Capacity expansion and complex technological development at Szabó Tool Maker Bt. (Q3956303): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: add summary) |
(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Analysing the economic environment, we have come to the conclusion that our ability to generate competition and income is significantly improved if we develop and further increase the added value of our company. We manage the needs of our customers in a flexible way, thanks to our wide range of products, we can meet all the needs, for which we provide a high-quality knowledge and experience base. The purpose of the present tender is to expand the production machinery. In order to serve intensive production processes, new, safe, well-managed and continuously operational production equipment is essential, meeting all the requirements of modern production. The investment is expected to result in an increase in turnover of at least 15 %, including a turnover of between 5 % and 10 %. Thanks to the high performance of the new CNC machining center, it will take almost half the time to produce the same workpiece. The engine of the machine saves energy when braking, thus allowing more economical energy-saving work, and thus saving the cost of drilling the large boards, which can result in cost savings of nearly seventy-five thousand forints per month. We can also machine workpieces with larger dimensions with machines. The quality of production is greatly improved, we can guarantee the precision class 0.005 mm in the case of milled pieces. The surface of the machined parts is greatly improved, so it is possible to avoid carrying out the further machining phase. This results in faster, better quality cheaper production. In addition, the high performance and high turn of the CNC machine allows the milling of very hard materials, which has not been included in our services so far. The machines have computer controls, they're equipped. The machine tool can be used universally for both manual and computer-controlled machining. The new machine tool would help to work out the holes of large motherboards used in the tool, so that it could carry out the tasks currently assigned for hire work, thus saving costs. We develop our project as a company moving forward in the production value chain, in line with a higher level of processing technology, in a way that leads to increased production value added. The project will lead to products and product groups with a higher level of processing and will develop the processing and production technology in a way that generates added value. We can prevent competition if the technology with which we work in the world is appropriate for the age and therefore we can do more accurate work, in addition to keeping the high tolerances required by our customers. The opportunities include further conquering the foreign market, which we will need a lot of time, diligence and investment to achieve, but our current leadership is committed to continuous technological development and the search for new markets. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Analysing the economic environment, we have come to the conclusion that our ability to generate competition and income is significantly improved if we develop and further increase the added value of our company. We manage the needs of our customers in a flexible way, thanks to our wide range of products, we can meet all the needs, for which we provide a high-quality knowledge and experience base. The purpose of the present tender is to expand the production machinery. In order to serve intensive production processes, new, safe, well-managed and continuously operational production equipment is essential, meeting all the requirements of modern production. The investment is expected to result in an increase in turnover of at least 15 %, including a turnover of between 5 % and 10 %. Thanks to the high performance of the new CNC machining center, it will take almost half the time to produce the same workpiece. The engine of the machine saves energy when braking, thus allowing more economical energy-saving work, and thus saving the cost of drilling the large boards, which can result in cost savings of nearly seventy-five thousand forints per month. We can also machine workpieces with larger dimensions with machines. The quality of production is greatly improved, we can guarantee the precision class 0.005 mm in the case of milled pieces. The surface of the machined parts is greatly improved, so it is possible to avoid carrying out the further machining phase. This results in faster, better quality cheaper production. In addition, the high performance and high turn of the CNC machine allows the milling of very hard materials, which has not been included in our services so far. The machines have computer controls, they're equipped. The machine tool can be used universally for both manual and computer-controlled machining. The new machine tool would help to work out the holes of large motherboards used in the tool, so that it could carry out the tasks currently assigned for hire work, thus saving costs. We develop our project as a company moving forward in the production value chain, in line with a higher level of processing technology, in a way that leads to increased production value added. The project will lead to products and product groups with a higher level of processing and will develop the processing and production technology in a way that generates added value. We can prevent competition if the technology with which we work in the world is appropriate for the age and therefore we can do more accurate work, in addition to keeping the high tolerances required by our customers. The opportunities include further conquering the foreign market, which we will need a lot of time, diligence and investment to achieve, but our current leadership is committed to continuous technological development and the search for new markets. