Development of infrastructure of Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis in the field of smart specialisation – biomedicine, medical technologies, biopharmaceuticals and biotechnologies (Q3056302): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claims) Tag: Replaced |
(Added qualifier: readability score (P590521): 0.7568740577370476) |
(19 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
label / en | label / en | ||||||||||||||
Development of infrastructure of Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis in the field of smart specialisation – biomedicine, medical technologies, biopharmaceuticals and biotechnologies | |||||||||||||||
label / fr | label / fr | ||||||||||||||
Développement des infrastructures de l’Institut letton de synthèse biologique dans le domaine de la spécialisation intelligente — biomédecine, technologies médicales, biopharmaceutiques et biotechnologies | |||||||||||||||
label / de | label / de | ||||||||||||||
Entwicklung der Infrastruktur des lettischen Instituts für organische Synthese im Bereich der intelligenten Spezialisierung – Biomedizin, Medizintechnik, Biopharmazeutika und Biotechnologie | |||||||||||||||
label / nl | label / nl | ||||||||||||||
Ontwikkeling van infrastructuur van het Letse Instituut voor Organische Synthese op het gebied van slimme specialisatie — biogeneeskunde, medische technologieën, biofarmaceutica en biotechnologie | |||||||||||||||
label / it | label / it | ||||||||||||||
Sviluppo di infrastrutture dell'Istituto lettone di sintesi organica nel campo della specializzazione intelligente — biomedicina, tecnologie mediche, biofarmaceutici e biotecnologie | |||||||||||||||
label / es | label / es | ||||||||||||||
Desarrollo de la infraestructura del Instituto letón de síntesis orgánica en el ámbito de la especialización inteligente — biomedicina, tecnologías médicas, biofarmacéutica y biotecnología | |||||||||||||||
label / et | label / et | ||||||||||||||
Läti orgaanilise sünteesi instituudi infrastruktuuri arendamine aruka spetsialiseerumise valdkonnas – biomeditsiin, meditsiinitehnoloogia, biofarmaatsia ja biotehnoloogia | |||||||||||||||
label / lt | label / lt | ||||||||||||||
Latvijos ekologinės sintezės instituto pažangiosios specializacijos – biomedicinos, medicinos technologijų, biofarmacijos ir biotechnologijų – infrastruktūros plėtra | |||||||||||||||
label / hr | label / hr | ||||||||||||||
Razvoj infrastrukture Latvijskog instituta za organsku sintezu u području pametne specijalizacije – biomedicina, medicinske tehnologije, biofarmaceutici i biotehnologije | |||||||||||||||
label / el | label / el | ||||||||||||||
Ανάπτυξη υποδομών του Λετονικού Ινστιτούτου Βιολογικής Σύνθεσης στον τομέα της έξυπνης εξειδίκευσης — βιοϊατρική, ιατρικές τεχνολογίες, βιοφαρμακευτικά προϊόντα και βιοτεχνολογίες | |||||||||||||||
label / sk | label / sk | ||||||||||||||
Rozvoj infraštruktúry Lotyšského inštitútu organickej syntézy v oblasti inteligentnej špecializácie – biomedicína, lekárske technológie, biofarmaceutiká a biotechnológie | |||||||||||||||
label / fi | label / fi | ||||||||||||||
Latvian orgaanisen synteesiinstituutin infrastruktuurin kehittäminen älykkään erikoistumisen alalla – biolääketiede, lääketieteellinen teknologia, biofarmaseuttiset ja bioteknologiat | |||||||||||||||
label / pl | label / pl | ||||||||||||||
Rozwój infrastruktury łotewskiego Instytutu Syntezy Organicznej w dziedzinie inteligentnej specjalizacji – biomedycyna, technologie medyczne, biofarmaceutyki i biotechnologie | |||||||||||||||
label / hu | label / hu | ||||||||||||||
A lett Szerves Szintézis Intézet infrastruktúrájának fejlesztése az intelligens szakosodás területén – biomedicina, orvosi technológiák, biogyógyszerek és biotechnológiák | |||||||||||||||
label / cs | label / cs | ||||||||||||||
Rozvoj infrastruktury Lotyšského institutu organické syntézy v oblasti inteligentní specializace – biomedicína, lékařské technologie, biofarmaceutika a biotechnologie | |||||||||||||||
label / ga | label / ga | ||||||||||||||
Forbairt bonneagair d’Institiúid Laitviach um Shintéis Orgánach i réimse na speisialtóireachta cliste — bithleighis, teicneolaíochtaí leighis, bithchógaisíocht agus biteicneolaíochtaí | |||||||||||||||
label / sl | label / sl | ||||||||||||||
Razvoj infrastrukture latvijskega inštituta za organsko sintezo na področju pametne specializacije – biomedicina, medicinske tehnologije, biofarmacevtika in biotehnologija | |||||||||||||||
label / bg | label / bg | ||||||||||||||
Развитие на инфраструктурата на Латвийския институт за органичен синтез в областта на интелигентната специализация — биомедицина, медицински технологии, биофармацевтични продукти и биотехнологии | |||||||||||||||
label / mt | label / mt | ||||||||||||||
L-iżvilupp tal-infrastruttura tal-Istitut Latvjan tas-Sintesi Organika fil-qasam tal-ispeċjalizzazzjoni intelliġenti — il-bijomediċina, it-teknoloġiji mediċi, il-bijofarmaċewtiċi u l-bijoteknoloġiji | |||||||||||||||
label / pt | label / pt | ||||||||||||||
Desenvolvimento de infraestruturas do Instituto Letão de Síntese Orgânica no domínio da especialização inteligente — biomedicina, tecnologias médicas, biofarmacêuticas e biotecnologias | |||||||||||||||
label / da | label / da | ||||||||||||||
Udvikling af infrastruktur af Letlands Institut for Økologisk Syntese inden for intelligent specialisering — biomedicin, medicinske teknologier, biofarmaka og bioteknologier | |||||||||||||||
label / ro | label / ro | ||||||||||||||
Dezvoltarea infrastructurii Institutului leton de sinteză organică în domeniul specializării inteligente – biomedicină, tehnologii medicale, biofarmaceutice și biotehnologii | |||||||||||||||
label / sv | label / sv | ||||||||||||||
Utveckling av infrastruktur vid Lettlands institut för organisk syntes inom smart specialisering – biomedicin, medicinsk teknik, biofarmaceutiska läkemedel och bioteknik | |||||||||||||||
description / bg | description / bg | ||||||||||||||
Проект Q3056302 в Латвия | |||||||||||||||
description / hr | description / hr | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056302 u Latviji | |||||||||||||||
description / hu | description / hu | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056302 Lettországban | |||||||||||||||
description / cs | description / cs | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056302 v Lotyšsku | |||||||||||||||
description / da | description / da | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056302 i Letland | |||||||||||||||
description / nl | description / nl | ||||||||||||||
Project Q3056302 in Letland | |||||||||||||||
description / et | description / et | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056302 Lätis | |||||||||||||||
description / fi | description / fi | ||||||||||||||
Projekti Q3056302 Latviassa | |||||||||||||||
description / fr | description / fr | ||||||||||||||
Projet Q3056302 en Lettonie | |||||||||||||||
description / de | description / de | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056302 in Lettland | |||||||||||||||
description / el | description / el | ||||||||||||||
Έργο Q3056302 στη Λετονία | |||||||||||||||
description / ga | description / ga | ||||||||||||||
Tionscadal Q3056302 sa Laitvia | |||||||||||||||
description / it | description / it | ||||||||||||||
Progetto Q3056302 in Lettonia | |||||||||||||||
description / lv | description / lv | ||||||||||||||
Projekts Q3056302 Latvijā | |||||||||||||||
description / lt | description / lt | ||||||||||||||
Projektas Q3056302 Latvijoje | |||||||||||||||
description / mt | description / mt | ||||||||||||||
Proġett Q3056302 fil-Latvja | |||||||||||||||
description / pl | description / pl | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056302 na Łotwie | |||||||||||||||
description / pt | description / pt | ||||||||||||||
Projeto Q3056302 na Letônia | |||||||||||||||
description / ro | description / ro | ||||||||||||||
Proiectul Q3056302 în Letonia | |||||||||||||||
description / sk | description / sk | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056302 v Lotyšsku | |||||||||||||||
description / sl | description / sl | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056302 v Latviji | |||||||||||||||
description / es | description / es | ||||||||||||||
Proyecto Q3056302 en Letonia | |||||||||||||||
description / sv | description / sv | ||||||||||||||
Projekt Q3056302 i Lettland | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Rīga / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / instance of | |||||||||||||||
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / financed by | |||||||||||||||
Property / financed by: European Union / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / country | |||||||||||||||
Property / country: Latvia / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
13,526,366.0 Euro
| |||||||||||||||
Property / budget: 13,526,366.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
10,186,027.0 Euro
| |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution: 10,186,027.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / start time | |||||||||||||||
3 November 2017
| |||||||||||||||
Property / start time: 3 November 2017 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / end time | |||||||||||||||
31 July 2023
| |||||||||||||||
Property / end time: 31 July 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Atvasināta publiska persona "Latvijas Organiskās sintēzes institūts" | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): Atvasināta publiska persona "Latvijas Organiskās sintēzes institūts" / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Projekta mērķis ir modernizēt Latvijas Organiskās sintēzes institūta (OSI) pētniecības infrastruktūru Latvijas viedās specializācijas jomas - biomedicīna, medicīnas tehnoloģijas, biofarmācija un biotehnoloģijas, ietvaros, tādējādi veicinot OSI iesaisti Eiropas Savienības līmeņa infrastruktūrās un OSI rīcībā esošās pētniecības infrastruktūras izmantošanu praktisku tautsaimniecības problēmu risināšanai.Projekta zinātniskās darbības specializācija saskaņā ar Ekonomiskās sadarbības un attīstības organizācijas (OECD) publicētajā dokumentā „Revised field of science and technology (FOS) classification in the Frascati manual” sniegtajām definīcijām atbilst šādām zinātņu nozarēm:•dabaszinātņu grupas (1. grupa) ķīmijas zinātnes apakšgrupas (1.4.grupa) organiskās ķīmijas apakšnozarei;•medicīnas un veselības zinātņu grupas (3. grupa) bāzes medicīnas apakšgrupas (3.1.grupa) farmakoloģijas un farmācijas, kā arī medicīnas ķīmijas apakšnozarei.Plānots īstenot kombinēta atbalsta tipa projektu, vidējā svērtā ar saimniecisko darbību nesaistītā projekta daļa sastāda 75,52 % un projekta ietvaros ieguldījumus paredzēts izmantot OSI pamatdarbībā, kurai nav saimniecisks raksturs (ar saimniecisku darbību nesaistītā projekta daļa), un saimnieciskajā pamatdarbībā (ar saimniecisko darbību saistītā projekta daļa).Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā tiks sekmēta Latvijas Viedās specializācijas stratēģijā noteiktā (RIS3) 2.tautsaimniecības transformācijas virziena, 2. un 6. izaugsmes prioritātes un specializācijas jomas - biomedicīna, medicīnas tehnoloģija, biofarmācija un biotehnoloģija, attīstība.Projekta ietvaros plānotās galvenās darbības: •zinātniski pētnieciskās aparatūras iegāde un modernizācija farmakoloģijas, struktūrpētījumu, organiskās sintēzes, biotehnoloģiju, biomateriālu un fitokīmijas jomā;•Biofarmācijas pētniecības un uzņēmējdarbības centra (iesk.biotehnoloģiju un fitoķīmijas laboratoriju) būvniecība Aizkraukles ielā 21, Rīgā;•Organiskās sintēzes un fizikāli organiskās ķīmijas laboratoriju pielāgošana un renovācija Aizkraukles ielā 21, Rīgā.Projekta rezultāti: •10 zinātniski pētnieciskās aparatūras komplekti farmakoloģijas, struktūrpētījumu, organiskās sintēzes, biotehnoloģiju, biomateriālu un fitokīmijas jomā;•Biofarmācijas pētniecības un uzņēmējdarbības centra jaunbūve (iesk. biotehnoloģiju un fitoķīmijas laboratoriju) Aizkraukles ielā 21, Rīgā;•Modernizēts Organiskās sintēzes un fizikāli organiskās ķīmijas laboratoriju komplekss Aizkraukles ielā 21, Rīgā.Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas sastāda EUR 13 526 366. Projektu līdzfinansē ERAF EUR 10 186 027 apmērā un vidējā svērtā publiskā finansējuma atbalsta intensitāte sastāda 85,9345%.Projekta īstenošanas vietas: Aizkraukles iela 21, Rīga.Projekta īstenošanas ilgums pēc vienošanās noslēgšanas 69 mēneši, tas ir, līdz 31.07.2023., projekta īstenošana tika uzsākta 01.05.2017. (Latvian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Projekta mērķis ir modernizēt Latvijas Organiskās sintēzes institūta (OSI) pētniecības infrastruktūru Latvijas viedās specializācijas jomas - biomedicīna, medicīnas tehnoloģijas, biofarmācija un biotehnoloģijas, ietvaros, tādējādi veicinot OSI iesaisti Eiropas Savienības līmeņa infrastruktūrās un OSI rīcībā esošās pētniecības infrastruktūras izmantošanu praktisku tautsaimniecības problēmu risināšanai.Projekta zinātniskās darbības specializācija saskaņā ar Ekonomiskās sadarbības un attīstības organizācijas (OECD) publicētajā dokumentā „Revised field of science and technology (FOS) classification in the Frascati manual” sniegtajām definīcijām atbilst šādām zinātņu nozarēm:•dabaszinātņu grupas (1. grupa) ķīmijas zinātnes apakšgrupas (1.4.grupa) organiskās ķīmijas apakšnozarei;•medicīnas un veselības zinātņu grupas (3. grupa) bāzes medicīnas apakšgrupas (3.1.grupa) farmakoloģijas un farmācijas, kā arī medicīnas ķīmijas apakšnozarei.Plānots īstenot kombinēta atbalsta tipa projektu, vidējā svērtā ar saimniecisko darbību nesaistītā projekta daļa sastāda 75,52 % un projekta ietvaros ieguldījumus paredzēts izmantot OSI pamatdarbībā, kurai nav saimniecisks raksturs (ar saimniecisku darbību nesaistītā projekta daļa), un saimnieciskajā pamatdarbībā (ar saimniecisko darbību saistītā projekta daļa).Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā tiks sekmēta Latvijas Viedās specializācijas stratēģijā noteiktā (RIS3) 2.tautsaimniecības transformācijas virziena, 2. un 6. izaugsmes prioritātes un specializācijas jomas - biomedicīna, medicīnas tehnoloģija, biofarmācija un biotehnoloģija, attīstība.Projekta ietvaros plānotās galvenās darbības: •zinātniski pētnieciskās aparatūras iegāde un modernizācija farmakoloģijas, struktūrpētījumu, organiskās sintēzes, biotehnoloģiju, biomateriālu un fitokīmijas jomā;•Biofarmācijas pētniecības un uzņēmējdarbības centra (iesk.biotehnoloģiju un fitoķīmijas laboratoriju) būvniecība Aizkraukles ielā 21, Rīgā;•Organiskās sintēzes un fizikāli organiskās ķīmijas laboratoriju pielāgošana un renovācija Aizkraukles ielā 21, Rīgā.Projekta rezultāti: •10 zinātniski pētnieciskās aparatūras komplekti farmakoloģijas, struktūrpētījumu, organiskās sintēzes, biotehnoloģiju, biomateriālu un fitokīmijas jomā;•Biofarmācijas pētniecības un uzņēmējdarbības centra jaunbūve (iesk. biotehnoloģiju un fitoķīmijas laboratoriju) Aizkraukles ielā 21, Rīgā;•Modernizēts Organiskās sintēzes un fizikāli organiskās ķīmijas laboratoriju komplekss Aizkraukles ielā 21, Rīgā.Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas sastāda EUR 13 526 366. Projektu līdzfinansē ERAF EUR 10 186 027 apmērā un vidējā svērtā publiskā finansējuma atbalsta intensitāte sastāda 85,9345%.Projekta īstenošanas vietas: Aizkraukles iela 21, Rīga.Projekta īstenošanas ilgums pēc vienošanās noslēgšanas 69 mēneši, tas ir, līdz 31.07.2023., projekta īstenošana tika uzsākta 01.05.2017. (Latvian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The aim of the project is to modernise the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) research infrastructure within the Latvian smart specialisation field – biomedicine, medical technology, biopharmaceutical and biotechnology, thus promoting OSI involvement in the European Union-level infrastructures and the use of research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI to solve practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity specialisation for the project’s scientific activity (in the field of biotechnology) within the scope of the biotechnology (OECD) in the document “Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) to address practical economical issues.The project’s scientific activity of the project is also divided into the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD) in the document”Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) for the implementation of the project’s (in Latvian), the project’s scientific activity in the field of bio-cooperation and development within the scope of the Sub-Project (OECD), will be provided in the document “Revised field of science and technology (in Latvian), as well as in the pharmaceutical strategy for the implementation of the project (non-conferential socio-medical group); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sets of scientific research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•New building of biopharmaceutical research and business centre (incl. biotechnology and phytochemistry laboratory) at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Modernised complex of laboratories of Organic Synthesis and Physical Organic Chemistry (in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).The total eligible costs of the project are EUR 526. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to modernise the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) research infrastructure within the Latvian smart specialisation field – biomedicine, medical technology, biopharmaceutical and biotechnology, thus promoting OSI involvement in the European Union-level infrastructures and the use of research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI to solve practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity specialisation for the project’s scientific activity (in the field of biotechnology) within the scope of the biotechnology (OECD) in the document “Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) to address practical economical issues.The project’s scientific activity of the project is also divided into the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD) in the document”Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) for the implementation of the project’s (in Latvian), the project’s scientific activity in the field of bio-cooperation and development within the scope of the Sub-Project (OECD), will be provided in the document “Revised field of science and technology (in Latvian), as well as in the pharmaceutical strategy for the implementation of the project (non-conferential socio-medical group); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sets of scientific research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•New building of biopharmaceutical research and business centre (incl. biotechnology and phytochemistry laboratory) at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Modernised complex of laboratories of Organic Synthesis and Physical Organic Chemistry (in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).The total eligible costs of the project are EUR 526. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to modernise the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) research infrastructure within the Latvian smart specialisation field – biomedicine, medical technology, biopharmaceutical and biotechnology, thus promoting OSI involvement in the European Union-level infrastructures and the use of research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI to solve practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity specialisation for the project’s scientific activity (in the field of biotechnology) within the scope of the biotechnology (OECD) in the document “Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) to address practical economical issues.The project’s scientific activity of the project is also divided into the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD) in the document”Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) for the implementation of the project’s (in Latvian), the project’s scientific activity in the field of bio-cooperation and development within the scope of the Sub-Project (OECD), will be provided in the document “Revised field of science and technology (in Latvian), as well as in the pharmaceutical strategy for the implementation of the project (non-conferential socio-medical group); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sets of scientific research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•New building of biopharmaceutical research and business centre (incl. biotechnology and phytochemistry laboratory) at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Modernised complex of laboratories of Organic Synthesis and Physical Organic Chemistry (in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).The total eligible costs of the project are EUR 526. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 15 July 2021
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Property / summary: The aim of the project is to modernise the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) research infrastructure within the Latvian smart specialisation field – biomedicine, medical technology, biopharmaceutical and biotechnology, thus promoting OSI involvement in the European Union-level infrastructures and the use of research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI to solve practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity specialisation for the project’s scientific activity (in the field of biotechnology) within the scope of the biotechnology (OECD) in the document “Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) to address practical economical issues.The project’s scientific activity of the project is also divided into the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD) in the document”Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) for the implementation of the project’s (in Latvian), the project’s scientific activity in the field of bio-cooperation and development within the scope of the Sub-Project (OECD), will be provided in the document “Revised field of science and technology (in Latvian), as well as in the pharmaceutical strategy for the implementation of the project (non-conferential socio-medical group); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sets of scientific research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•New building of biopharmaceutical research and business centre (incl. biotechnology and phytochemistry laboratory) at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Modernised complex of laboratories of Organic Synthesis and Physical Organic Chemistry (in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).The total eligible costs of the project are EUR 526. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.7568740577370476
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
