International exhibitions focused on the presentation of machines (Q14558): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt)
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label / ptlabel / pt
Exposições internacionais focadas na apresentação de máquinas
Exposições internacionais centradas na apresentação de máquinas
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Železnice / qualifier
Property / summary: ABM Technology is engaged in the development and production of municipal superstructures. It is currently trying to promote itself in international markets, especially in the EU markets. By implementing the project, she would like to take a stable position on these markets. a. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0065037126295152
Property / summaryProperty / summary
A ABM Technology está envolvida no desenvolvimento e produção de superestruturas municipais. Está atualmente a tentar promover-se nos mercados internacionais, especialmente nos mercados da UE. Ao implementar o projeto, ela gostaria de assumir uma posição estável nesses mercados. a. (Portuguese)
A ABM Technology dedica-se ao desenvolvimento e produção de superstruturas municipais. Está atualmente a tentar promover-se nos mercados internacionais, especialmente nos mercados da UE. Ao implementar o projeto, ela gostaria de assumir uma posição estável nestes mercados. a. (Portuguese)
Property / coordinate location: 50°28'24.96"N, 15°23'49.63"E / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS: Hradec Králové Region / qualifier

Latest revision as of 18:32, 9 October 2024

Project Q14558 in Czech Republic
Language Label Description Also known as
International exhibitions focused on the presentation of machines
Project Q14558 in Czech Republic


