdescription / lv
Projekts Q138776 Polijā
description / ltdescription / lt
Projektas Q138776 Lenkijoje
description / mtdescription / mt
Proġett Q138776 fil-Polonja
description / ptdescription / pt
Projeto Q138776 na Polônia
description / rodescription / ro
Proiectul Q138776 în Polonia
description / skdescription / sk
Projekt Q138776 v Poľsku
description / sldescription / sl
Projekt Q138776 na Poljskem
description / esdescription / es
Proyecto Q138776 en Polonia
description / svdescription / sv
Projekt Q138776 i Polen
Property / EU contributionProperty / EU contribution
135,688.35 Euro
Amount135,688.35 Euro
125,681.33 Euro
Amount125,681.33 Euro
Property / budgetProperty / budget
160,280.76 Euro
Amount160,280.76 Euro
148,460.05 Euro
Amount148,460.05 Euro
Property / co-financing rate
84.66 percent
Amount84.66 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 84.66 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
At the same time, the project aims at providing a comprehensive support to 320 students (out of services)/students SP Warnice and Filia SP Stary Przylep to IX.2019 who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (children from rural areas, popegerism) and their parents and carers. the specific objective of the project is to improve the skills of the key learners in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork. this objective will be achieved on the basis of tailor-made education and training for each of the schools. The following activities will be carried out in the project: 1.Performance of educational and equipment activities for the Primary School in Warice. All the work will be carried out by a project team working on indirect costs. The municipality has adequate technical, organisational and personnel facilities to carry out this project and to implement the objectives set out in the proposal. (English)
Property / summary: At the same time, the project aims at providing a comprehensive support to 320 students (out of services)/students SP Warnice and Filia SP Stary Przylep to IX.2019 who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (children from rural areas, popegerism) and their parents and carers. the specific objective of the project is to improve the skills of the key learners in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork. this objective will be achieved on the basis of tailor-made education and training for each of the schools. The following activities will be carried out in the project: 1.Performance of educational and equipment activities for the Primary School in Warice. All the work will be carried out by a project team working on indirect costs. The municipality has adequate technical, organisational and personnel facilities to carry out this project and to implement the objectives set out in the proposal. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Pyrzyce / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Pyrzyce / qualifier
Property / summary
The object of the education and at the same time the purpose of the project is the comprehensive support of the 320 pupil(s)/student(K) SP Varnice and Philia SP of the Old Adhesive to IX.2019, which encounters environmental, economic and geographical barriers(children from rural areas, popegeer) and their parents and caregivers.The aim of the detailed project is to improve the competences of key pupils in terms of performance, innovation and teamwork and the development of the system of individual work. The project will implement the following activities: 1.Conducting educational activities and hardware purchases for the Primary School in Varets. The entire work will be supervised by a project team employed as part of indirect costs. The municipality has appropriate technical, organisational and personnel facilities to carry out this project and to implement the objectives set out in the application. (English)
Property / summary: The object of the education and at the same time the purpose of the project is the comprehensive support of the 320 pupil(s)/student(K) SP Varnice and Philia SP of the Old Adhesive to IX.2019, which encounters environmental, economic and geographical barriers(children from rural areas, popegeer) and their parents and caregivers.The aim of the detailed project is to improve the competences of key pupils in terms of performance, innovation and teamwork and the development of the system of individual work. The project will implement the following activities: 1.Conducting educational activities and hardware purchases for the Primary School in Varets. The entire work will be supervised by a project team employed as part of indirect costs. The municipality has appropriate technical, organisational and personnel facilities to carry out this project and to implement the objectives set out in the application. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The object of the education and at the same time the purpose of the project is the comprehensive support of the 320 pupil(s)/student(K) SP Varnice and Philia SP of the Old Adhesive to IX.2019, which encounters environmental, economic and geographical barriers(children from rural areas, popegeer) and their parents and caregivers.The aim of the detailed project is to improve the competences of key pupils in terms of performance, innovation and teamwork and the development of the system of individual work. The project will implement the following activities: 1.Conducting educational activities and hardware purchases for the Primary School in Varets. The entire work will be supervised by a project team employed as part of indirect costs. The municipality has appropriate technical, organisational and personnel facilities to carry out this project and to implement the objectives set out in the application. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 21 October 2020
Precision1 day
Property / summary: The object of the education and at the same time the purpose of the project is the comprehensive support of the 320 pupil(s)/student(K) SP Varnice and Philia SP of the Old Adhesive to IX.2019, which encounters environmental, economic and geographical barriers(children from rural areas, popegeer) and their parents and caregivers.The aim of the detailed project is to improve the competences of key pupils in terms of performance, innovation and teamwork and the development of the system of individual work. The project will implement the following activities: 1.Conducting educational activities and hardware purchases for the Primary School in Varets. The entire work will be supervised by a project team employed as part of indirect costs. The municipality has appropriate technical, organisational and personnel facilities to carry out this project and to implement the objectives set out in the application. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.1317586544120703