L’objectif du projet est de moderniser l’infrastructure de recherche de l’Institut letton de synthèse organique (OSI) dans le cadre de la spécialisation intelligente en Lettonie — biomédecine, technologie médicale, biopharmaceutique et biotechnologie, favorisant ainsi la participation d’OSI aux infrastructures de l’Union européenne et l’utilisation d’infrastructures de recherche à la disposition de l’OSI pour résoudre des problèmes économiques pratiques. la classification de la science et de la technologie (FOS) dans le manuel de Frascati" correspond aux domaines scientifiques suivants: • un sous-groupe du groupe des sciences médicales et médicales (groupe 3) du sous-groupe de la médecine de base (groupe 3.1) pour les sous-secteurs de la pharmacologie et des produits pharmaceutiques, ainsi que de la chimie médicale. La mise en œuvre prévue d’un projet de type de soutien combiné, la partie non économique moyenne pondérée du projet est de 75,52 % et, dans le cadre du projet, les investissements doivent être utilisés dans les activités de base de l’OSI, qui n’est pas de nature économique (partie du projet non liée à l’activité économique), à la suite de la mise en œuvre du projet, la deuxième orientation de la transformation industrielle définie dans la stratégie lettone de spécialisation intelligente (RIS3) sera encouragée, le développement de 2 et 6 priorités de croissance et domaines de spécialisation — biomédecine, technologie médicale, biopharmaceutique et biotechnologie. •achat et modernisation d’équipements de recherche scientifique dans les domaines de la pharmacologie, de la recherche structurelle, de la synthèse organique, des biotechnologies, des biomatériaux et de la phytocinétique;•Construction et rénovation du centre de recherche et d’affaires en biopharmacie (y compris les laboratoires biotechnologiques et phytochimiques) situé au 21 rue Aizkraukles, Riga;•Adaptation et rénovation de laboratoires de synthèse organique et de chimie physico-organique au 21 rue Aizkraukles, Riga. •10 ensembles d’équipements de recherche scientifique dans le domaine de la pharmacologie, de la recherche structurelle, de la synthèse organique, des biotechnologies, des biomatériaux et de la phytocinétique;•Nouvelle construction du Centre de recherche et d’affaires en biopharmacie (y compris les laboratoires biotechnologiques et phytochimiques) situé au 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Complexe modernisé de synthèse organique et de laboratoires de chimie physico-organique au 21 rue Aizkraukles, Riga. Le coût total éligible du projet s’élève à 1 352 636 EUR. Le projet est cofinancé par le FEDER 1 016 027 EUR et l’intensité moyenne pondérée du financement public est de 85,9345 %.Lieu de mise en œuvre du projet: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Durée du projet après la conclusion de l’accord 69 mois, c’est-à-dire jusqu’au 31.07.2023, la mise en œuvre du projet a commencé le 01.05.2017. (French) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: L’objectif du projet est de moderniser l’infrastructure de recherche de l’Institut letton de synthèse organique (OSI) dans le cadre de la spécialisation intelligente en Lettonie — biomédecine, technologie médicale, biopharmaceutique et biotechnologie, favorisant ainsi la participation d’OSI aux infrastructures de l’Union européenne et l’utilisation d’infrastructures de recherche à la disposition de l’OSI pour résoudre des problèmes économiques pratiques. la classification de la science et de la technologie (FOS) dans le manuel de Frascati" correspond aux domaines scientifiques suivants: • un sous-groupe du groupe des sciences médicales et médicales (groupe 3) du sous-groupe de la médecine de base (groupe 3.1) pour les sous-secteurs de la pharmacologie et des produits pharmaceutiques, ainsi que de la chimie médicale. La mise en œuvre prévue d’un projet de type de soutien combiné, la partie non économique moyenne pondérée du projet est de 75,52 % et, dans le cadre du projet, les investissements doivent être utilisés dans les activités de base de l’OSI, qui n’est pas de nature économique (partie du projet non liée à l’activité économique), à la suite de la mise en œuvre du projet, la deuxième orientation de la transformation industrielle définie dans la stratégie lettone de spécialisation intelligente (RIS3) sera encouragée, le développement de 2 et 6 priorités de croissance et domaines de spécialisation — biomédecine, technologie médicale, biopharmaceutique et biotechnologie. •achat et modernisation d’équipements de recherche scientifique dans les domaines de la pharmacologie, de la recherche structurelle, de la synthèse organique, des biotechnologies, des biomatériaux et de la phytocinétique;•Construction et rénovation du centre de recherche et d’affaires en biopharmacie (y compris les laboratoires biotechnologiques et phytochimiques) situé au 21 rue Aizkraukles, Riga;•Adaptation et rénovation de laboratoires de synthèse organique et de chimie physico-organique au 21 rue Aizkraukles, Riga. •10 ensembles d’équipements de recherche scientifique dans le domaine de la pharmacologie, de la recherche structurelle, de la synthèse organique, des biotechnologies, des biomatériaux et de la phytocinétique;•Nouvelle construction du Centre de recherche et d’affaires en biopharmacie (y compris les laboratoires biotechnologiques et phytochimiques) situé au 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Complexe modernisé de synthèse organique et de laboratoires de chimie physico-organique au 21 rue Aizkraukles, Riga. Le coût total éligible du projet s’élève à 1 352 636 EUR. Le projet est cofinancé par le FEDER 1 016 027 EUR et l’intensité moyenne pondérée du financement public est de 85,9345 %.Lieu de mise en œuvre du projet: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Durée du projet après la conclusion de l’accord 69 mois, c’est-à-dire jusqu’au 31.07.2023, la mise en œuvre du projet a commencé le 01.05.2017. (French) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: L’objectif du projet est de moderniser l’infrastructure de recherche de l’Institut letton de synthèse organique (OSI) dans le cadre de la spécialisation intelligente en Lettonie — biomédecine, technologie médicale, biopharmaceutique et biotechnologie, favorisant ainsi la participation d’OSI aux infrastructures de l’Union européenne et l’utilisation d’infrastructures de recherche à la disposition de l’OSI pour résoudre des problèmes économiques pratiques. la classification de la science et de la technologie (FOS) dans le manuel de Frascati" correspond aux domaines scientifiques suivants: • un sous-groupe du groupe des sciences médicales et médicales (groupe 3) du sous-groupe de la médecine de base (groupe 3.1) pour les sous-secteurs de la pharmacologie et des produits pharmaceutiques, ainsi que de la chimie médicale. La mise en œuvre prévue d’un projet de type de soutien combiné, la partie non économique moyenne pondérée du projet est de 75,52 % et, dans le cadre du projet, les investissements doivent être utilisés dans les activités de base de l’OSI, qui n’est pas de nature économique (partie du projet non liée à l’activité économique), à la suite de la mise en œuvre du projet, la deuxième orientation de la transformation industrielle définie dans la stratégie lettone de spécialisation intelligente (RIS3) sera encouragée, le développement de 2 et 6 priorités de croissance et domaines de spécialisation — biomédecine, technologie médicale, biopharmaceutique et biotechnologie. •achat et modernisation d’équipements de recherche scientifique dans les domaines de la pharmacologie, de la recherche structurelle, de la synthèse organique, des biotechnologies, des biomatériaux et de la phytocinétique;•Construction et rénovation du centre de recherche et d’affaires en biopharmacie (y compris les laboratoires biotechnologiques et phytochimiques) situé au 21 rue Aizkraukles, Riga;•Adaptation et rénovation de laboratoires de synthèse organique et de chimie physico-organique au 21 rue Aizkraukles, Riga. •10 ensembles d’équipements de recherche scientifique dans le domaine de la pharmacologie, de la recherche structurelle, de la synthèse organique, des biotechnologies, des biomatériaux et de la phytocinétique;•Nouvelle construction du Centre de recherche et d’affaires en biopharmacie (y compris les laboratoires biotechnologiques et phytochimiques) situé au 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Complexe modernisé de synthèse organique et de laboratoires de chimie physico-organique au 21 rue Aizkraukles, Riga. Le coût total éligible du projet s’élève à 1 352 636 EUR. Le projet est cofinancé par le FEDER 1 016 027 EUR et l’intensité moyenne pondérée du financement public est de 85,9345 %.Lieu de mise en œuvre du projet: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Durée du projet après la conclusion de l’accord 69 mois, c’est-à-dire jusqu’au 31.07.2023, la mise en œuvre du projet a commencé le 01.05.2017. (French) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 25 November 2021
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Forschungsinfrastruktur des lettischen Instituts für organische Synthese (OSI) im Rahmen der intelligenten Spezialisierung in Lettland – Biomedizin, Medizintechnik, Biopharmazeutika und Biotechnologie – zu modernisieren und so die Beteiligung von OSI an den Infrastrukturen der Europäischen Union und die Nutzung der Forschungsinfrastruktur zur Lösung praktischer wirtschaftlicher Probleme zu fördern. „Revised field of science and technology (FOS) Klassifizierung im Frascati-Handbuch“ entspricht den folgenden wissenschaftlichen Bereichen: •eine Untergruppe der Gruppe der medizinischen und medizinischen Wissenschaften (Gruppe 3) der Untergruppe Grundmedizin (Gruppe 3.1) für die Teilsektoren Pharmakologie und Pharmazeutik sowie medizinische Chemie. Die geplante Durchführung eines kombinierten Förderprojekts, der gewichtete durchschnittliche nichtwirtschaftliche Teil des Projekts, beträgt 75,52 % und im Rahmen des Projekts sind die Investitionen in die Kerntätigkeiten von OSI zu verwenden, die nicht wirtschaftlicher Natur sind (Teil des Projekts, das nicht mit wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeiten verbunden ist). durch die Projektdurchführung wird die zweite Richtung des industriellen Wandels in der lettischen Strategie für intelligente Spezialisierung (RIS3) gefördert, die Entwicklung von 2 und 6 Wachstumsprioritäten und Spezialisierungsschwerpunkte – Biomedizin, Medizintechnik, Biopharmazeutika und Biotechnologie. •Beschaffung und Modernisierung wissenschaftlicher Forschungsgeräte in den Bereichen Pharmakologie, Strukturforschung, organische Synthese, Biotechnologien, Biomaterialien und Phytokinetik;•Bau und Renovierung von biopharmazeutischen Forschungs- und Geschäftszentren (inkl. Biotechnologie und phytochemische Labors) in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Anpassung und Renovierung von organischen Synthese- und physikalisch-organischen Chemielabors in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 Reihen von wissenschaftlichen Forschungsgeräten im Bereich Pharmakologie, Strukturforschung, organische Synthese, Biotechnologien, Biomaterialien und Phytokinetik;•Neuer Bau des Biopharmacy Research and Business Centre (inkl. Biotechnologie und phytochemische Labors) in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Modernisierter Komplex der organischen Synthese und physikalisch-organische Chemie Labors in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. Das Projekt wird aus dem EFRE mit 10 186 027 EUR kofinanziert und die gewichtete durchschnittliche öffentliche Förderintensität beträgt 85,9345 %. Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Dauer des Projekts nach Abschluss des Vertrags 69 Monate, d. h. bis zum 31.07.2023, wurde am 01.05.2017 mit der Durchführung des Projekts begonnen. (German) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Forschungsinfrastruktur des lettischen Instituts für organische Synthese (OSI) im Rahmen der intelligenten Spezialisierung in Lettland – Biomedizin, Medizintechnik, Biopharmazeutika und Biotechnologie – zu modernisieren und so die Beteiligung von OSI an den Infrastrukturen der Europäischen Union und die Nutzung der Forschungsinfrastruktur zur Lösung praktischer wirtschaftlicher Probleme zu fördern. „Revised field of science and technology (FOS) Klassifizierung im Frascati-Handbuch“ entspricht den folgenden wissenschaftlichen Bereichen: •eine Untergruppe der Gruppe der medizinischen und medizinischen Wissenschaften (Gruppe 3) der Untergruppe Grundmedizin (Gruppe 3.1) für die Teilsektoren Pharmakologie und Pharmazeutik sowie medizinische Chemie. Die geplante Durchführung eines kombinierten Förderprojekts, der gewichtete durchschnittliche nichtwirtschaftliche Teil des Projekts, beträgt 75,52 % und im Rahmen des Projekts sind die Investitionen in die Kerntätigkeiten von OSI zu verwenden, die nicht wirtschaftlicher Natur sind (Teil des Projekts, das nicht mit wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeiten verbunden ist). durch die Projektdurchführung wird die zweite Richtung des industriellen Wandels in der lettischen Strategie für intelligente Spezialisierung (RIS3) gefördert, die Entwicklung von 2 und 6 Wachstumsprioritäten und Spezialisierungsschwerpunkte – Biomedizin, Medizintechnik, Biopharmazeutika und Biotechnologie. •Beschaffung und Modernisierung wissenschaftlicher Forschungsgeräte in den Bereichen Pharmakologie, Strukturforschung, organische Synthese, Biotechnologien, Biomaterialien und Phytokinetik;•Bau und Renovierung von biopharmazeutischen Forschungs- und Geschäftszentren (inkl. Biotechnologie und phytochemische Labors) in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Anpassung und Renovierung von organischen Synthese- und physikalisch-organischen Chemielabors in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 Reihen von wissenschaftlichen Forschungsgeräten im Bereich Pharmakologie, Strukturforschung, organische Synthese, Biotechnologien, Biomaterialien und Phytokinetik;•Neuer Bau des Biopharmacy Research and Business Centre (inkl. Biotechnologie und phytochemische Labors) in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Modernisierter Komplex der organischen Synthese und physikalisch-organische Chemie Labors in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. Das Projekt wird aus dem EFRE mit 10 186 027 EUR kofinanziert und die gewichtete durchschnittliche öffentliche Förderintensität beträgt 85,9345 %. Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Dauer des Projekts nach Abschluss des Vertrags 69 Monate, d. h. bis zum 31.07.2023, wurde am 01.05.2017 mit der Durchführung des Projekts begonnen. (German) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Forschungsinfrastruktur des lettischen Instituts für organische Synthese (OSI) im Rahmen der intelligenten Spezialisierung in Lettland – Biomedizin, Medizintechnik, Biopharmazeutika und Biotechnologie – zu modernisieren und so die Beteiligung von OSI an den Infrastrukturen der Europäischen Union und die Nutzung der Forschungsinfrastruktur zur Lösung praktischer wirtschaftlicher Probleme zu fördern. „Revised field of science and technology (FOS) Klassifizierung im Frascati-Handbuch“ entspricht den folgenden wissenschaftlichen Bereichen: •eine Untergruppe der Gruppe der medizinischen und medizinischen Wissenschaften (Gruppe 3) der Untergruppe Grundmedizin (Gruppe 3.1) für die Teilsektoren Pharmakologie und Pharmazeutik sowie medizinische Chemie. Die geplante Durchführung eines kombinierten Förderprojekts, der gewichtete durchschnittliche nichtwirtschaftliche Teil des Projekts, beträgt 75,52 % und im Rahmen des Projekts sind die Investitionen in die Kerntätigkeiten von OSI zu verwenden, die nicht wirtschaftlicher Natur sind (Teil des Projekts, das nicht mit wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeiten verbunden ist). durch die Projektdurchführung wird die zweite Richtung des industriellen Wandels in der lettischen Strategie für intelligente Spezialisierung (RIS3) gefördert, die Entwicklung von 2 und 6 Wachstumsprioritäten und Spezialisierungsschwerpunkte – Biomedizin, Medizintechnik, Biopharmazeutika und Biotechnologie. •Beschaffung und Modernisierung wissenschaftlicher Forschungsgeräte in den Bereichen Pharmakologie, Strukturforschung, organische Synthese, Biotechnologien, Biomaterialien und Phytokinetik;•Bau und Renovierung von biopharmazeutischen Forschungs- und Geschäftszentren (inkl. Biotechnologie und phytochemische Labors) in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Anpassung und Renovierung von organischen Synthese- und physikalisch-organischen Chemielabors in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 Reihen von wissenschaftlichen Forschungsgeräten im Bereich Pharmakologie, Strukturforschung, organische Synthese, Biotechnologien, Biomaterialien und Phytokinetik;•Neuer Bau des Biopharmacy Research and Business Centre (inkl. Biotechnologie und phytochemische Labors) in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Modernisierter Komplex der organischen Synthese und physikalisch-organische Chemie Labors in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. Das Projekt wird aus dem EFRE mit 10 186 027 EUR kofinanziert und die gewichtete durchschnittliche öffentliche Förderintensität beträgt 85,9345 %. Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Dauer des Projekts nach Abschluss des Vertrags 69 Monate, d. h. bis zum 31.07.2023, wurde am 01.05.2017 mit der Durchführung des Projekts begonnen. (German) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 28 November 2021
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Doel van het project is de onderzoeksinfrastructuur van het Letse Instituut voor Organische Synthese (OSI) te moderniseren in het kader van slimme specialisatie in Letland — biogeneeskunde, medische technologie, biofarmaceutische en biotechnologie, en zo de betrokkenheid van OSI bij infrastructuren op het niveau van de Europese Unie te bevorderen en het gebruik van onderzoeksinfrastructuur ter beschikking van de OSI voor het oplossen van praktische economische problemen te bevorderen. Specialisatie van de wetenschappelijke activiteit van het project in overeenstemming met de subsector organische chemie van de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) gepubliceerd in het document „Revised de indeling op het gebied van wetenschap en technologie (FOS) in het Frascati-handboek” komt overeen met de volgende wetenschappelijke gebieden: •een subgroep van de groep medische en medische wetenschappen (groep 3) van de subgroep basisgeneeskunde (groep 3.1) voor de subsectoren farmacologie en farmaceutica, alsmede medische chemie. De geplande uitvoering van een gecombineerd ondersteuningsproject, het gewogen gemiddelde niet-economische deel van het project bedraagt 75,52 % en in het kader van het project moeten de investeringen worden gebruikt in de kernactiviteiten van OSI, die niet van economische aard zijn (onderdeel van het project dat geen verband houdt met economische activiteit); als gevolg van de uitvoering van het project zal de tweede richting van de industriële transformatie, zoals gedefinieerd in de Letse strategie voor slimme specialisatie (RIS3), worden bevorderd, de ontwikkeling van 2 en 6 groeiprioriteiten en specialisatiegebieden — biogeneeskunde, medische technologie, biofarmaceutica en biotechnologie. •aanbesteding en modernisering van wetenschappelijke onderzoeksapparatuur op het gebied van farmacologie, structureel onderzoek, organische synthese, biotechnologie, biomaterialen en fytokinetiek;•Bouw en renovatie van biofarmaceutisch onderzoek en bedrijfscentrum (incl. biotechnologie en fytochemische laboratoria) op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;• Aanpassing en renovatie van organische synthese en fysisch-organische chemielaboratoria op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sets van wetenschappelijke onderzoeksapparatuur op het gebied van farmacologie, structureel onderzoek, organische synthese, biotechnologie, biomaterialen en fytokinetiek;•Nieuwe bouw van Biopharmacy Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologie en fytochemische laboratoria) op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Gemoderniseerd complex van organische synthese en fysisch-organische chemielaboratoria op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. De totale subsidiabele kosten van het project bedragen 13 566 366 EUR. Het project wordt medegefinancierd door het EFRO 10 186 027 EUR en de gewogen gemiddelde overheidsfinancieringsintensiteit bedraagt 85,9345 %.Plaats van de projectuitvoering: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Duur van het project na het sluiten van de overeenkomst 69 maanden, dat wil zeggen, tot 31.07.2023, is de uitvoering van het project gestart op 1.5.2017. (Dutch) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Doel van het project is de onderzoeksinfrastructuur van het Letse Instituut voor Organische Synthese (OSI) te moderniseren in het kader van slimme specialisatie in Letland — biogeneeskunde, medische technologie, biofarmaceutische en biotechnologie, en zo de betrokkenheid van OSI bij infrastructuren op het niveau van de Europese Unie te bevorderen en het gebruik van onderzoeksinfrastructuur ter beschikking van de OSI voor het oplossen van praktische economische problemen te bevorderen. Specialisatie van de wetenschappelijke activiteit van het project in overeenstemming met de subsector organische chemie van de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) gepubliceerd in het document „Revised de indeling op het gebied van wetenschap en technologie (FOS) in het Frascati-handboek” komt overeen met de volgende wetenschappelijke gebieden: •een subgroep van de groep medische en medische wetenschappen (groep 3) van de subgroep basisgeneeskunde (groep 3.1) voor de subsectoren farmacologie en farmaceutica, alsmede medische chemie. De geplande uitvoering van een gecombineerd ondersteuningsproject, het gewogen gemiddelde niet-economische deel van het project bedraagt 75,52 % en in het kader van het project moeten de investeringen worden gebruikt in de kernactiviteiten van OSI, die niet van economische aard zijn (onderdeel van het project dat geen verband houdt met economische activiteit); als gevolg van de uitvoering van het project zal de tweede richting van de industriële transformatie, zoals gedefinieerd in de Letse strategie voor slimme specialisatie (RIS3), worden bevorderd, de ontwikkeling van 2 en 6 groeiprioriteiten en specialisatiegebieden — biogeneeskunde, medische technologie, biofarmaceutica en biotechnologie. •aanbesteding en modernisering van wetenschappelijke onderzoeksapparatuur op het gebied van farmacologie, structureel onderzoek, organische synthese, biotechnologie, biomaterialen en fytokinetiek;•Bouw en renovatie van biofarmaceutisch onderzoek en bedrijfscentrum (incl. biotechnologie en fytochemische laboratoria) op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;• Aanpassing en renovatie van organische synthese en fysisch-organische chemielaboratoria op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sets van wetenschappelijke onderzoeksapparatuur op het gebied van farmacologie, structureel onderzoek, organische synthese, biotechnologie, biomaterialen en fytokinetiek;•Nieuwe bouw van Biopharmacy Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologie en fytochemische laboratoria) op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Gemoderniseerd complex van organische synthese en fysisch-organische chemielaboratoria op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. De totale subsidiabele kosten van het project bedragen 13 566 366 EUR. Het project wordt medegefinancierd door het EFRO 10 186 027 EUR en de gewogen gemiddelde overheidsfinancieringsintensiteit bedraagt 85,9345 %.Plaats van de projectuitvoering: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Duur van het project na het sluiten van de overeenkomst 69 maanden, dat wil zeggen, tot 31.07.2023, is de uitvoering van het project gestart op 1.5.2017. (Dutch) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Doel van het project is de onderzoeksinfrastructuur van het Letse Instituut voor Organische Synthese (OSI) te moderniseren in het kader van slimme specialisatie in Letland — biogeneeskunde, medische technologie, biofarmaceutische en biotechnologie, en zo de betrokkenheid van OSI bij infrastructuren op het niveau van de Europese Unie te bevorderen en het gebruik van onderzoeksinfrastructuur ter beschikking van de OSI voor het oplossen van praktische economische problemen te bevorderen. Specialisatie van de wetenschappelijke activiteit van het project in overeenstemming met de subsector organische chemie van de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) gepubliceerd in het document „Revised de indeling op het gebied van wetenschap en technologie (FOS) in het Frascati-handboek” komt overeen met de volgende wetenschappelijke gebieden: •een subgroep van de groep medische en medische wetenschappen (groep 3) van de subgroep basisgeneeskunde (groep 3.1) voor de subsectoren farmacologie en farmaceutica, alsmede medische chemie. De geplande uitvoering van een gecombineerd ondersteuningsproject, het gewogen gemiddelde niet-economische deel van het project bedraagt 75,52 % en in het kader van het project moeten de investeringen worden gebruikt in de kernactiviteiten van OSI, die niet van economische aard zijn (onderdeel van het project dat geen verband houdt met economische activiteit); als gevolg van de uitvoering van het project zal de tweede richting van de industriële transformatie, zoals gedefinieerd in de Letse strategie voor slimme specialisatie (RIS3), worden bevorderd, de ontwikkeling van 2 en 6 groeiprioriteiten en specialisatiegebieden — biogeneeskunde, medische technologie, biofarmaceutica en biotechnologie. •aanbesteding en modernisering van wetenschappelijke onderzoeksapparatuur op het gebied van farmacologie, structureel onderzoek, organische synthese, biotechnologie, biomaterialen en fytokinetiek;•Bouw en renovatie van biofarmaceutisch onderzoek en bedrijfscentrum (incl. biotechnologie en fytochemische laboratoria) op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;• Aanpassing en renovatie van organische synthese en fysisch-organische chemielaboratoria op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sets van wetenschappelijke onderzoeksapparatuur op het gebied van farmacologie, structureel onderzoek, organische synthese, biotechnologie, biomaterialen en fytokinetiek;•Nieuwe bouw van Biopharmacy Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologie en fytochemische laboratoria) op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Gemoderniseerd complex van organische synthese en fysisch-organische chemielaboratoria op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. De totale subsidiabele kosten van het project bedragen 13 566 366 EUR. Het project wordt medegefinancierd door het EFRO 10 186 027 EUR en de gewogen gemiddelde overheidsfinancieringsintensiteit bedraagt 85,9345 %.Plaats van de projectuitvoering: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Duur van het project na het sluiten van de overeenkomst 69 maanden, dat wil zeggen, tot 31.07.2023, is de uitvoering van het project gestart op 1.5.2017. (Dutch) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 28 November 2021
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
