Get up after an epidemic, start a new professional stage (Q4419468): Difference between revisions

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Get up after an epidemic, start a new professional stage
Property / summary
Main OBJECTIVE: Increased social activity and employability of 72 people (40K/32M) at risk of poverty or social exclusion. (according to the description of the GD in point C3.1 of the proposal) with particular reference to OzN (min. 11 UP) residing in the Mazowieckie voivodship (according to p. C1.6) in Rev. KC, by providing individualised and comprehensive support, responding to the needs of UP leading to progress in the activation of the profession in the period up to 31.12.2022. GD: 72 persons (40K/32M) (including minimum 15 % is OzN i.e. 11os.o. with a significant or moderate or mild disability, OzN coupled or people with mental disorders/intellectual disorders/developmental disorders) at risk of poverty or exclusion of people living according to the Central Committee in Mazow, in municipalities below the threshold of disadvantage defined in the Mazowieckie barometer of poverty and exclusion of society (according to point C.1.6). The project is aimed exclusively at people experiencing multiple exclusions. Preference will be given to the persons benefiting from the OP (on the basis of declarations, assuming that the activities of the project will not duplicate the support received under the OP OP by UP) 1.DIAGNOSE OF INDIVIDUAL REINTEGRATION REINTEGRATION/IPD PARTICIPATION SUPPORT AND REINTEGRACATION/IPD SUPPORT [72p. 11.21-01.22] 2.SPECJALISTIC Familiar COADNICATION (PSYCHOLOG,PEDAGOG.RIGHT) [12.21-07.22] 3.COACHING [j.w] 4.DCORDING.- GROUP [j.w] 5.COACHING.[72os. 12.21-08.22] 6.WORK CONDITION[72s.10.21-12.22] 7.STAŻ ZAWOD.[50 %GD 36os. 03-12.22] EFFECTS/RESULTS: * percentage of OzNs that have made progress in activating society-min.34 % * ozN that have met the employment efficiency criterion 12 %* from people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, which have made progress in activating the community-min.34 %, * other(..)min.25 % * l.os.kt.uzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzN./competencies-65UP [min.90 %] (English)
Property / summary: Main OBJECTIVE: Increased social activity and employability of 72 people (40K/32M) at risk of poverty or social exclusion. (according to the description of the GD in point C3.1 of the proposal) with particular reference to OzN (min. 11 UP) residing in the Mazowieckie voivodship (according to p. C1.6) in Rev. KC, by providing individualised and comprehensive support, responding to the needs of UP leading to progress in the activation of the profession in the period up to 31.12.2022. GD: 72 persons (40K/32M) (including minimum 15 % is OzN i.e. 11os.o. with a significant or moderate or mild disability, OzN coupled or people with mental disorders/intellectual disorders/developmental disorders) at risk of poverty or exclusion of people living according to the Central Committee in Mazow, in municipalities below the threshold of disadvantage defined in the Mazowieckie barometer of poverty and exclusion of society (according to point C.1.6). The project is aimed exclusively at people experiencing multiple exclusions. Preference will be given to the persons benefiting from the OP (on the basis of declarations, assuming that the activities of the project will not duplicate the support received under the OP OP by UP) 1.DIAGNOSE OF INDIVIDUAL REINTEGRATION REINTEGRATION/IPD PARTICIPATION SUPPORT AND REINTEGRACATION/IPD SUPPORT [72p. 11.21-01.22] 2.SPECJALISTIC Familiar COADNICATION (PSYCHOLOG,PEDAGOG.RIGHT) [12.21-07.22] 3.COACHING [j.w] 4.DCORDING.- GROUP [j.w] 5.COACHING.[72os. 12.21-08.22] 6.WORK CONDITION[72s.10.21-12.22] 7.STAŻ ZAWOD.[50 %GD 36os. 03-12.22] EFFECTS/RESULTS: * percentage of OzNs that have made progress in activating society-min.34 % * ozN that have met the employment efficiency criterion 12 %* from people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, which have made progress in activating the community-min.34 %, * other(..)min.25 % * l.os.kt.uzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzN./competencies-65UP [min.90 %] (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: Main OBJECTIVE: Increased social activity and employability of 72 people (40K/32M) at risk of poverty or social exclusion. (according to the description of the GD in point C3.1 of the proposal) with particular reference to OzN (min. 11 UP) residing in the Mazowieckie voivodship (according to p. C1.6) in Rev. KC, by providing individualised and comprehensive support, responding to the needs of UP leading to progress in the activation of the profession in the period up to 31.12.2022. GD: 72 persons (40K/32M) (including minimum 15 % is OzN i.e. 11os.o. with a significant or moderate or mild disability, OzN coupled or people with mental disorders/intellectual disorders/developmental disorders) at risk of poverty or exclusion of people living according to the Central Committee in Mazow, in municipalities below the threshold of disadvantage defined in the Mazowieckie barometer of poverty and exclusion of society (according to point C.1.6). The project is aimed exclusively at people experiencing multiple exclusions. Preference will be given to the persons benefiting from the OP (on the basis of declarations, assuming that the activities of the project will not duplicate the support received under the OP OP by UP) 1.DIAGNOSE OF INDIVIDUAL REINTEGRATION REINTEGRATION/IPD PARTICIPATION SUPPORT AND REINTEGRACATION/IPD SUPPORT [72p. 11.21-01.22] 2.SPECJALISTIC Familiar COADNICATION (PSYCHOLOG,PEDAGOG.RIGHT) [12.21-07.22] 3.COACHING [j.w] 4.DCORDING.- GROUP [j.w] 5.COACHING.[72os. 12.21-08.22] 6.WORK CONDITION[72s.10.21-12.22] 7.STAŻ ZAWOD.[50 %GD 36os. 03-12.22] EFFECTS/RESULTS: * percentage of OzNs that have made progress in activating society-min.34 % * ozN that have met the employment efficiency criterion 12 %* from people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, which have made progress in activating the community-min.34 %, * other(..)min.25 % * l.os.kt.uzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzN./competencies-65UP [min.90 %] (English) / qualifier
point in time: 21 October 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:35, 21 October 2022