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Le projet mettra en œuvre les activités suivantes: 1. Mener des activités éducatives et des achats de matériel pour l ' école primaire de Warnice. L’ensemble des travaux sera supervisé par une équipe de projet employée sous coûts indirects. La municipalité dispose d’installations techniques, organisationnelles et humaines adéquates pour mener à bien ce projet et mettre en œuvre les objectifs énoncés dans la proposition. (French)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Le projet mettra en œuvre les activités suivantes: 1. Mener des activités éducatives et des achats de matériel pour l ' école primaire de Warnice. L’ensemble des travaux sera supervisé par une équipe de projet employée sous coûts indirects. La municipalité dispose d’installations techniques, organisationnelles et humaines adéquates pour mener à bien ce projet et mettre en œuvre les objectifs énoncés dans la proposition. (French) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Le projet mettra en œuvre les activités suivantes: 1. Mener des activités éducatives et des achats de matériel pour l ' école primaire de Warnice. L’ensemble des travaux sera supervisé par une équipe de projet employée sous coûts indirects. La municipalité dispose d’installations techniques, organisationnelles et humaines adéquates pour mener à bien ce projet et mettre en œuvre les objectifs énoncés dans la proposition. (French) / qualifier
point in time: 2 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Im Rahmen des Projekts werden folgende Maßnahmen durchgeführt: 1. Durchführung von Bildungsaktivitäten und Hardwarekäufen für die Grundschule in Warnice. Die gesamte Arbeit wird von einem Projektteam überwacht, das zu indirekten Kosten beschäftigt ist. Die Gemeinde verfügt über angemessene technische, organisatorische und personelle Einrichtungen, um dieses Projekt durchzuführen und die Ziele des Vorschlags umzusetzen. (German)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Im Rahmen des Projekts werden folgende Maßnahmen durchgeführt: 1. Durchführung von Bildungsaktivitäten und Hardwarekäufen für die Grundschule in Warnice. Die gesamte Arbeit wird von einem Projektteam überwacht, das zu indirekten Kosten beschäftigt ist. Die Gemeinde verfügt über angemessene technische, organisatorische und personelle Einrichtungen, um dieses Projekt durchzuführen und die Ziele des Vorschlags umzusetzen. (German) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Im Rahmen des Projekts werden folgende Maßnahmen durchgeführt: 1. Durchführung von Bildungsaktivitäten und Hardwarekäufen für die Grundschule in Warnice. Die gesamte Arbeit wird von einem Projektteam überwacht, das zu indirekten Kosten beschäftigt ist. Die Gemeinde verfügt über angemessene technische, organisatorische und personelle Einrichtungen, um dieses Projekt durchzuführen und die Ziele des Vorschlags umzusetzen. (German) / qualifier
point in time: 13 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Het project zal de volgende activiteiten uitvoeren: 1. Het uitvoeren van educatieve activiteiten en hardware aankopen voor de Primary School in Warnice. Het gehele werk wordt begeleid door een projectteam dat onder indirecte kosten werkt. De gemeente beschikt over adequate technische, organisatorische en personele faciliteiten om dit project uit te voeren en de doelstellingen van het voorstel uit te voeren. (Dutch)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Het project zal de volgende activiteiten uitvoeren: 1. Het uitvoeren van educatieve activiteiten en hardware aankopen voor de Primary School in Warnice. Het gehele werk wordt begeleid door een projectteam dat onder indirecte kosten werkt. De gemeente beschikt over adequate technische, organisatorische en personele faciliteiten om dit project uit te voeren en de doelstellingen van het voorstel uit te voeren. (Dutch) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Het project zal de volgende activiteiten uitvoeren: 1. Het uitvoeren van educatieve activiteiten en hardware aankopen voor de Primary School in Warnice. Het gehele werk wordt begeleid door een projectteam dat onder indirecte kosten werkt. De gemeente beschikt over adequate technische, organisatorische en personele faciliteiten om dit project uit te voeren en de doelstellingen van het voorstel uit te voeren. (Dutch) / qualifier
point in time: 17 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Il progetto realizzerà le seguenti attività: 1. Condurre attività educative e acquisti hardware per la Scuola Primaria di Warnice. L'intero lavoro sarà supervisionato da un team di progetto impiegato a costi indiretti. Il comune dispone di strutture tecniche, organizzative e di personale adeguate per realizzare questo progetto e attuare gli obiettivi stabiliti nella proposta. (Italian)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Il progetto realizzerà le seguenti attività: 1. Condurre attività educative e acquisti hardware per la Scuola Primaria di Warnice. L'intero lavoro sarà supervisionato da un team di progetto impiegato a costi indiretti. Il comune dispone di strutture tecniche, organizzative e di personale adeguate per realizzare questo progetto e attuare gli obiettivi stabiliti nella proposta. (Italian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Il progetto realizzerà le seguenti attività: 1. Condurre attività educative e acquisti hardware per la Scuola Primaria di Warnice. L'intero lavoro sarà supervisionato da un team di progetto impiegato a costi indiretti. Il comune dispone di strutture tecniche, organizzative e di personale adeguate per realizzare questo progetto e attuare gli obiettivi stabiliti nella proposta. (Italian) / qualifier
point in time: 15 January 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of El proyecto llevará a cabo las siguientes actividades: 1. Realización de actividades educativas y compras de hardware para la Escuela Primaria en Warnice. Todo el trabajo será supervisado por un equipo del proyecto empleado bajo costos indirectos. El municipio cuenta con instalaciones técnicas, organizativas y de personal adecuadas para llevar a cabo este proyecto e implementar los objetivos establecidos en la propuesta. (Spanish)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of El proyecto llevará a cabo las siguientes actividades: 1. Realización de actividades educativas y compras de hardware para la Escuela Primaria en Warnice. Todo el trabajo será supervisado por un equipo del proyecto empleado bajo costos indirectos. El municipio cuenta con instalaciones técnicas, organizativas y de personal adecuadas para llevar a cabo este proyecto e implementar los objetivos establecidos en la propuesta. (Spanish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of El proyecto llevará a cabo las siguientes actividades: 1. Realización de actividades educativas y compras de hardware para la Escuela Primaria en Warnice. Todo el trabajo será supervisado por un equipo del proyecto empleado bajo costos indirectos. El municipio cuenta con instalaciones técnicas, organizativas y de personal adecuadas para llevar a cabo este proyecto e implementar los objetivos establecidos en la propuesta. (Spanish) / qualifier
