Acquisition of equipment at SC Hunsol Impex SRL (Q2746735): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: summary (P836): Increasing the economic competitiveness of the company, by expanding the field of activity, by implementing this project SC Hunsol Impex SRL will carry out a new activity with the establishment, by endowment with equipment, of a production unit of iron-concrete elements, will create 5 new jobs, translated_summary)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt)
(32 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / enlabel / en
Acquisition of equipment at SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / frlabel / fr
Achat de machines chez SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / delabel / de
Kauf von Maschinen bei SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / nllabel / nl
Aankoop van machines bij SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / itlabel / it
Acquisto di macchinari presso SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / eslabel / es
Compra de maquinaria en SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / etlabel / et
Seadmete soetamine SC Hunsol Impex SRL-is
label / ltlabel / lt
„SC Hunsol Impex SRL“ įrangos įsigijimas
label / hrlabel / hr
Nabava opreme u tvrtki SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / ellabel / el
Αγορά εξοπλισμού στην SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / sklabel / sk
Akvizícia zariadení v spoločnosti SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / filabel / fi
Laitteiden hankinta SC Hunsol Impex SRL:ltä
label / pllabel / pl
Zakup sprzętu w SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / hulabel / hu
Berendezések beszerzése az SC Hunsol Impex SRL-nél
label / cslabel / cs
Pořízení zařízení ve společnosti SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / lvlabel / lv
Iekārtu iegāde uzņēmumā SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / galabel / ga
Trealamh a fháil ag SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / sllabel / sl
Nakup opreme pri podjetju SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / bglabel / bg
Придобиване на оборудване в SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / mtlabel / mt
Akkwist ta’ tagħmir f’SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / ptlabel / pt
Aquisição de equipamento na SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / dalabel / da
Indkøb af udstyr hos SC Hunsol Impex SRL
label / svlabel / sv
Förvärv av utrustning vid SC Hunsol Impex SRL
description / bgdescription / bg
Проект Q2746735 в Румъния
description / hrdescription / hr
Projekt Q2746735 u Rumunjskoj
description / hudescription / hu
Projekt Q2746735 Romániában
description / csdescription / cs
Projekt Q2746735 v Rumunsku
description / dadescription / da
Projekt Q2746735 i Rumænien
description / nldescription / nl
Project Q2746735 in Roemenië
description / etdescription / et
Projekt Q2746735 Rumeenias
description / fidescription / fi
Projekti Q2746735 Romaniassa
description / frdescription / fr
Projet Q2746735 en Roumanie
description / dedescription / de
Projekt Q2746735 in Rumänien
description / eldescription / el
Έργο Q2746735 στη Ρουμανία
description / gadescription / ga
Tionscadal Q2746735 sa Rómáin
description / itdescription / it
Progetto Q2746735 in Romania
description / lvdescription / lv
Projekts Q2746735 Rumānijā
description / ltdescription / lt
Projektas Q2746735 Rumunijoje
description / mtdescription / mt
Proġett Q2746735 fir-Rumanija
description / pldescription / pl
Projekt Q2746735 w Rumunii
description / ptdescription / pt
Projeto Q2746735 na Romênia
description / rodescription / ro
Proiectul Q2746735 în România
description / skdescription / sk
Projekt Q2746735 v Rumunsku
description / sldescription / sl
Projekt Q2746735 v Romuniji
description / esdescription / es
Proyecto Q2746735 en Rumania
description / svdescription / sv
Projekt Q2746735 i Rumänien
Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Generic productive investment in small and medium–sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Romania / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
628,644.15 Romanian Leu
Amount628,644.15 Romanian Leu
UnitRomanian Leu
Property / EU contribution: 628,644.15 Romanian Leu / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
125,728.83000000002 Euro
Amount125,728.83000000002 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 125,728.83000000002 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution: 125,728.83000000002 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.2 Euro
Amount0.2 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 125,728.83000000002 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 15 June 2021
Precision1 day
Property / budget
924,476.69 Romanian Leu
Amount924,476.69 Romanian Leu
UnitRomanian Leu
Property / budget: 924,476.69 Romanian Leu / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
184,895.338 Euro
Amount184,895.338 Euro
