Community Centre for Early Childhood Development and Parental Support “Nadezhda” Burgas (Q3884262): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item)
(‎Removed claims)
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Bulgaria / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
1,494,978.11 Bulgarian lev
Amount1,494,978.11 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / budget: 1,494,978.11 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
762,438.84 Euro
Amount762,438.84 Euro
Property / budget: 762,438.84 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / budget: 762,438.84 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.51 Euro
Amount0.51 Euro
Property / budget: 762,438.84 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / EU contribution
1,270,731.4 Bulgarian lev
Amount1,270,731.4 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / EU contribution: 1,270,731.4 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
648,073.01 Euro
Amount648,073.01 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 648,073.01 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution: 648,073.01 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.51 Euro
Amount0.51 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 648,073.01 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / start time
10 May 2016
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 10 May 2016 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
31 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 31 December 2021 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Q3884257 (Deleted Item)
Property / beneficiary: Q3884257 (Deleted Item) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Enhancing access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, including health care and social services of general interest / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Generic productive investment in small and medium–sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Other renewable energy (including hydroelectric, geothermal and marine energy) and renewable energy integration (including storage, power to gas and renewable hydrogen infrastructure) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas (TEN-E) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Water management and drinking water conservation (including river basin management, water supply, specific climate change adaptation measures, district and consumer metering, charging systems and leak reduction) / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
Property / location (string): Бургас / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Social Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
42°26'40.38"N, 27°12'29.74"E
Property / coordinate location: 42°26'40.38"N, 27°12'29.74"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Бургас / rank
Normal rank
Property / programme
Property / programme: Human Resources Development - BG - ESF/YEI / rank
Normal rank
Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
85.0 percent
Amount85.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 85.0 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 19:47, 19 May 2022

Project Q3884262 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
Community Centre for Early Childhood Development and Parental Support “Nadezhda” Burgas
Project Q3884262 in Bulgaria


    Превенция на социалното изключване в община Бургас, намаляване на бедността сред децата чрез предоставяне на интегрирани услуги за ранно детско развитие, насочени към деца до 7 годишна възраст от уязвими групи, вкл. деца с увреждания и техните семейства, както и бъдещи родители е основната цел на проекта. Продължителността на проекта е 68 месеца. Целевите групи по проекта са деца на възраст от 0 до 7 години и техните родители, както и бъдещи родители от рискови групи. Предвидените дейности включват: Ранна интервенция на уврежданията; Индивидуална педагогическа подкрепа за деца с увреждания; Предоставяне на психологическа подкрепа и консултиране на бъдещи и настоящи родители за формиране и развитие на родителски умения, семейно консултиране и подкрепа и индивидуална и групова работа с деца и родители, включително с деца и родители, които не са от уязвими групи с цел посещение на детска градина; Подкрепа за осигуряване на здравна детска консултация и дейности по превенция на заболяванията; Допълнителна педагогическа подготовка за повишаване на училищната готовност на децата за равен старт в училище; Семеен център за деца от 0 до 3 години. Настоящият проект разширява създадените по Проекта за социално включване (финансиран със Заем 7612BG от Международната банка за възстановяване и развитие в периода 2008 – 2015 г.) интегрирани услуги за ранно детско развитие, насочени към деца до 7 годишна възраст от уязвими групи, вкл. деца с увреждания и техните семейства, както и бъдещи родители като включва и услугата Семеен център "Надежда" В резултат от изпълнението на проекта очакваме увеличаване броя на доставчици на услуги за социално включване и увеличаване броя на децата, получили подкрепа чрез услугите. В дейностите по проекта ще се включат 1500 деца от уязвимите социални групи, както и 2000 родители и бъдещи родители. (Bulgarian)
    0 references