point in time: 19 January 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projektet vil gennemføre følgende aktiviteter: 1. Gennemførelse af uddannelsesmæssige aktiviteter og hardware køb til Primary School i Warnice. Hele arbejdet vil blive overvåget af et projektteam, der er ansat under indirekte omkostninger. Kommunen råder over tilstrækkelige tekniske, organisatoriske og personalemæssige faciliteter til at gennemføre dette projekt og gennemføre de mål, der er fastsat i forslaget. (Danish)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projektet vil gennemføre følgende aktiviteter: 1. Gennemførelse af uddannelsesmæssige aktiviteter og hardware køb til Primary School i Warnice. Hele arbejdet vil blive overvåget af et projektteam, der er ansat under indirekte omkostninger. Kommunen råder over tilstrækkelige tekniske, organisatoriske og personalemæssige faciliteter til at gennemføre dette projekt og gennemføre de mål, der er fastsat i forslaget. (Danish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projektet vil gennemføre følgende aktiviteter: 1. Gennemførelse af uddannelsesmæssige aktiviteter og hardware køb til Primary School i Warnice. Hele arbejdet vil blive overvåget af et projektteam, der er ansat under indirekte omkostninger. Kommunen råder over tilstrækkelige tekniske, organisatoriske og personalemæssige faciliteter til at gennemføre dette projekt og gennemføre de mål, der er fastsat i forslaget. (Danish) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Το έργο θα υλοποιήσει τις ακόλουθες δραστηριότητες: 1. Διεξαγωγή εκπαιδευτικών δραστηριοτήτων και αγορών υλικού για το Δημοτικό Σχολείο της Warnice. Το σύνολο των εργασιών θα εποπτεύεται από ομάδα έργου που θα απασχολείται με έμμεσες δαπάνες. Ο δήμος διαθέτει επαρκείς τεχνικές και οργανωτικές εγκαταστάσεις και εγκαταστάσεις προσωπικού για την εκτέλεση του έργου και την υλοποίηση των στόχων που ορίζονται στην πρόταση. (Greek)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Το έργο θα υλοποιήσει τις ακόλουθες δραστηριότητες: 1. Διεξαγωγή εκπαιδευτικών δραστηριοτήτων και αγορών υλικού για το Δημοτικό Σχολείο της Warnice. Το σύνολο των εργασιών θα εποπτεύεται από ομάδα έργου που θα απασχολείται με έμμεσες δαπάνες. Ο δήμος διαθέτει επαρκείς τεχνικές και οργανωτικές εγκαταστάσεις και εγκαταστάσεις προσωπικού για την εκτέλεση του έργου και την υλοποίηση των στόχων που ορίζονται στην πρόταση. (Greek) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Το έργο θα υλοποιήσει τις ακόλουθες δραστηριότητες: 1. Διεξαγωγή εκπαιδευτικών δραστηριοτήτων και αγορών υλικού για το Δημοτικό Σχολείο της Warnice. Το σύνολο των εργασιών θα εποπτεύεται από ομάδα έργου που θα απασχολείται με έμμεσες δαπάνες. Ο δήμος διαθέτει επαρκείς τεχνικές και οργανωτικές εγκαταστάσεις και εγκαταστάσεις προσωπικού για την εκτέλεση του έργου και την υλοποίηση των στόχων που ορίζονται στην πρόταση. (Greek) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projektom će se provoditi sljedeće aktivnosti: 1. Provedba obrazovnih aktivnosti i kupnje hardvera za Osnovnu školu u Warnicama. Cijeli rad nadzirat će projektni tim zaposlen pod neizravnim troškovima. Općina ima odgovarajuće tehničke, organizacijske i kadrovske objekte za provedbu ovog projekta i provedbu ciljeva utvrđenih u prijedlogu. (Croatian)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projektom će se provoditi sljedeće aktivnosti: 1. Provedba obrazovnih aktivnosti i kupnje hardvera za Osnovnu školu u Warnicama. Cijeli rad nadzirat će projektni tim zaposlen pod neizravnim troškovima. Općina ima odgovarajuće tehničke, organizacijske i kadrovske objekte za provedbu ovog projekta i provedbu ciljeva utvrđenih u prijedlogu. (Croatian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projektom će se provoditi sljedeće aktivnosti: 1. Provedba obrazovnih aktivnosti i kupnje hardvera za Osnovnu školu u Warnicama. Cijeli rad nadzirat će projektni tim zaposlen pod neizravnim troškovima. Općina ima odgovarajuće tehničke, organizacijske i kadrovske objekte za provedbu ovog projekta i provedbu ciljeva utvrđenih u prijedlogu. (Croatian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Proiectul va implementa următoarele activități: 1. Efectuarea de activități educaționale și achiziții de hardware pentru Școala primară din Warnice. Întreaga activitate va fi supravegheată de o echipă de proiect angajată sub costuri indirecte. Municipalitatea dispune de facilități tehnice, organizatorice și de personal adecvate pentru a realiza acest proiect și pentru a pune în aplicare obiectivele stabilite în propunere. (Romanian)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Proiectul va implementa următoarele activități: 1. Efectuarea de activități educaționale și achiziții de hardware pentru Școala primară din Warnice. Întreaga activitate va fi supravegheată de o echipă de proiect angajată sub costuri indirecte. Municipalitatea dispune de facilități tehnice, organizatorice și de personal adecvate pentru a realiza acest proiect și pentru a pune în aplicare obiectivele stabilite în propunere. (Romanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Proiectul va implementa următoarele activități: 1. Efectuarea de activități educaționale și achiziții de hardware pentru Școala primară din Warnice. Întreaga activitate va fi supravegheată de o echipă de proiect angajată sub costuri indirecte. Municipalitatea dispune de facilități tehnice, organizatorice și de personal adecvate pentru a realiza acest proiect și pentru a pune în aplicare obiectivele stabilite în propunere. (Romanian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of V rámci projektu sa budú realizovať tieto činnosti: 1. vykonávanie vzdelávacích aktivít a nákupov hardvéru pre základnú školu vo Warniciach. Na celú prácu bude dohliadať projektový tím zamestnaný v rámci nepriamych nákladov. Obec disponuje primeranými technickými, organizačnými a personálnymi zariadeniami na realizáciu tohto projektu a plnenie cieľov stanovených v návrhu. (Slovak)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of V rámci projektu sa budú realizovať tieto činnosti: 1. vykonávanie vzdelávacích aktivít a nákupov hardvéru pre základnú školu vo Warniciach. Na celú prácu bude dohliadať projektový tím zamestnaný v rámci nepriamych nákladov. Obec disponuje primeranými technickými, organizačnými a personálnymi zariadeniami na realizáciu tohto projektu a plnenie cieľov stanovených v návrhu. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of V rámci projektu sa budú realizovať tieto činnosti: 1. vykonávanie vzdelávacích aktivít a nákupov hardvéru pre základnú školu vo Warniciach. Na celú prácu bude dohliadať projektový tím zamestnaný v rámci nepriamych nákladov. Obec disponuje primeranými technickými, organizačnými a personálnymi zariadeniami na realizáciu tohto projektu a plnenie cieľov stanovených v návrhu. (Slovak) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Il-proġett ser jimplimenta l-attivitajiet li ġejjin: 1. twettiq ta ‘attivitajiet edukattivi u xiri hardware għall-Iskola Primarja fil Warnice. Ix-xogħol kollu se jkun sorveljat minn tim tal-proġett impjegat taħt spejjeż indiretti. Il-muniċipalità għandha faċilitajiet tekniċi, organizzattivi u tal-persunal adegwati biex twettaq dan il-proġett u timplimenta l-għanijiet stabbiliti fil-proposta. (Maltese)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Il-proġett ser jimplimenta l-attivitajiet li ġejjin: 1. twettiq ta ‘attivitajiet edukattivi u xiri hardware għall-Iskola Primarja fil Warnice. Ix-xogħol kollu se jkun sorveljat minn tim tal-proġett impjegat taħt spejjeż indiretti. Il-muniċipalità għandha faċilitajiet tekniċi, organizzattivi u tal-persunal adegwati biex twettaq dan il-proġett u timplimenta l-għanijiet stabbiliti fil-proposta. (Maltese) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Il-proġett ser jimplimenta l-attivitajiet li ġejjin: 1. twettiq ta ‘attivitajiet edukattivi u xiri hardware għall-Iskola Primarja fil Warnice. Ix-xogħol kollu se jkun sorveljat minn tim tal-proġett impjegat taħt spejjeż indiretti. Il-muniċipalità għandha faċilitajiet tekniċi, organizzattivi u tal-persunal adegwati biex twettaq dan il-proġett u timplimenta l-għanijiet stabbiliti fil-proposta. (Maltese) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