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Analysing the economic environment, we have come to the conclusion that our ability to generate competition and income is significantly improved if we develop and further increase the added value of our company. We manage the needs of our customers in a flexible way, thanks to our wide range of products, we can meet all the needs, for which we provide a high-quality knowledge and experience base. The purpose of the present tender is to expand the production machinery. In order to serve intensive production processes, new, safe, well-managed and continuously operational production equipment is essential, meeting all the requirements of modern production. The investment is expected to result in an increase in turnover of at least 15 %, including a turnover of between 5 % and 10 %. Thanks to the high performance of the new CNC machining center, it will take almost half the time to produce the same workpiece. The engine of the machine saves energy when braking, thus allowing more economical energy-saving work, and thus saving the cost of drilling the large boards, which can result in cost savings of nearly seventy-five thousand forints per month. We can also machine workpieces with larger dimensions with machines. The quality of production is greatly improved, we can guarantee the precision class 0.005 mm in the case of milled pieces. The surface of the machined parts is greatly improved, so it is possible to avoid carrying out the further machining phase. This results in faster, better quality cheaper production. In addition, the high performance and high turn of the CNC machine allows the milling of very hard materials, which has not been included in our services so far. The machines have computer controls, they're equipped. The machine tool can be used universally for both manual and computer-controlled machining. The new machine tool would help to work out the holes of large motherboards used in the tool, so that it could carry out the tasks currently assigned for hire work, thus saving costs. We develop our project as a company moving forward in the production value chain, in line with a higher level of processing technology, in a way that leads to increased production value added. The project will lead to products and product groups with a higher level of processing and will develop the processing and production technology in a way that generates added value. We can prevent competition if the technology with which we work in the world is appropriate for the age and therefore we can do more accurate work, in addition to keeping the high tolerances required by our customers. The opportunities include further conquering the foreign market, which we will need a lot of time, diligence and investment to achieve, but our current leadership is committed to continuous technological development and the search for new markets. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 9 February 2022
Revision as of 18:00, 9 February 2022
Project Q3956303 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Capacity expansion and complex technological development at Szabó Tool Maker Bt. |
Project Q3956303 in Hungary |
44,593,506 forint
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385,753.456 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
15 December 2021
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141,114,224.233 forint
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31.601397 percent
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20 June 2016
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4 August 2017
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Szabó Szerszámkészítő Betéti Társaság
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A gazdasági környezetet elemezve arra a következtetésre jutottunk, hogy verseny-, illetve jövedelemtermelő képességünk jelentősen javul, ha fejlesztünk és tovább növeljük a cégünk általi hozzáadott értékeket. Vevőink igényeit rugalmas módon kezeljük, széleskörű termékskálánknak köszönhetően minden igényt ki tudunk elégíteni, melyhez magas színvonalú tudás-és tapasztalat bázist biztosítunk. A jelen pályázat a termelést szolgáló géppark bővítését célozza. Az intenzív gyártási folyamatok kiszolgálásához elengedhetetlenek az új, biztonságos, pontosan irányítható és folyamatosan üzemképes, a modern a kor miden követelményének megfelelő termelő berendezések. A beruházás a számítások szerint minimum 15% forgalomnövekedést, ezen belül 5-10%-os árbevétel növekedést eredményezhet