Laboratory Robotics Development in the long-term Care PRO-Z (Q3989266): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in pt)
(52 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / enlabel / en
Laboratory Robotics Development in the long-term Care PRO-Z
label / frlabel / fr
Développement de la robotique de laboratoire dans les soins de longue durée PRO-Z
label / delabel / de
Entwicklung von Laborrobotik in der Langzeitpflege PRO-Z
label / itlabel / it
Laboratorio Robotica Sviluppo nella cura a lungo termine PRO-Z
label / eslabel / es
Desarrollo de Robótica de Laboratorios en el Cuidado de Largo Plazo PRO-Z
label / ellabel / el
Εργαστηριακή Ρομποτική Ανάπτυξη στη μακροχρόνια Φροντίδα PRO-Z
label / dalabel / da
Laboratorie Robotics Development in the long-term Care PRO-Z
label / filabel / fi
Laboratorio Robotics Kehitys pitkäaikaishoidon PRO-Z
label / mtlabel / mt
Żvilupp tar-Robotika tal-Laboratorju fil-PRO-Z tal-Kura fit-tul
label / lvlabel / lv
Laboratorijas robotikas attīstība ilgtermiņa aprūpē PRO-Z
label / sklabel / sk
Vývoj laboratórnej robotiky v dlhodobej starostlivosti PRO-Z
label / galabel / ga
Forbairt Róbataice Saotharlainne i gCúram fadtéarmach PRO-Z
label / cslabel / cs
Vývoj laboratorní robotiky v dlouhodobé péči PRO-Z
label / ptlabel / pt
Desenvolvimento de Robótica Laboratorial no Cuidado a Longo Prazo PRO-Z
label / etlabel / et
Laboratoorne robootika areng pikaajalises hoolduses PRO-Z
label / hulabel / hu
Laboratóriumi Robotika Fejlesztés a hosszú távú Care PRO-Z
label / bglabel / bg
Лабораторно развитие на роботиката в дългосрочната грижа PRO-Z
label / ltlabel / lt
Laboratorinės robotikos plėtra ilgalaikės priežiūros PRO-Z
label / hrlabel / hr
Razvoj laboratorijske robotike u dugotrajnoj njezi PRO-Z
label / svlabel / sv
Laboratorie Robotics Utveckling inom långtidsvård PRO-Z
label / rolabel / ro
Dezvoltarea roboticii de laborator în îngrijirea pe termen lung PRO-Z
label / sllabel / sl
Razvoj laboratorijske robotike v dolgoročni oskrbi PRO-Z
label / pllabel / pl
Rozwój robotyki laboratoryjnej w opiece długoterminowej PRO-Z
description / bgdescription / bg
Проект Q3989266 в Холандия
description / hrdescription / hr
Projekt Q3989266 u Nizozemskoj
description / hudescription / hu
Projekt Q3989266 Hollandiában
description / csdescription / cs
Projekt Q3989266 v Nizozemsku
description / dadescription / da
Projekt Q3989266 i Holland
description / nldescription / nl
Project Q3989266 in Nederland
description / etdescription / et
Projekt Q3989266 Hollandis
description / fidescription / fi
Projekti Q3989266 Alankomaissa
description / frdescription / fr
Projet Q3989266 aux Pays-Bas
description / dedescription / de
Projekt Q3989266 in den Niederlanden
description / eldescription / el
Έργο Q3989266 στην Ολλανδία
description / gadescription / ga
Tionscadal Q3989266 san Ísiltír
description / itdescription / it
Progetto Q3989266 nei Paesi Bassi
description / lvdescription / lv
Projekts Q3989266 Nīderlandē
description / ltdescription / lt
Projektas Q3989266 Nyderlanduose
description / mtdescription / mt
Proġett Q3989266 fl-Olanda
description / pldescription / pl
Projekt Q3989266 w Holandii
description / ptdescription / pt
Projeto Q3989266 na Holanda
description / rodescription / ro
Proiectul Q3989266 în Țările de Jos
description / skdescription / sk
Projekt Q3989266 v Holandsku
description / sldescription / sl
Projekt Q3989266 na Nizozemskem
description / esdescription / es
Proyecto Q3989266 en Holanda
description / svdescription / sv
Projekt Q3989266 i Nederländerna
Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Kingdom of the Netherlands / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
1 January 2018
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 1 January 2018 / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
30 April 2021
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 30 April 2021 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Gable Systems B.V.
