Support for PILOUS growth (Q15131): Difference between revisions

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label / ptlabel / pt
Apoio ao crescimento PILOUS
Apoio ao crescimento do PILOUS
Property / summary: The essence of the project is to participate in 2 trade fairs, where the main objective is to promote the company, to take care of existing customers and to conclude new business in existing but also new markets. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0179905171512795
Property / summaryProperty / summary
A essência do projeto é participar em 2 feiras, onde o principal objetivo é promover a empresa, cuidar dos clientes existentes e concluir novos negócios em mercados existentes, mas também novos. (Portuguese)
A essência do projecto é participar em 2 feiras, onde o principal objectivo é promover a empresa, cuidar dos clientes existentes e concluir novos negócios em mercados existentes, mas também novos. (Portuguese)
Property / coordinate location: 50°5'7.19"N, 14°27'56.48"E / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS: Prague / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Praha / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Praha / qualifier

Latest revision as of 16:40, 10 October 2024

Project Q15131 in Czech Republic
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for PILOUS growth
Project Q15131 in Czech Republic


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    0.0 Czech koruna
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    0.0 Euro
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    0.0 Czech koruna
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    14 May 2018
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    26 February 2021
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    31 December 2019
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    PILOUS spol. s r.o.
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    50°5'7.19"N, 14°27'56.48"E
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    Podstata projektu spočívá v účasti na 2 veletrzích, kde je hlavním cílem propagace firmy, péče o stávající zákazníky a uzavírání nových obchodů na trzích stávajících, ale i nových. a. (Czech)
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    The essence of the project is to participate in 2 trade fairs, where the main objective is to promote the company, to take care of existing customers and to conclude new business in existing but also new markets. (English)
    22 October 2020
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    L’essence du projet consiste à participer à 2 foires, où l’objectif principal est de promouvoir l’entreprise, de prendre soin des clients existants et de fermer de nouvelles affaires sur les marchés existants et nouveaux. (French)
    28 November 2021
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    Der Kern des Projekts besteht darin, an zwei Messen teilzunehmen, bei denen das Hauptziel darin besteht, das Unternehmen zu fördern, bestehende Kunden zu pflegen und neue Geschäfte in bestehenden und neuen Märkten zu schließen. (German)
    2 December 2021
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    De essentie van het project bestaat uit deelname aan 2 beurzen, waarbij het hoofddoel is het bedrijf te promoten, bestaande klanten te verzorgen en nieuwe activiteiten te sluiten in bestaande en nieuwe markten. (Dutch)
    13 December 2021
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    L'essenza del progetto consiste nel partecipare a 2 fiere, dove l'obiettivo principale è quello di promuovere l'azienda, prendersi cura dei clienti esistenti e chiudere nuove attività nei mercati esistenti e nuovi. (Italian)
    14 January 2022
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    La esencia del proyecto consiste en participar en 2 ferias, donde el objetivo principal es promover la empresa, cuidar a los clientes existentes y cerrar nuevos negocios en los mercados existentes y nuevos. (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
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    Kernen i projektet er at deltage i 2 messer, hvor hovedformålet er at fremme virksomheden, tage sig af eksisterende kunder og indgå nye forretninger på eksisterende, men også nye markeder. (Danish)
    3 July 2022
