Practical actions and awareness-raising campaigns for the selective collection of waste (Q2981851): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Import item from Portugal)
(‎Added qualifier: readability score (P590521): 0.0172319809167311)
(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Property / start time
2 January 2017
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 2 January 2017 / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Carrying out awareness campaigns and environmental education, which will be directed to the general population through the installation of information boards, placement of appealing stickers in the different types of containers, advertising of billboards. (English) / qualifier
readability score: 0.0172319809167311
Property / budget
94,267.35 Euro
Amount94,267.35 Euro
Property / budget: 94,267.35 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
80,127.25 Euro
Amount80,127.25 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 80,127.25 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Funchal (Sé) / rank
Normal rank
Property / thematic objective
Property / thematic objective: Environment protection and resource efficiency / rank
Normal rank
Property / start time
1 February 2017
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 1 February 2017 / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
93,686.77 Euro
Amount93,686.77 Euro
Property / budget: 93,686.77 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution
79,633.76 Euro
Amount79,633.76 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 79,633.76 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank
Property / date of last update
23 May 2023
Precision1 day
Property / date of last update: 23 May 2023 / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 16:30, 7 March 2024

Project Q2981851 in Portugal
Language Label Description Also known as
Practical actions and awareness-raising campaigns for the selective collection of waste
Project Q2981851 in Portugal


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    79,633.76 Euro
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    93,686.77 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 February 2017
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    30 June 2019
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    32°38'58.74"N, 16°54'31.25"W
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    Realização campanhas de sensibilização e de educação ambiental, que serão dirigidas à população em geral através da instalação de placas informativas, colocação de autocolantes apelativos nos diferentes tipos de contentores, divulgação de “outdoors”. (Portuguese)
    0 references
    Carrying out awareness campaigns and environmental education, which will be directed to the general population through the installation of information boards, placement of appealing stickers in the different types of containers, advertising of billboards. (English)
    9 July 2021
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    Mener des campagnes de sensibilisation et d’éducation à l’environnement, qui seront dirigées vers la population en général par l’installation de panneaux d’information, la mise en place d’autocollants accrocheurs dans différents types de contenants, la publicité de panneaux d’affichage. (French)
    7 December 2021
    0 references
    Durchführung von Sensibilisierungs- und Umwelterziehungskampagnen, die durch die Einrichtung von Informationstafeln, die Platzierung von auffälligen Aufklebern in verschiedenen Containertypen, die Werbung für Werbetafeln an die allgemeine Bevölkerung gerichtet werden. (German)
    15 December 2021
    0 references
    Het voeren van bewustmakings- en milieu-educatiecampagnes, die gericht zullen zijn op de algemene bevolking door de installatie van informatieborden, het plaatsen van opvallende stickers in verschillende soorten containers, reclame voor reclameborden. (Dutch)
    20 December 2021
    0 references
    Realizzazione di campagne di sensibilizzazione e di educazione ambientale, che saranno rivolte alla popolazione in generale attraverso l'installazione di pannelli informativi, l'inserimento di adesivi accattivanti in diversi tipi di contenitori, la pubblicità di cartelloni pubblicitari. (Italian)
    18 January 2022
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    Realización de campañas de sensibilización y educación ambiental, que se dirigirán a la población en general a través de la instalación de tableros de información, la colocación de pegatinas llamativas en diferentes tipos de contenedores, la publicidad de vallas publicitarias. (Spanish)
    22 January 2022
