Our patient — nursing care for dependent people (Q4418240): Difference between revisions

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label / enlabel / en
Our patient — nursing care for dependent people
Property / summary
The aim of the project is to achieve a state of increased availability of health services for 30 dependent people.The activities of the project are based on 2 components:1. Provision of long-term care, including at home, 30 dependent persons (40-60 on the Barthel scale) with neurological and/or musculoskeletal disorders, including:-long-term home nursing-medical care (call-hour connection to nurse)2. Increase the competence and support of 30 caregivers of real people. (school. in the field of “Current knowledge for caregivers in the field of medical care for people in need of support in everyday functioning”.The planned activities are not subject to financing. from publ funds. — they go beyond the guaranteed provision of health care. and serve to deinstitutionalise medical care for dependent persons.The support provided for caregivers will meet their diagnosed needs and increase the mental comfort associated with fear of the deterioration of the health of patients. This may translate, among other things, into the elimination of the decrease in the effectiveness of work of professionally active carers resulting from the lack of concentration associated with caring for the child. This is a beneficial element for the economy of the country. For caregivers dealing with dependent persons on a continuous basis, it will be particularly important to receive substantive support in the field of care services. The above aspects will reduce the burden on the health care system by reducing the number and duration of unjustified hospitalisations. Care services will be carried out in accordance with Rozp. Min. Zdr. z 22 letter.2013 on the benefits of guarantor. in the field of nursing and care services in the framework of long-term care (Journal of Laws 2013, item 1480, as amended) (English)
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to achieve a state of increased availability of health services for 30 dependent people.The activities of the project are based on 2 components:1. Provision of long-term care, including at home, 30 dependent persons (40-60 on the Barthel scale) with neurological and/or musculoskeletal disorders, including:-long-term home nursing-medical care (call-hour connection to nurse)2. Increase the competence and support of 30 caregivers of real people. (school. in the field of “Current knowledge for caregivers in the field of medical care for people in need of support in everyday functioning”.The planned activities are not subject to financing. from publ funds. — they go beyond the guaranteed provision of health care. and serve to deinstitutionalise medical care for dependent persons.The support provided for caregivers will meet their diagnosed needs and increase the mental comfort associated with fear of the deterioration of the health of patients. This may translate, among other things, into the elimination of the decrease in the effectiveness of work of professionally active carers resulting from the lack of concentration associated with caring for the child. This is a beneficial element for the economy of the country. For caregivers dealing with dependent persons on a continuous basis, it will be particularly important to receive substantive support in the field of care services. The above aspects will reduce the burden on the health care system by reducing the number and duration of unjustified hospitalisations. Care services will be carried out in accordance with Rozp. Min. Zdr. z 22 letter.2013 on the benefits of guarantor. in the field of nursing and care services in the framework of long-term care (Journal of Laws 2013, item 1480, as amended) (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The aim of the project is to achieve a state of increased availability of health services for 30 dependent people.The activities of the project are based on 2 components:1. Provision of long-term care, including at home, 30 dependent persons (40-60 on the Barthel scale) with neurological and/or musculoskeletal disorders, including:-long-term home nursing-medical care (call-hour connection to nurse)2. Increase the competence and support of 30 caregivers of real people. (school. in the field of “Current knowledge for caregivers in the field of medical care for people in need of support in everyday functioning”.The planned activities are not subject to financing. from publ funds. — they go beyond the guaranteed provision of health care. and serve to deinstitutionalise medical care for dependent persons.The support provided for caregivers will meet their diagnosed needs and increase the mental comfort associated with fear of the deterioration of the health of patients. This may translate, among other things, into the elimination of the decrease in the effectiveness of work of professionally active carers resulting from the lack of concentration associated with caring for the child. This is a beneficial element for the economy of the country. For caregivers dealing with dependent persons on a continuous basis, it will be particularly important to receive substantive support in the field of care services. The above aspects will reduce the burden on the health care system by reducing the number and duration of unjustified hospitalisations. Care services will be carried out in accordance with Rozp. Min. Zdr. z 22 letter.2013 on the benefits of guarantor. in the field of nursing and care services in the framework of long-term care (Journal of Laws 2013, item 1480, as amended) (English) / qualifier
point in time: 21 October 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 13:05, 21 October 2022