    Prevention of social exclusion in Burgas municipality, reducing child poverty by providing integrated early childhood development services aimed at children under 7 years of age from vulnerable groups, including children with disabilities and their families, as well as future parents is the main objective of the project. The duration of the project is 68 months. The target groups of the project are children from 0 to 7 years old and their parents, as well as future parents from risk groups. The activities envisaged include: Early intervention of disability; Individual pedagogical support for children with disabilities; Providing psychological support and counselling to future and present parents for the formation and development of parental skills, family counseling and support and individual and group work with children and parents, including children and parents who are not from vulnerable groups to visit kindergarten; Support to provide child health counselling and disease prevention activities; Additional pedagogical training to increase the school readiness of children for an equal start in school; Family center for children from 0 to 3 years. This project expands the integrated early childhood development services created under the Social Inclusion Project (funded by Loan 7612BG by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in the period 2008-2015), aimed at children under 7 years of age from vulnerable groups, including children with disabilities and their families, as well as future parents, including the service Family Center Nadezhda. As a result of the implementation of the project, we expect an increase in the number of providers of social inclusion services and an increase in the number of children supported through the services. The project activities will involve 1500 children from vulnerable social groups, as well as 2000 parents and future parents. (English)
    2 December 2021
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    La prévention de l’exclusion sociale dans la municipalité de Burgas, la réduction de la pauvreté des enfants en fournissant des services intégrés de développement de la petite enfance destinés aux enfants de moins de 7 ans issus de groupes vulnérables, y compris les enfants handicapés et leurs familles, ainsi que les futurs parents, est l’objectif principal du projet. La durée du projet est de 68 mois. Les groupes cibles du projet sont les enfants de 0 à 7 ans et leurs parents, ainsi que les futurs parents issus de groupes à risque. Les activités envisagées comprennent: Intervention précoce du handicap; Le soutien pédagogique individuel aux enfants handicapés; B) Fournir un soutien psychologique et des conseils aux parents futurs et présents pour la formation et le développement des compétences parentales, le conseil et le soutien familiaux et le travail individuel et collectif avec les enfants et les parents, y compris les enfants et les parents qui ne sont pas issus de groupes vulnérables pour visiter la maternelle; B) Appui à la fourniture de conseils en matière de santé infantile et d ' activités de prévention des maladies; Une formation pédagogique supplémentaire pour améliorer la préparation scolaire des enfants à un démarrage égal à l’école; Centre familial pour enfants de 0 à 3 ans. Ce projet élargit les services intégrés de développement de la petite enfance créés dans le cadre du projet d’inclusion sociale (financé par le prêt 7612BG de la Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le développement pour la période 2008-2015), destiné aux enfants de moins de 7 ans issus de groupes vulnérables, y compris les enfants handicapés et leurs familles, ainsi qu’aux futurs parents, y compris le centre familial de Nadezhda. Les activités du projet concerneront 1500 enfants issus de groupes sociaux vulnérables, ainsi que 2000 parents et futurs parents. (French)
    3 December 2021
    0 references
    Die Prävention der sozialen Ausgrenzung in der Gemeinde Burgas, die Verringerung der Kinderarmut durch die Bereitstellung integrierter frühkindlicher Entwicklungsdienste für Kinder unter 7 Jahren aus gefährdeten Gruppen, einschließlich Kindern mit Behinderungen und deren Familien, sowie künftiger Eltern ist das Hauptziel des Projekts. Die Projektlaufzeit beträgt 68 Monate. Die Zielgruppen des Projekts sind Kinder von 0 bis 7 Jahren und ihre Eltern sowie zukünftige Eltern aus Risikogruppen. Geplant sind u. a.: Frühzeitiges Eingreifen von Behinderung; Individuelle pädagogische Unterstützung für Kinder mit Behinderungen; Psychologische Unterstützung und Beratung für künftige und gegenwärtige Eltern bei der Bildung und Entwicklung von elterlichen Fähigkeiten, Familienberatung und -unterstützung sowie individuelle und Gruppenarbeit mit Kindern und Eltern, einschließlich Kindern und Eltern, die nicht aus gefährdeten Gruppen stammen, um den Kindergarten zu besuchen; Unterstützung bei der Bereitstellung von Gesundheitsberatung für Kinder und Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Krankheiten; Zusätzliche pädagogische Ausbildung zur Erhöhung der Schulbereitschaft der Kinder für einen gleichberechtigten Schulbeginn; Familienzentrum für Kinder von 0 bis 3 Jahren. Dieses Projekt erweitert die integrierten frühkindlichen Entwicklungsdienste, die im Rahmen des Projekts „Soziale Eingliederung“ (gefördert durch Darlehen 7612BG der Internationalen Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung im Zeitraum 2008-2015) für Kinder unter 7 Jahren aus gefährdeten Gruppen, einschließlich Kindern mit Behinderungen und deren Familien, sowie zukünftiger Eltern, einschließlich des Service Family Center Nadezhda, geschaffen wurden. An den Projektaktivitäten werden 1500 Kinder aus sozial schwachen Gruppen sowie 2000 Eltern und künftige Eltern teilnehmen. (German)
    4 December 2021
