Capacity-enhancing investment at EBK-Hungary Kft. (Q3956464): Difference between revisions
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The applicant intends to expand the production of other plastic products by purchasing production tools and tools. The aim of the development is to acquire a modern machine with which capacity can be expanded and, on the other hand, we can take our existing supplier relationship to a higher level (implementing progress in the production value chain). By purchasing the machine and tools, custom products based on customer requirements can be produced at competitive prices in large volumes. Prior to the project, a comprehensive market research was carried out on the buyer/supplier side, quotations were requested, we re-examined the suitability of the site. The project can be implemented in a realistic and predictable manner within the available time frame. There is a growing demand for various additional functions for basic objects, so this is also the case in the case of hydromassage baths, which massages the bather with water pressure. During bathing, the temperature of the body rises, blood circulation is accelerated, blood pressure decreases, the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the cells increases several times, the pores of the skin expand, the tissues relax. These effects can be increased by hydromassage, suitable for musculoskeletal and rheumatic complaints, to relieve blood circulation disorders, to prevent varicose veins. In the wall of the tub are the so-called blowers to be fixed, the massage beam can be directed to the surface of the body to be treated through these blowers, they approach the body not perpendicularly, but from an oblique direction. There are different types of blowers that can achieve external.massage effect,the nozzles are usually adjustable in their direction. Tubs are usually capable of massaging the back, spine, soles, waist and hips. Some of these special nozzles are targeted primarily (water nozzles) in the product scope to be manufactured. The advantages of the LVF1300 injection moulding machine to be procured are: energy saving effect (80 % less energy use, reduced travel time (thanks to the reduction of injection moulding opening/closing time and injection response time), pressure plates’ perfect parallelisation rate (high quality LM control,prevent the wear of plates and damage to moulded material, improve the accuracy of the capture position),-efficient control system (recording unit, injection unit, hydraulic unit), — user-friendly controller — Keba system. The TURBODAC100N (230V,50-60 Hz) compressed air dryer removes moisture from absorbent granules. Features:- microprocessor control panel, — automatic setting of functional parameters, automatic conditional system. The VLM5 model is suitable for automatic loading of granules. The new 5 injection moulds to be procured are used for the molding of the LVF1300 injection moulding machine, the new tools make the machine suitable for the production of a new product range (water nozzle), the production capacity of a higher-level product range also underpins progress in the supplier value chain. Activity to be developed: 2229 '08 Manufacture of other plastic products (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The applicant intends to expand the production of other plastic products by purchasing production tools and tools. The aim of the development is to acquire a modern machine with which capacity can be expanded and, on the other hand, we can take our existing supplier relationship to a higher level (implementing progress in the production value chain). By purchasing the machine and tools, custom products based on customer requirements can be produced at competitive prices in large volumes. Prior to the project, a comprehensive market research was carried out on the buyer/supplier side, quotations were requested, we re-examined the suitability of the site. The project can be implemented in a realistic and predictable manner within the available time frame. There is a growing demand for various additional functions for basic objects, so this is also the case in the case of hydromassage baths, which massages the bather with water pressure. During bathing, the temperature of the body rises, blood circulation is accelerated, blood pressure decreases, the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the cells increases several times, the pores of the skin expand, the tissues relax. These effects can be increased by hydromassage, suitable for musculoskeletal and rheumatic complaints, to relieve blood circulation disorders, to prevent varicose veins. In the wall of the tub are the so-called blowers to be fixed, the massage beam can be directed to the surface of the body to be treated through these blowers, they approach the body not perpendicularly, but from an oblique direction. There are different types of blowers that can achieve external.massage effect,the nozzles are usually adjustable in their direction. Tubs are usually capable of massaging the back, spine, soles, waist and hips. Some of these special nozzles are targeted primarily (water nozzles) in the product scope to be manufactured. The advantages of the LVF1300 injection moulding machine to be procured are: energy saving effect (80 % less energy use, reduced travel time (thanks to the reduction of injection moulding opening/closing time and injection response time), pressure plates’ perfect parallelisation rate (high quality LM control,prevent the wear of plates and damage to moulded