majd. Az új CNC megmunkálóközpont nagy teljesítményének köszönhetően közel fele annyi idő alatt készíthető majd el ugyanaz a munkadarab, mint korábban. A gép motorja fékezéskor energiát takarít meg így lehetővé teszik a gazdaságosabb energiatakarékosabb a munkavégzést, és így a nagyméretű alaplapok furatolási bérmunkájának költségét megtakarítjuk, ez közel havi bruttó hetvenötezer forint költségmegtakarítást jelenthet. A gépekkel nagyobb befoglaló mérettel rendelkező munkadarabokat is meg tudunk munkálni. A gyártás minősége nagymértékben javul, garantálni tudjuk a fejlesztéssel mart darabok esetén a 0,005mm es pontossági osztályt. A megmunkált alkatrészek felülete nagymértékben javul, így mellőzhető a további megmunkálási fázis elvégzése. Ez gyorsabb, jobb minőségű olcsóbb gyártást eredményez. Továbbá a CNC megmunkálógép nagy teljesítménye és nagy fordulata lehetővé teszi a nagyon kemény anyagok marását, mely eddigi szolgáltatásaink között nem szerepelt. A gépek számítógépes vezérléssel, vannak ellátva. A szerszámgép univerzálisan használható mind manuális, mind számítógéppel irányított megmunkálásra. Az új szerszámgép segítene a szerszámoknál felhasznált nagyméretű alaplapok furatainak kimunkálásában, így a jelenleg bérmunkába kiadott feladatokat el tudná végezni, így költségeket takaríthatunk meg. Projektünket a termelési értékláncban előre lépő vállalkozásként, egy magasabb feldolgozottsági szintű termelési technológiához igazodva, termelési hozzáadott érték növekedést eredményező módon fejlesztjük. A projekt magasabb feldolgozottsági szintű termékekhez és termékcsoportokhoz vezet, továbbá a feldolgozási, termelési technológiát hozzáadott-érték növekedést eredményező módon fejleszti. A konkurenciát akkor tudjuk megelőzni, ha a technológia mellyel dolgozunk világviszonylatban is a kornak megfelelő, és így pontosabb munkát tudunk végezni, ezen kívül tartani tudjuk a megrendelőink által előírt magas tűrési pontosságokat. A lehetőségek közt szerepel a külföldi piac további meghódítása, melynek megvalósításához sok időre, szorgalomra és befektetésre lesz szükségünk, de jelenlegi vezetésünk elkötelezett a folyamatos technológiai fejlődés és az új piacok felkutatása mellett. (Hungarian)
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Analysing the economic environment, we have come to the conclusion that our ability to generate competition and income is significantly improved if we develop and further increase the added value of our company. We manage the needs of our customers in a flexible way, thanks to our wide range of products, we can meet all the needs, for which we provide a high-quality knowledge and experience base. The purpose of the present tender is to expand the production machinery. In order to serve intensive production processes, new, safe, well-managed and continuously operational production equipment is essential, meeting all the requirements of modern production. The investment is expected to result in an increase in turnover of at least 15 %, including a turnover of between 5 % and 10 %. Thanks to the high performance of the new CNC machining center, it will take almost half the time to produce the same workpiece. The engine of the machine saves energy when braking, thus allowing more economical energy-saving work, and thus saving the cost of drilling the large boards, which can result in cost savings of nearly seventy-five thousand forints per month. We can also machine workpieces with larger dimensions with machines. The quality of production is greatly improved, we can guarantee the precision class 0.005 mm in the case of milled pieces. The surface of the machined parts is greatly improved, so it is possible to avoid carrying out the further machining phase. This results in faster, better quality cheaper production. In addition, the high performance and high turn of the CNC machine allows the milling of very hard materials, which has not been included in our services so far. The machines have computer controls, they're equipped. The machine tool can be used universally for both manual and computer-controlled machining. The new machine tool would help to work out the holes of large motherboards used in the tool, so that it could carry out the tasks currently assigned for hire work, thus saving costs. We develop our project as a company moving forward in the production value chain, in line with a higher level of processing technology, in a way that leads to increased production value added. The project will lead to products and product groups with a higher level of processing and will develop the processing and production technology in a way that generates added value. We can prevent competition if the technology with which we work in the world is appropriate for the age and therefore we can do more accurate work, in addition to keeping the high tolerances required by our customers. The opportunities include further conquering the foreign market, which we will need a lot of time, diligence and investment to achieve, but our current leadership is committed to continuous technological development and the search for new markets. (English)
9 February 2022
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Szigetbecse, Pest
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