Strengthening the institutional capacity of regional entities (CAPACITAR) (Q4406105): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: total cost of selected operations (P577569): 28,900,775.64 euro, remove outdated Cohesion Data information)
(‎Changed an Item: Modifying item Q4406105; priority_axis 2014PT16M2OP002-8)
(8 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
label / hrlabel / hr
Jačanje institucijskog kapaciteta regionalnih subjekata (CAPACITAR)
label / svlabel / sv
Förstärkning av regionala enheters institutionella kapacitet (CAPACITAR)
label / ltlabel / lt
Regioninių subjektų institucinių gebėjimų stiprinimas (CAPACITAR)
label / ellabel / el
Ενίσχυση της θεσμικής ικανότητας των περιφερειακών φορέων (CAPACITAR)
label / delabel / de
Stärkung der institutionellen Kapazitäten der regionalen Gebietskörperschaften (CAPACITAR)
label / sllabel / sl
Krepitev institucionalne zmogljivosti regionalnih subjektov (CAPACITAR)
label / cslabel / cs
Posílení institucionální kapacity regionálních subjektů (CAPACITAR)
label / itlabel / it
Rafforzamento della capacità istituzionale degli enti regionali (CAPACITAR)
label / sklabel / sk
Posilnenie inštitucionálnej kapacity regionálnych subjektov (CAPACITAR)
label / hulabel / hu
A regionális szervezetek intézményi kapacitásának megerősítése (CAPACITAR)
label / bglabel / bg
Укрепване на институционалния капацитет на регионалните субекти (CAPACITAR)
label / eslabel / es
Fortalecimiento de la capacidad institucional de las entidades regionales (CAPACITAR)
label / galabel / ga
Cumas institiúideach na n-eintiteas réigiúnach a neartú (CAPACITAR)
label / dalabel / da
Styrkelse af de regionale enheders institutionelle kapacitet (CAPACITAR)
label / enlabel / en
Strengthening the institutional capacity of regional entities (CAPACITAR)
label / nllabel / nl
Versterking van de institutionele capaciteit van regionale entiteiten (CAPACITAR)
label / filabel / fi
Alueellisten yksiköiden institutionaalisten valmiuksien vahvistaminen (CAPACITAR)
label / lvlabel / lv
Reģionālo vienību institucionālās spējas stiprināšana (CAPACITAR)
label / rolabel / ro
Consolidarea capacității instituționale a entităților regionale (CAPACITAR)
label / frlabel / fr
Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles des entités régionales (CAPACITAR)
label / mtlabel / mt
It-tisħiħ tal-kapaċità istituzzjonali tal-entitajiet reġjonali (CAPACITAR)
label / etlabel / et
Piirkondlike üksuste institutsioonilise suutlikkuse tugevdamine (CAPACITAR)
Property / total cost of selected operations
24,495,526.52 Euro
Amount24,495,526.52 Euro
Property / total cost of selected operations: 24,495,526.52 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / total cost of selected operations: 24,495,526.52 Euro / qualifier
Property / total cost of selected operations: 24,495,526.52 Euro / qualifier
Property / total cost of selected operations: 24,495,526.52 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 30 June 2022
Precision1 day
Property / total cost of selected operations
28,900,545.52 Euro
Amount28,900,545.52 Euro
Property / total cost of selected operations: 28,900,545.52 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / total cost of selected operations: 28,900,545.52 Euro / qualifier
Property / total cost of selected operations: 28,900,545.52 Euro / qualifier
Property / total cost of selected operations: 28,900,545.52 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 30 September 2023
Precision1 day
Property / total cost of selected operations
22,584,136.69 Euro
Amount22,584,136.69 Euro
Property / total cost of selected operations: 22,584,136.69 Euro / rank
Normal rank
Property / total cost of selected operations: 22,584,136.69 Euro / qualifier
Property / total cost of selected operations: 22,584,136.69 Euro / qualifier
Property / total cost of selected operations: 22,584,136.69 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 30 September 2023
Precision1 day

Latest revision as of 10:57, 22 December 2023

priority axis of 2014PT16M2OP002
Language Label Description Also known as
Strengthening the institutional capacity of regional entities (CAPACITAR)
priority axis of 2014PT16M2OP002



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