Aid for heating hot water with solar installation of buildings belonging to the Housing Cooperative metal (Q131852): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in ga, da, ro, el, sv, sl, lt, et, fi, hu, sk, bg, lv, cs, mt, pt, hr, nl, fr, de, it, es, and other parts)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in da, it, sk, ga, et, lt, mt, fi, bg, lv, pt, cs, ro, sv, fr, de, hr, el, sl, nl, es, hu, and other parts)
label / frlabel / fr
Soutien au chauffage de l’eau chaude au moyen de l’installation solaire de bâtiments appartenant à la coopérative de logement Metalowiec
Soutien au chauffage à l’eau chaude avec installation solaire de bâtiments appartenant à la coopérative d’habitation METALOWIEC
label / delabel / de
Förderung der Warmwasserbereitung durch Solaranlage von Gebäuden der Metalowiec Housing Cooperative
Unterstützende Warmwasserheizung mit Solarinstallation von Gebäuden der METALOWIEC Housing Cooperative
label / nllabel / nl
Steun voor warmwaterverwarming door middel van zonne-installatie van gebouwen van de Metalowiec-huisvestingcoöperatie
Ondersteuning van warmwaterverwarming met zonne-installatie van gebouwen die behoren tot METALOWIEC Huisvestingscoöperatie
label / itlabel / it
Sostegno per il riscaldamento dell'acqua calda mediante installazione solare di edifici appartenenti alla Cooperativa alloggi Metalowiec
Sostenere il riscaldamento dell'acqua calda con installazione solare di edifici appartenenti alla cooperativa abitativa METALOWIEC
label / eslabel / es
Apoyo a la calefacción de agua caliente mediante la instalación solar de edificios pertenecientes a la Cooperativa de Viviendas Metalowiec
Apoyo a la calefacción de agua caliente con instalación solar de edificios pertenecientes a la Cooperativa de Vivienda METALOWIEC
label / galabel / ga
Cabhair chun uisce te a théamh le suiteáil gréine foirgneamh a bhaineann leis an gComhmhiotal Tithíochta
Tacú le téamh uisce te le suiteáil gréine foirgneamh a bhaineann le Comharchumann Tithíochta METALOWIEC
label / dalabel / da
Støtte til opvarmning af varmt vand med solinstallation af bygninger, der tilhører Housing Cooperative metal
Støtte til varmtvandsopvarmning med solinstallation af bygninger tilhørende METALOWIEC Housing Cooperative
label / rolabel / ro
Ajutor pentru încălzirea apei calde cu instalații solare a clădirilor care aparțin metalului cooperativ de locuințe
Sustinerea incalzirii apei calde cu instalatie solara a cladirilor apartinand METALOWIEC Housing Cooperative
label / ellabel / el
Ενισχύσεις για τη θέρμανση ζεστού νερού με ηλιακή εγκατάσταση κτιρίων του Συνεταιριστικού Συνεταιρισμού Στέγασης
Υποβοήθηση θέρμανσης ζεστού νερού με ηλιακή εγκατάσταση κτιρίων που ανήκουν στον Συνεταιρισμό Στέγασης ΜΕΤΑΛΟΓΟΥ
label / svlabel / sv
Stöd för uppvärmning av varmvatten med solinstallation av byggnader tillhörande bostadskooperativ metall
Stöd till varmvattenuppvärmning med solinstallation av byggnader tillhörande METALOWIEC Housing Cooperative
label / sllabel / sl
Pomoč za ogrevanje tople vode s sončno namestitvijo stavb, ki spadajo v Housing Cooperative Metal
Podpora ogrevanju tople vode s sončno namestitvijo stavb, ki pripadajo METALOWIEC Stanovanjski zadruga
label / ltlabel / lt
Pagalba karštam vandeniui šildyti saulės energijai priklausančių pastatų, priklausančių kooperatiniam metalui, šildymui
Parama karšto vandens šildymui saulės energijai priklausančių pastatų, priklausančių „MetalOWIEC“ būsto kooperatyvui, įrengimu
label / etlabel / et
Eluasemeühistusse kuuluvate hoonete sooja vee soojendamiseks päikesepaigaldiste abil antav abi
METALOWIEC elamuühistusse kuuluvate hoonete sooja vee soojendamise toetamine päikesega
label / filabel / fi
Tuki kuuman veden lämmittämiseen aurinkoasennuksella asunto-osuuskuntametalliin kuuluvien rakennusten kanssa
METALOWIECin asunto-osuuskuntaan kuuluvien rakennusten kuuman veden lämmityksen tukeminen aurinkoasennuksella
label / hulabel / hu
A házszövetkezethez tartozó épületek napenergiával történő melegvíz-melegítéséhez nyújtott támogatás
A METALOWIEC Lakásszövetkezethez tartozó épületek fűtésének támogatása napenergiával
label / sklabel / sk
Pomoc na vykurovanie teplej vody so solárnou inštaláciou budov patriacich do bytového družstevného kovu
Podpora ohrevu teplej vody solárnou inštaláciou budov patriacich spoločnosti METALOWIEC
label / bglabel / bg
Помощ за отопление на топла вода със слънчева инсталация на сгради, принадлежащи на кооперативния метал за жилищно строителство
Подпомагане на отоплението на топла вода със слънчева инсталация на сгради, принадлежащи към METALOWIEC Housing Cooperative
label / lvlabel / lv
Atbalsts karstā ūdens uzsildīšanai ar saules enerģijas uzstādīšanu ēkās, kas pieder pie Mājokļu kooperatīvā metāla
Atbalsts karstā ūdens sildīšanai ar METALOWIEC Mājokļu kooperatīva ēku saules uzstādīšanu
label / cslabel / cs
Podpora na ohřev teplé vody solárními instalacemi budov patřících k kovu bytového družstva
Podpora ohřevu teplé vody solárním zařízením budov patřících společnosti METALOWIEC Housing Cooperative
label / mtlabel / mt
Għajnuna għat-tisħin tal-misħun bl-installazzjoni solari ta’ bini li jappartjeni għall-metall Kooperattiv tad-Djar
Appoġġ għat-tisħin tal-misħun b’installazzjoni solari ta’ bini li jappartjeni għall-Kooperattiva tad-Djar METALOWIEC
label / ptlabel / pt
Auxílios ao aquecimento de água quente com instalação solar de edifícios pertencentes à Habitação Cooperativa Metal
Apoio ao aquecimento de água quente com instalação solar de edifícios pertencentes à Cooperativa de Habitação Metalowiec
label / hrlabel / hr
Potpore za grijanje tople vode solarnom instalacijom zgrada koje pripadaju stambenoj zadrugi
Potpora zagrijavanju tople vode solarnom instalacijom zgrada METALOWIEC stambene zadruge
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Le projet consiste en l’installation de capteurs solaires et la construction d’un système de tamponnement thermique. Une solution technique a été adoptée consistant à soutenir le chauffage de l’eau chaude au moyen d’un système solaire. Le milieu de chauffage chauffé en énergie solaire par l’énergie solaire transmet la chaleur à travers un échangeur à plaques vers un système de tampon thermique, qui devrait être construit dans une pièce existante d’un nœud thermique de groupe. Le système de tampon est conçu pour recueillir autant de chaleur que possible du soleil, qui sera ensuite, selon les besoins du système d’eau chaude existant, transféré aux chauffe-eau chaudes.L’investissement sera réalisé dans le bâtiment Os.Mazurski 29 et les bâtiments Os.Metalowiec 5 et 15 à Mrągow.La gestion thermique Mrągowa est basée sur une centrale de chauffage d’une capacité de 40,7 MW. La chaleur est préparée à partir de combustibles solides (carburant à charbon).Le principal problème auquel se heurte la ville de Mrągowo est, entre autres, l’intensité énergétique élevée et le mode de chauffage des bâtiments, principalement des combustibles solides, souvent de mauvaise qualité. Cette situation crée un phénomène appelé «faible émission» et concerne principalement les sources de pollution provenant des cheminées.Les convertisseurs sont une technologie respectueuse de l’environnement pour produire de l’énergie thermique, réduire les émissions de dioxyde de carbone, de dioxyde de soufre, d’oxydes d’azote, de monoxyde de carbone et de poussière, en évitant les déchets solides et les eaux usées, ainsi que la pollution des sols et la dégradation des sols, qui accompagnent la production d’énergie conventionnelle. Le projet contribue à résoudre tous les problèmes identifiés par les acteurs clés dans la zone couverte par le projet. Champ d’application des travaux demandés conformément au paragraphe 1 de l’article 29. 2 point 15 et l’article 30, paragraphe 1, point 3 b), de la loi sur la construction n’exigent pas de notification. L’investissement sera réalisé sur des biens ayant un statut juridique réglementé. Le calendrier des travaux assurera la mise en œuvre du projet dans un délai d’un an. (French)
Le projet consiste en l’installation de capteurs solaires et la construction d’un système de tampon thermique. Une solution technique a été adoptée consistant à soutenir le chauffage du c.w.u. à l’aide d’une installation solaire. L’agent de chauffage chauffé dans les panneaux solaires par l’énergie solaire transférera la chaleur à travers un échangeur de plaques vers le système de tampon thermique, qui devrait être construit dans la pièce existante d’un nœud de chaleur de groupe. Le système de tamponnage est conçu pour recueillir autant de chaleur que possible du soleil, qui sera ensuite transféré aux appareils de chauffage du c.w.u. L’investissement sera réalisé dans le bâtiment d’Os.Mazurski 29 et les bâtiments Os.Metalowce 5 et 15 à Mrągowo. L’économie thermique Mągowa est basée sur une centrale de chauffage centrale d’une capacité de 40,7 MW. La chaleur est préparée à l’aide de combustibles solides (usine à carbone).Le principal problème rencontré par la ville de Mrągowo est, entre autres, la haute intensité énergétique et la méthode de chauffage des bâtiments, principalement des combustibles solides, souvent de faible qualité.Cette situation crée un phénomène appelé «faibles émissions» et concerne principalement des sources émettant des polluants par le biais de cheminées.Les collecteurs sont une technologie respectueuse de l’environnement de production de chaleur, de réduction des émissions de dioxyde de carbone, de dioxyde de soufre, d’oxydes d’azote, de monoxyde de carbone et de particules, en évitant les déchets solides et les effluents, ainsi que la pollution des sols et la dégradation des sols qui accompagnent la production d’énergie par des sources conventionnelles.Le projet contribue à résoudre tous les problèmes identifiés par les acteurs clés du secteur. Portée des travaux demandés conformément à l’article 29, par. Le point 15 et l’article 30, paragraphe 1, point 3 ter, de la loi sur la construction n’exigent pas de notification.L’investissement sera réalisé sur des biens immobiliers ayant un statut juridique réglementé. Le calendrier de travail assurera la mise en œuvre du projet dans un délai d’un an. (French)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Das Projekt besteht aus der Installation von Solarkollektoren und dem Bau einer Wärmepufferanlage. Es wurde eine technische Lösung angenommen, die darin bestand, die Warmwasserbereitung mittels einer Solaranlage zu unterstützen. Das durch Solarenergie beheizte Heizmedium wird Wärme über einen Plattentauscher an eine Wärmepufferanlage übertragen, die in einem bestehenden Raum eines Gruppenwärmeknotens gebaut werden sollte. Das Puffersystem soll so viel Wärme wie möglich von der Sonne sammeln, die dann, wie von der bestehenden Warmwasseranlage gefordert, auf die Warmwasserbereiter übertragen wird.Die Investition wird in das Gebäude in Os.Mazurski 29 und die Gebäude in Os.Metalowiec 5 und 15 in Mrągow durchgeführt.Das Thermalmanagement von Herrnągowa basiert auf einer Zentralheizungsanlage mit einer Leistung von 40,7 MW. Das Hauptproblem der Stadt Mrągowo ist unter anderem die hohe Energieintensität und die Art und Weise der Beheizung von Gebäuden, vor allem feste Brennstoffe, oft von schlechter Qualität. Diese Situation verursacht ein Phänomen namens „niedrige Emissionen“ und betrifft vor allem Quellen, die Verschmutzung durch Schornsteine ausstoßen.Die Kollektoren sind eine umweltfreundliche Technologie zur Erzeugung von Wärmeenergie, Verringerung der Emissionen von Kohlendioxid, Schwefeldioxid, Stickstoffoxiden, Kohlenmonoxiden und -staub, Vermeidung fester Abfälle und Abwasser sowie Bodenverschmutzung und Bodenverschlechterung, die die konventionelle Energieerzeugung begleiten. Umfang der beantragten Arbeiten gemäß Artikel 29 Absatz. 2 Nr. 15 und Art. 30 Abs. 1 Nr. 3b des Baugesetzes erfordern keine Benachrichtigung. Die Investition erfolgt in Immobilien mit geregeltem Rechtsstatus. Der Arbeitsplan gewährleistet die Durchführung des Projekts innerhalb eines Jahres. (German)
Das Projekt besteht aus der Installation von Solarkollektoren und dem Bau einer Wärmepufferanlage. Es wurde eine technische Lösung gewählt, die darin bestand, die Heizung der c.w.u. mit Hilfe einer Solaranlage zu unterstützen. Das Heizmittel, das in Sonnenkollektoren durch Solarenergie erhitzt wird, wird Wärme durch einen Plattentauscher an das Wärmepuffersystem übertragen, das im bestehenden Raum eines Gruppenwärmeknotens gebaut werden sollte. Das Puffersystem soll so viel Wärme wie möglich von der Sonne sammeln, die dann auf die Heizungen des c.w.u übertragen wird.Die Investition wird in das Gebäude in Os.Mazurski 29 und die Gebäude in Os.Metalowce 5 und 15 in Mrągowo durchgeführt.Die Wärmewirtschaft Mrągowa basiert auf einer Zentralheizungsanlage mit einer Leistung von 40,7 MW. Die Wärme wird mit festen Brennstoffen (Kohlenstoffmühle) hergestellt.Das Hauptproblem der Stadt Mrągowo ist unter anderem die hohe Energieintensität und die Methode der Heizung von Gebäuden, hauptsächlich feste Brennstoffe, oft von geringer Qualität.Diese Situation verursacht ein Phänomen, das als „niedrige Emissionen“ bezeichnet wird, und betrifft hauptsächlich Quellen, die Schadstoffe durch Schornsteine emittieren.Kollektoren sind eine umweltfreundliche Technologie der Wärmeerzeugung, die die Emissionen von Kohlendioxid, Schwefeldioxid, Stickoxide, Kohlenmonoxid und Feinstaub, Vermeidung von festen Abfällen und Abwässern sowie Bodenverschmutzung und Bodendegradation, die die Energieerzeugung durch konventionelle Quellen begleiten.Das Projekt trägt zur Lösung aller identifizierten Probleme wichtiger Akteure im Projektbereich bei. Umfang der gemäß Art. 29 Abs. 2 Nr. 15 und Art. 30 Abs. 1 Nr. 3b des Baugesetzes bedürfen keiner Mitteilung.Die Investition erfolgt auf Immobilien mit geregeltem Rechtsstatus. Der Arbeitsplan gewährleistet die Umsetzung des Projekts innerhalb eines Jahres. (German)
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Het project bestaat uit de installatie van zonnecollectoren en de bouw van een warmtebuffersysteem. Er werd een technische oplossing aangenomen, bestaande uit het ondersteunen van warmwaterverwarming door middel van een zonnestelsel. Het verwarmingsmedium verwarmd in zonne-energie door zonne-energie zal warmte via een platenwisselaar overbrengen naar een warmtebuffersysteem, dat moet worden gebouwd in een bestaande ruimte van een groepswarmteknoop. Het buffersysteem is ontworpen om zoveel mogelijk warmte uit de zon te verzamelen, die vervolgens, zoals vereist door het bestaande warmwatersysteem, wordt overgebracht naar de warmwaterverwarmingstoestellen.De investering zal worden uitgevoerd in het gebouw te Os.Mazurski 29 en de gebouwen te Os.Metalowiec 5 en 15 in Mrągow.De Mrągowa thermische leiding is gebaseerd op een centrale verwarmingsinstallatie met een capaciteit van 40,7 MW. Warmte wordt bereid met behulp van vaste brandstof (koolbrandstof).Het grootste probleem waarmee de stad Mrągowo wordt geconfronteerd, is onder andere de hoge energie-intensiteit en de manier waarop gebouwen worden verwarmd, voornamelijk vaste brandstoffen, vaak van slechte kwaliteit. Deze situatie creëert een fenomeen dat „lage emissies” wordt genoemd en heeft voornamelijk betrekking op bronnen die verontreiniging door schoorstenen uitstoten.Colectoren zijn een milieuvriendelijke technologie voor het produceren van warmte-energie, het verminderen van de uitstoot van kooldioxide, zwaveldioxide, stikstofoxiden, koolmonoxide en stof, en het vermijden van vast afval en afvalwater, evenals bodemvervuiling en bodemdegradatie, die gepaard gaan met conventionele energieproductie. Het project draagt bij aan het aanpakken van alle vastgestelde problemen van de belangrijkste belanghebbenden op het door het project bestreken gebied. Reikwijdte van het gevraagde werk overeenkomstig artikel 29, lid 2 punt 15 en artikel 30, lid 1, punt 3b, van de bouwwet vereisen geen kennisgeving. De investering zal worden uitgevoerd in onroerende goederen met een gereglementeerde rechtspositie. Het werkprogramma zorgt ervoor dat het project binnen één jaar wordt uitgevoerd. (Dutch)
