Computerisation, internationalisation, PRACTY – pillars of the Integrated University Program at the University of Wrocław (Q93343): Difference between revisions
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Revision as of 23:20, 27 October 2022
Project Q93343 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Computerisation, internationalisation, PRACTY – pillars of the Integrated University Program at the University of Wrocław |
Project Q93343 in Poland |
12,982,247.09 zloty
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1 July 2018
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30 June 2022
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Słowniczek A-Z:BA-Business Administration CUDZ-cudzoziemcyDYD-pracownik naukowo-dydaktycznyFIR-kierunek Finanse i RachunkowośćINF-kierunek InformatykaINŻ- kierunek Inżynieria zarządzania na WEKD-kryterium dostępu z Regulaminu konkursu LOG-kierunek Logistyka inżynierska NKK-Najwyższa Kadra Kierownicza WSBSOTS-System obsługi toku studiów ST-student/kaSZ-szkoleniaWE-Wydział Ekonomiczny w OpoluWFiZ-Wydział Finansów i Zarządzania we WrocławiuWSB-Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we WrocławiuZARZ- kierunek ZarządzanieZPU-Zintegrowany Program Uczelni WSB we WrocławiuWzrost dostosowania procesów dydaktycznych i zarządczych WSB we Wrocławiu(WFiZ i WE) do zmieniających się warunków społeczno-gospodarczych i oczekiwań studentów, pracodawców i pracowników Uczelni poprzez wdrożenie w okresie 01.07.2018-30.06.2022 Zintegrowanego Programu Uczelni opartego na 3 filarach: INFORMATYZACJA, UMIĘDZYNARODOWIENIE, PRAKTYCZNOŚĆ.Główne rezultaty i produkty to:wdrożony kompleksowy Zintegrowany Program Uczelni4zmodernizowane programy kształcenia dostosowane do potrzeb społeczno-gospodarczych482 ST INF, LOG, INŻ, BA, u których wzrosły kompetencje145ST LOG, którzy uczestniczyli w praktycznych stażach32 DYD, u których wzrosły kompetencje dydaktyczne (informatyczne i językowe)85 os. kadry ADM i ZARZ, u których wzrosły kompetencje zarządcze2 wdrożone zarządcze systemy informatyczne74 kontenty e-learningowe w ramach OZEGrupa docelowa: 1130 ST (INF, LOG, INŻ, BA),32 DYD (INF, LOG, INŻ, BA), 88os. kadry ADM i ZARZ WSB.Główne zadania to:dostosowanie do potrzeb społeczno-gospodarczych, w tym umiędzynarodowienie i realizacja kształcenia na INF, LOG, INŻ, BAorganizacja wysokiej jakości efektywnych 145 staży krajowychinformatyzacja procesów zarządczych WSBSZ dla DYD i kadry ADM i ZARZtworzenie OZE. W projekcie nie są finansowane działania, które są przedmiotem wsparcia w ramach Osi priorytetowej V PO WER -KD29. (Polish)
0 references
The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: implemented comprehensive Integrated School Programme4 Modernised education programmes adapted to socio-economic needs482 ST INF, LOG, INŻ, BA, in which competences145ST LOG have increased, who participated in practical traineeships32 DYD, where teaching competences (informative and linguistic)85 have increased the competences of the ADM staff and staff. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, INŻ, BA), 32 DYD (INF, LOG, INŻ, BA), 88 people ADM staff and WSB management.The main tasks are: adaptation to socio-economic needs, including internationalisation and implementation of education in INF, LOG, INŻ, BA, BA organisation of high-quality effective 145 national traineeshipsInformatisation of management processes WSBSZ for DYD and ODMZE. The project does not finance actions supported under priority axis V OP WER -KD29. (English)
15 October 2020
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Glossaire A-Z:BA-Business Administration des étrangersDYD-enseignement scientifique FIR-direction Finance et comptabilitéINF-direction InformatykaIN ingénierie de gestion sur WEKD-critère d’accès du règlement du concours LOG-direction de l’ingénierie logistique NKK-le plus haut management personnel WSBSOTS-Système de traitement des études ST-étudiant/cash-Formation-Département économique de l’OpoleWFiZ-Département financier et gestion à WrocławWSB-Higher Banking School in WrocławZARZ — Management of ZPU-Integrated Programme of the Wrocław Informatisation, internationalisation, PRACTICATION. Principaux