Property / beneficiary name (string): Gable Systems B.V. / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Q3986302 (Deleted Item)
Property / beneficiary: Q3986302 (Deleted Item) / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
206,155.6 Euro
Amount206,155.6 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 206,155.6 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
687,367.29 Euro
Amount687,367.29 Euro
Property / budget: 687,367.29 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
29.992 percent
Amount29.992 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 29.992 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Regional Development Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: 7554TR / rank
Normal rank
Property / programme
Property / programme: East Netherlands - ERDF / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Hengelo / rank
Normal rank
Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
206,155.6 Euro
Amount206,155.6 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 206,155.6 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
687,367.29 Euro
Amount687,367.29 Euro
Property / budget: 687,367.29 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
29.992 percent
Amount29.992 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 29.992 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Regional Development Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: 7554TR / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: 6802EJ / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: 6601XB / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: 7500AH / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: 6816RP / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: 6534AT / rank
Normal rank
Property / postal code
Property / postal code: 6400AN / rank
Normal rank
Property / programme
Property / programme: East Netherlands - ERDF / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Research and innovation processes in SMEs (including voucher schemes, process, design, service and social innovation) / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
51°49'29.71"N, 5°49'23.30"E
Property / coordinate location: 51°49'29.71"N, 5°49'23.30"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
52°14'19.61"N, 6°46'17.15"E
Property / coordinate location: 52°14'19.61"N, 6°46'17.15"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
51°48'46.40"N, 5°43'8.44"E
Property / coordinate location: 51°48'46.40"N, 5°43'8.44"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
52°0'37.80"N, 5°52'34.97"E
Property / coordinate location: 52°0'37.80"N, 5°52'34.97"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Arnhem/Nijmegen / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Twente / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
1 January 2018
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 1 January 2018 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
30 April 2021
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 30 April 2021 / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Netherlands / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
De proeftuin Robotica Ontwikkeling in de langdurende Zorg ondersteunt bedrijven bij robotica-ontwikkeling, samen met ervaringsdeskundigen (cliënten, mantelzorgers of professionals) methodieken ontwikkeld en toegepast. (Dutch)
Property / summary: De proeftuin Robotica Ontwikkeling in de langdurende Zorg ondersteunt bedrijven bij robotica-ontwikkeling, samen met ervaringsdeskundigen (cliënten, mantelzorgers of professionals) methodieken ontwikkeld en toegepast. (Dutch) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary
The Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care supports companies in robotics development, together with experienced experts (clients, carers or professionals) developed and applied methodologies. (English)
Property / summary: The Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care supports companies in robotics development, together with experienced experts (clients, carers or professionals) developed and applied methodologies. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care supports companies in robotics development, together with experienced experts (clients, carers or professionals) developed and applied methodologies. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 15 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary: The Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care supports companies in robotics development, together with experienced experts (clients, carers or professionals) developed and applied methodologies. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0071285410133314