O objetivo da educação e, ao mesmo tempo, o objetivo do projeto é o apoio abrangente do(s) 320 aluno(s)/estudante(K) SP Varnice e Philia SP do Adesivo Antigo a IX.2019, que encontra barreiras ambientais, económicas e geográficas (crianças de zonas rurais, Popegeer) e seus pais e cuidadores.O objetivo do projeto detalhado é melhorar as competências dos alunos-chave em termos de desempenho, inovação e trabalho em equipa e o desenvolvimento do sistema de trabalho individual. O projeto realizará as seguintes atividades: 1. Realização de actividades educativas e compras de hardware para a Escola Primária em Varets. Todo o trabalho será supervisionado por uma equipa de projeto empregada como parte dos custos indiretos. O município dispõe de instalações técnicas, organizativas e de pessoal adequadas para a realização deste projeto e para a realização dos objetivos definidos na candidatura. (Portuguese)
Property / summary: O objetivo da educação e, ao mesmo tempo, o objetivo do projeto é o apoio abrangente do(s) 320 aluno(s)/estudante(K) SP Varnice e Philia SP do Adesivo Antigo a IX.2019, que encontra barreiras ambientais, económicas e geográficas (crianças de zonas rurais, Popegeer) e seus pais e cuidadores.O objetivo do projeto detalhado é melhorar as competências dos alunos-chave em termos de desempenho, inovação e trabalho em equipa e o desenvolvimento do sistema de trabalho individual. O projeto realizará as seguintes atividades: 1. Realização de actividades educativas e compras de hardware para a Escola Primária em Varets. Todo o trabalho será supervisionado por uma equipa de projeto empregada como parte dos custos indiretos. O município dispõe de instalações técnicas, organizativas e de pessoal adequadas para a realização deste projeto e para a realização dos objetivos definidos na candidatura. (Portuguese) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: O objetivo da educação e, ao mesmo tempo, o objetivo do projeto é o apoio abrangente do(s) 320 aluno(s)/estudante(K) SP Varnice e Philia SP do Adesivo Antigo a IX.2019, que encontra barreiras ambientais, económicas e geográficas (crianças de zonas rurais, Popegeer) e seus pais e cuidadores.O objetivo do projeto detalhado é melhorar as competências dos alunos-chave em termos de desempenho, inovação e trabalho em equipa e o desenvolvimento do sistema de trabalho individual. O projeto realizará as seguintes atividades: 1. Realização de actividades educativas e compras de hardware para a Escola Primária em Varets. Todo o trabalho será supervisionado por uma equipa de projeto empregada como parte dos custos indiretos. O município dispõe de instalações técnicas, organizativas e de pessoal adequadas para a realização deste projeto e para a realização dos objetivos definidos na candidatura. (Portuguese) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Hankkeessa toteutetaan seuraavia toimia: 1. Koulutustoiminnan ja laitteistohankintojen suorittaminen Warnicen peruskoulussa. Koko työtä valvoo välillisillä kustannuksilla työskentelevä projektiryhmä. Kunnalla on riittävät tekniset, organisatoriset ja henkilöstöresurssit hankkeen toteuttamiseksi ja ehdotuksessa esitettyjen tavoitteiden toteuttamiseksi. (Finnish)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Hankkeessa toteutetaan seuraavia toimia: 1. Koulutustoiminnan ja laitteistohankintojen suorittaminen Warnicen peruskoulussa. Koko työtä valvoo välillisillä kustannuksilla työskentelevä projektiryhmä. Kunnalla on riittävät tekniset, organisatoriset ja henkilöstöresurssit hankkeen toteuttamiseksi ja ehdotuksessa esitettyjen tavoitteiden toteuttamiseksi. (Finnish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Hankkeessa toteutetaan seuraavia toimia: 1. Koulutustoiminnan ja laitteistohankintojen suorittaminen Warnicen peruskoulussa. Koko työtä valvoo välillisillä kustannuksilla työskentelevä projektiryhmä. Kunnalla on riittävät tekniset, organisatoriset ja henkilöstöresurssit hankkeen toteuttamiseksi ja ehdotuksessa esitettyjen tavoitteiden toteuttamiseksi. (Finnish) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekt bo izvajal naslednje dejavnosti: 1. Izvajanje izobraževalnih dejavnosti in nakup strojne opreme za Osnovno šolo v Warnicah. Celotno delo bo nadzorovala projektna skupina, zaposlena v okviru posrednih stroškov. Občina ima ustrezne tehnične, organizacijske in kadrovske zmogljivosti za izvedbo tega projekta in izvajanje ciljev, določenih v predlogu. (Slovenian)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekt bo izvajal naslednje dejavnosti: 1. Izvajanje izobraževalnih dejavnosti in nakup strojne opreme za Osnovno šolo v Warnicah. Celotno delo bo nadzorovala projektna skupina, zaposlena v okviru posrednih stroškov. Občina ima ustrezne tehnične, organizacijske in kadrovske zmogljivosti za izvedbo tega projekta in izvajanje ciljev, določenih v predlogu. (Slovenian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekt bo izvajal naslednje dejavnosti: 1. Izvajanje izobraževalnih dejavnosti in nakup strojne opreme za Osnovno šolo v Warnicah. Celotno delo bo nadzorovala projektna skupina, zaposlena v okviru posrednih stroškov. Občina ima ustrezne tehnične, organizacijske in kadrovske zmogljivosti za izvedbo tega projekta in izvajanje ciljev, določenih v predlogu. (Slovenian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekt bude provádět následující činnosti: 1. Provádění vzdělávacích a hardwarových nákupů pro základní školu ve Warnicích. Na celou práci bude dohlížet projektový tým zaměstnaný v rámci nepřímých nákladů. Obec má k realizaci tohoto projektu a provádění cílů stanovených v návrhu odpovídající technické, organizační a personální zázemí. (Czech)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekt bude provádět následující činnosti: 1. Provádění vzdělávacích a hardwarových nákupů pro základní školu ve Warnicích. Na celou práci bude dohlížet projektový tým zaměstnaný v rámci nepřímých nákladů. Obec má k realizaci tohoto projektu a provádění cílů stanovených v návrhu odpovídající technické, organizační a personální zázemí. (Czech) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekt bude provádět následující činnosti: 1. Provádění vzdělávacích a hardwarových nákupů pro základní školu ve Warnicích. Na celou práci bude dohlížet projektový tým zaměstnaný v rámci nepřímých nákladů. Obec má k realizaci tohoto projektu a provádění cílů stanovených v návrhu odpovídající