Drinking water supply Dry Krajina (Q3265456): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: postal code (P460): 8360) |
(Set a claim value: summary (P836): O projeto incluirá 152 085 m de condutas, 7 estações de bombagem, 5 das quais serão novas e 2 modernizações de estações de bombagem e 16 de alimentos para consumo humano, das quais 7 serão novas construções, 9 das quais serão modernizadas, 16 eixos de alívio, 18 eixos de redução e 11 eixos de medição. Tal proporcionará a 12 065 habitantes um abastecimento de água potável de elevada qualidade e mais seguro.) |
(15 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown) | |||||||||||
Property / postal code | |||||||||||
Property / postal code: 8360 / rank | |||||||||||
Property / postal code | |||||||||||
Property / postal code: 8360 / rank | |||||||||||
Property / postal code | |||||||||||
Property / postal code: 8360 / rank | |||||||||||
Property / postal code | |||||||||||
Property / postal code: 8360 / rank | |||||||||||
Property / postal code | |||||||||||
Property / postal code: 8360 / rank | |||||||||||
Property / postal code | |||||||||||
Property / postal code: 8360 / rank | |||||||||||
Property / postal code | |||||||||||
Property / postal code: 8360 / rank | |||||||||||
Property / summary: The project will include 152.085 m of pipelines, 7 pumping stations, 5 of which will be new and 2 upgrades of pumping stations and 16 waterfood, of which 7 will be new constructions, 9 of which will be upgraded, 16 relief shafts, 18 reduction shafts and 11 measuring shafts. This will provide 12,065 inhabitants with a high-quality and safer supply of drinking water. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||
readability score: 0.092185215661128
| |||||||||||
Property / summary | Property / summary | ||||||||||
O projeto incluirá 152 085 m de condutas, 7 estações de bombagem, 5 das quais serão novas e 2 modernizações de estações de bombagem e 16 de alimentos para consumo humano, das quais 7 serão novas construções, 9 das quais serão modernizadas, 16 eixos de alívio, 18 eixos de redução e 11 eixos de medição. Tal proporcionará a 12 065 habitantes um abastecimento de água potável de elevada qualidade e mais seguro. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 22,398,633.7 Euro / rank | |||||||||||
Property / budget | Property / budget | ||||||||||
| 26,547,416.93 Euro
| ||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank | |||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Žužemberk / rank | |||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||
Property / priority axis | |||||||||||
Property / priority axis: Improving the state of the environment and biodiversity / rank | |||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||
Property / thematic objective | |||||||||||
Property / thematic objective: Environment protection and resource efficiency / rank | |||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 11:31, 9 October 2024
Project Q3265456 in Slovenia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Drinking water supply Dry Krajina |
Project Q3265456 in Slovenia |
26,547,416.93 Euro
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1 January 2014
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31 December 2019
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V okviru projekta bo vgrajeno 152.085 m cevovodov, 7 črpališč, od tega bosta 5 črpališč na novo in 2 nadgradnji črpališč ter 16 vodohranov, od tega bo 7 novogradenj, 9 pa bo nadgrajenih, 16 razbremenilnih jaškov, 18 reducirnih jaškov in 11 merilnih jaškov.. S tem bo 12.065 prebivalcev deležnih kakovostne in varnejše oskrbe s pitno vodo. (Slovenian)
0 references
The project will include 152.085 m of pipelines, 7 pumping stations, 5 of which will be new and 2 upgrades of pumping stations and 16 waterfood, of which 7 will be new constructions, 9 of which will be upgraded, 16 relief shafts, 18 reduction shafts and 11 measuring shafts. This will provide 12,065 inhabitants with a high-quality and safer supply of drinking water. (English)
12 October 2021
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Le projet comprendra 152,085 m de canalisations, 7 stations de pompage, dont 5 nouvelles et 2 modernisations de stations de pompage et de 16 approvisionnements en eau, dont 7 seront de nouvelles constructions, dont 9 seront modernisées, 16 puits de relief, 18 arbres de réduction et 11 arbres de mesure. Ainsi, 12 065 habitants bénéficieront d’un approvisionnement en eau potable de haute qualité et plus sûr. (French)
27 November 2021
