Kindergarten development in Geszt (Q3948040): Difference between revisions
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
As project promoter, the municipality of Geszt wishes to submit an application for support. The municipality of Geszt took into account the indicative envelope of HUF 500 million allocated to the district of Sarkadi when planning the amount of aid for the planned project. Total amount of the project: 115 594 210 HUF Geszt’s educational institutions currently operate in the buildings of the castle of the Tisza family in the area of the village. As a result of the planned rehabilitation of the estate, combined with a change of function (the purchase of the Tisza Castle by the state), the primary school and culture house in the castle, the gym in the stable building, the kindergarten, kitchen and dining room operating in the hunting house are forced to move. There is no building suitable for these functions in the area of the village, so new educational and educational buildings are needed. The Municipality has already implemented, with its own resources, part of the building subject to the authorisation (kindergarten, dining kitchen). In the framework of the planned project, the applicant intends to create a mini crèche suitable for 7 people, as well as to create a gymnastic room for children in kindergarten and nursery school. When developing the technical content, the implementation of complex accessibility, the achievement of the DD energy efficiency level approaching the state of the art, was an important aspect. In order to achieve the former, we plan to involve a rehabilitation environmental planning expert. The detailed technical content is presented in the preliminary planning cost estimation, technical description, detailed room list with m² data and photo documentation as part of the tender documentation. In the planning of the costs, we took into account the conditions set out in Section 5.5 of the Call. The scope of the eligible costs and point 5.6 Further conditions for eligibility. In addition to the works, the project also includes the purchase of equipment. The project owner wishes to use expert services for the project management organisation. The Project Owner is a public sector body, i.e. the rules governing the use of EU funds in the 2014-2020 programming period. (XI. 5.) it is subject to the specific provisions of Government Decree No 17/2001 concerning public sector bodies. In compliance with point, the expert services used for project management will be provided by a state or municipal budgetary body or by an economic entity in which the State or municipality holds a 100 % shareholding, either jointly or separately, directly or indirectly. The expert will be selected through a procurement procedure following the conclusion of the grant contract. The presentation of the professional content shows that the activities planned to be declared in the project correspond to the eligible activities included in the call and do not include the ineligible activities listed in point 3.1.4 of the call. With the implementation of the project, the number of places to accommodate newly created children aged 0-3 years: 7 When developing the development concept, the project promoter paid special attention to the feasibility of the project elements and the long-term maintenance and operation of the resulting results. For the successful implementation of the project, milestones have been defined and scheduled as required. In conclusion, the result of the project is the development of the current infrastructure, which contributes to better access to kindergarten and nursery care, promotes quality employment and, in the long term, facilitates the return of parents with young children to the labour market. The development of the planned project is in line with the objectives of the call, meets and contributes to the objectives set out in the call. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: As project promoter, the municipality of Geszt wishes to submit an application for support. The municipality of Geszt took into account the indicative envelope of HUF 500 million allocated to the district of Sarkadi when planning the amount of aid for the planned project. Total amount of the project: 115 594 210 HUF Geszt’s educational institutions currently operate in the buildings of the castle of the Tisza family in the area of the village. As a result of the planned rehabilitation of the estate, combined with a change of function (the purchase of the Tisza Castle by the state), the primary school and culture house in the castle, the gym in the stable building, the kindergarten, kitchen and dining room operating in the hunting house are forced to move. There is no building suitable for these functions in the area of the village, so new educational and educational buildings are needed. The Municipality has already implemented, with its own resources, part of the building subject to the authorisation (kindergarten, dining kitchen). In the framework of