L'obiettivo del progetto è modernizzare l'infrastruttura di ricerca dell'Istituto lettone di sintesi organica (OSI) nell'ambito della specializzazione intelligente in Lettonia — biomedicina, tecnologia medica, biofarmaceutica e biotecnologia, promuovendo così il coinvolgimento dell'OSI nelle infrastrutture a livello dell'Unione europea e l'uso di infrastrutture di ricerca a disposizione dell'OSI per risolvere problemi economici pratici. Specializzazione dell'attività scientifica del progetto in conformità con il sottosettore della chimica organica dell'Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economico (OCSE) pubblicato nel documento "Campo riveduto" la classificazione della scienza e della tecnologia (FOS) nel manuale di Frascati" corrisponde ai seguenti campi scientifici: • un sottogruppo del gruppo delle scienze mediche e mediche (gruppo 3) del sottogruppo della medicina di base (gruppo 3.1) per i sottosettori di farmacologia e farmaceutica, nonché la chimica medica. L'attuazione prevista di un progetto di tipo di sostegno combinato, la parte non economica media ponderata del progetto è pari al 75,52 % e, nell'ambito del progetto, gli investimenti devono essere utilizzati nelle attività principali di OSI, che non hanno carattere economico (parte del progetto non connessa all'attività economica), a seguito dell'attuazione del progetto, sarà promossa la seconda direzione della trasformazione industriale definita nella strategia lettone di specializzazione intelligente (RIS3), lo sviluppo di 2 e 6 priorità di crescita e settori di specializzazione — biomedicina, tecnologia medica, biofarmaceutici e biotecnologie. •appalti e ammodernamento di attrezzature di ricerca scientifica nei settori della farmacologia, della ricerca strutturale, della sintesi organica, delle biotecnologie, dei biomateriali e della fitocinetica;•Costruzione e ristrutturazione del centro di ricerca e di business in biofarmacia (compresi i laboratori biotecnologici e fitochimici) al 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Adeguamento e ristrutturazione di laboratori di sintesi organica e di chimica fisico-organica presso 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 serie di attrezzature di ricerca scientifica nel campo della farmacologia, della ricerca strutturale, della sintesi organica, delle biotecnologie, dei biomateriali e della fitocinetica;•Nuova costruzione di Biofarmacia Research and Business Centre (compresi i laboratori biotecnologici e fitochimici) presso 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Complesso aggiornato di sintesi organica e laboratori di chimica fisico-organica presso 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. Il costo totale ammissibile del progetto è di 13 526 366 EUR. Il progetto è cofinanziato dal FESR 10 186 027 EUR e l'intensità media ponderata dei finanziamenti pubblici è dell'85,9345 %.Luogo di attuazione del progetto: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Durata del progetto dopo la conclusione dell'accordo 69 mesi, vale a dire fino al 31.07.2023, l'attuazione del progetto è stata avviata il 01.05.2017. (Italian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: L'obiettivo del progetto è modernizzare l'infrastruttura di ricerca dell'Istituto lettone di sintesi organica (OSI) nell'ambito della specializzazione intelligente in Lettonia — biomedicina, tecnologia medica, biofarmaceutica e biotecnologia, promuovendo così il coinvolgimento dell'OSI nelle infrastrutture a livello dell'Unione europea e l'uso di infrastrutture di ricerca a disposizione dell'OSI per risolvere problemi economici pratici. Specializzazione dell'attività scientifica del progetto in conformità con il sottosettore della chimica organica dell'Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economico (OCSE) pubblicato nel documento "Campo riveduto" la classificazione della scienza e della tecnologia (FOS) nel manuale di Frascati" corrisponde ai seguenti campi scientifici: • un sottogruppo del gruppo delle scienze mediche e mediche (gruppo 3) del sottogruppo della medicina di base (gruppo 3.1) per i sottosettori di farmacologia e farmaceutica, nonché la chimica medica. L'attuazione prevista di un progetto di tipo di sostegno combinato, la parte non economica media ponderata del progetto è pari al 75,52 % e, nell'ambito del progetto, gli investimenti devono essere utilizzati nelle attività principali di OSI, che non hanno carattere economico (parte del progetto non connessa all'attività economica), a seguito dell'attuazione del progetto, sarà promossa la seconda direzione della trasformazione industriale definita nella strategia lettone di specializzazione intelligente (RIS3), lo sviluppo di 2 e 6 priorità di crescita e settori di specializzazione — biomedicina, tecnologia medica, biofarmaceutici e biotecnologie. •appalti e ammodernamento di attrezzature di ricerca scientifica nei settori della farmacologia, della ricerca strutturale, della sintesi organica, delle biotecnologie, dei biomateriali e della fitocinetica;•Costruzione e ristrutturazione del centro di ricerca e di business in biofarmacia (compresi i laboratori biotecnologici e fitochimici) al 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Adeguamento e ristrutturazione di laboratori di sintesi organica e di chimica fisico-organica presso 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 serie di attrezzature di ricerca scientifica nel campo della farmacologia, della ricerca strutturale, della sintesi organica, delle biotecnologie, dei biomateriali e della fitocinetica;•Nuova costruzione di Biofarmacia Research and Business Centre (compresi i laboratori biotecnologici e fitochimici) presso 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Complesso aggiornato di sintesi organica e laboratori di chimica fisico-organica presso 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. Il costo totale ammissibile del progetto è di 13 526 366 EUR. Il progetto è cofinanziato dal FESR 10 186 027 EUR e l'intensità media ponderata dei finanziamenti pubblici è dell'85,9345 %.Luogo di attuazione del progetto: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Durata del progetto dopo la conclusione dell'accordo 69 mesi, vale a dire fino al 31.07.2023, l'attuazione del progetto è stata avviata il 01.05.2017. (Italian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: L'obiettivo del progetto è modernizzare l'infrastruttura di ricerca dell'Istituto lettone di sintesi organica (OSI) nell'ambito della specializzazione intelligente in Lettonia — biomedicina, tecnologia medica, biofarmaceutica e biotecnologia, promuovendo così il coinvolgimento dell'OSI nelle infrastrutture a livello dell'Unione europea e l'uso di infrastrutture di ricerca a disposizione dell'OSI per risolvere problemi economici pratici. Specializzazione dell'attività scientifica del progetto in conformità con il sottosettore della chimica organica dell'Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economico (OCSE) pubblicato nel documento "Campo riveduto" la classificazione della scienza e della tecnologia (FOS) nel manuale di Frascati" corrisponde ai seguenti campi scientifici: • un sottogruppo del gruppo delle scienze mediche e mediche (gruppo 3) del sottogruppo della medicina di base (gruppo 3.1) per i sottosettori di farmacologia e farmaceutica, nonché la chimica medica. L'attuazione prevista di un progetto di tipo di sostegno combinato, la parte non economica media ponderata del progetto è pari al 75,52 % e, nell'ambito del progetto, gli investimenti devono essere utilizzati nelle attività principali di OSI, che non hanno carattere economico (parte del progetto non connessa all'attività economica), a seguito dell'attuazione del progetto, sarà promossa la seconda direzione della trasformazione industriale definita nella strategia lettone di specializzazione intelligente (RIS3), lo sviluppo di 2 e 6 priorità di crescita e settori di specializzazione — biomedicina, tecnologia medica, biofarmaceutici e biotecnologie. •appalti e ammodernamento di attrezzature di ricerca scientifica nei settori della farmacologia, della ricerca strutturale, della sintesi organica, delle biotecnologie, dei biomateriali e della fitocinetica;•Costruzione e ristrutturazione del centro di ricerca e di business in biofarmacia (compresi i laboratori biotecnologici e fitochimici) al 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Adeguamento e ristrutturazione di laboratori di sintesi organica e di chimica fisico-organica presso 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 serie di attrezzature di ricerca scientifica nel campo della farmacologia, della ricerca strutturale, della sintesi organica, delle biotecnologie, dei biomateriali e della fitocinetica;•Nuova costruzione di Biofarmacia Research and Business Centre (compresi i laboratori biotecnologici e fitochimici) presso 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Complesso aggiornato di sintesi organica e laboratori di chimica fisico-organica presso 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. Il costo totale ammissibile del progetto è di 13 526 366 EUR. Il progetto è cofinanziato dal FESR 10 186 027 EUR e l'intensità media ponderata dei finanziamenti pubblici è dell'85,9345 %.Luogo di attuazione del progetto: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Durata del progetto dopo la conclusione dell'accordo 69 mesi, vale a dire fino al 31.07.2023, l'attuazione del progetto è stata avviata il 01.05.2017. (Italian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 11 January 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
El objetivo del proyecto es modernizar la infraestructura de investigación del Instituto letón de síntesis orgánica (OSI) en el ámbito de la especialización inteligente en Letonia: biomedicina, tecnología médica, biofarmacéutica y biotecnología, promoviendo así la participación de OSI en las infraestructuras de la Unión Europea y el uso de infraestructuras de investigación a disposición de la OSI para resolver problemas económicos prácticos. «clasificación del campo científico y tecnológico revisado (FOS) en el manual de Frascati» corresponde a los siguientes campos científicos: • Un subgrupo del grupo de ciencias médicas y médicas (Grupo 3) del subgrupo de medicina básica (grupo 3.1) para los subsectores de farmacología y farmacéutica, así como química médica. La ejecución prevista de un proyecto de tipo de apoyo combinado, la media ponderada de la parte no económica del proyecto es del 75,52 % y, en el marco del proyecto, las inversiones se utilizarán en las actividades centrales de OSI, que no es de naturaleza económica (parte del proyecto no relacionada con la actividad económica), y en la actividad económica básica (parte del proyecto relacionado con la actividad económica). Como resultado de la ejecución del proyecto, se promoverá la segunda dirección de la transformación industrial definida en la Estrategia de Especialización Inteligente de Letonia (RIS3), el desarrollo de 2 y 6 prioridades de crecimiento y áreas de especialización: biomedicina, tecnología médica, biofarmacéutica y biotecnología. • adquisición y modernización de equipos de investigación científica en los campos de la farmacología, la investigación estructural, la síntesis orgánica, las biotecnologías, los biomateriales y la fitocinética;•Construcción y renovación del centro de investigación y negocio de biofarmacia (incluidos los laboratorios biotecnológicos y fitoquímicos) en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga;•Adaptación y renovación de laboratorios de síntesis orgánica y química físico-orgánica en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga. •10 conjuntos de equipos de investigación científica en el campo de la farmacología, la investigación estructural, la síntesis orgánica, las biotecnologías, los biomateriales y la fitocinética;•Nueva construcción del Centro de Investigación y Negocios de Biofarmacia (incluidos los laboratorios biotecnológicos y fitoquímicos) en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga;• Complejo modernizado de síntesis orgánica y laboratorios de química físico-orgánica en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga. El coste total subvencionable del proyecto es de 135 226 366 EUR. El proyecto está cofinanciado por el FEDER 10 186 027 EUR y la intensidad media ponderada de la financiación pública es del 85,9345 %.Lugar de ejecución del proyecto: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Duración del proyecto tras la conclusión del acuerdo 69 meses, es decir, hasta el 31.07.2023, la ejecución del proyecto se inició el 01.05.2017. (Spanish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: El objetivo del proyecto es modernizar la infraestructura de investigación del Instituto letón de síntesis orgánica (OSI) en el ámbito de la especialización inteligente en Letonia: biomedicina, tecnología médica, biofarmacéutica y biotecnología, promoviendo así la participación de OSI en las infraestructuras de la Unión Europea y el uso de infraestructuras de investigación a disposición de la OSI para resolver problemas económicos prácticos. «clasificación del campo científico y tecnológico revisado (FOS) en el manual de Frascati» corresponde a los siguientes campos científicos: • Un subgrupo del grupo de ciencias médicas y médicas (Grupo 3) del subgrupo de medicina básica (grupo 3.1) para los subsectores de farmacología y farmacéutica, así como química médica. La ejecución prevista de un proyecto de tipo de apoyo combinado, la media ponderada de la parte no económica del proyecto es del 75,52 % y, en el marco del proyecto, las inversiones se utilizarán en las actividades centrales de OSI, que no es de naturaleza económica (parte del proyecto no relacionada con la actividad económica), y en la actividad económica básica (parte del proyecto relacionado con la actividad económica). Como resultado de la ejecución del proyecto, se promoverá la segunda dirección de la transformación industrial definida en la Estrategia de Especialización Inteligente de Letonia (RIS3), el desarrollo de 2 y 6 prioridades de crecimiento y áreas de especialización: biomedicina, tecnología médica, biofarmacéutica y biotecnología. • adquisición y modernización de equipos de investigación científica en los campos de la farmacología, la investigación estructural, la síntesis orgánica, las biotecnologías, los biomateriales y la fitocinética;•Construcción y renovación del centro de investigación y negocio de biofarmacia (incluidos los laboratorios biotecnológicos y fitoquímicos) en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga;•Adaptación y renovación de laboratorios de síntesis orgánica y química físico-orgánica en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga. •10 conjuntos de equipos de investigación científica en el campo de la farmacología, la investigación estructural, la síntesis orgánica, las biotecnologías, los biomateriales y la fitocinética;•Nueva construcción del Centro de Investigación y Negocios de Biofarmacia (incluidos los laboratorios biotecnológicos y fitoquímicos) en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga;• Complejo modernizado de síntesis orgánica y laboratorios de química físico-orgánica en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga. El coste total subvencionable del proyecto es de 135 226 366 EUR. El proyecto está cofinanciado por el FEDER 10 186 027 EUR y la intensidad media ponderada de la financiación pública es del 85,9345 %.Lugar de ejecución del proyecto: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Duración del proyecto tras la conclusión del acuerdo 69 meses, es decir, hasta el 31.07.2023, la ejecución del proyecto se inició el 01.05.2017. (Spanish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: El objetivo del proyecto es modernizar la infraestructura de investigación del Instituto letón de síntesis orgánica (OSI) en el ámbito de la especialización inteligente en Letonia: biomedicina, tecnología médica, biofarmacéutica y biotecnología, promoviendo así la participación de OSI en las infraestructuras de la Unión Europea y el uso de infraestructuras de investigación a disposición de la OSI para resolver problemas económicos prácticos. «clasificación del campo científico y tecnológico revisado (FOS) en el manual de Frascati» corresponde a los siguientes campos científicos: • Un subgrupo del grupo de ciencias médicas y médicas (Grupo 3) del subgrupo de medicina básica (grupo 3.1) para los subsectores de farmacología y farmacéutica, así como química médica. La ejecución prevista de un proyecto de tipo de apoyo combinado, la media ponderada de la parte no económica del proyecto es del 75,52 % y, en el marco del proyecto, las inversiones se utilizarán en las actividades centrales de OSI, que no es de naturaleza económica (parte del proyecto no relacionada con la actividad económica), y en la actividad económica básica (parte del proyecto relacionado con la actividad económica). Como resultado de la ejecución del proyecto, se promoverá la segunda dirección de la transformación industrial definida en la Estrategia de Especialización Inteligente de Letonia (RIS3), el desarrollo de 2 y 6 prioridades de crecimiento y áreas de especialización: biomedicina, tecnología médica, biofarmacéutica y biotecnología. • adquisición y modernización de equipos de investigación científica en los campos de la farmacología, la investigación estructural, la síntesis orgánica, las biotecnologías, los biomateriales y la fitocinética;•Construcción y renovación del centro de investigación y negocio de biofarmacia (incluidos los laboratorios biotecnológicos y fitoquímicos) en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga;•Adaptación y renovación de laboratorios de síntesis orgánica y química físico-orgánica en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga. •10 conjuntos de equipos de investigación científica en el campo de la farmacología, la investigación estructural, la síntesis orgánica, las biotecnologías, los biomateriales y la fitocinética;•Nueva construcción del Centro de Investigación y Negocios de Biofarmacia (incluidos los laboratorios biotecnológicos y fitoquímicos) en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga;• Complejo modernizado de síntesis orgánica y laboratorios de química físico-orgánica en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga. El coste total subvencionable del proyecto es de 135 226 366 EUR. El proyecto está cofinanciado por el FEDER 10 186 027 EUR y la intensidad media ponderada de la financiación pública es del 85,9345 %.Lugar de ejecución del proyecto: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Duración del proyecto tras la conclusión del acuerdo 69 meses, es decir, hasta el 31.07.2023, la ejecución del proyecto se inició el 01.05.2017. (Spanish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 12 January 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Projekti eesmärk on moderniseerida Läti orgaanilise sünteesi instituudi (OSI) teadusuuringute infrastruktuuri Läti aruka spetsialiseerumise valdkonnas – biomeditsiin, meditsiinitehnoloogia, biofarmatseutiline ja biotehnoloogia, edendades seeläbi OSI osalemist Euroopa Liidu tasandi infrastruktuurides ja OSI käsutuses oleva teadustaristu kasutamist, et lahendada praktilisi majanduslikke probleeme.Projekti teadusliku tegevuse spetsialiseerumine projekti teaduslikule tegevusele (biotehnoloogia valdkonnas) biotehnoloogia (OECD) raames dokumendis "Muudetud teadusvaldkond, ja tehnoloogia (FOS) praktiliste majandusküsimuste käsitlemiseks. Projekti teaduslik tegevus projekti raames on jagatud ka biokoostöö ja -arengu valdkonnaks (OECD) dokumendis "Lätikeelsed teadus- ja tehnoloogiavaldkond (FOS) projekti rakendamiseks), projekti teaduslik tegevus biokoostöö ja -arengu valdkonnas alaprojekti (OECD) raames esitatakse dokumendis "Teaduse ja tehnoloogia muudetud valdkond (Läti keeles), samuti projekti rakendamise farmaatsiastrateegias (mittekonfidentsiaalne sotsiaal-meditsiiniline rühm); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 teadusuuringute seadmete komplekti farmakoloogia, struktuuriuuringute, orgaanilise sünteesi, biotehnoloogia, biomaterjalide ja fütotoksiliste ainete valdkonnas;•Biofarmatseutiliste uuringute ja ärikeskuse (sh biotehnoloogia ja fütokeemia laboratoorium) uus hoone Aizkraukles Street 21, Riias;•Orgaanilise sünteesi ja füüsikalise orgaanilise keemia laborite ajakohastatud kompleks (Aizkraukles Street, Riia 21).Projekti abikõlblikud kogukulud on 526 eurot. (Estonian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Projekti eesmärk on moderniseerida Läti orgaanilise sünteesi instituudi (OSI) teadusuuringute infrastruktuuri Läti aruka spetsialiseerumise valdkonnas – biomeditsiin, meditsiinitehnoloogia, biofarmatseutiline ja biotehnoloogia, edendades seeläbi OSI osalemist Euroopa Liidu tasandi infrastruktuurides ja OSI käsutuses oleva teadustaristu kasutamist, et lahendada praktilisi majanduslikke probleeme.Projekti teadusliku tegevuse spetsialiseerumine projekti teaduslikule tegevusele (biotehnoloogia valdkonnas) biotehnoloogia (OECD) raames dokumendis "Muudetud teadusvaldkond, ja tehnoloogia (FOS) praktiliste majandusküsimuste käsitlemiseks. Projekti teaduslik tegevus projekti raames on jagatud ka biokoostöö ja -arengu valdkonnaks (OECD) dokumendis "Lätikeelsed teadus- ja tehnoloogiavaldkond (FOS) projekti rakendamiseks), projekti teaduslik tegevus biokoostöö ja -arengu valdkonnas alaprojekti (OECD) raames esitatakse dokumendis "Teaduse ja tehnoloogia muudetud valdkond (Läti keeles), samuti projekti rakendamise farmaatsiastrateegias (mittekonfidentsiaalne sotsiaal-meditsiiniline rühm); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 teadusuuringute seadmete komplekti farmakoloogia, struktuuriuuringute, orgaanilise sünteesi, biotehnoloogia, biomaterjalide ja fütotoksiliste ainete valdkonnas;•Biofarmatseutiliste uuringute ja ärikeskuse (sh biotehnoloogia ja fütokeemia laboratoorium) uus hoone Aizkraukles Street 21, Riias;•Orgaanilise sünteesi ja füüsikalise orgaanilise keemia laborite ajakohastatud kompleks (Aizkraukles Street, Riia 21).Projekti abikõlblikud kogukulud on 526 eurot. (Estonian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Projekti eesmärk on moderniseerida Läti orgaanilise sünteesi instituudi (OSI) teadusuuringute infrastruktuuri Läti aruka spetsialiseerumise valdkonnas – biomeditsiin, meditsiinitehnoloogia, biofarmatseutiline ja biotehnoloogia, edendades seeläbi OSI osalemist Euroopa Liidu tasandi infrastruktuurides ja OSI käsutuses oleva teadustaristu kasutamist, et lahendada praktilisi majanduslikke probleeme.Projekti teadusliku tegevuse spetsialiseerumine projekti teaduslikule tegevusele (biotehnoloogia valdkonnas) biotehnoloogia (OECD) raames dokumendis "Muudetud teadusvaldkond, ja tehnoloogia (FOS) praktiliste majandusküsimuste käsitlemiseks. Projekti teaduslik tegevus projekti raames on jagatud ka biokoostöö ja -arengu valdkonnaks (OECD) dokumendis "Lätikeelsed teadus- ja tehnoloogiavaldkond (FOS) projekti rakendamiseks), projekti teaduslik tegevus biokoostöö ja -arengu valdkonnas alaprojekti (OECD) raames esitatakse dokumendis "Teaduse ja tehnoloogia muudetud valdkond (Läti keeles), samuti projekti rakendamise farmaatsiastrateegias (mittekonfidentsiaalne sotsiaal-meditsiiniline rühm); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 teadusuuringute seadmete komplekti farmakoloogia, struktuuriuuringute, orgaanilise sünteesi, biotehnoloogia, biomaterjalide ja fütotoksiliste ainete valdkonnas;•Biofarmatseutiliste uuringute ja ärikeskuse (sh biotehnoloogia ja fütokeemia laboratoorium) uus hoone Aizkraukles Street 21, Riias;•Orgaanilise sünteesi ja füüsikalise orgaanilise keemia laborite ajakohastatud kompleks (Aizkraukles Street, Riia 21).Projekti abikõlblikud kogukulud on 526 eurot. (Estonian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Projekto tikslas – modernizuoti Latvijos ekologinės sintezės instituto (OSI) mokslinių tyrimų infrastruktūrą Latvijos pažangiosios specializacijos srityje – biomedicinos, medicinos technologijų, biofarmacijos ir biotechnologijų srityje, tokiu būdu skatinant OSI dalyvavimą Europos Sąjungos lygmens infrastruktūroje ir OSI turimos mokslinių tyrimų infrastruktūros naudojimą praktinėms ekonominėms problemoms spręsti. Projekto mokslinė veikla specializacija projekto mokslinei veiklai (biotechnologijų srityje) biotechnologijų srityje (OECD) dokumente "Peržiūrėta mokslo sritis, projekto mokslinė veikla taip pat suskirstyta į biologinio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros sritį (EBPO) dokumente "Peržiūrėta mokslo ir technologijų sritis (FOS) projekto įgyvendinimui (Latvijoje), projekto mokslinė veikla biologinio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros srityje (EBPO), bus pateikta dokumente "Peržiūrėta mokslo ir technologijų sritis (Latvijoje), taip pat projekto įgyvendinimo farmacijos strategijoje (nekonferencinė socialinė ir medicinos grupė); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 mokslinių tyrimų įrangos rinkinių farmakologijos, struktūrinių tyrimų, organinės sintezės, biotechnologijų, biomedžiagų ir fitotoksinių medžiagų srityse;•Naujas biofarmacijos tyrimų ir verslo centro pastatas (įskaitant biotechnologijų ir fitochemijos laboratoriją) 21 Aizkraukles gatvėje, Rygoje;•Modernizuotas organinės sintezės ir fizinės organinės chemijos laboratorijų kompleksas (21 Aizkraukles gatvėje, Rygoje). (Lithuanian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Projekto tikslas – modernizuoti Latvijos ekologinės sintezės instituto (OSI) mokslinių tyrimų infrastruktūrą Latvijos pažangiosios specializacijos srityje – biomedicinos, medicinos technologijų, biofarmacijos ir biotechnologijų srityje, tokiu būdu skatinant OSI dalyvavimą Europos Sąjungos lygmens infrastruktūroje ir OSI turimos mokslinių tyrimų infrastruktūros naudojimą praktinėms ekonominėms problemoms spręsti. Projekto mokslinė veikla specializacija projekto mokslinei veiklai (biotechnologijų srityje) biotechnologijų srityje (OECD) dokumente "Peržiūrėta mokslo sritis, projekto mokslinė veikla taip pat suskirstyta į biologinio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros sritį (EBPO) dokumente "Peržiūrėta mokslo ir technologijų sritis (FOS) projekto įgyvendinimui (Latvijoje), projekto mokslinė veikla biologinio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros srityje (EBPO), bus pateikta dokumente "Peržiūrėta mokslo ir technologijų sritis (Latvijoje), taip pat projekto įgyvendinimo farmacijos strategijoje (nekonferencinė socialinė ir medicinos grupė); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 mokslinių tyrimų įrangos rinkinių farmakologijos, struktūrinių tyrimų, organinės sintezės, biotechnologijų, biomedžiagų ir fitotoksinių medžiagų srityse;•Naujas biofarmacijos tyrimų ir verslo centro pastatas (įskaitant biotechnologijų ir fitochemijos laboratoriją) 21 Aizkraukles gatvėje, Rygoje;•Modernizuotas organinės sintezės ir fizinės organinės chemijos laboratorijų kompleksas (21 Aizkraukles gatvėje, Rygoje). (Lithuanian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Projekto tikslas – modernizuoti Latvijos ekologinės sintezės instituto (OSI) mokslinių tyrimų infrastruktūrą Latvijos pažangiosios specializacijos srityje – biomedicinos, medicinos technologijų, biofarmacijos ir biotechnologijų srityje, tokiu būdu skatinant OSI dalyvavimą Europos Sąjungos lygmens infrastruktūroje ir OSI turimos mokslinių tyrimų infrastruktūros naudojimą praktinėms ekonominėms problemoms spręsti. Projekto mokslinė veikla specializacija projekto mokslinei veiklai (biotechnologijų srityje) biotechnologijų srityje (OECD) dokumente "Peržiūrėta mokslo sritis, projekto mokslinė veikla taip pat suskirstyta į biologinio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros sritį (EBPO) dokumente "Peržiūrėta mokslo ir technologijų sritis (FOS) projekto įgyvendinimui (Latvijoje), projekto mokslinė veikla biologinio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros srityje (EBPO), bus pateikta dokumente "Peržiūrėta mokslo ir technologijų sritis (Latvijoje), taip pat projekto įgyvendinimo farmacijos strategijoje (nekonferencinė socialinė ir medicinos grupė); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 mokslinių tyrimų įrangos rinkinių farmakologijos, struktūrinių tyrimų, organinės sintezės, biotechnologijų, biomedžiagų ir fitotoksinių medžiagų srityse;•Naujas biofarmacijos tyrimų ir verslo centro pastatas (įskaitant biotechnologijų ir fitochemijos laboratoriją) 21 Aizkraukles gatvėje, Rygoje;•Modernizuotas organinės sintezės ir fizinės organinės chemijos laboratorijų kompleksas (21 Aizkraukles gatvėje, Rygoje). (Lithuanian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Cilj projekta je modernizacija istraživačke infrastrukture Latvijskog instituta za organsku sintezu (OSI) u latvijskom području pametne specijalizacije – biomedicina, medicinska tehnologija, biofarmaceutska i biotehnologija, čime se promiče sudjelovanje OSI-ja u infrastrukturama na razini Europske unije i korištenje istraživačke infrastrukture koja je na raspolaganju OSI-ju za rješavanje praktičnih ekonomskih problema. Specifikacija znanstvenog djelovanja projekta za znanstvenu aktivnost projekta (u području biotehnologije) u okviru biotehnologije (OECD) u dokumentu "Revidirano područje znanosti, i tehnologija (FOS) za rješavanje praktičnih ekonomskih pitanja. Znanstvena aktivnost projekta također je podijeljena na područje bio-suradnje i razvoja (OECD) u dokumentu"Revidirano područje znanosti i tehnologije (FOS) za provedbu projekta (na latvijskom), znanstvena aktivnost projekta u području bio-suradnje i razvoja u okviru