Araujotur covid-19 – new business model (Q2870775): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 50.01 percentage) |
(Added qualifier: readability score (P590521): 0.007346396541175) |
(3 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
Property / start time | |||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
Property / start time: 1 July 2020 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In the context of covid-19, the project will ensure the start-up of the company’s safety-level activity as well as the provision of management tools relevant to financial planning. New business model. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.007346396541175
| |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | Property / EU contribution | ||||||||||||||
| 2,677.5 Euro
| ||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: União das freguesias de Fundão, Valverde, Donas, Aldeia de Joanes e Aldeia Nova do Cabo / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / priority axis | |||||||||||||||
Property / priority axis: Competitiveness and Internationalisation of the Regional Economy (COMPETIR) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
50.0 percent
| |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate: 50.0 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / thematic objective | |||||||||||||||
Property / thematic objective: Competitiveness of SMEs / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / start time | |||||||||||||||
7 January 2020
| |||||||||||||||
Property / start time: 7 January 2020 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
23 May 2023
| |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update: 23 May 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 16:19, 12 March 2024
Project Q2870775 in Portugal
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Araujotur covid-19 – new business model |
Project Q2870775 in Portugal |
2,677.5 Euro
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5,355.0 Euro
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50.0 percent
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7 January 2020
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31 March 2021
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No contexto do covid-19 o projeto vai assegurar o arranque da atividade da empresa com níveis de segurança bem como dotar-se de instrumentos de gestão relevantes para o planeamento financeiro. Novo modelo de negócio. (Portuguese)
0 references
In the context of covid-19, the project will ensure the start-up of the company’s safety-level activity as well as the provision of management tools relevant to financial planning. New business model. (English)
7 July 2021
0 references
Dans le contexte de la COVID-19, le projet assurera le démarrage de l’entreprise avec des niveaux de sécurité ainsi que des outils de gestion pertinents pour la planification financière. Nouveau modèle d’entreprise. (French)
4 December 2021
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Im Zusammenhang mit Covid-19 wird das Projekt die Gründung des Unternehmens mit Sicherheitsniveaus sicherstellen und sich mit Managementinstrumenten versorgen, die für die Finanzplanung relevant sind. Neues Geschäftsmodell. (German)
13 December 2021
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In het kader van COVID-19 zal het project zorgen voor de start van het bedrijf met een beveiligingsniveau en zichzelf voorzien van beheersinstrumenten die relevant zijn voor de financiële planning. Nieuw bedrijfsmodel. (Dutch)
18 December 2021
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Nel contesto del covid-19 il progetto garantirà l'avvio dell'attività con livelli di sicurezza e si doterà di strumenti di gestione pertinenti alla pianificazione finanziaria. Nuovo modello di business. (Italian)
17 January 2022
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En el contexto de la COVID-19, el proyecto garantizará la puesta en marcha de la empresa con niveles de seguridad y se dotará de herramientas de gestión pertinentes para la planificación financiera. Nuevo modelo de negocio. (Spanish)
20 January 2022
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COVID-19 kontekstis tagab projekt ettevõtte ohutustaseme tegevuse alustamise ning finantsplaneerimisega seotud juhtimisvahendite pakkumise. Uus ärimudel. (Estonian)