Property / budget: 184,895.338 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / budget: 184,895.338 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.2 Euro
Amount0.2 Euro
Property / budget: 184,895.338 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 15 June 2021
Precision1 day
Property / co-financing rate
0.68 percent
Amount0.68 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 0.68 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
5 January 2016
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 5 January 2016 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): SC HUNSOL IMPEX SRL / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): HARGHITA, ODORHEIUSECUIESC / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Creşterea competitivităţii economice a firmei, prin extinderea domeniului de activitate, prin implementarea prezentului proiect SC Hunsol Impex SRL va desfăşura o nouă activitate odată cu înfiinţarea, prin dotare cu utilaje şi echipamente, a unei unităţi de producţie elemente din fier-beton, se vor crea 5 noi locuri de muncă (Romanian)
Property / summary: Creşterea competitivităţii economice a firmei, prin extinderea domeniului de activitate, prin implementarea prezentului proiect SC Hunsol Impex SRL va desfăşura o nouă activitate odată cu înfiinţarea, prin dotare cu utilaje şi echipamente, a unei unităţi de producţie elemente din fier-beton, se vor crea 5 noi locuri de muncă (Romanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Increasing the economic competitiveness of the company, by expanding the field of activity, by implementing this project SC Hunsol Impex SRL will carry out a new activity with the establishment, by endowment with equipment, of a production unit of iron-concrete elements, will create 5 new jobs (English)
Property / summary: Increasing the economic competitiveness of the company, by expanding the field of activity, by implementing this project SC Hunsol Impex SRL will carry out a new activity with the establishment, by endowment with equipment, of a production unit of iron-concrete elements, will create 5 new jobs (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Increasing the economic competitiveness of the company, by expanding the field of activity, by implementing this project SC Hunsol Impex SRL will carry out a new activity with the establishment, by endowment with equipment, of a production unit of iron-concrete elements, will create 5 new jobs (English) / qualifier
point in time: 17 June 2021
Precision1 day
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Municipiul Odorheiu Secuiesc / rank
Normal rank
Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Romania / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
19 December 2017
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 19 December 2017 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
31 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 31 December 2021 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): HUNSOL IMPEX SRL / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Municipiul Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania
Property / location (string): Municipiul Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Obiectivul general al prezentului proiect de investiţii este creşterea competitivităţii economice a firmei, prin extinderea domeniului de activitate. (Romanian)
Property / summary: Obiectivul general al prezentului proiect de investiţii este creşterea competitivităţii economice a firmei, prin extinderea domeniului de activitate. (Romanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
The general objective of this investment project is to increase the company’s economic competitiveness by expanding the scope of activity. (English)
Property / summary: The general objective of this investment project is to increase the company’s economic competitiveness by expanding the scope of activity. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The general objective of this investment project is to increase the company’s economic competitiveness by expanding the scope of activity. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 16 September 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary: The general objective of this investment project is to increase the company’s economic competitiveness by expanding the scope of activity. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0236131600537236
Property / summary
L’objectif général de ce projet d’investissement est d’accroître la compétitivité économique de l’entreprise en élargissant le champ d’activité. (French)
Property / summary: L’objectif général de ce projet d’investissement est d’accroître la compétitivité économique de l’entreprise en élargissant le champ d’activité. (French) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: L’objectif général de ce projet d’investissement est d’accroître la compétitivité économique de l’entreprise en élargissant le champ d’activité. (French) / qualifier
