Procurement of machinery specific to the manufacture of carpentry and carpentry elements for constructions (Q2744256): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, pt, da, sv, nl, fr, de, it, ro, es, and other parts: Adding translations: et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, pt, da, sv,)
(‎Set a claim value: summary (P836): O objetivo geral do projeto é o desenvolvimento sustentável da NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., através da diversificação da atividade no domínio do fabrico de carpintaria de madeira, da melhoria contínua da base material detida, do aumento da competitividade dos recursos humanos e, implicitamente, do aumento do seu desempenho financeiro e comercial.)
(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Property / EU contribution
658,746.9844 Romanian Leu
Amount658,746.9844 Romanian Leu
UnitRomanian Leu
Property / EU contribution: 658,746.9844 Romanian Leu / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
131,749.40 Euro
Amount131,749.40 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 131,749.40 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution: 131,749.40 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.2 Euro
Amount0.2 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 131,749.40 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 13 September 2021
Precision1 day
Property / budget
963,207.12 Romanian Leu
Amount963,207.12 Romanian Leu
UnitRomanian Leu
Property / budget: 963,207.12 Romanian Leu / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
192,641.424 Euro
Amount192,641.424 Euro
Property / budget: 192,641.424 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / budget: 192,641.424 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.2 Euro
Amount0.2 Euro
Property / budget: 192,641.424 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 13 September 2021
Precision1 day
Property / summary: The general objective of the project is the sustainable development of NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., by diversifying the activity in the field of wood carpentry manufacturing, continuously improving the material base held, increasing the competitiveness of human resources and, implicitly, increasing its financial and marketing performance. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.1223072995423631
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Obiectivul général proiectului il reprezinta dezvoltarea Durabila a Societatii NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., prin diversificarea activitatii in domeniul fabricarii tamplariei din lemn, imbunatatirea continua a Bazei materiale detinute, cresterea competitivitatii resurselor umane si, implicite, sporirea performlor sale financiare si de commercialisation. (French)
L’objectif général du projet est le développement durable de NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L. en diversifiant l’activité dans le domaine de la menuiserie du bois, l’amélioration continue de la base de matériaux possédés, en augmentant la compétitivité des ressources humaines et, implicitement, en augmentant ses performances financières et commerciales. (French)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
O objetivo geral do projeto é o desenvolvimento sustentável da NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., diversificando a atividade na área de fabrico de carpintaria de madeira, melhorando continuamente a base material detida, aumentando a competitividade dos recursos humanos e, implicitamente, aumentando o seu desempenho financeiro e comercial. (Portuguese)
O objetivo geral do projeto é o desenvolvimento sustentável da NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., através da diversificação da atividade no domínio do fabrico de carpintaria de madeira, da melhoria contínua da base material detida, do aumento da competitividade dos recursos humanos e, implicitamente, do aumento do seu desempenho financeiro e comercial. (Portuguese)
Property / co-financing rate
68.39 percent
Amount68.39 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 68.39 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Oras Berbesti / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Generic productive investment in small and medium–sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
963,207.1 Romanian Leu
Amount963,207.1 Romanian Leu
UnitRomanian Leu
Property / budget: 963,207.1 Romanian Leu / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
192,641.42500000002 Euro
Amount192,641.42500000002 Euro
Property / budget: 192,641.42500000002 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
658,747.0 Romanian Leu
Amount658,747.0 Romanian Leu
UnitRomanian Leu
Property / EU contribution: 658,747.0 Romanian Leu / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
131,749.4 Euro
Amount131,749.4 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 131,749.4 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
68.3910033470475900 percent
Amount68.3910033470475900 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 68.3910033470475900 percent / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 22:38, 8 October 2024