Sub-projekta (OECD), bit će dostupna u dokumentu "Revidirano područje znanosti i tehnologije (na latvijskom), kao i u farmaceutskoj strategiji za provedbu projekta (nekonferencijalna društveno-medicinska skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 kompleta znanstveno-istraživačke opreme u području farmakologije, strukturnih istraživanja, organske sinteze, biotehnologije, biomaterijala i fitotoksika;• Nova zgrada biofarmaceutskog istraživačkog centra i poslovnog centra (uključujući biotehnologiju i laboratorij za fitokemiju) u ulici Aizkraukles 21, Riga;•Modernizirani kompleks laboratorija za organsku sintezu i fizikalnu organsku kemiju (u ulici Aizkraukles 21, Riga). Ukupni prihvatljivi troškovi projekta iznose 526 EUR. (Croatian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Cilj projekta je modernizacija istraživačke infrastrukture Latvijskog instituta za organsku sintezu (OSI) u latvijskom području pametne specijalizacije – biomedicina, medicinska tehnologija, biofarmaceutska i biotehnologija, čime se promiče sudjelovanje OSI-ja u infrastrukturama na razini Europske unije i korištenje istraživačke infrastrukture koja je na raspolaganju OSI-ju za rješavanje praktičnih ekonomskih problema. Specifikacija znanstvenog djelovanja projekta za znanstvenu aktivnost projekta (u području biotehnologije) u okviru biotehnologije (OECD) u dokumentu "Revidirano područje znanosti, i tehnologija (FOS) za rješavanje praktičnih ekonomskih pitanja. Znanstvena aktivnost projekta također je podijeljena na područje bio-suradnje i razvoja (OECD) u dokumentu"Revidirano područje znanosti i tehnologije (FOS) za provedbu projekta (na latvijskom), znanstvena aktivnost projekta u području bio-suradnje i razvoja u okviru Sub-projekta (OECD), bit će dostupna u dokumentu "Revidirano područje znanosti i tehnologije (na latvijskom), kao i u farmaceutskoj strategiji za provedbu projekta (nekonferencijalna društveno-medicinska skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 kompleta znanstveno-istraživačke opreme u području farmakologije, strukturnih istraživanja, organske sinteze, biotehnologije, biomaterijala i fitotoksika;• Nova zgrada biofarmaceutskog istraživačkog centra i poslovnog centra (uključujući biotehnologiju i laboratorij za fitokemiju) u ulici Aizkraukles 21, Riga;•Modernizirani kompleks laboratorija za organsku sintezu i fizikalnu organsku kemiju (u ulici Aizkraukles 21, Riga). Ukupni prihvatljivi troškovi projekta iznose 526 EUR. (Croatian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Cilj projekta je modernizacija istraživačke infrastrukture Latvijskog instituta za organsku sintezu (OSI) u latvijskom području pametne specijalizacije – biomedicina, medicinska tehnologija, biofarmaceutska i biotehnologija, čime se promiče sudjelovanje OSI-ja u infrastrukturama na razini Europske unije i korištenje istraživačke infrastrukture koja je na raspolaganju OSI-ju za rješavanje praktičnih ekonomskih problema. Specifikacija znanstvenog djelovanja projekta za znanstvenu aktivnost projekta (u području biotehnologije) u okviru biotehnologije (OECD) u dokumentu "Revidirano područje znanosti, i tehnologija (FOS) za rješavanje praktičnih ekonomskih pitanja. Znanstvena aktivnost projekta također je podijeljena na područje bio-suradnje i razvoja (OECD) u dokumentu"Revidirano područje znanosti i tehnologije (FOS) za provedbu projekta (na latvijskom), znanstvena aktivnost projekta u području bio-suradnje i razvoja u okviru Sub-projekta (OECD), bit će dostupna u dokumentu "Revidirano područje znanosti i tehnologije (na latvijskom), kao i u farmaceutskoj strategiji za provedbu projekta (nekonferencijalna društveno-medicinska skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 kompleta znanstveno-istraživačke opreme u području farmakologije, strukturnih istraživanja, organske sinteze, biotehnologije, biomaterijala i fitotoksika;• Nova zgrada biofarmaceutskog istraživačkog centra i poslovnog centra (uključujući biotehnologiju i laboratorij za fitokemiju) u ulici Aizkraukles 21, Riga;•Modernizirani kompleks laboratorija za organsku sintezu i fizikalnu organsku kemiju (u ulici Aizkraukles 21, Riga). Ukupni prihvatljivi troškovi projekta iznose 526 EUR. (Croatian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Στόχος του έργου είναι ο εκσυγχρονισμός της ερευνητικής υποδομής του Ινστιτούτου Βιολογικής Σύνθεσης της Λετονίας (OSI) στον τομέα της έξυπνης εξειδίκευσης της Λετονίας — βιοϊατρική, ιατρική τεχνολογία, βιοφαρμακευτική και βιοτεχνολογία, προωθώντας έτσι τη συμμετοχή του OSI στις υποδομές σε επίπεδο Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και τη χρήση των ερευνητικών υποδομών που διαθέτει το OSI για την επίλυση πρακτικών οικονομικών προβλημάτων. η επιστημονική δραστηριότητα του έργου διαιρείται επίσης στο πεδίο της βιο-συνεργασίας και ανάπτυξης (ΟΟΣΑ) στο έγγραφο «Αναθεωρημένο πεδίο επιστήμης και τεχνολογίας (FOS) για την υλοποίηση του έργου (στα λεττονικά), η επιστημονική δραστηριότητα του έργου στον τομέα της βιο-συνεργασίας και της ανάπτυξης στο πλαίσιο του υποέργου (ΟΟΣΑ), θα παρέχεται στο έγγραφο»Αναθεωρημένο πεδίο επιστήμης και τεχνολογίας (στα λετονικά), καθώς και στη φαρμακευτική στρατηγική για την υλοποίηση του έργου (μη συναινετική κοινωνικο-ιατρική ομάδα)· in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 σύνολα εξοπλισμού επιστημονικής έρευνας στους τομείς της φαρμακολογίας, της δομικής έρευνας, της οργανικής σύνθεσης, των βιοτεχνολογιών, των βιοϋλικών και των φυτοτοξικών·•Νέα κατασκευή βιοφαρμακευτικού κέντρου έρευνας και επιχειρήσεων (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των εργαστηρίων βιοτεχνολογίας και φυτοχημείας) στην οδό Aizkraukles 21, Ρίγα·•Εκσυγχρονισμένο σύμπλεγμα εργαστηρίων βιολογικής σύνθεσης και φυσικής χημείας (στην οδό Aizkraukles 21, Ρίγα). (Greek) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Στόχος του έργου είναι ο εκσυγχρονισμός της ερευνητικής υποδομής του Ινστιτούτου Βιολογικής Σύνθεσης της Λετονίας (OSI) στον τομέα της έξυπνης εξειδίκευσης της Λετονίας — βιοϊατρική, ιατρική τεχνολογία, βιοφαρμακευτική και βιοτεχνολογία, προωθώντας έτσι τη συμμετοχή του OSI στις υποδομές σε επίπεδο Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και τη χρήση των ερευνητικών υποδομών που διαθέτει το OSI για την επίλυση πρακτικών οικονομικών προβλημάτων. η επιστημονική δραστηριότητα του έργου διαιρείται επίσης στο πεδίο της βιο-συνεργασίας και ανάπτυξης (ΟΟΣΑ) στο έγγραφο «Αναθεωρημένο πεδίο επιστήμης και τεχνολογίας (FOS) για την υλοποίηση του έργου (στα λεττονικά), η επιστημονική δραστηριότητα του έργου στον τομέα της βιο-συνεργασίας και της ανάπτυξης στο πλαίσιο του υποέργου (ΟΟΣΑ), θα παρέχεται στο έγγραφο»Αναθεωρημένο πεδίο επιστήμης και τεχνολογίας (στα λετονικά), καθώς και στη φαρμακευτική στρατηγική για την υλοποίηση του έργου (μη συναινετική κοινωνικο-ιατρική ομάδα)· in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 σύνολα εξοπλισμού επιστημονικής έρευνας στους τομείς της φαρμακολογίας, της δομικής έρευνας, της οργανικής σύνθεσης, των βιοτεχνολογιών, των βιοϋλικών και των φυτοτοξικών·•Νέα κατασκευή βιοφαρμακευτικού κέντρου έρευνας και επιχειρήσεων (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των εργαστηρίων βιοτεχνολογίας και φυτοχημείας) στην οδό Aizkraukles 21, Ρίγα·•Εκσυγχρονισμένο σύμπλεγμα εργαστηρίων βιολογικής σύνθεσης και φυσικής χημείας (στην οδό Aizkraukles 21, Ρίγα). (Greek) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Στόχος του έργου είναι ο εκσυγχρονισμός της ερευνητικής υποδομής του Ινστιτούτου Βιολογικής Σύνθεσης της Λετονίας (OSI) στον τομέα της έξυπνης εξειδίκευσης της Λετονίας — βιοϊατρική, ιατρική τεχνολογία, βιοφαρμακευτική και βιοτεχνολογία, προωθώντας έτσι τη συμμετοχή του OSI στις υποδομές σε επίπεδο Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και τη χρήση των ερευνητικών υποδομών που διαθέτει το OSI για την επίλυση πρακτικών οικονομικών προβλημάτων. η επιστημονική δραστηριότητα του έργου διαιρείται επίσης στο πεδίο της βιο-συνεργασίας και ανάπτυξης (ΟΟΣΑ) στο έγγραφο «Αναθεωρημένο πεδίο επιστήμης και τεχνολογίας (FOS) για την υλοποίηση του έργου (στα λεττονικά), η επιστημονική δραστηριότητα του έργου στον τομέα της βιο-συνεργασίας και της ανάπτυξης στο πλαίσιο του υποέργου (ΟΟΣΑ), θα παρέχεται στο έγγραφο»Αναθεωρημένο πεδίο επιστήμης και τεχνολογίας (στα λετονικά), καθώς και στη φαρμακευτική στρατηγική για την υλοποίηση του έργου (μη συναινετική κοινωνικο-ιατρική ομάδα)· in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 σύνολα εξοπλισμού επιστημονικής έρευνας στους τομείς της φαρμακολογίας, της δομικής έρευνας, της οργανικής σύνθεσης, των βιοτεχνολογιών, των βιοϋλικών και των φυτοτοξικών·•Νέα κατασκευή βιοφαρμακευτικού κέντρου έρευνας και επιχειρήσεων (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των εργαστηρίων βιοτεχνολογίας και φυτοχημείας) στην οδό Aizkraukles 21, Ρίγα·•Εκσυγχρονισμένο σύμπλεγμα εργαστηρίων βιολογικής σύνθεσης και φυσικής χημείας (στην οδό Aizkraukles 21, Ρίγα). (Greek) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Cieľom projektu je modernizovať výskumnú infraštruktúru Lotyšského inštitútu pre organickú syntézu (OSI) v rámci lotyšskej oblasti inteligentnej špecializácie – biomedicína, zdravotnícka technológia, biofarmaceutická a biotechnológia, čím sa podporí zapojenie OSI do infraštruktúr na úrovni Európskej únie a využívanie výskumnej infraštruktúry k dispozícii OSI na riešenie praktických ekonomických problémov.Vedecká činnosť projektu sa špecializuje na vedeckú činnosť projektu (v oblasti biotechnológie) v rámci biotechnológie (OECD) v dokumente "Revidovaná oblasť vedy, a technológie (FOS) na riešenie praktických ekonomických otázok.Vedecká činnosť projektu je tiež rozdelená na oblasť biospolupráce a rozvoja (OECD) v dokumente "Revidovaná oblasť vedy a techniky (FOS) na realizáciu projektu (v lotyšskom jazyku), vedecká činnosť projektu v oblasti biologickej spolupráce a rozvoja v rámci podprojektu (OECD) bude uvedená v dokumente "Revidovaná oblasť vedy a techniky (v lotyšskom jazyku), ako aj vo farmaceutickej stratégii pre realizáciu projektu (nekonferenčná sociálno-medicínska skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 súborov vedeckovýskumných zariadení v oblastiach farmakológie, štrukturálneho výskumu, organickej syntézy, biotechnológií, biomateriálov a fytotoxických látok;•Nová výstavba biofarmaceutického výskumného a obchodného centra (vrátane biotechnológie a fytochémie) na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga;•Modernizovaný komplex laboratórií organickej syntézy a fyzikálnej ekologickej chémie (na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga). Celkové oprávnené náklady na projekt predstavujú 526 EUR. (Slovak) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Cieľom projektu je modernizovať výskumnú infraštruktúru Lotyšského inštitútu pre organickú syntézu (OSI) v rámci lotyšskej oblasti inteligentnej špecializácie – biomedicína, zdravotnícka technológia, biofarmaceutická a biotechnológia, čím sa podporí zapojenie OSI do infraštruktúr na úrovni Európskej únie a využívanie výskumnej infraštruktúry k dispozícii OSI na riešenie praktických ekonomických problémov.Vedecká činnosť projektu sa špecializuje na vedeckú činnosť projektu (v oblasti biotechnológie) v rámci biotechnológie (OECD) v dokumente "Revidovaná oblasť vedy, a technológie (FOS) na riešenie praktických ekonomických otázok.Vedecká činnosť projektu je tiež rozdelená na oblasť biospolupráce a rozvoja (OECD) v dokumente "Revidovaná oblasť vedy a techniky (FOS) na realizáciu projektu (v lotyšskom jazyku), vedecká činnosť projektu v oblasti biologickej spolupráce a rozvoja v rámci podprojektu (OECD) bude uvedená v dokumente "Revidovaná oblasť vedy a techniky (v lotyšskom jazyku), ako aj vo farmaceutickej stratégii pre realizáciu projektu (nekonferenčná sociálno-medicínska skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 súborov vedeckovýskumných zariadení v oblastiach farmakológie, štrukturálneho výskumu, organickej syntézy, biotechnológií, biomateriálov a fytotoxických látok;•Nová výstavba biofarmaceutického výskumného a obchodného centra (vrátane biotechnológie a fytochémie) na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga;•Modernizovaný komplex laboratórií organickej syntézy a fyzikálnej ekologickej chémie (na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga). Celkové oprávnené náklady na projekt predstavujú 526 EUR. (Slovak) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Cieľom projektu je modernizovať výskumnú infraštruktúru Lotyšského inštitútu pre organickú syntézu (OSI) v rámci lotyšskej oblasti inteligentnej špecializácie – biomedicína, zdravotnícka technológia, biofarmaceutická a biotechnológia, čím sa podporí zapojenie OSI do infraštruktúr na úrovni Európskej únie a využívanie výskumnej infraštruktúry k dispozícii OSI na riešenie praktických ekonomických problémov.Vedecká činnosť projektu sa špecializuje na vedeckú činnosť projektu (v oblasti biotechnológie) v rámci biotechnológie (OECD) v dokumente "Revidovaná oblasť vedy, a technológie (FOS) na riešenie praktických ekonomických otázok.Vedecká činnosť projektu je tiež rozdelená na oblasť biospolupráce a rozvoja (OECD) v dokumente "Revidovaná oblasť vedy a techniky (FOS) na realizáciu projektu (v lotyšskom jazyku), vedecká činnosť projektu v oblasti biologickej spolupráce a rozvoja v rámci podprojektu (OECD) bude uvedená v dokumente "Revidovaná oblasť vedy a techniky (v lotyšskom jazyku), ako aj vo farmaceutickej stratégii pre realizáciu projektu (nekonferenčná sociálno-medicínska skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 súborov vedeckovýskumných zariadení v oblastiach farmakológie, štrukturálneho výskumu, organickej syntézy, biotechnológií, biomateriálov a fytotoxických látok;•Nová výstavba biofarmaceutického výskumného a obchodného centra (vrátane biotechnológie a fytochémie) na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga;•Modernizovaný komplex laboratórií organickej syntézy a fyzikálnej ekologickej chémie (na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga). Celkové oprávnené náklady na projekt predstavujú 526 EUR. (Slovak) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Hankkeen tavoitteena on nykyaikaistaa Latvian orgaanisen synteesiinstituutin (OSI) tutkimusinfrastruktuuria Latvian älykkään erikoistumisen alalla – biolääketieteessä, lääketieteellisessä teknologiassa, biofarmaseuttisissa lääkkeissä ja bioteknologiassa. Näin edistetään OSI:n osallistumista Euroopan unionin tason infrastruktuureihin ja OSI:n käytettävissä olevan tutkimusinfrastruktuurin käyttöä käytännön taloudellisten ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi.Projektin tieteellinen toiminta on erikoistunut hankkeen tieteelliseen toimintaan (bioteknologian alalla) bioteknologian (OECD) puitteissa asiakirjassa ”Revised field of science”, ja teknologia (FOS) käytännön taloudellisten kysymysten käsittelemiseksi. Hankkeen tieteellinen toiminta on jaettu myös bioyhteistyön ja kehityksen alaan (OECD) asiakirjassa ”Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) for the implementation of the project’s (Latviaksi), hankkeen tieteellinen toiminta bioyhteistyön ja kehityksen alalla alahankkeen (OECD) alalla) asiakirjassa ”Revised field of science and technology (in Latvia) sekä lääkestrategia hankkeen toteuttamiseksi (ei-konferentiivinen sosiolääketieteellinen ryhmä); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 tieteellisen tutkimuslaitteiston sarjaa farmakologian, rakennetutkimuksen, orgaanisen synteesin, bioteknologian, biomateriaalien ja fytotoksisten aineiden aloilla; • Biofarmaseuttisen tutkimus- ja liiketoimintakeskuksen (mukaan lukien bioteknologian ja fytokemian laboratorio) rakentaminen 21 Aizkraukles Streetillä Riiassa •orgaanisen synteesin ja fyysisen orgaanisen kemian laboratorioiden modernisoitu kompleksi (21 Aizkraukles Street, Riiassa). Hankkeen tukikelpoiset kokonaiskustannukset ovat 526 euroa. (Finnish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Hankkeen tavoitteena on nykyaikaistaa Latvian orgaanisen synteesiinstituutin (OSI) tutkimusinfrastruktuuria Latvian älykkään erikoistumisen alalla – biolääketieteessä, lääketieteellisessä teknologiassa, biofarmaseuttisissa lääkkeissä ja bioteknologiassa. Näin edistetään OSI:n osallistumista Euroopan unionin tason infrastruktuureihin ja OSI:n käytettävissä olevan tutkimusinfrastruktuurin käyttöä käytännön taloudellisten ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi.Projektin tieteellinen toiminta on erikoistunut hankkeen tieteelliseen toimintaan (bioteknologian alalla) bioteknologian (OECD) puitteissa asiakirjassa ”Revised field of science”, ja teknologia (FOS) käytännön taloudellisten kysymysten käsittelemiseksi. Hankkeen tieteellinen toiminta on jaettu myös bioyhteistyön ja kehityksen alaan (OECD) asiakirjassa ”Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) for the implementation of the project’s (Latviaksi), hankkeen tieteellinen toiminta bioyhteistyön ja kehityksen alalla alahankkeen (OECD) alalla) asiakirjassa ”Revised field of science and technology (in Latvia) sekä lääkestrategia hankkeen toteuttamiseksi (ei-konferentiivinen sosiolääketieteellinen ryhmä); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 tieteellisen tutkimuslaitteiston sarjaa farmakologian, rakennetutkimuksen, orgaanisen synteesin, bioteknologian, biomateriaalien ja fytotoksisten aineiden aloilla; • Biofarmaseuttisen tutkimus- ja liiketoimintakeskuksen (mukaan lukien bioteknologian ja fytokemian laboratorio) rakentaminen 21 Aizkraukles Streetillä Riiassa •orgaanisen synteesin ja fyysisen orgaanisen kemian laboratorioiden modernisoitu kompleksi (21 Aizkraukles Street, Riiassa). Hankkeen tukikelpoiset kokonaiskustannukset ovat 526 euroa. (Finnish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Hankkeen tavoitteena on nykyaikaistaa Latvian orgaanisen synteesiinstituutin (OSI) tutkimusinfrastruktuuria Latvian älykkään erikoistumisen alalla – biolääketieteessä, lääketieteellisessä teknologiassa, biofarmaseuttisissa lääkkeissä ja bioteknologiassa. Näin edistetään OSI:n osallistumista Euroopan unionin tason infrastruktuureihin ja OSI:n käytettävissä olevan tutkimusinfrastruktuurin käyttöä käytännön taloudellisten ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi.Projektin tieteellinen toiminta on erikoistunut hankkeen tieteelliseen toimintaan (bioteknologian alalla) bioteknologian (OECD) puitteissa asiakirjassa ”Revised field of science”, ja teknologia (FOS) käytännön taloudellisten kysymysten käsittelemiseksi. Hankkeen tieteellinen toiminta on jaettu myös bioyhteistyön ja kehityksen alaan (OECD) asiakirjassa ”Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) for the implementation of the project’s (Latviaksi), hankkeen tieteellinen toiminta bioyhteistyön ja kehityksen alalla alahankkeen (OECD) alalla) asiakirjassa ”Revised field of science and technology (in Latvia) sekä lääkestrategia hankkeen toteuttamiseksi (ei-konferentiivinen sosiolääketieteellinen ryhmä); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 tieteellisen tutkimuslaitteiston sarjaa farmakologian, rakennetutkimuksen, orgaanisen synteesin, bioteknologian, biomateriaalien ja fytotoksisten aineiden aloilla; • Biofarmaseuttisen tutkimus- ja liiketoimintakeskuksen (mukaan lukien bioteknologian ja fytokemian laboratorio) rakentaminen 21 Aizkraukles Streetillä Riiassa •orgaanisen synteesin ja fyysisen orgaanisen kemian laboratorioiden modernisoitu kompleksi (21 Aizkraukles Street, Riiassa). Hankkeen tukikelpoiset kokonaiskustannukset ovat 526 euroa. (Finnish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Celem projektu jest modernizacja Łotewskiego Instytutu Syntezy Organicznej (OSI) w łotewskiej dziedzinie inteligentnej specjalizacji – biomedycyna, technologia medyczna, biofarmaceutyka i biotechnologia, a tym samym promowanie zaangażowania OSI w infrastrukturę na poziomie Unii Europejskiej oraz wykorzystanie infrastruktury badawczej będącej do dyspozycji OSI w celu rozwiązania praktycznych problemów ekonomicznych.Działalność naukowa projektu specjalizacja działalności naukowej projektu (w dziedzinie biotechnologii) w zakresie biotechnologii (OECD) w dokumencie "Zrewidowana dziedzina nauki, oraz technologii (FOS) w celu rozwiązania praktycznych problemów ekonomicznych.Działalność naukowa projektu w ramach projektu jest również podzielona na dziedzinę współpracy i rozwoju biologicznego (OECD) w dokumencie "Zrewidowana dziedzina nauki i technologii (FOS) w celu realizacji projektu (w języku łotewskim), działalność naukowa projektu w dziedzinie współpracy biologicznej i rozwoju w zakresie podprojektu (OECD), w dokumencie "Zrewidowana dziedzina nauki i technologii (w języku łotewskim), jak również w strategii farmaceutycznej na rzecz realizacji projektu (nieuznana grupa społeczno-medyczna); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 zestawów sprzętu naukowo-badawczego w dziedzinie farmakologii, badań strukturalnych, syntezy organicznej, biotechnologii, biomateriałów i fitotoksyczności; •Nowy budynek centrum badań i biznesu biofarmaceutycznego (w tym laboratorium biotechnologii i fitochemii) przy ul. Aizkraukles 21 w Rydze;•Zmodernizowany kompleks laboratoriów syntezy organicznej i fizykalnej chemii organicznej (przy ul. Aizkraukles 21 w Rydze).Całkowite koszty kwalifikowalne projektu wynoszą 526 EUR. (Polish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Celem projektu jest modernizacja Łotewskiego Instytutu Syntezy Organicznej (OSI) w łotewskiej dziedzinie inteligentnej specjalizacji – biomedycyna, technologia medyczna, biofarmaceutyka i biotechnologia, a tym samym promowanie zaangażowania OSI w infrastrukturę na poziomie Unii Europejskiej oraz wykorzystanie infrastruktury badawczej będącej do dyspozycji OSI w celu rozwiązania praktycznych problemów ekonomicznych.Działalność naukowa projektu specjalizacja działalności naukowej projektu (w dziedzinie biotechnologii) w zakresie biotechnologii (OECD) w dokumencie "Zrewidowana dziedzina nauki, oraz technologii (FOS) w celu rozwiązania praktycznych problemów ekonomicznych.Działalność naukowa projektu w ramach projektu jest również podzielona na dziedzinę współpracy i rozwoju biologicznego (OECD) w dokumencie "Zrewidowana dziedzina nauki i technologii (FOS) w celu realizacji projektu (w języku łotewskim), działalność naukowa projektu w dziedzinie współpracy biologicznej i rozwoju w zakresie podprojektu (OECD), w dokumencie "Zrewidowana dziedzina nauki i technologii (w języku łotewskim), jak również w strategii farmaceutycznej na rzecz realizacji projektu (nieuznana grupa społeczno-medyczna); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 zestawów sprzętu naukowo-badawczego w dziedzinie farmakologii, badań strukturalnych, syntezy organicznej, biotechnologii, biomateriałów i fitotoksyczności; •Nowy budynek centrum badań i biznesu biofarmaceutycznego (w tym laboratorium biotechnologii i fitochemii) przy ul. Aizkraukles 21 w Rydze;•Zmodernizowany kompleks laboratoriów syntezy organicznej i fizykalnej chemii organicznej (przy ul. Aizkraukles 21 w Rydze).Całkowite koszty kwalifikowalne projektu wynoszą 526 EUR. (Polish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Celem projektu jest modernizacja Łotewskiego Instytutu Syntezy Organicznej (OSI) w łotewskiej dziedzinie inteligentnej specjalizacji – biomedycyna, technologia medyczna, biofarmaceutyka i biotechnologia, a tym samym promowanie zaangażowania OSI w infrastrukturę na poziomie Unii Europejskiej oraz wykorzystanie infrastruktury badawczej będącej do dyspozycji OSI w celu rozwiązania praktycznych problemów ekonomicznych.Działalność naukowa projektu specjalizacja działalności naukowej projektu (w dziedzinie biotechnologii) w zakresie biotechnologii (OECD) w dokumencie "Zrewidowana dziedzina nauki, oraz technologii (FOS) w celu rozwiązania praktycznych problemów ekonomicznych.Działalność naukowa projektu w ramach projektu jest również podzielona na dziedzinę współpracy i rozwoju biologicznego (OECD) w dokumencie "Zrewidowana dziedzina nauki i technologii (FOS) w celu realizacji projektu (w języku łotewskim), działalność naukowa projektu w dziedzinie współpracy biologicznej i rozwoju w zakresie podprojektu (OECD), w dokumencie "Zrewidowana dziedzina nauki i technologii (w języku łotewskim), jak również w strategii farmaceutycznej na rzecz realizacji projektu (nieuznana grupa społeczno-medyczna); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 zestawów sprzętu naukowo-badawczego w dziedzinie farmakologii, badań strukturalnych, syntezy organicznej, biotechnologii, biomateriałów i fitotoksyczności; •Nowy budynek centrum badań i biznesu biofarmaceutycznego (w tym laboratorium biotechnologii i fitochemii) przy ul. Aizkraukles 21 w Rydze;•Zmodernizowany kompleks laboratoriów syntezy organicznej i fizykalnej chemii organicznej (przy ul. Aizkraukles 21 w Rydze).Całkowite koszty kwalifikowalne projektu wynoszą 526 EUR. (Polish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
