Technological update in “Jemi Style” Ltd. (Q3853381): Difference between revisions

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Property / instance of
Property / instance of: Kohesio project / rank
Normal rank
Property / financed by
Property / financed by: European Union / rank
Normal rank
Property / country
Property / country: Bulgaria / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
326,175.0 Bulgarian lev
Amount326,175.0 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / budget: 326,175.0 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / budget
166,349.25 Euro
Amount166,349.25 Euro
Property / budget: 166,349.25 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / budget: 166,349.25 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.51 Euro
Amount0.51 Euro
Property / budget: 166,349.25 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / EU contribution
249,523.89 Bulgarian lev
Amount249,523.89 Bulgarian lev
UnitBulgarian lev
Property / EU contribution: 249,523.89 Bulgarian lev / rank
Normal rank
Property / EU contribution
127,257.18 Euro
Amount127,257.18 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 127,257.18 Euro / rank
Preferred rank
Property / EU contribution: 127,257.18 Euro / qualifier
exchange rate to Euro: 0.51 Euro
Amount0.51 Euro
Property / EU contribution: 127,257.18 Euro / qualifier
point in time: 1 December 2021
Precision1 day
Property / start time
8 May 2019
Precision1 day
Property / start time: 8 May 2019 / rank
Normal rank
Property / end time
18 November 2020
Precision1 day
Property / end time: 18 November 2020 / rank
Normal rank
Property / beneficiary
Property / beneficiary: Q3853380 / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Community-led local development initiatives in urban and rural areas / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Generic productive investment in small and medium–sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Electricity (TEN-E storage and transmission) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Productive investment in large enterprises linked to the low-carbon economy / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Natural gas (TEN-E) / rank
Normal rank
Property / intervention field
Property / intervention field: Productive investment linked to the cooperation between large enterprises and SMEs for developing information and communication technology (‘ICT’) products and services, e-commerce and enhancing demand for ICT / rank
Normal rank
Property / location (string)
с.Горно Дряново
Property / location (string): с.Горно Дряново / rank
Normal rank
Property / fund
Property / fund: European Regional Development Fund / rank
Normal rank
Property / programme
Property / programme: Innovations and Competitiveness - BG - ERDF / rank
Normal rank
Property / coordinate location
41°39'8.42"N, 23°49'43.57"E
Property / coordinate location: 41°39'8.42"N, 23°49'43.57"E / rank
Normal rank
Property / contained in NUTS
Property / contained in NUTS: Blagoevgrad / rank
Normal rank
Property / co-financing rate
77.0 percent
Amount77.0 percent
Property / co-financing rate: 77.0 percent / rank
Normal rank

Revision as of 12:28, 19 May 2022

Project Q3853381 in Bulgaria
Language Label Description Also known as
Technological update in “Jemi Style” Ltd.
Project Q3853381 in Bulgaria