Het project bestaat uit de installatie van zonnecollectoren en de bouw van een warmtebuffersysteem. Er werd een technische oplossing gekozen, bestaande uit het ondersteunen van de verwarming van de c.w.u. met behulp van een zonne-installatie. Het verwarmingsmiddel dat door zonne-energie in zonnepanelen wordt verwarmd, brengt warmte via een platenwisselaar over naar het warmtebuffersysteem, dat moet worden gebouwd in de bestaande ruimte van een groepswarmteknooppunt. Het buffersysteem is ontworpen om zoveel mogelijk warmte van de zon te verzamelen, die vervolgens zal worden overgedragen aan de verwarmingstoestellen van de c.w.u. De investering zal worden gedaan in het gebouw in Os.Mazurski 29 en de gebouwen Os.Metalowce 5 en 15 in Mrągowo.De warmte-economie Mrągowa is gebaseerd op een centrale verwarmingsinstallatie met een capaciteit van 40,7 MW. Warmte wordt bereid met behulp van vaste brandstoffen (koolstofmolen).Het belangrijkste probleem van de stad Mrągowo is onder meer een hoge energie-intensiteit en de methode van het verwarmen van gebouwen, voornamelijk vaste brandstoffen, vaak van lage kwaliteit.Deze situatie creëert een fenomeen genaamd „lage emissies” en betreft voornamelijk bronnen die verontreinigende stoffen uitstoten via schoorstenen.Collectors zijn een milieuvriendelijke technologie van warmteopwekking, vermindering van de uitstoot van kooldioxide, zwaveldioxide, stikstofoxiden, koolmonoxide en fijnstof, het vermijden van vast afval en effluent, evenals bodemverontreiniging en bodemdegradatie die de productie van energie door conventionele bronnen begeleiden.Het project draagt bij aan het oplossen van alle geïdentificeerde problemen van belangrijke belanghebbenden in het project. Omvang van de overeenkomstig artikel 29, lid 1, gevraagde werkzaamheden. 2 punt 15 en artikel 30, lid 1, punt 3b, van de bouwwet vereisen geen kennisgeving.De investering zal worden uitgevoerd op onroerend goed met een gereglementeerde juridische status. Het werkschema zorgt voor de uitvoering van het project binnen een jaar. (Dutch)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Il progetto consiste nell'installazione di collettori solari e nella costruzione di un sistema di tamponamento termico. È stata adottata una soluzione tecnica che consiste nel sostenere il riscaldamento dell'acqua calda mediante un sistema solare. Il mezzo di riscaldamento riscaldato in solari da energia solare trasmetterà il calore attraverso uno scambiatore a piastre a un sistema tampone di calore, che dovrebbe essere costruito in un locale esistente di un nodo termico di gruppo. Il sistema di tamponamento è progettato per raccogliere il più calore possibile dal sole, che sarà poi trasferito, come richiesto dal sistema di acqua calda esistente, agli scaldacqua calda. L'investimento sarà effettuato sull'edificio di Os.Mazurski 29 e sugli edifici di Os.Metalowiec 5 e 15 a Mrągow.La gestione termica Mrągowa si basa su un impianto di riscaldamento centrale con una capacità di 40,7 MW. Il calore viene preparato utilizzando combustibili solidi (carburante di carbone).Il problema principale che la città di Mrągowo deve affrontare è, tra l'altro, l'elevata intensità energetica e il modo di riscaldare gli edifici, principalmente combustibili solidi, spesso di scarsa qualità. Questa situazione crea un fenomeno chiamato "basse emissioni" e riguarda principalmente le fonti che emettono l'inquinamento dai camini. I collettori sono una tecnologia rispettosa dell'ambiente per produrre energia termica, ridurre le emissioni di anidride carbonica, anidride solforosa, ossidi di azoto, monossido di carbonio e polveri, evitando rifiuti solidi e acque reflue, nonché l'inquinamento del suolo e il degrado del suolo, che accompagnano la produzione di energia convenzionale. Il progetto contribuisce ad affrontare tutti i problemi individuati delle principali parti interessate nella zona interessata dal progetto. Portata dei lavori richiesti a norma dell'articolo 29, paragrafo Il punto 15 e l'articolo 30, paragrafo 1, terzo comma, lettera b), della legge sulle costruzioni non richiedono la notifica. L'investimento sarà effettuato su immobili con uno status giuridico regolamentato. Il programma di lavoro garantirà l'attuazione del progetto entro un anno. (Italian)
Il progetto consiste nell'installazione di collettori solari e nella costruzione di un sistema di tamponamento termico. È stata adottata una soluzione tecnica consistente nel sostenere il riscaldamento del c.w.u. con l'aiuto di un impianto solare. L'agente riscaldante riscaldato in pannelli solari da energia solare trasferirà il calore attraverso uno scambiatore di piastre al sistema di tamponamento termico, che dovrebbe essere costruito nella stanza esistente di un nodo di calore di gruppo. Il sistema di tamponamento è progettato per raccogliere più calore possibile dal sole, che verrà poi trasferito ai riscaldatori del c.w.u. L'investimento sarà effettuato sull'edificio di Os.Mazurski 29 e sugli edifici di Os.Metalowce 5 e 15 a Mrągowo.L'economia termica Mrągowa si basa su un impianto di riscaldamento centralizzato con una capacità di 40,7 MW. Il calore è preparato utilizzando combustibile solido (carbon mill).Il problema principale affrontato dalla città di Mrągowo è, tra l'altro, l'elevata intensità energetica e il metodo di riscaldamento degli edifici, principalmente combustibili solidi, spesso di bassa qualità.Questa situazione crea un fenomeno chiamato "basse emissioni" e riguarda principalmente le fonti che emettono inquinanti attraverso i camini.I collettori sono una tecnologia ecologica di generazione di calore, riducendo le emissioni di anidride carbonica, anidride solforosa, ossidi di azoto, monossido di carbonio e particolato, evitando rifiuti solidi ed effluenti, nonché l'inquinamento del suolo e il degrado del suolo che accompagnano la produzione di energia attraverso fonti convenzionali.Il progetto contribuisce a risolvere tutti i problemi identificati dei principali attori del progetto. Ambito di applicazione del lavoro richiesto a norma dell'articolo 29, paragrafo 2 punto 15 e l'articolo 30, paragrafo 1, comma 3, lettera b), della legge sull'edilizia non richiedono alcuna notifica.L'investimento sarà effettuato su immobili con status giuridico regolamentato. Il programma di lavoro garantirà l'attuazione del progetto entro un anno. (Italian)
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El proyecto consiste en la instalación de colectores solares y la construcción de un sistema de amortiguación de calor. Se adoptó una solución técnica consistente en apoyar el calentamiento de agua caliente por medio de un sistema solar. El medio de calefacción calentado en solares por energía solar transmitirá calor a través de un intercambiador de placas a un sistema amortiguador de calor, que debe ser construido en una habitación existente de un nodo de calor de grupo. El sistema de amortiguación está diseñado para recoger la mayor cantidad de calor posible del sol, que luego, como exige el sistema de agua caliente existente, se transferirá a los calentadores de agua caliente.La inversión se llevará a cabo en el edificio de Os.Mazurski 29 y en los edificios de Os.Metalowiec 5 y 15 en Mrągow.La gestión térmica Mrągowa se basa en una central de calefacción con una capacidad de 40,7 MW. El calor se prepara con combustible sólido (combustible de carbón).El principal problema al que se enfrenta la ciudad de Mrągowo es, entre otros, la alta intensidad energética y la forma de calentar edificios, principalmente combustibles sólidos, a menudo de mala calidad. Esta situación crea un fenómeno denominado «baja emisión» y se refiere principalmente a las fuentes que emiten contaminación de las chimeneas.Los coordinadores son una tecnología respetuosa con el medio ambiente para producir energía térmica, reducir las emisiones de dióxido de carbono, dióxido de azufre, óxidos de nitrógeno, monóxido de carbono y polvo, evitando residuos sólidos y aguas residuales, así como la contaminación del suelo y la degradación del suelo, que acompañan a la producción de energía convencional. Alcance de los trabajos solicitados de conformidad con el párrafo 2 del artículo 29. 2 punto 15 y artículo 30.1.3b de la Ley de construcción no requieren notificación. La inversión se llevará a cabo en inmuebles con estatuto legal regulado. El calendario de trabajo garantizará la ejecución del proyecto en el plazo de un año. (Spanish)
El proyecto consiste en la instalación de colectores solares y la construcción de un sistema de amortiguación de calor. Se adoptó una solución técnica consistente en apoyar el calentamiento del c.w.u. con la ayuda de una instalación solar. El agente de calefacción calentado en paneles solares por energía solar transferirá calor a través de un intercambiador de placas al sistema de amortiguación de calor, que debe construirse en la habitación existente de un nodo de calor grupal. El sistema de amortiguación está diseñado para recoger la mayor cantidad de calor posible del sol, que luego se transferirá a los calentadores de la c.w.u. La inversión se llevará a cabo en el edificio de Os.Mazurski 29 y los edificios en Os.Metalowce 5 y 15 en Mrągowo.La economía térmica Mrągowa se basa en una planta de calefacción central con una capacidad de 40,7 MW. El calor se prepara con combustible sólido (fuente de carbono).El principal problema al que se enfrenta la ciudad de Mrągowo es, entre otros, la alta intensidad energética y el método de calefacción de edificios, principalmente combustibles sólidos, a menudo de baja calidad.Esta situación crea un fenómeno llamado «bajos emisiones» y se refiere principalmente a las fuentes que emiten contaminantes a través de chimeneas.Los colectores son una tecnología respetuosa con el medio ambiente de generación de calor que reduce las emisiones de dióxido de carbono, dióxido de azufre, óxidos de nitrógeno, monóxido de carbono y partículas, evitando los residuos sólidos y los efluentes, así como la contaminación del suelo y la degradación de la tierra que acompañan la producción de energía a través de fuentes convencionales.El proyecto contribuye a resolver todos los problemas identificados de los principales interesados en el área del proyecto. Alcance de los trabajos solicitados de conformidad con el párrafo del artículo 29. El punto 15 y el artículo 30, apartado 1, letra b), de la Ley de la Construcción no requieren notificación.La inversión se llevará a cabo en bienes inmuebles con personalidad jurídica regulada. El calendario de trabajo garantizará la ejecución del proyecto en el plazo de un año. (Spanish)
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Is éard atá sa tionscadal ná suiteáil bailitheoirí gréine agus córas maolánaithe teasa a thógáil. Glacadh réiteach teicniúil chun tacú le téamh te le córas gréine. Déanfaidh an gníomhaire teasa a théitear i ngrianghréine ag fuinneamh na gréine teas a tharchur trí mhalartóir pláta chuig córas maolánach teasa, ar chóir é a thógáil i seomra grúpa nód teasa atá ann cheana féin. Tá an córas caching deartha chun a bhailiú teas oiread as an ghrian agus is féidir, a bheidh, mar a éilíonn an córas teasa lárnach atá ann cheana féin, a aistriú chuig téitheoirí de water.The te Beidh infheistíocht a dhéanamh ar an bhfoirgneamh ag Os.Mazurski 29 agus na foirgnimh ag Os.Metalowiec 5 agus 15 i Mr.Metalowiec 5. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Cinnteoidh an sceideal oibre go gcuirfear an tionscadal i bhfeidhm laistigh de 1. (Irish)
Is éard atá sa tionscadal ná suiteáil bailitheoirí gréine agus córas maolánaithe teasa a thógáil. Glacadh le réiteach teicniúil arb é atá ann tacú le téamh an c.w.u. le cabhair ó shuiteáil gréine. Aistreoidh an gníomhaire teasa a théitear i bpainéil ghréine le fuinneamh gréine teas trí mhalartóir pláta chuig an gcóras maolánaithe teasa, ar chóir é a thógáil sa seomra atá ann cheana féin de nód teasa grúpa. Tá an córas maolánaithe deartha chun an oiread teasa a bhailiú ón ngrian agus is féidir, a aistreofar ansin chuig téitheoirí an c.w.u. Déanfar an infheistíocht ar an bhfoirgneamh ag Os.Mazurski 29 agus foirgnimh ag Os.Metalowce 5 agus 15 i ngeilleagar teasa Mr.gowo.The bunaithe ar ghléasra teasa lárnach le cumas 40.7 MW. Ullmhaítear teas ag baint úsáide as breosla soladach (muileann carbóin).Is é an fhadhb is mó atá os comhair bhaile tUasalgowo, i measc nithe eile, déine ard fuinnimh agus an modh chun foirgnimh a théamh, breoslaí soladacha den chuid is mó, go minic ar chaighdeán íseal. Cruthaíonn an cás seo feiniméan ar a dtugtar “astaíochtaí ísle” agus baineann sé go príomha le foinsí a astaíonn truailleáin trí shimléirí. Raon feidhme na hoibre a iarradh i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 29 mír. Ní cheanglaítear fógra a thabhairt i bpointe 15 agus in Airteagal 30(1)(3b) den Dlí Foirgníochta.Déanfar an infheistíocht ar eastát réadach a bhfuil stádas dlíthiúil rialáilte aige. Cinnteoidh an sceideal oibre go gcuirfear an tionscadal i bhfeidhm laistigh de bhliain amháin. (Irish)
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Projektet består af installation af solfangere og opførelse af et varmebuffersystem. En teknisk løsning blev vedtaget for at støtte varm opvarmning med solsystemet. Varmemidlet opvarmet i solsolenergi vil overføre varme gennem en pladeveksler til et varmebuffersystem, som skal bygges i et eksisterende varmeknudepunkt grupperum. Caching-systemet er udformet med henblik på at indsamle så meget varme fra solen som muligt, som, som krævet af det eksisterende centralvarmesystem, vil blive overført til varmeapparater af varmt vand.Investeringen vil blive foretaget på bygningen i Os.Mazurski 29 og bygningerne i Os.Metalowiec 5 og 15 i Mrągowo.varmestyringen af Mrągowa er baseret på et centralt varmeanlæg med en kapacitet på 40,7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Arbejdsplanen vil sikre gennemførelsen af projektet inden 1. (Danish)