résultats et extrants to:wdrożony Compléter Programmes universitaires intégrés4programmes d’éducation modernisés adaptés aux besoins socio-économiques482 ST INF, LOG, IN', BA, qui ont augmenté les compétences145ST LOG, qui ont participé à des stages pratiques32 enseignements, où l’enseignement (informatique et langue) a augmenté 85 membres du personnel des ADM et des compétences de gestion, ce qui a augmenté les compétences de gestion2 ont mis en œuvre des systèmes de gestion74 concepts d’apprentissage en ligne dans le cadre du groupe cible Reseg: 1130 ST (INF, LOG, IN″, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, IN″, BA), 88e personnel du SMA et conseil d’administration du WSB. Principales tâches to:dostosowanie pour les besoins socio-économiques, y compris l’internationalisation et la mise en œuvre de l’éducation sur INF, LOG, IN', BA organisation de 145 stages nationaux efficaces d’informatisation des processus de gestion WSBSZ pour le personnel ADM et ADM et la création de RES. Le projet ne finance pas les actions soutenues au titre de l’axe prioritaire V PO KED29. (French)
30 November 2021
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Glossary A-Z:BA-Business Verwaltung von AusländernDYD-Wissenschaftliche Ausbildung FIR-Direktion Finanzen und RechnungswesenINF-Direktion InformatykaINŻ-Direktion Management Engineering auf WEKD-Zugriffskriterium aus dem Gesetz des LOG Wettbewerbs-Direktion Engineering Logistik NKK-Highest Management Mitarbeiter WSBSOTS-System des Umgangs mit Studien ST-Studenten/cashtraining-Economic Department in OpoleWFiZ-Department Finance and Management in WrocławWSB-Higher Banking School in WrocławZARZ – Management der ZPU-Integriertes Programm der Universität Warschau. Computerisierung, Internationalisierung, PRACTICATION.Hauptergebnisse und Ergebnisse to:wdrożony umfassendes Integriertes Hochschulprogramm4modernisierte Bildungsprogramme, die auf sozioökonomische Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind482 ST INF, LOG, INŻ, BA, die über erhöhte Kompetenzen verfügen145ST LOG, die an praktischen Praktika32 Lehren teilgenommen haben, wo Unterricht (IT und Sprache) 85 ADM-Mitarbeiter und Management-Fähigkeiten, die über erhöhte Managementfähigkeiten verfügen2 implementiert Managementsysteme74 E-Learning Konzepte im Rahmen der Reseg Target Group: 1130 ST (INF, LOG, INŻ, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, INŻ, BA), 88. ADM-Mitarbeiter und WSB-Verwaltungsrat.Hauptaufgaben to:dostosowanie für sozioökonomische Bedürfnisse, einschließlich Internationalisierung und Umsetzung von Bildung auf INF, LOG, INŻ, BA Organisation von qualitativ hochwertigen effektiven 145 nationalen Praktikainformatisierung der WSBSZ Managementprozesse für ADM- und ADM-Mitarbeiter und RES-Erstellung. Das Projekt finanziert keine Maßnahmen, die im Rahmen der Prioritätsachse V OP KED29 unterstützt werden. (German)
7 December 2021
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Woordenlijst A-Z:BA-Business Administratie van buitenlandersDYD-wetenschappelijk-onderwijs FIR-richting Financiën en AccountingINF-direction InformatykaIN-direction Management engineering op WEKD-toegangscriterium uit het reglement van de LOG competitie-direction Engineering logistiek NKK-Highest Management Personeel WSBSOTS-Systeem van de behandeling van studies ST-student/cash-training-Economische afdeling OpoleWFiZ-Department finance and Management in WrocławWSB-Higher Banking School in WrocławZARZ — Beheer van ZPU-geïntegreerd programma van de Universiteit van Warschau in WrocławVerhoog de aanpassing van de onderwijs- en managementprocessen van de WSB in Wrocław (WFiZ en EC) aan veranderende sociaal-economische omstandigheden en verwachtingen van studenten, werkgevers en werknemers van de universiteit door de implementatie in de periode 01.07.2018-30.06.2022 van het geïntegreerde universitaire programma op basis van 3 pijlers: Informatica, internationalisering, PRACTICATIE.Belangrijkste resultaten en outputs to:wdrożony omvattende geïntegreerde universitaire programma’s4moderne onderwijsprogramma’s die zijn toegesneden op sociaal-economische behoeften482 ST