Property / summary
Le développement du laboratoire de robotique en soins de longue durée soutient les entreprises dans le développement de la robotique, ainsi que des experts expérimentés (clients, soignants ou professionnels) développés et appliqués des méthodologies. (French)
Property / summary: Le développement du laboratoire de robotique en soins de longue durée soutient les entreprises dans le développement de la robotique, ainsi que des experts expérimentés (clients, soignants ou professionnels) développés et appliqués des méthodologies. (French) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Le développement du laboratoire de robotique en soins de longue durée soutient les entreprises dans le développement de la robotique, ainsi que des experts expérimentés (clients, soignants ou professionnels) développés et appliqués des méthodologies. (French) / qualifier
point in time: 15 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Die Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care unterstützt Unternehmen in der Robotikentwicklung zusammen mit erfahrenen Experten (Kunden, Pflegekräften oder Fachleuten) entwickelt und angewandte Methoden. (German)
Property / summary: Die Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care unterstützt Unternehmen in der Robotikentwicklung zusammen mit erfahrenen Experten (Kunden, Pflegekräften oder Fachleuten) entwickelt und angewandte Methoden. (German) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Die Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care unterstützt Unternehmen in der Robotikentwicklung zusammen mit erfahrenen Experten (Kunden, Pflegekräften oder Fachleuten) entwickelt und angewandte Methoden. (German) / qualifier
point in time: 15 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Il Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care supporta le aziende nello sviluppo della robotica, insieme a esperti esperti (clienti, prestatori di assistenza o professionisti) sviluppati e applicati metodologie. (Italian)
Property / summary: Il Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care supporta le aziende nello sviluppo della robotica, insieme a esperti esperti (clienti, prestatori di assistenza o professionisti) sviluppati e applicati metodologie. (Italian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Il Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care supporta le aziende nello sviluppo della robotica, insieme a esperti esperti (clienti, prestatori di assistenza o professionisti) sviluppati e applicati metodologie. (Italian) / qualifier
point in time: 11 January 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
El Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care apoya a las empresas en el desarrollo de robótica, junto con expertos experimentados (clientes, cuidadores o profesionales) desarrollados y aplicados metodologías. (Spanish)
Property / summary: El Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care apoya a las empresas en el desarrollo de robótica, junto con expertos experimentados (clientes, cuidadores o profesionales) desarrollados y aplicados metodologías. (Spanish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: El Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care apoya a las empresas en el desarrollo de robótica, junto con expertos experimentados (clientes, cuidadores o profesionales) desarrollados y aplicados metodologías. (Spanish) / qualifier
point in time: 12 January 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Το Εργαστήριο Ρομποτικής Ανάπτυξης στη Μακροχρόνια Φροντίδα υποστηρίζει εταιρείες στην ανάπτυξη της ρομποτικής, μαζί με έμπειρους εμπειρογνώμονες (πελάτες, φροντιστές ή επαγγελματίες) που αναπτύχθηκαν και εφαρμόζονται μεθοδολογίες. (Greek)