Projektet består af installation af solfangere og opførelse af et varmebuffersystem. En teknisk løsning blev vedtaget, der bestod i at støtte opvarmning af c.w.u. ved hjælp af et solanlæg. Varmemidlet opvarmet i solpaneler ved hjælp af solenergi vil overføre varme gennem en pladeveksler til varmebuffersystemet, som skal bygges i det eksisterende rum i en gruppevarmeknude. Buffersystemet er udformet med henblik på at indsamle så meget varme fra solen som muligt, som derefter vil blive overført til varmeapparaterne i c.w.u. Investeringen vil blive foretaget på bygningen ved Os.Mazurski 29 og bygningerne i Os.Metalowce 5 og 15 i Mrągowo. Varmeøkonomien Mrągowa er baseret på et centralt varmeanlæg med en kapacitet på 40,7 MW. Varme fremstilles ved hjælp af fast brændsel (kulstofmølle).Det største problem, som byen Mrągowo står over for, er bl.a. høj energiintensitet og metoden til opvarmning af bygninger, hovedsagelig faste brændstoffer, ofte af lav kvalitet.Denne situation skaber et fænomen, der kaldes "lave emissioner", og hovedsagelig vedrører kilder, der udsender forurenende stoffer gennem skorstene.Collectors er en miljøvenlig teknologi til varmeproduktion, reduktion af emissioner af kuldioxid, svovldioxid, nitrogenoxider, kulilte og partikler, undgåelse af fast affald og spildevand samt jordforurening og jordforringelse, der ledsager produktionen af energi gennem konventionelle kilder.Projektet bidrager til at løse alle identificerede problemer for centrale interessenter i projektområdet. Omfanget af det arbejde, der anmodes om i henhold til artikel 29, stk. 2 Byggelovens artikel 30, stk. 1, nr. 15, og artikel 30, stk. 1, nr. 3b, kræver ikke anmeldelse.Investeringen vil blive foretaget i fast ejendom med en reguleret retlig status. Arbejdsplanen vil sikre gennemførelsen af projektet inden for et år. (Danish)
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Proiectul constă în instalarea colectoarelor solare și construirea unui sistem de tamponare a căldurii. O soluție tehnică a fost adoptată pentru a sprijini încălzirea la cald cu sistemul solar. Agentul de încălzire încălzit în solar solar de energie solară va transmite căldură printr-un schimbător de plăci la un sistem tampon de căldură, care ar trebui să fie construit într-o cameră de grup de noduri de căldură existentă. Sistemul de cache este conceput pentru a colecta cât mai multă căldură de la soare, care, așa cum solicită sistemul de încălzire centrală existent, va fi transferat la instalațiile de încălzire cu apă caldă.Investiția va fi efectuată asupra clădirii Os.Mazurski 29 și a clădirilor de la Os.Metalowiec 5 și 15 din Mrągowo. Gestionarea căldurii domnuluiągowa se bazează pe o centrală de încălzire cu o capacitate de 40,7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Programul de lucru va asigura implementarea proiectului în termen de 1. (Romanian)
Proiectul constă în instalarea colectoarelor solare și construirea unui sistem de tamponare a căldurii. A fost adoptată o soluție tehnică constând în susținerea încălzirii c.w.u. cu ajutorul unei instalații solare. Agentul de încălzire încălzit în panouri solare de energie solară va transfera căldura printr-un schimbător de plăci în sistemul de tamponare a căldurii, care ar trebui să fie construit în camera existentă a unui nod de căldură de grup. Sistemul de tamponare este conceput pentru a colecta cât mai multă căldură de la soare, care va fi apoi transferată la încălzitoarele c.w.u. Investițiile vor fi efectuate asupra clădirii Os.Mazurski 29 și a clădirilor Os.Metalowce 5 și 15 din Mrągowo. Economia termică Mrągowa se bazează pe o centrală de încălzire cu o capacitate de 40,7 MW. Căldura este preparată folosind combustibil solid (moara de carbon). Principala problemă cu care se confruntă orașul Mrągowo este, printre altele, intensitatea energetică ridicată și metoda de încălzire a clădirilor, în principal combustibili solizi, adesea de calitate scăzută. Această situație creează un fenomen numit „emisii scăzute” și se referă în principal la sursele care emit poluanți prin coșuri.Collectorii sunt o tehnologie ecologică de producere a căldurii, reducând emisiile de dioxid de carbon, dioxid de sulf, oxizi de azot, monoxid de carbon și particule în suspensie, evitând deșeurile solide și efluenții, precum și poluarea solului și degradarea terenurilor care însoțesc producția de energie prin surse convenționale.Proiectul contribuie la rezolvarea tuturor problemelor identificate ale părților cheie din zona proiectului. Domeniul de aplicare al lucrărilor solicitate în conformitate cu articolul 29 alineatul. 2 punctul 15 și articolul 30 alineatul (1) punctul 3b din Legea construcțiilor nu necesită notificare. Programul de lucru va asigura implementarea proiectului în termen de 1 an. (Romanian)
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Το έργο συνίσταται στην εγκατάσταση ηλιακών συλλεκτών και στην κατασκευή συστήματος θερμομόνωσης. Μια τεχνική λύση υιοθετήθηκε για την υποστήριξη της θερμής θέρμανσης με το ηλιακό σύστημα. Ο θερμαντικός παράγοντας που θερμαίνεται στους ηλιακούς ηλιακούς από την ηλιακή ενέργεια θα μεταδώσει τη θερμότητα μέσω ενός εναλλάκτη πλάκας σε ένα σύστημα απομονωτή θερμότητας, το οποίο θα πρέπει να κατασκευαστεί σε μια υπάρχουσα αίθουσα ομάδας κόμβων θερμότητας. Το σύστημα προσωρινής αποθήκευσης έχει σχεδιαστεί για να συλλέγει όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερη θερμότητα από τον ήλιο, η οποία, όπως απαιτείται από το υφιστάμενο σύστημα κεντρικής θέρμανσης, θα μεταφερθεί σε θερμαντήρες ζεστού νερού.Η επένδυση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο κτίριο στο Os.Mazurski 29 και στα κτίρια στα Os.Metalowiec 5 και 15 στο Mrągowo.Η διαχείριση της θερμότητας του Mrągowa βασίζεται σε κεντρική μονάδα θέρμανσης ισχύος 40,7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Το χρονοδιάγραμμα εργασίας θα εξασφαλίσει την υλοποίηση του έργου εντός 1. (Greek)
Το έργο συνίσταται στην εγκατάσταση ηλιακών συλλεκτών και στην κατασκευή συστήματος θερμομόνωσης. Υιοθετήθηκε μια τεχνική λύση που συνίσταται στην υποστήριξη της θέρμανσης του c.w.u. με τη βοήθεια μιας ηλιακής εγκατάστασης. Ο θερμαντικός παράγοντας που θερμαίνεται στους ηλιακούς συλλέκτες από την ηλιακή ενέργεια θα μεταφέρει τη θερμότητα μέσω ενός εναλλάκτη πλάκας στο σύστημα απομόνωσης θερμότητας, το οποίο θα πρέπει να κατασκευαστεί στο υπάρχον δωμάτιο ενός κόμβου θερμότητας ομάδας. Το ρυθμιστικό σύστημα έχει σχεδιαστεί για να συλλέγει όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερη θερμότητα από τον ήλιο, η οποία στη συνέχεια θα μεταφερθεί στους θερμαντήρες του c.w.u. Η επένδυση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο κτίριο στο Os.Mazurski 29 και στα κτίρια στις Os.Metalowce 5 και 15 στο Mrągowo.Η οικονομία θερμότητας Mrągowa βασίζεται σε μια κεντρική μονάδα θέρμανσης ισχύος 40,7 MW. Το κύριο πρόβλημα που αντιμετωπίζει η πόλη Mrągowo είναι, μεταξύ άλλων, η υψηλή ενεργειακή ένταση και η μέθοδος θέρμανσης των κτιρίων, κυρίως στερεών καυσίμων, συχνά χαμηλής ποιότητας.Η κατάσταση αυτή δημιουργεί ένα φαινόμενο που ονομάζεται «χαμηλές εκπομπές» και αφορά κυρίως πηγές που εκπέμπουν ρύπους μέσω καμινάδων.Οι συλλέκτες είναι μια φιλική προς το περιβάλλον τεχνολογία παραγωγής θερμότητας, μειώνοντας τις εκπομπές διοξειδίου του άνθρακα, διοξειδίου του θείου, οξειδίων του αζώτου, μονοξειδίου του αζώτου, μονοξειδίου του άνθρακα και αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων, αποφεύγοντας τα στερεά απόβλητα και τα λύματα, καθώς και τη ρύπανση του εδάφους και την υποβάθμιση του εδάφους που συνοδεύουν την παραγωγή ενέργειας μέσω συμβατικών πηγών.Το έργο συμβάλλει στην επίλυση όλων των προβλημάτων που έχουν εντοπιστεί από τα βασικά ενδιαφερόμενα μέρη του έργου. Πεδίο των εργασιών που ζητούνται σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 29 παράγραφος Το σημείο 15 και το άρθρο 30 παράγραφος 1 σημείο 3β του κατασκευαστικού νόμου δεν απαιτούν κοινοποίηση.Η επένδυση θα πραγματοποιηθεί σε ακίνητα με ρυθμιζόμενο νομικό καθεστώς. Το χρονοδιάγραμμα εργασίας θα εξασφαλίσει την υλοποίηση του έργου εντός ενός έτους. (Greek)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Projektet består av installation av solfångare och konstruktion av ett värmebuffringssystem. En teknisk lösning antogs för att stödja varmuppvärmning med solsystem. Värmemedlet som värms upp i solceller med solenergi kommer att överföra värme genom en plattväxlare till ett värmebuffertsystem, som bör byggas i ett befintligt värmenodgrupprum. Cachningssystemet är utformat för att samla så mycket värme från solen som möjligt, vilket krävs av det befintliga centralvärmesystemet, kommer att överföras till värmare av varmvatten.Investeringen kommer att göras på byggnaden i Os.Mazurski 29 och byggnaderna i Os.Metalowiec 5 och 15 i Mrągowo.Värmhanteringen av Mrągowa bygger på en central värmeanläggning med en kapacitet på 40,7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Arbetsschemat kommer att säkerställa genomförandet av projektet inom 1. (Swedish)
Projektet består av installation av solfångare och konstruktion av ett värmebuffringssystem. En teknisk lösning antogs som bestod i att stödja uppvärmningen av c.w.u. med hjälp av en solinstallation. Värmemedlet som värms upp i solpaneler med solenergi kommer att överföra värme genom en plattväxlare till värmebuffertsystemet, som bör byggas i det befintliga rummet i en gruppvärmenod. Buffertsystemet är utformat för att samla så mycket värme från solen som möjligt, som sedan kommer att överföras till värmare av c.w.u. Investeringen kommer att göras på byggnaden i Os.Mazurski 29 och byggnaderna i Os.Metalowce 5 och 15 i Mrągowo.Värmekonomin Mrągowa bygger på en central värmeanläggning med en kapacitet på 40,7 MW. Värme bereds med hjälp av fast bränsle (kolbruk).Det största problemet för staden Mrągowo är bland annat hög energiintensitet och metoden för uppvärmning av byggnader, främst fasta bränslen, ofta av låg kvalitet.Denna situation skapar ett fenomen som kallas ”låga utsläpp” och främst gäller källor som avger föroreningar genom skorstenar.Collectors är en miljövänlig teknik för värmeproduktion, som minskar utsläppen av koldioxid, svaveldioxid, kväveoxider, kolmonoxid och partiklar, undviker fast avfall och avloppsvatten, samt markförorening och markförstöring som åtföljer produktionen av energi genom konventionella källor.Projektet bidrar till att lösa alla identifierade problem för viktiga intressenter i projektområdet. Omfattningen av det arbete som begärts i enlighet med artikel 29 para. 2 punkt 15 och artikel 30.1.1 b i bygglagen kräver ingen anmälan.Investeringen kommer att genomföras i fastigheter med reglerad rättslig status. Arbetsschemat kommer att säkerställa genomförandet av projektet inom ett år. (Swedish)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Projekt je sestavljen iz namestitve sončnih kolektorjev in gradnje toplotnega odbojnega sistema. Sprejeta je bila tehnična rešitev za podporo vročega ogrevanja s sončnim sistemom. Grelno sredstvo, ogrevano v sončnih sončnih elektrarnah s sončno energijo, bo prenašalo toploto skozi izmenjevalnik plošč v sistem toplotnega odbojnika, ki bi moral biti zgrajen v obstoječi skupinski sobi s toplotnimi vozlišči. Predpomnilniški sistem je zasnovan tako, da zbere čim več toplote iz sonca, ki se bo, kot zahteva obstoječi centralni sistem ogrevanja, prenesel na grelnike tople vode.Naložbe se bodo izvajale na stavbi Os.Mazurski 29 in stavbah na Os.Metalowiec 5 in 15 v Mrągowo.Upravljanje toplote Mrągowa temelji na centralni ogrevalni napravi z zmogljivostjo 40,7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Časovni razpored dela bo zagotovil izvedbo projekta v 1. (Slovenian)
Projekt je sestavljen iz namestitve sončnih kolektorjev in gradnje toplotnega odbojnega sistema. Sprejeta je bila tehnična rešitev, ki je vključevala podporo ogrevanju c.w.u. s pomočjo sončne naprave. Grelno sredstvo, ogrevano v sončnih kolektorjih s sončno energijo, bo prenašalo toploto skozi izmenjevalnik plošč v sistem toplotnega odbojnika, ki ga je treba vgraditi v obstoječi prostor skupinskega toplotnega vozlišča. Varovalni sistem je zasnovan tako, da zbere čim več toplote iz sonca, ki se nato prenese na grelnike c.w.u. Naložbe se bodo izvajale na stavbi Os.Mazurski 29 in stavbah na Os.Metalowce 5 in 15 v Mrągowo.The toplotna ekonomija Mrągowa temelji na centralni ogrevalni napravi z zmogljivostjo 40,7 MW. Glavni problem, s katerim se sooča mesto Mrągowo, je med drugim visoka energijska intenzivnost in način ogrevanja stavb, predvsem trdnih goriv, pogosto nizke kakovosti.Ta položaj ustvarja pojav, imenovan „nizke emisije“, in se nanaša predvsem na vire, ki oddajajo onesnaževala prek dimnikov.Zbiralci so okolju prijazna tehnologija za proizvodnjo toplote, zmanjšanje emisij ogljikovega dioksida, žveplovega dioksida, dušikovih oksidov, ogljikovega monoksida in trdnih delcev, preprečevanje trdnih odpadkov in odplak ter onesnaževanje tal in degradacija tal, ki spremljajo proizvodnjo energije prek konvencionalnih virov.Projekt prispeva k reševanju vseh ugotovljenih problemov ključnih deležnikov na območju projekta. Obseg dela, zahtevanega v skladu s členom 29 odst. 2 Točka 15 in člen 30(1)(3b) gradbenega zakona ne zahtevata priglasitve.Naložba se bo izvedla na nepremičninah z zakonsko urejenim pravnim statusom. Delovni načrt bo zagotovil izvedbo projekta v roku enega leta. (Slovenian)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Projektą sudaro saulės kolektorių įrengimas ir šilumos buferinės sistemos statyba. Buvo priimtas techninis sprendimas karštam šildymui su saulės sistema palaikyti. Saulės saulės energija šildomas šildymo agentas perduoda šilumą per plokštelinį keitiklį į šilumos buferinę sistemą, kuri turėtų būti pastatyta esamame šilumos mazgo grupės kambaryje. Talpyklos sistema skirta surinkti kuo daugiau šilumos iš saulės, kuri, kaip reikalauja esama centrinio šildymo sistema, bus perkelta į karšto vandens šildytuvus.Investicijos bus atliekamos pastate Os.Mazurski 29 ir Os.Metalowiec 5 ir 15 pastatuose Mrągowo.Mągowa šilumos valdymas grindžiamas 40,7 MW galios centriniu šildymo įrenginiu. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Darbo grafikas užtikrins projekto įgyvendinimą per 1. (Lithuanian)
