Christianity (Q5703): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in lb: The description in Wikidata changed)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in ga: Label in wikidata changed)
(21 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
label / ltlabel / lt
label / galabel / ga
An Chríostaíocht
an Chríostaíocht
label / sllabel / sl
aliases / sl / 0aliases / sl / 0
krščanska vera
aliases / sl / 1aliases / sl / 1
krščanska religija
aliases / sl / 2aliases / sl / 2
Krščanska vera
aliases / sl / 3aliases / sl / 3
aliases / sl / 4aliases / sl / 4
aliases / en / 0aliases / en / 0
aliases / cs / 0aliases / cs / 0
křesťanská víra
aliases / cs / 1aliases / cs / 1
Křesťanská víra
aliases / cs / 2aliases / cs / 2
Křesťanská církev
description / itdescription / it
gruppo di religioni monoteiste
religione monoteista
description / pldescription / pl
nurt religijny oparty na nauczaniu Jezusa Chrystusa
religia monoteistyczna założona przez Jezusa z Nazaretu
description / esdescription / es
religión monoteísta abrahámica basada en la fe en Cristo con diversas denominaciones o confesiones
religión monoteísta abrahámica
description / dedescription / de
Weltreligion, die aus dem Judentum hervorging
monotheistische Religion
description / trdescription / tr
Tek Tanrılı ve İbrahimî bir din
tek tanrılı İbrahimî bir din
description / dadescription / da
abrahamitisk religion
monoteistisk religion
description / hrdescription / hr
monoteistička religija s vjerom u jednoga trojedinog Boga
monoteistička religija s vjerom u Boga
description / rodescription / ro
grup religios monoteist abrahamic bazat asupra vieței, persoanei și învățăturilor lui Isus Hristos
grup religios monoteist bazat pe învățătura și persoana lui Isus Cristos
description / lbdescription / lb
Weltrelioun déi aus dem Juddentum ervirgaangen ass
monotheistesch Relioun
description / sldescription / sl
abrahamska monoteistična religija, ki temelji na prepričanju, da je Jezus iz Nazareta pričakovani Mesija in utelešenje Boga

Revision as of 12:31, 15 July 2024

Abrahamic monotheistic religion
  • Christian faith
  • Christian
Language Label Description Also known as
Abrahamic monotheistic religion
  • Christian faith
  • Christian



0 references