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    De hoofddoelstelling van het project is het voorkomen van sociale uitsluiting in de gemeente Burgas, het terugdringen van kinderarmoede door het verstrekken van geïntegreerde diensten voor de ontwikkeling van jonge kinderen, gericht op kinderen jonger dan 7 jaar uit kwetsbare groepen, waaronder kinderen met een handicap en hun gezinnen, alsook toekomstige ouders. De duur van het project bedraagt 68 maanden. De doelgroepen van het project zijn kinderen van 0 tot 7 jaar en hun ouders, evenals toekomstige ouders uit risicogroepen. De beoogde activiteiten omvatten: Vroegtijdige ingreep van handicaps; Individuele pedagogische ondersteuning voor kinderen met een handicap; Het verstrekken van psychologische ondersteuning en begeleiding aan toekomstige en huidige ouders met het oog op de vorming en ontwikkeling van ouderlijke vaardigheden, gezinsadvies en ondersteuning en individueel en groepswerk met kinderen en ouders, met inbegrip van kinderen en ouders die niet tot kwetsbare groepen behoren om de kleuterschool te bezoeken; Ondersteuning bij het verstrekken van gezondheidsadvies aan kinderen en activiteiten ter voorkoming van ziekten; Aanvullende pedagogische opleiding om de schoolbereidheid van kinderen voor een gelijke start op school te vergroten; Familiecentrum voor kinderen van 0 tot 3 jaar. Dit project breidt de geïntegreerde diensten voor de ontwikkeling van jonge kinderen uit in het kader van het Social Inclusion Project (gefinancierd door lening 7612BG door de Internationale Bank voor Wederopbouw en Ontwikkeling in de periode 2008-2015), gericht op kinderen jonger dan 7 jaar uit kwetsbare groepen, waaronder kinderen met een handicap en hun gezinnen, evenals toekomstige ouders, waaronder het service Family Center Nadezhda. Als gevolg van de uitvoering van het project verwachten we een toename van het aantal aanbieders van sociale inclusiediensten en een toename van het aantal kinderen dat via de diensten wordt ondersteund. De projectactiviteiten zullen betrekking hebben op 1500 kinderen uit kwetsbare sociale groepen, evenals 2000 ouders en toekomstige ouders. (Dutch)
    12 December 2021
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    L'obiettivo principale del progetto è la prevenzione dell'esclusione sociale nel comune di Burgas, la riduzione della povertà infantile fornendo servizi integrati di sviluppo della prima infanzia destinati ai bambini di età inferiore ai 7 anni provenienti da gruppi vulnerabili, compresi i bambini con disabilità e le loro famiglie, nonché ai futuri genitori. La durata del progetto è di 68 mesi. I gruppi destinatari del progetto sono i bambini da 0 a 7 anni e i loro genitori, nonché i futuri genitori appartenenti a gruppi a rischio. Le attività previste comprendono: Intervento precoce della disabilità; Sostegno pedagogico individuale per i bambini con disabilità; Fornire sostegno psicologico e consulenza ai genitori futuri e attuali per la formazione e lo sviluppo delle competenze genitoriali, la consulenza e il sostegno familiari e il lavoro individuale e collettivo con bambini e genitori, compresi i bambini e i genitori che non appartengono a gruppi vulnerabili per visitare l'asilo; Sostegno per fornire consulenza sanitaria infantile e attività di prevenzione delle malattie; Formazione pedagogica supplementare per aumentare la prontezza scolastica dei bambini per un inizio paritario nella scuola; Centro famiglia per bambini da 0 a 3 anni. Questo progetto amplia i servizi integrati di sviluppo della prima infanzia creati nell'ambito del progetto di inclusione sociale (finanziato dal prestito 7612BG dalla Banca internazionale per la ricostruzione e lo sviluppo nel periodo 2008-2015), rivolto ai bambini di età inferiore ai 7 anni provenienti da gruppi vulnerabili, compresi i bambini con disabilità e le loro famiglie, nonché i futuri genitori, compreso il servizio Family Center Nadezhda. A seguito dell'attuazione del progetto, ci aspettiamo un aumento del numero di fornitori di servizi di inclusione sociale e un aumento del numero di bambini sostenuti attraverso i servizi. Le attività del progetto coinvolgeranno 1500 bambini appartenenti a gruppi sociali vulnerabili, oltre a 2000 genitori e futuri genitori. (Italian)
    13 January 2022
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    El principal objetivo del proyecto es la prevención de la exclusión social en el municipio de Burgas, la reducción de la pobreza infantil mediante la prestación de servicios integrados de desarrollo en la primera infancia destinados a los niños menores de 7 años de edad procedentes de grupos vulnerables, incluidos los niños con discapacidad y sus familias, así como a los futuros padres. La duración del proyecto es de 68 meses. Los grupos destinatarios del proyecto son los niños de 0 a 7 años y sus padres, así como los futuros padres de grupos de riesgo. Las actividades previstas incluyen: Intervención temprana de la discapacidad; Apoyo pedagógico individual a los niños con discapacidad; B) Proporcionar apoyo psicológico y asesoramiento a los padres futuros y presentes para la formación y el desarrollo de aptitudes parentales, asesoramiento y apoyo familiar y trabajo individual y grupal con los niños y los padres, incluidos los niños y los padres que no pertenecen a grupos vulnerables para visitar el jardín de infancia; Apoyo a la prestación de asesoramiento en materia de salud infantil y actividades de prevención de enfermedades; Formación pedagógica adicional para aumentar la preparación escolar de los niños para un comienzo igualitario en la escuela; Centro familiar para niños de 0 a 3 años. Este proyecto amplía los servicios integrados de desarrollo de la primera infancia creados en el marco del Proyecto de Inclusión Social (financiado por el Préstamo 7612BG por el Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Desarrollo en el período 2008-2015), dirigido a niños menores de 7 años de grupos vulnerables, incluidos los niños con discapacidad y sus familias, así como a futuros padres, incluido el servicio Family Center Nadezhda. En las actividades del proyecto participarán 1500 niños de grupos sociales vulnerables, así como 2000 padres y futuros padres. (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
    0 references


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