29 July 2022
0 references
COVID-19 kontekste projektas užtikrins įmonės saugos lygio veiklos pradžią ir finansų planavimui svarbių valdymo priemonių teikimą. Naujas verslo modelis. (Lithuanian)
29 July 2022
0 references
U kontekstu pandemije bolesti COVID-19 projektom će se osigurati pokretanje aktivnosti poduzeća na razini sigurnosti, kao i osiguravanje upravljačkih alata relevantnih za financijsko planiranje. Novi poslovni model. (Croatian)
29 July 2022
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Στο πλαίσιο της covid-19, το έργο θα εξασφαλίσει την έναρξη της δραστηριότητας σε επίπεδο ασφάλειας της εταιρείας, καθώς και την παροχή εργαλείων διαχείρισης σχετικών με τον οικονομικό σχεδιασμό. Νέο επιχειρηματικό μοντέλο. (Greek)
29 July 2022
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V súvislosti s ochorením COVID-19 projekt zabezpečí začatie činnosti spoločnosti na úrovni bezpečnosti, ako aj poskytnutie nástrojov riadenia relevantných pre finančné plánovanie. Nový obchodný model. (Slovak)
29 July 2022
0 references
Covid-19:n yhteydessä hankkeella varmistetaan yrityksen turvallisuustason toiminnan käynnistäminen sekä rahoitussuunnittelun kannalta merkityksellisten hallinnointivälineiden tarjoaminen. Uusi liiketoimintamalli. (Finnish)
29 July 2022
0 references
W kontekście COVID-19 projekt zapewni rozpoczęcie działalności przedsiębiorstwa na poziomie bezpieczeństwa oraz zapewnienie narzędzi zarządzania związanych z planowaniem finansowym. Nowy model biznesowy. (Polish)
29 July 2022
0 references
A covid-19 összefüggésében a projekt biztosítja a vállalat biztonsági szintű tevékenységének elindítását, valamint a pénzügyi tervezés szempontjából releváns irányítási eszközök biztosítását. Új üzleti modell. (Hungarian)
29 July 2022
0 references
V souvislosti s pandemií COVID-19 projekt zajistí zahájení činnosti společnosti na úrovni bezpečnosti, jakož i poskytnutí nástrojů řízení relevantních pro finanční plánování. Nový obchodní model. (Czech)
29 July 2022
0 references
Saistībā ar covid-19 projekts nodrošinās uzņēmuma drošības līmeņa darbības uzsākšanu, kā arī finanšu plānošanai atbilstošu vadības instrumentu nodrošināšanu. Jauns uzņēmējdarbības modelis. (Latvian)
29 July 2022
0 references
I gcomhthéacs covid-19, cinnteoidh an tionscadal go gcuirfear tús le gníomhaíocht ar leibhéal sábháilteachta na cuideachta chomh maith le soláthar uirlisí bainistíochta a bhaineann le pleanáil airgeadais. Samhail ghnó nua. (Irish)
29 July 2022
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V okviru COVID-19 bo projekt zagotovil zagon dejavnosti podjetja na ravni varnosti in zagotavljanje orodij za upravljanje, ki so pomembna za finančno načrtovanje. Nov poslovni model. (Slovenian)
29 July 2022
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В контекста на Covid-19 проектът ще гарантира стартирането на дейността на дружеството на ниво безопасност, както и предоставянето на управленски инструменти, свързани с финансовото планиране. Нов бизнес модел. (Bulgarian)
29 July 2022
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Fil-kuntest tal-COVID-19, il-proġett se jiżgura l-bidu tal-attività fil-livell ta’ sikurezza tal-kumpanija kif ukoll il-forniment ta’ għodod ta’ ġestjoni rilevanti għall-ippjanar finanzjarju. Mudell ta’ negozju ġdid. (Maltese)
29 July 2022
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I forbindelse med covid-19 vil projektet sikre opstart af virksomhedens aktiviteter på sikkerhedsniveau samt tilvejebringelse af ledelsesværktøjer, der er relevante for den finansielle planlægning. Ny forretningsmodel. (Danish)
29 July 2022
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În contextul pandemiei de COVID-19, proiectul va asigura demararea activității companiei la nivel de siguranță, precum și furnizarea de instrumente de management relevante pentru planificarea financiară. Un nou model de afaceri. (Romanian)
29 July 2022
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Inom ramen för covid-19 kommer projektet att säkerställa starten av företagets verksamhet på säkerhetsnivå samt tillhandahållandet av ledningsverktyg som är relevanta för den ekonomiska planeringen. Ny affärsmodell. (Swedish)
29 July 2022
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0 references
23 May 2023
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