Projektą sudaro saulės kolektorių įrengimas ir šilumos buferinės sistemos statyba. Buvo priimtas techninis sprendimas, pagal kurį c.w.u. šildymas buvo palaikomas saulės įrenginio pagalba. Šilumos agentas, šildomas saulės kolektoriais saulės energija, perduos šilumą per plokštelinį keitiklį į šilumos buferinę sistemą, kuri turėtų būti pastatyta esamame grupės šilumos mazgo kambaryje. Buferinė sistema skirta surinkti kuo daugiau šilumos iš saulės, kuri vėliau bus perduota C.w.u šildytuvams. Investicijos bus vykdomos į pastatą Os.Mazurski 29 ir Os.Metalowce 5 ir 15 pastatus Mrągowo.Šilumos ekonomika Mrągowa yra pagrįsta 40,7 MW galios centrinio šildymo įrenginiu. Šiluma ruošiama naudojant kietąjį kurą (anglies malūną). Pagrindinė problema, su kuria susiduria Mrągowo miestas, be kita ko, yra didelis energijos intensyvumas ir pastatų šildymo būdas, daugiausia kietojo kuro, dažnai prastos kokybės.Ši situacija sukuria reiškinį, vadinamą „mažai išmetamų teršalų“ ir daugiausia susijęs su šaltiniais, išmetančiais teršalus per kaminus.Kolektoriai yra ekologiška šilumos gamybos technologija, mažinanti anglies dioksido, sieros dioksido, azoto oksidų, anglies monoksido ir kietųjų dalelių išmetimą, išvengiant kietųjų atliekų ir nuotekų, taip pat dirvožemio tarša ir dirvožemio degradacija, kuri lydi energijos gamybą per tradicinius šaltinius.Projektas padeda spręsti visas nustatytas pagrindinių suinteresuotų subjektų problemas projekto teritorijoje. Darbo, kurio prašoma pagal 29 straipsnio dalį, apimtis. 2 Statybos įstatymo 15 punktas ir 30 straipsnio 1 dalies 3b punktas nereikalauja pranešti.Investicijos bus vykdomos į reglamentuojamą teisinį statusą turintį nekilnojamąjį turtą. Darbo grafikas užtikrins projekto įgyvendinimą per 1 metus. (Lithuanian)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Projekt hõlmab päikesekollektorite paigaldamist ja soojuspuhvri süsteemi ehitamist. Vastu võeti tehniline lahendus, et toetada sooja kütmist päikesesüsteemiga. Päikeseenergia abil päikesevalguses kuumutatud kütteaine edastab soojusvaheti kaudu soojuspuhvri süsteemi, mis peaks olema ehitatud olemasolevasse soojussõlme rühmaruumi. Vahemällu kogumise süsteemi eesmärk on koguda võimalikult palju soojust päikesest, mis, nagu nõuab olemasolev keskküttesüsteem, viiakse üle kuuma vee kütteseadmetesse.Investeering tehakse Os.Mazurski 29 hoonesse ja Os.Metalowiec 5 ja 15 hoonetesse Mrągowos.Mrągowa soojusjuhtimine põhineb keskküttejaamal võimsusega 40,7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Töögraafik tagab projekti elluviimise 1. (Estonian)
Projekt hõlmab päikesekollektorite paigaldamist ja soojuspuhvri süsteemi ehitamist. Võeti vastu tehniline lahendus, mis seisnes c.w.u kütte toetamises päikeseenergiaseadme abil. Päikeseenergia abil päikesepaneelides kuumutatav kütteaine kannab soojusvaheti kaudu soojusvaheti soojuspuhversüsteemi, mis peaks olema ehitatud grupi soojussõlme olemasolevasse ruumi. Puhversüsteemi eesmärk on koguda võimalikult palju soojust päikesest, mis seejärel kantakse üle c.w.u kütteseadmetesse. Investeering tehakse Os.Mazurski 29 hoonesse ja Mrągowo Os.Metalowce 5 ja 15 hoonetesse. Soojust valmistatakse tahkekütuse (süsinikuveski).Põhiprobleem ees linna Mrągowo on muu hulgas kõrge energiaintensiivsus ja meetod kütmiseks hooneid, peamiselt tahkeid kütuseid, sageli madala kvaliteediga.See olukord tekitab nähtuse, mida nimetatakse „madala heitega“ ja peamiselt puudutab allikaid saasteainete kaudu korstnad.Kollektorid on keskkonnasõbralik tehnoloogia soojuse tootmiseks, vähendades süsinikdioksiidi, vääveldioksiidi, lämmastikoksiidide, süsinikmonooksiidi ja tahkete osakeste, vältides tahkeid jäätmeid ja heitvee, samuti pinnase saastumist ja pinnase degradeerumist, mis kaasneb energia tootmise tavapärastest allikatest.Projekt aitab lahendada kõiki tuvastatud probleeme peamiste sidusrühmade projekti valdkonnas. Artikli 29 lõike 1 kohaselt taotletud töö ulatus. 2 Ehitusseaduse punkt 15 ja artikli 30 lõike 1 punkt 3b ei nõua teatamist.Investeering tehakse reguleeritud õigusliku seisundiga kinnisvarasse. Töögraafik tagab projekti elluviimise ühe aasta jooksul. (Estonian)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Hanke koostuu aurinkokeräimien asennuksesta ja lämpöpuskurijärjestelmän rakentamisesta. Tekninen ratkaisu otettiin käyttöön aurinkolämpöjärjestelmän kuuman lämmityksen tukemiseksi. Aurinkosähköllä lämmitetty lämmitysaine siirtää lämpöä levynvaihtimen kautta lämpöpuskurijärjestelmään, joka olisi rakennettava olemassa olevaan lämpösolmuryhmähuoneeseen. Välimuistijärjestelmä on suunniteltu keräämään mahdollisimman paljon lämpöä auringosta, joka, kuten nykyinen keskuslämmitysjärjestelmä vaatii, siirretään kuuman veden lämmittimiin.investointi toteutetaan Os.Mazurski 29:n rakennukseen ja Os.Metalowiec 5: n ja 15: n rakennuksiin Mrągowossa. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Työaikataulu varmistaa, että hanke toteutetaan 1 kuluessa. (Finnish)
Hanke koostuu aurinkokeräimien asennuksesta ja lämpöpuskurijärjestelmän rakentamisesta. Käyttöön otettiin tekninen ratkaisu, joka koostui C.w.u:n lämmityksen tukemisesta aurinkovoimalaitoksen avulla. Aurinkopaneeleissa lämmitettävä lämmitysaine siirtää lämpöä levynvaihtimen kautta lämpöpuskurijärjestelmään, joka on rakennettava ryhmän lämpösolmun olemassa olevaan huoneeseen. Puskurointijärjestelmä on suunniteltu keräämään mahdollisimman paljon lämpöä auringosta, joka siirretään sitten c.w.u:n lämmittimiin. Investointi toteutetaan Os.Mazurski 29:n rakennukseen ja Mrągowossa sijaitsevaan Os.Metalowce 5 ja 15 -rakennukseen.lämpötalous Mrągowa perustuu keskuslämmityslaitokseen, jonka kapasiteetti on 40,7 MW. Lämpöä valmistetaan käyttämällä kiinteitä polttoaineita (hiilimylly).Pääongelmana on muun muassa korkea energiaintensiteetti ja rakennusten, pääasiassa kiinteiden polttoaineiden, lämmitysmenetelmä, joka on usein heikkolaatuinen.Tässä tilanteessa syntyy ”vähäpäästöinen” ilmiö, joka koskee pääasiassa savupiippujen kautta syntyviä epäpuhtauksia.Collektorit ovat ympäristöystävällistä lämmöntuotantoteknologiaa, jolla vähennetään hiilidioksidin, rikkidioksidin, typen oksidien, hiilimonoksidien ja hiukkasten päästöjä, vältetään kiinteitä jätteitä ja päästöjä sekä maaperän pilaantumista ja maaperän pilaantumista, jotka liittyvät energiantuotantoon tavanomaisten lähteiden kautta.Hanke edistää osaltaan kaikkien hanke-alueen keskeisten sidosryhmien tunnistettujen ongelmien ratkaisemista. 29 artiklan 2 kohdan mukaisesti pyydetyn työn laajuus. Rakennuslain 2 kohdan 15 alakohta ja 30 §:n 1 momentin 3 b kohta eivät edellytä ilmoitusta.Sijoittaminen tehdään kiinteistöihin, joilla on säännelty oikeudellinen asema. Työaikataulu varmistaa hankkeen toteutuksen vuoden kuluessa. (Finnish)
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A projekt a napkollektorok telepítéséből és egy hőpuffer-rendszer megépítéséből áll. Műszaki megoldást fogadtak el a fűtés napenergiával történő támogatására. A napenergiával fűtött fűtőanyag egy lemezcserélőn keresztül hőt továbbít egy hőpuffer-rendszerbe, amelyet egy meglévő hőcsomó-csoport helyiségbe kell építeni. A gyorsítótárazási rendszert úgy tervezték, hogy minél több hőt gyűjtsön a napból, amely a meglévő központi fűtési rendszer által megkövetelt módon átkerül a melegvíz melegvíz-melegítőibe.A beruházást az Os.Mazurski 29 épületen és az Os.Metalowiec 5 és 15 épületen Mrągowoban.A Mrągowa hőkezelése egy 40,7 MW kapacitású központi fűtőberendezésen alapul. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. A munkaterv biztosítja a projekt végrehajtását 1-en belül. (Hungarian)
A projekt a napkollektorok telepítéséből és egy hőpuffer-rendszer megépítéséből áll. Műszaki megoldást fogadtak el, amely a c.w.u. fűtésének támogatását jelentette egy napelemes berendezés segítségével. A napelemekben napenergiával fűtött fűtőanyag egy lemezcserélőn keresztül továbbítja a hőt a hőpuffer-rendszerbe, amelyet a csoport hőcsomópontjának meglévő helyiségében kell felépíteni. A pufferrendszert úgy tervezték, hogy minél több hőt gyűjtsön a napból, amelyet aztán átvisznek a c.w.u fűtőberendezéseire. A beruházás az Os.Mazurski 29 épületen és az Os.Metalowce 5 és 15 épületen Mrągowoban történik.A hőgazdaság Mrągowa egy 40,7 MW kapacitású központi fűtőberendezésen alapul. Hő készül szilárd tüzelőanyaggal (szénüzem).A fő probléma, amellyel a város Mrągowo, többek között a magas energiaintenzitás és a módszer a fűtés épületek, főleg szilárd tüzelőanyagok, gyakran alacsony minőségű.Ez a helyzet egy jelenséget úgynevezett „alacsony kibocsátás” és elsősorban a forrásokat kibocsátó szennyező anyagok kéményeken keresztül.Gyűjtők környezetbarát technológia hőtermelés, csökkenti a szén-dioxid-kibocsátás, kén-dioxid, nitrogén-oxidok, szén-monoxid és por, elkerülve a szilárd hulladék és a szennyvíz, valamint a talajszennyezés és a talajromlás, amely kíséri az energiatermelés hagyományos forrásokból.A projekt hozzájárul az összes azonosított problémák a projekt területén. A 29. cikk (1) bekezdésének megfelelően kért munka terjedelme. 2 Az építési törvény 15. pontja és 30. §-a (1) bekezdésének 3b) pontja nem követeli meg a bejelentést. A beruházás szabályozott jogállású ingatlanon valósul meg. A munkaterv biztosítja a projekt 1 éven belüli végrehajtását. (Hungarian)
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Projekt pozostáva z inštalácie solárnych kolektorov a výstavby systému tlmenia tepla. Bolo prijaté technické riešenie na podporu horúceho vykurovania solárnym systémom. Vykurovacie činidlo vyhrievané v solárnych slnečnom žiarení solárnou energiou prenesie teplo cez doskový výmenník do systému tepelného nárazníka, ktorý by mal byť postavený v existujúcej miestnosti skupiny tepelných uzlov. Vyrovnávací systém je určený na zber čo najväčšieho množstva tepla zo slnka, ktoré, ako to vyžaduje existujúci systém ústredného kúrenia, bude prenesené na ohrievače teplej vody. Investície sa uskutočnia do budovy v Os.Mazurski 29 a do budov na Os.Metalowiec 5 a 15 v Mrągowo.Vedenie tepla pánaągowa je založené na zariadení ústredného kúrenia s kapacitou 40,7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Harmonogram práce zabezpečí realizáciu projektu v rámci 1. (Slovak)
Projekt pozostáva z inštalácie solárnych kolektorov a výstavby systému tlmenia tepla. Bolo prijaté technické riešenie spočívajúce v podpore vykurovania c.w.u. pomocou solárnej inštalácie. Vykurovacie činidlo vyhrievané v solárnych paneloch solárnou energiou prenesie teplo cez doskový výmenník do tepelného vyrovnávacieho systému, ktorý by mal byť postavený v existujúcej miestnosti skupinového tepelného uzla. Nárazníkový systém je určený na zber čo najväčšieho množstva tepla zo slnka, ktoré sa potom prenesie do ohrievačov c.w.u. Investície sa uskutočnia do budovy v Os.Mazurski 29 a budov na Os.Metalowce 5 a 15 v Mrągowo.Tepelná ekonomika Mrągowa je založená na zariadení ústredného kúrenia s kapacitou 40,7 MW. Teplo sa pripravuje pomocou tuhého paliva (uhlíkový mlyn).Hlavným problémom mesta Mrągowo je okrem iného vysoká energetická náročnosť a spôsob vykurovania budov, najmä tuhých palív, často nízkej kvality.Táto situácia vytvára fenomén nazývaný „nízke emisie“ a týka sa najmä zdrojov emitujúcich znečisťujúce látky prostredníctvom komínov.Collectors sú ekologickou technológiou výroby tepla, znižovania emisií oxidu uhličitého, oxidu siričitého, oxidov dusíka, oxidu uhoľnatého a tuhých častíc, zamedzenia tuhého odpadu a odpadov, ako aj znečistenia pôdy a degradácie pôdy, ktoré sprevádzajú výrobu energie prostredníctvom konvenčných zdrojov. Projekt prispieva k riešeniu všetkých identifikovaných problémov kľúčových zainteresovaných strán v oblasti projektu. Rozsah prác požadovaných v súlade s článkom 29 ods. 2 bod 15 a článok 30 ods. 1 bod 3b zákona o výstavbe nevyžadujú oznámenie. Investície sa uskutočnia do nehnuteľností s regulovaným právnym postavením. Harmonogram práce zabezpečí realizáciu projektu do jedného roka. (Slovak)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Проектът се състои в инсталирането на слънчеви колектори и изграждането на топло буферна система. Беше прието техническо решение за поддържане на топлото отопление със слънчева система. Нагревателният агент, който се нагрява в соларните слънчеви лъчи от слънчевата енергия, ще предава топлина през пластинен обменник към система за топлинен буфер, която трябва да бъде изградена в съществуваща стая от група топлинни възли. Системата за кеширане е предназначена да събира възможно най-много топлина от слънцето, което, както се изисква от съществуващата централна отоплителна система, ще бъде прехвърлено към нагреватели на топла вода.Инвестицията ще бъде извършена в сградата на Os.Mazurski 29 и сградите в Os.Metalowiec 5 и 15 в Mrągowo.Управлението на топлината на Mrągowa се основава на централна отоплителна инсталация с капацитет 40,7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Работният график ще гарантира изпълнението на проекта в рамките на 1. (Bulgarian)
Проектът се състои в инсталирането на слънчеви колектори и изграждането на топло буферна система. Прието е техническо решение, състоящо се в подпомагане на отоплението на C.w.u. с помощта на слънчева инсталация. Нагревателният агент, който се нагрява в слънчеви панели със слънчева енергия, ще прехвърли топлината през пластинен обменник към системата за буфериране на топлината, която трябва да бъде изградена в съществуващата стая на групов топлинен възел. Буферната система е проектирана да събира възможно най-много топлина от слънцето, което след това ще бъде прехвърлено към нагревателите на Ц.В. Инвестицията ще бъде извършена в сградата на Os.Mazurski 29 и сгради в Os.Metalowce 5 и 15 в Mrągowo.The топлоенергия Mrągowa се основава на централна отоплителна инсталация с мощност 40,7 MW. Топлината се приготвя с помощта на твърдо гориво (въглеродна мелница).Основният проблем, пред който е изправен град Mrągowo, е, наред с другото, висока енергийна интензивност и метода на отопление на сгради, главно твърди горива, често с ниско качество.Тази ситуация създава явление, наречено „ниски емисии“ и се отнася главно до източници, отделящи замърсители чрез комини.Колекторите са екологосъобразна технология за генериране на топлина, намаляваща емисиите на въглероден диоксид, серен диоксид, азотни оксиди, въглероден оксид и прахови частици, избягване на твърди отпадъци и отпадъчни води, както и замърсяване на почвата и деградация на земята, които съпътстват производството на енергия чрез конвенционални източници.Проектът допринася за решаването на всички установени проблеми на ключови заинтересовани страни в областта на проекта. Обхват на работата, поискана в съответствие с член 29, параграф. 2 т. 15 и чл. 30, ал. 1, т. 3б от Закона за строителството не изискват уведомяване.Инвестицията ще се извършва върху недвижим имот с регулиран правен статут. Работният график ще гарантира изпълнението на проекта в рамките на 1 година. (Bulgarian)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Projekts ietver saules kolektoru uzstādīšanu un siltuma bufersistēmas būvniecību. Tika pieņemts tehnisks risinājums, lai atbalstītu karstu apkuri ar saules sistēmu. Siltumģenerators, kas sasildīts ar saules enerģiju, pārraidīs siltumu caur plākšņu apmaiņas ierīci uz siltuma bufersistēmu, kas jāuzbūvē esošā siltuma mezgla grupas telpā. Caching sistēma ir paredzēta, lai savāktu pēc iespējas vairāk siltuma no saules, kas, kā to pieprasa esošā centrālā apkures sistēma, tiks nodota sildītājiem karstā ūdens.Ieguldījums tiks veikts uz ēku Os.Mazurski 29 un ēkas Os.Metalowiec 5 un 15 Mrągowo.The siltuma pārvaldība Mrągowa ir balstīta uz centrālapkures iekārtu ar jaudu 40,7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Darba grafiks nodrošinās projekta īstenošanu 1. (Latvian)