material, improve the accuracy of the capture position),-efficient control system (recording unit, injection unit, hydraulic unit), — user-friendly controller — Keba system. The TURBODAC100N (230V,50-60 Hz) compressed air dryer removes moisture from absorbent granules. Features:- microprocessor control panel, — automatic setting of functional parameters, automatic conditional system. The VLM5 model is suitable for automatic loading of granules. The new 5 injection moulds to be procured are used for the molding of the LVF1300 injection moulding machine, the new tools make the machine suitable for the production of a new product range (water nozzle), the production capacity of a higher-level product range also underpins progress in the supplier value chain. Activity to be developed: 2229 '08 Manufacture of other plastic products (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The applicant intends to expand the production of other plastic products by purchasing production tools and tools. The aim of the development is to acquire a modern machine with which capacity can be expanded and, on the other hand, we can take our existing supplier relationship to a higher level (implementing progress in the production value chain). By purchasing the machine and tools, custom products based on customer requirements can be produced at competitive prices in large volumes. Prior to the project, a comprehensive market research was carried out on the buyer/supplier side, quotations were requested, we re-examined the suitability of the site. The project can be implemented in a realistic and predictable manner within the available time frame. There is a growing demand for various additional functions for basic objects, so this is also the case in the case of hydromassage baths, which massages the bather with water pressure. During bathing, the temperature of the body rises, blood circulation is accelerated, blood pressure decreases, the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the cells increases several times, the pores of the skin expand, the tissues relax. These effects can be increased by hydromassage, suitable for musculoskeletal and rheumatic complaints, to relieve blood circulation disorders, to prevent varicose veins. In the wall of the tub are the so-called blowers to be fixed, the massage beam can be directed to the surface of the body to be treated through these blowers, they approach the body not perpendicularly, but from an oblique direction. There are different types of blowers that can achieve external.massage effect,the nozzles are usually adjustable in their direction. Tubs are usually capable of massaging the back, spine, soles, waist and hips. Some of these special nozzles are targeted primarily (water nozzles) in the product scope to be manufactured. The advantages of the LVF1300 injection moulding machine to be procured are: energy saving effect (80 % less energy use, reduced travel time (thanks to the reduction of injection moulding opening/closing time and injection response time), pressure plates’ perfect parallelisation rate (high quality LM control,prevent the wear of plates and damage to moulded material, improve the accuracy of the capture position),-efficient control system (recording unit, injection unit, hydraulic unit), — user-friendly controller — Keba system. The TURBODAC100N (230V,50-60 Hz) compressed air dryer removes moisture from absorbent granules. Features:- microprocessor control panel, — automatic setting of functional parameters, automatic conditional system. The VLM5 model is suitable for automatic loading of granules. The new 5 injection moulds to be procured are used for the molding of the LVF1300 injection moulding machine, the new tools make the machine suitable for the production of a new product range (water nozzle), the production capacity of a higher-level product range also underpins progress in the supplier value chain. Activity to be developed: 2229 '08 Manufacture of other plastic products (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 9 February 2022
Revision as of 17:51, 9 February 2022
Project Q3956464 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Capacity-enhancing investment at EBK-Hungary Kft. |
Project Q3956464 in Hungary |
43,340,389 forint
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347,438.114 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
15 December 2021
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127,097,914.956 forint
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34.099999 percent
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10 September 2018
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21 September 2018
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EBK-Hungary Mérnöki, Termelő, Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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Pályázó egyéb műanyag termék gyártással összefüggő tev.-ét kívánja termelőgép és szerszámok beszerzésével bővíteni. A fejl. célja olyan korszerű gép beszerzése, mellyel a kapacitás bővíthető, másrészt a meglévő beszállítói kapcsolatunkat magasabb szintre emelhetjük (ezzel megvalósítva a termelési értékláncban történő előrelépést). A gép és szerszámok beszerzésével vevői igényekre alapozott egyedi termékek állíthatóak elő versenyképes áron,nagy volumenben. A projektet megelőzően átfogó piackutatás történt vevői/beszállítói oldalon, árajánlatok kerültek bekérésre,újra megvizsgáltuk a telephely alkalmasságát. A rendelkezésre álló megval.