technické, organizační a personální zázemí. (Czech) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Įgyvendinant projektą bus vykdoma ši veikla: 1. Vykdyti švietimo veiklą ir aparatūros pirkimus pradinėje mokykloje Warnice. Visą darbą prižiūrės projekto grupė, įdarbinta pagal netiesiogines išlaidas. Savivaldybė turi tinkamas technines, organizacines ir personalo priemones šiam projektui įgyvendinti ir pasiūlyme nustatytiems tikslams įgyvendinti. (Lithuanian)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Įgyvendinant projektą bus vykdoma ši veikla: 1. Vykdyti švietimo veiklą ir aparatūros pirkimus pradinėje mokykloje Warnice. Visą darbą prižiūrės projekto grupė, įdarbinta pagal netiesiogines išlaidas. Savivaldybė turi tinkamas technines, organizacines ir personalo priemones šiam projektui įgyvendinti ir pasiūlyme nustatytiems tikslams įgyvendinti. (Lithuanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Įgyvendinant projektą bus vykdoma ši veikla: 1. Vykdyti švietimo veiklą ir aparatūros pirkimus pradinėje mokykloje Warnice. Visą darbą prižiūrės projekto grupė, įdarbinta pagal netiesiogines išlaidas. Savivaldybė turi tinkamas technines, organizacines ir personalo priemones šiam projektui įgyvendinti ir pasiūlyme nustatytiems tikslams įgyvendinti. (Lithuanian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekts īstenos šādas aktivitātes: 1. Veikt izglītojošas aktivitātes un aparatūras iegādi pamatskolai Warnice. Visu darbu uzraudzīs projekta komanda, kas strādās ar netiešajām izmaksām. Pašvaldībai ir piemērotas tehniskās, organizatoriskās un personāla iekārtas, lai īstenotu šo projektu un īstenotu priekšlikumā izklāstītos mērķus. (Latvian)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekts īstenos šādas aktivitātes: 1. Veikt izglītojošas aktivitātes un aparatūras iegādi pamatskolai Warnice. Visu darbu uzraudzīs projekta komanda, kas strādās ar netiešajām izmaksām. Pašvaldībai ir piemērotas tehniskās, organizatoriskās un personāla iekārtas, lai īstenotu šo projektu un īstenotu priekšlikumā izklāstītos mērķus. (Latvian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekts īstenos šādas aktivitātes: 1. Veikt izglītojošas aktivitātes un aparatūras iegādi pamatskolai Warnice. Visu darbu uzraudzīs projekta komanda, kas strādās ar netiešajām izmaksām. Pašvaldībai ir piemērotas tehniskās, organizatoriskās un personāla iekārtas, lai īstenotu šo projektu un īstenotu priekšlikumā izklāstītos mērķus. (Latvian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Проектът ще изпълнява следните дейности: 1. Провеждане на образователни дейности и закупуване на хардуер за началното училище в Уорнице. Цялата работа ще бъде контролирана от екип по проекта, нает при непреки разходи. Общината разполага с подходящи технически, организационни и персонални съоръжения, за да изпълни този проект и да изпълни целите, посочени в предложението. (Bulgarian)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Проектът ще изпълнява следните дейности: 1. Провеждане на образователни дейности и закупуване на хардуер за началното училище в Уорнице. Цялата работа ще бъде контролирана от екип по проекта, нает при непреки разходи. Общината разполага с подходящи технически, организационни и персонални съоръжения, за да изпълни този проект и да изпълни целите, посочени в предложението. (Bulgarian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Проектът ще изпълнява следните дейности: 1. Провеждане на образователни дейности и закупуване на хардуер за началното училище в Уорнице. Цялата работа ще бъде контролирана от екип по проекта, нает при непреки разходи. Общината разполага с подходящи технически, организационни и персонални съоръжения, за да изпълни този проект и да изпълни целите, посочени в предложението. (Bulgarian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of A projekt a következő tevékenységeket hajtja végre: 1. Oktatási tevékenységek és hardvervásárlások végzése a Warnice-i Általános Iskola számára. A teljes munkát egy közvetett költségek mellett alkalmazott projektcsapat felügyeli. Az önkormányzat megfelelő technikai, szervezési és személyzeti eszközökkel rendelkezik a projekt végrehajtásához és a javaslatban meghatározott célkitűzések megvalósításához. (Hungarian)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of A projekt a következő tevékenységeket hajtja végre: 1. Oktatási tevékenységek és hardvervásárlások végzése a Warnice-i Általános Iskola számára. A teljes munkát egy közvetett költségek mellett alkalmazott projektcsapat felügyeli. Az önkormányzat megfelelő technikai, szervezési és személyzeti eszközökkel rendelkezik a projekt végrehajtásához és a javaslatban meghatározott célkitűzések megvalósításához. (Hungarian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of A projekt a következő tevékenységeket hajtja végre: 1. Oktatási tevékenységek és hardvervásárlások végzése a Warnice-i Általános Iskola számára. A teljes munkát egy közvetett költségek mellett alkalmazott projektcsapat felügyeli. Az önkormányzat megfelelő technikai, szervezési és személyzeti eszközökkel rendelkezik a projekt végrehajtásához és a javaslatban meghatározott célkitűzések megvalósításához. (Hungarian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Cuirfidh an tionscadal na gníomhaíochtaí seo a leanas chun feidhme: 1. Ag déanamh gníomhaíochtaí oideachais agus crua-earraí a cheannach don Bhunscoil i Warnice. Déanfaidh foireann tionscadail a bheidh fostaithe faoi chostais indíreacha maoirseacht ar an obair iomlán. Tá saoráidí teicniúla, eagrúcháin agus pearsanra leordhóthanacha ag an mbardas chun an tionscadal seo a chur i gcrích agus chun na cuspóirí atá leagtha amach sa togra a chur chun feidhme. (Irish)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Cuirfidh an tionscadal na gníomhaíochtaí seo a leanas chun feidhme: 1. Ag déanamh gníomhaíochtaí oideachais agus crua-earraí a cheannach don Bhunscoil i Warnice. Déanfaidh foireann tionscadail a bheidh fostaithe faoi chostais indíreacha maoirseacht ar an obair iomlán. Tá saoráidí teicniúla, eagrúcháin agus pearsanra leordhóthanacha ag an mbardas chun an tionscadal seo a chur i gcrích agus chun na cuspóirí atá leagtha amach sa togra a chur chun feidhme. (Irish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Cuirfidh an tionscadal na gníomhaíochtaí seo a leanas chun feidhme: 1. Ag déanamh gníomhaíochtaí oideachais agus crua-earraí a cheannach don Bhunscoil i Warnice. Déanfaidh foireann tionscadail a bheidh fostaithe faoi chostais indíreacha maoirseacht ar an obair iomlán. Tá saoráidí teicniúla, eagrúcháin agus pearsanra leordhóthanacha ag an mbardas chun an tionscadal seo a chur i gcrích agus chun na cuspóirí atá leagtha amach sa togra a chur chun feidhme. (Irish) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projektet kommer att genomföra följande verksamheter: 1. Genomförande av pedagogiska aktiviteter och hårdvaruinköp för grundskolan i Warnice. Hela arbetet kommer att övervakas av en projektgrupp som är anställd under indirekta kostnader. Kommunen har lämpliga tekniska, organisatoriska och personalresurser för att genomföra projektet och genomföra de mål som anges i förslaget. (Swedish)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projektet