Projekts ietver saules kolektoru uzstādīšanu un siltuma bufersistēmas būvniecību. Tika pieņemts tehnisks risinājums, kas paredz atbalstīt c.w.u. apkuri ar saules iekārtas palīdzību. Siltumģenerators, kas uzsildīts saules paneļos ar saules enerģiju, nodod siltumu caur plākšņu apmaiņu uz siltuma bufersistēmu, kas jāuzbūvē esošajā grupas siltuma mezgla telpā. Bufersistēma ir paredzēta, lai savāktu pēc iespējas vairāk siltuma no saules, kas pēc tam tiks nodots c.w.u sildītājiem. Ieguldījums tiks veikts ēkā Os.Mazurski 29 un ēkās Os.Metalowce 5 un 15 Mrągowo. Siltuma ekonomika Mrągowa ir balstīta uz centrālapkures iekārtu ar jaudu 40,7 MW. Siltums tiek gatavots, izmantojot cieto kurināmo (oglekļa dzirnavas).Galvenā problēma, ar ko saskaras pilsētas Mrągowo, ir, cita starpā, augsta energointensitāte un ēku apkures metode, galvenokārt cietais kurināmais, bieži vien zemas kvalitātes.Šī situācija rada parādību, ko sauc par “zemām emisijām”, un galvenokārt attiecas uz avotiem, kas piesārņo piesārņojošas vielas caur skursteņiem.Collectors ir videi draudzīga siltuma ražošanas tehnoloģija, samazinot oglekļa dioksīda, sēra dioksīda, slāpekļa oksīdu, oglekļa monoksīda un cieto daļiņu emisijas, izvairoties no cietajiem atkritumiem un notekūdeņiem, kā arī augsnes piesārņojumu un zemes degradāciju, kas papildina enerģijas ražošanu, izmantojot konvencionālos avotus.Projekts palīdz atrisināt visas galvenās ieinteresēto personu konstatētās problēmas projekta teritorijā. Darba apjoms, kas pieprasīts saskaņā ar 29. panta 1. punktu. Būvniecības likuma 2.panta 15.punktā un 30.panta pirmās daļas 3.b punktā nav paredzēts paziņojums. Darba grafiks nodrošinās projekta īstenošanu 1 gada laikā. (Latvian)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Projekt se skládá z instalace solárních kolektorů a výstavby tepelného vyrovnávacího systému. Bylo přijato technické řešení na podporu teplého vytápění solárním systémem. Topné čidlo vytápěné v solárních solárních elektrárnách sluneční energií přenáší teplo přes deskový výměník do tepelného vyrovnávacího systému, který by měl být postaven ve stávající místnosti skupiny tepelných uzlů. Systém ukládání do mezipaměti je navržen tak, aby nashromáždil co nejvíce tepla ze slunce, které bude, jak požaduje stávající systém ústředního vytápění, převedeno na ohřívače teplé vody.Investice bude provedena na budově Os.Mazurski 29 a budovách v Os.Metalowiec 5 a 15 v Mrągowo. Tepelné hospodaření společnosti Mrągowa je založeno na ústřední teplárně s výkonem 40,7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Pracovní plán zajistí realizaci projektu do 1. (Czech)
Projekt se skládá z instalace solárních kolektorů a výstavby tepelného vyrovnávacího systému. Bylo přijato technické řešení spočívající v podpoře ohřevu c.w.u. pomocí solárního zařízení. Topné těleso vytápěné v solárních panelech solární energií přenáší teplo přes deskový výměník do tepelného vyrovnávacího systému, který by měl být postaven ve stávající místnosti skupinového tepelného uzlu. Vyrovnávací systém je navržen tak, aby nashromáždil co nejvíce tepla ze slunce, které pak bude převedeno na ohřívače c.w.u. Investice bude provedena do budovy Os.Mazurski 29 a budov v Os.Metalowce 5 a 15 v Mrągowo. Teplotní hospodářství Mrągowa je založeno na ústřední teplárně o výkonu 40,7 MW. Hlavním problémem, kterému město Mrągowo čelí, je mimo jiné vysoká energetická náročnost a způsob vytápění budov, zejména tuhých paliv, často nízké kvality.Tato situace vytváří jev zvaný „nízké emise“ a týká se především zdrojů emitujících znečišťující látky prostřednictvím komínů.Sběrače jsou ekologicky šetrnou technologií výroby tepla, snižování emisí oxidu uhličitého, oxidu siřičitého, oxidů dusíku, oxidu uhelnatého a pevných částic, zamezení vzniku pevných odpadů a odpadních vod, jakož i znečištění půdy a degradace půdy, které doprovází výrobu energie prostřednictvím konvenčních zdrojů.Projekt přispívá k řešení všech zjištěných problémů klíčových zúčastněných stran v oblasti projektu. Rozsah práce požadované v souladu s čl. 29 odst. 2 bod 15 a čl. 30 odst. 1 bod 3b stavebního zákona nevyžadují oznámení. Investice se uskuteční do nemovitostí s regulovaným právním postavením. Plán práce zajistí realizaci projektu do 1 roku. (Czech)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Il-proġett jikkonsisti fl-installazzjoni ta’ kolletturi solari u l-kostruzzjoni ta’ sistema ta’ lqugħ tas-sħana. Ġiet adottata soluzzjoni teknika biex tappoġġa t-tisħin bis-sħana b’sistema solari. L-aġent tat-tisħin imsaħħan fix-xemx solari bl-enerġija solari se jittrażmetti s-sħana permezz ta ‘skambjatur tal-pjanċa għal sistema buffer tas-sħana, li għandha tinbena f’kamra eżistenti tal-grupp tan-nodi tas-sħana. Is-sistema ta’ caching hija maħsuba biex tiġbor kemm jista’ jkun sħana mix-xemx, li, kif mitlub mis-sistema ta’ tisħin ċentrali eżistenti, se tiġi ttrasferita lill-ħiters tal-misħun.L-investiment se jsir fil-bini ta’ Os.Mazurski 29 u fil-bini ta’ Os.Metalowiec 5 u 15 f’Surągowo.Il-ġestjoni tas-sħana ta’ Mrągowa hija bbażata fuq impjant ta’ tisħin ċentrali b’kapaċità ta’ 40.7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. L-iskeda tax-xogħol se tiżgura l-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett fi żmien 1. (Maltese)
Il-proġett jikkonsisti fl-installazzjoni ta’ kolletturi solari u l-kostruzzjoni ta’ sistema ta’ lqugħ tas-sħana. Ġiet adottata soluzzjoni teknika li tikkonsisti fl-appoġġ tat-tisħin ta’ c.w.u. bl-għajnuna ta’ installazzjoni solari. L-aġent tat-tisħin imsaħħan fil-pannelli solari bl-enerġija solari se jittrasferixxi s-sħana permezz ta ‘skambjatur tal-pjanċa għas-sistema ta’ buffering tas-sħana, li għandha tinbena fil-kamra eżistenti ta ‘nodu tas-sħana grupp. Is-sistema tal-buffering hija maħsuba biex tiġbor kemm jista’ jkun sħana mix-xemx, li mbagħad tiġi ttrasferita lill-ħiters taċ-c.w.u. L-investiment se jsir fil-bini f’Os.Mazurski 29 u fil-bini f’Os.Metalowce 5 u 15 f’Surągowo.L-ekonomija tas-sħana Mrągowa hija bbażata fuq impjant ta’ tisħin ċentrali b’kapaċità ta’ 40.7 MW. Is-sħana titħejja bl-użu ta’ fjuwil solidu (mitħna tal-karbonju). Din is-sitwazzjoni toħloq fenomenu msejjaħ “emissjonijiet baxxi” u tikkonċerna prinċipalment sorsi li jarmu sustanzi niġġiesa permezz taċ-ċmieni.Il-kollegi huma teknoloġija ta’ ġenerazzjoni tas-sħana li ma tagħmilx ħsara lill-ambjent, li jnaqqsu l-emissjonijiet tad-diossidu tal-karbonju, id-diossidu tal-kubrit, l-ossidi tan-nitroġenu, il-monossidu tal-karbonju u l-materja partikulata, jevitaw skart solidu u effluwenti, kif ukoll it-tniġġis tal-ħamrija u d-degradazzjoni tal-art li jakkumpanjaw il-produzzjoni tal-enerġija permezz ta’ sorsi konvenzjonali. Kamp ta’ applikazzjoni tax-xogħol mitlub skont l-Artikolu 29 para. 2 il-punt 15 u l-Artikolu 30(1)(3b) tal-Liġi dwar il-Kostruzzjoni ma jeħtiġux notifika. L-investiment se jitwettaq fuq proprjetà immobbli bi status legali regolat. L-iskeda tax-xogħol se tiżgura l-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett fi żmien sena. (Maltese)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
O projeto consiste na instalação de coletores solares e na construção de um sistema de tampão térmico. Foi adotada uma solução técnica para apoiar o aquecimento a quente com sistema solar. O agente de aquecimento aquecido em solares solares por energia solar transmitirá calor através de um trocador de placas para um sistema tampão de calor, que deve ser construído em uma sala de grupo de nó de calor existente. O sistema de armazenamento em cache destina-se a recolher o máximo de calor possível do sol, que, tal como exigido pelo sistema de aquecimento central existente, será transferido para aquecedores de água quente.O investimento será realizado no edifício de Os.Mazurski 29 e nos edifícios de Os.Metalowiec 5 e 15 em Mrągowo.A gestão do calor do Srągowa baseia-se numa central de aquecimento com uma capacidade de 40,7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. O calendário de trabalho assegurará a execução do projeto no prazo de 1. (Portuguese)
O projeto consiste na instalação de coletores solares e na construção de um sistema de tampão térmico. Uma solução técnica foi adotada consistindo em apoiar o aquecimento do c.w.u. com a ajuda de uma instalação solar. O agente de aquecimento aquecido em painéis solares por energia solar transferirá calor através de um trocador de placas para o sistema de buffer de calor, que deve ser construído na sala existente de um nó de calor de grupo. O sistema tampão destina-se a recolher o máximo de calor possível do sol, que será depois transferido para os aquecedores do c.w.u. O investimento será realizado no edifício de Os.Mazurski 29 e nos edifícios de Os.Metalowce 5 e 15 em Mrągowo.A economia de calor Mrągowa baseia-se numa central de aquecimento com uma capacidade de 40,7 MW. O principal problema enfrentado pela cidade de Mrągowo é, entre outros, a alta intensidade energética e o método de aquecimento de edifícios, principalmente combustíveis sólidos, muitas vezes de baixa qualidade.Esta situação cria um fenômeno chamado «baixas emissões» e diz respeito principalmente a fontes que emitem poluentes através de chaminés.Os coletores são uma tecnologia ecológica de geração de calor, reduzindo as emissões de dióxido de carbono, dióxido de enxofre, óxidos de nitrogênio, monóxido de carbono e partículas, evitando resíduos sólidos e efluentes, bem como poluição do solo e degradação do solo que acompanham a produção de energia através de fontes convencionais.O projeto contribui para resolver todos os problemas identificados das principais partes interessadas na área do projeto. Âmbito do trabalho solicitado em conformidade com o artigo 29.º, n.º 2 ponto 15 e artigo 30.º, n.º 1, ponto 3-B, da Lei da Construção não exigem notificação. O investimento será realizado em imóveis com estatuto jurídico regulamentado. O calendário de trabalho assegurará a execução do projeto no prazo de um ano. (Portuguese)
Property / summaryProperty / summary
Projekt se sastoji od ugradnje solarnih kolektora i izgradnje toplinskog puferskog sustava. Usvojeno je tehničko rješenje za potporu toplom grijanju solarnim sustavom. Sredstvo za grijanje grijano u solarnim solarima solarnom energijom prenosit će toplinu putem izmjenjivača ploča u sustav toplinskog pufera, koji bi trebao biti izgrađen u postojećoj prostoriji za grupe toplinskih čvorova. Predmemorija je dizajnirana za prikupljanje što više topline od sunca, koja će se, kao što zahtijeva postojeći sustav centralnog grijanja, prenijeti na grijače tople vode.Ulaganja će se provesti na zgradi Os.Mazurski 29 i u zgradama Os.Metalowiec 5 i 15 u Mrągowou.Upravljanje toplinom Mrągowe temelji se na centralnom grijalištu kapaciteta 40,7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. Rasporedom rada osigurat će se provedba projekta u roku od 1. (Croatian)
Projekt se sastoji od ugradnje solarnih kolektora i izgradnje toplinskog puferskog sustava. Usvojeno je tehničko rješenje koje se sastoji od podupiranja grijanja c.w.u. uz pomoć solarne instalacije. Sredstvo za grijanje grijano u solarnim panelima solarnom energijom prenosit će toplinu kroz izmjenjivač ploča u sustav za puferiranje topline, koji bi trebao biti izgrađen u postojećoj prostoriji grupnog toplinskog čvora. Puferski sustav osmišljen je za prikupljanje što više topline od sunca, koji će se zatim prenijeti na grijače c.w.u. Ulaganje će se provesti u zgradi Os.Mazurski 29 i zgradama u Os.Metalowce 5 i 15 u Mrągowou.Ekonomija topline Mrągowa temelji se na centralnom grijalištu kapaciteta 40,7 MW. Toplina se priprema na kruto gorivo (ugljični mlin).Glavni problem s kojim se suočava grad Mrągowo je, među ostalim, visok energetski intenzitet i način grijanja zgrada, uglavnom krutih goriva, često niske kvalitete.Ova situacija stvara fenomen koji se zove „niske emisije” i uglavnom se odnosi na izvore koji ispuštaju onečišćujuće tvari kroz dimnjake.Kolektori su ekološki prihvatljiva tehnologija proizvodnje topline, smanjujući emisije ugljičnog dioksida, sumpornog dioksida, dušikovih oksida, ugljikovog monoksida i čestica, izbjegavajući kruti otpad i otpad, kao i onečišćenje tla i degradaciju tla koji prate proizvodnju energije kroz konvencionalne izvore.Projekt pridonosi rješavanju svih utvrđenih problema ključnih dionika u području projekta. Opseg posla zatražen u skladu s člankom 29. stavkom 2. 2. Točka 15. i članak 30. stavak 1. točka 3.b Zakona o gradnji ne zahtijevaju obavijest.Ulaganje će se provesti na nekretnini s reguliranim pravnim statusom. Rasporedom rada osigurat će se provedba projekta u roku od jedne godine. (Croatian)

Revision as of 20:20, 2 March 2023

Project Q131852 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Aid for heating hot water with solar installation of buildings belonging to the Housing Cooperative metal
Project Q131852 in Poland


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    674,512.78 zloty
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    149,944.19 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    793,544.45 zloty
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    176,404.93 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    14 March 2016
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    30 November 2017
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    53°52'7.0"N, 21°18'18.7"E
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    Przedsięwzięcie polega na montażu kolektorów słonecznych oraz budowy układu buforowania ciepła. Przyjęto rozwiązanie techniczne polegające na wspomaganiu podgrzewu c.w.u. przy pomocy instalacji solarnej. Czynnik grzewczy podgrzewany w solarach przez energię słoneczną będzie przekazywał ciepło poprzez wymiennik płytowy do układu buforowania ciepła, który należy zbudować w istniejącym pomieszczeniu grupowego węzła cieplnego. Układ buforowania ma za zadanie zgromadzenie jak największej ilości ciepła ze słońca, które następnie w miarę zapotrzebowania ze strony istniejącego układu c.w.u., będzie przekazywane do podgrzewaczy c.w.u.Inwestycja realizowana będzie na budynku przy Os.Mazurskim 29 oraz budynkach przy Os.Metalowców 5 i 15 w Mrągowie.Gospodarka cieplna Mrągowa opiera się na centralnej ciepłowni o mocy 40,7 MW. Ciepło przygotowywane jest przy wykorzystaniu paliwa stałego (miał węglowy).Podstawowym problemem z jakim boryka się miasto Mrągowo jest energochłonność oraz sposób ogrzewania budynków, głównie paliwami stałymi, często niskiej jakości.Sytuacja taka tworzy zjawisko zwane „niską emisją” i dotyczy głównie źródeł emitujących zanieczyszczenia przez kominy.Kolektory stanowią przyjazną środowisku technologię wytwarzania energii cieplnej, pozwalającą na redukcję emisji dwutlenku węgla, dwutlenku siarki, tlenków azotu, tlenku węgla i pyłów, uniknięcia powstawania odpadów stałych i ścieków, a także zanieczyszczenia gleby i degradacji terenu, które towarzyszą produkcji energii przez źródła konwencjonalne.Projekt przyczynia się do rozwiązania wszystkich zdiagnozowanych problemów kluczowych interesariuszy w obszarze objętym projektem. Zakres wnioskowanych prac zgodnie z art. 29 ust. 2 pkt 15 i art. 30 ust. l pkt 3b Prawa budowlanego nie wymaga zgłoszenia.Inwestycja będzie realizowana na nieruchomościach o uregulowanym stanie prawnym. Harmonogram prac zapewni realizację projektu w ciągu 1 roku. (Polish)
