Eli – EXTREME LIGHT Infrastructure – phase 2 (Q19847): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt) |
(6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
label / pt | label / pt | ||||||||||||||
Eli | Eli – Infraestrutura de LUZ EXTREMA – fase 2 | ||||||||||||||
Property / postal code | |||||||||||||||
Property / postal code: 18200 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||||||
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Property / coordinate location: 50°8'4.56"N, 14°28'0.44"E / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 1,580,564,601.09 Czech koruna / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 63,222,584.04 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 63,222,584.04 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 63,222,584.04 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 1,859,487,765.99 Czech koruna / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 74,379,510.64 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget: 74,379,510.64 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 74,379,510.64 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
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Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Prague / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) project is part of the European Roadmap for building the next generation of major research centres of major importance identified by the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). Eli will be an international research laboratory using the latest generation of laser technologies to generate the most intense light pulses available in laboratory conditions. a. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.2123871302416924
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Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
O projeto ELI (Infraestruturas de Luz Extrema) faz parte do Roteiro Europeu para a construção da próxima geração de grandes centros de investigação de grande importância identificados pelo Fórum Estratégico Europeu para as Infraestruturas de Investigação (ESFRI). O Eli será um laboratório de investigação internacional que utiliza a mais recente geração de tecnologias laser para gerar os pulsos de luz mais intensos disponíveis em condições laboratoriais. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Zlatníky-Hodkovice / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / instance of | |||||||||||||||
Property / instance of: Major Projects / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / postal code | |||||||||||||||
25241 | |||||||||||||||
Property / postal code: 25241 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location | |||||||||||||||
49°57'7.49"N, 14°27'46.87"E
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Property / coordinate location: 49°57'7.49"N, 14°27'46.87"E / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / coordinate location: 49°57'7.49"N, 14°27'46.87"E / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
Property / Major project CCI | |||||||||||||||
2016CZ16RFMP001 | |||||||||||||||
Property / Major project CCI: 2016CZ16RFMP001 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
1,859,487,700.0 Czech koruna
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Property / budget: 1,859,487,700.0 Czech koruna / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
76,239,000.0 Euro
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Property / budget: 76,239,000.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
1,580,564,600.0 Czech koruna
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Property / EU contribution: 1,580,564,600.0 Czech koruna / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
64,803,150.0 Euro
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Property / EU contribution: 64,803,150.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
85.0 percent
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Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
22 December 2023
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Property / date of last update: 22 December 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 16:55, 10 October 2024
Project Q19847 in Czech Republic
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Eli – EXTREME LIGHT Infrastructure – phase 2 |
Project Q19847 in Czech Republic |
1,580,564,600.0 Czech koruna
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64,803,150.0 Euro
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1,859,487,700.0 Czech koruna
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76,239,000.0 Euro
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85.0 percent
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1 October 2015
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31 December 2018
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31 December 2018
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Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC)
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Projekt ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) je součástí evropské cestovní mapy (roadmap) pro vybudování příští generace velkých výzkumných center zásadního významu, které byly identifikovány Evropským strategickým fórem pro výzkumné infrastruktury (ESFRI). ELI bude mezinárodní výzkumnou laboratoří využívající nejnovější generaci laserových technologií k vytváření nejintenzivnějších světelných pulsů dostupných v laboratorních podmínkách. a. (Czech)
0 references
The ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) project is part of the European Roadmap for building the next generation of major research centres of major importance identified by the European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). Eli will be an international research laboratory using the latest generation of laser technologies to generate the most intense light pulses available in laboratory conditions. a. (English)
