PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 VAT day on intra-Community transactions and in 3 countries. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA (Q3137664): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created a new Item)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt)
(16 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / enlabel / en
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 VAT day on intra-Community transactions and in 3 countries. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / frlabel / fr
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 jour de TVA pour les opérations intracommunautaires et dans 3 pays. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / delabel / de
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 Mehrwertsteuertag für innergemeinschaftliche Umsätze und in 3 Ländern. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / nllabel / nl
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 BTW-dag voor intracommunautaire transacties en in 3 landen. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / itlabel / it
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 giornata IVA sulle operazioni intracomunitarie e in 3 paesi. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / ellabel / el
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 ημέρα ΦΠΑ στις ενδοκοινοτικές συναλλαγές και σε 3 χώρες. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / dalabel / da
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 momsdag for transaktioner inden for Fællesskabet og i 3 lande. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / filabel / fi
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 ALV-päivä yhteisöliiketoimissa ja kolmessa maassa. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / mtlabel / mt
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 jum tal-VAT fuq tranżazzjonijiet intra-Komunitarji u fi 3 pajjiżi. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / lvlabel / lv
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 PVN diena darījumiem Kopienas iekšienē un 3 valstīs. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / sklabel / sk
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 deň DPH pri transakciách v rámci Spoločenstva a v 3 krajinách. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / galabel / ga
Pip 03 12 60 18 0426 lá CBL ar idirbhearta laistigh den Chomhphobal agus i dtrí thír. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / cslabel / cs
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 den DPH u plnění uvnitř Společenství a ve třech zemích. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / ptlabel / pt
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 Dia do IVA sobre as operações intracomunitárias e em 3 países. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / etlabel / et
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 ühendusesiseste tehingute käibemaksupäev ja 3 riigis. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / hulabel / hu
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 héanap a Közösségen belüli ügyletekre és 3 országban. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / bglabel / bg
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 ДДС ден за вътреобщностни сделки и в 3 държави. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / ltlabel / lt
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 PVM diena, taikoma sandoriams Bendrijos viduje ir 3 šalyse. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / hrlabel / hr
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 Dan PDV-a na transakcije unutar Zajednice i u tri zemlje. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / svlabel / sv
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 mervärdesskattedag för gemenskapsinterna transaktioner och i tre länder. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / rolabel / ro
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 Ziua TVA pentru tranzacțiile intracomunitare și în 3 țări. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / sllabel / sl
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 na dan DDV za transakcije znotraj Skupnosti in v treh državah. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
label / pllabel / pl
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 dzień VAT od transakcji wewnątrzwspólnotowych i w 3 krajach. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
description / endescription / en
Project 0.6626748593071519 in Spain
Project Q3137664 in Spain
description / bgdescription / bg
Проект Q3137664 в Испания
description / hrdescription / hr
Projekt Q3137664 u Španjolskoj
description / hudescription / hu
Projekt Q3137664 Spanyolországban
description / csdescription / cs
Projekt Q3137664 ve Španělsku
description / dadescription / da
Projekt Q3137664 i Spanien
description / nldescription / nl
Project Q3137664 in Spanje
description / etdescription / et
Projekt Q3137664 Hispaanias
description / fidescription / fi
Projekti Q3137664 Espanjassa
description / frdescription / fr
Projet Q3137664 en Espagne
description / dedescription / de
Projekt Q3137664 in Spanien
description / eldescription / el
Έργο Q3137664 στην Ισπανία
description / gadescription / ga
Tionscadal Q3137664 sa Spáinn
description / itdescription / it
Progetto Q3137664 in Spagna
description / lvdescription / lv
Projekts Q3137664 Spānijā
description / ltdescription / lt
Projektas Q3137664 Ispanijoje
description / mtdescription / mt
Proġett Q3137664 fi Spanja
description / pldescription / pl
Projekt Q3137664 w Hiszpanii
description / ptdescription / pt
Projeto Q3137664 na Espanha
description / rodescription / ro
Proiectul Q3137664 în Spania
description / skdescription / sk
Projekt Q3137664 v Španielsku
description / sldescription / sl
Projekt Q3137664 v Španiji
