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Revision as of 00:38, 20 October 2022
Project Q118452 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | WSPiA e-service platform |
Project Q118452 in Poland |
4,794,631.48 zloty
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5,640,742.93 zloty
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1 January 2017
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30 September 2018
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Celem głównym projektu jest: Podniesienie efektywności i dostępności oraz wprowadzenie 12 nowych e-usług przez Wyższa Szkołę Prawa i Administracji Rzeszowską Szkołę Wyższą w okresie 01.01.2017-30.06.2018, co będzie miało bezpośredni wpływ na wyższą jakość i ułatwi dostęp do usług publicznych świadczonych drogą elektroniczną.W ramach niniejszego projektu przewidziano wdrożenie e-usług dedykowanych studentom i środowisku akademickiemu oraz zapewniających skuteczną współpracę z gospodarką i instytucjami publicznymi. Cel główny zostanie osiągnięty poprzez cele szczegółowe, do których zaliczamy: - wdrożenie 12 e-usług dedykowanych studentom i całemu środowisku akademickiemu;- dostarczenie 3 e-usług na 4 poziomie dojrzałości;- dostarczenie 7 e-usług na 3 poziomie dojrzałości;- zapewnienie odpowiednich warunków nauczania poprzez rozbudowę i modernizację zaplecza WSPiA w oparciu o technologie komunikacyjne i informatyczne;- zapewnienie odpowiednich warunków współpracy z przedsiębiorcami oraz instytucjami publicznymi;- zwiększenie efektywności nauczania WSPiA poprzez wprowadzenie nowej jakości dostępu do zasobów wiedzy;- unowocześnienie platformy dystrybucji informacji pomiędzy pracownikami naukowymi, wykładowcami, studentami oraz pracownikami administracyjnymi uczelni;- unowocześnienie platformy dystrybucji informacji pomiędzy WSPiA a przedsiębiorcami i instytucjami publicznymi;- rozwój intelektualny studentów WSPiA;- rozwój intelektualny pracowników WSPiA.Projekt obejmuje wdrożenie nast. e-usług : • e-rekrutacja (A2C) – st. dojrz. 4• e-student (A2C) – st. dojrz. 4• e-tablica ogłoszeń (A2C) – st. dojrz. 2• e-kontakt (A2C) – st. dojrz. 3• e-wykłady (A2C) – st. dojrz. 3• e-lista obecności (A2C) – st. dojrz. 4• e-klinika Prawa (A2C) – st. dojrz. 3• e-klinika Przedsiębiorczości (A2C) – st. dojrz. 3• e-klinika Administracji (A2C) – st. dojrz. 3• e-klinika Bezpieczeństwa (A2C) – st. dojrz. 3• Interaktywny system badań (A2C) – st. dojrz. 3• e-repozytorium (A2C) – st. dojrz. 2 (Polish)
0 references
The main objective of the project is to: Improving efficiency and accessibility and introducing 12 new e-services by the Rzeszów University of Law and Administration in the period 01.01.2017-30.06.2018, which will have a direct impact on higher quality and facilitate access to public services provided electronically.The project envisages the implementation of e-services dedicated to students and the academic community and ensure effective cooperation with the economy and public institutions. The main objective will be achieved through specific objectives, including: — implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through • e-recruitment (A2C) – maturity. 4• e-student (A2C) – see. 4• e-table of announcements (A2C) – see. 2• e-contact (A2C) – see. 3• e-learning (A2C) – maturity. 3• e-prevalence list (A2C) – p. maturity. 4• e-clinic Law (A2C) – maturity. 3• Enterprise e-clinic (A2C) – maturity. 3• Administration e-clinic (A2C) – maturing. 3• safety e-clinic (A2C) – maturing. 3• Interactive Testing System (A2C) – maturing. 3• e-repository (A2C) – maturity. 2 (English)
20 October 2020
0 references
L’objectif principal du projet est de: Accroître l’efficacité et l’accessibilité et introduire 12 nouveaux services en ligne par l’École supérieure de droit et d’administration de Rzeszów au cours de la période allant du 1er janvier 2017 au 30 juin 2018, ce qui aura un impact direct sur l’amélioration de la qualité et facilitera l’accès aux services publics fournis par voie électronique. Ce projet prévoit la mise en œuvre de services électroniques dédiés aux étudiants et à la communauté universitaire et assurera une coopération efficace avec l’économie et les institutions publiques. L’objectif principal sera atteint au moyen d’objectifs spécifiques, notamment: — la mise en œuvre de 12 services électroniques dédiés aux étudiants et à l’ensemble de la communauté universitaire;- la fourniture de 3 services électroniques au quatrième niveau de maturité;- la fourniture de 7 services électroniques à 3 maturités;- la mise en place de conditions