Aid from IGAPE for the implementation of external promotion actions of Galician companies (GALICIA EXPORTA EMPRESAS) TECGLASS, S.L. (Q3231322): Difference between revisions
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(Added qualifier: readability score (P590521): 0.0007209021534306) |
(Set a claim value: summary (P836): Subvenção não reembolsável de apoio à PME TECGLASS, S.L., para 1. Ações de difusão no exterior. 2. Acções de promoção. 3. Prospecção de novos mercados.) |
Property / summary | Property / summary | ||
Subvenção não reembolsável de apoio à PME TECGLASS, S.L., para 1. Ações de difusão no exterior. 2. Acções de promoção. 3. Prospecção de novos mercados. (Portuguese) |
Revision as of 11:47, 8 October 2024
Project Q3231322 in Spain
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Aid from IGAPE for the implementation of external promotion actions of Galician companies (GALICIA EXPORTA EMPRESAS) TECGLASS, S.L. |
Project Q3231322 in Spain |
50,400.0 Euro
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63,000.0 Euro
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80.0 percent
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7 March 2019
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10 October 2019
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Ayuda a fondo perdido a TECGLASS, S.L. para 1. Actuaciones de difusión en el extrajero. 2. Actuaciones de promoción. 3. Prospección de nuevos mercados. (Spanish)
0 references
Non-refundable grant supporting to the SME TECGLASS, S.L. , for 1. Actions of diffusion abroad. 2. Promotion actions. 3. Prospecting new markets. (English)
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Aide en faveur de TECGLASS, S.L. pour 1. Activités de diffusion à l’étranger. 2. Activités de promotion. 3. La prospection de nouveaux marchés. (French)
5 December 2021
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Beihilfe für TECGLASS, S.L. für 1. Verbreitungsaktivitäten im Ausland. 2. Absatzförderungsmaßnahmen. 3. Prospektion neuer Märkte. (German)
10 December 2021
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Steun aan TECGLASS, S.L. voor 1. Verspreidingsactiviteiten in het buitenland. 2. Afzetbevorderingsactiviteiten. 3. Prospectie van nieuwe markten. (Dutch)
18 December 2021
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Aiuti a TECGLASS, S.L. per 1. Attività di divulgazione all'estero. 2. Attività di promozione. 3. Prospezione di nuovi mercati. (Italian)
17 January 2022
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Μη επιστρεπτέα επιχορήγηση υπέρ της ΜΜΕ TECGLASS, S.L., για 1. Ενέργειες διάχυσης στο εξωτερικό. 2. Δράσεις προώθησης. 3. Αναζήτηση νέων αγορών. (Greek)
18 August 2022
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Ikke-refunderbart tilskud til SMV TECGLASS, S.L., til 1. Diffusionsaktioner i udlandet. 2. Salgsfremstød. 3. Prospektering af nye markeder. (Danish)
18 August 2022
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Tukea pk-yrityksille TECGLASS, S.L. 1. Ulkomailla levitettävät toimet. 2. Menekinedistämistoimet. 3. Uusien markkinoiden etsiminen. (Finnish)
18 August 2022
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Għotja mhux rimborżabbli li tappoġġja lit-TEGLASS SME, S.L., għal 1. Azzjonijiet ta’ diffużjoni barra mill-pajjiż. 2. Azzjonijiet ta’ promozzjoni. 3. Il-prospettar ta’ swieq ġodda. (Maltese)
18 August 2022
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Neatmaksājama dotācija MVU TECGLASS, S.L. atbalstam 1. Difūzijas darbības ārvalstīs. 2. Noieta veicināšanas pasākumi. 3. Jaunu tirgu izpēte. (Latvian)
18 August 2022
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Nenávratný grant na podporu MSP TECGLASS, S.L., pre 1. Akcie šírenia v zahraničí. 2. Propagačné akcie. 3. Hľadanie nových trhov. (Slovak)
18 August 2022
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Deontas neamh-inaisíoctha do TECGLASS FBM, S.L., le haghaidh 1. Caingin idirleata thar lear. 2. Gníomhartha cur chun cinn. 3. Margaí nua a chuardach. (Irish)
18 August 2022
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Nevratný grant na podporu MSP TECGLASS, S.L., pro 1. Akce šíření v zahraničí. 2. Propagační akce. 3. Vyhledávání nových trhů. (Czech)
18 August 2022
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Subvenção não reembolsável de apoio à PME TECGLASS, S.L., para 1. Ações de difusão no exterior. 2. Acções de promoção. 3. Prospecção de novos mercados. (Portuguese)
18 August 2022
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VKE TECGLASS, S.L. toetuseks antav tagastamatu toetus 1. Välismaal levimise meetmed. 2. Edendusmeetmed. 3. Uute turgude uurimine. (Estonian)
18 August 2022
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Vissza nem térítendő támogatás az SME TECGLASS, S.L. részére 1. Külföldi terjesztési akciók. 2. Promóciós tevékenységek. 3. Új piacok felkutatása. (Hungarian)
18 August 2022
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Безвъзмездни средства, които не подлежат на възстановяване, за МСП TECGLASS, S.L., за 1. Действия на разпространение в чужбина. 2. Действия за популяризиране. 3. Проучване на нови пазари. (Bulgarian)
18 August 2022
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Negrąžinama dotacija MVĮ TECGLASS, S.L., skirta 1. Sklaidos užsienyje veiksmai. 2. Skatinimo veiksmai. 3. Naujų rinkų paieška. (Lithuanian)
18 August 2022
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Nepovratna bespovratna sredstva za potporu MSP-u TECGLASS, S.L., za 1. Akcije difuzije u inozemstvu. 2. Promotivne aktivnosti. 3. Traženje novih tržišta. (Croatian)
18 August 2022
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Icke återbetalningspliktigt bidrag till små och medelstora företag TECGLASS, S.L., för 1. Spridningsåtgärder utomlands. 2. Säljfrämjande åtgärder. 3. Prospektering av nya marknader. (Swedish)
18 August 2022
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Grant nerambursabil pentru IMM-urile TECGLASS, S.L., pentru 1. Acțiuni de difuzare în străinătate. 2. Acțiuni de promovare. 3. Prospectarea de noi piețe. (Romanian)
18 August 2022
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Nepovratna nepovratna sredstva za MSP TECGLASS, S.L., za 1. Dejanja širjenja v tujini. 2. Promocijske dejavnosti. 3. Iskanje novih trgov. (Slovenian)
18 August 2022
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Bezzwrotna dotacja na rzecz MŚP TECGLASS, S.L. na rzecz 1. Działania dyfuzji za granicą. 2. Działania promocyjne. 3. Poszukiwanie nowych rynków. (Polish)
18 August 2022
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12 June 2023
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