INF, LOG, INȘ, BA, die hun competenties hebben vergroot145ST LOG, die hebben deelgenomen aan praktische stages32 onderwijs, waar het onderwijs (IT en taal) 85 ADM-personeels- en managementvaardigheden heeft vergroot, die meer managementvaardigheden hebben2 geïmplementeerd managementsystemen74 e-learning concepten in het kader van de Reseg Target Group: 1130 ST (INF, LOG, INȘ, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, INȘ, BA), 88e ADM-medewerkers en WSB-bestuursraad.Belangrijkste taken to:dostosowanie voor sociaaleconomische behoeften, waaronder internationalisering en implementatie van onderwijs op INF, LOG, INȘ, BAorganisatie van hoogwaardige effectieve 145 nationale stagesinformatisering van WSBSZ-managementprocessen voor ADM- en ADM-personeel en het creëren van RES. Het project financiert geen acties die worden ondersteund in het kader van prioritaire as V OP KED29. (Dutch)
16 December 2021
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Glossario A-Z:BA-Business Amministrazione degli stranieriDYD-scientifico-istruzione FIR-direzione Finanza e ContabilitàINF-direzione InformatykaIN-direzione Ingegneria gestionale sul criterio di accesso WEKD dal regolamento del LOG Concorrenza-direzione Logistica di ingegneria NKK-Alto personale di gestione WSBSOTS-Sistema di gestione degli studi ST-studente/cassa-formazione-Economic Department in OpoleWFiZ-Dipartimento finanza e gestione in WrocławWSB-Higher scuola bancaria di WrocławZARZ — Gestione del programma integrato ZPU dell'Università di Varsavia a WrocławIncrementare l'adattamento dei processi di insegnamento e gestione della WSB di Wrocław (WFiZ e CE) all'evoluzione delle condizioni socioeconomiche e delle aspettative degli studenti, dei datori di lavoro e dei dipendenti dell'Università attraverso l'attuazione nel periodo 01.07.2018-30.06.2022 del programma universitario integrato basato su 3 pilastri: Computerizzazione, internazionalizzazione, PRACTICATION.Main results and outputs to:wdrożony Completo Programma Universitario Integrato4Programmi educativi modernizzati su misura per le esigenze socioeconomiche482 ST INF, LOG, INŻ, BA, che hanno aumentato le competenze145ST LOG, che hanno partecipato a stage pratici32 insegnamenti, dove l'insegnamento (IT e lingua) ha aumentato 85 ADM personale e capacità di gestione, che hanno aumentato le competenze gestionali2 sistemi di gestione implementati74 concetti di e-learning nel quadro del Reseg Target Group: 1130 ST (INF, LOG, INŻ, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, INŻ, BA), 88º personale dell'ADM e consiglio di amministrazione del WSB.Compiti principali to:dostosowanie per le esigenze socioeconomiche, compresa l'internazionalizzazione e l'attuazione dell'istruzione su INF, LOG, INŻ, BAorganizzazione di 145 stage nazionali di alta qualitàinformatizzazione dei processi di gestione WSBSZ per il personale di ADM e ADM e creazione di RES. Il progetto non finanzia azioni finanziate nell'ambito dell'asse prioritario V PO KED29. (Italian)
16 January 2022
0 references
Glossary A-Z:BA-Business Administración de extranjerosDYD-cientific-educación FIR-dirección Finanzas y ContabilidadINF-dirección InformatykaIN-dirección Ingeniería de gestión sobre el criterio de acceso a WEKD del Reglamento de la LOG competencia-dirección Logística de ingeniería NKK-Más alto personal de gestión WSBSOTS-Sistema de manejo de estudios ST-estudiante/cajero-formación-Departamento de Finanzas y Gestión en WrocławWSB-Higher escuela Bancaria en WrocławZARZ — Gestión del programa integrado ZPU de la Universidad de Varsovia en WrocławIncrementar la adaptación de los procesos de enseñanza y gestión del WSB en Wrocław (WFiZ y CE) a la evolución de las condiciones socioeconómicas y las expectativas de los estudiantes, empleadores y empleados de la Universidad a través de la aplicación en el período 01.07.2018-30.06.2022 del Programa Universitario Integrado basado en tres pilares: Informática, internacionalización, PRACTICACIÓN. Principales resultados: Programa Universitario Integrado Integral4programas educativos modernizados adaptados a las necesidades socioeconómicas482 ST INF, LOG, INδ, BA, que han aumentado las competencias145ST LOG, que participaron en pasantías prácticas32 enseñanzas, donde la enseñanza (TI e idioma) aumentó 85 personal de ADM y habilidades de gestión, que han aumentado las habilidades de gestión2 implementando sistemas de gestión74 conceptos de aprendizaje electrónico en el marco del Grupo Destinado Reseg: 1130 ST (INF, LOG, INδ, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, INδ, BA), 88.