Implementation of the Pedonal Circulation Program in the Perimeter of the ARU 1st Phase (Q2895440): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Import item from Portugal)
(‎Added qualifier: readability score (P590521): 0.0168229465381652)
(4 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Property / end time
22 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 22 July 2022 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): MUNICIPIO DE VALONGO / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The Operation Implementation of the Program of Pedonal Circulation in the Perimeter of the ARU 1st phase comprises a set of intervention measures inserted within the scope of Axis 3 of the PMUS, namely, Qualification of the Road Space and mitigation of the impacts of the Road Traffic, comprising essentially measures at the level of the Requalification of the Public Space. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0168229465381652
Property / location (string)
Valongo, Valongo
Property / location (string): Valongo, Valongo / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
39°10'16.93"N, 7°52'5.48"W
Property / coordinate location: 39°10'16.93"N, 7°52'5.48"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Alto Alentejo Subregion / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Valongo / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
569,886.44 Euro
Amount569,886.44 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 569,886.44 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Valongo / rank
Normal rank
Property / thematic objective
Property / thematic objective: Low-carbon economy / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
30 July 2022
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 30 July 2022 / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
577,746.59 Euro
Amount577,746.59 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 577,746.59 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Valongo / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
41°11'27.53"N, 8°29'52.98"W
Property / coordinate location: 41°11'27.53"N, 8°29'52.98"W / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location: 41°11'27.53"N, 8°29'52.98"W / qualifier
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Metropolitan Area of Porto / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q4346721 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary name (string)
Property / beneficiary name (string): MUNICIPIO DE VALONGO / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
14 November 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 14 November 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 10:33, 20 March 2024

Project Q2895440 in Portugal
Language Label Description Also known as
Implementation of the Pedonal Circulation Program in the Perimeter of the ARU 1st Phase
Project Q2895440 in Portugal


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    577,746.59 Euro
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    679,701.87 Euro
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    83.84 percent
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    17 March 2017
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    30 July 2022
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    41°11'27.53"N, 8°29'52.98"W
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    A Operação “Implementação do Programa de Circulação Pedonal no Perímetro da ARU – 1ª fase” compreende um conjunto de medidas de intervenção inseridas no âmbito do Eixo 3 do PMUS, designadamente, “Qualificação do Espaço Viário e mitigação dos impactes do Tráfego Rodoviário”, compreendendo essencialmente medidas ao nível da Requalificação do Espaço Público. (Portuguese)
    0 references
    The Operation Implementation of the Program of Pedonal Circulation in the Perimeter of the ARU 1st phase comprises a set of intervention measures inserted within the scope of Axis 3 of the PMUS, namely, Qualification of the Road Space and mitigation of the impacts of the Road Traffic, comprising essentially measures at the level of the Requalification of the Public Space. (English)
    8 July 2021
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    L’opération Mise en œuvre du programme relatif aux mouvements de piétons dans le périmètre de la première phase de l’ARU comprend un ensemble de mesures d’intervention relevant de l’axe 3 du PMUD, à savoir la qualification de l’espace routier et l’atténuation des impacts de la circulation routière, comprenant principalement des mesures au niveau de la requalification de l’espace public. (French)