Property / summary: Το Εργαστήριο Ρομποτικής Ανάπτυξης στη Μακροχρόνια Φροντίδα υποστηρίζει εταιρείες στην ανάπτυξη της ρομποτικής, μαζί με έμπειρους εμπειρογνώμονες (πελάτες, φροντιστές ή επαγγελματίες) που αναπτύχθηκαν και εφαρμόζονται μεθοδολογίες. (Greek) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Το Εργαστήριο Ρομποτικής Ανάπτυξης στη Μακροχρόνια Φροντίδα υποστηρίζει εταιρείες στην ανάπτυξη της ρομποτικής, μαζί με έμπειρους εμπειρογνώμονες (πελάτες, φροντιστές ή επαγγελματίες) που αναπτύχθηκαν και εφαρμόζονται μεθοδολογίες. (Greek) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care støtter virksomheder inden for robotteknologi udvikling, sammen med erfarne eksperter (klienter, plejere eller fagfolk) udviklet og anvendte metoder. (Danish)
Property / summary: Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care støtter virksomheder inden for robotteknologi udvikling, sammen med erfarne eksperter (klienter, plejere eller fagfolk) udviklet og anvendte metoder. (Danish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care støtter virksomheder inden for robotteknologi udvikling, sammen med erfarne eksperter (klienter, plejere eller fagfolk) udviklet og anvendte metoder. (Danish) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care tukee yrityksiä robotiikan kehittämisessä yhdessä kokeneiden asiantuntijoiden (asiakkaat, hoitajat tai ammattilaiset) kanssa kehitettyjen ja sovellettujen menetelmien kanssa. (Finnish)
Property / summary: Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care tukee yrityksiä robotiikan kehittämisessä yhdessä kokeneiden asiantuntijoiden (asiakkaat, hoitajat tai ammattilaiset) kanssa kehitettyjen ja sovellettujen menetelmien kanssa. (Finnish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care tukee yrityksiä robotiikan kehittämisessä yhdessä kokeneiden asiantuntijoiden (asiakkaat, hoitajat tai ammattilaiset) kanssa kehitettyjen ja sovellettujen menetelmien kanssa. (Finnish) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
L-Iżvilupp tal-Laboratorju tar-Robotika fil-Kura fit-Tul jappoġġa lill-kumpaniji fl-iżvilupp tar-robotika, flimkien ma’ esperti b’esperjenza (klijenti, persuni li jindukraw jew professjonisti) żviluppati u applikati metodoloġiji. (Maltese)
Property / summary: L-Iżvilupp tal-Laboratorju tar-Robotika fil-Kura fit-Tul jappoġġa lill-kumpaniji fl-iżvilupp tar-robotika, flimkien ma’ esperti b’esperjenza (klijenti, persuni li jindukraw jew professjonisti) żviluppati u applikati metodoloġiji. (Maltese) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: L-Iżvilupp tal-Laboratorju tar-Robotika fil-Kura fit-Tul jappoġġa lill-kumpaniji fl-iżvilupp tar-robotika, flimkien ma’ esperti b’esperjenza (klijenti, persuni li jindukraw jew professjonisti) żviluppati u applikati metodoloġiji. (Maltese) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Robotikas laboratorijas izstrāde Long-Term Care atbalsta robotikas attīstības uzņēmumus kopā ar pieredzējušiem ekspertiem (klientiem, aprūpētājiem vai profesionāļiem) izstrādātām un piemērotām metodēm. (Latvian)
Property / summary: Robotikas laboratorijas izstrāde Long-Term Care atbalsta robotikas attīstības uzņēmumus kopā ar pieredzējušiem ekspertiem (klientiem, aprūpētājiem vai profesionāļiem) izstrādātām un piemērotām metodēm. (Latvian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Robotikas laboratorijas izstrāde Long-Term Care atbalsta robotikas attīstības uzņēmumus kopā ar pieredzējušiem ekspertiem (klientiem, aprūpētājiem vai profesionāļiem) izstrādātām un piemērotām metodēm. (Latvian) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Vývoj robotických laboratórií v oblasti dlhodobej starostlivosti podporuje spoločnosti v oblasti vývoja robotiky spolu so skúsenými odborníkmi (klientmi, opatrovateľmi alebo profesionálmi) vyvinutými a aplikovanými metodikami. (Slovak)
Property / summary: Vývoj robotických laboratórií v oblasti dlhodobej starostlivosti podporuje spoločnosti v oblasti vývoja robotiky spolu so skúsenými odborníkmi (klientmi, opatrovateľmi alebo profesionálmi) vyvinutými a aplikovanými metodikami. (Slovak) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Vývoj robotických laboratórií v oblasti dlhodobej starostlivosti podporuje spoločnosti v oblasti vývoja robotiky spolu so skúsenými odborníkmi (klientmi, opatrovateľmi alebo profesionálmi) vyvinutými a aplikovanými metodikami. (Slovak) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Tacaíonn Forbairt Saotharlainne Róbataice i gCúram Fadtéarmach le cuideachtaí i bhforbairt róbataice, in éineacht le saineolaithe a bhfuil taithí acu (cliaint, cúramóirí nó gairmithe) modheolaíochtaí forbartha agus feidhmithe. (Irish)
