Implementation of the results of R & D works in the field of launching the production of innovative prefabricated concrete drainage slabs with increased strength. (Q4429430): Difference between revisions
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Implementation of the results of R & D works in the field of launching the production of innovative prefabricated concrete drainage slabs with increased strength. | |||
Property / summary | |||
SA.60012(2020/X) The subject of the project is an initial investment in tangible fixed assets related to the establishment of a new production plant by Marcin Czarnowski FUH (hereinafter: Applicant, FIRMA) pursuant to Reg. EC(EU) No 651/2014. As a result of the project, FIRMA will implement the results of R & D works carried out on its behalf by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Polit Environment. Thanks to which the first implementation into production (using the innovative manufacturing technology based on the patent no. P.436872) will take place, innovative prefabricated concrete drainage boards with increased strength (complete model No. W.129800) (world product innovation). As a result of the R & D works carried out, the characteristics of the new product were obtained and confirmed (a drainage board of.100cmx75cmx12.5cm) which are important for final customers (signed letters of intent confirming the demand for the result of the project with Polish and foreign entities), which constitute competitive advantages over the current solutions of the leading manufacturers (e.g. Betard, Betonbest, Zdrojewscy, Prefabet Kurzętnik) i.e.: — increased level of possible load up to 60 kN — increased surface of drainage holes for postures. 12 % of the surface of the plate — built-in special rainwater drainage channel with a capacity of 15 dm³/min. — reduced amount of steel reinforcement to postures. 2.5 kg/1 plate — use of waste raw material (PET) i.e. 1.6 kg/1plate — increased bending strength to postures. 5 MPa — increased water resistance to pos. W10 — reduced absorption to postures. 3.9 % — decrease in strength after 150 freezing/defrost cycles: 4.1 % High innovation of the implemented development is confirmed by the report on the state of technology of the Polish Patent Office concerning the reported number W.129800 and P.436872 (only the “A” assessment was awarded, which confirms the highest level of inventiveness of the results of the R & D works carried out). (English) | |||
Property / summary: SA.60012(2020/X) The subject of the project is an initial investment in tangible fixed assets related to the establishment of a new production plant by Marcin Czarnowski FUH (hereinafter: Applicant, FIRMA) pursuant to Reg. EC(EU) No 651/2014. As a result of the project, FIRMA will implement the results of R & D works carried out on its behalf by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Polit Environment. Thanks to which the first implementation into production (using the innovative manufacturing technology based on the patent no. P.436872) will take place, innovative prefabricated concrete drainage boards with increased strength (complete model No. W.129800) (world product innovation). As a result of the R & D works carried out, the characteristics of the new product were obtained and confirmed (a drainage board of.100cmx75cmx12.5cm) which are important for final customers (signed letters of intent confirming the demand for the result of the project with Polish and foreign entities), which constitute competitive advantages over the current solutions of the leading manufacturers (e.g. Betard, Betonbest, Zdrojewscy, Prefabet Kurzętnik) i.e.: — increased level of possible load up to 60 kN — increased surface of drainage holes for postures. 12 % of the surface of the plate — built-in special rainwater drainage channel with a capacity of 15 dm³/min. — reduced amount of steel reinforcement to postures. 2.5 kg/1 plate — use of waste raw material (PET) i.e. 1.6 kg/1plate — increased bending strength to postures. 5 MPa — increased water resistance to pos. W10 — reduced absorption to postures. 3.9 % — decrease in strength after 150 freezing/defrost cycles: 4.1 % High innovation of the implemented development is confirmed by the report on the state of technology of the Polish Patent Office concerning the reported number W.129800 and P.436872 (only the “A” assessment was awarded, which confirms the highest level of inventiveness of the results of the R & D works carried out). (English) / rank | |||
Normal rank |
Revision as of 07:28, 24 October 2022
Project Q4429430 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Implementation of the results of R & D works in the field of launching the production of innovative prefabricated concrete drainage slabs with increased strength. |