point in time: 26 November 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Das allgemeine Ziel dieses Investitionsvorhabens besteht darin, die wirtschaftliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Unternehmens durch Ausweitung des Tätigkeitsbereichs zu steigern. (German)
Property / summary: Das allgemeine Ziel dieses Investitionsvorhabens besteht darin, die wirtschaftliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Unternehmens durch Ausweitung des Tätigkeitsbereichs zu steigern. (German) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Das allgemeine Ziel dieses Investitionsvorhabens besteht darin, die wirtschaftliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Unternehmens durch Ausweitung des Tätigkeitsbereichs zu steigern. (German) / qualifier
point in time: 1 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
De algemene doelstelling van dit investeringsproject is het vergroten van het economische concurrentievermogen van de onderneming door uitbreiding van de activiteiten. (Dutch)
Property / summary: De algemene doelstelling van dit investeringsproject is het vergroten van het economische concurrentievermogen van de onderneming door uitbreiding van de activiteiten. (Dutch) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: De algemene doelstelling van dit investeringsproject is het vergroten van het economische concurrentievermogen van de onderneming door uitbreiding van de activiteiten. (Dutch) / qualifier
point in time: 5 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
L'obiettivo generale di questo progetto di investimento è aumentare la competitività economica dell'impresa ampliando l'ambito di attività. (Italian)
Property / summary: L'obiettivo generale di questo progetto di investimento è aumentare la competitività economica dell'impresa ampliando l'ambito di attività. (Italian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: L'obiettivo generale di questo progetto di investimento è aumentare la competitività economica dell'impresa ampliando l'ambito di attività. (Italian) / qualifier
point in time: 12 January 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
El objetivo general de este proyecto de inversión es aumentar la competitividad económica de la empresa mediante la ampliación del ámbito de actividad. (Spanish)
Property / summary: El objetivo general de este proyecto de inversión es aumentar la competitividad económica de la empresa mediante la ampliación del ámbito de actividad. (Spanish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: El objetivo general de este proyecto de inversión es aumentar la competitividad económica de la empresa mediante la ampliación del ámbito de actividad. (Spanish) / qualifier
point in time: 13 January 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Investeerimisprojekti üldeesmärk on suurendada ettevõtte majanduslikku konkurentsivõimet tegevuse laiendamise kaudu. (Estonian)
Property / summary: Investeerimisprojekti üldeesmärk on suurendada ettevõtte majanduslikku konkurentsivõimet tegevuse laiendamise kaudu. (Estonian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Investeerimisprojekti üldeesmärk on suurendada ettevõtte majanduslikku konkurentsivõimet tegevuse laiendamise kaudu. (Estonian) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Bendras šio investicinio projekto tikslas – padidinti įmonės ekonominį konkurencingumą plečiant veiklos apimtį. (Lithuanian)
Property / summary: Bendras šio investicinio projekto tikslas – padidinti įmonės ekonominį konkurencingumą plečiant veiklos apimtį. (Lithuanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Bendras šio investicinio projekto tikslas – padidinti įmonės ekonominį konkurencingumą plečiant veiklos apimtį. (Lithuanian) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Opći cilj ovog investicijskog projekta je povećanje gospodarske konkurentnosti tvrtke širenjem opsega djelatnosti. (Croatian)
Property / summary: Opći cilj ovog investicijskog projekta je povećanje gospodarske konkurentnosti tvrtke širenjem opsega djelatnosti. (Croatian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Opći cilj ovog investicijskog projekta je povećanje gospodarske konkurentnosti tvrtke širenjem opsega djelatnosti. (Croatian) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Γενικός στόχος αυτού του επενδυτικού σχεδίου είναι η αύξηση της οικονομικής ανταγωνιστικότητας της εταιρείας μέσω της επέκτασης του πεδίου δραστηριότητας. (Greek)