A projekt célja a lett Bioszintézis Intézet (OSI) kutatási infrastruktúrájának modernizálása a lett intelligens szakosodás területén – biomedicina, orvosi technológia, biogyógyszerészeti és biotechnológia –, ezáltal előmozdítva az OSI részvételét az európai uniós szintű infrastruktúrákban, valamint az OSI rendelkezésére álló kutatási infrastruktúra használatát a gyakorlati gazdasági problémák megoldása érdekében.A projekt tudományos tevékenysége a projekt (a biotechnológia területén) tudományos tevékenységére specializálódott a biotechnológia (OECD) keretében a „Felülvizsgált tudományterület” című dokumentumban, és technológia (FOS) gyakorlati gazdasági kérdések kezelésére.A projekt tudományos tevékenysége a bio-együttműködés és fejlesztés (OECD) területére is fel van osztva a „Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) a projekt megvalósításához (lett nyelven), a projekt bioegyüttműködés és fejlesztés területén végzett tudományos tevékenységéről az (OECD)”A tudomány és technológia felülvizsgált területe (lett nyelven), valamint a projekt végrehajtására vonatkozó gyógyszerstratégia (nem-konferenciális társadalmi-egészségügyi csoport) című dokumentumban; in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 tudományos kutatási berendezés készlet farmakológia, strukturális kutatás, szerves szintézis, biotechnológia, bioanyagok és fitotoxikus anyagok területén; • biogyógyszerészeti kutatási és üzleti központ (beleértve a biotechnológiai és fitokémiai laboratóriumot) új épülete a Rigai Aizkraukles utca 21. számában; •Az organikus szintézis és a fizikai szerves kémia laboratóriumainak modernizált komplexuma (a Riga 21 Aizkraukles utcában).A projekt teljes elszámolható költsége 526 EUR. (Hungarian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: A projekt célja a lett Bioszintézis Intézet (OSI) kutatási infrastruktúrájának modernizálása a lett intelligens szakosodás területén – biomedicina, orvosi technológia, biogyógyszerészeti és biotechnológia –, ezáltal előmozdítva az OSI részvételét az európai uniós szintű infrastruktúrákban, valamint az OSI rendelkezésére álló kutatási infrastruktúra használatát a gyakorlati gazdasági problémák megoldása érdekében.A projekt tudományos tevékenysége a projekt (a biotechnológia területén) tudományos tevékenységére specializálódott a biotechnológia (OECD) keretében a „Felülvizsgált tudományterület” című dokumentumban, és technológia (FOS) gyakorlati gazdasági kérdések kezelésére.A projekt tudományos tevékenysége a bio-együttműködés és fejlesztés (OECD) területére is fel van osztva a „Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) a projekt megvalósításához (lett nyelven), a projekt bioegyüttműködés és fejlesztés területén végzett tudományos tevékenységéről az (OECD)”A tudomány és technológia felülvizsgált területe (lett nyelven), valamint a projekt végrehajtására vonatkozó gyógyszerstratégia (nem-konferenciális társadalmi-egészségügyi csoport) című dokumentumban; in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 tudományos kutatási berendezés készlet farmakológia, strukturális kutatás, szerves szintézis, biotechnológia, bioanyagok és fitotoxikus anyagok területén; • biogyógyszerészeti kutatási és üzleti központ (beleértve a biotechnológiai és fitokémiai laboratóriumot) új épülete a Rigai Aizkraukles utca 21. számában; •Az organikus szintézis és a fizikai szerves kémia laboratóriumainak modernizált komplexuma (a Riga 21 Aizkraukles utcában).A projekt teljes elszámolható költsége 526 EUR. (Hungarian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: A projekt célja a lett Bioszintézis Intézet (OSI) kutatási infrastruktúrájának modernizálása a lett intelligens szakosodás területén – biomedicina, orvosi technológia, biogyógyszerészeti és biotechnológia –, ezáltal előmozdítva az OSI részvételét az európai uniós szintű infrastruktúrákban, valamint az OSI rendelkezésére álló kutatási infrastruktúra használatát a gyakorlati gazdasági problémák megoldása érdekében.A projekt tudományos tevékenysége a projekt (a biotechnológia területén) tudományos tevékenységére specializálódott a biotechnológia (OECD) keretében a „Felülvizsgált tudományterület” című dokumentumban, és technológia (FOS) gyakorlati gazdasági kérdések kezelésére.A projekt tudományos tevékenysége a bio-együttműködés és fejlesztés (OECD) területére is fel van osztva a „Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) a projekt megvalósításához (lett nyelven), a projekt bioegyüttműködés és fejlesztés területén végzett tudományos tevékenységéről az (OECD)”A tudomány és technológia felülvizsgált területe (lett nyelven), valamint a projekt végrehajtására vonatkozó gyógyszerstratégia (nem-konferenciális társadalmi-egészségügyi csoport) című dokumentumban; in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 tudományos kutatási berendezés készlet farmakológia, strukturális kutatás, szerves szintézis, biotechnológia, bioanyagok és fitotoxikus anyagok területén; • biogyógyszerészeti kutatási és üzleti központ (beleértve a biotechnológiai és fitokémiai laboratóriumot) új épülete a Rigai Aizkraukles utca 21. számában; •Az organikus szintézis és a fizikai szerves kémia laboratóriumainak modernizált komplexuma (a Riga 21 Aizkraukles utcában).A projekt teljes elszámolható költsége 526 EUR. (Hungarian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Cílem projektu je modernizace výzkumné infrastruktury Lotyšského institutu organické syntézy (OSI) v oblasti lotyšské inteligentní specializace – biomedicína, lékařské technologie, biofarmaceutické a biotechnologie, čímž se podpoří zapojení na místě do infrastruktur na úrovni Evropské unie a využití výzkumné infrastruktury, kterou má inspekce na místě k dispozici k řešení praktických ekonomických problémů.Specifikace vědecké činnosti projektu pro vědeckou činnost projektu (v oblasti biotechnologie) v rámci biotechnologie (OECD) v dokumentu "Revidovaná oblast vědy, a technologie (FOS) k řešení praktických ekonomických otázek.Vědecká činnost projektu je rovněž rozdělena do oblasti bio-spolupráce a rozvoje (OECD) v dokumentu "Revidovaná oblast vědy a techniky (FOS) pro realizaci projektu (v lotyštině), vědecká činnost projektu v oblasti bio-spolupráce a rozvoje v rámci předmětu (OECD), bude uvedena v dokumentu "Revidovaná oblast vědy a techniky (v lotyštině), jakož i ve farmaceutické strategii pro provádění projektu (nekonferenční sociálně-lékařská skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sad vědeckých výzkumných zařízení v oblasti farmakologie, strukturálního výzkumu, organické syntézy, biotechnologií, biomateriálů a fytotoxických látek;•Nová výstavba biofarmaceutického výzkumného a obchodního centra (včetně biotechnologické a fytochemické laboratoře) na ulici 21 Aizkraukles v Rize; •Modernizovaný komplex laboratoří organické syntézy a fyzikální organické chemie (v ulici 21 Aizkraukles v Rize).Celkové způsobilé náklady na projekt činí 526 EUR. (Czech) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Cílem projektu je modernizace výzkumné infrastruktury Lotyšského institutu organické syntézy (OSI) v oblasti lotyšské inteligentní specializace – biomedicína, lékařské technologie, biofarmaceutické a biotechnologie, čímž se podpoří zapojení na místě do infrastruktur na úrovni Evropské unie a využití výzkumné infrastruktury, kterou má inspekce na místě k dispozici k řešení praktických ekonomických problémů.Specifikace vědecké činnosti projektu pro vědeckou činnost projektu (v oblasti biotechnologie) v rámci biotechnologie (OECD) v dokumentu "Revidovaná oblast vědy, a technologie (FOS) k řešení praktických ekonomických otázek.Vědecká činnost projektu je rovněž rozdělena do oblasti bio-spolupráce a rozvoje (OECD) v dokumentu "Revidovaná oblast vědy a techniky (FOS) pro realizaci projektu (v lotyštině), vědecká činnost projektu v oblasti bio-spolupráce a rozvoje v rámci předmětu (OECD), bude uvedena v dokumentu "Revidovaná oblast vědy a techniky (v lotyštině), jakož i ve farmaceutické strategii pro provádění projektu (nekonferenční sociálně-lékařská skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sad vědeckých výzkumných zařízení v oblasti farmakologie, strukturálního výzkumu, organické syntézy, biotechnologií, biomateriálů a fytotoxických látek;•Nová výstavba biofarmaceutického výzkumného a obchodního centra (včetně biotechnologické a fytochemické laboratoře) na ulici 21 Aizkraukles v Rize; •Modernizovaný komplex laboratoří organické syntézy a fyzikální organické chemie (v ulici 21 Aizkraukles v Rize).Celkové způsobilé náklady na projekt činí 526 EUR. (Czech) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Cílem projektu je modernizace výzkumné infrastruktury Lotyšského institutu organické syntézy (OSI) v oblasti lotyšské inteligentní specializace – biomedicína, lékařské technologie, biofarmaceutické a biotechnologie, čímž se podpoří zapojení na místě do infrastruktur na úrovni Evropské unie a využití výzkumné infrastruktury, kterou má inspekce na místě k dispozici k řešení praktických ekonomických problémů.Specifikace vědecké činnosti projektu pro vědeckou činnost projektu (v oblasti biotechnologie) v rámci biotechnologie (OECD) v dokumentu "Revidovaná oblast vědy, a technologie (FOS) k řešení praktických ekonomických otázek.Vědecká činnost projektu je rovněž rozdělena do oblasti bio-spolupráce a rozvoje (OECD) v dokumentu "Revidovaná oblast vědy a techniky (FOS) pro realizaci projektu (v lotyštině), vědecká činnost projektu v oblasti bio-spolupráce a rozvoje v rámci předmětu (OECD), bude uvedena v dokumentu "Revidovaná oblast vědy a techniky (v lotyštině), jakož i ve farmaceutické strategii pro provádění projektu (nekonferenční sociálně-lékařská skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sad vědeckých výzkumných zařízení v oblasti farmakologie, strukturálního výzkumu, organické syntézy, biotechnologií, biomateriálů a fytotoxických látek;•Nová výstavba biofarmaceutického výzkumného a obchodního centra (včetně biotechnologické a fytochemické laboratoře) na ulici 21 Aizkraukles v Rize; •Modernizovaný komplex laboratoří organické syntézy a fyzikální organické chemie (v ulici 21 Aizkraukles v Rize).Celkové způsobilé náklady na projekt činí 526 EUR. (Czech) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Is é is aidhm don tionscadal nuachóiriú a dhéanamh ar bhonneagar taighde Institiúid Laitviach na Sintéise Orgánaí (OSI) laistigh de réimse speisialtóireachta cliste na Laitvia — bithleigheas, teicneolaíocht leighis, bithchógaisíocht agus biteicneolaíocht, agus ar an gcaoi sin rannpháirtíocht OSI i mbonneagair ar leibhéal an Aontais Eorpaigh a chur chun cinn mar aon le bonneagar taighde atá ar fáil do OSI a úsáid chun fadhbanna eacnamaíocha praiticiúla a réiteach. Speisialú gníomhaíochta eolaíche do ghníomhaíocht eolaíoch an tionscadail (i réimse na biteicneolaíochta) laistigh de raon feidhme na biteicneolaíochta (ECFE) sa doiciméad “Réimse athbhreithnithe na heolaíochta, agus teicneolaíocht (FOS) chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar shaincheisteanna eacnamaíocha praiticiúla.Tá gníomhaíocht eolaíoch an tionscadail roinnte freisin i réimse an bhithchomhair agus na forbartha (ECFE) sa doiciméad “Réimse athbhreithnithe na heolaíochta, agus na teicneolaíochta (FOS) chun an tionscadal a chur chun feidhme (sa Laitvis), cuirfear gníomhaíocht eolaíoch an tionscadail i réimse an bhithchomhair agus na forbartha laistigh de raon feidhme an Fhothairisc (ECFE) ar fáil sa doiciméad “Réimse athbhreithnithe na heolaíochta agus na teicneolaíochta (sa Laitvis), chomh maith leis an straitéis chógaisíochta chun an tionscadal a chur chun feidhme (grúpa soch-leighis neamhfhabhrach); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sraith de threalamh taighde eolaíoch i réimsí na cógaseolaíochta, an taighde struchtúraigh, na sintéise orgánaí, na biteicneolaíochtaí, na bithábhar agus na bhfíteatocsaineacha;•Tógáil nua de thaighde bithchógaisíochta agus d’ionad gnó (lena n-áirítear saotharlann bhiteicneolaíochta agus fíticheimice) ag 21 Sráid Aizkraukles, Ríge;•Coimpléasc leasaithe saotharlann Sinté... (Irish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Is é is aidhm don tionscadal nuachóiriú a dhéanamh ar bhonneagar taighde Institiúid Laitviach na Sintéise Orgánaí (OSI) laistigh de réimse speisialtóireachta cliste na Laitvia — bithleigheas, teicneolaíocht leighis, bithchógaisíocht agus biteicneolaíocht, agus ar an gcaoi sin rannpháirtíocht OSI i mbonneagair ar leibhéal an Aontais Eorpaigh a chur chun cinn mar aon le bonneagar taighde atá ar fáil do OSI a úsáid chun fadhbanna eacnamaíocha praiticiúla a réiteach. Speisialú gníomhaíochta eolaíche do ghníomhaíocht eolaíoch an tionscadail (i réimse na biteicneolaíochta) laistigh de raon feidhme na biteicneolaíochta (ECFE) sa doiciméad “Réimse athbhreithnithe na heolaíochta, agus teicneolaíocht (FOS) chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar shaincheisteanna eacnamaíocha praiticiúla.Tá gníomhaíocht eolaíoch an tionscadail roinnte freisin i réimse an bhithchomhair agus na forbartha (ECFE) sa doiciméad “Réimse athbhreithnithe na heolaíochta, agus na teicneolaíochta (FOS) chun an tionscadal a chur chun feidhme (sa Laitvis), cuirfear gníomhaíocht eolaíoch an tionscadail i réimse an bhithchomhair agus na forbartha laistigh de raon feidhme an Fhothairisc (ECFE) ar fáil sa doiciméad “Réimse athbhreithnithe na heolaíochta agus na teicneolaíochta (sa Laitvis), chomh maith leis an straitéis chógaisíochta chun an tionscadal a chur chun feidhme (grúpa soch-leighis neamhfhabhrach); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sraith de threalamh taighde eolaíoch i réimsí na cógaseolaíochta, an taighde struchtúraigh, na sintéise orgánaí, na biteicneolaíochtaí, na bithábhar agus na bhfíteatocsaineacha;•Tógáil nua de thaighde bithchógaisíochta agus d’ionad gnó (lena n-áirítear saotharlann bhiteicneolaíochta agus fíticheimice) ag 21 Sráid Aizkraukles, Ríge;•Coimpléasc leasaithe saotharlann Sinté... (Irish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Is é is aidhm don tionscadal nuachóiriú a dhéanamh ar bhonneagar taighde Institiúid Laitviach na Sintéise Orgánaí (OSI) laistigh de réimse speisialtóireachta cliste na Laitvia — bithleigheas, teicneolaíocht leighis, bithchógaisíocht agus biteicneolaíocht, agus ar an gcaoi sin rannpháirtíocht OSI i mbonneagair ar leibhéal an Aontais Eorpaigh a chur chun cinn mar aon le bonneagar taighde atá ar fáil do OSI a úsáid chun fadhbanna eacnamaíocha praiticiúla a réiteach. Speisialú gníomhaíochta eolaíche do ghníomhaíocht eolaíoch an tionscadail (i réimse na biteicneolaíochta) laistigh de raon feidhme na biteicneolaíochta (ECFE) sa doiciméad “Réimse athbhreithnithe na heolaíochta, agus teicneolaíocht (FOS) chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar shaincheisteanna eacnamaíocha praiticiúla.Tá gníomhaíocht eolaíoch an tionscadail roinnte freisin i réimse an bhithchomhair agus na forbartha (ECFE) sa doiciméad “Réimse athbhreithnithe na heolaíochta, agus na teicneolaíochta (FOS) chun an tionscadal a chur chun feidhme (sa Laitvis), cuirfear gníomhaíocht eolaíoch an tionscadail i réimse an bhithchomhair agus na forbartha laistigh de raon feidhme an Fhothairisc (ECFE) ar fáil sa doiciméad “Réimse athbhreithnithe na heolaíochta agus na teicneolaíochta (sa Laitvis), chomh maith leis an straitéis chógaisíochta chun an tionscadal a chur chun feidhme (grúpa soch-leighis neamhfhabhrach); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sraith de threalamh taighde eolaíoch i réimsí na cógaseolaíochta, an taighde struchtúraigh, na sintéise orgánaí, na biteicneolaíochtaí, na bithábhar agus na bhfíteatocsaineacha;•Tógáil nua de thaighde bithchógaisíochta agus d’ionad gnó (lena n-áirítear saotharlann bhiteicneolaíochta agus fíticheimice) ag 21 Sráid Aizkraukles, Ríge;•Coimpléasc leasaithe saotharlann Sinté... (Irish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Cilj projekta je posodobiti raziskovalno infrastrukturo latvijskega inštituta za organsko sintezo (OSI) na latvijskem področju pametne specializacije – biomedicina, medicinska tehnologija, biofarmacevtska in biotehnologija, s čimer bi spodbudili vključevanje inšpekcijskih pregledov na kraju samem v infrastrukture na ravni Evropske unije in uporabo raziskovalne infrastrukture, ki je na voljo inšpekcijskim pregledom na kraju samem, da bi rešili praktične ekonomske težave.Projekt je specializiran za znanstveno dejavnost projekta (na področju biotehnologije) v okviru biotehnologije (OECD) v dokumentu "Revidirano področje znanosti, znanstvena dejavnost projekta je razdeljena tudi na področje bio-sodelovanja in razvoja (OECD) v dokumentu"Revidirano področje znanosti in tehnologije (FOS) za izvajanje projekta (v latvijščini), znanstvena dejavnost projekta na področju bio-sodelovanja in razvoja v okviru podprojekta (OECD) bo navedena v dokumentu "Revidirano področje znanosti in tehnologije (v latvijščini) ter v farmacevtski strategiji za izvajanje projekta (nekonferencialna socialno-medicinska skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sklopov znanstvenoraziskovalne opreme na področjih farmakologije, strukturnih raziskav, organske sinteze, biotehnologij, biomaterialov in fitotoksičnih snovi;•nova gradnja biofarmacevtskega raziskovalnega in poslovnega centra (vključno z biotehnologijo in fitokemijo) na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga;•Modernizirani kompleks laboratorijev organske sinteze in fizikalne organske kemije (na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga).Skupni upravičeni stroški projekta znašajo 526 EUR. (Slovenian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Cilj projekta je posodobiti raziskovalno infrastrukturo latvijskega inštituta za organsko sintezo (OSI) na latvijskem področju pametne specializacije – biomedicina, medicinska tehnologija, biofarmacevtska in biotehnologija, s čimer bi spodbudili vključevanje inšpekcijskih pregledov na kraju samem v infrastrukture na ravni Evropske unije in uporabo raziskovalne infrastrukture, ki je na voljo inšpekcijskim pregledom na kraju samem, da bi rešili praktične ekonomske težave.Projekt je specializiran za znanstveno dejavnost projekta (na področju biotehnologije) v okviru biotehnologije (OECD) v dokumentu "Revidirano področje znanosti, znanstvena dejavnost projekta je razdeljena tudi na področje bio-sodelovanja in razvoja (OECD) v dokumentu"Revidirano področje znanosti in tehnologije (FOS) za izvajanje projekta (v latvijščini), znanstvena dejavnost projekta na področju bio-sodelovanja in razvoja v okviru podprojekta (OECD) bo navedena v dokumentu "Revidirano področje znanosti in tehnologije (v latvijščini) ter v farmacevtski strategiji za izvajanje projekta (nekonferencialna socialno-medicinska skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sklopov znanstvenoraziskovalne opreme na področjih farmakologije, strukturnih raziskav, organske sinteze, biotehnologij, biomaterialov in fitotoksičnih snovi;•nova gradnja biofarmacevtskega raziskovalnega in poslovnega centra (vključno z biotehnologijo in fitokemijo) na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga;•Modernizirani kompleks laboratorijev organske sinteze in fizikalne organske kemije (na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga).Skupni upravičeni stroški projekta znašajo 526 EUR. (Slovenian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Cilj projekta je posodobiti raziskovalno infrastrukturo latvijskega inštituta za organsko sintezo (OSI) na latvijskem področju pametne specializacije – biomedicina, medicinska tehnologija, biofarmacevtska in biotehnologija, s čimer bi spodbudili vključevanje inšpekcijskih pregledov na kraju samem v infrastrukture na ravni Evropske unije in uporabo raziskovalne infrastrukture, ki je na voljo inšpekcijskim pregledom na kraju samem, da bi rešili praktične ekonomske težave.Projekt je specializiran za znanstveno dejavnost projekta (na področju biotehnologije) v okviru biotehnologije (OECD) v dokumentu "Revidirano področje znanosti, znanstvena dejavnost projekta je razdeljena tudi na področje bio-sodelovanja in razvoja (OECD) v dokumentu"Revidirano področje znanosti in tehnologije (FOS) za izvajanje projekta (v latvijščini), znanstvena dejavnost projekta na področju bio-sodelovanja in razvoja v okviru podprojekta (OECD) bo navedena v dokumentu "Revidirano področje znanosti in tehnologije (v latvijščini) ter v farmacevtski strategiji za izvajanje projekta (nekonferencialna socialno-medicinska skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sklopov znanstvenoraziskovalne opreme na področjih farmakologije, strukturnih raziskav, organske sinteze, biotehnologij, biomaterialov in fitotoksičnih snovi;•nova gradnja biofarmacevtskega raziskovalnega in poslovnega centra (vključno z biotehnologijo in fitokemijo) na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga;•Modernizirani kompleks laboratorijev organske sinteze in fizikalne organske kemije (na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga).Skupni upravičeni stroški projekta znašajo 526 EUR. (Slovenian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Целта на проекта е да се модернизира научноизследователската инфраструктура на латвийския институт за органичен синтез (OSI) в рамките на латвийската област на интелигентна специализация — биомедицина, медицински технологии, биофармацевтични и биотехнологии, като по този начин се насърчава участието на OSI в инфраструктурите на равнището на Европейския съюз и използването на научноизследователска инфраструктура, с която разполага OSI, за решаване на практически икономически проблеми. Специализирането на научната дейност на проекта за научната дейност на проекта (в областта на биотехнологиите) в обхвата на биотехнологията (ОИСР) в документа „Преразгледана област на науката, и технологии (FOS) за решаване на практически икономически въпроси.Научната дейност на проекта е разделена на областта на био-сътрудничеството и развитието (ОИСР) в документа „Ревизирана област на науката и технологиите (FOS) за изпълнение на проекта (на латвийски), научната дейност на проекта в областта на био-сътрудничеството и развитието в обхвата на подпроекта (ОИСР), ще бъде предоставена в документа“Ревизирана област на науката и технологиите (на латвийски език), както и във фармацевтичната стратегия за изпълнение на проекта (неконференциална социално-медицинска група); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 комплекта научноизследователско оборудване в областта на фармакологията, структурните изследвания, органичния синтез, биотехнологиите, биоматериалите и фитотоксиката; •Ново строителство на биофармацевтични изследвания и бизнес център (вкл. биотехнология и лаборатория по фитохимия) на ул. „Аизкрауклес„№ 21, Рига; •Модернизиран комплекс от лаборатории по органичен синтез и физическа органична химия (на ул. „Аизкракълс“ № 21, Рига).Общите допустими разходи по проекта са 526 EUR. (Bulgarian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Целта на проекта е да се модернизира научноизследователската инфраструктура на латвийския институт за органичен синтез (OSI) в рамките на латвийската област на интелигентна специализация — биомедицина, медицински технологии, биофармацевтични и биотехнологии, като по този начин се насърчава участието на OSI в инфраструктурите на равнището на Европейския съюз и използването на научноизследователска инфраструктура, с която разполага OSI, за решаване на практически икономически проблеми. Специализирането на научната дейност на проекта за научната дейност на проекта (в областта на биотехнологиите) в обхвата на биотехнологията (ОИСР) в документа „Преразгледана област на науката, и технологии (FOS) за решаване на практически икономически въпроси.Научната дейност на проекта е разделена на областта на био-сътрудничеството и развитието (ОИСР) в документа „Ревизирана област на науката и технологиите (FOS) за изпълнение на проекта (на латвийски), научната дейност на проекта в областта на био-сътрудничеството и развитието в обхвата на подпроекта (ОИСР), ще бъде предоставена в документа“Ревизирана област на науката и технологиите (на латвийски език), както и във фармацевтичната стратегия за изпълнение на проекта (неконференциална социално-медицинска група); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 комплекта научноизследователско оборудване в областта на фармакологията, структурните изследвания, органичния синтез, биотехнологиите, биоматериалите и фитотоксиката; •Ново строителство на биофармацевтични изследвания и бизнес център (вкл. биотехнология и лаборатория по фитохимия) на ул. „Аизкрауклес„№ 21, Рига; •Модернизиран комплекс от лаборатории по органичен синтез и физическа органична химия (на ул. „Аизкракълс“ № 21, Рига).Общите допустими разходи по проекта са 526 EUR. (Bulgarian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Целта на проекта е да се модернизира научноизследователската инфраструктура на латвийския институт за органичен синтез (OSI) в рамките на латвийската област на интелигентна специализация — биомедицина, медицински технологии, биофармацевтични и биотехнологии, като по този начин се насърчава участието на OSI в инфраструктурите на равнището на Европейския съюз и използването на научноизследователска инфраструктура, с която разполага OSI, за решаване на практически икономически проблеми. Специализирането на научната дейност на проекта за научната дейност на проекта (в областта на биотехнологиите) в обхвата на биотехнологията (ОИСР) в документа „Преразгледана област на науката, и технологии (FOS) за решаване на практически икономически въпроси.Научната дейност на проекта е разделена на областта на био-сътрудничеството и развитието (ОИСР) в документа „Ревизирана област на науката и технологиите (FOS) за изпълнение на проекта (на латвийски), научната дейност на проекта в областта на био-сътрудничеството и развитието в обхвата на подпроекта (ОИСР), ще бъде предоставена в документа“Ревизирана област на науката и технологиите (на латвийски език), както и във фармацевтичната стратегия за изпълнение на проекта (неконференциална социално-медицинска група); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 комплекта научноизследователско оборудване в областта на фармакологията, структурните изследвания, органичния синтез, биотехнологиите, биоматериалите и фитотоксиката; •Ново строителство на биофармацевтични изследвания и бизнес център (вкл. биотехнология и лаборатория по фитохимия) на ул. „Аизкрауклес„№ 21, Рига; •Модернизиран комплекс от лаборатории по органичен синтез и физическа органична химия (на ул. „Аизкракълс“ № 21, Рига).Общите допустими разходи по проекта са 526 EUR. (Bulgarian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
| |||||||||||||||
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
