Experience gained – an opportunity for employment (Q97685): Difference between revisions

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(‎Removed claim: co-financing rate (P837): 85.0 percentage)
(‎Changed an Item: Import item from Poland)
Property / EU contributionProperty / EU contribution
503,322.09 Euro
Amount503,322.09 Euro
466,202.08 Euro
Amount466,202.08 Euro
Property / budgetProperty / budget
592,143.64 Euro
Amount592,143.64 Euro
548,473.04 Euro
Amount548,473.04 Euro
Property / location (string)
WOJ.: DOLNOŚLĄSKIE, POW.: dzierżoniowski
Property / location (string): WOJ.: DOLNOŚLĄSKIE, POW.: dzierżoniowski / rank
Normal rank
Property / priority axis
Property / priority axis: Education / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 12:46, 21 October 2022

Project Q97685 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Experience gained – an opportunity for employment
Project Q97685 in Poland


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    2,097,175.37 zloty
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    466,202.08 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    2,467,265.15 zloty
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    548,473.04 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    85.0 percent
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    1 September 2019
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    31 August 2021
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    Projekt Partnerski realizowany przez Powiat Dzierżoniowski oraz "Stowarzyszenie Ziemia Dzierżoniowska" skierowany jest do 238 uczniów (106K,132M) i 61 nauczycieli (39K) w 6 szkołach zawodowych, dla których organem prowadzącym jest Powiat. Głównym celem proj. jest zwiększenie szans na zatrudnienie uczniów szkół zawodowych na terenie powiatu dzierżoniowskiego. Na poziomie projektu Wnioskodawca określił, iż wszystkie szkoły zawodowe potrzebują wsparcia wynikajacego z niedostosowania placówek do potrzeb rynku pracy. Odpowiedzią na zdiagnozwane potrzeby szkół jest realizacja działań, dzięki którympozycja uczniów Powiatu Dzierzoniowskiego na rynku pracy będzie konkurencyjna:- org. staży i praktyk dla 238(106K) uczniów w celu zwiększenia umiejętności zawodowych zdobywanych w rzeczywistym miejscu pracy;- org. kursów i szkoleń rozwijających kompetencje zawodowe (238ucz/106K);- tworzenie klas patronackich w celu zwiększenia udziału lokalnych pracodawców w systemie edukacji zawodowych na terenie Powiatu;- org. dodatkowych zajęć specjalistycznych w ramach kształcenia zawodowego w celu zwiększenia kompetencji zaw. uczniów;- org.kursów i szkoleń dla nauczycieli w ramach zawodów, na które występuje deficyt na lokalnym rynku pracy;- org.staży dla nauczycieli w celu zdobycia umiejętności nauczania zawodu tak jak w rzeczywistym miejscu pracy;- studia pod. dla nauczycieli w celu poszerzenia wiedzy dotyczącej kształcenia kompeten. kluczowych i umiejętności niezbędnych na rynku pracy a w szczególn. uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi.Powyższe działania pozwolą na osiągniecie celów projektu tj.na:- zwiększenie jakości nauczania w szkołach zawodowych,- wzrost kompetencji nauczycieli,- zacieśnienie współpracy z pracodawcami,- zwiększenie szans na zatrudnienie absolwentów szkół zawodowych.Rezultatem proj. będzie wzrost kom. kluczowych oraz umiejetności uniwersalnych pozwalających wejść uczniom na rynek pracy oraz podniesienie kwalifikacji i umiejętności nauczycieli przed. zawod. (Polish)
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    The Partner project implemented by the District of Dzierżoniowski and “Association Ziemia Dzierżoniowska” is addressed to 238 students (106K,132M) and 61 teachers (39K) in 6 vocational schools for which the district is the leading body. The main aim of the project is to increase the employability of vocational school pupils in the district of Dzierżoniowski. At the level of the project, the applicant stated that all vocational schools need support resulting from the mismatch of establishments to the needs of the labour market. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (English)