Property / summary: Γενικός στόχος αυτού του επενδυτικού σχεδίου είναι η αύξηση της οικονομικής ανταγωνιστικότητας της εταιρείας μέσω της επέκτασης του πεδίου δραστηριότητας. (Greek) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Γενικός στόχος αυτού του επενδυτικού σχεδίου είναι η αύξηση της οικονομικής ανταγωνιστικότητας της εταιρείας μέσω της επέκτασης του πεδίου δραστηριότητας. (Greek) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Všeobecným cieľom tohto investičného projektu je zvýšiť hospodársku konkurencieschopnosť spoločnosti rozšírením rozsahu činnosti. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Všeobecným cieľom tohto investičného projektu je zvýšiť hospodársku konkurencieschopnosť spoločnosti rozšírením rozsahu činnosti. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Všeobecným cieľom tohto investičného projektu je zvýšiť hospodársku konkurencieschopnosť spoločnosti rozšírením rozsahu činnosti. (Slovak) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Tämän investointihankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on lisätä yrityksen taloudellista kilpailukykyä laajentamalla toiminta-alaa. (Finnish)
Property / summary: Tämän investointihankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on lisätä yrityksen taloudellista kilpailukykyä laajentamalla toiminta-alaa. (Finnish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Tämän investointihankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on lisätä yrityksen taloudellista kilpailukykyä laajentamalla toiminta-alaa. (Finnish) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Ogólnym celem tego projektu inwestycyjnego jest zwiększenie konkurencyjności gospodarczej spółki poprzez rozszerzenie zakresu działalności. (Polish)
Property / summary: Ogólnym celem tego projektu inwestycyjnego jest zwiększenie konkurencyjności gospodarczej spółki poprzez rozszerzenie zakresu działalności. (Polish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Ogólnym celem tego projektu inwestycyjnego jest zwiększenie konkurencyjności gospodarczej spółki poprzez rozszerzenie zakresu działalności. (Polish) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
E beruházási projekt általános célja, hogy a tevékenységi kör kiterjesztésével növelje a vállalat gazdasági versenyképességét. (Hungarian)
Property / summary: E beruházási projekt általános célja, hogy a tevékenységi kör kiterjesztésével növelje a vállalat gazdasági versenyképességét. (Hungarian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: E beruházási projekt általános célja, hogy a tevékenységi kör kiterjesztésével növelje a vállalat gazdasági versenyképességét. (Hungarian) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Obecným cílem tohoto investičního projektu je zvýšit hospodářskou konkurenceschopnost společnosti rozšířením rozsahu činnosti. (Czech)
Property / summary: Obecným cílem tohoto investičního projektu je zvýšit hospodářskou konkurenceschopnost společnosti rozšířením rozsahu činnosti. (Czech) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Obecným cílem tohoto investičního projektu je zvýšit hospodářskou konkurenceschopnost společnosti rozšířením rozsahu činnosti. (Czech) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Šā ieguldījumu projekta vispārējais mērķis ir palielināt uzņēmuma ekonomisko konkurētspēju, paplašinot darbības jomu. (Latvian)
Property / summary: Šā ieguldījumu projekta vispārējais mērķis ir palielināt uzņēmuma ekonomisko konkurētspēju, paplašinot darbības jomu. (Latvian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Šā ieguldījumu projekta vispārējais mērķis ir palielināt uzņēmuma ekonomisko konkurētspēju, paplašinot darbības jomu. (Latvian) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail infheistíochta seo iomaíochas eacnamaíoch na cuideachta a mhéadú trí raon feidhme na gníomhaíochta a leathnú. (Irish)
Property / summary: Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail infheistíochta seo iomaíochas eacnamaíoch na cuideachta a mhéadú trí raon feidhme na gníomhaíochta a leathnú. (Irish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail infheistíochta seo iomaíochas eacnamaíoch na cuideachta a mhéadú trí raon feidhme na gníomhaíochta a leathnú. (Irish) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Splošni cilj tega naložbenega projekta je povečati gospodarsko konkurenčnost podjetja z razširitvijo obsega dejavnosti. (Slovenian)
Property / summary: Splošni cilj tega naložbenega projekta je povečati gospodarsko konkurenčnost podjetja z razširitvijo obsega dejavnosti. (Slovenian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Splošni cilj tega naložbenega projekta je povečati gospodarsko konkurenčnost podjetja z razširitvijo obsega dejavnosti. (Slovenian) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Общата цел на този инвестиционен проект е да се повиши икономическата конкурентоспособност на дружеството чрез разширяване на обхвата на дейност. (Bulgarian)
Property / summary: Общата цел на този инвестиционен проект е да се повиши икономическата конкурентоспособност на дружеството чрез разширяване на обхвата на дейност. (Bulgarian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Общата цел на този инвестиционен проект е да се повиши икономическата конкурентоспособност на дружеството чрез разширяване на обхвата на дейност. (Bulgarian) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
L-għan ġenerali ta’ dan il-proġett ta’ investiment huwa li tiżdied il-kompetittività ekonomika tal-kumpanija billi jitwessa’ l-ambitu tal-attività. (Maltese)