º personal de ADM y Consejo de Administración del WSB. Principales tareas to:dostosowanie para las necesidades socioeconómicas, incluida la internacionalización y la implementación de la educación en INF, LOG, INδ, BAorganización de 145 pasantías nacionales de alta calidad sinformatización de los procesos de gestión de WSBSZ para el personal de ADM y ADM y creación de RES. El proyecto no financia acciones subvencionadas en el marco del eje prioritario V PO KED29. (Spanish)
19 January 2022
0 references
The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: rakendatud terviklik integreeritud koolide programm4 moderniseeritud haridusprogrammid, mis on kohandatud sotsiaal-majanduslikele vajadustele482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, milles on suurenenud pädevus 145ST LOG, kes osalesid praktilises praktikas32 dyd, kus õpetamisoskused (informatiivsed ja keelelised)85 on suurendanud ADM-i töötajate ja töötajate pädevust. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ„, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ“, BA), 88 inimest ADM töötajad ja WSB juhtkond.Peamised ülesanded on: kohanemine sotsiaal-majanduslike vajadustega, sealhulgas hariduse rahvusvahelistumine ja rakendamine INFis, LOGis, Ahvenamaal", BA, BA, BA kõrgekvaliteedilise tõhusa 145 riikliku praktika korraldamineInformatisation of management processes WSBSZ for dyd and ODMZE. Projektist ei rahastata prioriteetse V suuna rakenduskava WER -KD29 raames toetatavaid meetmeid. (Estonian)
13 August 2022
0 references
The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: įgyvendinta kompleksinė integruota mokyklos programa4 Modernizuotos švietimo programos, pritaikytos socialiniams ir ekonominiams poreikiams482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, kurioje padidėjo gebėjimai145ST LOG, kurie dalyvavo praktinėse stažuotėse32 dyd, kur mokymo gebėjimai (informaciniai ir kalbiniai)85 padidino ADM darbuotojų ir darbuotojų kompetenciją. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ„, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ“, BA), 88 žmonės ADM darbuotojai ir WSB vadovybė. Pagrindinės užduotys yra: prisitaikymas prie socialinių ir ekonominių poreikių, įskaitant internacionalizavimą ir švietimo įgyvendinimą INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, BA organizavimas aukštos kokybės efektyvių 145 nacionalinių stažuočiųInformatizavimas valdymo procesų WSBSZ dyd ir ODMZE. Pagal projektą nefinansuojami veiksmai, remiami pagal V VP WER 29 prioritetinę kryptį. (Lithuanian)
13 August 2022
0 references
The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: proveden sveobuhvatni integrirani školski program4 Modernizirani obrazovni programi prilagođeni društveno-gospodarskim potrebama482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, u kojem su se kompetencije145ST LOG povećale, koji su sudjelovali u praktičnom stažiranju32 dyd, gdje su kompetencije (informativne i jezične)85 povećale kompetencije osoblja i osoblja ADM-a. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ„, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ”, BA), 88 osoba ADM osoblje i WSB management.Glavne zadaće su: prilagodba društveno-gospodarskim potrebama, uključujući internacionalizaciju i provedbu obrazovanja u INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, organizacija visokokvalitetnih učinkovitih 145 nacionalnih pripravništavaInformatizacija procesa upravljanja WSBSZ za dyd i ODMZE. Projektom se ne financiraju mjere koje se podupiru u okviru prioritetne osi V OP WER – KD29. (Croatian)
13 August 2022