kommer att genomföra följande verksamheter: 1. Genomförande av pedagogiska aktiviteter och hårdvaruinköp för grundskolan i Warnice. Hela arbetet kommer att övervakas av en projektgrupp som är anställd under indirekta kostnader. Kommunen har lämpliga tekniska, organisatoriska och personalresurser för att genomföra projektet och genomföra de mål som anges i förslaget. (Swedish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projektet kommer att genomföra följande verksamheter: 1. Genomförande av pedagogiska aktiviteter och hårdvaruinköp för grundskolan i Warnice. Hela arbetet kommer att övervakas av en projektgrupp som är anställd under indirekta kostnader. Kommunen har lämpliga tekniska, organisatoriska och personalresurser för att genomföra projektet och genomföra de mål som anges i förslaget. (Swedish) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekti raames viiakse ellu järgmised tegevused: 1. Haridustegevuse ja riistvara ostude läbiviimine Warnice algkoolile. Kogu töö üle teostab järelevalvet projektimeeskond, kes töötab kaudsete kuludega. Omavalitsusel on piisavad tehnilised, organisatsioonilised ja personalivahendid selle projekti elluviimiseks ja ettepanekus sätestatud eesmärkide saavutamiseks. (Estonian)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekti raames viiakse ellu järgmised tegevused: 1. Haridustegevuse ja riistvara ostude läbiviimine Warnice algkoolile. Kogu töö üle teostab järelevalvet projektimeeskond, kes töötab kaudsete kuludega. Omavalitsusel on piisavad tehnilised, organisatsioonilised ja personalivahendid selle projekti elluviimiseks ja ettepanekus sätestatud eesmärkide saavutamiseks. (Estonian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekti raames viiakse ellu järgmised tegevused: 1. Haridustegevuse ja riistvara ostude läbiviimine Warnice algkoolile. Kogu töö üle teostab järelevalvet projektimeeskond, kes töötab kaudsete kuludega. Omavalitsusel on piisavad tehnilised, organisatsioonilised ja personalivahendid selle projekti elluviimiseks ja ettepanekus sätestatud eesmärkide saavutamiseks. (Estonian) / qualifier
point in time: 3 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): WOJ.: ZACHODNIOPOMORSKIE, POW.: pyrzycki / rank
Normal rank
Property / priority axis
Property / priority axis: EDUCATION / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
84.66 percent
Amount84.66 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 84.66 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
53°7'26.90"N, 14°58'1.63"E
Property / coordinate location: 53°7'26.90"N, 14°58'1.63"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 53°7'26.90"N, 14°58'1.63"E / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Szczecinecko-pyrzycki / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS: Szczecinecko-pyrzycki / qualifier
Property / thematic objective
Property / thematic objective: Educational and vocational training / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
24 May 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 24 May 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 04:19, 11 October 2024

Project Q138776 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for Elementary School in Varets in general education and retrofitting activities for the economic development of KS “Pyrzyce+”
Project Q138776 in Poland


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    565,368.11 zloty
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    125,681.33 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    667,836.48 zloty
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    148,460.05 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    84.66 percent
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    1 September 2017
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    30 June 2019
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    53°7'26.90"N, 14°58'1.63"E
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    Przedmiotem a zarazem celem projektu jest kompleksowe wsparcie 320 uczniów(ucz)/uczennic(K) SP Warnice i Filia SP Stary Przylep do IX.2019,które napotykają na bariery środowiskowe,ekonomiczne i geograficzne(dzieci z terenów wiejskich,popegeerowskich)oraz ich rodziców i opiekunów.Celem szczegółowym projektu jest natomiast doskonalenie kompetencji kluczowych ucz w zakresie kreatywności,innowacyjności i pracy zespołowej oraz rozwój systemu indywidualnej pracy z ucz,prowadzące do wzmocnienia ich zdolności do przyszłego zatrudnienia.Cel ten zostanie zrealizowany w oparciu o opracowany pr.warszatowo-terap.i eduk.dla każdej ze szkół osobno w założeniu do zgłoszonych potrzeb,z którego korzystają dzieci z przedstawionymi problemami.Dostęp do edukacji i możliwość korzystania z usług eduk.są podstawowymi czynnikami określającymi szansę osiągnięcie pozytywnego efektu kształcenia oraz w rezultacie jego późniejszą sytuację na rynku pracy.Dzieci wiejskie nie są przygotowane do możliwości korzystania w pełni z programu gwarantowanego przez publiczne szkoły.Ucz.nie posiadają umiejętności samodzielnego uczenia się.Dlatego nie są wstanie samodzielnie przygotować się do lekcji oraz w sposób odpowiedni w nich uczestniczyć.Skutkiem takiego stanu rzeczy jest stale powiększający się dystans pomiędzy środowiskiem wiejskim i miejskim.Środkiem powodującym zmiejszenie się tego dystansu a nawet jego niwelację będzie realizacja programów edukacyjnych przewidzianych w projekcie. W projekcie zrealizowane zostaną następujące działania: 1.Przeprowadzenie działań edukacyjnych i zakupów sprzętowych dla Szkoły Podstawowej w Warnicach. Nad całością prac czuwać będzie zespół projektowy zatrudniony w ramach kosztów pośrednich. Gmina posiada odpowiednie zaplecze techniczne, organizacyjne i personalne do przeprowadzenia niniejszego projektu oraz wdrożenia celów określonych we wniosku. (Polish)
    0 references
    The object of the education and at the same time the purpose of the project is the comprehensive support of the 320 pupil(s)/student(K) SP Varnice and Philia SP of the Old Adhesive to IX.2019, which encounters environmental, economic and geographical barriers(children from rural areas, popegeer) and their parents and caregivers.The aim of the detailed project is to improve the competences of key pupils in terms of performance, innovation and teamwork and the development of the system of individual work. The project will implement the following activities: 1.Conducting educational activities and hardware purchases for the Primary School in Varets. The entire work will be supervised by a project team employed as part of indirect costs. The municipality has appropriate technical, organisational and personnel facilities to carry out this project and to implement the objectives set out in the application. (English)
    21 October 2020
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Le projet mettra en œuvre les activités suivantes: 1. Mener des activités éducatives et des achats de matériel pour l ' école primaire de Warnice. L’ensemble des travaux sera supervisé par une équipe de projet employée sous coûts indirects. La municipalité dispose d’installations techniques, organisationnelles et humaines adéquates pour mener à bien ce projet et mettre en œuvre les objectifs énoncés dans la proposition. (French)