    15 October 2020
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    Le projet partenaire mis en œuvre par le district de Dzierżoniowski et l’«Association du Land de Dzierżoniowska» s’adresse à 238 élèves (106K132M) et 61 enseignants (39K) dans 6 écoles professionnelles pour lesquelles le district est l’organisme principal. L’objectif principal du projet est d’accroître l’employabilité des élèves des écoles professionnelles du district de Dzerżoniowski. Au niveau du projet, la requérante a déclaré que toutes les écoles professionnelles avaient besoin d’un soutien en raison de l’inadéquation des institutions aux besoins du marché du travail. La réponse aux besoins diagnostiqués des écoles est la mise en œuvre de mesures par lesquelles la position des étudiants du district de Dzierzoniowski sur le marché du travail sera compétitive:- les stages et les stages pour 238(106K) étudiants afin d’accroître les compétences professionnelles acquises sur le lieu de travail réel;- les cours et formations développant les compétences professionnelles (238 enseignement/106K);- la création de classes-cadres afin d’accroître la participation des employeurs locaux au système d’enseignement professionnel dans le district;- d’autres activités spécialisées dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle visant à accroître les compétences des étudiants;- des cours et des formations pour les enseignants dans des professions où le marché du travail local présente un déficit;- des stagiaires pour les enseignants afin d’acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour enseigner la profession comme sur le lieu de travail réel;- des études pour les enseignants afin d’améliorer la connaissance de l’éducation des compétences et aptitudes clés nécessaires sur le marché du travail et, en particulier, des étudiants ayant des besoins éducatifs spéciaux. Ces actions permettront d’atteindre les objectifs du projet, à savoir:- améliorer la qualité de l’enseignement dans les écoles professionnelles,- accroître les compétences des enseignants,- renforcer la coopération avec les employeurs,- accroître l’employabilité des diplômés des écoles professionnelles. Le résultat du projet sera le développement de chambres clés et de compétences universelles permettant aux étudiants d’entrer sur le marché du travail et d’améliorer les qualifications et les compétences des enseignants avant la profession. (French)
    1 December 2021
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    Das vom Dzierżoniowski-Bezirk durchgeführte Partnerprojekt und die „Association of Land Dzierżoniowska“ richten sich an 238 Schüler (106K,132M) und 61 Lehrer (39K) in 6 Berufsschulen, für die der Bezirk federführend ist. Hauptziel des Projekts ist die Verbesserung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit von Berufsschülern im Bezirk Dzerżoniowski. Auf der Ebene des Projekts stellte der Antragsteller fest, dass alle Berufsschulen Unterstützung benötigen, da die Einrichtungen den Bedürfnissen des Arbeitsmarktes nicht genügen. Die Antwort auf die diagnostizierten Bedürfnisse der Schulen ist die Umsetzung von Maßnahmen, mit denen die Position der Studenten des Bezirks Dzierzoniowski auf dem Arbeitsmarkt wettbewerbsfähig sein wird: – oder z. B. Praktika und Praktika für 238 (106K) Studenten, um die am realen Arbeitsplatz erworbenen beruflichen Fähigkeiten zu erhöhen; – Kurse und Schulungen zur Entwicklung von beruflichen Kompetenzen (238 Teach/106K);- Schaffung von Dachklassen, um die Beteiligung lokaler Arbeitgeber am Berufsbildungssystem im Bezirk zu erhöhen; – oder z. B. zusätzliche spezialisierte Tätigkeiten im Rahmen der beruflichen Bildung zur Erhöhung der Kompetenzen der Studierenden;- Kurse und Ausbildung von Lehrkräften in Berufen, in denen ein Defizit auf dem lokalen Arbeitsmarkt besteht;- oder z. B. Praktikanten für Lehrkräfte, um die Fähigkeiten zur Vermittlung des Berufs wie am realen Arbeitsplatz zu erwerben;- Studium für Lehrer zur Verbesserung der Kenntnisse über die auf dem Arbeitsmarkt erforderlichen Schlüsselkompetenzen und Fertigkeiten und insbesondere für Studierende mit besonderen Bildungsbedürfnissen.Diese Maßnahmen ermöglichen es, die Ziele des Projekts zu erreichen; d. h. die Verbesserung der Qualität des Unterrichts an Berufsschulen, die Erhöhung der Kompetenzen der Lehrer, die Stärkung der Zusammenarbeit mit den Arbeitgebern, die Verbesserung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Absolventen von Berufsschulen. Das Ergebnis des Projekts wird das Wachstum von Schlüsselkammern und universellen Fähigkeiten sein, die es den Schülern ermöglichen, in den Arbeitsmarkt einzusteigen und die Qualifikationen und Fähigkeiten von Lehrern vor dem Beruf zu verbessern. (German)