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The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: υλοποίησε ολοκληρωμένο ολοκληρωμένο σχολικό πρόγραμμα4 Εκσυγχρονισμένα εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα προσαρμοσμένα στις κοινωνικοοικονομικές ανάγκες482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, στο οποίο οι ικανότητες145ST LOG έχουν αυξηθεί, οι οποίοι συμμετείχαν σε πρακτική πρακτική άσκηση32 dyd, όπου οι διδακτικές ικανότητες (πληροφοριακές και γλωσσικές)85 έχουν αυξήσει τις ικανότητες του προσωπικού και του προσωπικού της ADM. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ«, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ», BA), 88 άτομα προσωπικό ADM και διαχείριση WSB.Τα κύρια καθήκοντα είναι: προσαρμογή στις κοινωνικοοικονομικές ανάγκες, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της διεθνοποίησης και της εφαρμογής της εκπαίδευσης στο INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, οργάνωση υψηλής ποιότητας αποτελεσματικών 145 εθνικών περιόδων πρακτικής άσκησηςΙnformatization of management processes WSBSZ for dyd and ODMZE. Το έργο δεν χρηματοδοτεί δράσεις που υποστηρίζονται στο πλαίσιο του άξονα προτεραιότητας V ΕΠ WER — KD29. (Greek)
13 August 2022
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The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: realizovaný komplexný integrovaný školský program4 Modernizované vzdelávacie programy prispôsobené sociálno-ekonomickým potrebám482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, v ktorých sa zvýšili kompetencie145ST LOG, ktorí sa zúčastnili na praktických stážach32 dyd, kde vyučovacie schopnosti (informatívne a jazykové)85 zvýšili kompetencie zamestnancov a zamestnancov ADM. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ„, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ“, BA), 88 zamestnancov ADM a riadenie WSB.Hlavnými úlohami sú: prispôsobenie sociálno-ekonomickým potrebám vrátane internacionalizácie a realizácie vzdelávania v INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, BA organizácie kvalitných efektívnych 145 národných stážíInformatizácia riadiacich procesov WSBSZ pre dyd a ODMZE. Z projektu sa nefinancujú akcie podporované v rámci prioritnej osi V OP WER -KD29. (Slovak)
13 August 2022
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The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: toteutti kokonaisvaltaisen integroidun kouluohjelman4 Uudistetut koulutusohjelmat, jotka on mukautettu sosioekonomisiin tarpeisiin482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ, BA, jossa osaaminen145ST LOG on lisääntynyt, jotka osallistuivat käytännön harjoitteluun32 dyd, jossa opetustaidot (tieto- ja kielitaito)85 ovat lisänneet ADM:n henkilöstön ja henkilöstön osaamista. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ”, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ”, BA), 88 henkilöä ADM:n henkilöstö ja WSB:n johto. Päätehtävät ovat: sopeutuminen sosioekonomisiin tarpeisiin, mukaan lukien koulutuksen kansainvälistyminen ja toteuttaminen INF:ssä, LOG:ssa, Å:ssä, BA:ssa, BA:ssa, BA:n järjestämässä laadukkaassa ja vaikuttavassa 145 kansallisessa harjoittelujaksossaTietoja hallintoprosessien WSBSZ: stä värjäämisen ja ODMZE:n osalta. Hankkeella ei rahoiteta toimintalinjasta V WER-KD29 tuettuja toimia. (Finnish)
13 August 2022
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The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: végrehajtott átfogó integrált iskolai program4 Modernizált oktatási programok társadalmi-gazdasági igényeknek megfelelően482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, amelyben nőttek a kompetenciák145ST LOG, akik részt vettek a gyakorlati szakmai gyakorlatokban32 dyd, ahol az oktatási kompetenciák (informatív és nyelvi)85 növelték az ADM személyzetének és személyzetének kompetenciáit. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ„, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ”, BA), 88 fő ADM személyzet és WSB menedzsment.A fő feladatok a következők: alkalmazkodás a társadalmi-gazdasági igényekhez, beleértve az INF, LOG, inÅ, BA nemzetközivé válását és az oktatás megvalósítását, BA, magas színvonalú, hatékony 145 nemzeti szakmai gyakorlat szervezéseA WSBSZ irányítási folyamatok informatizálása a dyd és az ODMZE számára. A projekt nem finanszíroz az V. prioritási tengely (OP OP WER -KD29) keretében támogatott tevékenységeket. (Hungarian)