d’enseignement adéquates grâce à l’expansion et à la modernisation des installations de la WSPiA fondées sur les technologies de la communication et de l’information;- la mise en place de conditions adéquates pour la coopération avec les entrepreneurs et les institutions publiques;- l’amélioration de l’efficacité de l’enseignement WSPiA par l’introduction d’un nouvel accès de qualité aux ressources du savoir; modernisation de la plateforme de diffusion de l’information entre les universitaires, les conférenciers, les étudiants et le personnel administratif des universités;- modernisation de la plateforme de diffusion de l’information entre WSPiA et les entrepreneurs et les institutions publiques;- développement intellectuel des étudiants de la WSPiA;- développement intellectuel des employés de la WSPiA.Le projet comprend la mise en œuvre des services électroniques suivants: • recrutement électronique (A2C) — mature. 4• e-étudiant (A2C) — mature. 4• E-board des annonces (A2C) 2• e-contact (A2C) — mûr. 3• e-lectures (A2C) — mature 3• Liste de présence électronique (A2C) — mature 4• e-clinique de la Loi (A2C) — st. 3• e-Clinic Entrepreneurship (A2C) — maturité 3• Administration e-clinique (A2C) — mature 3• Sécurité e-Clinique (A2C) — mature 3• Système d’essai interactif (A2C) — mature 3• dépôt électronique (A2C) — mûr. 2 (French)
2 December 2021
0 references
Hauptziel des Projekts ist: Steigerung der Effizienz und Zugänglichkeit und Einführung von 12 neuen elektronischen Diensten durch die Rzeszów Higher School of Law and Administration im Zeitraum 01.01.2017-30.06.2018, die sich unmittelbar auf höhere Qualität auswirken und den Zugang zu elektronisch erbrachten öffentlichen Dienstleistungen erleichtern werden. Dieses Projekt sieht die Einführung elektronischer Dienste für Studierende und die akademische Gemeinschaft vor und gewährleistet eine wirksame Zusammenarbeit mit der Wirtschaft und öffentlichen Einrichtungen. Das Hauptziel wird durch spezifische Ziele erreicht, die Folgendes umfassen: — die Einführung von 12 elektronischen Diensten für Studierende und die gesamte akademische Gemeinschaft;- Bereitstellung von 3 elektronischen Dienstleistungen auf dem vierten Reifegrad;- Bereitstellung von 7 elektronischen Diensten mit drei Reifegraden;- Bereitstellung angemessener Lehrbedingungen durch die Erweiterung und Modernisierung der WSPiA-Einrichtungen auf der Grundlage von Kommunikations- und Informationstechnologien;- Bereitstellung angemessener Bedingungen für die Zusammenarbeit mit Unternehmern und öffentlichen Einrichtungen;- Steigerung der Wirksamkeit der WSPiA-Unterricht durch Einführung neuer hochwertiger Zugang zu Wissensressourcen; Modernisierung der Informationsplattform zwischen Akademikern, Dozenten, Studierenden und Hochschulverwaltungspersonal;- Modernisierung der Informationsplattform zwischen WSPiA und Unternehmern und öffentlichen Einrichtungen;- intellektuelle Entwicklung von WSPiA-Studenten;- intellektuelle Entwicklung von WSPiA-Mitarbeitern.Das Projekt umfasst die Implementierung folgender e-Services: • e-recruitment (A2C) – reif. 4• e-Student (A2C) – reif. 4• E-Board von Ankündigungen (A2C) 2• E-Kontakt (A2C) – reif. 3• E-Vorlesungen (A2C) – reif 3• E-Präsenzliste (A2C) – reif 4• E-Klinik des Gesetzes (A2C) – st. 3• e-Clinic Entrepreneurship (A2C) – reif 3• e-Clinic Administration (A2C) – reif 3• e-Clinic Safety (A2C) – reif 3• Interaktives Testsystem (A2C) – ausgereift 3• E-Repository (A2C) – reif. 2 (German)
7 December 2021
0 references
De hoofddoelstelling van het project is: Verhoging van de efficiëntie en toegankelijkheid en invoering van 12 nieuwe e-diensten door de Hogeschool voor Recht en Bestuur Rzeszów in de periode 01.01.2017-30.06.2018, die een rechtstreeks effect zal hebben op een hogere kwaliteit en de toegang tot langs elektronische weg geleverde overheidsdiensten zal vergemakkelijken. Dit project voorziet in de implementatie van e-diensten voor studenten en de academische gemeenschap en zorgt voor effectieve samenwerking met de economie en openbare instellingen. De hoofddoelstelling zal worden verwezenlijkt door middel van specifieke doelstellingen, waaronder: — de tenuitvoerlegging van 12 e-diensten voor studenten en de gehele academische gemeenschap;- het verlenen van 3 e-diensten op het vierde niveau van volwassenheid;- het verstrekken van 7 e-diensten op 3 maturiteitsniveau;- het verstrekken van adequate onderwijsvoorwaarden door de uitbreiding en modernisering van de WSPiA-faciliteiten op basis van communicatie- en informatietechnologieën;- het bieden van adequate voorwaarden voor samenwerking met ondernemers en openbare instellingen;- het verbeteren van de effectiviteit van het WSPiA-onderwijs door de invoering van nieuwe kwaliteitstoegang tot kennisbronnen; modernisering van het platform voor informatieverspreiding tussen academici, docenten, studenten en universitair administratief personeel;- modernisering van het platform voor informatiedistributie tussen WSPiA en ondernemers en openbare instellingen;- intellectuele ontwikkeling van WSPiA-studenten;- intellectuele ontwikkeling van WSPiA-medewerkers.Het project omvat de implementatie van de volgende e-diensten: • e-aanwerving (A2C) — rijp. 4• e-student (A2C) — volwassen. 