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    1,885,000.0 Czech koruna
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    75,400.0 Euro
    10 January 2020
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    3,770,000.0 Czech koruna
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    150,800.0 Euro
    10 January 2020
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    50 percent
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    13 November 2015
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    25 August 2017
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    30 September 2017
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    50°28'24.96"N, 15°23'49.63"E
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    Společnost ABM Technology se zabývá vývojem a výrobou komunálních nástaveb. V současné době se snaží prosadit na mezinárodních trzích, a to především na trzích EU. Realizací projektu by ráda zaujala stabilní místo na těchto trzích. a. (Czech)
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    ABM Technology is engaged in the development and production of municipal superstructures. It is currently trying to promote itself in international markets, especially in the EU markets. By implementing the project, she would like to take a stable position on these markets. a. (English)
    22 October 2020
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    ABM Technology participe au développement et à la production de superstructures municipales. Elle s’efforce actuellement de promouvoir les marchés internationaux, en particulier sur les marchés de l’UE. En mettant en œuvre le projet, elle souhaite prendre une place stable sur ces marchés. (French)
    28 November 2021
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    ABM Technology ist in der Entwicklung und Produktion von kommunalen Aufbauten tätig. Derzeit versucht sie, die internationalen Märkte zu fördern, insbesondere auf den EU-Märkten. Mit der Umsetzung des Projekts möchte sie in diesen Märkten einen stabilen Platz einnehmen. (German)
    2 December 2021
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    ABM Technology houdt zich bezig met de ontwikkeling en productie van gemeentelijke bovenbouwen. Momenteel probeert zij de internationale markten te bevorderen, met name op de EU-markten. Door het project uit te voeren wil ze graag een stabiele plaats innemen in deze markten. (Dutch)
    13 December 2021
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    ABM Technology è impegnata nello sviluppo e nella produzione di sovrastrutture comunali. Attualmente sta cercando di promuovere i mercati internazionali, in particolare nei mercati dell'UE. Con l'attuazione del progetto, vorrebbe occupare un posto stabile in questi mercati. (Italian)
    14 January 2022
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    ABM Technology se dedica al desarrollo y producción de superestructuras municipales. Actualmente está tratando de promover los mercados internacionales, especialmente en los mercados de la UE. Mediante la ejecución del proyecto, le gustaría ocupar un lugar estable en estos mercados. (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
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    ABM Technology beskæftiger sig med udvikling og produktion af kommunale overbygninger. Den forsøger i øjeblikket at fremme sig selv på de internationale markeder, især på EU-markederne. Ved at gennemføre projektet vil hun gerne indtage en stabil position på disse markeder. (Danish)
    3 July 2022
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    Η ABM Technology ασχολείται με την ανάπτυξη και την παραγωγή δημοτικών υπερδομών. Επί του παρόντος προσπαθεί να προωθήσει τον εαυτό της στις διεθνείς αγορές, ιδίως στις αγορές της ΕΕ. Με την υλοποίηση του σχεδίου, θα ήθελε να λάβει σταθερή θέση σε αυτές τις αγορές. (Greek)
    3 July 2022
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    ABM Technology se bavi razvojem i proizvodnjom komunalnih nadgrađa. Trenutačno se pokušava promicati na međunarodnim tržištima, posebno na tržištima EU-a. Provedbom projekta želi zauzeti stabilan položaj na tim tržištima. (Croatian)
    3 July 2022
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    ABM Technology este implicată în dezvoltarea și producția de suprastructuri municipale. În prezent, aceasta încearcă să se promoveze pe piețele internaționale, în special pe piețele UE. Prin implementarea proiectului, ea ar dori să ia o poziție stabilă pe aceste piețe. a. (Romanian)
    3 July 2022
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    Spoločnosť ABM Technology sa zaoberá vývojom a výrobou mestských nadstavieb. V súčasnosti sa snaží presadiť sa na medzinárodných trhoch, najmä na trhoch EÚ. Realizáciou projektu by chcela zaujať stabilné postavenie na týchto trhoch. a. (Slovak)
    3 July 2022
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    ABM Technology hija involuta fl-iżvilupp u l-produzzjoni ta ‘superstrutturi muniċipali. Bħalissa qed tipprova tippromwovi lilha nnifisha fis-swieq internazzjonali, speċjalment fis-swieq tal-UE. Bl-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett, hija tixtieq tieħu pożizzjoni stabbli f’dawn is-swieq. a. (Maltese)
    3 July 2022
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    A ABM Technology dedica-se ao desenvolvimento e produção de superstruturas municipais. Está atualmente a tentar promover-se nos mercados internacionais, especialmente nos mercados da UE. Ao implementar o projeto, ela gostaria de assumir uma posição estável nestes mercados. a. (Portuguese)
    3 July 2022
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    ABM Technology kehittää ja valmistaa kunnallisia ylärakenteita. Se pyrkii tällä hetkellä edistämään itseään kansainvälisillä markkinoilla, erityisesti EU:n markkinoilla. Toteuttamalla hankkeen hän haluaisi ottaa vakaan aseman näillä markkinoilla. a. (Finnish)
    3 July 2022
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    ABM Technology zajmuje się rozwojem i produkcją nadbudówek komunalnych. Obecnie stara się promować się na rynkach międzynarodowych, zwłaszcza na rynkach UE. Realizując projekt, chciałaby zająć stabilną pozycję na tych rynkach. a. (Polish)
    3 July 2022
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    ABM Technology se ukvarja z razvojem in proizvodnjo občinskih nadgradenj. Trenutno si prizadeva za promocijo na mednarodnih trgih, zlasti na trgih EU. Z izvajanjem projekta želi zavzeti stabilen položaj na teh trgih. a. (Slovenian)
    3 July 2022
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    ABM Technology užsiima savivaldybių antstatų kūrimu ir gamyba. Šiuo metu ji stengiasi propaguoti save tarptautinėse rinkose, ypač ES rinkose. Įgyvendindama projektą, ji norėtų užimti stabilią padėtį šiose rinkose. a. (Lithuanian)
    3 July 2022
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    ABM Technology nodarbojas ar pašvaldību virsbūvju izstrādi un ražošanu. Pašlaik tā cenšas sevi popularizēt starptautiskajos tirgos, jo īpaši ES tirgos. Īstenojot projektu, viņa vēlas ieņemt stabilu pozīciju šajos tirgos. (Latvian)
    3 July 2022
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    ABM Technology се занимава с разработването и производството на общински надстройки. Понастоящем тя се опитва да се популяризира на международните пазари, особено на пазарите на ЕС. Чрез изпълнението на проекта тя би искала да заеме стабилна позиция на тези пазари. (Bulgarian)
    3 July 2022
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    Az ABM Technology önkormányzati felépítmények fejlesztésével és gyártásával foglalkozik. Jelenleg igyekszik népszerűsíteni magát a nemzetközi piacokon, különösen az EU piacain. A projekt megvalósításával stabil pozícióba szeretne kerülni ezeken a piacokon. a. (Hungarian)
    3 July 2022
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    Tá ABM Technology i mbun forstruchtúir bhardasacha a fhorbairt agus a tháirgeadh. Tá sé ag iarraidh é féin a chur chun cinn i margaí idirnáisiúnta faoi láthair, go háirithe i margaí AE. Tríd an tionscadal a chur chun feidhme, ba mhaith léi seasamh cobhsaí a ghlacadh ar na margaí sin. (Irish)
    3 July 2022
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    ABM Technology arbetar med utveckling och produktion av kommunala överbyggnader. Den försöker för närvarande marknadsföra sig på internationella marknader, särskilt på EU:s marknader. Genom att genomföra projektet skulle hon vilja ta en stabil position på dessa marknader. (Swedish)
    3 July 2022
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    ABM Technology tegeleb munitsipaalsete pealisehitiste arendamise ja tootmisega. Praegu püüab EL edendada ennast rahvusvahelistel turgudel, eriti ELi turgudel. Projekti elluviimisega soovib ta neil turgudel stabiilset positsiooni. a. (Estonian)
    3 July 2022
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