the planned project, the applicant intends to create a mini crèche suitable for 7 people, as well as to create a gymnastic room for children in kindergarten and nursery school. When developing the technical content, the implementation of complex accessibility, the achievement of the DD energy efficiency level approaching the state of the art, was an important aspect. In order to achieve the former, we plan to involve a rehabilitation environmental planning expert. The detailed technical content is presented in the preliminary planning cost estimation, technical description, detailed room list with m² data and photo documentation as part of the tender documentation. In the planning of the costs, we took into account the conditions set out in Section 5.5 of the Call. The scope of the eligible costs and point 5.6 Further conditions for eligibility. In addition to the works, the project also includes the purchase of equipment. The project owner wishes to use expert services for the project management organisation. The Project Owner is a public sector body, i.e. the rules governing the use of EU funds in the 2014-2020 programming period. (XI. 5.) it is subject to the specific provisions of Government Decree No 17/2001 concerning public sector bodies. In compliance with point, the expert services used for project management will be provided by a state or municipal budgetary body or by an economic entity in which the State or municipality holds a 100 % shareholding, either jointly or separately, directly or indirectly. The expert will be selected through a procurement procedure following the conclusion of the grant contract. The presentation of the professional content shows that the activities planned to be declared in the project correspond to the eligible activities included in the call and do not include the ineligible activities listed in point 3.1.4 of the call. With the implementation of the project, the number of places to accommodate newly created children aged 0-3 years: 7 When developing the development concept, the project promoter paid special attention to the feasibility of the project elements and the long-term maintenance and operation of the resulting results. For the successful implementation of the project, milestones have been defined and scheduled as required. In conclusion, the result of the project is the development of the current infrastructure, which contributes to better access to kindergarten and nursery care, promotes quality employment and, in the long term, facilitates the return of parents with young children to the labour market. The development of the planned project is in line with the objectives of the call, meets and contributes to the objectives set out in the call. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: As project promoter, the municipality of Geszt wishes to submit an application for support. The municipality of Geszt took into account the indicative envelope of HUF 500 million allocated to the district of Sarkadi when planning the amount of aid for the planned project. Total amount of the project: 115 594 210 HUF Geszt’s educational institutions currently operate in the buildings of the castle of the Tisza family in the area of the village. As a result of the planned rehabilitation of the estate, combined with a change of function (the purchase of the Tisza Castle by the state), the primary school and culture house in the castle, the gym in the stable building, the kindergarten, kitchen and dining room operating in the hunting house are forced to move. There is no building suitable for these functions in the area of the village, so new educational and educational buildings are needed. The Municipality has already implemented, with its own resources, part of the building subject to the authorisation (kindergarten, dining kitchen). In the framework of the planned project, the applicant intends to create a mini crèche suitable for 7 people, as well as to create a gymnastic room for children in kindergarten and nursery school. When developing the technical content, the implementation of complex accessibility, the achievement of the DD energy efficiency level approaching the state of the art, was an important aspect. In order to achieve the former, we plan to involve a rehabilitation environmental planning expert. The detailed technical content is presented in the preliminary planning cost estimation, technical description, detailed room list with m² data and photo documentation as part of the tender documentation. In the planning of the costs, we took into account the conditions set out in Section 5.5 of the Call. The scope of the eligible costs and point 5.6 Further conditions for eligibility. In addition to the works, the project also includes the purchase of equipment. The project owner wishes to use expert services for the project management organisation. The Project Owner is a public sector body, i.e. the rules governing the use of EU funds in the 2014-2020 programming period. (XI. 5.) it is subject to the specific provisions