    7 December 2021
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    Het partnerproject dat wordt uitgevoerd door het district Dzierżoniowski en de „Association of Land Dzierżoniowska” is gericht op 238 studenten (106K,132M) en 61 leraren (39K) in 6 beroepsscholen waarvoor het district de leidende instantie is. De belangrijkste doelstelling van het project is het vergroten van de inzetbaarheid van beroepsonderwijsstudenten in het district Dzerżoniowski. Op het niveau van het project heeft verzoekster verklaard dat alle beroepsscholen steun nodig hadden omdat de instellingen niet aan de behoeften van de arbeidsmarkt voldeden. Het antwoord op de gediagnosticeerde behoeften van scholen is de tenuitvoerlegging van maatregelen waarmee de positie van studenten van het district Dzierzoniowski op de arbeidsmarkt concurrerend zal zijn:- org. stages en stages voor 238(106K) studenten om de op de werkelijke werkplek verworven beroepsvaardigheden te vergroten;- org. cursussen en opleidingen die professionele competenties ontwikkelen (238 Teach/106K);- het creëren van overkoepelende klassen om de deelname van lokale werkgevers aan het beroepsonderwijs in het district te vergroten; aanvullende gespecialiseerde activiteiten in het kader van de beroepsopleiding om de competenties van studenten te vergroten;- cursussen en opleiding voor leraren in beroepen waar de plaatselijke arbeidsmarkt tekortschiet;- org. stagiairs voor leerkrachten om de vaardigheden te verwerven om het beroep te onderwijzen zoals op de werkelijke werkplek;- studie voor leerkrachten om de kennis van de op de arbeidsmarkt noodzakelijke sleutelcompetenties en vaardigheden te verbeteren, en met name studenten met speciale onderwijsbehoeften. Deze acties zullen het mogelijk maken de doelstellingen van het project te verwezenlijken; d.w.z.:- verbetering van de kwaliteit van het onderwijs in beroepsonderwijs,- vergroting van de competenties van leerkrachten,- versterking van de samenwerking met werkgevers,- vergroting van de inzetbaarheid van afgestudeerden van beroepsonderwijs. Het resultaat van het project is de groei van belangrijke kamers en universele vaardigheden die studenten in staat stellen de arbeidsmarkt te betreden en de kwalificaties en vaardigheden van leerkrachten vóór het beroep te verbeteren. (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
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    Il Progetto Partner realizzato dal Distretto di Dzierżoniowski e dall'"Association of Land Dzierżoniowska" è rivolto a 238 studenti (106K,132M) e 61 insegnanti (39K) in 6 scuole professionali di cui il distretto è l'ente principale. L'obiettivo principale del progetto è aumentare l'occupabilità degli studenti delle scuole professionali nel distretto di Dzerżoniowski. A livello del progetto, il richiedente ha dichiarato che tutte le scuole professionali hanno bisogno di sostegno a causa dell'inadeguatezza delle istituzioni alle esigenze del mercato del lavoro. La risposta alle esigenze diagnosticate delle scuole è l'attuazione di misure con cui la posizione degli studenti del Distretto di Dzierzoniowski sul mercato del lavoro sarà competitiva:- org. stage e stage per 238(106K) studenti al fine di aumentare le competenze professionali acquisite sul posto di lavoro reale;- org. corsi e formazioni che sviluppano competenze professionali (238 Teach/106K);- creazione di classi ombrello al fine di aumentare la partecipazione dei datori di lavoro locali al sistema di formazione professionale nel distretto; altre