L-għan tal-proġett huwa li jimmodernizza l-infrastruttura tar-riċerka tal-Istitut Latvjan ta’ Sintesi Organika (OSI) fi ħdan il-qasam Latvjan ta’ speċjalizzazzjoni intelliġenti — il-bijomediċina, it-teknoloġija medika, il-bijofarmaċewtika u l-bijoteknoloġija, u b’hekk jippromwovi l-involviment tal-OSI fl-infrastrutturi fil-livell tal-Unjoni Ewropea u l-użu tal-infrastruttura tar-riċerka għad-dispożizzjoni tal-OSI biex jissolvew problemi ekonomiċi prattiċi.L-ispeċjalizzazzjoni tal-attività xjentifika tal-proġett għall-attività xjentifika tal-proġett (fil-qasam tal-bijoteknoloġija) fl-ambitu tal-bijoteknoloġija (OECD) fid-dokument "Qasam rivedut tax-xjenza, u t-teknoloġija (FOS) biex jiġu indirizzati kwistjonijiet ekonomiċi prattiċi. L-attività xjentifika tal-proġett tal-proġett hija maqsuma wkoll fil-qasam tal-bijokooperazzjoni u l-iżvilupp (OECD) fid-dokument "Qasam rivedut tax-xjenza, u t-teknoloġija (FOS) għall-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett (fil-Latvja), l-attività xjentifika tal-proġett fil-qasam tal-bijokooperazzjoni u l-iżvilupp fl-ambitu tas-Subproġett (OECD), ser tiġi pprovduta fid-dokument "Qasam Rivedut tax-xjenza u t-teknoloġija (bil-Latvjan), kif ukoll fl-istrateġija farmaċewtika għall-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett (grupp soċjo-mediku mhux konferenzjali); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 settijiet ta’ tagħmir ta’ riċerka xjentifika fl-oqsma tal-farmakoloġija, ir-riċerka strutturali, is-sinteżi organika, il-bijoteknoloġiji, il-bijomaterjali u l-fitotossiċi;•Il-bini ġdid ta’ riċerka bijofarmaċewtika u ċentru tan-negozju (inkluż il-laboratorju tal-bijoteknoloġija u l-fitokimika) fi Triq ta’ Aizkraukles, Riga;•Kumpless modernizzat ta’ laboratorji ta’ Sintesi Organika u Kimika Organika Fiżika (f’21 Triq ta’ Aizkraukles, Riga). L-ispejjeż totali ... (Maltese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: L-għan tal-proġett huwa li jimmodernizza l-infrastruttura tar-riċerka tal-Istitut Latvjan ta’ Sintesi Organika (OSI) fi ħdan il-qasam Latvjan ta’ speċjalizzazzjoni intelliġenti — il-bijomediċina, it-teknoloġija medika, il-bijofarmaċewtika u l-bijoteknoloġija, u b’hekk jippromwovi l-involviment tal-OSI fl-infrastrutturi fil-livell tal-Unjoni Ewropea u l-użu tal-infrastruttura tar-riċerka għad-dispożizzjoni tal-OSI biex jissolvew problemi ekonomiċi prattiċi.L-ispeċjalizzazzjoni tal-attività xjentifika tal-proġett għall-attività xjentifika tal-proġett (fil-qasam tal-bijoteknoloġija) fl-ambitu tal-bijoteknoloġija (OECD) fid-dokument "Qasam rivedut tax-xjenza, u t-teknoloġija (FOS) biex jiġu indirizzati kwistjonijiet ekonomiċi prattiċi. L-attività xjentifika tal-proġett tal-proġett hija maqsuma wkoll fil-qasam tal-bijokooperazzjoni u l-iżvilupp (OECD) fid-dokument "Qasam rivedut tax-xjenza, u t-teknoloġija (FOS) għall-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett (fil-Latvja), l-attività xjentifika tal-proġett fil-qasam tal-bijokooperazzjoni u l-iżvilupp fl-ambitu tas-Subproġett (OECD), ser tiġi pprovduta fid-dokument "Qasam Rivedut tax-xjenza u t-teknoloġija (bil-Latvjan), kif ukoll fl-istrateġija farmaċewtika għall-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett (grupp soċjo-mediku mhux konferenzjali); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 settijiet ta’ tagħmir ta’ riċerka xjentifika fl-oqsma tal-farmakoloġija, ir-riċerka strutturali, is-sinteżi organika, il-bijoteknoloġiji, il-bijomaterjali u l-fitotossiċi;•Il-bini ġdid ta’ riċerka bijofarmaċewtika u ċentru tan-negozju (inkluż il-laboratorju tal-bijoteknoloġija u l-fitokimika) fi Triq ta’ Aizkraukles, Riga;•Kumpless modernizzat ta’ laboratorji ta’ Sintesi Organika u Kimika Organika Fiżika (f’21 Triq ta’ Aizkraukles, Riga). L-ispejjeż totali ... (Maltese) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: L-għan tal-proġett huwa li jimmodernizza l-infrastruttura tar-riċerka tal-Istitut Latvjan ta’ Sintesi Organika (OSI) fi ħdan il-qasam Latvjan ta’ speċjalizzazzjoni intelliġenti — il-bijomediċina, it-teknoloġija medika, il-bijofarmaċewtika u l-bijoteknoloġija, u b’hekk jippromwovi l-involviment tal-OSI fl-infrastrutturi fil-livell tal-Unjoni Ewropea u l-użu tal-infrastruttura tar-riċerka għad-dispożizzjoni tal-OSI biex jissolvew problemi ekonomiċi prattiċi.L-ispeċjalizzazzjoni tal-attività xjentifika tal-proġett għall-attività xjentifika tal-proġett (fil-qasam tal-bijoteknoloġija) fl-ambitu tal-bijoteknoloġija (OECD) fid-dokument "Qasam rivedut tax-xjenza, u t-teknoloġija (FOS) biex jiġu indirizzati kwistjonijiet ekonomiċi prattiċi. L-attività xjentifika tal-proġett tal-proġett hija maqsuma wkoll fil-qasam tal-bijokooperazzjoni u l-iżvilupp (OECD) fid-dokument "Qasam rivedut tax-xjenza, u t-teknoloġija (FOS) għall-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett (fil-Latvja), l-attività xjentifika tal-proġett fil-qasam tal-bijokooperazzjoni u l-iżvilupp fl-ambitu tas-Subproġett (OECD), ser tiġi pprovduta fid-dokument "Qasam Rivedut tax-xjenza u t-teknoloġija (bil-Latvjan), kif ukoll fl-istrateġija farmaċewtika għall-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett (grupp soċjo-mediku mhux konferenzjali); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 settijiet ta’ tagħmir ta’ riċerka xjentifika fl-oqsma tal-farmakoloġija, ir-riċerka strutturali, is-sinteżi organika, il-bijoteknoloġiji, il-bijomaterjali u l-fitotossiċi;•Il-bini ġdid ta’ riċerka bijofarmaċewtika u ċentru tan-negozju (inkluż il-laboratorju tal-bijoteknoloġija u l-fitokimika) fi Triq ta’ Aizkraukles, Riga;•Kumpless modernizzat ta’ laboratorji ta’ Sintesi Organika u Kimika Organika Fiżika (f’21 Triq ta’ Aizkraukles, Riga). L-ispejjeż totali ... (Maltese) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
O objetivo do projeto é modernizar a infraestrutura de investigação do Instituto Letão de Síntese Orgânica (OSI) no domínio da especialização inteligente letã — biomedicina, tecnologia médica, biofarmacêutica e biotecnologia, promovendo assim a participação das IOS nas infraestruturas a nível da União Europeia e a utilização das infraestruturas de investigação à disposição da OSI para resolver problemas económicos práticos. a atividade científica do projeto está igualmente dividida no domínio da biocooperação e desenvolvimento (OCDE) no documento«Do domínio revisto da ciência e da tecnologia (FOS) para a execução do projeto (em letão), a atividade científica do projeto no domínio da biocooperação e do desenvolvimento no âmbito do subprojeto (OCDE), será fornecida no documento»Dominio revisto da ciência e da tecnologia (em letão), bem como na estratégia farmacêutica para a execução do projeto (grupo sociomédico não preferencial); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 conjuntos de equipamentos de investigação científica nos domínios da farmacologia, investigação estrutural, síntese orgânica, biotecnologias, biomateriais e fitotóxicos;•Novo edifício de centro de investigação e negócios biofarmacêuticos (incluindo biotecnologia e laboratório de fitoquímica) na 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;• Complexo modernizado de laboratórios de síntese orgânica e química orgânica física (em 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).Os custos totais elegíveis do projeto ascendem a 526 EUR. (Portuguese) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: O objetivo do projeto é modernizar a infraestrutura de investigação do Instituto Letão de Síntese Orgânica (OSI) no domínio da especialização inteligente letã — biomedicina, tecnologia médica, biofarmacêutica e biotecnologia, promovendo assim a participação das IOS nas infraestruturas a nível da União Europeia e a utilização das infraestruturas de investigação à disposição da OSI para resolver problemas económicos práticos. a atividade científica do projeto está igualmente dividida no domínio da biocooperação e desenvolvimento (OCDE) no documento«Do domínio revisto da ciência e da tecnologia (FOS) para a execução do projeto (em letão), a atividade científica do projeto no domínio da biocooperação e do desenvolvimento no âmbito do subprojeto (OCDE), será fornecida no documento»Dominio revisto da ciência e da tecnologia (em letão), bem como na estratégia farmacêutica para a execução do projeto (grupo sociomédico não preferencial); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 conjuntos de equipamentos de investigação científica nos domínios da farmacologia, investigação estrutural, síntese orgânica, biotecnologias, biomateriais e fitotóxicos;•Novo edifício de centro de investigação e negócios biofarmacêuticos (incluindo biotecnologia e laboratório de fitoquímica) na 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;• Complexo modernizado de laboratórios de síntese orgânica e química orgânica física (em 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).Os custos totais elegíveis do projeto ascendem a 526 EUR. (Portuguese) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: O objetivo do projeto é modernizar a infraestrutura de investigação do Instituto Letão de Síntese Orgânica (OSI) no domínio da especialização inteligente letã — biomedicina, tecnologia médica, biofarmacêutica e biotecnologia, promovendo assim a participação das IOS nas infraestruturas a nível da União Europeia e a utilização das infraestruturas de investigação à disposição da OSI para resolver problemas económicos práticos. a atividade científica do projeto está igualmente dividida no domínio da biocooperação e desenvolvimento (OCDE) no documento«Do domínio revisto da ciência e da tecnologia (FOS) para a execução do projeto (em letão), a atividade científica do projeto no domínio da biocooperação e do desenvolvimento no âmbito do subprojeto (OCDE), será fornecida no documento»Dominio revisto da ciência e da tecnologia (em letão), bem como na estratégia farmacêutica para a execução do projeto (grupo sociomédico não preferencial); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 conjuntos de equipamentos de investigação científica nos domínios da farmacologia, investigação estrutural, síntese orgânica, biotecnologias, biomateriais e fitotóxicos;•Novo edifício de centro de investigação e negócios biofarmacêuticos (incluindo biotecnologia e laboratório de fitoquímica) na 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;• Complexo modernizado de laboratórios de síntese orgânica e química orgânica física (em 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).Os custos totais elegíveis do projeto ascendem a 526 EUR. (Portuguese) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Formålet med projektet er at modernisere den lettiske Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) forskningsinfrastruktur inden for den lettiske intelligent specialisering område — biomedicin, medicinsk teknologi, biofarmaceutisk og bioteknologi, og dermed fremme OSI deltagelse i EU-infrastrukturer og brug af forskningsinfrastruktur til rådighed for OSI til at løse praktiske økonomiske problemer.Projektets videnskabelige aktivitet specialisering for projektets videnskabelige aktivitet (inden for bioteknologi) inden for rammerne af bioteknologi (OECD) i dokumentet "Revised field of Science, projektets videnskabelige aktivitet er også inddelt i området bio-samarbejde og udvikling (OECD) i dokumentet "Revised field of Science, and technology (FOS) for gennemførelsen af projektet (på lettisk), projektets videnskabelige aktivitet inden for bio-samarbejde og udvikling inden for rammerne af delprojektet (OECD), vil blive fremlagt i dokumentet "Revised field of Science and Technology (på lettisk), samt i den farmaceutiske strategi for gennemførelsen af projektet (ikke-konferential socio-medicinsk gruppe); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sæt videnskabeligt forskningsudstyr inden for farmakologi, strukturel forskning, organisk syntese, bioteknologi, biomaterialer og fytotoksiske stoffer•Ny bygning af biofarmaceutisk forskning og forretningscenter (inkl. bioteknologi og fytokemilaboratorium) på 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga•Moderniseret kompleks af laboratorier for økologisk syntese og fysisk organisk kemi (i 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).De samlede støtteberettigede udgifter til projektet er 526 EUR. (Danish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Formålet med projektet er at modernisere den lettiske Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) forskningsinfrastruktur inden for den lettiske intelligent specialisering område — biomedicin, medicinsk teknologi, biofarmaceutisk og bioteknologi, og dermed fremme OSI deltagelse i EU-infrastrukturer og brug af forskningsinfrastruktur til rådighed for OSI til at løse praktiske økonomiske problemer.Projektets videnskabelige aktivitet specialisering for projektets videnskabelige aktivitet (inden for bioteknologi) inden for rammerne af bioteknologi (OECD) i dokumentet "Revised field of Science, projektets videnskabelige aktivitet er også inddelt i området bio-samarbejde og udvikling (OECD) i dokumentet "Revised field of Science, and technology (FOS) for gennemførelsen af projektet (på lettisk), projektets videnskabelige aktivitet inden for bio-samarbejde og udvikling inden for rammerne af delprojektet (OECD), vil blive fremlagt i dokumentet "Revised field of Science and Technology (på lettisk), samt i den farmaceutiske strategi for gennemførelsen af projektet (ikke-konferential socio-medicinsk gruppe); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sæt videnskabeligt forskningsudstyr inden for farmakologi, strukturel forskning, organisk syntese, bioteknologi, biomaterialer og fytotoksiske stoffer•Ny bygning af biofarmaceutisk forskning og forretningscenter (inkl. bioteknologi og fytokemilaboratorium) på 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga•Moderniseret kompleks af laboratorier for økologisk syntese og fysisk organisk kemi (i 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).De samlede støtteberettigede udgifter til projektet er 526 EUR. (Danish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Formålet med projektet er at modernisere den lettiske Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) forskningsinfrastruktur inden for den lettiske intelligent specialisering område — biomedicin, medicinsk teknologi, biofarmaceutisk og bioteknologi, og dermed fremme OSI deltagelse i EU-infrastrukturer og brug af forskningsinfrastruktur til rådighed for OSI til at løse praktiske økonomiske problemer.Projektets videnskabelige aktivitet specialisering for projektets videnskabelige aktivitet (inden for bioteknologi) inden for rammerne af bioteknologi (OECD) i dokumentet "Revised field of Science, projektets videnskabelige aktivitet er også inddelt i området bio-samarbejde og udvikling (OECD) i dokumentet "Revised field of Science, and technology (FOS) for gennemførelsen af projektet (på lettisk), projektets videnskabelige aktivitet inden for bio-samarbejde og udvikling inden for rammerne af delprojektet (OECD), vil blive fremlagt i dokumentet "Revised field of Science and Technology (på lettisk), samt i den farmaceutiske strategi for gennemførelsen af projektet (ikke-konferential socio-medicinsk gruppe); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sæt videnskabeligt forskningsudstyr inden for farmakologi, strukturel forskning, organisk syntese, bioteknologi, biomaterialer og fytotoksiske stoffer•Ny bygning af biofarmaceutisk forskning og forretningscenter (inkl. bioteknologi og fytokemilaboratorium) på 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga•Moderniseret kompleks af laboratorier for økologisk syntese og fysisk organisk kemi (i 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).De samlede støtteberettigede udgifter til projektet er 526 EUR. (Danish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Scopul proiectului este modernizarea infrastructurii de cercetare a Institutului Leton de Sinteză Organică (OSI) în domeniul specializării inteligente letone – biomedicină, tehnologie medicală, biofarmaceutică și biotehnologie, promovând astfel implicarea OSI în infrastructurile de la nivelul Uniunii Europene și utilizarea infrastructurii de cercetare aflate la dispoziția OSI pentru rezolvarea problemelor economice practice. Specializarea activității științifice a proiectului pentru activitatea științifică a proiectului (în domeniul biotehnologiei) în domeniul biotehnologiei (OCDE) în documentul "Domeniul revizuit al științei, și tehnologie (FOS) pentru abordarea problemelor economice practice. Activitatea științifică a proiectului este împărțită, de asemenea, în domeniul biocooperării și dezvoltării (OCDE) în documentul"Domeniul revizuit al științei și tehnologiei (FOS) pentru implementarea proiectului (în letonă), activitatea științifică a proiectului în domeniul biocooperării și dezvoltării în cadrul domeniului de aplicare al Subproiectului (OCDE), va fi furnizată în documentul "Domeniul revizuit al științei și tehnologiei (în letonă), precum și în strategia farmaceutică pentru implementarea proiectului (grup socio-medical non-conferențial); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 seturi de echipamente de cercetare științifică în domeniile farmacologiei, cercetării structurale, sintezei organice, biotehnologiilor, biomaterialelor și fitotoxicelor;•Noua clădire de cercetare biofarmaceutică și centru de afaceri (inclusiv laboratorul de biotehnologie și fitochimie) pe strada Aizkraukles 21, Riga;• Complex modernizat de laboratoare de sinteză organică și chimie fizică organică (în strada Aizkraukles 21, Riga). Costurile eligibile totale ale proiectului sunt... (Romanian) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Scopul proiectului este modernizarea infrastructurii de cercetare a Institutului Leton de Sinteză Organică (OSI) în domeniul specializării inteligente letone – biomedicină, tehnologie medicală, biofarmaceutică și biotehnologie, promovând astfel implicarea OSI în infrastructurile de la nivelul Uniunii Europene și utilizarea infrastructurii de cercetare aflate la dispoziția OSI pentru rezolvarea problemelor economice practice. Specializarea activității științifice a proiectului pentru activitatea științifică a proiectului (în domeniul biotehnologiei) în domeniul biotehnologiei (OCDE) în documentul "Domeniul revizuit al științei, și tehnologie (FOS) pentru abordarea problemelor economice practice. Activitatea științifică a proiectului este împărțită, de asemenea, în domeniul biocooperării și dezvoltării (OCDE) în documentul"Domeniul revizuit al științei și tehnologiei (FOS) pentru implementarea proiectului (în letonă), activitatea științifică a proiectului în domeniul biocooperării și dezvoltării în cadrul domeniului de aplicare al Subproiectului (OCDE), va fi furnizată în documentul "Domeniul revizuit al științei și tehnologiei (în letonă), precum și în strategia farmaceutică pentru implementarea proiectului (grup socio-medical non-conferențial); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 seturi de echipamente de cercetare științifică în domeniile farmacologiei, cercetării structurale, sintezei organice, biotehnologiilor, biomaterialelor și fitotoxicelor;•Noua clădire de cercetare biofarmaceutică și centru de afaceri (inclusiv laboratorul de biotehnologie și fitochimie) pe strada Aizkraukles 21, Riga;• Complex modernizat de laboratoare de sinteză organică și chimie fizică organică (în strada Aizkraukles 21, Riga). Costurile eligibile totale ale proiectului sunt... (Romanian) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Scopul proiectului este modernizarea infrastructurii de cercetare a Institutului Leton de Sinteză Organică (OSI) în domeniul specializării inteligente letone – biomedicină, tehnologie medicală, biofarmaceutică și biotehnologie, promovând astfel implicarea OSI în infrastructurile de la nivelul Uniunii Europene și utilizarea infrastructurii de cercetare aflate la dispoziția OSI pentru rezolvarea problemelor economice practice. Specializarea activității științifice a proiectului pentru activitatea științifică a proiectului (în domeniul biotehnologiei) în domeniul biotehnologiei (OCDE) în documentul "Domeniul revizuit al științei, și tehnologie (FOS) pentru abordarea problemelor economice practice. Activitatea științifică a proiectului este împărțită, de asemenea, în domeniul biocooperării și dezvoltării (OCDE) în documentul"Domeniul revizuit al științei și tehnologiei (FOS) pentru implementarea proiectului (în letonă), activitatea științifică a proiectului în domeniul biocooperării și dezvoltării în cadrul domeniului de aplicare al Subproiectului (OCDE), va fi furnizată în documentul "Domeniul revizuit al științei și tehnologiei (în letonă), precum și în strategia farmaceutică pentru implementarea proiectului (grup socio-medical non-conferențial); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 seturi de echipamente de cercetare științifică în domeniile farmacologiei, cercetării structurale, sintezei organice, biotehnologiilor, biomaterialelor și fitotoxicelor;•Noua clădire de cercetare biofarmaceutică și centru de afaceri (inclusiv laboratorul de biotehnologie și fitochimie) pe strada Aizkraukles 21, Riga;• Complex modernizat de laboratoare de sinteză organică și chimie fizică organică (în strada Aizkraukles 21, Riga). Costurile eligibile totale ale proiectului sunt... (Romanian) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Syftet med projektet är att modernisera den lettiska Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) forskningsinfrastruktur inom det lettiska området smart specialisering – biomedicin, medicinsk teknik, biofarmaceutisk och bioteknik, och därmed främja OSI:s deltagande i infrastruktur på EU-nivå och användning av forskningsinfrastruktur som står till OSI:s förfogande för att lösa praktiska ekonomiska problem.Projektets vetenskapliga verksamhetsspecialisering för projektets vetenskapliga verksamhet (på bioteknikområdet) inom ramen för biotekniken (OECD) i dokumentet ”Reviderat vetenskapsområde, och teknik (FOS) för att ta itu med praktiska ekonomiska frågor.Projektets vetenskapliga verksamhet är också uppdelad i området biosamarbete och utveckling (OECD) i dokumentet”Reviderat område för vetenskap, och teknik (FOS) för genomförandet av projektet (på lettiska), projektets vetenskapliga verksamhet inom området biosamarbete och utveckling inom ramen för delprojektet (OECD), kommer att tillhandahållas i dokumentet ”Reviderat område för vetenskap och teknik (på lettiska) samt i läkemedelsstrategin för genomförandet av projektet (icke-konferential socio-medicinsk grupp). in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 uppsättningar av vetenskaplig forskningsutrustning inom farmakologi, strukturforskning, organisk syntes, bioteknik, biomaterial och fytotoxiska ämnen,•Ny uppbyggnad av biofarmaceutiskt forsknings- och affärscentrum (inklusive bioteknik- och fytokemilaboratorium) på 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Moderniserat komplex av laboratorier för organisk syntes och fysikalisk organisk kemi (i 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).De totala stödberättigande kostnaderna för projektet är 526 EUR. (Swedish) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Syftet med projektet är att modernisera den lettiska Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) forskningsinfrastruktur inom det lettiska området smart specialisering – biomedicin, medicinsk teknik, biofarmaceutisk och bioteknik, och därmed främja OSI:s deltagande i infrastruktur på EU-nivå och användning av forskningsinfrastruktur som står till OSI:s förfogande för att lösa praktiska ekonomiska problem.Projektets vetenskapliga verksamhetsspecialisering för projektets vetenskapliga verksamhet (på bioteknikområdet) inom ramen för biotekniken (OECD) i dokumentet ”Reviderat vetenskapsområde, och teknik (FOS) för att ta itu med praktiska ekonomiska frågor.Projektets vetenskapliga verksamhet är också uppdelad i området biosamarbete och utveckling (OECD) i dokumentet”Reviderat område för vetenskap, och teknik (FOS) för genomförandet av projektet (på lettiska), projektets vetenskapliga verksamhet inom området biosamarbete och utveckling inom ramen för delprojektet (OECD), kommer att tillhandahållas i dokumentet ”Reviderat område för vetenskap och teknik (på lettiska) samt i läkemedelsstrategin för genomförandet av projektet (icke-konferential socio-medicinsk grupp). in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 uppsättningar av vetenskaplig forskningsutrustning inom farmakologi, strukturforskning, organisk syntes, bioteknik, biomaterial och fytotoxiska ämnen,•Ny uppbyggnad av biofarmaceutiskt forsknings- och affärscentrum (inklusive bioteknik- och fytokemilaboratorium) på 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Moderniserat komplex av laboratorier för organisk syntes och fysikalisk organisk kemi (i 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).De totala stödberättigande kostnaderna för projektet är 526 EUR. (Swedish) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Syftet med projektet är att modernisera den lettiska Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) forskningsinfrastruktur inom det lettiska området smart specialisering – biomedicin, medicinsk teknik, biofarmaceutisk och bioteknik, och därmed främja OSI:s deltagande i infrastruktur på EU-nivå och användning av forskningsinfrastruktur som står till OSI:s förfogande för att lösa praktiska ekonomiska problem.Projektets vetenskapliga verksamhetsspecialisering för projektets vetenskapliga verksamhet (på bioteknikområdet) inom ramen för biotekniken (OECD) i dokumentet ”Reviderat vetenskapsområde, och teknik (FOS) för att ta itu med praktiska ekonomiska frågor.Projektets vetenskapliga verksamhet är också uppdelad i området biosamarbete och utveckling (OECD) i dokumentet”Reviderat område för vetenskap, och teknik (FOS) för genomförandet av projektet (på lettiska), projektets vetenskapliga verksamhet inom området biosamarbete och utveckling inom ramen för delprojektet (OECD), kommer att tillhandahållas i dokumentet ”Reviderat område för vetenskap och teknik (på lettiska) samt i läkemedelsstrategin för genomförandet av projektet (icke-konferential socio-medicinsk grupp). in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 uppsättningar av vetenskaplig forskningsutrustning inom farmakologi, strukturforskning, organisk syntes, bioteknik, biomaterial och fytotoxiska ämnen,•Ny uppbyggnad av biofarmaceutiskt forsknings- och affärscentrum (inklusive bioteknik- och fytokemilaboratorium) på 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Moderniserat komplex av laboratorier för organisk syntes och fysikalisk organisk kemi (i 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).De totala stödberättigande kostnaderna för projektet är 526 EUR. (Swedish) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 3 August 2022
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Property / intervention field | |||||||||||||||
Property / intervention field: Research and innovation infrastructure (public) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string) | |||||||||||||||
Aizkraukles iela 21, Rīga, LV-1006 | |||||||||||||||
Property / location (string): Aizkraukles iela 21, Rīga, LV-1006 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / fund | |||||||||||||||
Property / fund: European Regional Development Fund / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / programme | |||||||||||||||
Property / programme: Growth and Employment - LV - ERDF/ESF/CF/YEI / rank | |||||||||||||||
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56°58'34.79"N, 24°11'29.72"E
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Property / coordinate location: 56°58'34.79"N, 24°11'29.72"E / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in NUTS: Riga / rank | |||||||||||||||
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Property / beneficiary | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary: Q3058549 / rank | |||||||||||||||
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Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
75.3 percent
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Property / co-financing rate: 75.3 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 10:24, 23 March 2024
Project Q3056302 in Latvia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Development of infrastructure of Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis in the field of smart specialisation – biomedicine, medical technologies, biopharmaceuticals and biotechnologies |