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Das Projekt umfasst 152,085 m Rohrleitungen, 7 Pumpstationen, davon 5 neue und 2 Upgrades von Pumpstationen und 16 WaterFood, davon 7 Neubauten, von denen 9 umgerüstet werden, 16 Entlastungswellen, 18 Reduktionswellen und 11 Messwellen. Damit erhalten 12.065 Einwohner eine qualitativ hochwertige und sicherere Trinkwasserversorgung. (German)
29 November 2021
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Het project omvat 152,085 m pijpleidingen, 7 pompstations, waarvan 5 nieuwe en 2 upgrades van pompstations en 16 watervoedingsmiddelen, waarvan 7 nieuwe constructies, waarvan 9 zullen worden opgewaardeerd, 16 hulpassen, 18 reductieassen en 11 meetassen. Dit zal 12.065 inwoners voorzien van een hoogwaardige en veiligere drinkwatervoorziening. (Dutch)
29 November 2021
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Il progetto comprenderà 152,085 m di condotte, 7 stazioni di pompaggio, 5 delle quali nuove e 2 ammodernamenti delle stazioni di pompaggio e 16 waterFood, di cui 7 nuove, 9 delle quali saranno ristrutturate, 16 alberi di rilievo, 18 alberi di riduzione e 11 alberi di misura. Ciò fornirà a 12 065 abitanti un approvvigionamento di acqua potabile di alta qualità e più sicuro. (Italian)
11 January 2022
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El proyecto incluirá 152,085 m de tuberías, 7 estaciones de bombeo, 5 de las cuales serán nuevas y 2 mejoras de estaciones de bombeo y 16 WaterFood, de las cuales 7 serán nuevas construcciones, 9 de las cuales serán mejoradas, 16 ejes de alivio, 18 ejes de reducción y 11 ejes de medición. Esto proporcionará a 12.065 habitantes un suministro de agua potable de alta calidad y más seguro. (Spanish)
13 January 2022
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Projekt hõlmab 152,085 m torujuhet, 7 pumbajaama, millest 5 on uued, ja 2 pumbajaama ajakohastamist ja 16 vettFood, millest 7 on uued ehitised, millest 9 uuendatakse, 16 reljeefvõlli, 18 redutseerimisvõlli ja 11 mõõtevõlli. See tagab 12,065 elanikule kvaliteetse ja ohutuma joogiveega varustamise. (Estonian)
4 August 2022
0 references
Projektas apims 152,085 m vamzdynus, 7 siurblines, iš kurių 5 bus naujos ir 2 siurblinės ir 16 vandens maisto, iš kurių 7 bus naujos konstrukcijos, iš kurių 9 bus modernizuotos, 16 reljefinių velenų, 18 redukcinių velenų ir 11 matavimo velenų. Tai užtikrins 12 065 gyventojų kokybišką ir saugesnį geriamojo vandens tiekimą. (Lithuanian)
4 August 2022
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Projekt će uključivati 152,085 m cjevovoda, 7 crpnih stanica, od kojih će 5 biti nova i 2 nadogradnje crpnih stanica i 16 waterFood, od čega će 7 biti nove konstrukcije, od kojih će 9 biti modernizirano, 16 reljefnih osovina, 18 redukcijskih osovina i 11 mjernih osovina. Time će se 12.065 stanovnika osigurati visokokvalitetna i sigurnija opskrba pitkom vodom. (Croatian)
4 August 2022
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Το έργο θα περιλαμβάνει 152,085 m αγωγούς, 7 αντλιοστάσια, 5 εκ των οποίων θα είναι νέοι και 2 αναβαθμίσεις αντλιοστασίων και 16 waterFood, εκ των οποίων 7 θα είναι νέες κατασκευές, 9 εκ των οποίων θα αναβαθμιστούν, 16 ανακουφιστικοί άξονες, 18 φρεάτια μείωσης και 11 άξονες μέτρησης. Με τον τρόπο αυτό θα παρασχεθεί σε 12.065 κατοίκους υψηλής ποιότητας και ασφαλέστερη παροχή πόσιμου νερού. (Greek)
4 August 2022
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Projekt bude zahŕňať 152,085 m potrubí, 7 čerpacích staníc, z toho 5 nových a 2 modernizácie čerpacích staníc a 16 vodnýchpotravín, z toho 7 budú nové stavby, z ktorých 9 bude modernizovaných, 16 reliéfnych hriadeľov, 18 redukčných hriadeľov a 11 meracích hriadeľov. To poskytne 12 065 obyvateľom vysokokvalitné a bezpečnejšie zásobovanie pitnou vodou. (Slovak)
4 August 2022
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Hankkeeseen kuuluu 152 085 m putkia, 7 pumppausasemaa, joista 5 on uusia ja 2 pumppausasemien parannusta ja 16 vesiruokaa, joista 7 on uusia rakenteita, joista 9 uudistetaan, 16 poistoakselia, 18 vähennysakselia ja 11 mittausakselia. Näin 12 065 asukasta saa laadukkaan ja turvallisemman juomaveden. (Finnish)
4 August 2022
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Projekt obejmie 152,085 m rurociągów, 7 przepompowni, 5 nowych oraz 2 modernizacje pompowni i 16 WaterFood, z czego 7 to nowe konstrukcje, z których 9 zostanie zmodernizowanych, 16 wałów wypukłych, 18 wałów redukcyjnych i 11 wałów pomiarowych. Zapewni to 12 065 mieszkańcom bezpieczniejsze zaopatrzenie w wodę pitną o wysokiej jakości. (Polish)