description / esdescription / es
Proyecto Q3137664 en España
description / svdescription / sv
Projekt Q3137664 i Spanien
Property / budget
2,140.0 Euro
Amount2,140.0 Euro
Property / budget: 2,140.0 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
50.0 percent
Amount50.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 50.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
1,070.0 Euro
Amount1,070.0 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 1,070.0 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: 17079 / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Girona / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
Support services of the Chamber through the development of activities to support and stimulate foreign trade. (English)
Property / summary: Support services of the Chamber through the development of activities to support and stimulate foreign trade. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Support services of the Chamber through the development of activities to support and stimulate foreign trade. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 12 October 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary: Support services of the Chamber through the development of activities to support and stimulate foreign trade. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0106883791359261
Property / summary
Services d’appui de la Chambre par le développement d’activités de soutien et de stimulation du commerce extérieur. (French)
Property / summary: Services d’appui de la Chambre par le développement d’activités de soutien et de stimulation du commerce extérieur. (French) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Services d’appui de la Chambre par le développement d’activités de soutien et de stimulation du commerce extérieur. (French) / qualifier
point in time: 2 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Unterstützung der Kammer durch die Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung und Förderung des Außenhandels. (German)
Property / summary: Unterstützung der Kammer durch die Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung und Förderung des Außenhandels. (German) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Unterstützung der Kammer durch die Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung und Förderung des Außenhandels. (German) / qualifier
point in time: 9 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Ondersteunende diensten van de Kamer door de ontwikkeling van activiteiten ter ondersteuning en stimulering van de buitenlandse handel. (Dutch)
Property / summary: Ondersteunende diensten van de Kamer door de ontwikkeling van activiteiten ter ondersteuning en stimulering van de buitenlandse handel. (Dutch) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Ondersteunende diensten van de Kamer door de ontwikkeling van activiteiten ter ondersteuning en stimulering van de buitenlandse handel. (Dutch) / qualifier
point in time: 17 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Servizi di supporto della Camera attraverso lo sviluppo di attività per sostenere e stimolare il commercio estero. (Italian)
Property / summary: Servizi di supporto della Camera attraverso lo sviluppo di attività per sostenere e stimolare il commercio estero. (Italian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Servizi di supporto della Camera attraverso lo sviluppo di attività per sostenere e stimolare il commercio estero. (Italian) / qualifier
point in time: 16 January 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Υπηρεσίες υποστήριξης του Επιμελητηρίου μέσω της ανάπτυξης δραστηριοτήτων για τη στήριξη και την τόνωση του εξωτερικού εμπορίου. (Greek)
Property / summary: Υπηρεσίες υποστήριξης του Επιμελητηρίου μέσω της ανάπτυξης δραστηριοτήτων για τη στήριξη και την τόνωση του εξωτερικού εμπορίου. (Greek) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Υπηρεσίες υποστήριξης του Επιμελητηρίου μέσω της ανάπτυξης δραστηριοτήτων για τη στήριξη και την τόνωση του εξωτερικού εμπορίου. (Greek) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Støttetjenester i mødesalen gennem udvikling af aktiviteter, der skal støtte og stimulere udenrigshandelen. (Danish)
Property / summary: Støttetjenester i mødesalen gennem udvikling af aktiviteter, der skal støtte og stimulere udenrigshandelen. (Danish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Støttetjenester i mødesalen gennem udvikling af aktiviteter, der skal støtte og stimulere udenrigshandelen. (Danish) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Kauppakamarin tukipalvelut kehittämällä ulkomaankaupan tukemiseen ja edistämiseen tähtääviä toimia. (Finnish)
Property / summary: Kauppakamarin tukipalvelut kehittämällä ulkomaankaupan tukemiseen ja edistämiseen tähtääviä toimia. (Finnish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Kauppakamarin tukipalvelut kehittämällä ulkomaankaupan tukemiseen ja edistämiseen tähtääviä toimia. (Finnish) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Servizzi ta’ appoġġ tal-Kamra permezz tal-iżvilupp ta’ attivitajiet li jappoġġaw u jistimulaw il-kummerċ barrani. (Maltese)
Property / summary: Servizzi ta’ appoġġ tal-Kamra permezz tal-iżvilupp ta’ attivitajiet li jappoġġaw u jistimulaw il-kummerċ barrani. (Maltese) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Servizzi ta’ appoġġ tal-Kamra permezz tal-iżvilupp ta’ attivitajiet li jappoġġaw u jistimulaw il-kummerċ barrani. (Maltese) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Atbalsta pakalpojumi palātas, attīstot darbības, lai atbalstītu un stimulētu ārējo tirdzniecību. (Latvian)