attività specializzate nell'ambito della formazione professionale volte ad accrescere le competenze degli studenti;- corsi e formazione per insegnanti di professioni in cui il mercato del lavoro locale presenta un deficit;- o, ad esempio, tirocinanti per insegnanti al fine di acquisire le competenze necessarie per insegnare la professione come nel luogo di lavoro reale;- studiare per gli insegnanti al fine di migliorare la conoscenza dell'istruzione delle competenze chiave e delle abilità necessarie sul mercato del lavoro e, in particolare, gli studenti con esigenze educative speciali. Tali azioni consentiranno di raggiungere gli obiettivi del progetto, migliorare la qualità dell'insegnamento nelle scuole professionali,- aumentare le competenze degli insegnanti,- rafforzare la cooperazione con i datori di lavoro- aumentare l'occupabilità dei laureati delle scuole professionali. Il progetto avrà come risultato la crescita di camere chiave e di competenze universali che consentano agli studenti di entrare nel mercato del lavoro e di migliorare le qualifiche e le competenze degli insegnanti prima della professione. (Italian)
    16 January 2022
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    El proyecto asociado ejecutado por el distrito de Dzierżoniowski y la «Association of Land Dzierżoniowska» está dirigido a 238 estudiantes (106K,132M) y 61 profesores (39K) en 6 escuelas de formación profesional para las que el distrito es el órgano principal. El objetivo principal del proyecto es aumentar la empleabilidad de los estudiantes de formación profesional en el distrito de Dzerżoniowski. A nivel del proyecto, el solicitante declaró que todas las escuelas de formación profesional necesitaban apoyo debido a la insuficiencia de las instituciones con respecto a las necesidades del mercado laboral. La respuesta a las necesidades diagnosticadas de las escuelas es la aplicación de medidas por las que la posición de los estudiantes del distrito de Dzierzoniowski en el mercado laboral será competitiva:- org. pasantías y pasantías para 238 (106K) estudiantes con el fin de aumentar las competencias profesionales adquiridas en el lugar de trabajo real;- cursos y formaciones que desarrollen competencias profesionales (238 Teach/106K);- creación de clases generales para aumentar la participación de los empleadores locales en el sistema de educación profesional en el distrito; actividades especializadas adicionales dentro de la formación profesional para aumentar las competencias de los estudiantes;- cursos y formación para profesores en profesiones en las que existe un déficit en el mercado de trabajo local;- org. para aprendices para profesores con el fin de adquirir las capacidades para enseñar la profesión como en el lugar de trabajo real;- estudiar para los profesores con el fin de mejorar el conocimiento de la educación de las competencias y competencias clave necesarias en el mercado laboral y, en particular, estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales. Estas acciones permitirán alcanzar los objetivos del proyecto, es decir:- aumentar la calidad de la enseñanza en las escuelas de formación profesional,- aumentar las competencias de los profesores,- reforzar la cooperación con los empleadores,- aumentar la empleabilidad de los graduados de las escuelas de formación profesional. (Spanish)
    20 January 2022
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    Dzierżoniowski ringkonna ja ühingu Ziemia Dzierżoniowska elluviidav partnerprojekt on suunatud 238 õpilasele (106K,132M) ja 61 õpetajale (39K) 6 kutsekoolis, mille juhtiv asutus on piirkond. Projekti peamine eesmärk on suurendada kutsekooliõpilaste tööalast konkurentsivõimet Dzierżoniowski piirkonnas. Projekti tasandil märkis taotleja, et kõik kutsekoolid vajavad toetust, mis tuleneb sellest, et asutused ei vasta tööturu vajadustele. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Estonian)
    13 August 2022
