Diversifying the activity of Water Mark SRL through investments in tangible and intangible assets necessary for the performance of video editing and post-production activity (Q2742208): Difference between revisions
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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, pt, da, sv, nl, fr, de, it, ro, es, and other parts: Adding translations: et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, pt, da, sv,) |
(Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt) |
(10 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
label / pt | label / pt | ||||||||||||||
Diversificar a atividade da Water Mark SRL através de investimentos em ativos corpóreos e incorpóreos necessários para a realização | Diversificar a atividade da Water Mark SRL através de investimentos em ativos corpóreos e incorpóreos necessários para a realização de atividades de edição e pós-produção de vídeo | ||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 766,223.4245 Romanian Leu / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 153,244.68 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 153,244.68 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 153,244.68 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 1,012,853.17 Romanian Leu / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 202,570.63400000002 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget: 202,570.63400000002 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 202,570.63400000002 Euro / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
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Property / end time | |||||||||||||||
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Property / end time: 31 December 2021 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Increasing economic competitiveness by diversifying and expanding the activity within WATER MARK S.R.L by equipping the company with new equipment specific to the publishing and post-production of video recordings within a period of 33 months. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.001553249855678
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Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
Accroître la compétitivité économique en diversifiant et en développant l’activité au sein de la société WATER MARK S.R.L en dotant l’entreprise de nouveaux équipements spécifiques à l’activité d’édition et de post-production d’enregistrements vidéo sur une période de 33 mois. (French) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||||||
Aumentar a competitividade económica através da diversificação e expansão da atividade na WATER MARK S.R.L, dotando a empresa de novos equipamentos específicos para a edição e pós-produção de gravações de vídeo num período de 33 meses. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
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Property / co-financing rate: 75.65 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Oras Babadag / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / end time | |||||||||||||||
31 March 2022
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Property / end time: 31 March 2022 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
997,946.06 Romanian Leu
| |||||||||||||||
Property / budget: 997,946.06 Romanian Leu / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
199,589.21250000002 Euro
| |||||||||||||||
Property / budget: 199,589.21250000002 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
754,946.2 Romanian Leu
| |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 754,946.2 Romanian Leu / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
150,989.23750000002 Euro
| |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 150,989.23750000002 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
75.6500005621546200 percent
| |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate: 75.6500005621546200 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 21:11, 9 October 2024
Project Q2742208 in Romania
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Diversifying the activity of Water Mark SRL through investments in tangible and intangible assets necessary for the performance of video editing and post-production activity |
Project Q2742208 in Romania |
754,946.2 Romanian Leu
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150,989.23750000002 Euro
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997,946.06 Romanian Leu
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199,589.21250000002 Euro
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75.6500005621546200 percent
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19 April 2019
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31 March 2022
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Creșterea competitivități economice prin diversificarea și extindereaa activității în cadrul societății WATER MARK S.R.L prin dotarea societății cu echipamente noi specifice activității de editare și post-producție a înregistrărilor video într-o perioadă de 33 luni. (Romanian)
0 references
Increasing economic competitiveness by diversifying and expanding the activity within WATER MARK S.R.L by equipping the company with new equipment specific to the publishing and post-production of video recordings within a period of 33 months. (English)
14 September 2021
0 references
Accroître la compétitivité économique en diversifiant et en développant l’activité au sein de la société WATER MARK S.R.L en dotant l’entreprise de nouveaux équipements spécifiques à l’activité d’édition et de post-production d’enregistrements vidéo sur une période de 33 mois. (French)
26 November 2021
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Steigerung der wirtschaftlichen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch Diversifizierung und Ausweitung der Tätigkeit innerhalb von WATER MARK S.R.L durch die Ausstattung des Unternehmens mit neuen Geräten, die speziell für die Veröffentlichung und die Nachproduktion von Videoaufnahmen innerhalb von 33 Monaten bestimmt sind. (German)