    5 December 2021
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    Die Operation Durchführung des Pedestrian-Bewegungsprogramms im Umfang der 1. Phase ARU umfasst eine Reihe von Interventionsmaßnahmen im Anwendungsbereich von Achse 3 des SUMP, nämlich die Qualifikation des Straßenraums und die Minderung der Auswirkungen des Straßenverkehrs, die hauptsächlich Maßnahmen auf der Ebene der Requalifizierung des öffentlichen Raums umfassen. (German)
    13 December 2021
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    De operationele uitvoering van het programma voor voetgangersbewegingen in de omtrek van de ARU van de eerste fase omvat een reeks interventiemaatregelen binnen het toepassingsgebied van as 3 van het SUMP, namelijk de kwalificatie van de wegruimte en de beperking van de gevolgen van het wegverkeer, die voornamelijk maatregelen omvatten op het niveau van de herkwalificatie van de openbare ruimte. (Dutch)
    19 December 2021
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    L'attuazione operativa del programma di movimenti pedonali nel perimetro della prima fase ARU comprende una serie di misure di intervento che rientrano nell'ambito dell'asse 3 del PMUS, vale a dire la qualificazione dello spazio stradale e la mitigazione degli impatti del traffico stradale, comprendenti principalmente misure a livello di riqualificazione dello spazio pubblico. (Italian)
    17 January 2022
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    La Operación Implementación del Programa de Movimiento Peatonal en el perímetro de la primera fase ARU comprende un conjunto de medidas de intervención en el ámbito del eje 3 del PMUS, a saber, la calificación del espacio vial y la mitigación de los impactos del tráfico por carretera, que comprende principalmente medidas a nivel de la recalificación del espacio público. (Spanish)
    21 January 2022
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    Pedooniringluse programmi rakendamine ARU 1. etapi perimeetris hõlmab PMUSi 3. telje kohaldamisalasse lisatud sekkumismeetmeid, nimelt maanteeruumi kvalifitseerimist ja maanteeliikluse mõju leevendamist, mis hõlmab peamiselt avaliku ruumi ümberkvalifitseerimise tasandi meetmeid. (Estonian)
    29 July 2022
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    „Pedonal Circulation“ programos įgyvendinimas ARU 1-ojo etapo perimetru apima intervencines priemones, įtrauktas į PMUS 3 kryptį, t. y. Kelių erdvės kvalifikavimą ir kelių eismo poveikio mažinimą, iš esmės apimančias priemones viešosios erdvės kvalifikacijos lygmeniu. (Lithuanian)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Operacija Provedba programa pedonalne cirkulacije u perimetru prve faze ARU-a obuhvaća skup interventnih mjera umetnutih u područje primjene osi 3 PMUS-a, odnosno kvalifikacije cestovnog prostora i ublažavanja utjecaja cestovnog prometa, koji u osnovi obuhvaća mjere na razini Rekvalifikacije javnog prostora. (Croatian)
    29 July 2022
    0 references
    Η επιχειρησιακή υλοποίηση του Προγράμματος Πεδονικής Κυκλοφορίας στην περίμετρο της 1ης φάσης ARU περιλαμβάνει ένα σύνολο μέτρων παρέμβασης που εντάσσονται στο πεδίο εφαρμογής του άξονα 3 της PMUS, δηλαδή την αναγνώριση του οδικού χώρου και τον μετριασμό των επιπτώσεων της οδικής κυκλοφορίας, τα οποία περιλαμβάνουν κυρίως μέτρα στο επίπεδο της Αναγνώρισης του Δημόσιου Χώρου. (Greek)
    29 July 2022
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    Realizácia programu pedonálnej cirkulácie v okruhu 1. fázy ARU zahŕňa súbor intervenčných opatrení vložených do rozsahu osi 3 PMUS, konkrétne kvalifikácie cestného priestoru a zmierňovania vplyvov cestnej premávky, ktoré v podstate zahŕňajú opatrenia na úrovni rekvalifikácie verejného priestoru. (Slovak)
    29 July 2022
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    ARU:n ensimmäisen vaiheen pedonaalikiertoa koskevan ohjelman toimintatoteutus käsittää joukon toimenpiteitä, jotka sisältyvät PMUS-ohjelman toimintalinjan 3 soveltamisalaan. Toimenpiteet ovat tiealueen määrittely ja maantieliikenteen vaikutusten lieventäminen, ja niihin sisältyy pääasiassa julkisen tilan uudelleenarviointiin liittyviä toimenpiteitä. (Finnish)
    29 July 2022
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    Realizacja Programu Obiegu Pedonalnego na obwodzie I fazy ARU obejmuje szereg działań interwencyjnych włączonych w zakres osi 3 PMUS, a mianowicie kwalifikowanie przestrzeni drogowej i łagodzenie skutków ruchu drogowego, obejmujące przede wszystkim działania na poziomie przekwalifikowania przestrzeni publicznej. (Polish)