Property / summary: Tacaíonn Forbairt Saotharlainne Róbataice i gCúram Fadtéarmach le cuideachtaí i bhforbairt róbataice, in éineacht le saineolaithe a bhfuil taithí acu (cliaint, cúramóirí nó gairmithe) modheolaíochtaí forbartha agus feidhmithe. (Irish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Tacaíonn Forbairt Saotharlainne Róbataice i gCúram Fadtéarmach le cuideachtaí i bhforbairt róbataice, in éineacht le saineolaithe a bhfuil taithí acu (cliaint, cúramóirí nó gairmithe) modheolaíochtaí forbartha agus feidhmithe. (Irish) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care podporuje firmy ve vývoji robotiky spolu se zkušenými odborníky (klienty, pečovateli nebo odborníky) vyvinutými a aplikovanými metodikami. (Czech)
Property / summary: Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care podporuje firmy ve vývoji robotiky spolu se zkušenými odborníky (klienty, pečovateli nebo odborníky) vyvinutými a aplikovanými metodikami. (Czech) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care podporuje firmy ve vývoji robotiky spolu se zkušenými odborníky (klienty, pečovateli nebo odborníky) vyvinutými a aplikovanými metodikami. (Czech) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
O Laboratório de Desenvolvimento de Robótica em Cuidados a Longo Prazo apoia as empresas no desenvolvimento de robótica, juntamente com especialistas experientes (clientes, cuidadores ou profissionais) a desenvolverem e aplicarem metodologias. (Portuguese)
Property / summary: O Laboratório de Desenvolvimento de Robótica em Cuidados a Longo Prazo apoia as empresas no desenvolvimento de robótica, juntamente com especialistas experientes (clientes, cuidadores ou profissionais) a desenvolverem e aplicarem metodologias. (Portuguese) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: O Laboratório de Desenvolvimento de Robótica em Cuidados a Longo Prazo apoia as empresas no desenvolvimento de robótica, juntamente com especialistas experientes (clientes, cuidadores ou profissionais) a desenvolverem e aplicarem metodologias. (Portuguese) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care toetab robootika arendamise ettevõtteid koos kogenud ekspertidega (kliendid, hooldajad või spetsialistid) välja töötatud ja rakendatud metoodikad. (Estonian)
Property / summary: Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care toetab robootika arendamise ettevõtteid koos kogenud ekspertidega (kliendid, hooldajad või spetsialistid) välja töötatud ja rakendatud metoodikad. (Estonian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care toetab robootika arendamise ettevõtteid koos kogenud ekspertidega (kliendid, hooldajad või spetsialistid) välja töötatud ja rakendatud metoodikad. (Estonian) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
A Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-term Care a robotika fejlesztésében tevékenykedő vállalatokat támogatja, tapasztalt szakértőkkel (ügyfelekkel, gondozókkal vagy szakemberekkel) együtt. (Hungarian)
Property / summary: A Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-term Care a robotika fejlesztésében tevékenykedő vállalatokat támogatja, tapasztalt szakértőkkel (ügyfelekkel, gondozókkal vagy szakemberekkel) együtt. (Hungarian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: A Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-term Care a robotika fejlesztésében tevékenykedő vállalatokat támogatja, tapasztalt szakértőkkel (ügyfelekkel, gondozókkal vagy szakemberekkel) együtt. (Hungarian) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Разработването на лаборатория по роботика в дългосрочни грижи подпомага компании в развитието на роботиката, заедно с опитни експерти (клиенти, болногледачи или професионалисти), разработени и приложни методологии. (Bulgarian)
Property / summary: Разработването на лаборатория по роботика в дългосрочни грижи подпомага компании в развитието на роботиката, заедно с опитни експерти (клиенти, болногледачи или професионалисти), разработени и приложни методологии. (Bulgarian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Разработването на лаборатория по роботика в дългосрочни грижи подпомага компании в развитието на роботиката, заедно с опитни експерти (клиенти, болногледачи или професионалисти), разработени и приложни методологии. (Bulgarian) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Robotų laboratorijos plėtra ilgalaikės priežiūros srityje kartu su patyrusiais ekspertais (klientais, globėjais ar specialistais) padeda kurti robotų technologijas. (Lithuanian)