of Government Decree No 17/2001 concerning public sector bodies. In compliance with point, the expert services used for project management will be provided by a state or municipal budgetary body or by an economic entity in which the State or municipality holds a 100 % shareholding, either jointly or separately, directly or indirectly. The expert will be selected through a procurement procedure following the conclusion of the grant contract. The presentation of the professional content shows that the activities planned to be declared in the project correspond to the eligible activities included in the call and do not include the ineligible activities listed in point 3.1.4 of the call. With the implementation of the project, the number of places to accommodate newly created children aged 0-3 years: 7 When developing the development concept, the project promoter paid special attention to the feasibility of the project elements and the long-term maintenance and operation of the resulting results. For the successful implementation of the project, milestones have been defined and scheduled as required. In conclusion, the result of the project is the development of the current infrastructure, which contributes to better access to kindergarten and nursery care, promotes quality employment and, in the long term, facilitates the return of parents with young children to the labour market. The development of the planned project is in line with the objectives of the call, meets and contributes to the objectives set out in the call. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 9 February 2022
Revision as of 11:22, 9 February 2022
Project Q3948040 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Kindergarten development in Geszt |
Project Q3948040 in Hungary |
69,112,210 forint
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212,277.423 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
15 December 2021
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77,654,168.539 forint
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88.999997 percent
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1 December 2018
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31 August 2021
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Geszt Község Önkormányzata
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Q3979714 (Deleted Item)
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Geszt Község Önkormányzata, mint projektgazda támogatási kérelmet kíván benyújtani. Geszt települése a sarkadi járás számára elkülönített 500 millió Ft indikatív keretösszegét vette figyelembe a tervezett projekt támogatás összegének tervezésekor. A projekt teljes összege: 115.594.210 Ft Geszt nevelési-oktatási intézményei jelenleg a község területén található Tisza család kastélyának épületeiben üzemelnek. A birtok tervezett, funkcióváltással (Tisza-kastély állam általi megvásárlása) egybekötött rehabilitációja következtében a kastélyban működő általános iskola és művelődési ház, az istálló épületében található tornaterem, illetve a vadászházban üzemelő óvoda, konyha és ebédlő költözni kényszerül. A község területén ezen funkciók befogadására alkalmas épület nem áll rendelkezésre, így új nevelési-oktatási épületek létrehozása szükséges. Az Önkormányzat saját forrásból az engedélyezés tárgyát képező épület egy részét (óvoda, étkező konyha) már megvalósította. A tervezett projekt keretében a támogatást igénylő egy 7 fő befogadására alkalmas mini bölcsődét kíván létrehozni, valamint az óvodás és bölcsődés gyermekek számára egy tornaszoba kialakítását tervezi. A műszaki tartalom kidolgozásakor fontos szempont volt a komplex akadálymentesítés megvalósítása, a DD korszerűt megközelítő energiahatékonysági szint elérése. Előbbi eléréséhez rehabilitációs környezettervező szakértő bevonását tervezzük. A részletes műszaki tartalmat pályázati dokumentáció részét képező előzetes tervezői költségbecslés, műszaki leírás, részletes helyiséglista m2 adatokkal és fotódokumentáció mutatja be. A költségek tervezésénél figyelembe vettük a Felhívás 5.5. pont Az elszámolható költségek köre, és az 5.6. pont Az elszámolhatóság további feltételei részekben meghatározott feltételeket. Az építési beruházás mellett a projekt eszközbeszerzést is tartalmaz. A projektmenedzsment szervezethez a projektgazda szakértői szolgáltatást kíván igénybe venni. A Projektgazda közszféra szervezet, tehát a 2014-2020 programozási időszakban az egyes európai uniós alapokból származó támogatások felhasználásának rendjéről szóló 272/2014. (XI. 5.) Korm. rendelet közszféra szervezetekre vonatkozó speciális előírásai vonatkoznak rá. A pontnak eleget téve a projektmenedzsmenthez igénybevett szakértői szolgáltatást állami vagy önkormányzati költségvetési szerv, vagy olyan gazdálkodó szervezet látja majd el, amelyben az állam vagy önkormányzat - együttesen vagy külön, közvetve vagy közvetlenül - 100%-os tulajdoni részesedéssel rendelkezik. A szakértő beszerzési eljárás keretében kerül kiválasztásra a támogatási szerződés megkötését