Property / summary: L-għan ġenerali ta’ dan il-proġett ta’ investiment huwa li tiżdied il-kompetittività ekonomika tal-kumpanija billi jitwessa’ l-ambitu tal-attività. (Maltese) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: L-għan ġenerali ta’ dan il-proġett ta’ investiment huwa li tiżdied il-kompetittività ekonomika tal-kumpanija billi jitwessa’ l-ambitu tal-attività. (Maltese) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
O objetivo geral deste projeto de investimento é aumentar a competitividade económica da empresa através do alargamento do âmbito de atividade. (Portuguese)
Property / summary: O objetivo geral deste projeto de investimento é aumentar a competitividade económica da empresa através do alargamento do âmbito de atividade. (Portuguese) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: O objetivo geral deste projeto de investimento é aumentar a competitividade económica da empresa através do alargamento do âmbito de atividade. (Portuguese) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Det overordnede mål med dette investeringsprojekt er at øge virksomhedens økonomiske konkurrenceevne ved at udvide aktivitetsområdet. (Danish)
Property / summary: Det overordnede mål med dette investeringsprojekt er at øge virksomhedens økonomiske konkurrenceevne ved at udvide aktivitetsområdet. (Danish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Det overordnede mål med dette investeringsprojekt er at øge virksomhedens økonomiske konkurrenceevne ved at udvide aktivitetsområdet. (Danish) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Det allmänna målet med detta investeringsprojekt är att öka företagets ekonomiska konkurrenskraft genom att utvidga verksamhetens omfattning. (Swedish)
Property / summary: Det allmänna målet med detta investeringsprojekt är att öka företagets ekonomiska konkurrenskraft genom att utvidga verksamhetens omfattning. (Swedish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Det allmänna målet med detta investeringsprojekt är att öka företagets ekonomiska konkurrenskraft genom att utvidga verksamhetens omfattning. (Swedish) / qualifier
point in time: 28 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / programme
Property / programme: Integrated Regional Programme - RO - ERDF / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Regional Development Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Generic productive investment in small and medium–sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3116902 / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
46°18'17.10"N, 25°17'42.11"E
Property / coordinate location: 46°18'17.10"N, 25°17'42.11"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Harghita / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
924,476.7 Romanian Leu
Amount924,476.7 Romanian Leu
UnitRomanian Leu
Property / budget: 924,476.7 Romanian Leu / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
184,895.33750000002 Euro
Amount184,895.33750000002 Euro
Property / budget: 184,895.33750000002 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
628,644.1 Romanian Leu
Amount628,644.1 Romanian Leu
UnitRomanian Leu
Property / EU contribution: 628,644.1 Romanian Leu / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
125,728.82500000001 Euro
Amount125,728.82500000001 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 125,728.82500000001 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
67.9999939425190500 percent
Amount67.9999939425190500 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 67.9999939425190500 percent / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 20:03, 10 October 2024

Project Q2746735 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Acquisition of equipment at SC Hunsol Impex SRL
Project Q2746735 in Romania


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    628,644.1 Romanian Leu
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    125,728.82500000001 Euro
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    924,476.7 Romanian Leu
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    184,895.33750000002 Euro
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    67.9999939425190500 percent
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    19 December 2017
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    31 December 2021
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    46°18'17.10"N, 25°17'42.11"E
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    Obiectivul general al prezentului proiect de investiţii este creşterea competitivităţii economice a firmei, prin extinderea domeniului de activitate. (Romanian)
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    The general objective of this investment project is to increase the company’s economic competitiveness by expanding the scope of activity. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    L’objectif général de ce projet d’investissement est d’accroître la compétitivité économique de l’entreprise en élargissant le champ d’activité. (French)