13 August 2022
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The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: realizované komplexní integrované školní programy4 Modernizované vzdělávací programy přizpůsobené sociálně-ekonomickým potřebám482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, v nichž se zvýšily kompetence145ST LOG, kteří se zúčastnili praktických stáží32 dyd, kde pedagogické schopnosti (informativní a jazykové)85 zvýšily kompetence zaměstnanců a zaměstnanců ADM. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ„, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ“, BA), 88 zaměstnanců ADM a řízení WSB.Hlavními úkoly jsou: přizpůsobení sociálně-ekonomickým potřebám, včetně internacionalizace a realizace vzdělávání v INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, organizace BA vysoce kvalitní efektivní 145 národních stážíInformace řídicích procesů WSBSZ pro dyd a ODMZE. Projekt nefinancuje akce podporované v rámci prioritní osy V OP WER -KD29. (Czech)
13 August 2022
0 references
The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: īstenotas visaptverošas integrētas skolu programmas4 Modernizētas izglītības programmas, kas pielāgotas sociālekonomiskajām vajadzībām482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, kurās ir palielinātas kompetences145ST LOG, kas piedalījās praktiskajās praksēs32 dyd, kur mācīšanas prasmes (informatīvās un lingvistiskās)85 ir palielinājušas ADM personāla un personāla kompetences. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ“, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ”, BA), 88 cilvēki ADM personāls un WSB vadība. Galvenie uzdevumi ir: pielāgošanās sociālekonomiskajām vajadzībām, tostarp internacionalizācija un izglītības ieviešana INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, BA organizācija augstas kvalitātes efektīvu 145 valstu stažēšanās Projekts nefinansē darbības, ko atbalsta saskaņā ar prioritāro virzienu V DP WER -KD29. (Latvian)
13 August 2022
0 references
The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: clár cuimsitheach comhtháite Scoile4 curtha chun feidhme ag cláir oideachais nuachóirithe atá curtha in oiriúint do riachtanais shocheacnamaíocha482 ST INF, LOG, INÅ», BA, ina bhfuil méadú tagtha ar inniúlachtaí145ST LOG, a ghlac páirt i dtréimhsí oiliúna praiticiúla32 DYD, ina bhfuil inniúlachtaí teagaisc (eolasach agus teanga)85 tar éis inniúlachtaí foirne agus foirne ADM a mhéadú. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, INÅ», BA), 32 DYD (INF, LOG, INÅ», BA), 88 duine foirne ADM agus bainistíocht WSB.Is iad na príomhchúraimí: oiriúnú do riachtanais shocheacnamaíocha, lena n-áirítear idirnáisiúnú agus cur chun feidhme an oideachais in INF, LOG, INÅ», BA, BA eagrú ardcháilíochta 145 cúrsaí oiliúna náisiúntaFaisnéis ar phróisis bhainistíochta WSBSZ do DYD agus ODMZE. Ní mhaoiníonn an tionscadal gníomhaíochtaí a dtugtar tacaíocht dóibh faoi ais tosaíochta V OP WER -KD29. (Irish)
13 August 2022
0 references
The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: izvedli celovit Celostni šolski program4 Posodobljeni izobraževalni programi, prilagojeni socialno-ekonomskim potrebam482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, v katerem so se povečale kompetence145ST LOG, ki so sodelovali v praktičnih pripravništvih32 diyd, kjer so učne kompetence (informativne in jezikovne)85 povečale kompetence osebja in osebja ADM. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ„, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ“, BA), 88 oseb ADM osebje in vodstvo WSB. Glavne naloge so: prilagajanje socialno-ekonomskim potrebam, vključno z internacionalizacijo in izvajanjem izobraževanja v INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, BA organizacija visokokakovostnih učinkovitih 145 nacionalnih pripravništevInformatizacija procesov upravljanja WSBSZ za dyd in ODMZE. Projekt ne financira ukrepov, podprtih v okviru prednostne osi V OP WER-KD29. (Slovenian)
13 August 2022