    2 December 2021
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Im Rahmen des Projekts werden folgende Maßnahmen durchgeführt: 1. Durchführung von Bildungsaktivitäten und Hardwarekäufen für die Grundschule in Warnice. Die gesamte Arbeit wird von einem Projektteam überwacht, das zu indirekten Kosten beschäftigt ist. Die Gemeinde verfügt über angemessene technische, organisatorische und personelle Einrichtungen, um dieses Projekt durchzuführen und die Ziele des Vorschlags umzusetzen. (German)
    13 December 2021
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Het project zal de volgende activiteiten uitvoeren: 1. Het uitvoeren van educatieve activiteiten en hardware aankopen voor de Primary School in Warnice. Het gehele werk wordt begeleid door een projectteam dat onder indirecte kosten werkt. De gemeente beschikt over adequate technische, organisatorische en personele faciliteiten om dit project uit te voeren en de doelstellingen van het voorstel uit te voeren. (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Il progetto realizzerà le seguenti attività: 1. Condurre attività educative e acquisti hardware per la Scuola Primaria di Warnice. L'intero lavoro sarà supervisionato da un team di progetto impiegato a costi indiretti. Il comune dispone di strutture tecniche, organizzative e di personale adeguate per realizzare questo progetto e attuare gli obiettivi stabiliti nella proposta. (Italian)
    15 January 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of El proyecto llevará a cabo las siguientes actividades: 1. Realización de actividades educativas y compras de hardware para la Escuela Primaria en Warnice. Todo el trabajo será supervisado por un equipo del proyecto empleado bajo costos indirectos. El municipio cuenta con instalaciones técnicas, organizativas y de personal adecuadas para llevar a cabo este proyecto e implementar los objetivos establecidos en la propuesta. (Spanish)
    19 January 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projektet vil gennemføre følgende aktiviteter: 1. Gennemførelse af uddannelsesmæssige aktiviteter og hardware køb til Primary School i Warnice. Hele arbejdet vil blive overvåget af et projektteam, der er ansat under indirekte omkostninger. Kommunen råder over tilstrækkelige tekniske, organisatoriske og personalemæssige faciliteter til at gennemføre dette projekt og gennemføre de mål, der er fastsat i forslaget. (Danish)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Το έργο θα υλοποιήσει τις ακόλουθες δραστηριότητες: 1. Διεξαγωγή εκπαιδευτικών δραστηριοτήτων και αγορών υλικού για το Δημοτικό Σχολείο της Warnice. Το σύνολο των εργασιών θα εποπτεύεται από ομάδα έργου που θα απασχολείται με έμμεσες δαπάνες. Ο δήμος διαθέτει επαρκείς τεχνικές και οργανωτικές εγκαταστάσεις και εγκαταστάσεις προσωπικού για την εκτέλεση του έργου και την υλοποίηση των στόχων που ορίζονται στην πρόταση. (Greek)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projektom će se provoditi sljedeće aktivnosti: 1. Provedba obrazovnih aktivnosti i kupnje hardvera za Osnovnu školu u Warnicama. Cijeli rad nadzirat će projektni tim zaposlen pod neizravnim troškovima. Općina ima odgovarajuće tehničke, organizacijske i kadrovske objekte za provedbu ovog projekta i provedbu ciljeva utvrđenih u prijedlogu. (Croatian)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Proiectul va implementa următoarele activități: 1. Efectuarea de activități educaționale și achiziții de hardware pentru Școala primară din Warnice. Întreaga activitate va fi supravegheată de o echipă de proiect angajată sub costuri indirecte. Municipalitatea dispune de facilități tehnice, organizatorice și de personal adecvate pentru a realiza acest proiect și pentru a pune în aplicare obiectivele stabilite în propunere. (Romanian)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of V rámci projektu sa budú realizovať tieto činnosti: 1. vykonávanie vzdelávacích aktivít a nákupov hardvéru pre základnú školu vo Warniciach. Na celú prácu bude dohliadať projektový tím zamestnaný v rámci nepriamych nákladov. Obec disponuje primeranými technickými, organizačnými a personálnymi zariadeniami na realizáciu tohto projektu a plnenie cieľov stanovených v návrhu. (Slovak)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Il-proġett ser jimplimenta l-attivitajiet li ġejjin: 1. twettiq ta ‘attivitajiet edukattivi u xiri hardware għall-Iskola Primarja fil Warnice. Ix-xogħol kollu se jkun sorveljat minn tim tal-proġett impjegat taħt spejjeż indiretti. Il-muniċipalità għandha faċilitajiet tekniċi, organizzattivi u tal-persunal adegwati biex twettaq dan il-proġett u timplimenta l-għanijiet stabbiliti fil-proposta. (Maltese)
    3 July 2022
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    O objetivo da educação e, ao mesmo tempo, o objetivo do projeto é o apoio abrangente do(s) 320 aluno(s)/estudante(K) SP Varnice e Philia SP do Adesivo Antigo a IX.2019, que encontra barreiras ambientais, económicas e geográficas (crianças de zonas rurais, Popegeer) e seus pais e cuidadores.O objetivo do projeto detalhado é melhorar as competências dos alunos-chave em termos de desempenho, inovação e trabalho em equipa e o desenvolvimento do sistema de trabalho individual. O projeto realizará as seguintes atividades: 1. Realização de actividades educativas e compras de hardware para a Escola Primária em Varets. Todo o trabalho será supervisionado por uma equipa de projeto empregada como parte dos custos indiretos. O município dispõe de instalações técnicas, organizativas e de pessoal adequadas para a realização deste projeto e para a realização dos objetivos definidos na candidatura. (Portuguese)
    3 July 2022
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    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Hankkeessa toteutetaan seuraavia toimia: 1. Koulutustoiminnan ja laitteistohankintojen suorittaminen Warnicen peruskoulussa. Koko työtä valvoo välillisillä kustannuksilla työskentelevä projektiryhmä. Kunnalla on riittävät tekniset, organisatoriset ja henkilöstöresurssit hankkeen toteuttamiseksi ja ehdotuksessa esitettyjen tavoitteiden toteuttamiseksi. (Finnish)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekt bo izvajal naslednje dejavnosti: 1. Izvajanje izobraževalnih dejavnosti in nakup strojne opreme za Osnovno šolo v Warnicah. Celotno delo bo nadzorovala projektna skupina, zaposlena v okviru posrednih stroškov. Občina ima ustrezne tehnične, organizacijske in kadrovske zmogljivosti za izvedbo tega projekta in izvajanje ciljev, določenih v predlogu. (Slovenian)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekt bude provádět následující činnosti: 1. Provádění vzdělávacích a hardwarových nákupů pro základní školu ve Warnicích. Na celou práci bude dohlížet projektový tým zaměstnaný v rámci nepřímých nákladů. Obec má k realizaci tohoto projektu a provádění cílů stanovených v návrhu odpovídající technické, organizační a personální zázemí. (Czech)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Įgyvendinant projektą bus vykdoma ši veikla: 