-i idő alatt a projektet reálisan és tervezhetően meg lehet valósítani. Egyre nagyobb az igény az alapvető használati tárgyaknál is a különböző kiegészítő funkciókra, így van ez pl. a hidromasszázs kád esetében is, amely víznyomással masszírozva kényezteti a benne fürdőzőt. A fürdőzés során a test hőmérséklete megemelkedik, a vérkeringés felgyorsul, a vérnyomás csökken, a sejtek számára szállított oxigén és tápanyag mennyisége többszörösére nő, kitágulnak a bőr pórusai, a szövetek ellazulnak.Ezeket a hatásokat növelheti a hidromasszázs, mely alkalmas a mozgásszervi,reumatikus panaszokra,vérkeringési zavarok enyhítésére, visszerek megelőzésére. A kád falában találhatóak az ún. a fixen rögzítésre kerülő befúvók, a masszázssugár ezeken a befúvókon keresztül irányítható a kezelendő testfelületre, ezek nem merőlegesen, hanem ferde irányból közelítik a testet.A befúvóknak léteznek különböző típusai, melyek kül.masszázshatást képesek elérni,a fúvókák általában irányukban állíthatóak. A kádak általában a hát, gerinc, talpak, derék, csípő masszírozását képesek megvalósítani. A gyártandó termékkör e speciális fúvókák egy részét célozza meg elsődlegesen (vízfúvókák). A beszerzendő LVF1300 fröccsöntő gép előnyei:-energiamegtakarítási hatás (80%-kal kevesebb energiafelhasználás,-lecsökkent menetidő (köszönhetően a fröccsöntési nyitási/zárási idő és az injekciós reakcióidő csökkenésének),-nyomólemezek tökéletes párhuzamosítási mértéke (magas minőségű LM vezérlés,megelőzi a lemezek kopását és a fröccsöntött anyag sérülését, javítja a befogópozíció pontosságát),-hatékony vezérlőrendszer (rögzítőegység,injekciós egység,hidraulikus egység),-felhasználóbarát vezérlő – KEBA rendszer. A TURBODAC100N (230V,50-60Hz) sűrített levegős szárító eltávolítja a nedvességet a nedvszívó szemcsékből. Tulajdonságai:- mikroprocesszor vezérlő panel, - funkcionális paraméterek automatikus beállítása,-automatikus feltételes rendszer. A VLM5 modell alkalmas a szemcsék automatikus betáplálására. A beszerzendő új 5 db fröccsöntő szerszám az LVF1300-as fröccsöntő gép felszerszámozására szolgál, az új szerszámok alkalmassá teszi a gépet új termékkör (vízfúvóka) előállítására, a magasabb szintű termékkör gyártási képessége a beszállítói értékláncban történő előrelépést is megalapozza. Fejlesztendő tevékenység: 2229 '08 Egyéb műanyag termék gyártása (Hungarian)
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The applicant intends to expand the production of other plastic products by purchasing production tools and tools. The aim of the development is to acquire a modern machine with which capacity can be expanded and, on the other hand, we can take our existing supplier relationship to a higher level (implementing progress in the production value chain). By purchasing the machine and tools, custom products based on customer requirements can be produced at competitive prices in large volumes. Prior to the project, a comprehensive market research was carried out on the buyer/supplier side, quotations were requested, we re-examined the suitability of the site. The project can be implemented in a realistic and predictable manner within the available time frame. There is a growing demand for various additional functions for basic objects, so this is also the case in the case of hydromassage baths, which massages the bather with water pressure. During bathing, the temperature of the body rises, blood circulation is accelerated, blood pressure decreases, the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the cells increases several times, the pores of the skin expand, the tissues relax. These effects can be increased by hydromassage, suitable for musculoskeletal and rheumatic complaints, to relieve blood circulation disorders, to prevent varicose veins. In the wall of the tub are the so-called blowers to be fixed, the massage beam can be directed to the surface of the body to be treated through these blowers, they approach the body not perpendicularly, but from an oblique direction. There are different types of blowers that can achieve external.massage effect,the nozzles are usually adjustable in their direction. Tubs are usually capable of massaging the back, spine, soles, waist and hips. Some of these special nozzles are targeted primarily (water nozzles) in the product scope to be manufactured. The advantages of the LVF1300 injection moulding machine to be procured are: energy saving effect (80 % less energy use, reduced travel time (thanks to the reduction of injection moulding opening/closing time and injection response time), pressure plates’ perfect parallelisation rate (high quality LM control,prevent the wear of plates and damage to moulded material, improve the accuracy of the capture position),-efficient control system (recording unit, injection unit, hydraulic unit), — user-friendly controller — Keba system. The TURBODAC100N (230V,50-60 Hz) compressed air dryer removes moisture from absorbent granules. Features:- microprocessor control panel, — automatic setting of functional parameters, automatic conditional system. The VLM5 model is suitable for automatic loading of granules. The new 5 injection moulds to be procured are used for the molding of the LVF1300 injection moulding machine, the new tools make the machine suitable for the production of a new product range (water nozzle), the production capacity of a higher-level product range also underpins progress in the supplier value chain. Activity to be developed: 2229 '08 Manufacture of other plastic products (English)
9 February 2022
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Gödöllő, Pest
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