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The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: изпълнени всеобхватни програми за интегрирано училищно образование4 Модернизирани образователни програми, адаптирани към социално-икономическите нужди482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, в която компетентностите145ST LOG са се увеличили, които са участвали в практически стажове32 dyd, където преподавателските умения (информативни и езикови)85 са увеличили компетенциите на персонала и персонала на ADM. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ„, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ“, BA), 88 души ADM персонал и управление на WSB. Основните задачи са: адаптиране към социално-икономическите нужди, включително интернационализация и прилагане на образованието в INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, BA, BA организация на висококачествени ефективни 145 национални стажаИнфоматизация на управленските процеси WSBSZ за dyd и ODMZE. Проектът не финансира действия, подпомагани по приоритетна ос V OP WER -KD29. (Bulgarian)
13 August 2022
0 references
The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: implimenta Programm Integrat għall-Iskejjel4 Programmi ta’ edukazzjoni modernizzati adattati għall-ħtiġijiet soċjo-ekonomiċi482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, li fih żdiedu l-kompetenzi145ST LOG, li pparteċipaw f’apprendistati prattiċi32 dyd, fejn il-kompetenzi tat-tagħlim (informattivi u lingwistiċi)85 żiedu l-kompetenzi tal-persunal u l-persunal tal-ADM. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ“, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ”, BA), 88 persuna impjegati ADM u l-ġestjoni WSB.Il-kompiti ewlenin huma: adattament għall-ħtiġijiet soċjoekonomiċi, inkluż l-internazzjonalizzazzjoni u l-implimentazzjoni tal-edukazzjoni fl-INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, l-organizzazzjoni BA ta’ 145 traineeships nazzjonali effettivi ta’ kwalità għolja L-informatika tal-proċessi ta’ ġestjoni WSBSZ għad-did u ODMZE. Il-proġett ma jiffinanzjax azzjonijiet appoġġati taħt l-assi prijoritarju V OP WER -KD29. (Maltese)
13 August 2022
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The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: implementou o Programa Escolar Integrado4 Modernizado Programas educativos adaptados às necessidades socioeconómicas482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, em que as competências145ST LOG aumentaram, que participaram em estágios práticos32 dyd, onde as competências docentes (informativas e linguísticas)85 aumentaram as competências do pessoal e do pessoal da ADM. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ", BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ), 88 pessoas ADM e gestão WSB.As principais tarefas são: adaptação às necessidades socioeconómicas, incluindo a internacionalização e a implementação da educação em INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, BA, organização BA de 145 estágios nacionais eficazes de elevada qualidadeInformatização dos processos de gestão WSBSZ para dyd e ODMZE. O projeto não financia ações apoiadas ao abrigo do eixo prioritário V PO WER -KD29. (Portuguese)
13 August 2022
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The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: gennemført omfattende integreret skoleprogram4 Moderniserede uddannelsesprogrammer, der er tilpasset de socioøkonomiske behov482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, hvor kompetencerne145ST LOG er steget, og som deltog i praktiske praktikophold32 dyd, hvor undervisningskompetencer (informative og sproglige)85 har øget kompetencerne hos ADM's personale og personale. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ", BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ", BA), 88 personer ADM personale og WSB ledelse.De vigtigste opgaver er: tilpasning til socioøkonomiske behov, herunder internationalisering og gennemførelse af uddannelse i INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, BA tilrettelæggelse af effektive 145 nationale praktikophold af høj kvalitetInformatisering af forvaltningsprocesser WSBSZ for dyd og ODMZE. Projektet finansierer ikke aktioner, der støttes under prioritetsakse V OP WER — KD29. (Danish)