4 August 2022
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A projekt 152,085 m csővezetéket, 7 szivattyúállomást foglal magában, amelyek közül 5 új lesz, és 2 szivattyúállomás és 16 vízellátó állomás, amelyek közül 7 új építés lesz, amelyek közül 9-et korszerűsítenek, 16 domborműtengelyt, 18 redukciós tengelyt és 11 mérőaknát. Ez 12 065 lakos számára biztosítja a magas színvonalú és biztonságosabb ivóvízellátást. (Hungarian)
4 August 2022
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Projekt bude zahrnovat 152,085 m potrubí, 7 čerpacích stanic, z toho 5 nových a 2 modernizace čerpacích stanic a 16 WaterFood, z toho 7 budou nové stavby, z nichž 9 bude modernizováno, 16 reliéfních šachet, 18 redukčních hřídelí a 11 měřicích šachet. To poskytne 12 065 obyvatelům vysoce kvalitní a bezpečnější zásobování pitnou vodou. (Czech)
4 August 2022
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Projekts ietvers 152,085 m cauruļvadu, 7 sūkņu stacijas, no kurām 5 būs jaunas un 2 sūkņu staciju modernizācijas un 16 ūdenspārtikas, no kurām 7 būs jaunas konstrukcijas, no kurām 9 tiks modernizētas, 16 režģa vārpstas, 18 redukcijas vārpstas un 11 mērīšanas vārpstas. Tas nodrošinās 12 065 iedzīvotājus ar kvalitatīvu un drošāku dzeramā ūdens apgādi. (Latvian)
4 August 2022
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Áireofar leis an tionscadal 152.085 m de phíblínte, 7 stáisiún caidéalaithe, 5 acu sin nua agus 2 uasghrádú ar stáisiúin chaidéalaithe agus bia uisce 16, a mbeidh 7 díobh ina ndéantús nua, 9 díobh sin a ndéanfar uasghrádú orthu, 16 seafta faoisimh, 18 seafta laghdaithe agus 11 seafta tomhais. Cuirfidh sé seo soláthar uisce óil ar ardchaighdeán agus níos sábháilte ar fáil do 12,065 áitritheoir. (Irish)
4 August 2022
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Проектът ще включва 152,085 м тръбопроводи, 7 помпени станции, 5 от които ще бъдат нови и 2 модернизация на помпени станции и 16 водни храни, от които 7 ще бъдат нови конструкции, 9 от които ще бъдат модернизирани, 16 релефни шахта, 18 редуктори и 11 измервателни вала. Това ще осигури на 12 065 жители висококачествено и по-безопасно снабдяване с питейна вода. (Bulgarian)
4 August 2022
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Il-proġett se jinkludi 152.085 m ta ‘pipelines, 7 stazzjonijiet tal-ippumpjar, li 5 minnhom se jkunu ġodda u 2 aġġornamenti ta’ stazzjonijiet tal-ippumpjar u 16 waterFood, li minnhom 7 se jkunu kostruzzjonijiet ġodda, 9 minnhom se jiġu aġġornati, 16-il xaft għar-rilaxx, 18-il xaft għat-tnaqqis u 11-il xaft tal-kejl. Dan se jipprovdi 12,065 abitant bi provvista ta’ ilma tax-xorb ta’ kwalità għolja u aktar sikura. (Maltese)
4 August 2022
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O projeto incluirá 152 085 m de condutas, 7 estações de bombagem, 5 das quais serão novas e 2 modernizações de estações de bombagem e 16 de alimentos para consumo humano, das quais 7 serão novas construções, 9 das quais serão modernizadas, 16 eixos de alívio, 18 eixos de redução e 11 eixos de medição. Tal proporcionará a 12 065 habitantes um abastecimento de água potável de elevada qualidade e mais seguro. (Portuguese)
4 August 2022
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Projektet vil omfatte 152,085 m rørledninger, 7 pumpestationer, hvoraf 5 vil være nye og 2 opgraderinger af pumpestationer og 16 vandfødevarer, hvoraf 7 vil være nye konstruktioner, hvoraf 9 vil blive opgraderet, 16 reliefaksler, 18 reduktionsaksler og 11 måleaksler. Dette vil give 12.065 indbyggere en høj kvalitet og sikrere drikkevandsforsyning. (Danish)
4 August 2022
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Proiectul va include 152,085 m de conducte, 7 stații de pompare, dintre care 5 vor fi noi și 2 modernizări ale stațiilor de pompare și 16 waterFood, dintre care 7 vor fi construcții noi, dintre care 9 vor fi modernizate, 16 arbori de relief, 18 arbori de reducere și 11 arbori de măsurare. Acest lucru va oferi 12 065 de locuitori o aprovizionare cu apă potabilă de înaltă calitate și mai sigură. (Romanian)
4 August 2022
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Projektet kommer att omfatta 152,085 m rörledningar, 7 pumpstationer, varav 5 kommer att vara nya och 2 uppgraderingar av pumpstationer och 16 WaterFood, varav 7 kommer att vara nybyggnation, 9 av dessa kommer att uppgraderas, 16 avlastningsaxlar, 18 reduktionsaxlar och 11 mätaxlar. Detta kommer att ge 12 065 invånare en högkvalitativ och säkrare dricksvattenförsörjning. (Swedish)
4 August 2022
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