4• e-board van aankondigingen (A2C) 2• e-contact (A2C) — rijp. 3• e-lectures (A2C) — volwassen 3• e-aanwezigheidslijst (A2C) — volwassen 4• e-kliniek van de Wet (A2C) — st. 3• e-Clinisch Ondernemerschap (A2C) — volwassen 3• e-Clinic Administration (A2C) — volwassen 3• e-Klinische Veiligheid (A2C) — rijp 3• Interactive Testing System (A2C) — volwassen 3• e-repository (A2C) — rijp. 2 (Dutch)
17 December 2021
0 references
L'obiettivo principale del progetto è: Aumentare l'efficienza e l'accessibilità e introdurre 12 nuovi servizi elettronici da parte della scuola superiore di diritto e amministrazione di Rzeszów nel periodo 01.01.2017-30.06.2018, che avrà un impatto diretto sulla qualità superiore e faciliterà l'accesso ai servizi pubblici forniti elettronicamente. Questo progetto prevede l'attuazione di servizi elettronici dedicati agli studenti e alla comunità accademica e garantirà una cooperazione efficace con l'economia e le istituzioni pubbliche. L'obiettivo principale sarà raggiunto attraverso obiettivi specifici, tra cui: — l'attuazione di 12 servizi elettronici dedicati agli studenti e all'intera comunità accademica;- fornire 3 servizi elettronici al 4º livello di maturità;- fornire 7 servizi elettronici a 3 livelli di maturità;- fornire adeguate condizioni didattiche attraverso l'espansione e la modernizzazione delle strutture WSPiA basate sulle tecnologie di comunicazione e informazione;- fornire condizioni adeguate per la cooperazione con gli imprenditori e le istituzioni pubbliche;- aumentare l'efficacia dell'insegnamento WSPiA introducendo un nuovo accesso di qualità alle risorse della conoscenza; modernizzazione della piattaforma di distribuzione delle informazioni tra accademici, docenti, studenti e personale amministrativo universitario;- modernizzazione della piattaforma di distribuzione delle informazioni tra WSPiA e imprenditori e istituzioni pubbliche;- sviluppo intellettuale degli studenti WSPiA;- sviluppo intellettuale dei dipendenti di WSPiA.Il progetto prevede l'attuazione dei seguenti servizi elettronici: • assunzione elettronica (A2C) — matura. 4• e-studente (A2C) — maturo. 4• e-board degli annunci (A2C) 2• e-contatto (A2C) — maturo. 3• Eletture elettroniche (A2C) — mature 3• lista di presenza elettronica (A2C) — matura 4• e-clinico della legge (A2C) — st. 3• Imprenditorialità e-Clinic (A2C) — matura 3• Amministrazione e-Clinic (A2C) — matura 3• Sicurezza e-Clinica (A2C) — matura 3• Sistema di prova interattivo (A2C) — maturo 3• e-repository (A2C) — maturo. 2 (Italian)
15 January 2022
0 references
El objetivo principal del proyecto es: Aumentar la eficiencia y la accesibilidad e introducir 12 nuevos servicios electrónicos por parte de la Escuela Superior de Derecho y Administración Rzeszów en el período 01.01.2017-30.06.2018, que tendrán un impacto directo en una mayor calidad y facilitarán el acceso a los servicios públicos prestados electrónicamente. Este proyecto prevé la implementación de servicios electrónicos dedicados a los estudiantes y a la comunidad académica y garantizando una cooperación efectiva con la economía y las instituciones públicas. El objetivo principal se alcanzará a través de objetivos específicos, que incluyen: — la aplicación de 12 servicios electrónicos dedicados a los estudiantes y a toda la comunidad académica;- la prestación de 3 servicios electrónicos en el cuarto nivel de madurez;- la prestación de 7 servicios electrónicos a 3 niveles de madurez;- la creación de condiciones de enseñanza adecuadas mediante la ampliación y modernización de las instalaciones del WSPiA basadas en las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación;- la creación de condiciones adecuadas para la cooperación con los empresarios y las instituciones públicas;- el aumento de la eficacia de la enseñanza del WSPiA mediante la introducción de nuevos accesos de calidad a los recursos de conocimiento; modernización de la plataforma de distribución de información entre académicos, profesores, estudiantes y personal administrativo universitario;- modernización de la plataforma de distribución de información entre WSPiA y empresarios e instituciones públicas;- desarrollo intelectual de los estudiantes de WSPiA;- desarrollo intelectual de los empleados de WSPiA. El proyecto incluye la implementación de los siguientes servicios electrónicos: • contratación electrónica (A2C) — madura. 