13 August 2022
0 references
The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: implementat Programul școlar integrat cuprinzător4 Programe educaționale modernizate adaptate nevoilor socio-economice482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, în care competențele145ST LOG au crescut, care au participat la stagii practice32 dyd, în care competențele didactice (informative și lingvistice)85 au sporit competențele personalului și personalului ADM. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ„, BA), 32 dyd (INF, LOG, inÅ”, BA), 88 de persoane, personalul ADM și conducerea WSB. Principalele sarcini sunt: adaptarea la nevoile socio-economice, inclusiv internaționalizarea și punerea în aplicare a educației în INF, LOG, inÅ", BA, organizarea de 145 stagii naționale eficiente de înaltă calitateInformatizarea proceselor de management WSBSZ pentru dyd și ODMZE. Proiectul nu finanțează acțiuni sprijinite în cadrul axei prioritare V PO WER – KD29. (Romanian)
13 August 2022
0 references
The School of Economics-Introduction in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Economics-Introduction of Interpretation and Interpretation in the Faculty of Economics-Schools-School-School-School-Schools-Services-Services-Instructions and Interests in the Faculty of Economics-Industry-Association-Industry-Classology-Industry-Assistance-Industry-Association-Academics-Industry-Industry-Assistance-Instruction-Consults-Industing-Assisting-Ass-University-Instructural-Industry-Indusords-Asserts-Instructural-Inserts-Instructural-Instelligence in the Vocational Educational and Interesting Centers in the Department of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Instructural Education in the Faculty of Educational and Interests-Indusitions of the Faculty of Educational and Interests in the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and Interpretatives in the Department of Interests-Industing-Inquisitions-Instructives-In-Cournals-Consequentings of the Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Education in the Faculty of the Faculty of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of the Interests of the Faculty of the Vocational and the Interests in the Faculty of the Interests-Instructural and Interests in the Faculty of the Faculty of Sciences and Conditions of the Faculty of the Vocational Educational and the Faculty of the Vocational Educational-Instruction-Instruction of the Faculty of the Vocabulance-Instructural and Interprecidental-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Introduction-Instructural and Interest-Cinnership of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulry-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Cournal of Vocabulary-Instructural Educational and Interesting Interest-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Schoice-Corder-Corderalities-Consentry-Courtnership of Vocational Educational and Interprecis Educational Interprecision in the Faculty of Vocabulary of the Vocational Schools-Instructural and Interpretural Education in the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Vocabulary of the Faculty of Vocational Education in the Faculty of the The main results and products are: genomfört omfattande Integrerade skolprogram4 Moderniserade utbildningsprogram som är anpassade till socioekonomiska behov482 ST INF, LOG, inÅ”, BA, där kompetenserna145ST LOG har ökat, som deltog i praktiska praktikprogram32, där lärarkompetenser (informativa och språkliga)85 har ökat kompetensen hos ADM:s personal och personal. 1130 ST (INF, LOG, inÅ”, BA), 32 färgat (INF, LOG, inÅ”, BA), 88 personer ADM-personal och WSB:s ledning.De viktigaste uppgifterna är: anpassning till socioekonomiska behov, inbegripet internationalisering och genomförande av utbildning i INF, LOG, inÅ”, BA, BA-organisation av högkvalitativa effektiva 145 nationella praktikplatserInformatering av förvaltningsprocesser WSBSZ för färgade och ODMZE. Projektet finansierar inte åtgärder som får stöd inom insatsområde V OP WER -KD29. (Swedish)
13 August 2022
0 references
Cały Kraj
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