    "Джеми Стил" ЕООД е малко предприятие, което е установено в територията на с. Горно Дряново, община Гърмен. Фирмата извършва основната си дейност в сферата на производство на долно облекло. Понастоящем нашата фирма оперира само на вътрешния пазар, но стратегията за развитие включва разширяване на дейността чрез навлизане във външния пазар. Постигането на тази цел към момента обаче е трудно, защото наличното оборудване, с което компанията разполага, е остаряло, напълно амортизирано и неавтоматизирано. Бавният и трудоемък производствен процес и честите ремонти на остарялата техника водят до недостатъчен капацитет за разширяване на дейността на предприятието.В тази връзка "Джеми Стил" ЕООД възнамерява да разреши гореописаното ограничение изпълни следните дейности в настоящия проект: 1) Дейност за подобряване на производствените процеси чрез инвестиции в дълготрайни материални и нематериални активи; 2) Дейност за растеж на "Джеми Стил" ООД чрез подобряване на качеството и насърчаване на използването на ИКТ и услуги; 3) Дейност за визуализация по проекта. С реализирането на тези дейности нашият кандидат ще увеличи производствения си капацитет, ще ускори процеса на производство и ще даде възможност за успешно разширяване на вътрешния пазар и за навлизане на външния пазар. (Bulgarian)
    0 references
    “Jemi Style” Ltd. is a small enterprise established in the village of Gorno Dryanovo, Garmen Municipality. The company carries out its main activity in the field of production of lower clothing. At present, our company operates only in the internal market, but the development strategy involves expanding the activity by entering the external market. However, it is difficult to achieve this objective at the moment because the equipment available to the company is outdated, fully depreciated and non-automated. The slow and labor-intensive production process and frequent repairs of the outdated equipment lead to insufficient capacity to expand the activity of the enterprise. In this regard, “Jemi Style” Ltd. intends to authorise the above-mentioned limitation carried out the following activities in this project: 1) Activity for improvement of production processes through investments in fixed tangible and intangible assets; 2) Growth activity of “Jemi Style” Ltd. by improving the quality and promoting the use of ICT and services; 3) Project visualisation activity. By carrying out these activities, our candidate will increase its production capacity, speed up the production process and allow for successful expansion of the internal market and entry into the external market. (English)
    2 December 2021
    0 references
    «Jemi Style» Ltd. est une petite entreprise établie dans le village de Gorno Dryanovo, municipalité de Garmen. L’entreprise exerce son activité principale dans le domaine de la production de vêtements inférieurs. À l’heure actuelle, notre entreprise n’opère que sur le marché intérieur, mais la stratégie de développement implique d’étendre l’activité en entrant sur le marché extérieur. Toutefois, il est difficile d’atteindre cet objectif à l’heure actuelle parce que les équipements dont dispose l’entreprise sont obsolètes, entièrement amortis et non automatisés. Le processus de production lent et intensif en main-d’œuvre et les réparations fréquentes de l’équipement périmé conduisent à une capacité insuffisante pour développer l’activité de l’entreprise. À cet égard, «Jemi Style» Ltd. entend autoriser la limitation susmentionnée a réalisé les activités suivantes dans le cadre de ce projet: 1) Activité d’amélioration des processus de production par des investissements dans des immobilisations corporelles et incorporelles fixes; 2) L’activité de croissance de «Jemi Style» Ltd. en améliorant la qualité et en promouvant l’utilisation des TIC et des services; 3) Activité de visualisation du projet. En menant ces activités, notre candidat augmentera sa capacité de production, accélérera le processus de production et permettra l’expansion réussie du marché intérieur et l’entrée sur le marché extérieur. (French)
    3 December 2021
    0 references
    „Jemi Style“ Ltd. ist ein kleines Unternehmen im Dorf Gorno Dryanovo, Gemeinde Garmen gegründet. Das Unternehmen übt seine Haupttätigkeit im Bereich der Herstellung von Unterbekleidung aus. Derzeit ist unser Unternehmen nur im Binnenmarkt tätig, aber die Entwicklungsstrategie beinhaltet eine Ausweitung der Tätigkeit durch den Eintritt in den Außenmarkt. Allerdings ist es derzeit schwierig, dieses Ziel zu erreichen, da die dem Unternehmen zur Verfügung stehenden Geräte veraltet, vollständig abgeschrieben und nicht automatisiert sind. Der langsame und arbeitsintensive Produktionsprozess und die häufigen Reparaturen der veralteten Geräte führen zu einer unzureichenden Kapazität, um die Tätigkeit des Unternehmens zu erweitern. In diesem Zusammenhang beabsichtigt „Jemi Style“ Ltd., die oben genannte Einschränkung in diesem Projekt zu genehmigen: 1) Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Produktionsprozesse durch Investitionen in feste materielle und immaterielle Vermögenswerte; 2) Wachstumsaktivität von „Jemi Style“ Ltd. durch Verbesserung der Qualität und Förderung der Nutzung von IKT und Diensten; 3) Projektvisualisierungsaktivität. Durch die Durchführung dieser Tätigkeiten wird unser Kandidat seine Produktionskapazität erhöhen, den Produktionsprozess beschleunigen und einen erfolgreichen Ausbau des Binnenmarktes und den Eintritt in den Außenmarkt ermöglichen. (German)
