Ronin Day Balassagyarmaton (Q3955555): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
I intend to implement the following self-eligible activities under the project: — the organisation and organisation of an event with at least 750 participants, accessible to the entire population of the city. I intend to implement the following activities which are not eligible independently: — Other expert advice related to project preparation — Project management — Provision of mandatory publicity — Professional foundation document The karate section coach Tamás Sensei Kopcsányi (3.Dan) is responsible for the high quality of the event. (Since 1994, Karatez has been certified as a trainer since 2012. International Chief Justice has been able to use his knowledge at a number of prestigious events abroad. In 2017, he acquired the 3 rd in Bulgaria. Step Dan, please. Its aim is to promote karate as widely as possible, and to augment the name of the Vitality SE karate department. The 3 rd edition of the Ronin Day in Balassagyarmat. As in previous years, the inhabitants of the city and those coming from the surrounding settlements are very welcome. Local entrepreneurs will be able to offer their goods and products and provide the necessary infrastructure. The event is expected to open at 12:00 in the Palóc Park. During the day, visitors can see high-quality struggles. Children can use the playboards provided to them throughout the day. Adults can choose from the offer of vendors appearing on the spot. The gala matches begin in the early evening hours, and then they crown the eventful day with the artist of popular music. The event offers programmes to all target groups, including children, young people, elderly people, families, single people, local and remote residents. We plan to have at least 750 people interested. The capacity of the Palóc grove is 850 people. The Vitality Association fulfils the following professional requirements according to technical and professional requirements: The beneficiary must send the invitation and the documentation of the event to the competent LAG by the 15th day preceding the implementation date of the event, who shall ensure that it is published on its website. The costs of an event eligible under this action shall only cover the costs of the services for which the service provider has not charged a specific fee to the visitors of the event. The documentation of the announcement of the event and a reminder of the venue, time, target group and results of the event, together with at least 10 dated photos showing the main events of the event and the image elements placed on the event, must be submitted at the latest at the same time as the first payment request, in which the item related to the event is cleared. The project promoter must undertake to provide the following persons for the entire duration of the project in order to manage the project: the personal conditions of the project manager are provided by Gábor Urbán, managing director of PályázatVár Bt., who has more than 3 years of professional experience. The financial manager of the project will be Éva Tőkey, accountant, who has more than 20 years of professional experience. During the implementation of the project, we accepted the most favourable price offer from the point of view of cost-effectiveness, which is the best value for money according to market expectations. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: I intend to implement the following self-eligible activities under the project: — the organisation and organisation of an event with at least 750 participants, accessible to the entire population of the city. I intend to implement the following activities which are not eligible independently: — Other expert advice related to project preparation — Project management — Provision of mandatory publicity — Professional foundation document The karate section coach Tamás Sensei Kopcsányi (3.Dan) is responsible for the high quality of the event. (Since 1994, Karatez has been certified as a trainer since 2012. International Chief Justice has been able to use his knowledge at a number of prestigious events abroad. In 2017, he acquired the 3 rd in Bulgaria. Step Dan, please. Its aim is to promote karate as widely as possible, and to augment the name of the Vitality SE karate department. The 3 rd edition of the Ronin Day in Balassagyarmat. As in previous years, the inhabitants of the city and those coming from the surrounding settlements are very welcome. Local entrepreneurs will be able to offer their goods and products and provide the necessary infrastructure. The event is expected to open at 12:00 in the Palóc Park. During the day, visitors can see high-quality struggles. Children can use the playboards provided to them throughout the day. Adults can choose from the offer of vendors appearing on the spot. The gala matches begin in the early evening hours, and then they crown the eventful day with the artist of popular music. The event offers programmes to all target groups, including children, young people, elderly people, families, single people, local and remote residents. We plan to have at least 750 people interested. The capacity of the Palóc grove is 850 people. The Vitality Association fulfils the following professional requirements according to technical and professional requirements: The beneficiary must send the invitation and the documentation of the event to the competent LAG by the 15th day preceding the implementation date of the event, who shall ensure that it is published on its website. The costs of an event eligible under this action shall only cover the costs of the services for which the service provider has not charged a specific fee to the visitors of the event. The documentation of the announcement of the event and a reminder of the venue, time, target group and results of the event, together with at least 10 dated photos showing the main events of the event and the image elements placed on the event, must be submitted at the latest at the same time as the first payment request, in which the item related to the event is cleared. The project promoter must undertake to provide the following persons for the entire duration of the project in order to manage the project: the personal conditions of the project manager are provided by Gábor Urbán, managing director of PályázatVár Bt., who has more than 3 years of professional experience. The financial manager of the project will be Éva Tőkey, accountant, who has more than 20 years of professional experience. During the implementation of the project, we accepted the most favourable price offer from the point of view of cost-effectiveness, which is the best value for money according to market expectations. