02L17C585 DigiKomp ambulant (Q3461048): Difference between revisions

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(3 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / ptlabel / pt
02L17C585 Ambulante DigiKomp
02L17C585 DigiKomp ambulant
Property / summary: Joint project: Innovative work design in outpatient care through digitalisation and competence development (DigiKomp ambulant), subproject: Work support through sensor technology in outpatient service (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0129231939910951
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Projeto conjunto: Projeto de trabalho inovador em cuidados ambulatoriais através da digitalização e desenvolvimento de competências (DigiKomp ambulant), subprojeto: Apoio ao trabalho através da tecnologia de sensores no serviço ambulatorial (Portuguese)
Projeto conjunto: Conceção de trabalho inovador nos cuidados ambulatórios através da digitalização e do desenvolvimento de competências (DigiKomp ambulant), subprojeto: Apoio ao trabalho através da tecnologia de sensores no serviço ambulatório (Portuguese)
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Bensheim, Stadt / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 01:27, 9 October 2024

Project Q3461048 in Germany
Language Label Description Also known as
02L17C585 DigiKomp ambulant
Project Q3461048 in Germany


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    30,574.92 Euro
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    7 January 2019
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    30 June 2022
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    HTV Halbleiter Test- & Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH
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    49°41'31.42"N, 8°38'0.10"E
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    Verbundprojekt: Innovative Arbeitsgestaltung in der ambulanten Pflege durch Digitalisierung und Kompetenzentwicklung (DigiKomp-Ambulant), Teilprojekt: Arbeitsunterstützung durch Sensortechnologie im ambulanten Dienst (German)
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    Joint project: Innovative work design in outpatient care through digitalisation and competence development (DigiKomp ambulant), subproject: Work support through sensor technology in outpatient service (English)
    16 November 2021
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    Projet collaboratif: Conception innovante du travail dans les soins ambulatoires grâce à la numérisation et au développement des compétences (DigiKomp-Ambulant), sous-projet: Assistance au travail grâce à la technologie des capteurs en service ambulatoire (French)
    8 December 2021
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    Gezamenlijk project: Innovatief werkontwerp in poliklinische zorg door digitalisering en competentieontwikkeling (DigiKomp ambulant), subproject: Werkondersteuning door sensortechnologie in polikliniek (Dutch)
    20 December 2021
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    Progetto comune: Progettazione innovativa del lavoro nell'assistenza ambulatoriale attraverso la digitalizzazione e lo sviluppo delle competenze (DigiKomp ambulant), sottoprogetto: Supporto di lavoro attraverso la tecnologia dei sensori nel servizio ambulatorio (Italian)
    19 January 2022
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    Proyecto conjunto: Diseño innovador del trabajo en la atención ambulatoria a través de la digitalización y el desarrollo de competencias (DigiKomp ambulant), subproyecto: Apoyo al trabajo a través de la tecnología de sensores en el servicio ambulatorio (Spanish)
    23 January 2022
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    Fælles projekt: Innovativt arbejdsdesign inden for ambulant behandling gennem digitalisering og kompetenceudvikling (DigiKomp ambulant), delprojekt: Arbejdssupport gennem sensorteknologi i ambulant service (Danish)
    13 July 2022
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    Κοινό σχέδιο: Καινοτόμος σχεδιασμός εργασίας στον τομέα της εξωνοσοκομειακής περίθαλψης μέσω της ψηφιοποίησης και της ανάπτυξης ικανοτήτων (περιπατητικό DigiKomp), υποέργο: Υποστήριξη εργασίας μέσω της τεχνολογίας αισθητήρων στην υπηρεσία εξωτερικών ασθενών (Greek)
    13 July 2022
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    Zajednički projekt: Inovativni dizajn rada u ambulantnoj skrbi putem digitalizacije i razvoja kompetencija (DigiKomp ambulant), potprojekt: Podrška radu putem senzorske tehnologije u ambulantnim uslugama (Croatian)