Project Q3056302 in Latvia |
10,186,027.0 Euro
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13,526,366.0 Euro
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75.3 percent
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3 November 2017
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31 July 2023
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Atvasināta publiska persona "Latvijas Organiskās sintēzes institūts"
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Projekta mērķis ir modernizēt Latvijas Organiskās sintēzes institūta (OSI) pētniecības infrastruktūru Latvijas viedās specializācijas jomas - biomedicīna, medicīnas tehnoloģijas, biofarmācija un biotehnoloģijas, ietvaros, tādējādi veicinot OSI iesaisti Eiropas Savienības līmeņa infrastruktūrās un OSI rīcībā esošās pētniecības infrastruktūras izmantošanu praktisku tautsaimniecības problēmu risināšanai.Projekta zinātniskās darbības specializācija saskaņā ar Ekonomiskās sadarbības un attīstības organizācijas (OECD) publicētajā dokumentā „Revised field of science and technology (FOS) classification in the Frascati manual” sniegtajām definīcijām atbilst šādām zinātņu nozarēm:•dabaszinātņu grupas (1. grupa) ķīmijas zinātnes apakšgrupas (1.4.grupa) organiskās ķīmijas apakšnozarei;•medicīnas un veselības zinātņu grupas (3. grupa) bāzes medicīnas apakšgrupas (3.1.grupa) farmakoloģijas un farmācijas, kā arī medicīnas ķīmijas apakšnozarei.Plānots īstenot kombinēta atbalsta tipa projektu, vidējā svērtā ar saimniecisko darbību nesaistītā projekta daļa sastāda 75,52 % un projekta ietvaros ieguldījumus paredzēts izmantot OSI pamatdarbībā, kurai nav saimniecisks raksturs (ar saimniecisku darbību nesaistītā projekta daļa), un saimnieciskajā pamatdarbībā (ar saimniecisko darbību saistītā projekta daļa).Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā tiks sekmēta Latvijas Viedās specializācijas stratēģijā noteiktā (RIS3) 2.tautsaimniecības transformācijas virziena, 2. un 6. izaugsmes prioritātes un specializācijas jomas - biomedicīna, medicīnas tehnoloģija, biofarmācija un biotehnoloģija, attīstība.Projekta ietvaros plānotās galvenās darbības: •zinātniski pētnieciskās aparatūras iegāde un modernizācija farmakoloģijas, struktūrpētījumu, organiskās sintēzes, biotehnoloģiju, biomateriālu un fitokīmijas jomā;•Biofarmācijas pētniecības un uzņēmējdarbības centra (iesk.biotehnoloģiju un fitoķīmijas laboratoriju) būvniecība Aizkraukles ielā 21, Rīgā;•Organiskās sintēzes un fizikāli organiskās ķīmijas laboratoriju pielāgošana un renovācija Aizkraukles ielā 21, Rīgā.Projekta rezultāti: •10 zinātniski pētnieciskās aparatūras komplekti farmakoloģijas, struktūrpētījumu, organiskās sintēzes, biotehnoloģiju, biomateriālu un fitokīmijas jomā;•Biofarmācijas pētniecības un uzņēmējdarbības centra jaunbūve (iesk. biotehnoloģiju un fitoķīmijas laboratoriju) Aizkraukles ielā 21, Rīgā;•Modernizēts Organiskās sintēzes un fizikāli organiskās ķīmijas laboratoriju komplekss Aizkraukles ielā 21, Rīgā.Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas sastāda EUR 13 526 366. Projektu līdzfinansē ERAF EUR 10 186 027 apmērā un vidējā svērtā publiskā finansējuma atbalsta intensitāte sastāda 85,9345%.Projekta īstenošanas vietas: Aizkraukles iela 21, Rīga.Projekta īstenošanas ilgums pēc vienošanās noslēgšanas 69 mēneši, tas ir, līdz 31.07.2023., projekta īstenošana tika uzsākta 01.05.2017. (Latvian)
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The aim of the project is to modernise the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) research infrastructure within the Latvian smart specialisation field – biomedicine, medical technology, biopharmaceutical and biotechnology, thus promoting OSI involvement in the European Union-level infrastructures and the use of research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI to solve practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity specialisation for the project’s scientific activity (in the field of biotechnology) within the scope of the biotechnology (OECD) in the document “Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) to address practical economical issues.The project’s scientific activity of the project is also divided into the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD) in the document”Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) for the implementation of the project’s (in Latvian), the project’s scientific activity in the field of bio-cooperation and development within the scope of the Sub-Project (OECD), will be provided in the document “Revised field of science and technology (in Latvian), as well as in the pharmaceutical strategy for the implementation of the project (non-conferential socio-medical group); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sets of scientific research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•New building of biopharmaceutical research and business centre (incl. biotechnology and phytochemistry laboratory) at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Modernised complex of laboratories of Organic Synthesis and Physical Organic Chemistry (in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).The total eligible costs of the project are EUR 526. (English)
15 July 2021
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L’objectif du projet est de moderniser l’infrastructure de recherche de l’Institut letton de synthèse organique (OSI) dans le cadre de la spécialisation intelligente en Lettonie — biomédecine, technologie médicale, biopharmaceutique et biotechnologie, favorisant ainsi la participation d’OSI aux infrastructures de l’Union européenne et l’utilisation d’infrastructures de recherche à la disposition de l’OSI pour résoudre des problèmes économiques pratiques. la classification de la science et de la technologie (FOS) dans le manuel de Frascati" correspond aux domaines scientifiques suivants: • un sous-groupe du groupe des sciences médicales et médicales (groupe 3) du sous-groupe de la médecine de base (groupe 3.1) pour les sous-secteurs de la pharmacologie et des produits pharmaceutiques, ainsi que de la chimie médicale. La mise en œuvre prévue d’un projet de type de soutien combiné, la partie non économique moyenne pondérée du projet est de 75,52 % et, dans le cadre du projet, les investissements doivent être utilisés dans les activités de base de l’OSI, qui n’est pas de nature économique (partie du projet non liée à l’activité économique), à la suite de la mise en œuvre du projet, la deuxième orientation de la transformation industrielle définie dans la stratégie lettone de spécialisation intelligente (RIS3) sera encouragée, le développement de 2 et 6 priorités de croissance et domaines de spécialisation — biomédecine, technologie médicale, biopharmaceutique et biotechnologie. •achat et modernisation d’équipements de recherche scientifique dans les domaines de la pharmacologie, de la recherche structurelle, de la synthèse organique, des biotechnologies, des biomatériaux et de la phytocinétique;•Construction et rénovation du centre de recherche et d’affaires en biopharmacie (y compris les laboratoires biotechnologiques et phytochimiques) situé au 21 rue Aizkraukles, Riga;•Adaptation et rénovation de laboratoires de synthèse organique et de chimie physico-organique au 21 rue Aizkraukles, Riga. •10 ensembles d’équipements de recherche scientifique dans le domaine de la pharmacologie, de la recherche structurelle, de la synthèse organique, des biotechnologies, des biomatériaux et de la phytocinétique;•Nouvelle construction du Centre de recherche et d’affaires en biopharmacie (y compris les laboratoires biotechnologiques et phytochimiques) situé au 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Complexe modernisé de synthèse organique et de laboratoires de chimie physico-organique au 21 rue Aizkraukles, Riga. Le coût total éligible du projet s’élève à 1 352 636 EUR. Le projet est cofinancé par le FEDER 1 016 027 EUR et l’intensité moyenne pondérée du financement public est de 85,9345 %.Lieu de mise en œuvre du projet: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Durée du projet après la conclusion de l’accord 69 mois, c’est-à-dire jusqu’au 31.07.2023, la mise en œuvre du projet a commencé le 01.05.2017. (French)
25 November 2021
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Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Forschungsinfrastruktur des lettischen Instituts für organische Synthese (OSI) im Rahmen der intelligenten Spezialisierung in Lettland – Biomedizin, Medizintechnik, Biopharmazeutika und Biotechnologie – zu modernisieren und so die Beteiligung von OSI an den Infrastrukturen der Europäischen Union und die Nutzung der Forschungsinfrastruktur zur Lösung praktischer wirtschaftlicher Probleme zu fördern. „Revised field of science and technology (FOS) Klassifizierung im Frascati-Handbuch“ entspricht den folgenden wissenschaftlichen Bereichen: •eine Untergruppe der Gruppe der medizinischen und medizinischen Wissenschaften (Gruppe 3) der Untergruppe Grundmedizin (Gruppe 3.1) für die Teilsektoren Pharmakologie und Pharmazeutik sowie medizinische Chemie. Die geplante Durchführung eines kombinierten Förderprojekts, der gewichtete durchschnittliche nichtwirtschaftliche Teil des Projekts, beträgt 75,52 % und im Rahmen des Projekts sind die Investitionen in die Kerntätigkeiten von OSI zu verwenden, die nicht wirtschaftlicher Natur sind (Teil des Projekts, das nicht mit wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeiten verbunden ist). durch die Projektdurchführung wird die zweite Richtung des industriellen Wandels in der lettischen Strategie für intelligente Spezialisierung (RIS3) gefördert, die Entwicklung von 2 und 6 Wachstumsprioritäten und Spezialisierungsschwerpunkte – Biomedizin, Medizintechnik, Biopharmazeutika und Biotechnologie. •Beschaffung und Modernisierung wissenschaftlicher Forschungsgeräte in den Bereichen Pharmakologie, Strukturforschung, organische Synthese, Biotechnologien, Biomaterialien und Phytokinetik;•Bau und Renovierung von biopharmazeutischen Forschungs- und Geschäftszentren (inkl. Biotechnologie und phytochemische Labors) in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Anpassung und Renovierung von organischen Synthese- und physikalisch-organischen Chemielabors in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 Reihen von wissenschaftlichen Forschungsgeräten im Bereich Pharmakologie, Strukturforschung, organische Synthese, Biotechnologien, Biomaterialien und Phytokinetik;•Neuer Bau des Biopharmacy Research and Business Centre (inkl. Biotechnologie und phytochemische Labors) in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Modernisierter Komplex der organischen Synthese und physikalisch-organische Chemie Labors in 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. Das Projekt wird aus dem EFRE mit 10 186 027 EUR kofinanziert und die gewichtete durchschnittliche öffentliche Förderintensität beträgt 85,9345 %. Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Dauer des Projekts nach Abschluss des Vertrags 69 Monate, d. h. bis zum 31.07.2023, wurde am 01.05.2017 mit der Durchführung des Projekts begonnen. (German)
28 November 2021
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Doel van het project is de onderzoeksinfrastructuur van het Letse Instituut voor Organische Synthese (OSI) te moderniseren in het kader van slimme specialisatie in Letland — biogeneeskunde, medische technologie, biofarmaceutische en biotechnologie, en zo de betrokkenheid van OSI bij infrastructuren op het niveau van de Europese Unie te bevorderen en het gebruik van onderzoeksinfrastructuur ter beschikking van de OSI voor het oplossen van praktische economische problemen te bevorderen. Specialisatie van de wetenschappelijke activiteit van het project in overeenstemming met de subsector organische chemie van de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) gepubliceerd in het document „Revised de indeling op het gebied van wetenschap en technologie (FOS) in het Frascati-handboek” komt overeen met de volgende wetenschappelijke gebieden: •een subgroep van de groep medische en medische wetenschappen (groep 3) van de subgroep basisgeneeskunde (groep 3.1) voor de subsectoren farmacologie en farmaceutica, alsmede medische chemie. De geplande uitvoering van een gecombineerd ondersteuningsproject, het gewogen gemiddelde niet-economische deel van het project bedraagt 75,52 % en in het kader van het project moeten de investeringen worden gebruikt in de kernactiviteiten van OSI, die niet van economische aard zijn (onderdeel van het project dat geen verband houdt met economische activiteit); als gevolg van de uitvoering van het project zal de tweede richting van de industriële transformatie, zoals gedefinieerd in de Letse strategie voor slimme specialisatie (RIS3), worden bevorderd, de ontwikkeling van 2 en 6 groeiprioriteiten en specialisatiegebieden — biogeneeskunde, medische technologie, biofarmaceutica en biotechnologie. •aanbesteding en modernisering van wetenschappelijke onderzoeksapparatuur op het gebied van farmacologie, structureel onderzoek, organische synthese, biotechnologie, biomaterialen en fytokinetiek;•Bouw en renovatie van biofarmaceutisch onderzoek en bedrijfscentrum (incl. biotechnologie en fytochemische laboratoria) op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;• Aanpassing en renovatie van organische synthese en fysisch-organische chemielaboratoria op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sets van wetenschappelijke onderzoeksapparatuur op het gebied van farmacologie, structureel onderzoek, organische synthese, biotechnologie, biomaterialen en fytokinetiek;•Nieuwe bouw van Biopharmacy Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologie en fytochemische laboratoria) op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Gemoderniseerd complex van organische synthese en fysisch-organische chemielaboratoria op 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. De totale subsidiabele kosten van het project bedragen 13 566 366 EUR. Het project wordt medegefinancierd door het EFRO 10 186 027 EUR en de gewogen gemiddelde overheidsfinancieringsintensiteit bedraagt 85,9345 %.Plaats van de projectuitvoering: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Duur van het project na het sluiten van de overeenkomst 69 maanden, dat wil zeggen, tot 31.07.2023, is de uitvoering van het project gestart op 1.5.2017. (Dutch)
28 November 2021
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L'obiettivo del progetto è modernizzare l'infrastruttura di ricerca dell'Istituto lettone di sintesi organica (OSI) nell'ambito della specializzazione intelligente in Lettonia — biomedicina, tecnologia medica, biofarmaceutica e biotecnologia, promuovendo così il coinvolgimento dell'OSI nelle infrastrutture a livello dell'Unione europea e l'uso di infrastrutture di ricerca a disposizione dell'OSI per risolvere problemi economici pratici. Specializzazione dell'attività scientifica del progetto in conformità con il sottosettore della chimica organica dell'Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economico (OCSE) pubblicato nel documento "Campo riveduto" la classificazione della scienza e della tecnologia (FOS) nel manuale di Frascati" corrisponde ai seguenti campi scientifici: • un sottogruppo del gruppo delle scienze mediche e mediche (gruppo 3) del sottogruppo della medicina di base (gruppo 3.1) per i sottosettori di farmacologia e farmaceutica, nonché la chimica medica. L'attuazione prevista di un progetto di tipo di sostegno combinato, la parte non economica media ponderata del progetto è pari al 75,52 % e, nell'ambito del progetto, gli investimenti devono essere utilizzati nelle attività principali di OSI, che non hanno carattere economico (parte del progetto non connessa all'attività economica), a seguito dell'attuazione del progetto, sarà promossa la seconda direzione della trasformazione industriale definita nella strategia lettone di specializzazione intelligente (RIS3), lo sviluppo di 2 e 6 priorità di crescita e settori di specializzazione — biomedicina, tecnologia medica, biofarmaceutici e biotecnologie. •appalti e ammodernamento di attrezzature di ricerca scientifica nei settori della farmacologia, della ricerca strutturale, della sintesi organica, delle biotecnologie, dei biomateriali e della fitocinetica;•Costruzione e ristrutturazione del centro di ricerca e di business in biofarmacia (compresi i laboratori biotecnologici e fitochimici) al 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Adeguamento e ristrutturazione di laboratori di sintesi organica e di chimica fisico-organica presso 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 serie di attrezzature di ricerca scientifica nel campo della farmacologia, della ricerca strutturale, della sintesi organica, delle biotecnologie, dei biomateriali e della fitocinetica;•Nuova costruzione di Biofarmacia Research and Business Centre (compresi i laboratori biotecnologici e fitochimici) presso 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Complesso aggiornato di sintesi organica e laboratori di chimica fisico-organica presso 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. Il costo totale ammissibile del progetto è di 13 526 366 EUR. Il progetto è cofinanziato dal FESR 10 186 027 EUR e l'intensità media ponderata dei finanziamenti pubblici è dell'85,9345 %.Luogo di attuazione del progetto: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Durata del progetto dopo la conclusione dell'accordo 69 mesi, vale a dire fino al 31.07.2023, l'attuazione del progetto è stata avviata il 01.05.2017. (Italian)
11 January 2022
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El objetivo del proyecto es modernizar la infraestructura de investigación del Instituto letón de síntesis orgánica (OSI) en el ámbito de la especialización inteligente en Letonia: biomedicina, tecnología médica, biofarmacéutica y biotecnología, promoviendo así la participación de OSI en las infraestructuras de la Unión Europea y el uso de infraestructuras de investigación a disposición de la OSI para resolver problemas económicos prácticos. «clasificación del campo científico y tecnológico revisado (FOS) en el manual de Frascati» corresponde a los siguientes campos científicos: • Un subgrupo del grupo de ciencias médicas y médicas (Grupo 3) del subgrupo de medicina básica (grupo 3.1) para los subsectores de farmacología y farmacéutica, así como química médica. La ejecución prevista de un proyecto de tipo de apoyo combinado, la media ponderada de la parte no económica del proyecto es del 75,52 % y, en el marco del proyecto, las inversiones se utilizarán en las actividades centrales de OSI, que no es de naturaleza económica (parte del proyecto no relacionada con la actividad económica), y en la actividad económica básica (parte del proyecto relacionado con la actividad económica). Como resultado de la ejecución del proyecto, se promoverá la segunda dirección de la transformación industrial definida en la Estrategia de Especialización Inteligente de Letonia (RIS3), el desarrollo de 2 y 6 prioridades de crecimiento y áreas de especialización: biomedicina, tecnología médica, biofarmacéutica y biotecnología. • adquisición y modernización de equipos de investigación científica en los campos de la farmacología, la investigación estructural, la síntesis orgánica, las biotecnologías, los biomateriales y la fitocinética;•Construcción y renovación del centro de investigación y negocio de biofarmacia (incluidos los laboratorios biotecnológicos y fitoquímicos) en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga;•Adaptación y renovación de laboratorios de síntesis orgánica y química físico-orgánica en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga. •10 conjuntos de equipos de investigación científica en el campo de la farmacología, la investigación estructural, la síntesis orgánica, las biotecnologías, los biomateriales y la fitocinética;•Nueva construcción del Centro de Investigación y Negocios de Biofarmacia (incluidos los laboratorios biotecnológicos y fitoquímicos) en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga;• Complejo modernizado de síntesis orgánica y laboratorios de química físico-orgánica en 21 de la calle Aizkraukles, Riga. El coste total subvencionable del proyecto es de 135 226 366 EUR. El proyecto está cofinanciado por el FEDER 10 186 027 EUR y la intensidad media ponderada de la financiación pública es del 85,9345 %.Lugar de ejecución del proyecto: Aizkraukles iela 21, Riga. Duración del proyecto tras la conclusión del acuerdo 69 meses, es decir, hasta el 31.07.2023, la ejecución del proyecto se inició el 01.05.2017. (Spanish)
12 January 2022
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Projekti eesmärk on moderniseerida Läti orgaanilise sünteesi instituudi (OSI) teadusuuringute infrastruktuuri Läti aruka spetsialiseerumise valdkonnas – biomeditsiin, meditsiinitehnoloogia, biofarmatseutiline ja biotehnoloogia, edendades seeläbi OSI osalemist Euroopa Liidu tasandi infrastruktuurides ja OSI käsutuses oleva teadustaristu kasutamist, et lahendada praktilisi majanduslikke probleeme.Projekti teadusliku tegevuse spetsialiseerumine projekti teaduslikule tegevusele (biotehnoloogia valdkonnas) biotehnoloogia (OECD) raames dokumendis "Muudetud teadusvaldkond, ja tehnoloogia (FOS) praktiliste majandusküsimuste käsitlemiseks. Projekti teaduslik tegevus projekti raames on jagatud ka biokoostöö ja -arengu valdkonnaks (OECD) dokumendis "Lätikeelsed teadus- ja tehnoloogiavaldkond (FOS) projekti rakendamiseks), projekti teaduslik tegevus biokoostöö ja -arengu valdkonnas alaprojekti (OECD) raames esitatakse dokumendis "Teaduse ja tehnoloogia muudetud valdkond (Läti keeles), samuti projekti rakendamise farmaatsiastrateegias (mittekonfidentsiaalne sotsiaal-meditsiiniline rühm); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 teadusuuringute seadmete komplekti farmakoloogia, struktuuriuuringute, orgaanilise sünteesi, biotehnoloogia, biomaterjalide ja fütotoksiliste ainete valdkonnas;•Biofarmatseutiliste uuringute ja ärikeskuse (sh biotehnoloogia ja fütokeemia laboratoorium) uus hoone Aizkraukles Street 21, Riias;•Orgaanilise sünteesi ja füüsikalise orgaanilise keemia laborite ajakohastatud kompleks (Aizkraukles Street, Riia 21).Projekti abikõlblikud kogukulud on 526 eurot. (Estonian)
3 August 2022
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Projekto tikslas – modernizuoti Latvijos ekologinės sintezės instituto (OSI) mokslinių tyrimų infrastruktūrą Latvijos pažangiosios specializacijos srityje – biomedicinos, medicinos technologijų, biofarmacijos ir biotechnologijų srityje, tokiu būdu skatinant OSI dalyvavimą Europos Sąjungos lygmens infrastruktūroje ir OSI turimos mokslinių tyrimų infrastruktūros naudojimą praktinėms ekonominėms problemoms spręsti. Projekto mokslinė veikla specializacija projekto mokslinei veiklai (biotechnologijų srityje) biotechnologijų srityje (OECD) dokumente "Peržiūrėta mokslo sritis, projekto mokslinė veikla taip pat suskirstyta į biologinio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros sritį (EBPO) dokumente "Peržiūrėta mokslo ir technologijų sritis (FOS) projekto įgyvendinimui (Latvijoje), projekto mokslinė veikla biologinio bendradarbiavimo ir plėtros srityje (EBPO), bus pateikta dokumente "Peržiūrėta mokslo ir technologijų sritis (Latvijoje), taip pat projekto įgyvendinimo farmacijos strategijoje (nekonferencinė socialinė ir medicinos grupė); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 mokslinių tyrimų įrangos rinkinių farmakologijos, struktūrinių tyrimų, organinės sintezės, biotechnologijų, biomedžiagų ir fitotoksinių medžiagų srityse;•Naujas biofarmacijos tyrimų ir verslo centro pastatas (įskaitant biotechnologijų ir fitochemijos laboratoriją) 21 Aizkraukles gatvėje, Rygoje;•Modernizuotas organinės sintezės ir fizinės organinės chemijos laboratorijų kompleksas (21 Aizkraukles gatvėje, Rygoje). (Lithuanian)
3 August 2022
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Cilj projekta je modernizacija istraživačke infrastrukture Latvijskog instituta za organsku sintezu (OSI) u latvijskom području pametne specijalizacije – biomedicina, medicinska tehnologija, biofarmaceutska i biotehnologija, čime se promiče sudjelovanje OSI-ja u infrastrukturama na razini Europske unije i korištenje istraživačke infrastrukture koja je na raspolaganju OSI-ju za rješavanje praktičnih ekonomskih problema. Specifikacija znanstvenog djelovanja projekta za znanstvenu aktivnost projekta (u području biotehnologije) u okviru biotehnologije (OECD) u dokumentu "Revidirano područje znanosti, i tehnologija (FOS) za rješavanje praktičnih ekonomskih pitanja. Znanstvena aktivnost projekta također je podijeljena na područje bio-suradnje i razvoja (OECD) u dokumentu"Revidirano područje znanosti i tehnologije (FOS) za provedbu projekta (na latvijskom), znanstvena aktivnost projekta u području bio-suradnje i razvoja u okviru Sub-projekta (OECD), bit će dostupna u dokumentu "Revidirano područje znanosti i tehnologije (na latvijskom), kao i u farmaceutskoj strategiji za provedbu projekta (nekonferencijalna društveno-medicinska skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 kompleta znanstveno-istraživačke opreme u području farmakologije, strukturnih istraživanja, organske sinteze, biotehnologije, biomaterijala i fitotoksika;• Nova zgrada biofarmaceutskog istraživačkog centra i poslovnog centra (uključujući biotehnologiju i laboratorij za fitokemiju) u ulici Aizkraukles 21, Riga;•Modernizirani kompleks laboratorija za organsku sintezu i fizikalnu organsku kemiju (u ulici Aizkraukles 21, Riga). Ukupni prihvatljivi troškovi projekta iznose 526 EUR. (Croatian)
3 August 2022
0 references
Στόχος του έργου είναι ο εκσυγχρονισμός της ερευνητικής υποδομής του Ινστιτούτου Βιολογικής Σύνθεσης της Λετονίας (OSI) στον τομέα της έξυπνης εξειδίκευσης της Λετονίας — βιοϊατρική, ιατρική τεχνολογία, βιοφαρμακευτική και βιοτεχνολογία, προωθώντας έτσι τη συμμετοχή του OSI στις υποδομές σε επίπεδο Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και τη χρήση των ερευνητικών υποδομών που διαθέτει το OSI για την επίλυση πρακτικών οικονομικών προβλημάτων. η επιστημονική δραστηριότητα του έργου διαιρείται επίσης στο πεδίο της βιο-συνεργασίας και ανάπτυξης (ΟΟΣΑ) στο έγγραφο «Αναθεωρημένο πεδίο επιστήμης και τεχνολογίας (FOS) για την υλοποίηση του έργου (στα λεττονικά), η επιστημονική δραστηριότητα του έργου στον τομέα της βιο-συνεργασίας και της ανάπτυξης στο πλαίσιο του υποέργου (ΟΟΣΑ), θα παρέχεται στο έγγραφο»Αναθεωρημένο πεδίο επιστήμης και τεχνολογίας (στα λετονικά), καθώς και στη φαρμακευτική στρατηγική για την υλοποίηση του έργου (μη συναινετική κοινωνικο-ιατρική ομάδα)· in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 σύνολα εξοπλισμού επιστημονικής έρευνας στους τομείς της φαρμακολογίας, της δομικής έρευνας, της οργανικής σύνθεσης, των βιοτεχνολογιών, των βιοϋλικών και των φυτοτοξικών·•Νέα κατασκευή βιοφαρμακευτικού κέντρου έρευνας και επιχειρήσεων (συμπεριλαμβανομένων των εργαστηρίων βιοτεχνολογίας και φυτοχημείας) στην οδό Aizkraukles 21, Ρίγα·•Εκσυγχρονισμένο σύμπλεγμα εργαστηρίων βιολογικής σύνθεσης και φυσικής χημείας (στην οδό Aizkraukles 21, Ρίγα). (Greek)