Project Q4418240 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Our patient — nursing care for dependent people
Project Q4418240 in Poland


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    541,110.0 zloty
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    120,288.75 Euro
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    636,600.0 zloty
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    141,516.18 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 September 2021
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    31 October 2022
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    Gł. celem projektu jest osiągnięcie stanu zwiększonej dostępności usług zdrowotnych dla 30 osób niesamodzielnych.Działania w projekcie opierają się na 2 komponentach:1. Zapewnieniu długoterminowej opieki piel., w tym udzielanej w warunkach domowych, 30 osobom niesamodzielnym(40-60 wg skali Barthela) z dolegliwościami neurologicznymi lub/i schorzeniami narządu ruchu, obejmującymi:-długoterminową opiekę pielęgniarską domową-teleopiekę medyczną (całodobowa możliwość połączenia tel. z pielęgniarką)2. Podniesieniu kompetencji i wsparciu 30 opiekunów faktycznych osób niesam. (szkol. z zakresu "Aktualnej wiedzy dlaopiekunów w zakresie w zakresie opieki medycznej nad osobami potrzebującymi wsparcia w codziennymfunkcjonowaniu".Zaplanowane działania nie podlegają finans. ze środków publ. - wykraczają poza gwarantowane świadczenia opiekizdrow. i służą deinstytucjonalizacji opieki med. nad osobami niesamodzielnymi.Wsparcie przewidziane dla opiekunów zaspokoi ich zdiagnozowane potrzeby i zwiększy komfort psychiczny związany zobawą o pogorszenie stanu zdrowia podopiecznych. Może to mieć przełożenie m.in. na eliminację spadku efektywności pracy opiekunów aktywnych zawodowo, wynikającego z braku koncentracji związanego z troską o podopiecznego. Jest to element korzystny dla gospodarki kraju. Dla opiekunów zajmujących się osobami niesamodzielnymi w sposób ciągły szczególnie istotne będzie otrzymanie merytorycznego wsparcia w zakresie usług pielęgn. Wsparcie będzie miało charakter indywidualny i będzie się odbywało w domu osoby niesamodzielnej.Powyższe aspekty wpłyną na zmniejszenie obciążenia systemu opieki zdrow. przez zmniejszenie liczby i czasu trwania nieuzasadnionych medycznie hospitalizacji. Świadczenia pielęgn. będą realizowane zgodnie z Rozp. Min. Zdr. z 22 list.2013 w spr. świadczeń gwarant. z zakresu świadczeń pielęg. i opiekuńczych w ramach opieki długoterminowej(Dz.U.2013 poz.1480 z późn. zm.) (Polish)
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    The aim of the project is to achieve a state of increased availability of health services for 30 dependent people.The activities of the project are based on 2 components:1. Provision of long-term care, including at home, 30 dependent persons (40-60 on the Barthel scale) with neurological and/or musculoskeletal disorders, including:-long-term home nursing-medical care (call-hour connection to nurse)2. Increase the competence and support of 30 caregivers of real people. (school. in the field of “Current knowledge for caregivers in the field of medical care for people in need of support in everyday functioning”.The planned activities are not subject to financing. from publ funds. — they go beyond the guaranteed provision of health care. and serve to deinstitutionalise medical care for dependent persons.The support provided for caregivers will meet their diagnosed needs and increase the mental comfort associated with fear of the deterioration of the health of patients. This may translate, among other things, into the elimination of the decrease in the effectiveness of work of professionally active carers resulting from the lack of concentration associated with caring for the child. This is a beneficial element for the economy of the country. For caregivers dealing with dependent persons on a continuous basis, it will be particularly important to receive substantive support in the field of care services. The above aspects will reduce the burden on the health care system by reducing the number and duration of unjustified hospitalisations. Care services will be carried out in accordance with Rozp. Min. Zdr. z 22 letter.2013 on the benefits of guarantor. in the field of nursing and care services in the framework of long-term care (Journal of Laws 2013, item 1480, as amended) (English)
    21 October 2022
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    WOJ.: ŁÓDZKIE, POW.: pabianicki
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    WOJ.: ŁÓDZKIE, POW.: zgierski
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    WOJ.: ŁÓDZKIE, POW.: Łódź
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    WOJ.: ŁÓDZKIE, POW.: łódzki wschodni
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