1. Vykdyti švietimo veiklą ir aparatūros pirkimus pradinėje mokykloje Warnice. Visą darbą prižiūrės projekto grupė, įdarbinta pagal netiesiogines išlaidas. Savivaldybė turi tinkamas technines, organizacines ir personalo priemones šiam projektui įgyvendinti ir pasiūlyme nustatytiems tikslams įgyvendinti. (Lithuanian)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekts īstenos šādas aktivitātes: 1. Veikt izglītojošas aktivitātes un aparatūras iegādi pamatskolai Warnice. Visu darbu uzraudzīs projekta komanda, kas strādās ar netiešajām izmaksām. Pašvaldībai ir piemērotas tehniskās, organizatoriskās un personāla iekārtas, lai īstenotu šo projektu un īstenotu priekšlikumā izklāstītos mērķus. (Latvian)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Проектът ще изпълнява следните дейности: 1. Провеждане на образователни дейности и закупуване на хардуер за началното училище в Уорнице. Цялата работа ще бъде контролирана от екип по проекта, нает при непреки разходи. Общината разполага с подходящи технически, организационни и персонални съоръжения, за да изпълни този проект и да изпълни целите, посочени в предложението. (Bulgarian)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of A projekt a következő tevékenységeket hajtja végre: 1. Oktatási tevékenységek és hardvervásárlások végzése a Warnice-i Általános Iskola számára. A teljes munkát egy közvetett költségek mellett alkalmazott projektcsapat felügyeli. Az önkormányzat megfelelő technikai, szervezési és személyzeti eszközökkel rendelkezik a projekt végrehajtásához és a javaslatban meghatározott célkitűzések megvalósításához. (Hungarian)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Cuirfidh an tionscadal na gníomhaíochtaí seo a leanas chun feidhme: 1. Ag déanamh gníomhaíochtaí oideachais agus crua-earraí a cheannach don Bhunscoil i Warnice. Déanfaidh foireann tionscadail a bheidh fostaithe faoi chostais indíreacha maoirseacht ar an obair iomlán. Tá saoráidí teicniúla, eagrúcháin agus pearsanra leordhóthanacha ag an mbardas chun an tionscadal seo a chur i gcrích agus chun na cuspóirí atá leagtha amach sa togra a chur chun feidhme. (Irish)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projektet kommer att genomföra följande verksamheter: 1. Genomförande av pedagogiska aktiviteter och hårdvaruinköp för grundskolan i Warnice. Hela arbetet kommer att övervakas av en projektgrupp som är anställd under indirekta kostnader. Kommunen har lämpliga tekniska, organisatoriska och personalresurser för att genomföra projektet och genomföra de mål som anges i förslaget. (Swedish)
    3 July 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive support to 320 pupils(teachers)/students(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przylep until IX.2019, who face environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, popegee children) and their parents and carers.The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of the student in terms of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and the development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to the strengthening of their capacity for future employment. This objective will be achieved even on the basis of the development of the training programme and the opportunity to use the children’s skills in general. They will be presented with the opportunity to use the basic education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children in a separate way.They will be able to take advantage of the school’s skills in a timely manner.They are not able to use the children’s services separately.They will be able to fulfil their skills in a positive way.They will be able to fulfil their education in a way that is not available to the public.They have the opportunity to use the basic education system,they will be able to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to meet their skills in a positive way.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the needs of the school in a timely manner.They will be able to meet the needs of the children individually.They will be able to benefit from the school’s skills in a timely manner.They will be able to find out in a rural environment.They will not be able to use the basic education.They will be able to use the basic education system separately.They will be able to participate in a positive way in the future.The aim of this will be to be able to meet the learning environment and the opportunity to use the children’s skills independently.They will be able to meet the needs of the school in the future.They will be able to achieve this in a way that is not accessible to them.They will not be able to use the children’s education separately.They will be able to meet the needs of their own skills.They will be able to achieve the same skills as a result of their own skills.They will be able to find out in the rural environment.They will not have the opportunity to use the basic services in order to meet the needs of the children separately.They will be able to benefit from the same conditions as a result of the school’s well-suitable.They will be able to work in a way that is not available to them.They will not be able to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to take advantage of the skills in the same way.They will be able to meet the needs of the school and the opportunity to use the children’s skills separately.They will be able to achieve the same skills in the same way as well as well-prepared learning.They will not have the opportunity to use the children’s own skills in order to meet the needs of the children’s own needs.They will be able to achieve the same conditions as a result of the school’s education.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s and the children’s needs separately.The aim of the project is to comprehensively support 320 pupils/collegitimately/children(K) SP Warnice and SP Stary Przyleptics until September 2019, which faces environmental, economic and geographical barriers (rural, rural, Popegeer-children) and their parents and carers. The specific objective of the project is to improve the key competences of creativity, innovation and teamwork, and development of an individual work system with pupils, leading to a better position for future employment. This objective is to be able to achieve even the school’s education status and to prepare for rural learning.They have the opportunity to use the basic learning environment.They will be able to meet the needs of the children’s own skills.They will be able to meet the same conditions as a learning environment.They't have the right to work in order to meet the needs of the needs and the needs of Projekti raames viiakse ellu järgmised tegevused: 1. Haridustegevuse ja riistvara ostude läbiviimine Warnice algkoolile. Kogu töö üle teostab järelevalvet projektimeeskond, kes töötab kaudsete kuludega. Omavalitsusel on piisavad tehnilised, organisatsioonilised ja personalivahendid selle projekti elluviimiseks ja ettepanekus sätestatud eesmärkide saavutamiseks. (Estonian)
    3 July 2022
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    24 May 2023
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