4• e-estudiante (A2C) — maduro. 4• tablero electrónico de anuncios (A2C) 2• contacto electrónico (A2C) — maduro. 3• E-lectures (A2C) — madura 3• lista de presencia electrónica (A2C) — madura 4• e-clínica de la Ley (A2C) — st. 3• E-Clinic Entrepreneurship (A2C) — maduro 3• Administración Clínica electrónica (A2C) — madura 3• Seguridad Clínica electrónica (A2C) — madura 3• Sistema Interactivo de Pruebas (A2C) — maduro 3• repositorio electrónico (A2C) — maduro. 2 (Spanish)
18 January 2022
0 references
Hovedformålet med projektet er at: Forbedring af effektiviteten og tilgængeligheden og indførelse af 12 nye e-tjenester fra Rzeszów Universitetet for Advokat og Administration i perioden 1.1.2017-30.6.2018, hvilket vil have en direkte indvirkning på højere kvalitet og lette adgangen til offentlige tjenester, der leveres elektronisk. Projektet omfatter implementering af e-tjenester, der er dedikeret til studerende og det akademiske samfund, og sikre et effektivt samarbejde med økonomien og de offentlige institutioner. Hovedmålet vil blive nået gennem specifikke mål, herunder: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4â EUR ¢ e-studerende (A2C) se. 4â EUR ¢ e-tabel over meddelelser (A2C) se. 2â EUR ¢ e-kontakt (A2C) se. 3â EUR ¢ e-learning (A2C) âEUR modenhed. 3â EUR ¢ e-prævalens liste (A2C) â EUR p. løbetid. 4â EUR ¢ e-klinik lov (A2C) âEUR modenhed. 3â EUR ¢ Enterprise e-klinik (A2C) âEUR modenhed. 3â EUR ¢ Administration e-klinik (A2C) âEUR modning. 3â EUR ¢ sikkerhed e-klinik (A2C) âEUR modning. 3â EUR ¢ Interaktiv testsystem (A2C) âEUR modning. 3â EUR ¢ e-repository (A2C) løbetid. 2 (Danish)
2 July 2022
0 references
Κύριος στόχος του έργου είναι: Βελτίωση της αποτελεσματικότητας και της προσβασιμότητας και εισαγωγή 12 νέων ηλεκτρονικών υπηρεσιών από το Πανεπιστήμιο Δικαίου και Διοίκησης του Rzeszów κατά την περίοδο 01.01.2017-30.06.2018, οι οποίες θα έχουν άμεσο αντίκτυπο στην υψηλότερη ποιότητα και θα διευκολύνουν την πρόσβαση σε δημόσιες υπηρεσίες που παρέχονται ηλεκτρονικά. Το έργο προβλέπει την υλοποίηση ηλεκτρονικών υπηρεσιών αφιερωμένων στους φοιτητές και την ακαδημαϊκή κοινότητα και διασφαλίζει την αποτελεσματική συνεργασία με την οικονομία και τους δημόσιους φορείς. Ο κύριος στόχος θα επιτευχθεί μέσω ειδικών στόχων, μεταξύ των οποίων: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4â EUR ¢ e-student (A2C) â EUR â EUR â EUR TM see. 4â EUR ¢ e-table των ανακοινώσεων (A2C) δείτε. 2â EUR ¢ e-επαφή (A2C) â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR TM. 3â EUR ¢ e-learning (A2C) â EUR ωριμότητα. 3âEUR¢ λίστα e-επιπολασμού (A2C) â EUR â EUR ληκτότητα. 4â EUR ¢ e-κλινική νομοθεσία (A2C) â EUR ληκτότητα. 3âEUR¢ Enterprise e-κλινική (A2C) â EUR â EUR ληκτότητα. 3âEUR ¢ Διαχείριση e-κλινική (A2C) â EUR ωρίμανση. 3âEUR ¢ ασφάλεια e-κλινική (A2C) â EUR ωρίμανση. Διαδραστικό σύστημα δοκιμών (A2C) â EUR ωρίμανση. 3â EUR ¢ e-αποθετήριο (A2C) â EUR ληκτότητα. 2 (Greek)
2 July 2022
0 references
Glavni je cilj projekta: Poboljšanje učinkovitosti i dostupnosti te uvođenje 12 novih e-usluga Sveučilišta za pravo i upravu Rzeszów u razdoblju 01.01.2017 – 30.06.2018., što će izravno utjecati na višu kvalitetu i olakšati pristup javnim uslugama koje se pružaju elektroničkim putem. Projektom se predviđa provedba e-usluga posvećenih studentima i akademskoj zajednici te osigurava učinkovita suradnja s gospodarstvom i javnim institucijama. Glavni cilj ostvarit će se posebnim ciljevima, uključujući: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4 EUR e-student (A2C) â EUR vidjeti. 4′′ EUR e-tablica objava (A2C) â EUR vidjeti. E-kontakt (A2C) – vidi EUR. 3′′ EUR e-learning (A2C) â EUR zrelost. E-prevalence liste (A2C) â EUR p. rok dospijeća. Rok dospijeća 4â EUR e-klinika (A2C). 3′′ Enterprise e-klinika (A2C) â EUR dospijeća. 3′′ Administracija e-klinika (A2C) â EUR dozrijevanje. 3′′Sigurnosna e-klinika (A2C) koja dozrijeva. 3′′′′ Interaktivni sustav ispitivanja (A2C) koji dozrijeva. 3′′ EUR e-repozitorij (A2C) â EUR dospijeća. 2 (Croatian)
2 July 2022
0 references