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    Dzier¼oniowski rajono ir asociacijos Ziemia Dzierżoniowska vykdomas partnerių projektas skirtas 238 moksleiviams (106K,132M) ir 61 mokytojui (39K) 6 profesinėse mokyklose, kuriose rajonas yra pirmaujanti įstaiga. Pagrindinis projekto tikslas – didinti profesinių mokyklų moksleivių įsidarbinamumą Dzier¼oniowski rajone. Projekto lygmeniu pareiškėjas nurodė, kad visoms profesinėms mokykloms reikia paramos dėl to, kad įstaigos neatitinka darbo rinkos poreikių. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Lithuanian)
    13 August 2022
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    Partnerski projekt koji provode Distrikt Dzieržoniowski i âEURAssociation Ziemia DzierÅ’oniowskaâEUR namijenjen je 238 učenika (106K,132M) i 61 učitelja (39K) u 6 strukovnih škola za koje je okrug vodeće tijelo. Glavni cilj projekta je povećanje zapošljivosti učenika strukovnih škola u okrugu Dzieržoniowski. Na razini projekta podnositelj zahtjeva naveo je da je svim strukovnim školama potrebna potpora koja proizlazi iz neusklađenosti ustanova s potrebama tržišta rada. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Croatian)
    13 August 2022
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    Το πρόγραμμα Partner που υλοποιείται από την Περιφέρεια Dzierżoniowski και âEURAssociation Ziemia Dzierżoniowskaâ EUR απευθύνεται σε 238 μαθητές (106K,132M) και 61 καθηγητές (39K) σε 6 επαγγελματικές σχολές για τις οποίες η περιοχή είναι ο κορυφαίος φορέας. Κύριος στόχος του σχεδίου είναι η αύξηση της απασχολησιμότητας των μαθητών επαγγελματικής εκπαίδευσης στην περιφέρεια Dzierżoniowski. Στο επίπεδο του σχεδίου, η προσφεύγουσα δήλωσε ότι όλες οι επαγγελματικές σχολές χρειάζονται στήριξη λόγω της αναντιστοιχίας των ιδρυμάτων προς τις ανάγκες της αγοράς εργασίας. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Greek)
    13 August 2022
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    Partnerský projekt realizovaný okresom DzierÅ 0,25oniowski a â EURAssociation Ziemia DzierÅ 0,25oniowskaâ EUR je určený 238 študentom (106K,132M) a 61 učiteľom (39K) v 6 odborných školách, pre ktoré je okres vedúcim orgánom. Hlavným cieľom projektu je zvýšiť zamestnateľnosť žiakov odborných škôl v okrese DzierÅ 0,25oniowski. Na úrovni projektu žiadateľ uviedol, že všetky odborné školy potrebujú podporu vyplývajúcu z nesúladu zariadení s potrebami trhu práce. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Slovak)
    13 August 2022
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    Dzierżoniowskin ja âEURAssociation Ziemia Dzierżoniowskan alueen toteuttama kumppanihanke on osoitettu 238 opiskelijalle (106K,132M) ja 61 opettajalle (39K) kuudessa ammatillisessa oppilaitoksessa, joissa piiri on johtava elin. Hankkeen päätavoitteena on parantaa Dzierżoniowskin piirin ammattioppilaiden työllistettävyyttä. Hankkeen tasolla kantaja totesi, että kaikki ammatilliset koulut tarvitsevat tukea, joka johtuu siitä, että oppilaitokset eivät sovi yhteen työmarkkinoiden tarpeiden kanssa. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Finnish)
    13 August 2022
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    A Dzierżoniowski kerület és a Ziemia Dzierżoniowska âEURAssociation által végrehajtott partnerprojekt 238 diák (106K,132M) és 61 tanár (39K) számára szól 6 olyan szakiskolában, amelyek vezető testülete a körzet. A projekt fő célja a Dzierżoniowski körzetben élő szakiskolai tanulók foglalkoztathatóságának növelése. A projekt szintjén a felperes kifejtette, hogy minden szakiskolának támogatásra van szüksége, mivel az intézmények nem felelnek meg a munkaerő-piaci igényeknek. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Hungarian)
    13 August 2022
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    Partnerský projekt realizovaný okresem Dzierżoniowski a âEURAssociation Ziemia Dzierżoniowska" je určen 238 studentům (106K,132M) a 61 učitelům (39K) na 6 odborných školách, pro které je okres vedoucím orgánem. Hlavním cílem projektu je zvýšit zaměstnatelnost žáků odborných škol v okrese Dzierżoniowski. Na úrovni projektu žalobkyně uvedla, že všechny odborné školy potřebují podporu vyplývající z nesouladu zařízení s potřebami trhu práce. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Czech)
    13 August 2022