Property / summary: Robotų laboratorijos plėtra ilgalaikės priežiūros srityje kartu su patyrusiais ekspertais (klientais, globėjais ar specialistais) padeda kurti robotų technologijas. (Lithuanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Robotų laboratorijos plėtra ilgalaikės priežiūros srityje kartu su patyrusiais ekspertais (klientais, globėjais ar specialistais) padeda kurti robotų technologijas. (Lithuanian) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Razvoj laboratorija za robotiku u dugoročnoj skrbi podržava tvrtke u razvoju robotike, zajedno s iskusnim stručnjacima (klijentima, njegovateljima ili stručnjacima) razvijenim i primijenjenim metodologijama. (Croatian)
Property / summary: Razvoj laboratorija za robotiku u dugoročnoj skrbi podržava tvrtke u razvoju robotike, zajedno s iskusnim stručnjacima (klijentima, njegovateljima ili stručnjacima) razvijenim i primijenjenim metodologijama. (Croatian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Razvoj laboratorija za robotiku u dugoročnoj skrbi podržava tvrtke u razvoju robotike, zajedno s iskusnim stručnjacima (klijentima, njegovateljima ili stručnjacima) razvijenim i primijenjenim metodologijama. (Croatian) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care stödjer företag inom robotteknikutveckling, tillsammans med erfarna experter (klienter, vårdare eller proffs) utvecklade och tillämpade metoder. (Swedish)
Property / summary: Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care stödjer företag inom robotteknikutveckling, tillsammans med erfarna experter (klienter, vårdare eller proffs) utvecklade och tillämpade metoder. (Swedish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care stödjer företag inom robotteknikutveckling, tillsammans med erfarna experter (klienter, vårdare eller proffs) utvecklade och tillämpade metoder. (Swedish) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Dezvoltarea laboratorului de robotică în îngrijirea pe termen lung sprijină companiile în dezvoltarea roboticii, împreună cu experți cu experiență (clienți, îngrijitori sau profesioniști) dezvoltate și aplicate metodologii. (Romanian)
Property / summary: Dezvoltarea laboratorului de robotică în îngrijirea pe termen lung sprijină companiile în dezvoltarea roboticii, împreună cu experți cu experiență (clienți, îngrijitori sau profesioniști) dezvoltate și aplicate metodologii. (Romanian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Dezvoltarea laboratorului de robotică în îngrijirea pe termen lung sprijină companiile în dezvoltarea roboticii, împreună cu experți cu experiență (clienți, îngrijitori sau profesioniști) dezvoltate și aplicate metodologii. (Romanian) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Robotika Laboratorij razvoj v Long-Term Care podpira podjetja v razvoju robotike, skupaj z izkušenimi strokovnjaki (stranke, negovalci ali strokovnjaki) razvite in uporabne metodologije. (Slovenian)
Property / summary: Robotika Laboratorij razvoj v Long-Term Care podpira podjetja v razvoju robotike, skupaj z izkušenimi strokovnjaki (stranke, negovalci ali strokovnjaki) razvite in uporabne metodologije. (Slovenian) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Robotika Laboratorij razvoj v Long-Term Care podpira podjetja v razvoju robotike, skupaj z izkušenimi strokovnjaki (stranke, negovalci ali strokovnjaki) razvite in uporabne metodologije. (Slovenian) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / summary
Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care wspiera firmy zajmujące się rozwojem robotyki wraz z doświadczonymi ekspertami (klientami, opiekunami lub profesjonalistami) opracowanymi i stosowanymi metodami. (Polish)
Property / summary: Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care wspiera firmy zajmujące się rozwojem robotyki wraz z doświadczonymi ekspertami (klientami, opiekunami lub profesjonalistami) opracowanymi i stosowanymi metodami. (Polish) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care wspiera firmy zajmujące się rozwojem robotyki wraz z doświadczonymi ekspertami (klientami, opiekunami lub profesjonalistami) opracowanymi i stosowanymi metodami. (Polish) / qualifier
point in time: 21 August 2022
Precision1 day
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Gable Systems B.V.
