Knowledge, skills and lifelong learning for better employability (Q4406278): Difference between revisions

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(‎Created claim: thematic objective (P1848): Educational and vocational training (Q236698), Insert correspondence Priority Axis - Thematic Objective for all OPs when possible (details))
(‎Changed an Item: Modifying item Q4406278; priority_axis 2014SI16MAOP001-10)
(21 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / sllabel / sl
Znanje, spretnosti in vseživljenjsko učenje za boljšo zaposljivost
Knowledge, skills and lifelong learning for better employability
label / hrlabel / hr
Znanje, vještine i cjeloživotno učenje za bolju zapošljivost
label / svlabel / sv
Kunskaper, färdigheter och livslångt lärande för bättre anställbarhet
label / ltlabel / lt
Žinios, įgūdžiai ir mokymasis visą gyvenimą siekiant geresnių įsidarbinimo galimybių
label / ellabel / el
Γνώσεις, δεξιότητες και δια βίου μάθηση για καλύτερη απασχολησιμότητα
label / delabel / de
Kenntnisse, Fähigkeiten und lebenslanges Lernen für bessere Beschäftigungsfähigkeit
label / cslabel / cs
Znalosti, dovednosti a celoživotní učení pro lepší zaměstnatelnost
label / itlabel / it
Conoscenze, competenze e apprendimento permanente per una migliore occupabilità
label / sklabel / sk
Vedomosti, zručnosti a celoživotné vzdelávanie pre lepšiu zamestnateľnosť
label / hulabel / hu
Tudás, készségek és egész életen át tartó tanulás a jobb foglalkoztathatóság érdekében
label / bglabel / bg
Знания, умения и учене през целия живот за по-добра пригодност за заетост
label / eslabel / es
Conocimientos, capacidades y aprendizaje permanente para mejorar la empleabilidad
label / galabel / ga
Eolas, scileanna agus foghlaim ar feadh an tsaoil ar mhaithe le hinfhostaitheacht níos fearr
label / dalabel / da
Viden, færdigheder og livslang læring med henblik på bedre beskæftigelsesegnethed
label / nllabel / nl
Kennis, vaardigheden en levenslang leren voor een betere inzetbaarheid
label / filabel / fi
Tiedot, taidot ja elinikäinen oppiminen työllistettävyyden parantamiseksi
label / ptlabel / pt
Conhecimentos, competências e aprendizagem ao longo da vida para uma melhor empregabilidade
label / lvlabel / lv
Zināšanas, prasmes un mūžizglītība labākai nodarbināmībai
label / rolabel / ro
Cunoștințe, competențe și învățare pe tot parcursul vieții pentru o mai bună capacitate de inserție profesională
label / frlabel / fr
Connaissances, compétences et apprentissage tout au long de la vie pour une meilleure employabilité
label / mtlabel / mt
Għarfien, ħiliet u tagħlim tul il-ħajja għal impjegabilità aħjar
label / etlabel / et
Teadmised, oskused ja elukestev õpe parema tööalase konkurentsivõime tagamiseks
aliases / sl / 0aliases / sl / 0
Vseživljensko učenje
aliases / sl / 1aliases / sl / 1
Lifelong learning
aliases / en / 0aliases / en / 0
Lifelong learning
Property / thematic objective
Property / thematic objective: Educational and vocational training / rank
Normal rank
Property / total cost of selected operations
30,929,113.34 Euro
Amount30,929,113.34 Euro
Property / total cost of selected operations: 30,929,113.34 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / total cost of selected operations: 30,929,113.34 Euro / qualifier
Property / total cost of selected operations: 30,929,113.34 Euro / qualifier
Property / total cost of selected operations: 30,929,113.34 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 30 September 2023
Precision1 day
Property / total cost of selected operations
252,887,938.97 Euro
Amount252,887,938.97 Euro
Property / total cost of selected operations: 252,887,938.97 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / total cost of selected operations: 252,887,938.97 Euro / qualifier
Property / total cost of selected operations: 252,887,938.97 Euro / qualifier
Property / total cost of selected operations: 252,887,938.97 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 30 September 2023
Precision1 day

Latest revision as of 10:59, 22 December 2023

priority axis of 2014SI16MAOP001
  • Lifelong learning
Language Label Description Also known as
Knowledge, skills and lifelong learning for better employability
priority axis of 2014SI16MAOP001
  • Lifelong learning



0 references