Obiectivul principal al proiectului este: Îmbunătățirea eficienței și accesibilității și introducerea a 12 noi servicii electronice de către Universitatea de Drept și Administrație din Rzeszów în perioada 01.01.2017-30.06.2018, care vor avea un impact direct asupra calității superioare și vor facilita accesul la serviciile publice furnizate electronic. Proiectul are în vedere implementarea serviciilor electronice dedicate studenților și comunității academice și asigurarea unei cooperări eficiente cu economia și instituțiile publice. Obiectivul principal va fi atins prin obiective specifice, inclusiv: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4 ¢ e-student (A2C) â EUR a se vedea. 4 ¢ e-table de anunțuri (A2C) â EUR a se vedea. 2 ¢ contact electronic (A2C) a se vedea. 3 e-learning (A2C) â EUR maturitate. 3 ¢ Lista de prevalență electronică (A2C) â EUR p. maturitate. 4 ¢ Legea e-clinică (A2C) â EUR maturitate. 3 ¢ Întreprinderea e-clinică (A2C) â EUR maturitate. 3 Administrare e-clinică (A2C) â EUR maturare. 3 ¢ siguranță e-clinică (A2C) â EUR maturare. Sistem de testare interactivă (A2C) â EUR maturare. 3 ¢ e-repository (A2C) â EUR maturitate. 2 (Romanian)
2 July 2022
0 references
Hlavným cieľom projektu je: Zlepšenie efektívnosti a prístupnosti a zavedenie 12 nových e-služieb na Právnickej a administratíve Rzeszów v období 01.01.2017 – 30.06.2018, ktoré budú mať priamy vplyv na vyššiu kvalitu a uľahčia prístup k verejným službám poskytovaným elektronicky. Projekt predpokladá realizáciu elektronických služieb určených pre študentov a akademickú obec a zabezpečí účinnú spoluprácu s hospodárstvom a verejnými inštitúciami. Hlavný cieľ sa dosiahne prostredníctvom konkrétnych cieľov vrátane: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4 â EUR ¢ e-študent (A2C) › Pozri. 4â EUR ¢ e-tabuľka oznámení (A2C) › Pozrite sa. 2 â EUR ¢ e-kontakt (A2C) › Pozrite sa. 3 â EUR ¢ e-learning (A2C) â EUR splatnosti. 3â EUR ¢ e-prevalence list (A2C) â EUR p. splatnosti. 4â EUR ¢ e-klinic zákon (A2C) â EUR splatnosti. 3â EUR ¢ Enterprise e-klinic (A2C) â EUR â EUR. 3 â EUR ¢ Administratíva e-klinic (A2C) â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR TM â EUR TM â EUR TM s dozrievaním. 3 â EUR ¢ bezpečnosť e-klinic (A2C) â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR TM â EUR TM â EUR TM â â â â â â EUR TM âTMŞ â EUR TM â EUR TM â EUR 3 ¢ Interaktívny testovací systém (A2C) zrejúci. 3 â EUR ¢ e-repozitár (A2C) â EUR â EUR. 2 (Slovak)
2 July 2022
0 references
L-għan ewlieni tal-proġett huwa li: It-titjib tal-effiċjenza u l-aċċessibbiltà u l-introduzzjoni ta’ 12-il servizz elettroniku ġdid mill-Università tad-Dritt u l-Amministrazzjoni ta’ RzeszÃw fil-perjodu 01.01.2017–30.06.2018, li se jkollhom impatt dirett fuq kwalità ogħla u jiffaċilitaw l-aċċess għas-servizzi pubbliċi pprovduti elettronikament.Il-proġett jipprevedi l-implimentazzjoni ta’ servizzi elettroniċi ddedikati għall-istudenti u l-komunità akkademika u jiżgura kooperazzjoni effettiva mal-ekonomija u l-istituzzjonijiet pubbliċi. L-għan ewlieni se jintlaħaq permezz ta’ objettivi speċifiċi, inklużi: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4â EUR¢ e-student (A2C) EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR œW e-student (A2C) ara. EUR 4â EUR¢ e-table ta ‘avviżi (A2C) â EUR â EUR TM Ara. 2â EUR¢ e-kuntatt (A2C) EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR TM â kuntatt elettroniku ara. 3â EUR¢ e-learning (A2C) maturità â EUR. 3â EUR¢ e-prevalenza lista (A2C) EUR â EUR p. maturità. EUR 4′ e-clinic Liġi (A2C) â EUR TM maturità. 3â EUR¢ Intrapriża e-klinika (A2C) â EUR TM maturità. 3âEUR¢ Amministrazzjoni e-kliniċi (A2C) â EUR â EUR â EUR TM maturazzjoni. 3â EUR¢-sigurtà e-clinic (A2C) â EUR â EUR œW maturazzjoni. 3âEUR¢ Interactive Testing System (A2C) â EUR â EUR â maturazzjoni. 3â EUR¢ e-repository (A2C) â EUR TM maturità. 2 (Maltese)
2 July 2022
0 references
O principal objetivo do projeto é: Melhoria da eficiência e acessibilidade e introdução de 12 novos serviços eletrónicos pela Universidade de Direito e Administração de Rzeszó³w no período 01.01.2017 — 30.06.2018, que terão um impacto direto na maior qualidade e facilitarão o acesso aos serviços públicos prestados eletronicamente. O projeto prevê a implementação de serviços eletrónicos dedicados aos estudantes e à comunidade académica e assegurar uma cooperação eficaz com a economia e as instituições públicas. O objetivo principal será alcançado através de objetivos específicos, incluindo: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4â EUR TM e-student (A2C) âEUR ver. 4â EUR TM e-tabela de anúncios (A2C) âEUR ver. 2" e-contact (A2C) âEUR ver. 3′′ de e-learning (A2C) › maturidade. Lista de prevalência eletrónica (A2C) âEUR p. maturidade. Lei e-clínica 4â EUR (A2C) › maturidade. 3′′ Enterprise e-clinic (A2C) EUR maturidade. 3â EUR TM Administração e-clinic (A2C) âEUR amadurecendo. 3âEUR segurança e-clinic (A2C) âEUR amadurecimento. Sistema Interativo de Testes (A2C) de maturação. Prazo de vencimento do e-repositório (A2C) 2 (Portuguese)