Project Q4419468 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Get up after an epidemic, start a new professional stage
Project Q4419468 in Poland


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    1 November 2021
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    CEL GŁÓWNY:Podniesiona aktywność społ-zawodowa oraz zdolność do zatrudnienia 72os.(40K/32M) zagrożonych ubóstwem lub wykluczeniem społ. (zg. z opisem GD w pkt C3.1 wniosku) ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem OzN (min. 11 UP )zamieszkałych w woj.mazowieckim (zg. z p C1.6) w roz. KC, poprzez zapewnienie zindywidualizowanego i kompleksowego wsparcia,odpowiadającego na potrzeby UP prowadzącego do postępu w aktywizacji społ-zawod. w okresie do 31.12.2022. GD: 72os.(40K/32M)(w tym min. 15% to OzN tj 11os.o znacznym lub umiarkowanym lub lekkim st.niepełnospr,OzN sprzężoną lub os. z zaburzeniami psychicz./OzN intelektualną/zaburzeniami rozwojowymi) zagrożonych ubóstwem lub wykluczeniem społ. zamieszkujące zg.z KC w woj. mazow., w gminach poniżej progu defaworyzacji określonych w Mazowieckim barometrze ubóstwa i wykluczenia społ.(zg.z pkt.C.1.6). Projekt skierowany wyłącznie do osób doświadczających wielokrotnego wykluczenia. Preferowane będą os.korzystające z PO PŻ(na podst.oświadczenia,przy założeniu,że działania projektu nie będą powielały wsparcia otrzymywanego w ramach PO PŻ przez UP) ZADANIA: 1.DIAGNOZA INDYWIDUALNYCH POTRZEB IPOTENCJAŁÓW UP IREALIZACJI WSPARCIA W OPARCIU O ŚCIEŻKĘ REINTEGRACJI/IPD [72os. 11.21-01.22] 2.SPECJALISTYCZNE PORADNICTWO RODZINNE (PSYCHOLOG,PEDAGOG.PRAWNE) [12.21-07.22] 3.COACHING [j.w] 4.DORADZTWO ZAWOD.- GRUPOWE [j.w] 5.SZKOLENIA ZAWOD.[72os. 12.21-08.22] 6.POŚREDNICTWO PRACY[72s.10.21-12.22] 7.STAŻ ZAWOD.[50%GD 36os. 03-12.22] EFEKTY/REZULTATY: * odsetek OzN,które dokonały postępu w aktywizacji społ.-min.34% * ods.OzN, które spełniły kryterium efektywności zatrudnien.-min.12% * od.os.zagrożonych ubóstwem lub wykluczeniem społ.,które dokonały postępu w aktywizacji społ.–min.34%, * ods. pozostałych(..)min.25% * l.os.kt.uzysk.kwalifik./kompetencje-65UP [min.90%] (Polish)
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    Main OBJECTIVE: Increased social activity and employability of 72 people (40K/32M) at risk of poverty or social exclusion. (according to the description of the GD in point C3.1 of the proposal) with particular reference to OzN (min. 11 UP) residing in the Mazowieckie voivodship (according to p. C1.6) in Rev. KC, by providing individualised and comprehensive support, responding to the needs of UP leading to progress in the activation of the profession in the period up to 31.12.2022. GD: 72 persons (40K/32M) (including minimum 15 % is OzN i.e. 11os.o. with a significant or moderate or mild disability, OzN coupled or people with mental disorders/intellectual disorders/developmental disorders) at risk of poverty or exclusion of people living according to the Central Committee in Mazow, in municipalities below the threshold of disadvantage defined in the Mazowieckie barometer of poverty and exclusion of society (according to point C.1.6). The project is aimed exclusively at people experiencing multiple exclusions. Preference will be given to the persons benefiting from the OP (on the basis of declarations, assuming that the activities of the project will not duplicate the support received under the OP OP by UP) 1.DIAGNOSE OF INDIVIDUAL REINTEGRATION REINTEGRATION/IPD PARTICIPATION SUPPORT AND REINTEGRACATION/IPD SUPPORT [72p. 11.21-01.22] 2.SPECJALISTIC Familiar COADNICATION (PSYCHOLOG,PEDAGOG.RIGHT) [12.21-07.22] 3.COACHING [j.w] 4.DCORDING.- GROUP [j.w] 5.COACHING.[72os. 12.21-08.22] 6.WORK CONDITION[72s.10.21-12.22] 7.STAŻ ZAWOD.[50 %GD 36os. 03-12.22] EFFECTS/RESULTS: * percentage of OzNs that have made progress in activating society-min.34 % * ozN that have met the employment efficiency criterion 12 %* from people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, which have made progress in activating the community-min.34 %, * other(..)min.25 % * l.os.kt.uzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzysk.kzN./competencies-65UP [min.90 %] (English)
    21 October 2022
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: garwoliński
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: gostyniński
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: kozienicki
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: lipski
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: makowski
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: ostrowski
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: ostrołęcki
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: przasnyski
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: przysuski
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: płocki
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: płoński
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: radomski
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: sierpecki
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: sochaczewski
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: sokołowski
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: szydłowiecki
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: wołomiński
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: łosicki
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    WOJ.: MAZOWIECKIE, POW.: żuromiński
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