    26 November 2021
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    Das allgemeine Ziel dieses Investitionsvorhabens besteht darin, die wirtschaftliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Unternehmens durch Ausweitung des Tätigkeitsbereichs zu steigern. (German)
    1 December 2021
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    De algemene doelstelling van dit investeringsproject is het vergroten van het economische concurrentievermogen van de onderneming door uitbreiding van de activiteiten. (Dutch)
    5 December 2021
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    L'obiettivo generale di questo progetto di investimento è aumentare la competitività economica dell'impresa ampliando l'ambito di attività. (Italian)
    12 January 2022
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    El objetivo general de este proyecto de inversión es aumentar la competitividad económica de la empresa mediante la ampliación del ámbito de actividad. (Spanish)
    13 January 2022
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    Investeerimisprojekti üldeesmärk on suurendada ettevõtte majanduslikku konkurentsivõimet tegevuse laiendamise kaudu. (Estonian)
    28 July 2022
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    Bendras šio investicinio projekto tikslas – padidinti įmonės ekonominį konkurencingumą plečiant veiklos apimtį. (Lithuanian)
    28 July 2022
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    Opći cilj ovog investicijskog projekta je povećanje gospodarske konkurentnosti tvrtke širenjem opsega djelatnosti. (Croatian)
    28 July 2022
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    Γενικός στόχος αυτού του επενδυτικού σχεδίου είναι η αύξηση της οικονομικής ανταγωνιστικότητας της εταιρείας μέσω της επέκτασης του πεδίου δραστηριότητας. (Greek)
    28 July 2022
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    Všeobecným cieľom tohto investičného projektu je zvýšiť hospodársku konkurencieschopnosť spoločnosti rozšírením rozsahu činnosti. (Slovak)
    28 July 2022
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    Tämän investointihankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on lisätä yrityksen taloudellista kilpailukykyä laajentamalla toiminta-alaa. (Finnish)
    28 July 2022
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    Ogólnym celem tego projektu inwestycyjnego jest zwiększenie konkurencyjności gospodarczej spółki poprzez rozszerzenie zakresu działalności. (Polish)
    28 July 2022
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    E beruházási projekt általános célja, hogy a tevékenységi kör kiterjesztésével növelje a vállalat gazdasági versenyképességét. (Hungarian)
    28 July 2022
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    Obecným cílem tohoto investičního projektu je zvýšit hospodářskou konkurenceschopnost společnosti rozšířením rozsahu činnosti. (Czech)
    28 July 2022
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    Šā ieguldījumu projekta vispārējais mērķis ir palielināt uzņēmuma ekonomisko konkurētspēju, paplašinot darbības jomu. (Latvian)
    28 July 2022
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    Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail infheistíochta seo iomaíochas eacnamaíoch na cuideachta a mhéadú trí raon feidhme na gníomhaíochta a leathnú. (Irish)
    28 July 2022
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    Splošni cilj tega naložbenega projekta je povečati gospodarsko konkurenčnost podjetja z razširitvijo obsega dejavnosti. (Slovenian)
    28 July 2022
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    Общата цел на този инвестиционен проект е да се повиши икономическата конкурентоспособност на дружеството чрез разширяване на обхвата на дейност. (Bulgarian)
    28 July 2022
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    L-għan ġenerali ta’ dan il-proġett ta’ investiment huwa li tiżdied il-kompetittività ekonomika tal-kumpanija billi jitwessa’ l-ambitu tal-attività. (Maltese)
    28 July 2022
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    O objetivo geral deste projeto de investimento é aumentar a competitividade económica da empresa através do alargamento do âmbito de atividade. (Portuguese)
    28 July 2022
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    Det overordnede mål med dette investeringsprojekt er at øge virksomhedens økonomiske konkurrenceevne ved at udvide aktivitetsområdet. (Danish)
    28 July 2022
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    Det allmänna målet med detta investeringsprojekt är att öka företagets ekonomiska konkurrenskraft genom att utvidga verksamhetens omfattning. (Swedish)
    28 July 2022
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    Municipiul Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania
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