    13 July 2022
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    Proiect comun: Design inovator de lucru în îngrijirea ambulatorie prin digitalizare și dezvoltarea competențelor (DigiKomp ambulant), subproiect: Suport de lucru prin tehnologia senzorilor în ambulatoriu (Romanian)
    13 July 2022
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    Spoločný projekt: Inovatívny dizajn práce v ambulantnej starostlivosti prostredníctvom digitalizácie a rozvoja kompetencií (DigiKomp ambulant), čiastkový projekt: Podpora práce prostredníctvom senzorovej technológie v ambulantných službách (Slovak)
    13 July 2022
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    Proġett konġunt: Disinn tax-xogħol innovattiv fil-kura tal-outpatients permezz tad-diġitalizzazzjoni u l-iżvilupp tal-kompetenzi (ambulant ta’ DigiKomp), sottoproġett: Appoġġ tax-xogħol permezz tat-teknoloġija sensur fis-servizz outpatient (Maltese)
    13 July 2022
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    Projeto conjunto: Conceção de trabalho inovador nos cuidados ambulatórios através da digitalização e do desenvolvimento de competências (DigiKomp ambulant), subprojeto: Apoio ao trabalho através da tecnologia de sensores no serviço ambulatório (Portuguese)
    13 July 2022
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    Yhteishanke: Innovatiivinen työsuunnittelu avohoidossa digitalisaation ja osaamisen kehittämisen avulla (DigiKomp ambulant), osahanke: Työtuki anturitekniikalla avohoidossa (Finnish)
    13 July 2022
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    Wspólny projekt: Innowacyjny projekt pracy w opiece ambulatoryjnej poprzez cyfryzację i rozwój kompetencji (DigiKomp ambulant), podprojekt: Wsparcie pracy dzięki technologii czujników w służbie ambulatoryjnej (Polish)
    13 July 2022
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    Skupni projekt: Inovativno oblikovanje dela v ambulantni oskrbi z digitalizacijo in razvojem kompetenc (DigiKomp ambulant), podprojekt: Delovna podpora s senzorsko tehnologijo v ambulantnih storitvah (Slovenian)
    13 July 2022
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    Společný projekt: Inovativní design práce v ambulantní péči prostřednictvím digitalizace a rozvoje kompetencí (DigiKomp ambulant), dílčí projekt: Podpora práce prostřednictvím senzorové technologie v ambulantním servisu (Czech)
    13 July 2022
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    Bendras projektas: Novatoriškas ambulatorinės priežiūros darbo projektavimas skaitmeninimo ir kompetencijos ugdymo priemonėmis (DigiKomp ambulant), paprojektis: Darbo palaikymas per jutiklių technologiją ambulatorinėse tarnybose (Lithuanian)
    13 July 2022
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    Kopprojekts: Inovatīva darba izstrāde ambulatorajā aprūpē, izmantojot digitalizāciju un kompetenču attīstību (DigiKomp ambulant), apakšprojekts: Atbalsts darbam, izmantojot sensoru tehnoloģiju ambulatorajā dienestā (Latvian)
    13 July 2022
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    Съвместен проект: Иновативен дизайн на работата в извънболничната помощ чрез цифровизация и развиване на компетентности (DigiKomp амбулантен), подпроект: Подкрепа за работа чрез сензорна технология в амбулаторно обслужване (Bulgarian)
    13 July 2022
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    Közös projekt: Innovatív munkatervezés a járóbeteg-ellátásban digitalizáció és kompetenciafejlesztés révén (DigiKomp ambulant), alprojekt: Munkatámogatás szenzortechnológiával a járóbeteg-szolgáltatásban (Hungarian)
    13 July 2022
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    Comhthionscadal: Dearadh nuálach oibre i gcúram othar seachtrach trí dhigitiú agus forbairt inniúlachta (DigiKomp ambulant), fothionscadal: Tacaíocht oibre trí theicneolaíocht braiteora i seirbhís othar seachtrach (Irish)
    13 July 2022
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    Gemensamt projekt: Innovativ arbetsdesign inom öppenvården genom digitalisering och kompetensutveckling (DigiKomp ambulant), delprojekt: Arbetsstöd genom sensorteknik i öppenvården (Swedish)
    13 July 2022
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    Ühisprojekt: Uuenduslik töö kavandamine ambulatoorses hoolduses digiteerimise ja pädevuste arendamise kaudu (DigiKomp ambulatant), allprojekt: Töö toetamine anduritehnoloogia kaudu ambulatoorses teenistuses (Estonian)
    13 July 2022
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