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    The project consists of the installation of solar collectors and the construction of a heat buffering system. A technical solution was adopted to support hot heating with solar system. The heating agent heated in solar solars by solar energy will transmit heat through a plate exchanger to a heat buffer system, which should be built in an existing heat node group room. The caching system is designed to collect as much heat from the sun as possible, which, as demanded by the existing central heating system, will be transferred to heaters of hot water.The investment will be carried out on the building at Os.Mazurski 29 and the buildings at Os.Metalowiec 5 and 15 in Mrągowo.The heat management of Mrągowa is based on a central heating plant with a capacity of 40.7 MW. Heat is prepared using solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem facing the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.Such situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also an environmentally friendly technology for the production of carbon dioxide, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions.Colectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions (carbon dioxide emissions).The main problem with the city Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.Collectors are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, and allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygen and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, allowing for reduction of oxygen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide emissions.The main problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with the city of Mrągowo is the high energy intensity and the way of heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution by chimneys.There is an environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions and carbon dioxide emissions, which are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reducing carbon dioxide, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.There is a fundamental problem with which the city of Mrągowo is confronted with, among others, the high energy intensity and heating of buildings, mainly solid fuels, often of low quality.This situation creates a phenomenon called “low-emission” and concerns mainly sources of energy emitting pollution.There is also the interest of energy-produced in the field of carbon dioxide, which reduces carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.Collectives are environmentally friendly technology for the production of thermal energy, which allows for reduction of carbon dioxide, oxygenation and carbon dioxide emissions.There are also environmentally friendly technologies for the production of thermal energy, which allow the reduction of carbon dioxide and oxygen emissions, which involve the use of solid fuel (coal coal).The main problem of Mrągowo is the high energy Scope of the work requested in accordance with Article 29 2 point 15 and Art. 30 par. l point 3b of the Construction Law does not require notification.The investment will be carried out on real estate with a regulated legal status. The work schedule will ensure the implementation of the project within 1. (English)
    21 October 2020
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    Le projet consiste en l’installation de capteurs solaires et la construction d’un système de tampon thermique. Une solution technique a été adoptée consistant à soutenir le chauffage du c.w.u. à l’aide d’une installation solaire. L’agent de chauffage chauffé dans les panneaux solaires par l’énergie solaire transférera la chaleur à travers un échangeur de plaques vers le système de tampon thermique, qui devrait être construit dans la pièce existante d’un nœud de chaleur de groupe. Le système de tamponnage est conçu pour recueillir autant de chaleur que possible du soleil, qui sera ensuite transféré aux appareils de chauffage du c.w.u. L’investissement sera réalisé dans le bâtiment d’Os.Mazurski 29 et les bâtiments Os.Metalowce 5 et 15 à Mrągowo. L’économie thermique Mągowa est basée sur une centrale de chauffage centrale d’une capacité de 40,7 MW. La chaleur est préparée à l’aide de combustibles solides (usine à carbone).Le principal problème rencontré par la ville de Mrągowo est, entre autres, la haute intensité énergétique et la méthode de chauffage des bâtiments, principalement des combustibles solides, souvent de faible qualité.Cette situation crée un phénomène appelé «faibles émissions» et concerne principalement des sources émettant des polluants par le biais de cheminées.Les collecteurs sont une technologie respectueuse de l’environnement de production de chaleur, de réduction des émissions de dioxyde de carbone, de dioxyde de soufre, d’oxydes d’azote, de monoxyde de carbone et de particules, en évitant les déchets solides et les effluents, ainsi que la pollution des sols et la dégradation des sols qui accompagnent la production d’énergie par des sources conventionnelles.Le projet contribue à résoudre tous les problèmes identifiés par les acteurs clés du secteur. Portée des travaux demandés conformément à l’article 29, par. Le point 15 et l’article 30, paragraphe 1, point 3 ter, de la loi sur la construction n’exigent pas de notification.L’investissement sera réalisé sur des biens immobiliers ayant un statut juridique réglementé. Le calendrier de travail assurera la mise en œuvre du projet dans un délai d’un an. (French)
    2 December 2021
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    Das Projekt besteht aus der Installation von Solarkollektoren und dem Bau einer Wärmepufferanlage. Es wurde eine technische Lösung gewählt, die darin bestand, die Heizung der c.w.u. mit Hilfe einer Solaranlage zu unterstützen. Das Heizmittel, das in Sonnenkollektoren durch Solarenergie erhitzt wird, wird Wärme durch einen Plattentauscher an das Wärmepuffersystem übertragen, das im bestehenden Raum eines Gruppenwärmeknotens gebaut werden sollte. Das Puffersystem soll so viel Wärme wie möglich von der Sonne sammeln, die dann auf die Heizungen des c.w.u übertragen wird.Die Investition wird in das Gebäude in Os.Mazurski 29 und die Gebäude in Os.Metalowce 5 und 15 in Mrągowo durchgeführt.Die Wärmewirtschaft Mrągowa basiert auf einer Zentralheizungsanlage mit einer Leistung von 40,7 MW. Die Wärme wird mit festen Brennstoffen (Kohlenstoffmühle) hergestellt.Das Hauptproblem der Stadt Mrągowo ist unter anderem die hohe Energieintensität und die Methode der Heizung von Gebäuden, hauptsächlich feste Brennstoffe, oft von geringer Qualität.Diese Situation verursacht ein Phänomen, das als „niedrige Emissionen“ bezeichnet wird, und betrifft hauptsächlich Quellen, die Schadstoffe durch Schornsteine emittieren.Kollektoren sind eine umweltfreundliche Technologie der Wärmeerzeugung, die die Emissionen von Kohlendioxid, Schwefeldioxid, Stickoxide, Kohlenmonoxid und Feinstaub, Vermeidung von festen Abfällen und Abwässern sowie Bodenverschmutzung und Bodendegradation, die die Energieerzeugung durch konventionelle Quellen begleiten.Das Projekt trägt zur Lösung aller identifizierten Probleme wichtiger Akteure im Projektbereich bei. Umfang der gemäß Art. 29 Abs. 2 Nr. 15 und Art. 30 Abs. 1 Nr. 3b des Baugesetzes bedürfen keiner Mitteilung.Die Investition erfolgt auf Immobilien mit geregeltem Rechtsstatus. Der Arbeitsplan gewährleistet die Umsetzung des Projekts innerhalb eines Jahres. (German)
    9 December 2021
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    Het project bestaat uit de installatie van zonnecollectoren en de bouw van een warmtebuffersysteem. Er werd een technische oplossing gekozen, bestaande uit het ondersteunen van de verwarming van de c.w.u. met behulp van een zonne-installatie. Het verwarmingsmiddel dat door zonne-energie in zonnepanelen wordt verwarmd, brengt warmte via een platenwisselaar over naar het warmtebuffersysteem, dat moet worden gebouwd in de bestaande ruimte van een groepswarmteknooppunt. Het buffersysteem is ontworpen om zoveel mogelijk warmte van de zon te verzamelen, die vervolgens zal worden overgedragen aan de verwarmingstoestellen van de c.w.u. De investering zal worden gedaan in het gebouw in Os.Mazurski 29 en de gebouwen Os.Metalowce 5 en 15 in Mrągowo.De warmte-economie Mrągowa is gebaseerd op een centrale verwarmingsinstallatie met een capaciteit van 40,7 MW. Warmte wordt bereid met behulp van vaste brandstoffen (koolstofmolen).Het belangrijkste probleem van de stad Mrągowo is onder meer een hoge energie-intensiteit en de methode van het verwarmen van gebouwen, voornamelijk vaste brandstoffen, vaak van lage kwaliteit.Deze situatie creëert een fenomeen genaamd „lage emissies” en betreft voornamelijk bronnen die verontreinigende stoffen uitstoten via schoorstenen.Collectors zijn een milieuvriendelijke technologie van warmteopwekking, vermindering van de uitstoot van kooldioxide, zwaveldioxide, stikstofoxiden, koolmonoxide en fijnstof, het vermijden van vast afval en effluent, evenals bodemverontreiniging en bodemdegradatie die de productie van energie door conventionele bronnen begeleiden.Het project draagt bij aan het oplossen van alle geïdentificeerde problemen van belangrijke belanghebbenden in het project. Omvang van de overeenkomstig artikel 29, lid 1, gevraagde werkzaamheden. 2 punt 15 en artikel 30, lid 1, punt 3b, van de bouwwet vereisen geen kennisgeving.De investering zal worden uitgevoerd op onroerend goed met een gereglementeerde juridische status. Het werkschema zorgt voor de uitvoering van het project binnen een jaar. (Dutch)
    17 December 2021
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    Il progetto consiste nell'installazione di collettori solari e nella costruzione di un sistema di tamponamento termico. È stata adottata una soluzione tecnica consistente nel sostenere il riscaldamento del c.w.u. con l'aiuto di un impianto solare. L'agente riscaldante riscaldato in pannelli solari da energia solare trasferirà il calore attraverso uno scambiatore di piastre al sistema di tamponamento termico, che dovrebbe essere costruito nella stanza esistente di un nodo di calore di gruppo. Il sistema di tamponamento è progettato per raccogliere più calore possibile dal sole, che verrà poi trasferito ai riscaldatori del c.w.u. L'investimento sarà effettuato sull'edificio di Os.Mazurski 29 e sugli edifici di Os.Metalowce 5 e 15 a Mrągowo.L'economia termica Mrągowa si basa su un impianto di riscaldamento centralizzato con una capacità di 40,7 MW. Il calore è preparato utilizzando combustibile solido (carbon mill).Il problema principale affrontato dalla città di Mrągowo è, tra l'altro, l'elevata intensità energetica e il metodo di riscaldamento degli edifici, principalmente combustibili solidi, spesso di bassa qualità.Questa situazione crea un fenomeno chiamato "basse emissioni" e riguarda principalmente le fonti che emettono inquinanti attraverso i camini.I collettori sono una tecnologia ecologica di generazione di calore, riducendo le emissioni di anidride carbonica, anidride solforosa, ossidi di azoto, monossido di carbonio e particolato, evitando rifiuti solidi ed effluenti, nonché l'inquinamento del suolo e il degrado del suolo che accompagnano la produzione di energia attraverso fonti convenzionali.Il progetto contribuisce a risolvere tutti i problemi identificati dei principali attori del progetto. Ambito di applicazione del lavoro richiesto a norma dell'articolo 29, paragrafo 2 punto 15 e l'articolo 30, paragrafo 1, comma 3, lettera b), della legge sull'edilizia non richiedono alcuna notifica.L'investimento sarà effettuato su immobili con status giuridico regolamentato. Il programma di lavoro garantirà l'attuazione del progetto entro un anno. (Italian)
    15 January 2022
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    El proyecto consiste en la instalación de colectores solares y la construcción de un sistema de amortiguación de calor. Se adoptó una solución técnica consistente en apoyar el calentamiento del c.w.u. con la ayuda de una instalación solar. El agente de calefacción calentado en paneles solares por energía solar transferirá calor a través de un intercambiador de placas al sistema de amortiguación de calor, que debe construirse en la habitación existente de un nodo de calor grupal. El sistema de amortiguación está diseñado para recoger la mayor cantidad de calor posible del sol, que luego se transferirá a los calentadores de la c.w.u. La inversión se llevará a cabo en el edificio de Os.Mazurski 29 y los edificios en Os.Metalowce 5 y 15 en Mrągowo.La economía térmica Mrągowa se basa en una planta de calefacción central con una capacidad de 40,7 MW. El calor se prepara con combustible sólido (fuente de carbono).El principal problema al que se enfrenta la ciudad de Mrągowo es, entre otros, la alta intensidad energética y el método de calefacción de edificios, principalmente combustibles sólidos, a menudo de baja calidad.Esta situación crea un fenómeno llamado «bajos emisiones» y se refiere principalmente a las fuentes que emiten contaminantes a través de chimeneas.Los colectores son una tecnología respetuosa con el medio ambiente de generación de calor que reduce las emisiones de dióxido de carbono, dióxido de azufre, óxidos de nitrógeno, monóxido de carbono y partículas, evitando los residuos sólidos y los efluentes, así como la contaminación del suelo y la degradación de la tierra que acompañan la producción de energía a través de fuentes convencionales.El proyecto contribuye a resolver todos los problemas identificados de los principales interesados en el área del proyecto. Alcance de los trabajos solicitados de conformidad con el párrafo del artículo 29. El punto 15 y el artículo 30, apartado 1, letra b), de la Ley de la Construcción no requieren notificación.La inversión se llevará a cabo en bienes inmuebles con personalidad jurídica regulada. El calendario de trabajo garantizará la ejecución del proyecto en el plazo de un año. (Spanish)
    18 January 2022
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    Is éard atá sa tionscadal ná suiteáil bailitheoirí gréine agus córas maolánaithe teasa a thógáil. Glacadh le réiteach teicniúil arb é atá ann tacú le téamh an c.w.u. le cabhair ó shuiteáil gréine. Aistreoidh an gníomhaire teasa a théitear i bpainéil ghréine le fuinneamh gréine teas trí mhalartóir pláta chuig an gcóras maolánaithe teasa, ar chóir é a thógáil sa seomra atá ann cheana féin de nód teasa grúpa. Tá an córas maolánaithe deartha chun an oiread teasa a bhailiú ón ngrian agus is féidir, a aistreofar ansin chuig téitheoirí an c.w.u. Déanfar an infheistíocht ar an bhfoirgneamh ag Os.Mazurski 29 agus foirgnimh ag Os.Metalowce 5 agus 15 i ngeilleagar teasa Mr.gowo.The bunaithe ar ghléasra teasa lárnach le cumas 40.7 MW. Ullmhaítear teas ag baint úsáide as breosla soladach (muileann carbóin).Is é an fhadhb is mó atá os comhair bhaile tUasalgowo, i measc nithe eile, déine ard fuinnimh agus an modh chun foirgnimh a théamh, breoslaí soladacha den chuid is mó, go minic ar chaighdeán íseal. Cruthaíonn an cás seo feiniméan ar a dtugtar “astaíochtaí ísle” agus baineann sé go príomha le foinsí a astaíonn truailleáin trí shimléirí. Raon feidhme na hoibre a iarradh i gcomhréir le hAirteagal 29 mír. Ní cheanglaítear fógra a thabhairt i bpointe 15 agus in Airteagal 30(1)(3b) den Dlí Foirgníochta.Déanfar an infheistíocht ar eastát réadach a bhfuil stádas dlíthiúil rialáilte aige. Cinnteoidh an sceideal oibre go gcuirfear an tionscadal i bhfeidhm laistigh de bhliain amháin. (Irish)