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    Dzierżoniowski rajona un EURAssociation Ziemia Dzierżoniowskaâ EUR īstenotais partneru projekts ir adresēts 238 skolēniem (106K,132M) un 61 skolotājam (39K) 6 arodskolās, kurās rajons ir vadošā iestāde. Projekta galvenais mērķis ir palielināt profesionālās izglītības iestāžu audzēkņu nodarbināmību Dzierżoniowski rajonā. Projekta līmenī pieteikuma iesniedzējs norādīja, ka visām profesionālajām skolām ir vajadzīgs atbalsts, kas izriet no iestāžu neatbilstības darba tirgus vajadzībām. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Latvian)
    13 August 2022
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    Tá an tionscadal Comhpháirtí i bhfeidhm ag an Dúiche na Dzieržonioniowski agus âEURAssociation Ziemia DzieržoniowskaâEUR dírithe ar 238 mac léinn (106K,132M) agus 61 múinteoirí (39K) i 6 scoileanna gairme a bhfuil an ceantar an comhlacht tosaigh. Is é príomhaidhm an tionscadail cur le hinfhostaitheacht daltaí gairmoideachais i gceantar Dzieržoniowski. Ar leibhéal an tionscadail, dúirt an t-iarratasóir go bhfuil tacaíocht de dhíth ar gach gairmscoil a eascraíonn as mí-oiriúint na mbunaíochtaí do riachtanais an mhargaidh saothair. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Irish)
    13 August 2022
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    Partnerski projekt, ki ga izvaja okrožje DzierÅ⁄loniowski in âEURAssociation Ziemia DzierÅ⁄loniowskaâ EUR je naslovljen na 238 študentov (106K,132M) in 61 učiteljev (39K) v 6 poklicnih šolah, za katere je okrožje vodilno telo. Glavni cilj projekta je povečati zaposljivost dijakov poklicnega izobraževanja v okrožju DzierÅ 0,25oniowski. Na ravni projekta je tožeča stranka navedla, da vse poklicne šole potrebujejo podporo zaradi neusklajenosti ustanov s potrebami trga dela. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Slovenian)
    13 August 2022
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    Партньорският проект, изпълняван от област Dzierżoniowski и âEURAssociation Ziemia DzierżoniowskaâEUR, е адресиран до 238 ученици (106K,132M) и 61 учители (39K) в 6 професионални училища, за които районът е водещ орган. Основната цел на проекта е да се повиши пригодността за заетост на учениците в професионалните училища в област Dzierżoniowski. На ниво проект заявителят посочва, че всички професионални училища се нуждаят от подкрепа, произтичаща от несъответствието на предприятията с нуждите на пазара на труда. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Bulgarian)
    13 August 2022
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    Il-proġett Imsieħeb implimentat mill-Distrett ta ‘Dzierżoniowski u EUR â EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR â EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR â EUR TM EUR żoniowskaâ EUR huwa indirizzat lill 238 studenti (106K,132M) u 61 għalliema (39K) 6 skejjel vokazzjonali li għalihom id-distrett huwa l-korp ewlieni. L-għan ewlieni tal-proġett huwa li tiżdied l-impjegabbiltà tal-istudenti tal-iskola vokazzjonali fid-distrett ta’ Dzierżoniowski. Fil-livell tal-proġett, l-applikant iddikjara li l-iskejjel vokazzjonali kollha jeħtieġu appoġġ li jirriżulta min-nuqqas ta’ tlaqqigħ tal-istabbilimenti mal-ħtiġijiet tas-suq tax-xogħol. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Maltese)
    13 August 2022
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    O projeto Partner implementado pelo Distrito de Dzierżoniowski e pela Associação Ziemia Dzierżoniowskaâ EUR destina-se a 238 estudantes (106K,132M) e 61 professores (39K) em 6 escolas vocacionais para as quais o distrito é o órgão principal. O principal objetivo do projeto é aumentar a empregabilidade dos alunos do ensino profissional no distrito de Dzierżoniowski. Ao nível do projeto, a recorrente indicou que todas as escolas profissionais necessitam de apoio resultante da inadequação dos estabelecimentos com as necessidades do mercado de trabalho. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Portuguese)
    13 August 2022