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: I intend to implement the following self-eligible activities under the project: — the organisation and organisation of an event with at least 750 participants, accessible to the entire population of the city. I intend to implement the following activities which are not eligible independently: — Other expert advice related to project preparation — Project management — Provision of mandatory publicity — Professional foundation document The karate section coach Tamás Sensei Kopcsányi (3.Dan) is responsible for the high quality of the event. (Since 1994, Karatez has been certified as a trainer since 2012. International Chief Justice has been able to use his knowledge at a number of prestigious events abroad. In 2017, he acquired the 3 rd in Bulgaria. Step Dan, please. Its aim is to promote karate as widely as possible, and to augment the name of the Vitality SE karate department. The 3 rd edition of the Ronin Day in Balassagyarmat. As in previous years, the inhabitants of the city and those coming from the surrounding settlements are very welcome. Local entrepreneurs will be able to offer their goods and products and provide the necessary infrastructure. The event is expected to open at 12:00 in the Palóc Park. During the day, visitors can see high-quality struggles. Children can use the playboards provided to them throughout the day. Adults can choose from the offer of vendors appearing on the spot. The gala matches begin in the early evening hours, and then they crown the eventful day with the artist of popular music. The event offers programmes to all target groups, including children, young people, elderly people, families, single people, local and remote residents. We plan to have at least 750 people interested. The capacity of the Palóc grove is 850 people. The Vitality Association fulfils the following professional requirements according to technical and professional requirements: The beneficiary must send the invitation and the documentation of the event to the competent LAG by the 15th day preceding the implementation date of the event, who shall ensure that it is published on its website. The costs of an event eligible under this action shall only cover the costs of the services for which the service provider has not charged a specific fee to the visitors of the event. The documentation of the announcement of the event and a reminder of the venue, time, target group and results of the event, together with at least 10 dated photos showing the main events of the event and the image elements placed on the event, must be submitted at the latest at the same time as the first payment request, in which the item related to the event is cleared. The project promoter must undertake to provide the following persons for the entire duration of the project in order to manage the project: the personal conditions of the project manager are provided by Gábor Urbán, managing director of PályázatVár Bt., who has more than 3 years of professional experience. The financial manager of the project will be Éva Tőkey, accountant, who has more than 20 years of professional experience. During the implementation of the project, we accepted the most favourable price offer from the point of view of cost-effectiveness, which is the best value for money according to market expectations. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 9 February 2022
Revision as of 17:33, 9 February 2022
Project Q3955555 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Ronin Day Balassagyarmaton |
Project Q3955555 in Hungary |
4,300,000 forint
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5,058,823.529 forint
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85.0 percent
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1 July 2021
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31 July 2021
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Vitalitás Sportegyesület
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A projekt keretében az alábbi önállóan támogatható tevékenységeket kívánom megvalósítani: - a város teljes lakossága számára elérhető, legalább 750 fő részvételével megvalósuló rendezvény lebonyolítása, megszervezése A projekt keretében az alábbi önállóan nem támogatható tevékenységeket kívánom megvalósítani: - Projekt előkészítéshez kapcsolódó egyéb szakértői tanácsadás - Projektmenedzsment - Kötelező nyilvánosság biztosítása - Szakmai megalapozó dokumentum A rendezvény magas színvonaláért a karate szakosztály edzője Sensei Kopcsányi Tamás (3.Dan) felel. (1994-től karatézik, 2012-től rendelkezik edzői minősítéssel. Nemzetközi főbíró, számos külföldi rangos eseményen kamatoztathatta tudását. 2017-ben szerezte meg Bulgáriában a 3. Dan fokozatot. Célja, a karate megismertetése minél szélesebb körben, illetve a Vitalitás SE karate szakosztály nevének öregbítése. 