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    Teadlikkuse tõstmise kampaaniate ja keskkonnahariduse korraldamine, mis suunatakse elanikkonnale infotahvlite paigaldamise, eri tüüpi konteineritesse ahvatlevate kleebiste paigutamise, stendide reklaamimise kaudu. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Vykdyti informuotumo didinimo kampanijas ir švietimą aplinkos klausimais, kurie bus skirti plačiajai visuomenei, įrengiant informacines lentas, įrengiant patrauklius lipdukus įvairių rūšių konteineriuose, reklamuojant reklaminius stendus. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Provođenje kampanja za podizanje svijesti i edukacija o okolišu, koje će biti usmjerene na opću populaciju postavljanjem informacijskih ploča, postavljanjem privlačnih naljepnica u različite vrste kontejnera, oglašavanjem plakata. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Διεξαγωγή εκστρατειών ευαισθητοποίησης και περιβαλλοντικής εκπαίδευσης, οι οποίες θα απευθύνονται στο γενικό πληθυσμό μέσω της εγκατάστασης ενημερωτικών πινάκων, της τοποθέτησης ελκυστικών αυτοκόλλητων ετικετών στους διάφορους τύπους δοχείων, της διαφήμισης των πινακίδων. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Realizácia informačných kampaní a environmentálnej výchovy, ktoré budú zamerané na širokú verejnosť prostredníctvom inštalácie informačných tabúľ, umiestňovania atraktívnych nálepiek do rôznych typov kontajnerov, reklamy na billboardy. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Toteutetaan valistuskampanjoita ja ympäristökasvatusta, jotka suunnataan koko väestölle asentamalla tiedotustauluja, sijoittamalla houkuttelevia tarroja erityyppisiin kontteihin ja mainostamalla mainostauluja. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Prowadzenie kampanii uświadamiających i edukacji ekologicznej, które będą kierowane do ogółu społeczeństwa poprzez instalację tablic informacyjnych, umieszczanie atrakcyjnych naklejek w różnych rodzajach pojemników, reklamę billboardów. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Figyelemfelkeltő kampányok és környezetvédelmi oktatás, amelyet információs táblák telepítése, vonzó matricák elhelyezése a különböző típusú konténerekben, hirdetőtáblák reklámozása révén a lakosság felé irányítanak. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Provádění osvětových kampaní a environmentální výchovy, které budou zaměřeny na obyvatelstvo prostřednictvím instalace informačních tabulí, umístění atraktivních samolepek v různých typech kontejnerů, reklamy na billboardy. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Īstenot izpratnes veicināšanas kampaņas un izglītot par vidi, kas tiks vērsta uz iedzīvotājiem, uzstādot informācijas dēļus, izvietojot pievilcīgas uzlīmes dažāda veida konteineros, reklamējot reklāmas stendus. (Latvian)
    3 August 2022
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    Feachtais feasachta agus oideachas comhshaoil a dhéanamh, a bheidh dírithe ar an bpobal i gcoitinne trí chláir faisnéise a shuiteáil, greamáin achomharc a chur isteach sna cineálacha éagsúla coimeádán, fógraíocht a dhéanamh ar chláir fógraí. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Izvajanje kampanj ozaveščanja in okoljskega izobraževanja, ki bo usmerjeno na splošno prebivalstvo z namestitvijo informacijskih tabel, namestitvijo privlačnih nalepk v različne vrste zabojnikov, oglaševanjem panojev. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Провеждане на кампании за повишаване на осведомеността и екологично образование, които ще бъдат насочени към населението като цяло чрез инсталиране на информационни табла, поставяне на привлекателни стикери в различните видове контейнери, реклама на билбордове. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    It-twettiq ta’ kampanji ta’ sensibilizzazzjoni u edukazzjoni ambjentali, li se jkunu diretti lejn il-popolazzjoni ġenerali permezz tal-installazzjoni ta’ bordijiet tal-informazzjoni, it-tqegħid ta’ stikers attraenti fit-tipi differenti ta’ kontenituri, ir-reklamar ta’ billboards. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    Gennemførelse af oplysningskampagner og miljøoplysning, som vil blive rettet mod den brede befolkning gennem installering af informationstavler, anbringelse af tiltalende klistermærker i de forskellige typer beholdere, reklame for skilte. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Desfășurarea de campanii de sensibilizare și educare în domeniul mediului, care vor fi direcționate către populația generală prin instalarea de panouri de informare, plasarea autocolantelor atrăgătoare în diferite tipuri de containere, publicitatea panourilor publicitare. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Genomföra informationskampanjer och miljöutbildning, som kommer att riktas till allmänheten genom installation av informationstavlor, placering av tilltalande klistermärken i olika typer av containrar, reklam för skyltar. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    23 May 2023
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