Adaptation of functioning to new conditions in the context of COVID-19 disease (Q2870659): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 50.0 percentage)
(‎Added qualifier: readability score (P590521): 0.0019972472831511)
(4 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Property / start time
1 June 2020
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 1 June 2020 / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Adapt its establishment and its functioning by adjusting the methods of work organisation and relationship with the various stakeholders to the new conditions of the disease COVID-19, ensuring compliance with current standards and recommendations (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0019972472831511
Property / budgetProperty / budget
26,420.0 Euro
Amount26,420.0 Euro
14,330.0 Euro
Amount14,330.0 Euro
Property / EU contributionProperty / EU contribution
13,210.0 Euro
Amount13,210.0 Euro
7,165.0 Euro
Amount7,165.0 Euro
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: União das freguesias de Seia, São Romão e Lapa dos Dinheiros / rank
Normal rank
Property / priority axis
Property / priority axis: Competitiveness and Internationalisation of the Regional Economy (COMPETIR) / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
50.0 percent
Amount50.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 50.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / thematic objective
Property / thematic objective: Competitiveness of SMEs / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
6 January 2020
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 6 January 2020 / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
23 May 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 23 May 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 13:20, 20 March 2024

Project Q2870659 in Portugal
Language Label Description Also known as
Adaptation of functioning to new conditions in the context of COVID-19 disease
Project Q2870659 in Portugal


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    7,165.0 Euro
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    14,330.0 Euro
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    50.0 percent
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    6 January 2020
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    31 March 2021
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    40°25'12.36"N, 7°42'10.12"W
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: adaptar o seu estabelecimento e o seu funcionamento através de ajustes dos métodos de organização do trabalho e de relacionamento com os diversos stakeholders às novas condições da doença COVID-19, garantindo o cumprimento das normas e recomendações vigentes (Portuguese)
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Adapt its establishment and its functioning by adjusting the methods of work organisation and relationship with the various stakeholders to the new conditions of the disease COVID-19, ensuring compliance with current standards and recommendations (English)
    7 July 2021
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: adapter sa mise en place et son fonctionnement en adaptant les méthodes d’organisation du travail et les relations avec les différentes parties prenantes aux nouvelles conditions de la maladie de COVID-19, en veillant au respect des normes et recommandations en vigueur. (French)
    4 December 2021
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Anpassung der Einrichtung und des Betriebs durch Anpassung der Arbeitsabläufe und der Beziehungen zu den verschiedenen Interessenträgern an die neuen Bedingungen der COVID-19-Krankheit, wobei die Einhaltung der geltenden Standards und Empfehlungen sichergestellt wird. (German)
    13 December 2021
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: de instelling en de werking ervan aanpassen door de werkorganisatiemethoden en -relaties met de verschillende belanghebbenden aan te passen aan de nieuwe omstandigheden van de COVID-19-ziekte, en ervoor te zorgen dat de huidige normen en aanbevelingen worden nageleefd (Dutch)
    18 December 2021
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: adeguare la sua istituzione e il suo funzionamento attraverso l'adeguamento dei metodi di organizzazione del lavoro e dei rapporti con le varie parti interessate alle nuove condizioni della malattia da COVID-19, garantendo il rispetto delle norme e delle raccomandazioni vigenti (Italian)
    17 January 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: adaptar su establecimiento y funcionamiento mediante ajustes de los métodos de organización del trabajo y las relaciones con las distintas partes interesadas a las nuevas condiciones de la enfermedad de la COVID-19, garantizando el cumplimiento de las normas y recomendaciones actuales (Spanish)