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    Partnerprojektet, der gennemføres af Distrikt Dzierżoniowski og âEURAssociation Ziemia DzierżoniowskaâEUR, henvender sig til 238 elever (106K,132M) og 61 lærere (39K) i 6 erhvervsskoler, hvor distriktet er det førende organ. Hovedformålet med projektet er at øge beskæftigelsesegnetheden for erhvervsskoleelever i Dzierżoniowski-distriktet. På projektniveau anførte sagsøgeren, at alle erhvervsskoler har behov for støtte som følge af manglende overensstemmelse mellem virksomhederne og arbejdsmarkedets behov. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Danish)
    13 August 2022
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    Proiectul partener implementat de districtul Dzierżoniowski și Asociația Ziemia Dzierżoniowska se adresează 238 de elevi (106K,132M) și 61 de profesori (39K) din 6 școli profesionale pentru care districtul este organismul principal. Obiectivul principal al proiectului este creșterea capacității de inserție profesională a elevilor din districtul Dzierżoniowski. La nivelul proiectului, reclamanta a afirmat că toate școlile profesionale au nevoie de sprijin ca urmare a neconcordanței dintre instituții și nevoile pieței forței de muncă. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Romanian)
    13 August 2022
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    Det partnerprojekt som genomförs av distriktet Dzierżoniowski och âEURAssociation Ziemia Dzierżoniowska riktar sig till 238 studenter (106K,132M) och 61 lärare (39K) i sex yrkesskolor där distriktet är ledande organ. Huvudsyftet med projektet är att öka anställbarheten för yrkesskoleelever i distriktet Dzierżoniowski. På projektnivå uppgav sökanden att alla yrkesskolor behöver stöd till följd av att arbetsställena inte stämmer överens med arbetsmarknadens behov. The response to the diagnosed needs of the schools is the implementation of activities by which the students of Dzierzoniowski County will be competitive:- org. traineeships and apprenticeships for 238(106K) pupils in order to increase the professional skills acquired in the real place of work;- org. the training courses and training developing vocational competences (238 school/106K);- the training of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the framework of vocational training in the field of vocational training.-- to increase the skills of teachers of the profession in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the district;- org. additional training courses in vocational training in the field of vocational training in the framework of vocational training- in the field of vocational training- in order to increase the proficiency of the vocational education in the area of the territory of the territory of the territory;--org. additional professional courses in the field of vocational training- in addition to the occupational skills of the professions- in order to increase the proficiency of proficiency in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the professional education system in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. prog. of additional occupational occupations in vocational trainings in the occupation of the professions- to increase the vocational training of the professions- in order to increase the participation of local employers in the system of vocational education in the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional training courses in vocational training in the occupations of the professions of the professions- in addition to the training of teachers in the professions in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. the prog. of additional professional courses in the occupation of vocational training in the occupational of the professions- in addition to the occupational skills of teachers before the training of teachers in order to increase the participation of local employers in the vocational education system in the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory of the territory;- org. (Swedish)
    13 August 2022
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    WOJ.: DOLNOŚLĄSKIE, POW.: dzierżoniowski
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