Project Q4429430 in Poland |
5,687,550.0 zloty
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1,264,342.36 Euro
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10,341,000.0 zloty
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2,298,804.3 Euro
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55.0 percent
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1 July 2021
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30 June 2023
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SA.60012(2020/X) Przedmiot projektu to inwestycja początkowa w rzeczowe aktywa trwałe zw. z założeniem nowego zakładu produkcyjnego przez Marcin Czarnowski FUH (dalej: Wnioskodawca, FIRMA) zg.z rozp.KE(UE) nr 651/2014. W efekcie projektu FIRMA wdroży wyniki prac B+R przeprowadzone na jej zlecenie przez Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Polit. Gdańskiej dzięki czemu nastąpi pierwsze wdrożenie do produkcji (za pomocą nowatorskiej technologii wytwarzania opartej o zgł. patentowe nr P.436872) innowacyjnych prefabrykowanych betonowych płyt drogowych drenażowych o zwiększonej wytrzymałości (zgł. wzoru użytkowego nr W.129800) (światowa innowacja produktowa). W wyniku wykonanych prac B+R otrzymano i potwierdzono cechy nowego produktu (płyta drogowa drenażowa o wym.100cmx75cmx12,5cm) mające istotne znaczenie dla odbiorców końcowych (podpisano listy intencyjne potwierdzające popyt na rezultat projektu z podmiotami polskimi i zagranicznymi), które stanowią przewagi konkurencyjne nad obecnymi rozwiązaniami wiodących producentów (np. Betard, Betonbest, Zdrojewscy, Prefabet Kurzętnik) tj.: - zwiększony poziom możliwego obciążenia do 60 kN - zwiększona powierzchnia otworów drenażowych do poz. 12% powierzchni płyty - wbudowany specjalny kanał odprowadzających wody opadowe o wydajności 15dm3/min. - zmniejszona ilość zbrojenia stalowego do poz. 2,5 kg/1 płytę - wykorzystanie surowca odpadowego (PET) tj. 1,6 kg/1płytę - zwiększona wytrzymałość na zginanie do poz. 5 MPa - zwiększona wodoszczelność do poz. W10 - zmniejszona nasiąkliwość do poz. 3,9% - spadek wytrzymałości po 150 cyklach zamrażania/rozmrażania: 4,1% Wysoką innowacyjność wdrażanego rozw. potwierdza sprawozdanie o stanie techniki Polskiego Urzędu Patentowego dot. zgł. nr W.129800 i nr P.436872 (przyznano wyłącznie ocenę „A”, co potwierdza najwyższy poziom wynalazczości wyników przeprowadzonych prac B+R). (Polish)
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SA.60012(2020/X) The subject of the project is an initial investment in tangible fixed assets related to the establishment of a new production plant by Marcin Czarnowski FUH (hereinafter: Applicant, FIRMA) pursuant to Reg. EC(EU) No 651/2014. As a result of the project, FIRMA will implement the results of R & D works carried out on its behalf by the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Polit Environment. Thanks to which the first implementation into production (using the innovative manufacturing technology based on the patent no. P.436872) will take place, innovative prefabricated concrete drainage boards with increased strength (complete model No. W.129800) (world product innovation). As a result of the R & D works carried out, the characteristics of the new product were obtained and confirmed (a drainage board of.100cmx75cmx12.5cm) which are important for final customers (signed letters of intent confirming the demand for the result of the project with Polish and foreign entities), which constitute competitive advantages over the current solutions of the leading manufacturers (e.g. Betard, Betonbest, Zdrojewscy, Prefabet Kurzętnik) i.e.: — increased level of possible load up to 60 kN — increased surface of drainage holes for postures. 12 % of the surface of the plate — built-in special rainwater drainage channel with a capacity of 15 dm³/min. — reduced amount of steel reinforcement to postures. 2.5 kg/1 plate — use of waste raw material (PET) i.e. 1.6 kg/1plate — increased bending strength to postures. 5 MPa — increased water resistance to pos. W10 — reduced absorption to postures. 3.9 % — decrease in strength after 150 freezing/defrost cycles: 4.1 % High innovation of the implemented development is confirmed by the report on the state of technology of the Polish Patent Office concerning the reported number W.129800 and P.436872 (only the “A” assessment was awarded, which confirms the highest level of inventiveness of the results of the R & D works carried out). (English)
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WOJ.: POMORSKIE, POW.: kościerski
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