Property / summary: Atbalsta pakalpojumi palātas, attīstot darbības, lai atbalstītu un stimulētu ārējo tirdzniecību. (Latvian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Atbalsta pakalpojumi palātas, attīstot darbības, lai atbalstītu un stimulētu ārējo tirdzniecību. (Latvian) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Podporné služby komory prostredníctvom rozvoja činností na podporu a stimuláciu zahraničného obchodu. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Podporné služby komory prostredníctvom rozvoja činností na podporu a stimuláciu zahraničného obchodu. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Podporné služby komory prostredníctvom rozvoja činností na podporu a stimuláciu zahraničného obchodu. (Slovak) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Seirbhísí tacaíochta an tSeomra trí ghníomhaíochtaí a fhorbairt chun tacú le trádáil eachtrach agus í a spreagadh. (Irish)
Property / summary: Seirbhísí tacaíochta an tSeomra trí ghníomhaíochtaí a fhorbairt chun tacú le trádáil eachtrach agus í a spreagadh. (Irish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Seirbhísí tacaíochta an tSeomra trí ghníomhaíochtaí a fhorbairt chun tacú le trádáil eachtrach agus í a spreagadh. (Irish) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Podpůrné služby Komory rozvojem aktivit na podporu a stimulaci zahraničního obchodu. (Czech)
Property / summary: Podpůrné služby Komory rozvojem aktivit na podporu a stimulaci zahraničního obchodu. (Czech) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Podpůrné služby Komory rozvojem aktivit na podporu a stimulaci zahraničního obchodu. (Czech) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Serviços de apoio da Câmara através do desenvolvimento de atividades para apoiar e estimular o comércio exterior. (Portuguese)
Property / summary: Serviços de apoio da Câmara através do desenvolvimento de atividades para apoiar e estimular o comércio exterior. (Portuguese) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Serviços de apoio da Câmara através do desenvolvimento de atividades para apoiar e estimular o comércio exterior. (Portuguese) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Toetada koja teenuseid väliskaubandust toetavate ja stimuleerivate tegevuste arendamise kaudu. (Estonian)
Property / summary: Toetada koja teenuseid väliskaubandust toetavate ja stimuleerivate tegevuste arendamise kaudu. (Estonian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Toetada koja teenuseid väliskaubandust toetavate ja stimuleerivate tegevuste arendamise kaudu. (Estonian) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Az ülésterem támogatási szolgáltatásai a külkereskedelmet támogató és ösztönző tevékenységek fejlesztése révén. (Hungarian)
Property / summary: Az ülésterem támogatási szolgáltatásai a külkereskedelmet támogató és ösztönző tevékenységek fejlesztése révén. (Hungarian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Az ülésterem támogatási szolgáltatásai a külkereskedelmet támogató és ösztönző tevékenységek fejlesztése révén. (Hungarian) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Помощни услуги на Камарата чрез разработване на дейности за подпомагане и стимулиране на външната търговия. (Bulgarian)
Property / summary: Помощни услуги на Камарата чрез разработване на дейности за подпомагане и стимулиране на външната търговия. (Bulgarian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Помощни услуги на Камарата чрез разработване на дейности за подпомагане и стимулиране на външната търговия. (Bulgarian) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Rūmų paramos paslaugos plėtojant veiklą, kuria remiama ir skatinama užsienio prekyba. (Lithuanian)
Property / summary: Rūmų paramos paslaugos plėtojant veiklą, kuria remiama ir skatinama užsienio prekyba. (Lithuanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Rūmų paramos paslaugos plėtojant veiklą, kuria remiama ir skatinama užsienio prekyba. (Lithuanian) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Usluge podrške Komore kroz razvoj aktivnosti za potporu i poticanje vanjske trgovine. (Croatian)
Property / summary: Usluge podrške Komore kroz razvoj aktivnosti za potporu i poticanje vanjske trgovine. (Croatian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Usluge podrške Komore kroz razvoj aktivnosti za potporu i poticanje vanjske trgovine. (Croatian) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Stödtjänster från kammaren genom utveckling av verksamhet för att stödja och stimulera utrikeshandeln. (Swedish)
Property / summary: Stödtjänster från kammaren genom utveckling av verksamhet för att stödja och stimulera utrikeshandeln. (Swedish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Stödtjänster från kammaren genom utveckling av verksamhet för att stödja och stimulera utrikeshandeln. (Swedish) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Servicii de sprijin ale Camerei prin dezvoltarea de activități de sprijinire și stimulare a comerțului exterior. (Romanian)
Property / summary: Servicii de sprijin ale Camerei prin dezvoltarea de activități de sprijinire și stimulare a comerțului exterior. (Romanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Servicii de sprijin ale Camerei prin dezvoltarea de activități de sprijinire și stimulare a comerțului exterior. (Romanian) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Podporne storitve zbornice z razvojem dejavnosti za podporo in spodbujanje zunanje trgovine. (Slovenian)
Property / summary: Podporne storitve zbornice z razvojem dejavnosti za podporo in spodbujanje zunanje trgovine. (Slovenian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Podporne storitve zbornice z razvojem dejavnosti za podporo in spodbujanje zunanje trgovine. (Slovenian) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Usługi wsparcia Izby poprzez rozwój działań wspierających i stymulujących handel zagraniczny. (Polish)
Property / summary: Usługi wsparcia Izby poprzez rozwój działań wspierających i stymulujących handel zagraniczny. (Polish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Usługi wsparcia Izby poprzez rozwój działań wspierających i stymulujących handel zagraniczny. (Polish) / qualifier