Property / beneficiary name (string): Gable Systems B.V. / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen
Property / beneficiary name (string): Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Roessingh Research and Development
Property / beneficiary name (string): Roessingh Research and Development / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Siza Innovatieprojecten BV
Property / beneficiary name (string): Siza Innovatieprojecten BV / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Tinybots BV
Property / beneficiary name (string): Tinybots BV / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Zuyd Hogeschool
Property / beneficiary name (string): Zuyd Hogeschool / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3986597 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3986329 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3986304 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3986598 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3986306 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3986307 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3739454 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 05:33, 9 October 2024

Project Q3989266 in Netherlands
Language Label Description Also known as
Laboratory Robotics Development in the long-term Care PRO-Z
Project Q3989266 in Netherlands


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    206,155.6 Euro
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    687,367.29 Euro
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    29.992 percent
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    1 January 2018
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    30 April 2021
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    Gable Systems B.V.
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    Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen
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    Roessingh Research and Development
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    Siza Innovatieprojecten BV
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    Tinybots BV
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    Zuyd Hogeschool
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    51°49'29.71"N, 5°49'23.30"E
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    52°14'19.61"N, 6°46'17.15"E
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    51°48'46.40"N, 5°43'8.44"E
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    52°0'37.80"N, 5°52'34.97"E
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    De proeftuin Robotica Ontwikkeling in de langdurende Zorg ondersteunt bedrijven bij robotica-ontwikkeling, samen met ervaringsdeskundigen (cliënten, mantelzorgers of professionals) methodieken ontwikkeld en toegepast. (Dutch)
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    The Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care supports companies in robotics development, together with experienced experts (clients, carers or professionals) developed and applied methodologies. (English)
    15 December 2021
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    Le développement du laboratoire de robotique en soins de longue durée soutient les entreprises dans le développement de la robotique, ainsi que des experts expérimentés (clients, soignants ou professionnels) développés et appliqués des méthodologies. (French)
    15 December 2021
    0 references
    Die Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care unterstützt Unternehmen in der Robotikentwicklung zusammen mit erfahrenen Experten (Kunden, Pflegekräften oder Fachleuten) entwickelt und angewandte Methoden. (German)
    15 December 2021
    0 references
    Il Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care supporta le aziende nello sviluppo della robotica, insieme a esperti esperti (clienti, prestatori di assistenza o professionisti) sviluppati e applicati metodologie. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
    0 references
    El Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care apoya a las empresas en el desarrollo de robótica, junto con expertos experimentados (clientes, cuidadores o profesionales) desarrollados y aplicados metodologías. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
    0 references