    20 January 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Kohandada oma asutamist ja toimimist, kohandades töökorralduse meetodeid ja suhteid erinevate sidusrühmadega vastavalt COVID-19 uutele tingimustele, tagades vastavuse kehtivatele standarditele ja soovitustele. (Estonian)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Pritaikyti savo steigimą ir veikimą pritaikant darbo organizavimo metodus ir santykius su įvairiais suinteresuotaisiais subjektais prie naujų COVID-19 ligos sąlygų, užtikrinant atitiktį dabartiniams standartams ir rekomendacijoms (Lithuanian)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA UČINITI CRESTELO: Prilagoditi njegovu uspostavu i funkcioniranje prilagodbom metoda organizacije rada i odnosa s različitim dionicima novim uvjetima bolesti COVID-19, osiguravajući usklađenost s postojećim standardima i preporukama (Croatian)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Προσαρμογή της σύστασης και της λειτουργίας του μέσω της προσαρμογής των μεθόδων οργάνωσης της εργασίας και της σχέσης με τα διάφορα ενδιαφερόμενα μέρη στις νέες συνθήκες της νόσου COVID-19, διασφαλίζοντας τη συμμόρφωση με τα ισχύοντα πρότυπα και συστάσεις (Greek)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Prispôsobiť svoje zriadenie a fungovanie prispôsobením metód organizácie práce a vzťahov s rôznymi zainteresovanými stranami novým podmienkam ochorenia COVID-19, pričom sa zabezpečí súlad so súčasnými normami a odporúčaniami (Slovak)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Sen perustamisen ja toiminnan mukauttaminen mukauttamalla työn organisointimenetelmiä ja suhteita eri sidosryhmiin covid-19-taudin uusiin olosuhteisiin ja varmistamalla nykyisten standardien ja suositusten noudattaminen (Finnish)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Dostosowanie jego utworzenia i funkcjonowania poprzez dostosowanie metod organizacji pracy i relacji z różnymi zainteresowanymi stronami do nowych warunków choroby COVID-19, zapewniając zgodność z obowiązującymi normami i zaleceniami (Polish)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: A szervezet létrehozásának és működésének kiigazítása a munkaszervezés módszereinek és a különböző érdekelt felekkel fenntartott kapcsolatoknak a Covid19-betegség új körülményeihez való hozzáigazítása révén, biztosítva a jelenlegi normáknak és ajánlásoknak való megfelelést (Hungarian)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Přizpůsobit jeho zřízení a jeho fungování přizpůsobením metod organizace práce a vztahů s různými zúčastněnými stranami novým podmínkám onemocnění COVID-19 a zajistit soulad se stávajícími normami a doporučeními. (Czech)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Pielāgot tās izveidi un darbību, pielāgojot darba organizācijas metodes un attiecības ar dažādām ieinteresētajām personām jaunajiem Covid-19 slimības apstākļiem, nodrošinot atbilstību pašreizējiem standartiem un ieteikumiem. (Latvian)
    29 July 2022
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    ALLAH WARNS A SEIRBHÍSIGH LEIS A CHUID WORD: A bhunú agus a fheidhmiú a oiriúnú trí na modhanna eagrúcháin oibre agus an caidreamh leis na geallsealbhóirí éagsúla a choigeartú do dhálaí nua ghalar COVID-19, lena n-áirithítear comhlíonadh na gcaighdeán agus na moltaí reatha (Irish)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Prilagoditev njegove vzpostavitve in delovanja s prilagoditvijo metod organizacije dela in odnosa z različnimi deležniki novim razmeram bolezni COVID-19, pri čemer se zagotovi skladnost s sedanjimi standardi in priporočili; (Slovenian)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Да адаптира своето създаване и функциониране чрез адаптиране на методите на организация на труда и отношенията с различните заинтересовани страни към новите условия на болестта COVID-19, като гарантира спазването на настоящите стандарти и препоръки (Bulgarian)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Tadatta l-istabbiliment u l-funzjonament tagħha billi taġġusta l-metodi tal-organizzazzjoni tax-xogħol u r-relazzjoni mad-diversi partijiet ikkonċernati għall-kundizzjonijiet il-ġodda tal-marda COVID-19, filwaqt li tiżgura konformità mal-istandards u r-rakkomandazzjonijiet attwali (Maltese)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Tilpasse dets etablering og funktion ved at tilpasse metoderne for arbejdstilrettelæggelse og forholdet til de forskellige interessenter til de nye betingelser for covid-19 og sikre overholdelse af de nuværende standarder og anbefalinger (Danish)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Adaptarea instituirii și funcționării sale prin adaptarea metodelor de organizare a muncii și a relației cu diferitele părți interesate la noile condiții ale bolii COVID-19, asigurând conformitatea cu standardele și recomandările actuale (Romanian)
    29 July 2022
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    QUINTA DO CRESTELO: Anpassa inrättandet och dess funktionssätt genom att anpassa arbetsmetoderna för arbetsorganisation och förhållandet till de olika intressenterna till de nya villkoren för sjukdomen covid-19, och se till att gällande normer och rekommendationer följs. (Swedish)
    29 July 2022
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    23 May 2023
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