    4 December 2021
    0 references
    „Jemi Style” Ltd. is een kleine onderneming in het dorp Gorno Dryanovo in de gemeente Garmen. Het bedrijf voert haar hoofdactiviteit uit op het gebied van de productie van lagere kleding. Op dit moment is ons bedrijf alleen actief op de interne markt, maar de ontwikkelingsstrategie houdt in dat de activiteiten worden uitgebreid door de externe markt te betreden. Het is echter moeilijk om dit doel op dit moment te bereiken, omdat de voor het bedrijf beschikbare apparatuur verouderd, volledig afgeschreven en niet-geautomatiseerd is. Het langzame en arbeidsintensieve productieproces en de frequente reparaties van verouderde apparatuur leiden tot onvoldoende capaciteit om de activiteit van de onderneming uit te breiden. In dit verband is „Jemi Style” Ltd. voornemens de bovengenoemde beperking toe te staan en de volgende activiteiten in dit project uit te voeren: 1) Activiteit ter verbetering van productieprocessen door investeringen in vaste materiële en immateriële activa; 2) Groeiactiviteit van „Jemi Style” Ltd. door de kwaliteit te verbeteren en het gebruik van ICT en diensten te bevorderen; 3) Projectvisualisatieactiviteit. Door deze activiteiten uit te voeren, zal onze kandidaat zijn productiecapaciteit vergroten, het productieproces versnellen en een succesvolle uitbreiding van de interne markt en toetreding tot de externe markt mogelijk maken. (Dutch)
    10 December 2021
    0 references
    "Jemi Style" Ltd. è una piccola impresa fondata nel villaggio di Gorno Dryanovo, comune di Garmen. L'azienda svolge la sua attività principale nel settore della produzione di abbigliamento inferiore. Attualmente, la nostra azienda opera solo nel mercato interno, ma la strategia di sviluppo prevede di espandere l'attività entrando nel mercato esterno. Tuttavia, al momento è difficile raggiungere questo obiettivo perché le attrezzature a disposizione dell'azienda sono obsolete, completamente ammortizzate e non automatizzate. Il processo di produzione lento e ad alta intensità di manodopera e le frequenti riparazioni delle attrezzature obsolete portano a una capacità insufficiente per espandere l'attività dell'impresa. A questo proposito, "Jemi Style" Ltd. intende autorizzare la suddetta limitazione svolta le seguenti attività in questo progetto: 1) Attività di miglioramento dei processi produttivi attraverso investimenti in immobilizzazioni materiali e immateriali; 2) Attività di crescita di "Jemi Style" Ltd. migliorando la qualità e promuovendo l'uso delle TIC e dei servizi; 3) Attività di visualizzazione del progetto. Svolgendo queste attività, il nostro candidato aumenterà la sua capacità produttiva, accelererà il processo di produzione e consentirà di espandere con successo il mercato interno e di entrare nel mercato esterno. (Italian)
    13 January 2022
    0 references
    «Jemi Style» Ltd. es una pequeña empresa establecida en el pueblo de Gorno Dryanovo, municipio de Garmen. La empresa lleva a cabo su actividad principal en el campo de la producción de prendas de vestir inferiores. En la actualidad, nuestra empresa solo opera en el mercado interior, pero la estrategia de desarrollo implica ampliar la actividad entrando en el mercado exterior. Sin embargo, es difícil alcanzar este objetivo en este momento porque el equipo disponible para la empresa está obsoleto, totalmente depreciado y no automatizado. El proceso de producción lento e intensivo de mano de obra y las frecuentes reparaciones de los equipos obsoletos conducen a una capacidad insuficiente para ampliar la actividad de la empresa. En este sentido, «Jemi Style» Ltd. tiene la intención de autorizar la limitación mencionada anteriormente llevada a cabo las siguientes actividades en este proyecto: 1) Actividad para la mejora de los procesos de producción mediante inversiones en activos fijos tangibles e intangibles; 2) La actividad de crecimiento de «Jemi Style» Ltd. mediante la mejora de la calidad y la promoción del uso de las TIC y los servicios; 3) Actividad de visualización del proyecto. Al llevar a cabo estas actividades, nuestro candidato aumentará su capacidad de producción, acelerará el proceso de producción y permitirá una expansión satisfactoria del mercado interior y la entrada en el mercado exterior. (Spanish)
    14 January 2022
    0 references


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