    Το Εργαστήριο Ρομποτικής Ανάπτυξης στη Μακροχρόνια Φροντίδα υποστηρίζει εταιρείες στην ανάπτυξη της ρομποτικής, μαζί με έμπειρους εμπειρογνώμονες (πελάτες, φροντιστές ή επαγγελματίες) που αναπτύχθηκαν και εφαρμόζονται μεθοδολογίες. (Greek)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care støtter virksomheder inden for robotteknologi udvikling, sammen med erfarne eksperter (klienter, plejere eller fagfolk) udviklet og anvendte metoder. (Danish)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care tukee yrityksiä robotiikan kehittämisessä yhdessä kokeneiden asiantuntijoiden (asiakkaat, hoitajat tai ammattilaiset) kanssa kehitettyjen ja sovellettujen menetelmien kanssa. (Finnish)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    L-Iżvilupp tal-Laboratorju tar-Robotika fil-Kura fit-Tul jappoġġa lill-kumpaniji fl-iżvilupp tar-robotika, flimkien ma’ esperti b’esperjenza (klijenti, persuni li jindukraw jew professjonisti) żviluppati u applikati metodoloġiji. (Maltese)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Robotikas laboratorijas izstrāde Long-Term Care atbalsta robotikas attīstības uzņēmumus kopā ar pieredzējušiem ekspertiem (klientiem, aprūpētājiem vai profesionāļiem) izstrādātām un piemērotām metodēm. (Latvian)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Vývoj robotických laboratórií v oblasti dlhodobej starostlivosti podporuje spoločnosti v oblasti vývoja robotiky spolu so skúsenými odborníkmi (klientmi, opatrovateľmi alebo profesionálmi) vyvinutými a aplikovanými metodikami. (Slovak)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Tacaíonn Forbairt Saotharlainne Róbataice i gCúram Fadtéarmach le cuideachtaí i bhforbairt róbataice, in éineacht le saineolaithe a bhfuil taithí acu (cliaint, cúramóirí nó gairmithe) modheolaíochtaí forbartha agus feidhmithe. (Irish)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care podporuje firmy ve vývoji robotiky spolu se zkušenými odborníky (klienty, pečovateli nebo odborníky) vyvinutými a aplikovanými metodikami. (Czech)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    O Laboratório de Desenvolvimento de Robótica em Cuidados a Longo Prazo apoia as empresas no desenvolvimento de robótica, juntamente com especialistas experientes (clientes, cuidadores ou profissionais) a desenvolverem e aplicarem metodologias. (Portuguese)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care toetab robootika arendamise ettevõtteid koos kogenud ekspertidega (kliendid, hooldajad või spetsialistid) välja töötatud ja rakendatud metoodikad. (Estonian)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    A Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-term Care a robotika fejlesztésében tevékenykedő vállalatokat támogatja, tapasztalt szakértőkkel (ügyfelekkel, gondozókkal vagy szakemberekkel) együtt. (Hungarian)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Разработването на лаборатория по роботика в дългосрочни грижи подпомага компании в развитието на роботиката, заедно с опитни експерти (клиенти, болногледачи или професионалисти), разработени и приложни методологии. (Bulgarian)
    21 August 2022
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    Robotų laboratorijos plėtra ilgalaikės priežiūros srityje kartu su patyrusiais ekspertais (klientais, globėjais ar specialistais) padeda kurti robotų technologijas. (Lithuanian)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Razvoj laboratorija za robotiku u dugoročnoj skrbi podržava tvrtke u razvoju robotike, zajedno s iskusnim stručnjacima (klijentima, njegovateljima ili stručnjacima) razvijenim i primijenjenim metodologijama. (Croatian)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care stödjer företag inom robotteknikutveckling, tillsammans med erfarna experter (klienter, vårdare eller proffs) utvecklade och tillämpade metoder. (Swedish)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Dezvoltarea laboratorului de robotică în îngrijirea pe termen lung sprijină companiile în dezvoltarea roboticii, împreună cu experți cu experiență (clienți, îngrijitori sau profesioniști) dezvoltate și aplicate metodologii. (Romanian)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Robotika Laboratorij razvoj v Long-Term Care podpira podjetja v razvoju robotike, skupaj z izkušenimi strokovnjaki (stranke, negovalci ali strokovnjaki) razvite in uporabne metodologije. (Slovenian)
    21 August 2022
    0 references
    Robotics Laboratory Development in Long-Term Care wspiera firmy zajmujące się rozwojem robotyki wraz z doświadczonymi ekspertami (klientami, opiekunami lub profesjonalistami) opracowanymi i stosowanymi metodami. (Polish)
    21 August 2022
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