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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en, and other parts: Adding translation)
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Property / summary
The project (PR) is implemented by SOMEDICAL Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. (Wn) and the Association of the University of the Third Century in Sochaczew (PAR) to 60 persons not alone. (On 31K/29M) from the above-mentioned zach-warsz, Sochacz, fence, neodwor, gyrar, gyr. PR is designed to increase access. Care and specialty services. Care services. through assurance. Briefly on a stay in a day-aid centre (SODP) as a substitute for caring. It’s a fact. (OF 25). The scope of the result of the diagnosis of the change in Q2019 by Wn and PAR indicate the need for action to increase access to care services and contribute to less. Marginal. and solitary. and wasp. St. through social activation. The department includes adaptation, equipment, facilities and witness services of care. and Animac., as well as schools. for the benefit of OF. Wsp. will be addressed at the outset to ON and OF EXPERIENCE. — as a result of more than one condition referred to in the “Guidelines for the implementation of projects in the field of inclusion (...) and will be consistent”The use of European Union funds for the transition from care (...)“Minim.and provide”. (...)” and “deline. on the transition from (.)”, Addendum. Pierws. participation in the PR will have wasps whose income does not exceed 150 % and the persons and families covered by the POPŻ. The services are carried out on the basis of the Indian path of support of the ISW) and join the deinstyt. care of the ON -enables them and their families to live in society on an equal footing with others. The PR leads to an increase in the number of people supported and an increase in the number of places for providing social services by WN/PAR compared to the data from the year of the start of the project (in 2019-0 WN and 0-P in 2021-60 number of seats and 25 persons — OF who received support under the PR — data reported for both WN and P.) In the case of the number of places (in 2019-0 WN and 0-P, in 2021-1 WN and 1 P) The PR period is 24 m. PR serves to meet the growing needs of the result. not alone. os elders and ON (min. 50 % of GD are people with ab. Psychic) and increase of 25 OF (13K/12M) knowledge in the field of op. over the patient (English)
Property / summary: The project (PR) is implemented by SOMEDICAL Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. (Wn) and the Association of the University of the Third Century in Sochaczew (PAR) to 60 persons not alone. (On 31K/29M) from the above-mentioned zach-warsz, Sochacz, fence, neodwor, gyrar, gyr. PR is designed to increase access. Care and specialty services. Care services. through assurance. Briefly on a stay in a day-aid centre (SODP) as a substitute for caring. It’s a fact. (OF 25). The scope of the result of the diagnosis of the change in Q2019 by Wn and PAR indicate the need for action to increase access to care services and contribute to less. Marginal. and solitary. and wasp. St. through social activation. The department includes adaptation, equipment, facilities and witness services of care. and Animac., as well as schools. for the benefit of OF. Wsp. will be addressed at the outset to ON and OF EXPERIENCE. — as a result of more than one condition referred to in the “Guidelines for the implementation of projects in the field of inclusion (...) and will be consistent”The use of European Union funds for the transition from care (...)“Minim.and provide”. (...)” and “deline. on the transition from (.)”, Addendum. Pierws. participation in the PR will have wasps whose income does not exceed 150 % and the persons and families covered by the POPŻ. The services are carried out on the basis of the Indian path of support of the ISW) and join the deinstyt. care of the ON -enables them and their families to live in society on an equal footing with others. The PR leads to an increase in the number of people supported and an increase in the number of places for providing social services by WN/PAR compared to the data from the year of the start of the project (in 2019-0 WN and 0-P in 2021-60 number of seats and 25 persons — OF who received support under the PR — data reported for both WN and P.) In the case of the number of places (in 2019-0 WN and 0-P, in 2021-1 WN and 1 P) The PR period is 24 m. PR serves to meet the growing needs of the result. not alone. os elders and ON (min. 50 % of GD are people with ab. Psychic) and increase of 25 OF (13K/12M) knowledge in the field of op. over the patient (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 08:09, 24 October 2022

Project Q4429872 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q4429872 in Poland


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    1,585,797.12 zloty
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    352,522.7 Euro
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    1,982,246.4 zloty