3 August 2022
0 references
Cieľom projektu je modernizovať výskumnú infraštruktúru Lotyšského inštitútu pre organickú syntézu (OSI) v rámci lotyšskej oblasti inteligentnej špecializácie – biomedicína, zdravotnícka technológia, biofarmaceutická a biotechnológia, čím sa podporí zapojenie OSI do infraštruktúr na úrovni Európskej únie a využívanie výskumnej infraštruktúry k dispozícii OSI na riešenie praktických ekonomických problémov.Vedecká činnosť projektu sa špecializuje na vedeckú činnosť projektu (v oblasti biotechnológie) v rámci biotechnológie (OECD) v dokumente "Revidovaná oblasť vedy, a technológie (FOS) na riešenie praktických ekonomických otázok.Vedecká činnosť projektu je tiež rozdelená na oblasť biospolupráce a rozvoja (OECD) v dokumente "Revidovaná oblasť vedy a techniky (FOS) na realizáciu projektu (v lotyšskom jazyku), vedecká činnosť projektu v oblasti biologickej spolupráce a rozvoja v rámci podprojektu (OECD) bude uvedená v dokumente "Revidovaná oblasť vedy a techniky (v lotyšskom jazyku), ako aj vo farmaceutickej stratégii pre realizáciu projektu (nekonferenčná sociálno-medicínska skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 súborov vedeckovýskumných zariadení v oblastiach farmakológie, štrukturálneho výskumu, organickej syntézy, biotechnológií, biomateriálov a fytotoxických látok;•Nová výstavba biofarmaceutického výskumného a obchodného centra (vrátane biotechnológie a fytochémie) na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga;•Modernizovaný komplex laboratórií organickej syntézy a fyzikálnej ekologickej chémie (na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga). Celkové oprávnené náklady na projekt predstavujú 526 EUR. (Slovak)
3 August 2022
0 references
Hankkeen tavoitteena on nykyaikaistaa Latvian orgaanisen synteesiinstituutin (OSI) tutkimusinfrastruktuuria Latvian älykkään erikoistumisen alalla – biolääketieteessä, lääketieteellisessä teknologiassa, biofarmaseuttisissa lääkkeissä ja bioteknologiassa. Näin edistetään OSI:n osallistumista Euroopan unionin tason infrastruktuureihin ja OSI:n käytettävissä olevan tutkimusinfrastruktuurin käyttöä käytännön taloudellisten ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi.Projektin tieteellinen toiminta on erikoistunut hankkeen tieteelliseen toimintaan (bioteknologian alalla) bioteknologian (OECD) puitteissa asiakirjassa ”Revised field of science”, ja teknologia (FOS) käytännön taloudellisten kysymysten käsittelemiseksi. Hankkeen tieteellinen toiminta on jaettu myös bioyhteistyön ja kehityksen alaan (OECD) asiakirjassa ”Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) for the implementation of the project’s (Latviaksi), hankkeen tieteellinen toiminta bioyhteistyön ja kehityksen alalla alahankkeen (OECD) alalla) asiakirjassa ”Revised field of science and technology (in Latvia) sekä lääkestrategia hankkeen toteuttamiseksi (ei-konferentiivinen sosiolääketieteellinen ryhmä); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 tieteellisen tutkimuslaitteiston sarjaa farmakologian, rakennetutkimuksen, orgaanisen synteesin, bioteknologian, biomateriaalien ja fytotoksisten aineiden aloilla; • Biofarmaseuttisen tutkimus- ja liiketoimintakeskuksen (mukaan lukien bioteknologian ja fytokemian laboratorio) rakentaminen 21 Aizkraukles Streetillä Riiassa •orgaanisen synteesin ja fyysisen orgaanisen kemian laboratorioiden modernisoitu kompleksi (21 Aizkraukles Street, Riiassa). Hankkeen tukikelpoiset kokonaiskustannukset ovat 526 euroa. (Finnish)
3 August 2022
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Celem projektu jest modernizacja Łotewskiego Instytutu Syntezy Organicznej (OSI) w łotewskiej dziedzinie inteligentnej specjalizacji – biomedycyna, technologia medyczna, biofarmaceutyka i biotechnologia, a tym samym promowanie zaangażowania OSI w infrastrukturę na poziomie Unii Europejskiej oraz wykorzystanie infrastruktury badawczej będącej do dyspozycji OSI w celu rozwiązania praktycznych problemów ekonomicznych.Działalność naukowa projektu specjalizacja działalności naukowej projektu (w dziedzinie biotechnologii) w zakresie biotechnologii (OECD) w dokumencie "Zrewidowana dziedzina nauki, oraz technologii (FOS) w celu rozwiązania praktycznych problemów ekonomicznych.Działalność naukowa projektu w ramach projektu jest również podzielona na dziedzinę współpracy i rozwoju biologicznego (OECD) w dokumencie "Zrewidowana dziedzina nauki i technologii (FOS) w celu realizacji projektu (w języku łotewskim), działalność naukowa projektu w dziedzinie współpracy biologicznej i rozwoju w zakresie podprojektu (OECD), w dokumencie "Zrewidowana dziedzina nauki i technologii (w języku łotewskim), jak również w strategii farmaceutycznej na rzecz realizacji projektu (nieuznana grupa społeczno-medyczna); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 zestawów sprzętu naukowo-badawczego w dziedzinie farmakologii, badań strukturalnych, syntezy organicznej, biotechnologii, biomateriałów i fitotoksyczności; •Nowy budynek centrum badań i biznesu biofarmaceutycznego (w tym laboratorium biotechnologii i fitochemii) przy ul. Aizkraukles 21 w Rydze;•Zmodernizowany kompleks laboratoriów syntezy organicznej i fizykalnej chemii organicznej (przy ul. Aizkraukles 21 w Rydze).Całkowite koszty kwalifikowalne projektu wynoszą 526 EUR. (Polish)
3 August 2022
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A projekt célja a lett Bioszintézis Intézet (OSI) kutatási infrastruktúrájának modernizálása a lett intelligens szakosodás területén – biomedicina, orvosi technológia, biogyógyszerészeti és biotechnológia –, ezáltal előmozdítva az OSI részvételét az európai uniós szintű infrastruktúrákban, valamint az OSI rendelkezésére álló kutatási infrastruktúra használatát a gyakorlati gazdasági problémák megoldása érdekében.A projekt tudományos tevékenysége a projekt (a biotechnológia területén) tudományos tevékenységére specializálódott a biotechnológia (OECD) keretében a „Felülvizsgált tudományterület” című dokumentumban, és technológia (FOS) gyakorlati gazdasági kérdések kezelésére.A projekt tudományos tevékenysége a bio-együttműködés és fejlesztés (OECD) területére is fel van osztva a „Revised field of science, and technology (FOS) a projekt megvalósításához (lett nyelven), a projekt bioegyüttműködés és fejlesztés területén végzett tudományos tevékenységéről az (OECD)”A tudomány és technológia felülvizsgált területe (lett nyelven), valamint a projekt végrehajtására vonatkozó gyógyszerstratégia (nem-konferenciális társadalmi-egészségügyi csoport) című dokumentumban; in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 tudományos kutatási berendezés készlet farmakológia, strukturális kutatás, szerves szintézis, biotechnológia, bioanyagok és fitotoxikus anyagok területén; • biogyógyszerészeti kutatási és üzleti központ (beleértve a biotechnológiai és fitokémiai laboratóriumot) új épülete a Rigai Aizkraukles utca 21. számában; •Az organikus szintézis és a fizikai szerves kémia laboratóriumainak modernizált komplexuma (a Riga 21 Aizkraukles utcában).A projekt teljes elszámolható költsége 526 EUR. (Hungarian)
3 August 2022
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Cílem projektu je modernizace výzkumné infrastruktury Lotyšského institutu organické syntézy (OSI) v oblasti lotyšské inteligentní specializace – biomedicína, lékařské technologie, biofarmaceutické a biotechnologie, čímž se podpoří zapojení na místě do infrastruktur na úrovni Evropské unie a využití výzkumné infrastruktury, kterou má inspekce na místě k dispozici k řešení praktických ekonomických problémů.Specifikace vědecké činnosti projektu pro vědeckou činnost projektu (v oblasti biotechnologie) v rámci biotechnologie (OECD) v dokumentu "Revidovaná oblast vědy, a technologie (FOS) k řešení praktických ekonomických otázek.Vědecká činnost projektu je rovněž rozdělena do oblasti bio-spolupráce a rozvoje (OECD) v dokumentu "Revidovaná oblast vědy a techniky (FOS) pro realizaci projektu (v lotyštině), vědecká činnost projektu v oblasti bio-spolupráce a rozvoje v rámci předmětu (OECD), bude uvedena v dokumentu "Revidovaná oblast vědy a techniky (v lotyštině), jakož i ve farmaceutické strategii pro provádění projektu (nekonferenční sociálně-lékařská skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sad vědeckých výzkumných zařízení v oblasti farmakologie, strukturálního výzkumu, organické syntézy, biotechnologií, biomateriálů a fytotoxických látek;•Nová výstavba biofarmaceutického výzkumného a obchodního centra (včetně biotechnologické a fytochemické laboratoře) na ulici 21 Aizkraukles v Rize; •Modernizovaný komplex laboratoří organické syntézy a fyzikální organické chemie (v ulici 21 Aizkraukles v Rize).Celkové způsobilé náklady na projekt činí 526 EUR. (Czech)
3 August 2022
0 references
Is é is aidhm don tionscadal nuachóiriú a dhéanamh ar bhonneagar taighde Institiúid Laitviach na Sintéise Orgánaí (OSI) laistigh de réimse speisialtóireachta cliste na Laitvia — bithleigheas, teicneolaíocht leighis, bithchógaisíocht agus biteicneolaíocht, agus ar an gcaoi sin rannpháirtíocht OSI i mbonneagair ar leibhéal an Aontais Eorpaigh a chur chun cinn mar aon le bonneagar taighde atá ar fáil do OSI a úsáid chun fadhbanna eacnamaíocha praiticiúla a réiteach. Speisialú gníomhaíochta eolaíche do ghníomhaíocht eolaíoch an tionscadail (i réimse na biteicneolaíochta) laistigh de raon feidhme na biteicneolaíochta (ECFE) sa doiciméad “Réimse athbhreithnithe na heolaíochta, agus teicneolaíocht (FOS) chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar shaincheisteanna eacnamaíocha praiticiúla.Tá gníomhaíocht eolaíoch an tionscadail roinnte freisin i réimse an bhithchomhair agus na forbartha (ECFE) sa doiciméad “Réimse athbhreithnithe na heolaíochta, agus na teicneolaíochta (FOS) chun an tionscadal a chur chun feidhme (sa Laitvis), cuirfear gníomhaíocht eolaíoch an tionscadail i réimse an bhithchomhair agus na forbartha laistigh de raon feidhme an Fhothairisc (ECFE) ar fáil sa doiciméad “Réimse athbhreithnithe na heolaíochta agus na teicneolaíochta (sa Laitvis), chomh maith leis an straitéis chógaisíochta chun an tionscadal a chur chun feidhme (grúpa soch-leighis neamhfhabhrach); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sraith de threalamh taighde eolaíoch i réimsí na cógaseolaíochta, an taighde struchtúraigh, na sintéise orgánaí, na biteicneolaíochtaí, na bithábhar agus na bhfíteatocsaineacha;•Tógáil nua de thaighde bithchógaisíochta agus d’ionad gnó (lena n-áirítear saotharlann bhiteicneolaíochta agus fíticheimice) ag 21 Sráid Aizkraukles, Ríge;•Coimpléasc leasaithe saotharlann Sinté... (Irish)
3 August 2022
0 references
Cilj projekta je posodobiti raziskovalno infrastrukturo latvijskega inštituta za organsko sintezo (OSI) na latvijskem področju pametne specializacije – biomedicina, medicinska tehnologija, biofarmacevtska in biotehnologija, s čimer bi spodbudili vključevanje inšpekcijskih pregledov na kraju samem v infrastrukture na ravni Evropske unije in uporabo raziskovalne infrastrukture, ki je na voljo inšpekcijskim pregledom na kraju samem, da bi rešili praktične ekonomske težave.Projekt je specializiran za znanstveno dejavnost projekta (na področju biotehnologije) v okviru biotehnologije (OECD) v dokumentu "Revidirano področje znanosti, znanstvena dejavnost projekta je razdeljena tudi na področje bio-sodelovanja in razvoja (OECD) v dokumentu"Revidirano področje znanosti in tehnologije (FOS) za izvajanje projekta (v latvijščini), znanstvena dejavnost projekta na področju bio-sodelovanja in razvoja v okviru podprojekta (OECD) bo navedena v dokumentu "Revidirano področje znanosti in tehnologije (v latvijščini) ter v farmacevtski strategiji za izvajanje projekta (nekonferencialna socialno-medicinska skupina); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sklopov znanstvenoraziskovalne opreme na področjih farmakologije, strukturnih raziskav, organske sinteze, biotehnologij, biomaterialov in fitotoksičnih snovi;•nova gradnja biofarmacevtskega raziskovalnega in poslovnega centra (vključno z biotehnologijo in fitokemijo) na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga;•Modernizirani kompleks laboratorijev organske sinteze in fizikalne organske kemije (na ulici 21 Aizkraukles, Riga).Skupni upravičeni stroški projekta znašajo 526 EUR. (Slovenian)
3 August 2022
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Целта на проекта е да се модернизира научноизследователската инфраструктура на латвийския институт за органичен синтез (OSI) в рамките на латвийската област на интелигентна специализация — биомедицина, медицински технологии, биофармацевтични и биотехнологии, като по този начин се насърчава участието на OSI в инфраструктурите на равнището на Европейския съюз и използването на научноизследователска инфраструктура, с която разполага OSI, за решаване на практически икономически проблеми. Специализирането на научната дейност на проекта за научната дейност на проекта (в областта на биотехнологиите) в обхвата на биотехнологията (ОИСР) в документа „Преразгледана област на науката, и технологии (FOS) за решаване на практически икономически въпроси.Научната дейност на проекта е разделена на областта на био-сътрудничеството и развитието (ОИСР) в документа „Ревизирана област на науката и технологиите (FOS) за изпълнение на проекта (на латвийски), научната дейност на проекта в областта на био-сътрудничеството и развитието в обхвата на подпроекта (ОИСР), ще бъде предоставена в документа“Ревизирана област на науката и технологиите (на латвийски език), както и във фармацевтичната стратегия за изпълнение на проекта (неконференциална социално-медицинска група); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 комплекта научноизследователско оборудване в областта на фармакологията, структурните изследвания, органичния синтез, биотехнологиите, биоматериалите и фитотоксиката; •Ново строителство на биофармацевтични изследвания и бизнес център (вкл. биотехнология и лаборатория по фитохимия) на ул. „Аизкрауклес„№ 21, Рига; •Модернизиран комплекс от лаборатории по органичен синтез и физическа органична химия (на ул. „Аизкракълс“ № 21, Рига).Общите допустими разходи по проекта са 526 EUR. (Bulgarian)
3 August 2022
0 references
L-għan tal-proġett huwa li jimmodernizza l-infrastruttura tar-riċerka tal-Istitut Latvjan ta’ Sintesi Organika (OSI) fi ħdan il-qasam Latvjan ta’ speċjalizzazzjoni intelliġenti — il-bijomediċina, it-teknoloġija medika, il-bijofarmaċewtika u l-bijoteknoloġija, u b’hekk jippromwovi l-involviment tal-OSI fl-infrastrutturi fil-livell tal-Unjoni Ewropea u l-użu tal-infrastruttura tar-riċerka għad-dispożizzjoni tal-OSI biex jissolvew problemi ekonomiċi prattiċi.L-ispeċjalizzazzjoni tal-attività xjentifika tal-proġett għall-attività xjentifika tal-proġett (fil-qasam tal-bijoteknoloġija) fl-ambitu tal-bijoteknoloġija (OECD) fid-dokument "Qasam rivedut tax-xjenza, u t-teknoloġija (FOS) biex jiġu indirizzati kwistjonijiet ekonomiċi prattiċi. L-attività xjentifika tal-proġett tal-proġett hija maqsuma wkoll fil-qasam tal-bijokooperazzjoni u l-iżvilupp (OECD) fid-dokument "Qasam rivedut tax-xjenza, u t-teknoloġija (FOS) għall-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett (fil-Latvja), l-attività xjentifika tal-proġett fil-qasam tal-bijokooperazzjoni u l-iżvilupp fl-ambitu tas-Subproġett (OECD), ser tiġi pprovduta fid-dokument "Qasam Rivedut tax-xjenza u t-teknoloġija (bil-Latvjan), kif ukoll fl-istrateġija farmaċewtika għall-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett (grupp soċjo-mediku mhux konferenzjali); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 settijiet ta’ tagħmir ta’ riċerka xjentifika fl-oqsma tal-farmakoloġija, ir-riċerka strutturali, is-sinteżi organika, il-bijoteknoloġiji, il-bijomaterjali u l-fitotossiċi;•Il-bini ġdid ta’ riċerka bijofarmaċewtika u ċentru tan-negozju (inkluż il-laboratorju tal-bijoteknoloġija u l-fitokimika) fi Triq ta’ Aizkraukles, Riga;•Kumpless modernizzat ta’ laboratorji ta’ Sintesi Organika u Kimika Organika Fiżika (f’21 Triq ta’ Aizkraukles, Riga). L-ispejjeż totali ... (Maltese)
3 August 2022
0 references
O objetivo do projeto é modernizar a infraestrutura de investigação do Instituto Letão de Síntese Orgânica (OSI) no domínio da especialização inteligente letã — biomedicina, tecnologia médica, biofarmacêutica e biotecnologia, promovendo assim a participação das IOS nas infraestruturas a nível da União Europeia e a utilização das infraestruturas de investigação à disposição da OSI para resolver problemas económicos práticos. a atividade científica do projeto está igualmente dividida no domínio da biocooperação e desenvolvimento (OCDE) no documento«Do domínio revisto da ciência e da tecnologia (FOS) para a execução do projeto (em letão), a atividade científica do projeto no domínio da biocooperação e do desenvolvimento no âmbito do subprojeto (OCDE), será fornecida no documento»Dominio revisto da ciência e da tecnologia (em letão), bem como na estratégia farmacêutica para a execução do projeto (grupo sociomédico não preferencial); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 conjuntos de equipamentos de investigação científica nos domínios da farmacologia, investigação estrutural, síntese orgânica, biotecnologias, biomateriais e fitotóxicos;•Novo edifício de centro de investigação e negócios biofarmacêuticos (incluindo biotecnologia e laboratório de fitoquímica) na 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;• Complexo modernizado de laboratórios de síntese orgânica e química orgânica física (em 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).Os custos totais elegíveis do projeto ascendem a 526 EUR. (Portuguese)
3 August 2022
0 references
Formålet med projektet er at modernisere den lettiske Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) forskningsinfrastruktur inden for den lettiske intelligent specialisering område — biomedicin, medicinsk teknologi, biofarmaceutisk og bioteknologi, og dermed fremme OSI deltagelse i EU-infrastrukturer og brug af forskningsinfrastruktur til rådighed for OSI til at løse praktiske økonomiske problemer.Projektets videnskabelige aktivitet specialisering for projektets videnskabelige aktivitet (inden for bioteknologi) inden for rammerne af bioteknologi (OECD) i dokumentet "Revised field of Science, projektets videnskabelige aktivitet er også inddelt i området bio-samarbejde og udvikling (OECD) i dokumentet "Revised field of Science, and technology (FOS) for gennemførelsen af projektet (på lettisk), projektets videnskabelige aktivitet inden for bio-samarbejde og udvikling inden for rammerne af delprojektet (OECD), vil blive fremlagt i dokumentet "Revised field of Science and Technology (på lettisk), samt i den farmaceutiske strategi for gennemførelsen af projektet (ikke-konferential socio-medicinsk gruppe); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 sæt videnskabeligt forskningsudstyr inden for farmakologi, strukturel forskning, organisk syntese, bioteknologi, biomaterialer og fytotoksiske stoffer•Ny bygning af biofarmaceutisk forskning og forretningscenter (inkl. bioteknologi og fytokemilaboratorium) på 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga•Moderniseret kompleks af laboratorier for økologisk syntese og fysisk organisk kemi (i 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).De samlede støtteberettigede udgifter til projektet er 526 EUR. (Danish)
3 August 2022
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Scopul proiectului este modernizarea infrastructurii de cercetare a Institutului Leton de Sinteză Organică (OSI) în domeniul specializării inteligente letone – biomedicină, tehnologie medicală, biofarmaceutică și biotehnologie, promovând astfel implicarea OSI în infrastructurile de la nivelul Uniunii Europene și utilizarea infrastructurii de cercetare aflate la dispoziția OSI pentru rezolvarea problemelor economice practice. Specializarea activității științifice a proiectului pentru activitatea științifică a proiectului (în domeniul biotehnologiei) în domeniul biotehnologiei (OCDE) în documentul "Domeniul revizuit al științei, și tehnologie (FOS) pentru abordarea problemelor economice practice. Activitatea științifică a proiectului este împărțită, de asemenea, în domeniul biocooperării și dezvoltării (OCDE) în documentul"Domeniul revizuit al științei și tehnologiei (FOS) pentru implementarea proiectului (în letonă), activitatea științifică a proiectului în domeniul biocooperării și dezvoltării în cadrul domeniului de aplicare al Subproiectului (OCDE), va fi furnizată în documentul "Domeniul revizuit al științei și tehnologiei (în letonă), precum și în strategia farmaceutică pentru implementarea proiectului (grup socio-medical non-conferențial); in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 seturi de echipamente de cercetare științifică în domeniile farmacologiei, cercetării structurale, sintezei organice, biotehnologiilor, biomaterialelor și fitotoxicelor;•Noua clădire de cercetare biofarmaceutică și centru de afaceri (inclusiv laboratorul de biotehnologie și fitochimie) pe strada Aizkraukles 21, Riga;• Complex modernizat de laboratoare de sinteză organică și chimie fizică organică (în strada Aizkraukles 21, Riga). Costurile eligibile totale ale proiectului sunt... (Romanian)
3 August 2022
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Syftet med projektet är att modernisera den lettiska Institute of Organic Synthesis (OSI) forskningsinfrastruktur inom det lettiska området smart specialisering – biomedicin, medicinsk teknik, biofarmaceutisk och bioteknik, och därmed främja OSI:s deltagande i infrastruktur på EU-nivå och användning av forskningsinfrastruktur som står till OSI:s förfogande för att lösa praktiska ekonomiska problem.Projektets vetenskapliga verksamhetsspecialisering för projektets vetenskapliga verksamhet (på bioteknikområdet) inom ramen för biotekniken (OECD) i dokumentet ”Reviderat vetenskapsområde, och teknik (FOS) för att ta itu med praktiska ekonomiska frågor.Projektets vetenskapliga verksamhet är också uppdelad i området biosamarbete och utveckling (OECD) i dokumentet”Reviderat område för vetenskap, och teknik (FOS) för genomförandet av projektet (på lettiska), projektets vetenskapliga verksamhet inom området biosamarbete och utveckling inom ramen för delprojektet (OECD), kommer att tillhandahållas i dokumentet ”Reviderat område för vetenskap och teknik (på lettiska) samt i läkemedelsstrategin för genomförandet av projektet (icke-konferential socio-medicinsk grupp). in the field of bio-cooperation and development (OECD), will be provided in the document”Revised Field of Science and Technology (FOS) to contribute to the implementation of the project, as well as to implement the project’s scientific activity in the field of eco-industrial, in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project (sub-dimics of the Sub-Project), as well as the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (in the field of biotechnology), in accordance with the bio-cooperation and development (OECD) sub-project’s sub-project’s (concentrated part of the field of medicine, and the use of the research infrastructure at the disposal of the OSI, as a result of practical economics, for which the project’s scientific activity of the project is non-conscious, according to the bio-cooperational and development (OECD) sub-mistrics, and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity of the project (incl.) in the field of bio-medicine (included in the field of biotechnology) and the use of the basic research infrastructure of the OSI to address practical economical problems.For the project’s scientific activities (included in the field of biotechnology), the project’s (included in the 6,), and in the other part of the project’s (OECD), to promote the use of the research infrastructure of the European Union-based research infrastructure to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activities (included in the project’s socio-industrial sector, in accordance with the biotechnological field (OECD) will be published in the document “Revised field of science and technology, as well as the use of the research infrastructure of the OSI in order to address practical economical problems.The project’s scientific activity in the project is non-coordinated within the project’s field of economics and biopharmaceutical (OECD) in order to promote the involvement of OSI in the core of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at the OSI in order to address practical economical problems in the OSI project.Project’s scientific activity in the field of biomedicine (included by biotechnologies and biotechnologies), to promote the research infrastructure of the European Union-level infrastructure for solving practical economical problems.Project’s scientific activity (for the project), in which the project’s scientific activity (included in the field of biomedicine, biotechnology and biotechnologies) in the document”Provised Fitness of the European Union, and the use of the research infrastructure at OSI to solve •acquisition and modernisation of research equipment in the fields of pharmacology, structural research, organic synthesis, biotechnologies, biomaterials and phytotoxics;•Construction of Biopharmaceutical Research and Business Centre (incl. biotechnologies and phytochemistry laboratories) at Aizkraukles Street 21, Riga;•Adjustment and renovation of laboratories of organic synthesis and physico-organic chemistry at 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga. •10 uppsättningar av vetenskaplig forskningsutrustning inom farmakologi, strukturforskning, organisk syntes, bioteknik, biomaterial och fytotoxiska ämnen,•Ny uppbyggnad av biofarmaceutiskt forsknings- och affärscentrum (inklusive bioteknik- och fytokemilaboratorium) på 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga;•Moderniserat komplex av laboratorier för organisk syntes och fysikalisk organisk kemi (i 21 Aizkraukles Street, Riga).De totala stödberättigande kostnaderna för projektet är 526 EUR. (Swedish)
3 August 2022
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Aizkraukles iela 21, Rīga, LV-1006
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