Project Q2744256 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Procurement of machinery specific to the manufacture of carpentry and carpentry elements for constructions
Project Q2744256 in Romania


    0 references
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    658,747.0 Romanian Leu
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    131,749.4 Euro
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    963,207.1 Romanian Leu
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    192,641.42500000002 Euro
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    68.3910033470475900 percent
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    44°59'19.93"N, 23°52'7.07"E
    0 references
    Obiectivul general proiectului il reprezinta dezvoltarea durabila a societatii NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., prin diversificarea activitatii in domeniul fabricarii tamplariei din lemn, imbunatatirea continua a bazei materiale detinute, cresterea competitivitatii resurselor umane si, implicit, sporirea performantelor sale financiare si de marketing. (Romanian)
    0 references
    The general objective of the project is the sustainable development of NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., by diversifying the activity in the field of wood carpentry manufacturing, continuously improving the material base held, increasing the competitiveness of human resources and, implicitly, increasing its financial and marketing performance. (English)
    14 September 2021
    0 references
    L’objectif général du projet est le développement durable de NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L. en diversifiant l’activité dans le domaine de la menuiserie du bois, l’amélioration continue de la base de matériaux possédés, en augmentant la compétitivité des ressources humaines et, implicitement, en augmentant ses performances financières et commerciales. (French)
    26 November 2021
    0 references
    Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts ist die nachhaltige Entwicklung von NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., indem die Aktivitäten im Bereich der Holztischlereiindustrie diversifiziert, die materielle Basis kontinuierlich verbessert, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Humanressourcen erhöht und implizit seine Finanz- und Marketingleistung gesteigert wird. (German)
    1 December 2021
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    De algemene doelstelling van het project is de duurzame ontwikkeling van NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., door diversifiëring van de activiteiten op het gebied van houttimmerwerkproductie, voortdurende verbetering van de materiële basis, vergroting van het concurrentievermogen van de menselijke hulpbronnen en, impliciet, verhoging van de financiële en marketingprestaties. (Dutch)
    5 December 2021
    0 references
    L'obiettivo generale del progetto è lo sviluppo sostenibile di NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., diversificando l'attività nel settore della carpenteria del legno, migliorando continuamente la base dei materiali detenuti, aumentando la competitività delle risorse umane e, implicitamente, aumentando le sue performance finanziarie e di marketing. (Italian)
    12 January 2022
    0 references
    El objetivo general del proyecto es el desarrollo sostenible de NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., mediante la diversificación de la actividad en el campo de la fabricación de carpintería de madera, la mejora continua de la base material, el aumento de la competitividad de los recursos humanos y, implícitamente, el aumento de su rendimiento financiero y de marketing. (Spanish)
    13 January 2022
    0 references
    Projekti üldeesmärk on NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L. säästev areng, mitmekesistades tegevust puusepatööde valdkonnas, parandades pidevalt materiaalset baasi, suurendades inimressursside konkurentsivõimet ning suurendades kaudselt selle finants- ja turundustulemusi. (Estonian)
    28 July 2022
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    Bendras projekto tikslas – tvari NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L. plėtra, įvairinant medžio dailidžių dirbinių gamybos veiklą, nuolat tobulinant turimą materialinę bazę, didinant žmogiškųjų išteklių konkurencingumą ir netiesiogiai didinant jos finansinius ir rinkodaros rezultatus. (Lithuanian)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Opći cilj projekta je održivi razvoj NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., diversifikacijom djelatnosti u području proizvodnje drvne stolarije, kontinuiranim poboljšanjem baze materijala, povećanjem konkurentnosti ljudskih resursa i, implicitno, povećanjem financijskih i marketinških rezultata. (Croatian)
    28 July 2022