2 July 2022
0 references
Hankkeen päätavoitteena on Parannetaan tehokkuutta ja saavutettavuutta ja otetaan käyttöön Rzeszów’n oikeus- ja hallintoyliopiston 12 uutta sähköistä palvelua ajanjaksolla 1.1.2017–30.6.2018, mikä vaikuttaa suoraan parempaan laatuun ja helpottaa sähköisesti tarjottavien julkisten palvelujen saatavuutta. Hankkeessa suunnitellaan opiskelijoille ja akateemiselle yhteisölle tarkoitettujen sähköisten palvelujen käyttöönottoa ja tehokkaan yhteistyön varmistamista talouden ja julkisten laitosten kanssa. Päätavoite saavutetaan erityistavoitteilla, joita ovat muun muassa seuraavat: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4 E-opiskelija (A2C) Katso. 4 E-taulukko ilmoituksista (A2C) katso. 2 EUR ¢ e-yhteys (A2C) katso. 3 EUR E-oppiminen (A2C) maturiteetti. 3 EUR à e-prevalence list (A2C) p. maturiteetti. 4 EUR E-klinikan laki (A2C) maturiteetti. 3 EUR ¢ Yritys e-klinikka (A2C) maturiteetti. 3â EUR ¢ Hallinto e-klinikka (A2C) kypsyminen. 3 EUR ¢ turvallisuus e-klinikka (A2C) kypsyminen. 3â EUR› Interaktiivinen testausjärjestelmä (A2C) kypsyminen. 3 EUR E-arkiston (A2C) maturiteetti. 2 (Finnish)
2 July 2022
0 references
Glavni cilj projekta je: Izboljšanje učinkovitosti in dostopnosti ter uvedba 12 novih e-storitev Univerze za pravo in upravo v Rzeszówu v obdobju 01.01.2017–30.06.2018, ki bodo neposredno vplivale na višjo kakovost in olajšale dostop do elektronskih javnih storitev. Projekt predvideva izvajanje e-storitev, namenjenih študentom in akademski skupnosti, ter zagotavljanje učinkovitega sodelovanja z gospodarstvom in javnimi institucijami. Glavni cilj bo dosežen s posebnimi cilji, vključno z: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4â EUR ¢ e-študent (A2C) glej. 4â EUR ¢ e-tabela obvestil (A2C) glej. 2â EUR ¢ e-kontakt (A2C) glej. 3â EUR ¢ e-učenje (A2C) EUR zrelost. 3â EUR ¢ e-razširjenost seznam (A2C) EUR p. zrelost. 4â EUR ¢ e-klinika zakon (A2C) EUR zrelost. 3â EUR ¢ Enterprise e-klinika (A2C) EUR zrelost. 3â EUR ¢ Uprava e-klinika (A2C) EUR zorenje. 3â EUR â EUR ¢ varnost e-klinika (A2C) â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR â EUR ¢ zorenje. 3â EUR â EUR ¢ Interactive Testing System (A2C) EUR zorenje. 3â EUR â EUR ¢ e-repozitorij (A2C) EUR zrelost. 2 (Slovenian)
2 July 2022
0 references
Hlavním cílem projektu je: Zlepšení účinnosti a dostupnosti a zavedení 12 nových elektronických služeb na univerzitě práva a administrativy v Rzeszów v období od 1. ledna 2017–30.06.2018, které budou mít přímý dopad na vyšší kvalitu a usnadní přístup k veřejným službám poskytovaným elektronicky. Projekt předpokládá zavedení elektronických služeb určených studentům a akademické obci a zajistí účinnou spolupráci s hospodářstvím a veřejnými institucemi. Hlavního cíle bude dosaženo prostřednictvím specifických cílů, včetně: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4â EUR â EUR ¢ e-student (A2C) â EUR ¢ viz. 4â EUR â EUR ¢ e-table of notices (A2C) â EUR ¢ 2â EUR â EUR ¢ e-kontakt (A2C) â EUR â EUR. 3â EUR e-learning (A2C) â EUR Zralost. 3â EUR â EUR ¢ e-prevalence list (A2C) â EUR P. Zralost. 4â EUR â EUR ¢ e-klinické právo (A2C) â EUR splatnost. 3â EUR ¢ Enterprise e-clinic (A2C) â EUR splatnost. 3â EUR â EUR â EUR Administrace e-klinika (A2C) â EUR zrání. 3â EUR â EUR Bezpečnostní e-klinika (A2C) â EUR zrání. 3â EUR â EUR â EUR Interactive Testing System (A2C) â EUR zrání. 3 â EUR â EUR e-repository (A2C) â EUR splatnost. 2 (Czech)
2 July 2022
0 references
Pagrindinis projekto tikslas yra: Didinti efektyvumą ir prieinamumą ir įdiegti 12 naujų elektroninių paslaugų Rzeszów Teisės ir administravimo universitete laikotarpiu nuo 01.01.2017–30.06.2018, kurie turės tiesioginį poveikį aukštesnei kokybei ir palengvins prieigą prie elektroniniu būdu teikiamų viešųjų paslaugų. Projekte numatoma įgyvendinti e. paslaugas, skirtas studentams ir akademinei bendruomenei, ir užtikrinti veiksmingą bendradarbiavimą su ekonomika ir viešosiomis institucijomis. Pagrindinis tikslas bus pasiektas konkrečiais tikslais, įskaitant: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4â EUR ¢ e-studentas (A2C) â EUR pamatyti. 4â EUR ¢ e-lentelė skelbimų (A2C) â EUR pamatyti. 2â EUR ¢ e-kontaktas (A2C) â EUR pamatyti. 3â EUR ¢ e-mokymasis (A2C) â EUR terminas. 3â EUR ¢ E. paplitimas sąrašas (A2C) â EUR p. terminas. 4â EUR ¢ e-clinic Law (A2C) â EUR terminas. 3â EUR ¢ Įmonių e-clinic (A2C) â EUR terminas. 3â EUR â EUR ¢ Administracija e-klinikos (A2C) â EUR brandinimo. 3â EUR â EUR ¢ saugos e-klinikos (A2C) â EUR brandinimo. 3â EUR ¢ Interaktyvi testavimo sistema (A2C) â EUR brandinimo. 3â EUR "e-repository (A2C) â EUR terminas. 2 (Lithuanian)