point in time: 17 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Girona / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: 17001 / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Province of Girona / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS: Province of Girona / qualifier
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Girona / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Girona / qualifier
Property / coordinate location
41°59'2.00"N, 2°49'10.09"E
Property / coordinate location: 41°59'2.00"N, 2°49'10.09"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 41°59'2.00"N, 2°49'10.09"E / qualifier
Property / budget
2,140.0 Euro
Amount2,140.0 Euro
Property / budget: 2,140.0 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
1,183.21 Euro
Amount1,183.21 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 1,183.21 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
55.29 percent
Amount55.29 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 55.29 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
20 December 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 20 December 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 22:44, 9 October 2024

Project Q3137664 in Spain
Language Label Description Also known as
PIP 03 12 60 18 0426 VAT day on intra-Community transactions and in 3 countries. Intrastat 2018 PIP CAMARA DE TRADE DE GIRONA
Project Q3137664 in Spain


    0 references
    1,183.21 Euro
    0 references
    2,140.0 Euro
    0 references
    55.29 percent
    0 references
    1 October 2017
    0 references
    31 March 2019
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references

    41°59'2.00"N, 2°49'10.09"E
    0 references
    0 references
    Servicios de apoyo de la Cámara a través del desarrollo de actividades de apoyo y estímulo al comercio exterior. (Spanish)
    0 references
    Support services of the Chamber through the development of activities to support and stimulate foreign trade. (English)
    12 October 2021
    0 references
    Services d’appui de la Chambre par le développement d’activités de soutien et de stimulation du commerce extérieur. (French)
    2 December 2021
    0 references
    Unterstützung der Kammer durch die Entwicklung von Maßnahmen zur Unterstützung und Förderung des Außenhandels. (German)
    9 December 2021
    0 references
    Ondersteunende diensten van de Kamer door de ontwikkeling van activiteiten ter ondersteuning en stimulering van de buitenlandse handel. (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
    0 references
    Servizi di supporto della Camera attraverso lo sviluppo di attività per sostenere e stimolare il commercio estero. (Italian)
    16 January 2022
    0 references
    Υπηρεσίες υποστήριξης του Επιμελητηρίου μέσω της ανάπτυξης δραστηριοτήτων για τη στήριξη και την τόνωση του εξωτερικού εμπορίου. (Greek)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Støttetjenester i mødesalen gennem udvikling af aktiviteter, der skal støtte og stimulere udenrigshandelen. (Danish)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Kauppakamarin tukipalvelut kehittämällä ulkomaankaupan tukemiseen ja edistämiseen tähtääviä toimia. (Finnish)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Servizzi ta’ appoġġ tal-Kamra permezz tal-iżvilupp ta’ attivitajiet li jappoġġaw u jistimulaw il-kummerċ barrani. (Maltese)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Atbalsta pakalpojumi palātas, attīstot darbības, lai atbalstītu un stimulētu ārējo tirdzniecību. (Latvian)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Podporné služby komory prostredníctvom rozvoja činností na podporu a stimuláciu zahraničného obchodu. (Slovak)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Seirbhísí tacaíochta an tSeomra trí ghníomhaíochtaí a fhorbairt chun tacú le trádáil eachtrach agus í a spreagadh. (Irish)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Podpůrné služby Komory rozvojem aktivit na podporu a stimulaci zahraničního obchodu. (Czech)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Serviços de apoio da Câmara através do desenvolvimento de atividades para apoiar e estimular o comércio exterior. (Portuguese)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Toetada koja teenuseid väliskaubandust toetavate ja stimuleerivate tegevuste arendamise kaudu. (Estonian)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Az ülésterem támogatási szolgáltatásai a külkereskedelmet támogató és ösztönző tevékenységek fejlesztése révén. (Hungarian)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Помощни услуги на Камарата чрез разработване на дейности за подпомагане и стимулиране на външната търговия. (Bulgarian)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Rūmų paramos paslaugos plėtojant veiklą, kuria remiama ir skatinama užsienio prekyba. (Lithuanian)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Usluge podrške Komore kroz razvoj aktivnosti za potporu i poticanje vanjske trgovine. (Croatian)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Stödtjänster från kammaren genom utveckling av verksamhet för att stödja och stimulera utrikeshandeln. (Swedish)
    17 August 2022
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    Servicii de sprijin ale Camerei prin dezvoltarea de activități de sprijinire și stimulare a comerțului exterior. (Romanian)
    17 August 2022
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    Podporne storitve zbornice z razvojem dejavnosti za podporo in spodbujanje zunanje trgovine. (Slovenian)
    17 August 2022
    0 references
    Usługi wsparcia Izby poprzez rozwój działań wspierających i stymulujących handel zagraniczny. (Polish)
    17 August 2022
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    20 December 2023
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