Sail of opportunity. (Q4428792): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en: Setting new description)
(‎Changed label, description and/or aliases in en, and other parts: Adding translation)
label / enlabel / en
Sail of opportunity.
Property / summary
The project will be addressed to SP students, is comprehensive, covers 300 U and assumes the implementation of indicators and products such as: support and acquisition of key competences within the framework of mathematics, ICT, foreign and Polish sciences for foreigners or pupils returning from abroad. 300 U increase social competences, will be supported by students with decisions about the risk of social misadaptation, the project also assumes individualisation of work with a student of the SPE, support of a younger student and improvement of 13n-li competences. In addition, the project assumes creation; ICT studio, where robotics and programming, digital and light therapy workshops will be conducted — retrofitting will serve students with disabilities. Equipping the school with teaching aids and equipment to identify development and educational needs and support the development of pupils with special educational needs and younger students. The project assumes: innovative subject wheels, within which team educational projects, supporting activities, specialised classes and individual support will be implemented. Each occupation will last 45 minutes and will be organised in one edition. The project will improve the quality of U education, teachers’ competences, the organisational culture of the school and the development of the local environment. In addition, it will protect students from leaving the education system prematurely, enable better development, give the opportunity to spend time more efficiently, reducing the impact of threats and social pathologies.The project takes into account the positively validated outputs of previous innovation projects for U, through the use of knowledge and experience of staff and school resources. The project will involve n-le with the appropriate competences and qualifications. The applicant guarantees the sustainability of ESF investments in connection with the purchase of equipment. An integral part of the proposal is the diagnosis of school needs. The value of the co-financing is PLN 550.007.33. (English)
Property / summary: The project will be addressed to SP students, is comprehensive, covers 300 U and assumes the implementation of indicators and products such as: support and acquisition of key competences within the framework of mathematics, ICT, foreign and Polish sciences for foreigners or pupils returning from abroad. 300 U increase social competences, will be supported by students with decisions about the risk of social misadaptation, the project also assumes individualisation of work with a student of the SPE, support of a younger student and improvement of 13n-li competences. In addition, the project assumes creation; ICT studio, where robotics and programming, digital and light therapy workshops will be conducted — retrofitting will serve students with disabilities. Equipping the school with teaching aids and equipment to identify development and educational needs and support the development of pupils with special educational needs and younger students. The project assumes: innovative subject wheels, within which team educational projects, supporting activities, specialised classes and individual support will be implemented. Each occupation will last 45 minutes and will be organised in one edition. The project will improve the quality of U education, teachers’ competences, the organisational culture of the school and the development of the local environment. In addition, it will protect students from leaving the education system prematurely, enable better development, give the opportunity to spend time more efficiently, reducing the impact of threats and social pathologies.The project takes into account the positively validated outputs of previous innovation projects for U, through the use of knowledge and experience of staff and school resources. The project will involve n-le with the appropriate competences and qualifications. The applicant guarantees the sustainability of ESF investments in connection with the purchase of equipment. An integral part of the proposal is the diagnosis of school needs. The value of the co-financing is PLN 550.007.33. (English) / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 18:24, 23 October 2022

Project Q4428792 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Sail of opportunity.
Project Q4428792 in Poland


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    492,111.18 zloty
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    109,396.32 Euro
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    578,961.53 zloty
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    128,703.15 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 September 2022
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    31 December 2023
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    Projekt skierowany będzie do uczniów SP, ma charakter kompleksowy, obejmie 300 U i zakłada realizację wskaźników i produktów takich jak: objęcie wsparciem i nabycie kompetencji kluczowych w ramach nauk mat-przyr, ICT, j.obcych oraz j. polskiego dla cudzoziemców lub uczniów powracających z zagranicy. 300 U podniesienie kompetencji społecznych, objęci zostaną wsparciem uczniowie z orzeczeniami o zagrożeniu niedostosowaniem społecznym, projekt zakłada także indywidualizację pracy z uczniem SPE, wsparcie ucznia młodszego i podniesienie kompetencji 13n-li. Ponadto projekt zakłada stworzenie; pracowni ICT, w której prowadzone będą warsztaty robotyki i programowania, cyfrowej oraz sali terapii światłem- doposażenie będzie służyło uczniom niepełnosprawnym. Doposażenie szkoły w pomoce dydaktyczne oraz sprzęt do rozpoznania potrzeb rozwojowych i edukacyjnych oraz wspomagania rozwoju uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi oraz uczniów młodszych. Projekt zakłada: innowacyjne koła przedmiotowe, w ramach których będą realizowane zespołowe projekty edukacyjne, zajęcia wspierające, zajęcia specjalistyczne oraz indywidualne wsparcie. Każde zajęcie będą trwały 45 min i będą organizowane w jednej edycji. Projekt wpłynie na podniesienie jakości kształcenia U, kompetencji nauczycieli, kultury organizacyjnej szkoły oraz rozwój środowiska lokalnego. Ponadto zabezpieczy uczniów przed przedwczesnym opuszczeniem systemu oświaty, umożliwi lepszy rozwój, da możliwość efektywniejszego spędzania czasu wolego, ograniczając wpływ zagrożeń i patologii społecznych.Projekt uwzględnia pozytywnie walidowane produkty poprzednich projektów innowacyjnych dla U, poprzez wykorzystanie wiedzy i doświadczenia personelu oraz zasobów szkoły. Do projektu zostaną zaangażowani n-le posiadający odpowiednie kompetencje i kwalifikacje. Wnioskodawca gwarantuje trwałość inwestycji z EFS w związku z zakupami sprzętu. Integralną częścią wniosku jest diagnoza potrzeb szkoły. Wartość dofinansowania 550.007,33 zł. (Polish)
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    The project will be addressed to SP students, is comprehensive, covers 300 U and assumes the implementation of indicators and products such as: support and acquisition of key competences within the framework of mathematics, ICT, foreign and Polish sciences for foreigners or pupils returning from abroad. 300 U increase social competences, will be supported by students with decisions about the risk of social misadaptation, the project also assumes individualisation of work with a student of the SPE, support of a younger student and improvement of 13n-li competences. In addition, the project assumes creation; ICT studio, where robotics and programming, digital and light therapy workshops will be conducted — retrofitting will serve students with disabilities. Equipping the school with teaching aids and equipment to identify development and educational needs and support the development of pupils with special educational needs and younger students. The project assumes: innovative subject wheels, within which team educational projects, supporting activities, specialised classes and individual support will be implemented. Each occupation will last 45 minutes and will be organised in one edition. The project will improve the quality of U education, teachers’ competences, the organisational culture of the school and the development of the local environment. In addition, it will protect students from leaving the education system prematurely, enable better development, give the opportunity to spend time more efficiently, reducing the impact of threats and social pathologies.The project takes into account the positively validated outputs of previous innovation projects for U, through the use of knowledge and experience of staff and school resources. The project will involve n-le with the appropriate competences and qualifications. The applicant guarantees the sustainability of ESF investments in connection with the purchase of equipment. An integral part of the proposal is the diagnosis of school needs. The value of the co-financing is PLN 550.007.33. (English)
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    WOJ.: KUJAWSKO-POMORSKIE, POW.: grudziądzki
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