2 July 2022
0 references
Projekta galvenais mērķis ir: Uzlabot efektivitāti un pieejamību, kā arī ieviest 12 jaunus e-pakalpojumus, ko īstenos Žešoņas Juridiskās un administrācijas universitāte laika posmā no 01.01.2017. līdz 30.06.2018., kas tieši ietekmēs augstāku kvalitāti un atvieglos piekļuvi elektroniski sniegtiem sabiedriskajiem pakalpojumiem. Projekts paredz ieviest studentiem un akadēmiskajai kopienai veltītus e-pakalpojumus un nodrošināt efektīvu sadarbību ar ekonomiku un publiskajām iestādēm. Galvenais mērķis tiks sasniegts, izmantojot konkrētus mērķus, tostarp: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4" e-students (A2C) â EUR â EUR redzēt. 4’ EUR" e-tabula paziņojumu (A2C) â EUR sk.. 2" e-kontakts (A2C) â EUR â EUR redzēt. 3" e-mācību (A2C) â EUR termiņu. 3" e-prevalences saraksts (A2C) â EUR p. termiņš. 4" e-klīnika likums (A2C) â EUR termiņu. 3" Enterprise e-klīnika (A2C) â EUR termiņu. 3" Administrācija e-klīnika (A2C) â EUR nogatavināšana. 3" drošības e-klīnika (A2C) â EUR nogatavināšana. 3" Interaktīvās testēšanas sistēma (A2C) â EUR nogatavināšana. 3" e-repozitārs (A2C) â EUR termiņš. 2 (Latvian)
2 July 2022
0 references
Основната цел на проекта е: Подобряване на ефективността и достъпността и въвеждане на 12 нови електронни услуги от Университета по право и администрация в Rzeszów в периода 01.01.2017—30.06.2018 г., които ще имат пряко въздействие върху по-високото качество и ще улеснят достъпа до обществени услуги, предоставяни по електронен път. Проектът предвижда въвеждането на електронни услуги, предназначени за студенти и академичната общност, и осигурява ефективно сътрудничество с икономиката и публичните институции. Основната цел ще бъде постигната чрез конкретни цели, включително: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4 â EUR e-student (A2C) â EUR see. 4" e-таблица на съобщенията (A2C) â EUR see. 2 â EUR e-contact (A2C) â EUR see. 3" Електронно обучение (A2C) â EUR зрялост. Списък за електронно разпространение (A2C) â EUR p. матуритет. 4' e-clinic Law (A2C) â EUR матуритет. 3 „Електронна Клиника на предприятието“ (A2C) матуритет. 3 „Администрация е-клиника“ (A2C) â EUR зреене. 3" безопасност e-клиника (A2C) â EUR зреене. Интерактивна система за изпитване (A2C) â EUR зреене. 3'e-repository (A2C) â EUR матуритет. 2 (Bulgarian)
2 July 2022
0 references
A projekt fő célja a következő: A hatékonyság és a hozzáférhetőség javítása, valamint 12 új e-szolgáltatás bevezetése a Rzeszówi Jog- és Közigazgatási Egyetem által a 2017. január 1. és 2018. június 30. közötti időszakban, amely közvetlen hatással lesz a jobb minőségre és megkönnyíti az elektronikusan nyújtott közszolgáltatásokhoz való hozzáférést. A projekt célja a hallgatók és a tudományos közösség számára nyújtott e-szolgáltatások megvalósítása, valamint a gazdasággal és a közintézményekkel való hatékony együttműködés biztosítása. A fő célkitűzés konkrét célkitűzések révén érhető el, többek között a következők révén: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. E-diák (A2C) lásd. A bejelentések e-táblázata (A2C) lásd. E-kapcsolat (A2C) lásd. 3 EUR e-learning (A2C) érettség. 3 EUR e-prevalencia lista (A2C) â EUR p. 4 E-klinikai törvény (A2C) érettség. Vállalati e-klinika (A2C) érettségi. Adminisztrációs e-klinika (A2C) érlelés. 3 °C biztonságos e-klinika (A2C) érlelés. 3 °C interaktív tesztrendszer (A2C) érlelés. 3 EUR e-repozitív (A2C) lejárat. 2 (Hungarian)
2 July 2022
0 references
Is é príomhchuspóir an tionscadail: Éifeachtúlacht agus inrochtaineacht a fheabhsú agus 12 ríomhsheirbhís nua a thabhairt isteach ag Ollscoil Dlí agus Riaracháin Rzesz³w sa tréimhse 01.01.2017-30.06.2018, a mbeidh tionchar díreach acu ar chaighdeán níos airde agus a éascóidh rochtain ar sheirbhísí poiblí a chuirtear ar fáil go leictreonach.Tá sé beartaithe leis an tionscadal ríomhsheirbhísí atá tiomnaithe do mhic léinn agus don phobal acadúil a chur chun feidhme agus comhar éifeachtach leis an ngeilleagar agus le hinstitiúidí poiblí a áirithiú. Bainfear an príomhchuspóir amach trí chuspóirí sonracha, lena n-áirítear: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. Mac léinn (A2C) â EUR ¢ féach. 4â EUR ¢ r-tábla na fógraí (A2C) â EUR â EUR fheiceáil. 2 Jur: Réamhaithrisím (fíorais). Ríomhfhoghlaim (A2C) â EUR aibíochta. Liosta ríomh-leitheadúlachta (A2C) â EUR â EUR p. aibíocht. Dlí e-clinic (A2C) â EUR aibíochta.  EUR œ Enterprise e-clinic (A2C) â EUR aibíochta.  EUR ¢ Riarachán e-clinic (A2C) EUR ag aibiú. Sábháilteacht e-clinic (A2C) EUR ag aibiú. Córas Tástála Idirghníomhach (A2C) â EUR aibiú.  EUR ¢ r-taispeántas (A2C) â EUR aibíochta. 2 (Irish)