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    Η ουσία του έργου είναι η συμμετοχή σε 2 εμπορικές εκθέσεις, όπου ο κύριος στόχος είναι η προώθηση της εταιρείας, η φροντίδα των υφιστάμενων πελατών και η σύναψη νέων επιχειρηματικών δραστηριοτήτων σε υφιστάμενες αλλά και νέες αγορές. (Greek)
    3 July 2022
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    Suština projekta je sudjelovanje na 2 sajmova, gdje je glavni cilj promoviranje tvrtke, briga o postojećim kupcima i zaključivanje novih poslova na postojećim, ali i novim tržištima. (Croatian)
    3 July 2022
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    Esența proiectului este de a participa la 2 târguri, unde obiectivul principal este de a promova compania, de a avea grijă de clienții existenți și de a încheia noi afaceri pe piețele existente, dar și pe cele noi. (Romanian)
    3 July 2022
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    Podstatou projektu je účasť na dvoch veľtrhoch, kde hlavným cieľom je podpora spoločnosti, starostlivosť o existujúcich zákazníkov a uzatváranie nových obchodov na existujúcich, ale aj nových trhoch. (Slovak)
    3 July 2022
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    L-essenza tal-proġett hija l-parteċipazzjoni f’żewġ fieri kummerċjali, fejn l-għan ewlieni huwa li tiġi promossa l-kumpanija, li tingħata attenzjoni lill-klijenti eżistenti u li jiġi konkluż negozju ġdid fi swieq eżistenti iżda wkoll fi swieq ġodda. (Maltese)
    3 July 2022
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    A essência do projecto é participar em 2 feiras, onde o principal objectivo é promover a empresa, cuidar dos clientes existentes e concluir novos negócios em mercados existentes, mas também novos. (Portuguese)
    3 July 2022
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    Hankkeen päätarkoituksena on osallistua kahteen messuun, joiden päätavoitteena on edistää yritystä, huolehtia nykyisistä asiakkaista ja tehdä uutta liiketoimintaa nykyisillä mutta myös uusilla markkinoilla. (Finnish)
    3 July 2022
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    Istotą projektu jest udział w 2 targach, w których głównym celem jest promocja firmy, dbanie o dotychczasowych klientów i zawarcie nowej działalności na istniejących, a także nowych rynkach. (Polish)
    3 July 2022
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    Bistvo projekta je sodelovanje na dveh sejmih, kjer je glavni cilj promocija podjetja, skrb za obstoječe stranke in sklenitev novih poslov na obstoječih, pa tudi novih trgih. (Slovenian)
    3 July 2022
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    Projekto esmė – dalyvauti 2 prekybos mugėse, kurių pagrindinis tikslas – skatinti įmonę, rūpintis esamais klientais ir sudaryti naują verslą esamose, bet ir naujose rinkose. (Lithuanian)
    3 July 2022
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    Projekta būtība ir piedalīties 2 gadatirgos, kuru galvenais mērķis ir veicināt uzņēmumu, rūpēties par esošajiem klientiem un noslēgt jaunu biznesu esošajos, kā arī jaunajos tirgos. (Latvian)
    3 July 2022
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    Същността на проекта е да участва в 2 търговски панаира, където основната цел е да популяризира компанията, да се грижи за съществуващите клиенти и да сключи нов бизнес на съществуващи, но и нови пазари. (Bulgarian)
    3 July 2022
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    A projekt lényege, hogy 2 vásáron vegyen részt, ahol a fő cél a vállalat népszerűsítése, a meglévő ügyfelek gondozása és a meglévő, de új piacokon is új üzletkötés. (Hungarian)
    3 July 2022
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    Is é croílár an tionscadail ná páirt a ghlacadh in aontaí trádála 2, áit a bhfuil sé mar phríomhchuspóir an chuideachta a chur chun cinn, aire a thabhairt do chustaiméirí atá ann cheana féin agus gnó nua a thabhairt i gcrích i margaí atá ann cheana féin ach i margaí nua freisin. (Irish)
    3 July 2022
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    Kärnan i projektet är att delta i två mässor, där huvudsyftet är att främja företaget, att ta hand om befintliga kunder och att ingå nya affärer på befintliga men även nya marknader. (Swedish)
    3 July 2022
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    Projekti põhisisu on osaleda kahel messil, mille peamine eesmärk on ettevõtte reklaamimine, olemasolevate klientide eest hoolitsemine ja uute tehingute sõlmimine olemasolevatel, kuid ka uutel turgudel. (Estonian)
    3 July 2022
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