1 December 2021
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Versterking van het economische concurrentievermogen door diversificatie en uitbreiding van de activiteit binnen WATER MARK S.R.L. door het bedrijf binnen 33 maanden uit te rusten met nieuwe apparatuur die specifiek is voor het publiceren en na de productie van video-opnamen. (Dutch)
5 December 2021
0 references
Aumentare la competitività economica diversificando e ampliando l'attività all'interno di WATER MARK S.R.L dotando l'azienda di nuove attrezzature specifiche per l'editoria e la post-produzione di registrazioni video entro un periodo di 33 mesi. (Italian)
12 January 2022
0 references
Aumentar la competitividad económica mediante la diversificación y expansión de la actividad dentro de WATER MARK S.R.L, dotando a la empresa de nuevos equipos específicos para la publicación y postproducción de grabaciones de vídeo en un plazo de 33 meses. (Spanish)
13 January 2022
0 references
Majandusliku konkurentsivõime suurendamine, mitmekesistades ja laiendades tegevust WATER MARK S.R.L-is, varustades ettevõtja 33 kuu jooksul videosalvestiste avaldamiseks ja järeltootmiseks vajalike uute seadmetega. (Estonian)
28 July 2022
0 references
Didinti ekonominį konkurencingumą įvairinant ir plečiant „WATER MARK S.R.L“ veiklą, per 33 mėnesius aprūpinant įmonę nauja įranga, skirta vaizdo įrašų leidybai ir postprodukcijai. (Lithuanian)
28 July 2022
0 references
Povećanje gospodarske konkurentnosti diversifikacijom i širenjem djelatnosti unutar tvrtke WATER MARK S.R.L opremanjem tvrtke novom opremom specifičnom za objavljivanje i postprodukciju videozapisa u razdoblju od 33 mjeseca. (Croatian)
28 July 2022
0 references
Αύξηση της οικονομικής ανταγωνιστικότητας μέσω της διαφοροποίησης και επέκτασης της δραστηριότητας στο πλαίσιο της WATER MARK S.R.L, εξοπλίζοντας την εταιρεία με νέο εξοπλισμό ειδικά για την έκδοση και μετά την παραγωγή βίντεο εντός περιόδου 33 μηνών. (Greek)
28 July 2022
0 references
Zvýšenie hospodárskej konkurencieschopnosti diverzifikáciou a rozšírením činnosti v rámci spoločnosti WATER MARK S.R.L. vybavením spoločnosti novým vybavením špecifickým pre vydávanie a postprodukciu videozáznamov v priebehu 33 mesiacov. (Slovak)
28 July 2022
0 references
Taloudellisen kilpailukyvyn parantaminen monipuolistamalla ja laajentamalla WATER MARK S.R.L:n toimintaa varustamalla yhtiölle uudet laitteet, jotka liittyvät videotallenteiden julkaisemiseen ja jälkituotantoon 33 kuukauden kuluessa. (Finnish)
28 July 2022
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Zwiększenie konkurencyjności gospodarczej poprzez dywersyfikację i rozbudowę działalności w ramach WATER MARK S.R.L. poprzez wyposażenie firmy w nowy sprzęt specyficzny dla wydawnictwa i postprodukcji nagrań wideo w okresie 33 miesięcy. (Polish)
28 July 2022
0 references
A gazdasági versenyképesség növelése a WATER MARK S.R.L. tevékenységének diverzifikálásával és bővítésével azáltal, hogy a vállalatot 33 hónapon belül a videofelvételek kiadására és utómunkálására vonatkozó új berendezésekkel látja el. (Hungarian)
28 July 2022
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Zvýšení hospodářské konkurenceschopnosti diverzifikací a rozšířením činnosti v rámci společnosti WATER MARK S.R.L tím, že do 33 měsíců vybaví společnost novým zařízením specifickým pro vydávání a postprodukci videozáznamů. (Czech)
28 July 2022
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Ekonomiskās konkurētspējas palielināšana, diversificējot un paplašinot darbību WATER MARK S.R.L ietvaros, 33 mēnešu laikā aprīkojot uzņēmumu ar jaunām iekārtām, kas raksturīgas videoierakstu publicēšanai un pēcapstrādei. (Latvian)
28 July 2022
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Iomaíochas eacnamaíoch a mhéadú tríd an ngníomhaíocht laistigh de WATER MARK S.R.L a éagsúlú agus a leathnú trí threalamh nua a thabhairt don chuideachta a bhaineann go sonrach le foilsiú agus iarléiriú fístaifeadtaí laistigh de thréimhse 33 mhí. (Irish)
28 July 2022
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Povečanje gospodarske konkurenčnosti z diverzifikacijo in širitvijo dejavnosti znotraj podjetja WATER MARK S.R.L z opremljanjem podjetja z novo opremo, specifično za založništvo in postprodukcijo videoposnetkov v 33 mesecih. (Slovenian)
28 July 2022
0 references
Повишаване на икономическата конкурентоспособност чрез разнообразяване и разширяване на дейността в рамките на WATER MARK S.R.L чрез оборудване на компанията с ново оборудване, специфично за публикуване и постпродукция на видеозаписи в рамките на 33 месеца. (Bulgarian)
28 July 2022
0 references
Iż-żieda fil-kompetittività ekonomika permezz tad-diversifikazzjoni u l-espansjoni tal-attività fi ħdan WATER MARK S.R.L billi l-kumpanija tiġi mgħammra b’tagħmir ġdid speċifiku għall-pubblikazzjoni u wara l-produzzjoni ta’ reġistrazzjonijiet bil-vidjo fi żmien 33 xahar. (Maltese)
28 July 2022
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Aumentar a competitividade económica através da diversificação e expansão da atividade na WATER MARK S.R.L, dotando a empresa de novos equipamentos específicos para a edição e pós-produção de gravações de vídeo num período de 33 meses. (Portuguese)
28 July 2022
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Øge den økonomiske konkurrenceevne ved at diversificere og udvide aktiviteterne inden for WATER MARK S.R.L ved at udstyre virksomheden med nyt udstyr, der er specifikt for udgivelse og efterproduktion af videooptagelser inden for en periode på 33 måneder. (Danish)
28 July 2022
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Öka den ekonomiska konkurrenskraften genom att diversifiera och utvidga verksamheten inom WATER MARK S.R.L genom att utrusta företaget med ny utrustning som är specifik för publicering och efterproduktion av videoinspelningar inom 33 månader. (Swedish)
28 July 2022
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Oraş Babadag, Romania
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