Maintenance and IT infrastructure support services of the Ministry of Economy and Development, relating to networks, e-mail, Microsoft Active Directory, backup and other related equipment. (Q3127640): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 03:16, 10 June 2023
Project Q3127640 in Greece
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Maintenance and IT infrastructure support services of the Ministry of Economy and Development, relating to networks, e-mail, Microsoft Active Directory, backup and other related equipment. |
Project Q3127640 in Greece |
47,318.4 Euro
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1 October 2018
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31 December 2023
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Υπηρεσίες συντήρησης και υποστήριξης υποδομών πληροφορικής του Υπουργείου Οικονομίας και Ανάπτυξης, που αφορούν σε δίκτυα, ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο, Microsoft Active Directory, συστήματα αντιγράφων ασφαλείας και λοιπού σχετικού εξοπλισμού. (Greek)
0 references
Maintenance and IT infrastructure support services of the Ministry of Economy and Development, relating to networks, e-mail, Microsoft Active Directory, backup and other related equipment. (English)
30 September 2021
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Services de maintenance et d’appui à l’infrastructure informatique du ministère de l’économie et du développement, en ce qui concerne les réseaux, le courrier électronique, Microsoft Active Directory, la sauvegarde et d’autres équipements connexes. (French)
30 November 2021
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Wartungs- und IT-Infrastrukturunterstützungsdienste des Ministeriums für Wirtschaft und Entwicklung im Zusammenhang mit Netzen, E-Mail, Microsoft Active Directory, Backup und anderen zugehörigen Geräten. (German)
7 December 2021
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Ondersteunende diensten voor onderhoud en IT-infrastructuur van het ministerie van Economie en Ontwikkeling, met betrekking tot netwerken, e-mail, Microsoft Active Directory, back-up en andere gerelateerde apparatuur. (Dutch)
17 December 2021
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Servizi di manutenzione e supporto alle infrastrutture informatiche del Ministero dell'Economia e dello Sviluppo, relativi a reti, e-mail, Microsoft Active Directory, backup e altre apparecchiature correlate. (Italian)
15 January 2022
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Servicios de mantenimiento e infraestructura de TI del Ministerio de Economía y Desarrollo, relacionados con redes, correo electrónico, Microsoft Active Directory, copia de seguridad y otros equipos conexos. (Spanish)
15 January 2022
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Majandus- ja arenguministeeriumi hooldus- ja IT-taristu tugiteenused, mis on seotud võrkude, e-posti, Microsoft Active Directory, varukoopiate ja muude seotud seadmetega. (Estonian)
4 August 2022
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Ūkio ir plėtros ministerijos techninės priežiūros ir IT infrastruktūros palaikymo paslaugos, susijusios su tinklais, el. paštu, „Microsoft Active Directory“, atsargine kopija ir kita susijusia įranga. (Lithuanian)
4 August 2022
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Usluge održavanja i informatičke infrastrukture Ministarstva gospodarstva i razvoja koje se odnose na mreže, e-poštu, Microsoft Active Directory, backup i drugu povezanu opremu. (Croatian)
4 August 2022
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Služby údržby a podpory IT infraštruktúry Ministerstva hospodárstva a rozvoja týkajúce sa sietí, e-mailu, Microsoft Active Directory, zálohovania a iných súvisiacich zariadení. (Slovak)
4 August 2022
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Talous- ja kehitysministeriön ylläpito- ja IT-infrastruktuurin tukipalvelut, jotka liittyvät verkkoihin, sähköpostiin, Microsoft Active Directory -hakemistoon, varmuuskopioihin ja muihin niihin liittyviin laitteisiin. (Finnish)
4 August 2022
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Usługi utrzymania i wsparcia infrastruktury informatycznej Ministerstwa Gospodarki i Rozwoju, odnoszące się do sieci, poczty elektronicznej, Microsoft Active Directory, tworzenia kopii zapasowych i innych powiązanych urządzeń. (Polish)
4 August 2022
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A Gazdasági és Fejlesztési Minisztérium karbantartási és informatikai infrastruktúrát támogató szolgáltatásai a hálózatokhoz, e-mailekhez, Microsoft Active Directoryhoz, biztonsági mentéshez és egyéb kapcsolódó berendezésekhez kapcsolódóan. (Hungarian)
4 August 2022
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Služby údržby a podpory IT infrastruktury Ministerstva hospodářství a rozvoje, týkající se sítí, e-mailů, Microsoft Active Directory, zálohování a dalších souvisejících zařízení. (Czech)
4 August 2022
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Ekonomikas un attīstības ministrijas tehniskās apkopes un IT infrastruktūras atbalsta pakalpojumi saistībā ar tīkliem, e-pastu, Microsoft Active Directory, rezerves kopēšanu un citām saistītām iekārtām. (Latvian)
4 August 2022
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Cothabháil agus seirbhísí tacaíochta bonneagair TF na hAireachta Geilleagair agus Forbartha, a bhaineann le líonraí, ríomhphost, Microsoft Active Directory, cúltaca agus trealamh gaolmhar eile. (Irish)
4 August 2022
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Storitve vzdrževanja in informacijske infrastrukture ministrstva za gospodarstvo in razvoj v zvezi z omrežji, elektronsko pošto, Microsoft Active Directoryjem, varnostno kopijo in drugo povezano opremo. (Slovenian)
4 August 2022
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Услуги по поддръжка и поддръжка на ИТ инфраструктурата на Министерството на икономиката и развитието, свързани с мрежи, електронна поща, Microsoft Active Directory, резервно и друго свързано оборудване. (Bulgarian)
4 August 2022
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Servizzi ta’ manutenzjoni u appoġġ għall-infrastruttura tal-IT tal-Ministeru tal-Ekonomija u l-Iżvilupp, relatati ma’ netwerks, e-mail, Microsoft Active Directory, backup u tagħmir relatat ieħor. (Maltese)
4 August 2022
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Serviços de manutenção e apoio às infraestruturas informáticas do Ministério da Economia e do Desenvolvimento, relacionados com redes, correio eletrónico, Microsoft Active Directory, cópias de segurança e outros equipamentos conexos. (Portuguese)
4 August 2022
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Støtte til vedligeholdelse og IT-infrastruktur under ministeriet for økonomi og udvikling i forbindelse med netværk, e-mail, Microsoft Active Directory, backup og andet relateret udstyr. (Danish)
4 August 2022
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Servicii de întreținere și suport pentru infrastructura informatică ale Ministerului Economiei și Dezvoltării, legate de rețele, e-mail, Microsoft Active Directory, backup și alte echipamente conexe. (Romanian)
4 August 2022
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Underhålls- och IT-infrastrukturstöd vid ministeriet för ekonomi och utveckling, avseende nätverk, e-post, Microsoft Active Directory, säkerhetskopiering och annan tillhörande utrustning. (Swedish)
4 August 2022
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0 references