    3 November 2022
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    Projektet består af installation af solfangere og opførelse af et varmebuffersystem. En teknisk løsning blev vedtaget, der bestod i at støtte opvarmning af c.w.u. ved hjælp af et solanlæg. Varmemidlet opvarmet i solpaneler ved hjælp af solenergi vil overføre varme gennem en pladeveksler til varmebuffersystemet, som skal bygges i det eksisterende rum i en gruppevarmeknude. Buffersystemet er udformet med henblik på at indsamle så meget varme fra solen som muligt, som derefter vil blive overført til varmeapparaterne i c.w.u. Investeringen vil blive foretaget på bygningen ved Os.Mazurski 29 og bygningerne i Os.Metalowce 5 og 15 i Mrągowo. Varmeøkonomien Mrągowa er baseret på et centralt varmeanlæg med en kapacitet på 40,7 MW. Varme fremstilles ved hjælp af fast brændsel (kulstofmølle).Det største problem, som byen Mrągowo står over for, er bl.a. høj energiintensitet og metoden til opvarmning af bygninger, hovedsagelig faste brændstoffer, ofte af lav kvalitet.Denne situation skaber et fænomen, der kaldes "lave emissioner", og hovedsagelig vedrører kilder, der udsender forurenende stoffer gennem skorstene.Collectors er en miljøvenlig teknologi til varmeproduktion, reduktion af emissioner af kuldioxid, svovldioxid, nitrogenoxider, kulilte og partikler, undgåelse af fast affald og spildevand samt jordforurening og jordforringelse, der ledsager produktionen af energi gennem konventionelle kilder.Projektet bidrager til at løse alle identificerede problemer for centrale interessenter i projektområdet. Omfanget af det arbejde, der anmodes om i henhold til artikel 29, stk. 2 Byggelovens artikel 30, stk. 1, nr. 15, og artikel 30, stk. 1, nr. 3b, kræver ikke anmeldelse.Investeringen vil blive foretaget i fast ejendom med en reguleret retlig status. Arbejdsplanen vil sikre gennemførelsen af projektet inden for et år. (Danish)
    3 November 2022
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    Proiectul constă în instalarea colectoarelor solare și construirea unui sistem de tamponare a căldurii. A fost adoptată o soluție tehnică constând în susținerea încălzirii c.w.u. cu ajutorul unei instalații solare. Agentul de încălzire încălzit în panouri solare de energie solară va transfera căldura printr-un schimbător de plăci în sistemul de tamponare a căldurii, care ar trebui să fie construit în camera existentă a unui nod de căldură de grup. Sistemul de tamponare este conceput pentru a colecta cât mai multă căldură de la soare, care va fi apoi transferată la încălzitoarele c.w.u. Investițiile vor fi efectuate asupra clădirii Os.Mazurski 29 și a clădirilor Os.Metalowce 5 și 15 din Mrągowo. Economia termică Mrągowa se bazează pe o centrală de încălzire cu o capacitate de 40,7 MW. Căldura este preparată folosind combustibil solid (moara de carbon). Principala problemă cu care se confruntă orașul Mrągowo este, printre altele, intensitatea energetică ridicată și metoda de încălzire a clădirilor, în principal combustibili solizi, adesea de calitate scăzută. Această situație creează un fenomen numit „emisii scăzute” și se referă în principal la sursele care emit poluanți prin coșuri.Collectorii sunt o tehnologie ecologică de producere a căldurii, reducând emisiile de dioxid de carbon, dioxid de sulf, oxizi de azot, monoxid de carbon și particule în suspensie, evitând deșeurile solide și efluenții, precum și poluarea solului și degradarea terenurilor care însoțesc producția de energie prin surse convenționale.Proiectul contribuie la rezolvarea tuturor problemelor identificate ale părților cheie din zona proiectului. Domeniul de aplicare al lucrărilor solicitate în conformitate cu articolul 29 alineatul. 2 punctul 15 și articolul 30 alineatul (1) punctul 3b din Legea construcțiilor nu necesită notificare. Programul de lucru va asigura implementarea proiectului în termen de 1 an. (Romanian)
    3 November 2022
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    Το έργο συνίσταται στην εγκατάσταση ηλιακών συλλεκτών και στην κατασκευή συστήματος θερμομόνωσης. Υιοθετήθηκε μια τεχνική λύση που συνίσταται στην υποστήριξη της θέρμανσης του c.w.u. με τη βοήθεια μιας ηλιακής εγκατάστασης. Ο θερμαντικός παράγοντας που θερμαίνεται στους ηλιακούς συλλέκτες από την ηλιακή ενέργεια θα μεταφέρει τη θερμότητα μέσω ενός εναλλάκτη πλάκας στο σύστημα απομόνωσης θερμότητας, το οποίο θα πρέπει να κατασκευαστεί στο υπάρχον δωμάτιο ενός κόμβου θερμότητας ομάδας. Το ρυθμιστικό σύστημα έχει σχεδιαστεί για να συλλέγει όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερη θερμότητα από τον ήλιο, η οποία στη συνέχεια θα μεταφερθεί στους θερμαντήρες του c.w.u. Η επένδυση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο κτίριο στο Os.Mazurski 29 και στα κτίρια στις Os.Metalowce 5 και 15 στο Mrągowo.Η οικονομία θερμότητας Mrągowa βασίζεται σε μια κεντρική μονάδα θέρμανσης ισχύος 40,7 MW. Το κύριο πρόβλημα που αντιμετωπίζει η πόλη Mrągowo είναι, μεταξύ άλλων, η υψηλή ενεργειακή ένταση και η μέθοδος θέρμανσης των κτιρίων, κυρίως στερεών καυσίμων, συχνά χαμηλής ποιότητας.Η κατάσταση αυτή δημιουργεί ένα φαινόμενο που ονομάζεται «χαμηλές εκπομπές» και αφορά κυρίως πηγές που εκπέμπουν ρύπους μέσω καμινάδων.Οι συλλέκτες είναι μια φιλική προς το περιβάλλον τεχνολογία παραγωγής θερμότητας, μειώνοντας τις εκπομπές διοξειδίου του άνθρακα, διοξειδίου του θείου, οξειδίων του αζώτου, μονοξειδίου του αζώτου, μονοξειδίου του άνθρακα και αιωρούμενων σωματιδίων, αποφεύγοντας τα στερεά απόβλητα και τα λύματα, καθώς και τη ρύπανση του εδάφους και την υποβάθμιση του εδάφους που συνοδεύουν την παραγωγή ενέργειας μέσω συμβατικών πηγών.Το έργο συμβάλλει στην επίλυση όλων των προβλημάτων που έχουν εντοπιστεί από τα βασικά ενδιαφερόμενα μέρη του έργου. Πεδίο των εργασιών που ζητούνται σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 29 παράγραφος Το σημείο 15 και το άρθρο 30 παράγραφος 1 σημείο 3β του κατασκευαστικού νόμου δεν απαιτούν κοινοποίηση.Η επένδυση θα πραγματοποιηθεί σε ακίνητα με ρυθμιζόμενο νομικό καθεστώς. Το χρονοδιάγραμμα εργασίας θα εξασφαλίσει την υλοποίηση του έργου εντός ενός έτους. (Greek)
    3 November 2022
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    Projektet består av installation av solfångare och konstruktion av ett värmebuffringssystem. En teknisk lösning antogs som bestod i att stödja uppvärmningen av c.w.u. med hjälp av en solinstallation. Värmemedlet som värms upp i solpaneler med solenergi kommer att överföra värme genom en plattväxlare till värmebuffertsystemet, som bör byggas i det befintliga rummet i en gruppvärmenod. Buffertsystemet är utformat för att samla så mycket värme från solen som möjligt, som sedan kommer att överföras till värmare av c.w.u. Investeringen kommer att göras på byggnaden i Os.Mazurski 29 och byggnaderna i Os.Metalowce 5 och 15 i Mrągowo.Värmekonomin Mrągowa bygger på en central värmeanläggning med en kapacitet på 40,7 MW. Värme bereds med hjälp av fast bränsle (kolbruk).Det största problemet för staden Mrągowo är bland annat hög energiintensitet och metoden för uppvärmning av byggnader, främst fasta bränslen, ofta av låg kvalitet.Denna situation skapar ett fenomen som kallas ”låga utsläpp” och främst gäller källor som avger föroreningar genom skorstenar.Collectors är en miljövänlig teknik för värmeproduktion, som minskar utsläppen av koldioxid, svaveldioxid, kväveoxider, kolmonoxid och partiklar, undviker fast avfall och avloppsvatten, samt markförorening och markförstöring som åtföljer produktionen av energi genom konventionella källor.Projektet bidrar till att lösa alla identifierade problem för viktiga intressenter i projektområdet. Omfattningen av det arbete som begärts i enlighet med artikel 29 para. 2 punkt 15 och artikel 30.1.1 b i bygglagen kräver ingen anmälan.Investeringen kommer att genomföras i fastigheter med reglerad rättslig status. Arbetsschemat kommer att säkerställa genomförandet av projektet inom ett år. (Swedish)
    3 November 2022
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    Projekt je sestavljen iz namestitve sončnih kolektorjev in gradnje toplotnega odbojnega sistema. Sprejeta je bila tehnična rešitev, ki je vključevala podporo ogrevanju c.w.u. s pomočjo sončne naprave. Grelno sredstvo, ogrevano v sončnih kolektorjih s sončno energijo, bo prenašalo toploto skozi izmenjevalnik plošč v sistem toplotnega odbojnika, ki ga je treba vgraditi v obstoječi prostor skupinskega toplotnega vozlišča. Varovalni sistem je zasnovan tako, da zbere čim več toplote iz sonca, ki se nato prenese na grelnike c.w.u. Naložbe se bodo izvajale na stavbi Os.Mazurski 29 in stavbah na Os.Metalowce 5 in 15 v Mrągowo.The toplotna ekonomija Mrągowa temelji na centralni ogrevalni napravi z zmogljivostjo 40,7 MW. Glavni problem, s katerim se sooča mesto Mrągowo, je med drugim visoka energijska intenzivnost in način ogrevanja stavb, predvsem trdnih goriv, pogosto nizke kakovosti.Ta položaj ustvarja pojav, imenovan „nizke emisije“, in se nanaša predvsem na vire, ki oddajajo onesnaževala prek dimnikov.Zbiralci so okolju prijazna tehnologija za proizvodnjo toplote, zmanjšanje emisij ogljikovega dioksida, žveplovega dioksida, dušikovih oksidov, ogljikovega monoksida in trdnih delcev, preprečevanje trdnih odpadkov in odplak ter onesnaževanje tal in degradacija tal, ki spremljajo proizvodnjo energije prek konvencionalnih virov.Projekt prispeva k reševanju vseh ugotovljenih problemov ključnih deležnikov na območju projekta. Obseg dela, zahtevanega v skladu s členom 29 odst. 2 Točka 15 in člen 30(1)(3b) gradbenega zakona ne zahtevata priglasitve.Naložba se bo izvedla na nepremičninah z zakonsko urejenim pravnim statusom. Delovni načrt bo zagotovil izvedbo projekta v roku enega leta. (Slovenian)
    3 November 2022
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    Projektą sudaro saulės kolektorių įrengimas ir šilumos buferinės sistemos statyba. Buvo priimtas techninis sprendimas, pagal kurį c.w.u. šildymas buvo palaikomas saulės įrenginio pagalba. Šilumos agentas, šildomas saulės kolektoriais saulės energija, perduos šilumą per plokštelinį keitiklį į šilumos buferinę sistemą, kuri turėtų būti pastatyta esamame grupės šilumos mazgo kambaryje. Buferinė sistema skirta surinkti kuo daugiau šilumos iš saulės, kuri vėliau bus perduota C.w.u šildytuvams. Investicijos bus vykdomos į pastatą Os.Mazurski 29 ir Os.Metalowce 5 ir 15 pastatus Mrągowo.Šilumos ekonomika Mrągowa yra pagrįsta 40,7 MW galios centrinio šildymo įrenginiu. Šiluma ruošiama naudojant kietąjį kurą (anglies malūną). Pagrindinė problema, su kuria susiduria Mrągowo miestas, be kita ko, yra didelis energijos intensyvumas ir pastatų šildymo būdas, daugiausia kietojo kuro, dažnai prastos kokybės.Ši situacija sukuria reiškinį, vadinamą „mažai išmetamų teršalų“ ir daugiausia susijęs su šaltiniais, išmetančiais teršalus per kaminus.Kolektoriai yra ekologiška šilumos gamybos technologija, mažinanti anglies dioksido, sieros dioksido, azoto oksidų, anglies monoksido ir kietųjų dalelių išmetimą, išvengiant kietųjų atliekų ir nuotekų, taip pat dirvožemio tarša ir dirvožemio degradacija, kuri lydi energijos gamybą per tradicinius šaltinius.Projektas padeda spręsti visas nustatytas pagrindinių suinteresuotų subjektų problemas projekto teritorijoje. Darbo, kurio prašoma pagal 29 straipsnio dalį, apimtis. 2 Statybos įstatymo 15 punktas ir 30 straipsnio 1 dalies 3b punktas nereikalauja pranešti.Investicijos bus vykdomos į reglamentuojamą teisinį statusą turintį nekilnojamąjį turtą. Darbo grafikas užtikrins projekto įgyvendinimą per 1 metus. (Lithuanian)
    3 November 2022
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    Projekt hõlmab päikesekollektorite paigaldamist ja soojuspuhvri süsteemi ehitamist. Võeti vastu tehniline lahendus, mis seisnes c.w.u kütte toetamises päikeseenergiaseadme abil. Päikeseenergia abil päikesepaneelides kuumutatav kütteaine kannab soojusvaheti kaudu soojusvaheti soojuspuhversüsteemi, mis peaks olema ehitatud grupi soojussõlme olemasolevasse ruumi. Puhversüsteemi eesmärk on koguda võimalikult palju soojust päikesest, mis seejärel kantakse üle c.w.u kütteseadmetesse. Investeering tehakse Os.Mazurski 29 hoonesse ja Mrągowo Os.Metalowce 5 ja 15 hoonetesse. Soojust valmistatakse tahkekütuse (süsinikuveski).Põhiprobleem ees linna Mrągowo on muu hulgas kõrge energiaintensiivsus ja meetod kütmiseks hooneid, peamiselt tahkeid kütuseid, sageli madala kvaliteediga.See olukord tekitab nähtuse, mida nimetatakse „madala heitega“ ja peamiselt puudutab allikaid saasteainete kaudu korstnad.Kollektorid on keskkonnasõbralik tehnoloogia soojuse tootmiseks, vähendades süsinikdioksiidi, vääveldioksiidi, lämmastikoksiidide, süsinikmonooksiidi ja tahkete osakeste, vältides tahkeid jäätmeid ja heitvee, samuti pinnase saastumist ja pinnase degradeerumist, mis kaasneb energia tootmise tavapärastest allikatest.Projekt aitab lahendada kõiki tuvastatud probleeme peamiste sidusrühmade projekti valdkonnas. Artikli 29 lõike 1 kohaselt taotletud töö ulatus. 2 Ehitusseaduse punkt 15 ja artikli 30 lõike 1 punkt 3b ei nõua teatamist.Investeering tehakse reguleeritud õigusliku seisundiga kinnisvarasse. Töögraafik tagab projekti elluviimise ühe aasta jooksul. (Estonian)
    3 November 2022
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    Hanke koostuu aurinkokeräimien asennuksesta ja lämpöpuskurijärjestelmän rakentamisesta. Käyttöön otettiin tekninen ratkaisu, joka koostui C.w.u:n lämmityksen tukemisesta aurinkovoimalaitoksen avulla. Aurinkopaneeleissa lämmitettävä lämmitysaine siirtää lämpöä levynvaihtimen kautta lämpöpuskurijärjestelmään, joka on rakennettava ryhmän lämpösolmun olemassa olevaan huoneeseen. Puskurointijärjestelmä on suunniteltu keräämään mahdollisimman paljon lämpöä auringosta, joka siirretään sitten c.w.u:n lämmittimiin. Investointi toteutetaan Os.Mazurski 29:n rakennukseen ja Mrągowossa sijaitsevaan Os.Metalowce 5 ja 15 -rakennukseen.lämpötalous Mrągowa perustuu keskuslämmityslaitokseen, jonka kapasiteetti on 40,7 MW. Lämpöä valmistetaan käyttämällä kiinteitä polttoaineita (hiilimylly).Pääongelmana on muun muassa korkea energiaintensiteetti ja rakennusten, pääasiassa kiinteiden polttoaineiden, lämmitysmenetelmä, joka on usein heikkolaatuinen.Tässä tilanteessa syntyy ”vähäpäästöinen” ilmiö, joka koskee pääasiassa savupiippujen kautta syntyviä epäpuhtauksia.Collektorit ovat ympäristöystävällistä lämmöntuotantoteknologiaa, jolla vähennetään hiilidioksidin, rikkidioksidin, typen oksidien, hiilimonoksidien ja hiukkasten päästöjä, vältetään kiinteitä jätteitä ja päästöjä sekä maaperän pilaantumista ja maaperän pilaantumista, jotka liittyvät energiantuotantoon tavanomaisten lähteiden kautta.Hanke edistää osaltaan kaikkien hanke-alueen keskeisten sidosryhmien tunnistettujen ongelmien ratkaisemista. 29 artiklan 2 kohdan mukaisesti pyydetyn työn laajuus. Rakennuslain 2 kohdan 15 alakohta ja 30 §:n 1 momentin 3 b kohta eivät edellytä ilmoitusta.Sijoittaminen tehdään kiinteistöihin, joilla on säännelty oikeudellinen asema. Työaikataulu varmistaa hankkeen toteutuksen vuoden kuluessa. (Finnish)