22 October 2020
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Le projet ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructures) fait partie de la feuille de route européenne (feuille de route) visant à construire la prochaine génération de grands centres de recherche d’importance majeure identifiés par le Forum stratégique européen pour les infrastructures de recherche (ESFRI). Eli sera un laboratoire de recherche international utilisant la dernière génération de technologies laser pour créer les impulsions lumineuses les plus intenses disponibles dans des conditions de laboratoire. (French)
28 November 2021
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Das ELI-Projekt (Extreme Light Infrastructure) ist Teil des Europäischen Fahrplans (Fahrplan), um die nächste Generation wichtiger Forschungszentren aufzubauen, die vom Europäischen Strategieforum für Forschungsinfrastrukturen (ESFRI) ermittelt wurden. Eli wird ein internationales Forschungslabor mit der neuesten Generation von Lasertechnologien sein, um die intensivsten Lichtimpulse zu schaffen, die unter Laborbedingungen verfügbar sind. (German)
2 December 2021
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Het ELI-project (Extreme Light Infrastructure) maakt deel uit van de Europese routekaart (roadmap) voor de bouw van de volgende generatie grote onderzoekscentra die door het Europees Strategieforum voor onderzoeksinfrastructuren (ESFRI) zijn aangewezen. Eli zal een internationaal onderzoekslaboratorium zijn dat gebruikmaakt van de nieuwste generatie lasertechnologieën om de meest intense lichtpulsen te creëren die beschikbaar zijn in laboratoriumomstandigheden. (Dutch)
13 December 2021
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Il progetto ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) fa parte della tabella di marcia europea (tabella di marcia) per costruire la prossima generazione di grandi centri di ricerca di grande importanza individuati dal Forum strategico europeo per le infrastrutture di ricerca (ESFRI). Eli sarà un laboratorio di ricerca internazionale che utilizza le tecnologie laser di ultima generazione per creare gli impulsi di luce più intensi disponibili in condizioni di laboratorio. (Italian)
14 January 2022
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El proyecto ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) forma parte de la hoja de ruta europea (hoja de ruta) para construir la próxima generación de grandes centros de investigación de gran importancia identificados por el Foro Estratégico Europeo para las Infraestructuras de Investigación (ESFRI). Eli será un laboratorio internacional de investigación que utilizará la última generación de tecnologías láser para crear los pulsos de luz más intensos disponibles en condiciones de laboratorio. (Spanish)
15 January 2022
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Projektet ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) er en del af den europæiske køreplan for opbygning af den næste generation af store forskningscentre af stor betydning, som er udpeget af Det Europæiske Strategiske Forum for Forskningsinfrastrukturer (ESFRI). Eli vil være et internationalt forskningslaboratorium, der bruger den nyeste generation af laserteknologier til at generere de mest intense lyspulser, der findes i laboratorieforhold. a. (Danish)
4 July 2022
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Το έργο ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) αποτελεί μέρος του ευρωπαϊκού χάρτη πορείας για την κατασκευή της επόμενης γενιάς μεγάλων ερευνητικών κέντρων μείζονος σημασίας που προσδιορίζονται από το Ευρωπαϊκό Στρατηγικό Φόρουμ Ερευνητικών Υποδομών (ESFRI). Η ELI θα είναι ένα διεθνές ερευνητικό εργαστήριο που χρησιμοποιεί την τελευταία γενιά τεχνολογιών λέιζερ για να παράγει τους πιο έντονους παλμούς φωτός που είναι διαθέσιμοι σε εργαστηριακές συνθήκες. (Greek)
4 July 2022
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Projekt ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) dio je europskog plana za izgradnju sljedeće generacije velikih istraživačkih centara od velike važnosti koje je utvrdio Europski strateški forum za istraživačke infrastrukture (ESFRI). Eli će biti međunarodni istraživački laboratorij koji koristi najnoviju generaciju laserskih tehnologija za generiranje najintenzivnijih svjetlosnih impulsa dostupnih u laboratorijskim uvjetima. (Croatian)
4 July 2022
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Proiectul ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) face parte din Foaia de parcurs europeană pentru construirea următoarei generații de centre majore de cercetare de importanță majoră identificate de Forumul strategic european pentru infrastructuri de cercetare (ESFRI). Eli va fi un laborator internațional de cercetare care utilizează tehnologii laser de ultimă generație pentru a genera cele mai intense impulsuri luminoase disponibile în condiții de laborator. a. (Romanian)
4 July 2022
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Projekt ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) je súčasťou európskeho plánu budovania novej generácie hlavných výskumných centier veľkého významu, ktoré určilo Európske strategické fórum pre výskumné infraštruktúry (ESFRI). ELI bude medzinárodné výskumné laboratórium využívajúce najnovšiu generáciu laserových technológií na generovanie najintenzívnejších svetelných impulzov dostupných v laboratórnych podmienkach. a. (Slovak)
4 July 2022
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Il-proġett ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) huwa parti mill-Pjan Direzzjonali Ewropew għall-bini tal-ġenerazzjoni li jmiss ta’ ċentri ewlenin ta’ riċerka ta’ importanza kbira identifikati mill-Forum Strateġiku Ewropew għall-Infrastrutturi tar-Riċerka (ESFRI). L-ELI se jkun laboratorju internazzjonali tar-riċerka li juża l-aħħar ġenerazzjoni tat-teknoloġiji tal-lejżer biex jiġġenera l-aktar impulsi tad-dawl intensi disponibbli fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-laboratorju. a. (Maltese)