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    440,653.37 Euro
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    80.0 percent
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    1 March 2021
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    28 February 2023
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    Projekt (PR) realiz. przez SOMEDICAL Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. (Wn) i Stowarzyszenie Uniwersytet IIIwieku w Sochaczewie (PAR) kier. do 60 os nie sam. (ON 31K/29M) z pow. zach-warsz, sochacz, płoc, nowodwor, żyrar, grodz wykl. społ. PR ma na celu zwiększ. dostępn. Usł opiek. i specj. Usług opiek. poprzez zapewn. Krótkookr. o pobytu w środ. ośrodku dziennej pomocy (SODP) w zastępst. za opiek. Fakt. (OF-25). Zakres odp. wynik. diagnozy przepr. w III kw 2019 przez Wn i PAR wskaz. koniecz. działań zwiększ. dostęp do usług opiek. i przycz. się do zmniej. Marginal. i samot. i os. St. poprzez aktywiz. społeczną. Dział. obejmują adaptację, wypos. placówki i świad. usług opiek. i animac., a także szkol. na rzeczOF. Wsp. kierowane będzie na wstępie do ON i OF doświad. wielokrotnego wykl. społ. - wykl. z powodu więcej niż jednej przesłanki o której mowa w „Wytycznych w zakresie realizacji przedsięwzięć w obsarze włączenia (...) i będzie zgodne „Wykorzystanie funduszy Unii Europejskiej w celu przejścia od opieki (...)„Minim.i wym. świadcz. (...)” i„ wytycz. dot. przejścia od (.)", Dodatk. Pierws. udziału w PR będą miały os, których dochód nie przekracza 150% oraz os. i rodziny objęte POPŻ. Usługi realiz. w oparciu o indyw. ścieżkę wsparcia ISW) i przycz. się do deinstyt. opieki nad ON -umożliwi im i ich rodzinom życie w społecz. na równych zas. z innymi osob. WN oświad. że PR prowadzi do zwiększenia liczby osób objętych wsparciem oraz zwiększenia liczby miejsc świadczenia usług społ. prowadz. przez WN/PAR w stosunku do danych z roku poprz. rok rozpoczęcia realizacji projektu(w 2019 -0 WN i 0-P w 2021– 60 liczby miejsc oraz 25 osób – OF którzy uzyskali wsparcie w ramach PR– dane wykazane zarówno dla WN jak i P.) W przypadku liczby miejsc (w 2019 – 0 WN i 0-P, w 2021 – 1 WN i 1 P) Okres PR to 24m. PR służy zaspok. rosnących potrzeb wynik. z nie sam. os starszych i ON (min. 50% GD to osoby z zab. Psychicz.) oraz zwięk. wiedzy 25 OF (13K/12M) z zakresu op. nad podopieczny (Polish)
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    The project (PR) is implemented by SOMEDICAL Sp. z o.o. Sp. k. (Wn) and the Association of the University of the Third Century in Sochaczew (PAR) to 60 persons not alone. (On 31K/29M) from the above-mentioned zach-warsz, Sochacz, fence, neodwor, gyrar, gyr. PR is designed to increase access. Care and specialty services. Care services. through assurance. Briefly on a stay in a day-aid centre (SODP) as a substitute for caring. It’s a fact. (OF 25). The scope of the result of the diagnosis of the change in Q2019 by Wn and PAR indicate the need for action to increase access to care services and contribute to less. Marginal. and solitary. and wasp. St. through social activation. The department includes adaptation, equipment, facilities and witness services of care. and Animac., as well as schools. for the benefit of OF. Wsp. will be addressed at the outset to ON and OF EXPERIENCE. — as a result of more than one condition referred to in the “Guidelines for the implementation of projects in the field of inclusion (...) and will be consistent”The use of European Union funds for the transition from care (...)“Minim.and provide”. (...)” and “deline. on the transition from (.)”, Addendum. Pierws. participation in the PR will have wasps whose income does not exceed 150 % and the persons and families covered by the POPŻ. The services are carried out on the basis of the Indian path of support of the ISW) and join the deinstyt. care of the ON -enables them and their families to live in society on an equal footing with others. The PR leads to an increase in the number of people supported and an increase in the number of places for providing social services by WN/PAR compared to the data from the year of the start of the project (in 2019-0 WN and 0-P in 2021-60 number of seats and 25 persons — OF who received support under the PR — data reported for both WN and P.) In the case of the number of places (in 2019-0 WN and 0-P, in 2021-1 WN and 1 P) The PR period is 24 m. PR serves to meet the growing needs of the result. not alone. os elders and ON (min. 50 % of GD are people with ab. Psychic) and increase of 25 OF (13K/12M) knowledge in the field of op. over the patient (English)
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: grodziski
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: nowodworski
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: płocki
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: sochaczewski
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: warszawski zachodni
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: żyrardowski
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