    3 November 2022
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    A projekt a napkollektorok telepítéséből és egy hőpuffer-rendszer megépítéséből áll. Műszaki megoldást fogadtak el, amely a c.w.u. fűtésének támogatását jelentette egy napelemes berendezés segítségével. A napelemekben napenergiával fűtött fűtőanyag egy lemezcserélőn keresztül továbbítja a hőt a hőpuffer-rendszerbe, amelyet a csoport hőcsomópontjának meglévő helyiségében kell felépíteni. A pufferrendszert úgy tervezték, hogy minél több hőt gyűjtsön a napból, amelyet aztán átvisznek a c.w.u fűtőberendezéseire. A beruházás az Os.Mazurski 29 épületen és az Os.Metalowce 5 és 15 épületen Mrągowoban történik.A hőgazdaság Mrągowa egy 40,7 MW kapacitású központi fűtőberendezésen alapul. Hő készül szilárd tüzelőanyaggal (szénüzem).A fő probléma, amellyel a város Mrągowo, többek között a magas energiaintenzitás és a módszer a fűtés épületek, főleg szilárd tüzelőanyagok, gyakran alacsony minőségű.Ez a helyzet egy jelenséget úgynevezett „alacsony kibocsátás” és elsősorban a forrásokat kibocsátó szennyező anyagok kéményeken keresztül.Gyűjtők környezetbarát technológia hőtermelés, csökkenti a szén-dioxid-kibocsátás, kén-dioxid, nitrogén-oxidok, szén-monoxid és por, elkerülve a szilárd hulladék és a szennyvíz, valamint a talajszennyezés és a talajromlás, amely kíséri az energiatermelés hagyományos forrásokból.A projekt hozzájárul az összes azonosított problémák a projekt területén. A 29. cikk (1) bekezdésének megfelelően kért munka terjedelme. 2 Az építési törvény 15. pontja és 30. §-a (1) bekezdésének 3b) pontja nem követeli meg a bejelentést. A beruházás szabályozott jogállású ingatlanon valósul meg. A munkaterv biztosítja a projekt 1 éven belüli végrehajtását. (Hungarian)
    3 November 2022
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    Projekt pozostáva z inštalácie solárnych kolektorov a výstavby systému tlmenia tepla. Bolo prijaté technické riešenie spočívajúce v podpore vykurovania c.w.u. pomocou solárnej inštalácie. Vykurovacie činidlo vyhrievané v solárnych paneloch solárnou energiou prenesie teplo cez doskový výmenník do tepelného vyrovnávacieho systému, ktorý by mal byť postavený v existujúcej miestnosti skupinového tepelného uzla. Nárazníkový systém je určený na zber čo najväčšieho množstva tepla zo slnka, ktoré sa potom prenesie do ohrievačov c.w.u. Investície sa uskutočnia do budovy v Os.Mazurski 29 a budov na Os.Metalowce 5 a 15 v Mrągowo.Tepelná ekonomika Mrągowa je založená na zariadení ústredného kúrenia s kapacitou 40,7 MW. Teplo sa pripravuje pomocou tuhého paliva (uhlíkový mlyn).Hlavným problémom mesta Mrągowo je okrem iného vysoká energetická náročnosť a spôsob vykurovania budov, najmä tuhých palív, často nízkej kvality.Táto situácia vytvára fenomén nazývaný „nízke emisie“ a týka sa najmä zdrojov emitujúcich znečisťujúce látky prostredníctvom komínov.Collectors sú ekologickou technológiou výroby tepla, znižovania emisií oxidu uhličitého, oxidu siričitého, oxidov dusíka, oxidu uhoľnatého a tuhých častíc, zamedzenia tuhého odpadu a odpadov, ako aj znečistenia pôdy a degradácie pôdy, ktoré sprevádzajú výrobu energie prostredníctvom konvenčných zdrojov. Projekt prispieva k riešeniu všetkých identifikovaných problémov kľúčových zainteresovaných strán v oblasti projektu. Rozsah prác požadovaných v súlade s článkom 29 ods. 2 bod 15 a článok 30 ods. 1 bod 3b zákona o výstavbe nevyžadujú oznámenie. Investície sa uskutočnia do nehnuteľností s regulovaným právnym postavením. Harmonogram práce zabezpečí realizáciu projektu do jedného roka. (Slovak)
    3 November 2022
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    Проектът се състои в инсталирането на слънчеви колектори и изграждането на топло буферна система. Прието е техническо решение, състоящо се в подпомагане на отоплението на C.w.u. с помощта на слънчева инсталация. Нагревателният агент, който се нагрява в слънчеви панели със слънчева енергия, ще прехвърли топлината през пластинен обменник към системата за буфериране на топлината, която трябва да бъде изградена в съществуващата стая на групов топлинен възел. Буферната система е проектирана да събира възможно най-много топлина от слънцето, което след това ще бъде прехвърлено към нагревателите на Ц.В. Инвестицията ще бъде извършена в сградата на Os.Mazurski 29 и сгради в Os.Metalowce 5 и 15 в Mrągowo.The топлоенергия Mrągowa се основава на централна отоплителна инсталация с мощност 40,7 MW. Топлината се приготвя с помощта на твърдо гориво (въглеродна мелница).Основният проблем, пред който е изправен град Mrągowo, е, наред с другото, висока енергийна интензивност и метода на отопление на сгради, главно твърди горива, често с ниско качество.Тази ситуация създава явление, наречено „ниски емисии“ и се отнася главно до източници, отделящи замърсители чрез комини.Колекторите са екологосъобразна технология за генериране на топлина, намаляваща емисиите на въглероден диоксид, серен диоксид, азотни оксиди, въглероден оксид и прахови частици, избягване на твърди отпадъци и отпадъчни води, както и замърсяване на почвата и деградация на земята, които съпътстват производството на енергия чрез конвенционални източници.Проектът допринася за решаването на всички установени проблеми на ключови заинтересовани страни в областта на проекта. Обхват на работата, поискана в съответствие с член 29, параграф. 2 т. 15 и чл. 30, ал. 1, т. 3б от Закона за строителството не изискват уведомяване.Инвестицията ще се извършва върху недвижим имот с регулиран правен статут. Работният график ще гарантира изпълнението на проекта в рамките на 1 година. (Bulgarian)
    3 November 2022
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    Projekts ietver saules kolektoru uzstādīšanu un siltuma bufersistēmas būvniecību. Tika pieņemts tehnisks risinājums, kas paredz atbalstīt c.w.u. apkuri ar saules iekārtas palīdzību. Siltumģenerators, kas uzsildīts saules paneļos ar saules enerģiju, nodod siltumu caur plākšņu apmaiņu uz siltuma bufersistēmu, kas jāuzbūvē esošajā grupas siltuma mezgla telpā. Bufersistēma ir paredzēta, lai savāktu pēc iespējas vairāk siltuma no saules, kas pēc tam tiks nodots c.w.u sildītājiem. Ieguldījums tiks veikts ēkā Os.Mazurski 29 un ēkās Os.Metalowce 5 un 15 Mrągowo. Siltuma ekonomika Mrągowa ir balstīta uz centrālapkures iekārtu ar jaudu 40,7 MW. Siltums tiek gatavots, izmantojot cieto kurināmo (oglekļa dzirnavas).Galvenā problēma, ar ko saskaras pilsētas Mrągowo, ir, cita starpā, augsta energointensitāte un ēku apkures metode, galvenokārt cietais kurināmais, bieži vien zemas kvalitātes.Šī situācija rada parādību, ko sauc par “zemām emisijām”, un galvenokārt attiecas uz avotiem, kas piesārņo piesārņojošas vielas caur skursteņiem.Collectors ir videi draudzīga siltuma ražošanas tehnoloģija, samazinot oglekļa dioksīda, sēra dioksīda, slāpekļa oksīdu, oglekļa monoksīda un cieto daļiņu emisijas, izvairoties no cietajiem atkritumiem un notekūdeņiem, kā arī augsnes piesārņojumu un zemes degradāciju, kas papildina enerģijas ražošanu, izmantojot konvencionālos avotus.Projekts palīdz atrisināt visas galvenās ieinteresēto personu konstatētās problēmas projekta teritorijā. Darba apjoms, kas pieprasīts saskaņā ar 29. panta 1. punktu. Būvniecības likuma 2.panta 15.punktā un 30.panta pirmās daļas 3.b punktā nav paredzēts paziņojums. Darba grafiks nodrošinās projekta īstenošanu 1 gada laikā. (Latvian)
    3 November 2022
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    Projekt se skládá z instalace solárních kolektorů a výstavby tepelného vyrovnávacího systému. Bylo přijato technické řešení spočívající v podpoře ohřevu c.w.u. pomocí solárního zařízení. Topné těleso vytápěné v solárních panelech solární energií přenáší teplo přes deskový výměník do tepelného vyrovnávacího systému, který by měl být postaven ve stávající místnosti skupinového tepelného uzlu. Vyrovnávací systém je navržen tak, aby nashromáždil co nejvíce tepla ze slunce, které pak bude převedeno na ohřívače c.w.u. Investice bude provedena do budovy Os.Mazurski 29 a budov v Os.Metalowce 5 a 15 v Mrągowo. Teplotní hospodářství Mrągowa je založeno na ústřední teplárně o výkonu 40,7 MW. Hlavním problémem, kterému město Mrągowo čelí, je mimo jiné vysoká energetická náročnost a způsob vytápění budov, zejména tuhých paliv, často nízké kvality.Tato situace vytváří jev zvaný „nízké emise“ a týká se především zdrojů emitujících znečišťující látky prostřednictvím komínů.Sběrače jsou ekologicky šetrnou technologií výroby tepla, snižování emisí oxidu uhličitého, oxidu siřičitého, oxidů dusíku, oxidu uhelnatého a pevných částic, zamezení vzniku pevných odpadů a odpadních vod, jakož i znečištění půdy a degradace půdy, které doprovází výrobu energie prostřednictvím konvenčních zdrojů.Projekt přispívá k řešení všech zjištěných problémů klíčových zúčastněných stran v oblasti projektu. Rozsah práce požadované v souladu s čl. 29 odst. 2 bod 15 a čl. 30 odst. 1 bod 3b stavebního zákona nevyžadují oznámení. Investice se uskuteční do nemovitostí s regulovaným právním postavením. Plán práce zajistí realizaci projektu do 1 roku. (Czech)
    3 November 2022
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    Il-proġett jikkonsisti fl-installazzjoni ta’ kolletturi solari u l-kostruzzjoni ta’ sistema ta’ lqugħ tas-sħana. Ġiet adottata soluzzjoni teknika li tikkonsisti fl-appoġġ tat-tisħin ta’ c.w.u. bl-għajnuna ta’ installazzjoni solari. L-aġent tat-tisħin imsaħħan fil-pannelli solari bl-enerġija solari se jittrasferixxi s-sħana permezz ta ‘skambjatur tal-pjanċa għas-sistema ta’ buffering tas-sħana, li għandha tinbena fil-kamra eżistenti ta ‘nodu tas-sħana grupp. Is-sistema tal-buffering hija maħsuba biex tiġbor kemm jista’ jkun sħana mix-xemx, li mbagħad tiġi ttrasferita lill-ħiters taċ-c.w.u. L-investiment se jsir fil-bini f’Os.Mazurski 29 u fil-bini f’Os.Metalowce 5 u 15 f’Surągowo.L-ekonomija tas-sħana Mrągowa hija bbażata fuq impjant ta’ tisħin ċentrali b’kapaċità ta’ 40.7 MW. Is-sħana titħejja bl-użu ta’ fjuwil solidu (mitħna tal-karbonju). Din is-sitwazzjoni toħloq fenomenu msejjaħ “emissjonijiet baxxi” u tikkonċerna prinċipalment sorsi li jarmu sustanzi niġġiesa permezz taċ-ċmieni.Il-kollegi huma teknoloġija ta’ ġenerazzjoni tas-sħana li ma tagħmilx ħsara lill-ambjent, li jnaqqsu l-emissjonijiet tad-diossidu tal-karbonju, id-diossidu tal-kubrit, l-ossidi tan-nitroġenu, il-monossidu tal-karbonju u l-materja partikulata, jevitaw skart solidu u effluwenti, kif ukoll it-tniġġis tal-ħamrija u d-degradazzjoni tal-art li jakkumpanjaw il-produzzjoni tal-enerġija permezz ta’ sorsi konvenzjonali. Kamp ta’ applikazzjoni tax-xogħol mitlub skont l-Artikolu 29 para. 2 il-punt 15 u l-Artikolu 30(1)(3b) tal-Liġi dwar il-Kostruzzjoni ma jeħtiġux notifika. L-investiment se jitwettaq fuq proprjetà immobbli bi status legali regolat. L-iskeda tax-xogħol se tiżgura l-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett fi żmien sena. (Maltese)
    3 November 2022
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    O projeto consiste na instalação de coletores solares e na construção de um sistema de tampão térmico. Uma solução técnica foi adotada consistindo em apoiar o aquecimento do c.w.u. com a ajuda de uma instalação solar. O agente de aquecimento aquecido em painéis solares por energia solar transferirá calor através de um trocador de placas para o sistema de buffer de calor, que deve ser construído na sala existente de um nó de calor de grupo. O sistema tampão destina-se a recolher o máximo de calor possível do sol, que será depois transferido para os aquecedores do c.w.u. O investimento será realizado no edifício de Os.Mazurski 29 e nos edifícios de Os.Metalowce 5 e 15 em Mrągowo.A economia de calor Mrągowa baseia-se numa central de aquecimento com uma capacidade de 40,7 MW. O principal problema enfrentado pela cidade de Mrągowo é, entre outros, a alta intensidade energética e o método de aquecimento de edifícios, principalmente combustíveis sólidos, muitas vezes de baixa qualidade.Esta situação cria um fenômeno chamado «baixas emissões» e diz respeito principalmente a fontes que emitem poluentes através de chaminés.Os coletores são uma tecnologia ecológica de geração de calor, reduzindo as emissões de dióxido de carbono, dióxido de enxofre, óxidos de nitrogênio, monóxido de carbono e partículas, evitando resíduos sólidos e efluentes, bem como poluição do solo e degradação do solo que acompanham a produção de energia através de fontes convencionais.O projeto contribui para resolver todos os problemas identificados das principais partes interessadas na área do projeto. Âmbito do trabalho solicitado em conformidade com o artigo 29.º, n.º 2 ponto 15 e artigo 30.º, n.º 1, ponto 3-B, da Lei da Construção não exigem notificação. O investimento será realizado em imóveis com estatuto jurídico regulamentado. O calendário de trabalho assegurará a execução do projeto no prazo de um ano. (Portuguese)
    3 November 2022
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    Projekt se sastoji od ugradnje solarnih kolektora i izgradnje toplinskog puferskog sustava. Usvojeno je tehničko rješenje koje se sastoji od podupiranja grijanja c.w.u. uz pomoć solarne instalacije. Sredstvo za grijanje grijano u solarnim panelima solarnom energijom prenosit će toplinu kroz izmjenjivač ploča u sustav za puferiranje topline, koji bi trebao biti izgrađen u postojećoj prostoriji grupnog toplinskog čvora. Puferski sustav osmišljen je za prikupljanje što više topline od sunca, koji će se zatim prenijeti na grijače c.w.u. Ulaganje će se provesti u zgradi Os.Mazurski 29 i zgradama u Os.Metalowce 5 i 15 u Mrągowou.Ekonomija topline Mrągowa temelji se na centralnom grijalištu kapaciteta 40,7 MW. Toplina se priprema na kruto gorivo (ugljični mlin).Glavni problem s kojim se suočava grad Mrągowo je, među ostalim, visok energetski intenzitet i način grijanja zgrada, uglavnom krutih goriva, često niske kvalitete.Ova situacija stvara fenomen koji se zove „niske emisije” i uglavnom se odnosi na izvore koji ispuštaju onečišćujuće tvari kroz dimnjake.Kolektori su ekološki prihvatljiva tehnologija proizvodnje topline, smanjujući emisije ugljičnog dioksida, sumpornog dioksida, dušikovih oksida, ugljikovog monoksida i čestica, izbjegavajući kruti otpad i otpad, kao i onečišćenje tla i degradaciju tla koji prate proizvodnju energije kroz konvencionalne izvore.Projekt pridonosi rješavanju svih utvrđenih problema ključnih dionika u području projekta. Opseg posla zatražen u skladu s člankom 29. stavkom 2. 2. Točka 15. i članak 30. stavak 1. točka 3.b Zakona o gradnji ne zahtijevaju obavijest.Ulaganje će se provesti na nekretnini s reguliranim pravnim statusom. Rasporedom rada osigurat će se provedba projekta u roku od jedne godine. (Croatian)
    3 November 2022
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