követően. A szakmai tartalom bemutatásából látható, hogy a projektben elszámolni tervezett tevékenységek megfelelnek a felhívásban foglalt támogatható tevékenységeknek, és nem tartalmaz a felhívás 3.1.4. pontban felsorolt nem támogatható tevékenységeket. A projekt megvalósulásával az újonnan létrehozott 0-3 éves gyermekek elhelyezését biztosító férőhelyek száma: 7 db A fejlesztési elképzelés kidolgozásánál a projektgazda fokozott figyelmet fordított a projektelemek megvalósíthatóságára és a keletkezett eredmények hosszú távú fenntartására és működtetésére. A projekt sikeres megvalósítása érdekében a mérföldkövek meghatározása és ütemezése az előírtaknak megfelelően történt. Összegezve elmondható, hogy a megvalósuló projekt eredménye a jelenlegi infrastrukturális fejlesztése, amely hozzájárul az óvodai és bölcsődei ellátáshoz való jobb hozzáféréshez, elősegíti a minőségi foglalkoztatást, hosszútávon pedig a kisgyermekes szülők munkaerőpiacra való visszatérését. A tervezett projekt fejlesztése összhangban van a felhívás céljaival, a felhívásban szereplő célokat teljesíti, illetve azokhoz hozzájárul. (Hungarian)
0 references
As project promoter, the municipality of Geszt wishes to submit an application for support. The municipality of Geszt took into account the indicative envelope of HUF 500 million allocated to the district of Sarkadi when planning the amount of aid for the planned project. Total amount of the project: 115 594 210 HUF Geszt’s educational institutions currently operate in the buildings of the castle of the Tisza family in the area of the village. As a result of the planned rehabilitation of the estate, combined with a change of function (the purchase of the Tisza Castle by the state), the primary school and culture house in the castle, the gym in the stable building, the kindergarten, kitchen and dining room operating in the hunting house are forced to move. There is no building suitable for these functions in the area of the village, so new educational and educational buildings are needed. The Municipality has already implemented, with its own resources, part of the building subject to the authorisation (kindergarten, dining kitchen). In the framework of the planned project, the applicant intends to create a mini crèche suitable for 7 people, as well as to create a gymnastic room for children in kindergarten and nursery school. When developing the technical content, the implementation of complex accessibility, the achievement of the DD energy efficiency level approaching the state of the art, was an important aspect. In order to achieve the former, we plan to involve a rehabilitation environmental planning expert. The detailed technical content is presented in the preliminary planning cost estimation, technical description, detailed room list with m² data and photo documentation as part of the tender documentation. In the planning of the costs, we took into account the conditions set out in Section 5.5 of the Call. The scope of the eligible costs and point 5.6 Further conditions for eligibility. In addition to the works, the project also includes the purchase of equipment. The project owner wishes to use expert services for the project management organisation. The Project Owner is a public sector body, i.e. the rules governing the use of EU funds in the 2014-2020 programming period. (XI. 5.) it is subject to the specific provisions of Government Decree No 17/2001 concerning public sector bodies. In compliance with point, the expert services used for project management will be provided by a state or municipal budgetary body or by an economic entity in which the State or municipality holds a 100 % shareholding, either jointly or separately, directly or indirectly. The expert will be selected through a procurement procedure following the conclusion of the grant contract. The presentation of the professional content shows that the activities planned to be declared in the project correspond to the eligible activities included in the call and do not include the ineligible activities listed in point 3.1.4 of the call. With the implementation of the project, the number of places to accommodate newly created children aged 0-3 years: 7 When developing the development concept, the project promoter paid special attention to the feasibility of the project elements and the long-term maintenance and operation of the resulting results. For the successful implementation of the project, milestones have been defined and scheduled as required. In conclusion, the result of the project is the development of the current infrastructure, which contributes to better access to kindergarten and nursery care, promotes quality employment and, in the long term, facilitates the return of parents with young children to the labour market. The development of the planned project is in line with the objectives of the call, meets and contributes to the objectives set out in the call. (English)
9 February 2022
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Geszt, Békés
0 references
0 references