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    Γενικός στόχος του έργου είναι η αειφόρος ανάπτυξη της NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., με τη διαφοροποίηση της δραστηριότητας στον τομέα της ξυλουργικής, τη συνεχή βελτίωση της υλικής βάσης, την αύξηση της ανταγωνιστικότητας των ανθρώπινων πόρων και, σιωπηρά, την αύξηση της οικονομικής και εμπορικής της απόδοσης. (Greek)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Všeobecným cieľom projektu je trvalo udržateľný rozvoj spoločnosti NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L. diverzifikáciou činnosti v oblasti stolárskej výroby dreva, neustálym zlepšovaním materiálovej základne, zvyšovaním konkurencieschopnosti ľudských zdrojov a implicitným zvýšením jeho finančnej a marketingovej výkonnosti. (Slovak)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Hankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L:n kestävä kehitys monipuolistamalla puusepänteollisuuden toimintaa, parantamalla jatkuvasti materiaalipohjaa, lisäämällä henkilöresurssien kilpailukykyä ja epäsuorasti lisäämällä sen taloudellista ja markkinointia. (Finnish)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Ogólnym celem projektu jest zrównoważony rozwój NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L. poprzez dywersyfikację działalności w zakresie produkcji stolarki drzewnej, ciągłą poprawę bazy materiałowej, zwiększenie konkurencyjności zasobów ludzkich oraz, pośrednio, zwiększenie jej wyników finansowych i marketingowych. (Polish)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    A projekt általános célkitűzése a NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L. fenntartható fejlesztése a faipari tevékenység diverzifikálásával, a meglévő anyagbázis folyamatos javításával, az emberi erőforrások versenyképességének növelésével és implicit módon pénzügyi és marketing teljesítményének növelésével. (Hungarian)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Obecným cílem projektu je udržitelný rozvoj společnosti NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L. diverzifikací činnosti v oblasti výroby tesařství dřeva, soustavným zlepšováním držené materiálové základny, zvyšováním konkurenceschopnosti lidských zdrojů a implicitně zvyšováním její finanční a marketingové výkonnosti. (Czech)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Projekta vispārējais mērķis ir NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L. ilgtspējīga attīstība, dažādojot darbību koka galdniecības ražošanas jomā, nepārtraukti uzlabojot esošo materiālu bāzi, palielinot cilvēkresursu konkurētspēju un, netieši, palielinot tās finansiālo un mārketinga sniegumu. (Latvian)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail forbairt inbhuanaithe NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., trí éagsúlú a dhéanamh ar an ngníomhaíocht i réimse na déantúsaíochta siúinéireachta adhmaid, feabhas leanúnach a chur ar an mbonn ábhar atá ar siúl, iomaíochas acmhainní daonna a mhéadú agus, go hintuigthe, a fheidhmíocht airgeadais agus margaíochta a mhéadú. (Irish)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Splošni cilj projekta je trajnostni razvoj podjetja NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L. z diverzifikacijo dejavnosti na področju lesne proizvodnje, stalnim izboljševanjem materialne osnove, povečanjem konkurenčnosti človeških virov in implicitno povečanjem finančne in tržne uspešnosti. (Slovenian)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    Общата цел на проекта е устойчивото развитие на NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., чрез разнообразяване на дейността в областта на дърводелството, непрекъснато подобряване на материалната база, повишаване на конкурентоспособността на човешките ресурси и имплицитно повишаване на финансовите и маркетинговите му резултати. (Bulgarian)
    28 July 2022
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    L-objettiv ġenerali tal-proġett huwa l-iżvilupp sostenibbli ta’ NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., billi tiddiversifika l-attività fil-qasam tal-manifattura tal-injam tal-karpenterija, ittejjeb kontinwament il-bażi materjali miżmuma, iżżid il-kompetittività tar-riżorsi umani u, impliċitament, iżżid il-prestazzjoni finanzjarja u kummerċjali tagħha. (Maltese)
    28 July 2022
    0 references
    O objetivo geral do projeto é o desenvolvimento sustentável da NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., através da diversificação da atividade no domínio do fabrico de carpintaria de madeira, da melhoria contínua da base material detida, do aumento da competitividade dos recursos humanos e, implicitamente, do aumento do seu desempenho financeiro e comercial. (Portuguese)
    28 July 2022
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    Projektets overordnede mål er bæredygtig udvikling af NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L. ved at diversificere aktiviteterne inden for trætømrerfremstilling, løbende forbedre materialegrundlaget, øge de menneskelige ressourcers konkurrenceevne og implicit øge dets finansielle og markedsføringsmæssige resultater. (Danish)
    28 July 2022
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    Projektets allmänna mål är hållbar utveckling av NIZAROM CONSTRUCT S.R.L., genom att diversifiera verksamheten inom träsnickeritillverkning, kontinuerligt förbättra den materiella basen, öka de mänskliga resursernas konkurrenskraft och implicit öka dess finansiella och marknadsföringsmässiga resultat. (Swedish)
    28 July 2022
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    Oraş Berbeşti, Romania
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