3. alkalommal kerül megrendezésre a Ronin nap Balassagyarmaton. A korábbi évekhez hasonlóan, most is nagy szeretettel várják a város lakosait, a környező településekről érkezőket. Az eseményen helyi vállalkozók kínálhatják majd portékáikat, termékeiket, melyhez a szükséges infrastruktúrát biztosítják. A rendezvény várhatóan 12:00-kor nyitja kapuit a Palóc ligetben. A nap folyamán színvonalas küzdelmeket láthatnak a látogatók. A gyermekek a részükre biztosított játszóelemeket egész nap használhatják. A felnőttek a helyszínen megjelenő árusok kínálatából válogathatnak. A koraesti órákban kezdődnek a gálamérkőzések, majd könnyűzenei előadó művésszel koronázzák az eseménydús napot. A rendezvény valamennyi célcsoport számára kínál programokat, gyermekek, fiatalok, idősek, családosok, egyedül állók, helyi térségi és távolabbi lakosok számára egyaránt. Terveink szerint minimum 750 fő lesz az érdeklődők száma. A Palóc liget befogadó képessége 850 fő. A Vitalitás Egyesület az alábbi szakmai követelményeket teljesíti a műszaki és szakmai elvárásoknak megfelelően: A kedvezményezett köteles a rendezvény témájáról, helyszínéről és időpontjáról szóló meghívót és a meghirdetés dokumentációját a rendezvény megvalósítási időpontját megelőző 15. napig az illetékes HACS-hoz megküldeni, aki köteles a honlapján történő közzétételéről gondoskodni. Az e tevékenység keretében támogatható rendezvény költségei között kizárólag azon szolgáltatások költségei számolhatóak el, amelyeknek igénybevételére a rendezvény látogatói felé külön díjat a szolgáltatást nyújtó nem számolt fel. A rendezvény meghirdetésének dokumentációját, valamint a rendezvény helyszínét, időpontját, célcsoportját, eredményeit bemutató emlékeztetőt és legalább tíz darab, a rendezvény főbb programjait és a rendezvényen elhelyezett arculati elemeket bemutató dátumozott fotót a rendezvény időpontját követően legkésőbb az első olyan kifizetési kérelemmel egyidejűleg be kell nyújtani, amelyben a rendezvénnyel kapcsolatos tétel is elszámolásra kerül. A projektgazdának vállalnia kell, hogy a projekt menedzsmentjének ellátása érdekében az alábbi személyeket a projekt teljes hossza alatt biztosítja: - projektmenedzser - pénzügyi vezető A projektmenedzser személyi feltételeit a PályázatVár Bt. ügyvezetője, Urbán Gábor biztosítja, aki több mint 3 éves szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkezik. A pénzügyi vezetője a projektnek Tőkey Éva, könyvelő lesz, aki több, mint 20 éves szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkezik. A projekt megvalósítása során a költséghatékonyság szempontjából a legkedvezőbb árajánlatot fogadtuk el, mely ár-érték arányban a piaci elvárások szerint a legmegfelelőbb. (Hungarian)
0 references
I intend to implement the following self-eligible activities under the project: — the organisation and organisation of an event with at least 750 participants, accessible to the entire population of the city. I intend to implement the following activities which are not eligible independently: — Other expert advice related to project preparation — Project management — Provision of mandatory publicity — Professional foundation document The karate section coach Tamás Sensei Kopcsányi (3.Dan) is responsible for the high quality of the event. (Since 1994, Karatez has been certified as a trainer since 2012. International Chief Justice has been able to use his knowledge at a number of prestigious events abroad. In 2017, he acquired the 3 rd in Bulgaria. Step Dan, please. Its aim is to promote karate as widely as possible, and to augment the name of the Vitality SE karate department. The 3 rd edition of the Ronin Day in Balassagyarmat. As in previous years, the inhabitants of the city and those coming from the surrounding settlements are very welcome. Local entrepreneurs will be able to offer their goods and products and provide the necessary infrastructure. The event is expected to open at 12:00 in the Palóc Park. During the day, visitors can see high-quality struggles. Children can use the playboards provided to them throughout the day. Adults can choose from the offer of vendors appearing on the spot. The gala matches begin in the early evening hours, and then they crown the eventful day with the artist of popular music. The event offers programmes to all target groups, including children, young people, elderly people, families, single people, local and remote residents. We plan to have at least 750 people interested. The capacity of the Palóc grove is 850 people. The Vitality Association fulfils the following professional requirements according to technical and professional requirements: The beneficiary must send the invitation and the documentation of the event to the competent LAG by the 15th day preceding the implementation date of the event, who shall ensure that it is published on its website. The costs of an event eligible under this action shall only cover the costs of the services for which the service provider has not charged a specific fee to the visitors of the event. The documentation of the announcement of the event and a reminder of the venue, time, target group and results of the event, together with at least 10 dated photos showing the main events of the event and the image elements placed on the event, must be submitted at the latest at the same time as the first payment request, in which the item related to the event is cleared. The project promoter must undertake to provide the following persons for the entire duration of the project in order to manage the project: the personal conditions of the project manager are provided by Gábor Urbán, managing director of PályázatVár Bt., who has more than 3 years of professional experience. The financial manager of the project will be Éva Tőkey, accountant, who has more than 20 years of professional experience. During the implementation of the project, we accepted the most favourable price offer from the point of view of cost-effectiveness, which is the best value for money according to market expectations. (English)
9 February 2022
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Balassagyarmat, Nógrád
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0 references