MG@2020 — MG Sustainable Internationalisation (Q2909612): Difference between revisions
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(Changed label, description and/or aliases in et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, da, ro, sv, nl, fr, de, it, pt, es, and other parts: Adding translations: et, lt, hr, el, sk, fi, pl, hu, cs, lv, ga, sl, bg, mt, da, ro, sv,) |
(Added qualifier: readability score (P590521): 0.0139971718978698) |
(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): MENDES GONÇALVES, S.A. / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The project”MG@2020 —Sustained Internationalisation of MG" aims to contribute to the expansion of the national export base, increasing the volume of international sales of the company, through the placing abroad of products and own brands and the identity and accumulated know-how of MG. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
readability score: 0.0139971718978698
| |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary: Q2986472 (Deleted Item) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
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Property / budget: 685,281.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
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Property / EU contribution: 308,376.0 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
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Property / co-financing rate: 45.0 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit | |||||||||||||||
Property / contained in Local Administrative Unit: Golegã / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / priority axis | |||||||||||||||
Property / priority axis: Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs and reducing context-based public costs (TO 3 and TO2) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / thematic objective | |||||||||||||||
Property / thematic objective: Competitiveness of SMEs / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary: MENDES GONÇALVES, S.A. / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string) | |||||||||||||||
MENDES GONÇALVES, S.A. | |||||||||||||||
Property / beneficiary name (string): MENDES GONÇALVES, S.A. / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / budget | |||||||||||||||
149,921.08 Euro
| |||||||||||||||
Property / budget: 149,921.08 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / EU contribution | |||||||||||||||
67,464.48 Euro
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Property / EU contribution: 67,464.48 Euro / rank | |||||||||||||||
Preferred rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate | |||||||||||||||
45.0 percent
| |||||||||||||||
Property / co-financing rate: 45.0 percent / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update | |||||||||||||||
14 November 2023
| |||||||||||||||
Property / date of last update: 14 November 2023 / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank |
Latest revision as of 12:42, 7 March 2024
Project Q2909612 in Portugal
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | MG@2020 — MG Sustainable Internationalisation |
Project Q2909612 in Portugal |
67,464.48 Euro
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149,921.08 Euro
0 references
45.0 percent
0 references
17 July 2017
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16 July 2020
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O projeto "MG@2020 - Internacionalização Sustentada da MG" pretende contribuir para o alargamento da base exportadora nacional, aumentando o volume de vendas internacional da empresa, através da colocação no exterior de produtos e marcas próprias e da própria identidade e know-how acumulado da MG. (Portuguese)
0 references
The project”MG@2020 —Sustained Internationalisation of MG" aims to contribute to the expansion of the national export base, increasing the volume of international sales of the company, through the placing abroad of products and own brands and the identity and accumulated know-how of MG. (English)
8 July 2021
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Le projet «MG@2020 — Internationalisation durable de MG» vise à contribuer à l’expansion de la base nationale d’exportation, en augmentant le volume des ventes internationales de l’entreprise, grâce au placement de ses propres produits et marques à l’étranger et à la propre identité de MG et au savoir-faire accumulé. (French)
5 December 2021
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Das Projekt „MG@2020 - Nachhaltige Internationalisierung von MG“ soll zum Ausbau der nationalen Exportbasis beitragen, das internationale Absatzvolumen des Unternehmens steigern, durch die Platzierung eigener Produkte und Marken im Ausland sowie die eigene Identität und das angesammelte Know-how von MG. (German)
14 December 2021
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Het project „MG@2020 — Duurzame internationalisering van MG” heeft tot doel bij te dragen aan de uitbreiding van de nationale exportbasis, door het internationale verkoopvolume van het bedrijf te vergroten, door het plaatsen van eigen producten en merken in het buitenland en MG’s eigen identiteit en geaccumuleerde knowhow. (Dutch)
19 December 2021
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Il progetto "MG@2020 - Internazionalizzazione sostenibile di MG" mira a contribuire all'espansione della base nazionale di esportazione, aumentando il volume delle vendite internazionali dell'azienda, attraverso il posizionamento di propri prodotti e marchi all'estero e l'identità di MG e il know-how accumulato. (Italian)
17 January 2022
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El proyecto «MG@2020 — Internacionalización Sostenible de MG» tiene como objetivo contribuir a la expansión de la base nacional de exportación, aumentando el volumen de ventas internacionales de la empresa, a través de la colocación de sus propios productos y marcas en el extranjero y la propia identidad de MG y el know-how acumulado. (Spanish)
21 January 2022