4 July 2022
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O projeto ELI (Infraestruturas de Luz Extrema) faz parte do Roteiro Europeu para a construção da próxima geração de grandes centros de investigação de grande importância identificados pelo Fórum Estratégico Europeu para as Infraestruturas de Investigação (ESFRI). O Eli será um laboratório de investigação internacional que utiliza a mais recente geração de tecnologias laser para gerar os pulsos de luz mais intensos disponíveis em condições laboratoriais. (Portuguese)
4 July 2022
0 references
ELI-hanke (Extreme Light Infrastructure) on osa eurooppalaista etenemissuunnitelmaa Euroopan tutkimusinfrastruktuurien strategiafoorumin (ESFRI) määrittelemän seuraavan sukupolven suurten tutkimuskeskusten rakentamiseksi. Eli on kansainvälinen tutkimuslaboratorio, joka käyttää uusimman sukupolven laserteknologiaa tuottamaan voimakkaimpia valopulsseja laboratorio-olosuhteissa. a. (Finnish)
4 July 2022
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Projekt ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) jest częścią europejskiego planu działania na rzecz budowy nowej generacji głównych ośrodków badawczych o doniosłym znaczeniu określonych przez Europejskie Strategiczne Forum ds. Infrastruktur Badawczych (ESFRI). Eli będzie międzynarodowym laboratorium badawczym wykorzystującym najnowsze technologie laserowe do generowania najbardziej intensywnych impulsów świetlnych dostępnych w warunkach laboratoryjnych. a. (Polish)
4 July 2022
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Projekt ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) je del evropskega načrta za izgradnjo naslednje generacije velikih raziskovalnih središč velikega pomena, ki jih je opredelil Evropski strateški forum za raziskovalne infrastrukture (ESFRI). ELI bo mednarodni raziskovalni laboratorij z najnovejšo generacijo laserskih tehnologij za ustvarjanje najbolj intenzivnih svetlobnih impulzov, ki so na voljo v laboratorijskih pogojih. (Slovenian)
4 July 2022
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ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) projektas yra Europos veiksmų plano, skirto naujos kartos svarbiems mokslinių tyrimų centrams, kuriuos nustatė Europos strateginis mokslinių tyrimų infrastruktūros forumas (ESFRI), sukūrimo dalis. Eli bus tarptautinė tyrimų laboratorija, naudojanti naujausios kartos lazerines technologijas, kad generuotų intensyviausius šviesos impulsus laboratorijos sąlygomis. a. (Lithuanian)
4 July 2022
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Projekts ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure — Extreme Light Infrastructure) ir daļa no Eiropas Ceļveža, lai izveidotu nākamās paaudzes nozīmīgus pētniecības centrus, kurus identificējis Eiropas Pētniecības infrastruktūru stratēģiskais forums (ESFRI). Eli būs starptautiska pētniecības laboratorija, izmantojot jaunākās paaudzes lāzera tehnoloģijas, lai radītu visintensīvākos gaismas impulsus, kas pieejami laboratorijas apstākļos. a. (Latvian)
4 July 2022
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Проектът ELI (Екстремна светлинна инфраструктура) е част от Европейската пътна карта за изграждане на следващото поколение големи изследователски центрове от голямо значение, определени от Европейския стратегически форум за научноизследователски инфраструктури (ESFRI). Илай ще бъде международна изследователска лаборатория, използваща най-новото поколение лазерни технологии, за да генерира най-интензивните светлинни импулси, налични в лабораторни условия. (Bulgarian)
4 July 2022
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Az ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) projekt a Kutatási Infrastruktúrák Európai Stratégiai Fóruma (ESFRI) által meghatározott nagy jelentőségű kutatóközpontok következő generációjának építésére vonatkozó európai ütemterv részét képezi. Az Eli egy nemzetközi kutatólaboratórium, amely a lézertechnológiák legújabb generációját használja a laboratóriumi körülmények között elérhető legintenzívebb fényimpulzusok előállítására. a. (Hungarian)
4 July 2022
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Is cuid den Treochlár Eorpach chun an chéad ghlúin eile d’ionaid mhóra taighde a bhfuil tábhacht mhór ag baint leo arna sainaithint ag an bhFóram Straitéiseach Eorpach um Bonneagair Thaighde (ESFRI) é tionscadal ELI (Bonneagar Solais Extreme). Beidh Eli ina saotharlann taighde idirnáisiúnta ag baint úsáide as an nglúin is déanaí de theicneolaíochtaí léasair chun na bíoga solais is déine atá ar fáil i gcoinníollacha saotharlainne a ghiniúint. (Irish)
4 July 2022
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Projektet ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) är en del av den europeiska färdplanen för att bygga nästa generation av stora forskningscentrum av stor betydelse som identifierats av Europeiska strategiska forumet för forskningsinfrastruktur (Esfri). Eli kommer att vara ett internationellt forskningslaboratorium som använder den senaste generationen av laserteknik för att generera de mest intensiva ljuspulserna som finns tillgängliga under laboratorieförhållanden. (Swedish)
4 July 2022
0 references
Projekt ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) on osa Euroopa tegevuskavast, mille eesmärk on luua Euroopa teadusuuringute infrastruktuuride strateegilise foorumi (ESFRI) poolt kindlaks määratud suure tähtsusega teadusuuringute järgmise põlvkonna teaduskeskused. ELi on rahvusvaheline uurimislabor, mis kasutab uusimaid lasertehnoloogiaid, et luua laboritingimustes kõige intensiivsemad valgusimpulssid. a. (Estonian)
4 July 2022
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22 December 2023
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