2 July 2022
0 references
Huvudsyftet med projektet är att Förbättra effektiviteten och tillgängligheten och införa 12 nya e-tjänster vid juridik- och förvaltningsuniversitetet i Rzeszów under perioden 01.01.2017–30.06.2018, vilket kommer att ha en direkt inverkan på högre kvalitet och underlätta tillgången till offentliga tjänster som tillhandahålls elektroniskt. Projektet syftar till att införa e-tjänster som är avsedda för studenter och den akademiska världen och säkerställa ett effektivt samarbete med ekonomin och offentliga institutioner. Huvudmålet kommer att uppnås genom särskilda mål, bland annat följande: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4 ¢ e-student (A2C) â EUR se. 4 ¢ e-tabell över meddelanden (A2C) â EUR se. 2 ¢ e-kontakt (A2C) â EUR se. 3â EUR ¢ e-learning (A2C) â EUR mognad. 3â EUR ¢ e-prevalenslista (A2C) â EUR p. löptid. 4 ¢ e-clinic Law (A2C) â EUR förfallodag. 3â EUR ¢ Enterprise e-klinik (A2C) â EUR förfallodag. 3 ¢ Administration e-klinik (A2C) â EUR mognar. 3 ¢ säkerhet e-klinik (A2C) â EUR mognar. 3 ¢ Interactive Testing System (A2C) â EUR mognar. 3â EUR ¢ e-arkiv (A2C) â EUR förfallodag. 2 (Swedish)
2 July 2022
0 references
Projekti peamine eesmärk on: Rzeszów õigus- ja haldusülikooli poolt ajavahemikus 01.01.2017–30.06.2018 tõhususe ja juurdepääsetavuse parandamine ning 12 uue e-teenuse kasutuselevõtt, millel on otsene mõju kõrgemale kvaliteedile ja hõlbustades juurdepääsu elektrooniliselt osutatavatele avalikele teenustele. Projekt näeb ette üliõpilastele ja akadeemilisele kogukonnale suunatud e-teenuste rakendamise ning tagab tõhusa koostöö majanduse ja riigiasutustega. Peamine eesmärk saavutatakse erieesmärkide kaudu, mis hõlmavad järgmist: â implementation of 12 e-services dedicated to students and the whole academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to ensure adequate learning conditions through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication and information technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources of the staff;- the development of inter-intelligence services and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;-- the development of inter-intelligence services for students and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA by introducing new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of intellectuals and public institutions;- increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;--enforcement of inter-services and the academic community;- to provide 3 e-services at 4 level of maturity;- to provide 7 e-services at 3 level of maturity;- to provide appropriate conditions of teaching through the extension and modernisation of the facilities of the WSPiA based on communication technologies and IT technologies;- to provide appropriate conditions for cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of information of the staff in the field of communication and information technology;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to knowledge resources;- In-distribution of academics;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of the teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through the introduction of a new quality of access to the knowledge resources;- the development of inter-intelligence services;- to provide appropriate conditions of cooperation with entrepreneurs and public institutions;- to increase the efficiency of teaching of the WSPiA through ⢠e-recruitment (A2C) â maturity. 4âEUR¢ e-õpilane (A2C) âEUR Vt. 4âEUR¢ e-tabeli teadaanded (A2C) âEUR âEUR Vt. 2âEUR¢ e-kontakt (A2C) – vaata. 3âEUR e-õpe (A2C) âEUR küpsus. 3âEUR  e-levimuste nimekiri (A2C) âEUR p. küpsusaeg. 4âEUR e-kliiniku seadus (A2C) âEUR küpsus. 3âEUR Enterprise e-kliinik (A2C) âEUR küpsus. 3â EUR Administration e-kliinik (A2C) âEUR küpsemine. 3âEUR¢ ohutus e-kliinik (A2C) âEUR küpsemine. 3â EUR Interactive Testing System (A2C) âEUR küpsemine. 3âEUR e-hoidla (A2C) âEUR küpsus. 2 (Estonian)
2 July 2022
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