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Projekti „MG@2020 - Sustained Internationalization of MG“ eesmärk on aidata kaasa riikliku ekspordibaasi laiendamisele, suurendades ettevõtte rahvusvahelise müügi mahtu toodete ja oma kaubamärkide välismaale paigutamise ning MG identiteedi ja kogutud oskusteabe kaudu. (Estonian)
30 July 2022
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Projektu „MG@2020 - Tvarus MG internacionalizavimas“ siekiama prisidėti prie nacionalinės eksporto bazės plėtros, didinant bendrovės tarptautinių pardavimų apimtį, pateikiant užsienyje produktus ir nuosavus prekės ženklus bei MG tapatybę ir sukauptą praktinę patirtį. (Lithuanian)
30 July 2022
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Projekt „MG@2020 — Održana internacionalizacija MG-a” ima za cilj doprinijeti širenju nacionalne izvozne baze, povećavajući obujam međunarodne prodaje tvrtke, stavljanjem proizvoda i vlastitih robnih marki u inozemstvo te identitetom i akumuliranim znanjem MG-a. (Croatian)
30 July 2022
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Το έργο «MG@2020 —Sustained Internationalization of MG» έχει ως στόχο να συμβάλει στην επέκταση της εθνικής εξαγωγικής βάσης, αυξάνοντας τον όγκο των διεθνών πωλήσεων της εταιρείας, μέσω της τοποθέτησης στο εξωτερικό προϊόντων και εμπορικών σημάτων και της ταυτότητας και της συσσωρευμένης τεχνογνωσίας της MG. (Greek)
30 July 2022
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Cieľom projektu „MG@2020 - Udržaná internacionalizácia MG“ je prispieť k rozšíreniu národnej vývoznej základne, zvýšiť objem medzinárodného predaja spoločnosti prostredníctvom umiestňovania výrobkov a vlastných značiek do zahraničia a identity a nahromadeného know-how spoločnosti MG. (Slovak)
30 July 2022
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Hankkeella ”MG@2020 —Sustained Internationalisation of MG” pyritään osaltaan laajentamaan kansallista vientipohjaa ja lisäämään yrityksen kansainvälisen myynnin määrää sijoittamalla tuotteita ja omia tuotemerkkejä ulkomaille sekä MG:n identiteettiä ja kertynyttä osaamista. (Finnish)
30 July 2022
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Projekt „MG@2020 —Sustained Internationalization of MG” ma na celu przyczynienie się do rozwoju krajowej bazy eksportowej, zwiększenie wolumenu międzynarodowej sprzedaży firmy, poprzez umieszczenie za granicą produktów i marek własnych oraz tożsamości i zgromadzonego know-how MG. (Polish)
30 July 2022
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Az „MG@2020 - Az MG fenntartható nemzetközivé tétele” projekt célja, hogy hozzájáruljon a nemzeti exportbázis bővüléséhez, növelje a vállalat nemzetközi értékesítéseinek volumenét azáltal, hogy termékeket és saját márkákat helyez el külföldön, valamint az MG identitását és felhalmozott know-how-ját. (Hungarian)
30 July 2022
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Cílem projektu „MG@2020 —Udržená internacionalizace MG“ je přispět k rozšíření národní vývozní základny, zvýšit objem mezinárodních prodejů společnosti prostřednictvím umísťování výrobků a vlastních značek do zahraničí a identity a nashromážděného know-how MG. (Czech)
30 July 2022
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Projekta “MG@2020 - ilgtspējīga MG internacionalizācija” mērķis ir veicināt valsts eksporta bāzes paplašināšanu, palielinot uzņēmuma starptautisko pārdošanas apjomu, izvietojot ārvalstīs produktus un pašu zīmolus, kā arī MG identitāti un uzkrāto zinātību. (Latvian)
30 July 2022
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Tá sé mar aidhm ag an tionscadal “MG@2020 — Internationalization Sustained MG” cur le leathnú an bhoinn easpórtála náisiúnta, rud a mhéadóidh méid díolacháin idirnáisiúnta na cuideachta, trí tháirgí agus brandaí féin a chur thar lear agus céannacht agus saineolas carntha MG. (Irish)
30 July 2022
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Cilj projekta„MG@2020 - Trajnostna internacionalizacija MG“je prispevati k širitvi nacionalne izvozne baze, povečati obseg mednarodne prodaje podjetja z dajanjem izdelkov in lastnih blagovnih znamk v tujini ter identiteto in akumulirano znanje MG. (Slovenian)
30 July 2022
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Проектът „MG@2020 - Поддържана интернационализация на МГ“ има за цел да допринесе за разширяването на националната експортна база, като увеличи обема на международните продажби на компанията чрез поставяне в чужбина на продукти и собствени марки и идентичността и натрупаното ноу-хау на МГ. (Bulgarian)
30 July 2022
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Il-proġett “MG@2020 - Internationalizzazzjoni Sostenibbli tal-MG” għandu l-għan li jikkontribwixxi għall-espansjoni tal-bażi nazzjonali tal-esportazzjoni, iżid il-volum tal-bejgħ internazzjonali tal-kumpanija, permezz tat-tqegħid barra mill-pajjiż ta’ prodotti u marki proprji u l-identità u l-għarfien akkumulat tal-MG. (Maltese)
30 July 2022
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Projektet "MG@2020 - Sustained Internationalization of MG" har til formål at bidrage til at udvide det nationale eksportgrundlag ved at øge virksomhedens internationale salg gennem placering i udlandet af produkter og egne mærker og MG's identitet og akkumulerede knowhow. (Danish)
30 July 2022
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Proiectul „MG@2020 - Internationalizarea durabilă a MG” își propune să contribuie la extinderea bazei naționale de export, mărind volumul vânzărilor internaționale ale companiei, prin plasarea în străinătate a produselor și mărcilor proprii și a identității și know-how-ului acumulat al MG. (Romanian)
30 July 2022
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Projektet”MG@2020 —Sustained Internationalization of MG” syftar till att bidra till att utöka den nationella exportbasen, öka företagets internationella försäljning genom att placera ut produkter och egna varumärken utomlands samt MG:s identitet och samlade kunnande. (Swedish)
30 July 2022
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0 references
14 November 2023
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