    29 July 2022
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    Az ARU 1. szakaszának periméterében a pedonális körforgási program végrehajtása a PMUS 3. tengelyének hatálya alá tartozó beavatkozási intézkedéseket foglal magában, nevezetesen a közúti térség minősítését és a közúti forgalom hatásainak enyhítését, amelyek lényegében a közterületek átminősítésének szintjén tartalmaznak intézkedéseket. (Hungarian)
    29 July 2022
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    Provádění programu pedonal Circulation in the Perimeter of the ARU 1. fáze zahrnuje soubor intervenčních opatření vložených do oblasti působnosti osy 3 PMUS, jmenovitě kvalifikace silničního prostoru a zmírnění dopadů silničního provozu, které v zásadě zahrnují opatření na úrovni rekvalifikace veřejného prostoru. (Czech)
    29 July 2022
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    Pedonālās aprites programmas īstenošana ARU 1. posma perimetrā ietver pasākumu kopumu, kas iekļauts PMUS 3. ass darbības jomā, proti, ceļu telpas kvalifikācija un ceļu satiksmes ietekmes mazināšana, kas galvenokārt ietver pasākumus publiskās telpas pārkvalifikācijas līmenī. (Latvian)
    29 July 2022
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    Is éard atá i gcur chun feidhme Oibríochta an Chláir um Chiorclú Peadóin in Imlíne na chéad chéime ARU sraith de bhearta idirghabhála a chuirtear isteach laistigh de raon feidhme Ais 3 de PMUanna, eadhon, an Spás Bóthair a cháiliú agus tionchair an Tráchta ar Bhóithre a mhaolú, a chuimsíonn go bunúsach bearta ar leibhéal Athcháiliúcháin an Spáis Phoiblí. (Irish)
    29 July 2022
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    Operativno izvajanje programa pedonalne cirkulacije v obodu prve faze ARU zajema sklop intervencijskih ukrepov, ki so bili vstavljeni v področje uporabe osi 3 PMUS, in sicer Kvalifikacija cestnega prostora in ublažitev vplivov cestnega prometa, ki v glavnem obsega ukrepe na ravni prekvalifikacije javnega prostora. (Slovenian)
    29 July 2022
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    Операцията „Изпълнение на Програмата за педонално циркулация в периметъра на АЖП 1-ва фаза„включва набор от интервенционни мерки, включени в обхвата на ос 3 на PMUS, а именно „Квалификация на пътното пространство“ и смекчаване на въздействията от пътното движение, включващи по същество мерки на ниво „Преквалификация на публичното пространство“. (Bulgarian)
    29 July 2022
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    L-Implimentazzjoni Operattiva tal-Programm ta’ Ċirkolazzjoni pedonali fil-Perimetru tal-ewwel fażi tal-ARU tinkludi sett ta’ miżuri ta’ intervent imdaħħla fl-ambitu tal-Assi 3 tal-PMUS, jiġifieri, il-Kwalifika tal-Ispazju tat-Toroq u l-mitigazzjoni tal-impatti tat-Traffiku fit-Toroq, li essenzjalment jinkludu miżuri fil-livell tar-Rikwalifikazzjoni tal-Ispazju Pubbliku. (Maltese)
    29 July 2022
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    Operation Implementation of the Programme of pedonal Circulation in the Perimeter of the ARU 1. fase omfatter en række interventionsforanstaltninger, der er indsat inden for rammerne af akse 3 i PMUS, nemlig kvalifikationen af vejområdet og afbødning af virkningerne af vejtrafikken, der hovedsagelig omfatter foranstaltninger vedrørende kvalificeringen af det offentlige rum. (Danish)
    29 July 2022
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    Punerea în aplicare a Programului de circulație pedonală în Perimetrul primei faze ARU cuprinde un set de măsuri de intervenție introduse în cadrul axei 3 a PMUS, și anume „Calificarea spațiului rutier” și atenuarea impactului traficului rutier, care cuprinde, în esență, măsuri la nivelul recalificării spațiului public. (Romanian)
    29 July 2022
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    Det operativa genomförandet av programmet för cirkulation på pedonal nivå i omkretsen av ARU:s första fas omfattar en rad interventionsåtgärder som införts inom tillämpningsområdet för axel 3 i PMUS, nämligen kvalificering av vägutrymmet och begränsning av vägtrafikens påverkan, som huvudsakligen omfattar åtgärder för att kvalificera det offentliga rummet. (Swedish)
    29 July 2022
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    14 November 2023
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