IS IT ENERGY? CONSCIOUSLY, YOU KNOW! — implementation of awareness-raising programmes in the settlements of Nagykunság (Q3944456): Difference between revisions
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Project name: Is it energy? Consciously, you know! — implementation of awareness-raising programmes in the villages of Nagykunság Presentation of the Applicant: The Herman Ottó Nature Conservation Circle of Ttúrkeve was registered in 1998. During its nearly two decades of operation, it operates as one of the most important civil society organisations in the region implementing nature conservation, environmental education and environmental protection projects. In 2005, together with its partner organisation, István Fekete founded the Nature and Environmental Education Centre of Túrkeve, which awaits the interested parties with a 10 ha protected forest, a built-in “measyfoot” study, educational boards and thematic programs. The application of environmentally friendly technologies (solar panel, solar collector, pellet boiler, etc.) The organisation has participated several times in recent years in the implementation of a project aimed at promoting environmental awareness and energy awareness supported by EU and national sources. The overall objective of the project is to: The aim of our program is for people living in the region to learn about energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable and alternative energy utilisation solutions through concrete, working examples, highlighting the youth age group, thereby contributing to the widespread dissemination of the values and tools of an energy-conscious lifestyle, and to the development of competent and responsible behaviour. The objective is to make the public aware of the environmental impact of their current consumption patterns, to demonstrate energy-conscious consumption alternatives, the benefits of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, and to raise awareness of the values of sustainability. Target groups: 1. young people (aged 8-15) living in the settlements of the region 2. the adult population of the region The main location of the project is: Túrkeve, head office of our association (beneficiary district) Other locations: Mezőtúr, Kétpó (beneficiary districts) Kisújszállás (district to be developed) Kunhegyes (a district to be developed with a complex programme) Project activities: 1. institutional, multi-municipal interactive thematic awareness-raising programme: the organisation of diverse, interactive programs in the 20 educational institutions of the region, involving students, teachers and parents — projector lecture: old-new nature-friendly architectural solutions, modern technologies, energy efficiency-enhancing devices, passive houses, etc. — transfer of knowledge about the extent and composition of individual energy consumption, awareness raising and advice on reducing energy demand. — interactive presentation tools: lighting energy efficiency: demonstration of the difference between a conventional filament-compact fluorescent lamp-LED bulb (received energy, consumption, pollutant content); generator connected to indoor bikes to show the energy consumption of household appliances (phone charging, hair dryer, etc.) 2. awareness-raising actions, independent appearances promoting energy awareness and renewable energy sources in 5 large-visit cultural-traditional events in 5 settlements with their own stand, interactive presentation tools, awareness-raising publications, public advice, thematic children’s games 3. Organisation of energy awareness specialists at the Fekete István Training Centre: thematic specialisation based on the transfer of practical knowledge to primary school students (32 weeks + 3-day thematic summer camp): empirically promoting energy-saving solutions and renewable energy uses in everyday life. Topics: energy-efficient construction solutions, experiments to learn about insulation methods, homemade solar collector, reporting energy efficiency markings in the household, thermal-surveillance testing with rented device, etc. 4. Organising and organising a study trip 2 times with the participation of pupils, educators and citizens from primary schools. Location: Renewable Energy Park Research Centre, Debrecen. 5. Development of an educational showroom at the Fekete István Training Centre: by further developing our existing equipment pool and making it visitor friendly, visitors can learn about the practical implementation, real operation and benefits of energy-conscious solutions in everyday life. In order to present the existing solar system, we design touchscreen infoterminated, which — via the bluetooth connected to the solar system inverter — displays its real data The night illumination of the Training Center is currently provided by an island solar system, the operation of which is also presented. In addition, an educational board system of 6 modern residential energy efficiency solutions and renewable energy sources will be set up. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Project name: Is it energy? Consciously, you know! — implementation of awareness-raising programmes in the villages of Nagykunság Presentation of the Applicant: The Herman Ottó Nature Conservation Circle of Ttúrkeve was registered in 1998. During its nearly two decades of operation, it operates as one of the most important civil society organisations in the region implementing nature conservation, environmental education and environmental protection projects. In 2005, together with its partner organisation, István Fekete founded the Nature and Environmental Education Centre of Túrkeve, which awaits the interested parties with a 10 ha protected forest, a built-in “measyfoot” study, educational boards and thematic programs. The application of environmentally friendly technologies (solar panel, solar collector, pellet boiler, etc.) The organisation has participated several times in recent years in the implementation of a project aimed at promoting environmental awareness and energy awareness supported by EU and national sources. The overall objective of the project is to: The aim of our program is for people living in the region to learn about energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable and alternative energy utilisation solutions through concrete, working examples, highlighting the youth age group, thereby contributing to the widespread dissemination of the values and tools of an energy-conscious lifestyle, and to the development of competent and responsible behaviour. The objective is to make the public aware of the environmental impact of their current consumption patterns, to demonstrate energy-conscious consumption alternatives, the benefits of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, and to raise awareness of the values of sustainability. Target groups: 1. young people (aged 8-15) living in the settlements of the region 2. the adult population of the region The main location of the project is: Túrkeve, head office of our association (beneficiary district) Other locations: Mezőtúr, Kétpó (beneficiary districts) Kisújszállás (district to be developed) Kunhegyes (a district to be developed with a complex programme) Project activities: 1. institutional, multi-municipal interactive thematic awareness-raising programme: the organisation of diverse, interactive programs in the 20 educational institutions of the region, involving students, teachers and parents — projector lecture: old-new nature-friendly architectural solutions, modern technologies, energy efficiency-enhancing devices, passive houses, etc. — transfer of knowledge about the extent and composition of individual energy consumption, awareness raising and advice on reducing energy demand. — interactive presentation tools: lighting energy efficiency: demonstration of the difference between a conventional filament-compact fluorescent lamp-LED bulb (received energy, consumption, pollutant content); generator connected to indoor bikes to show the energy consumption of household appliances (phone charging, hair dryer, etc.) 2. awareness-raising actions, independent appearances promoting energy awareness and renewable energy sources in 5 large-visit cultural-traditional events in 5 settlements with their own stand, interactive presentation tools, awareness-raising publications, public advice, thematic children’s games 3. Organisation of energy awareness specialists at the Fekete István Training Centre: thematic specialisation based on the transfer of practical knowledge to primary school students (32 weeks + 3-day thematic summer camp): empirically promoting energy-saving solutions and renewable energy uses in everyday life. Topics: energy-efficient construction solutions, experiments to learn about insulation methods, homemade solar collector, reporting energy efficiency markings in the household, thermal-surveillance testing with rented device, etc. 4. Organising and organising a study trip 2 times with the participation of pupils, educators and citizens from primary schools. Location: Renewable Energy Park Research Centre, Debrecen. 5. Development of an educational showroom at the Fekete István Training Centre: by further developing our existing equipment pool and making it visitor friendly, visitors can learn about the practical implementation, real operation and benefits of energy-conscious solutions in everyday life. In order to present the existing solar system, we design touchscreen infoterminated, which — via the bluetooth connected to the solar system inverter — displays its real data The night illumination of the Training Center is currently provided by an island solar system, the operation of which is also presented. In addition, an educational board system of 6 modern residential energy efficiency solutions and renewable energy sources will be set up. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
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Property / summary: Project name: Is it energy? Consciously, you know! — implementation of awareness-raising programmes in the villages of Nagykunság Presentation of the Applicant: The Herman Ottó Nature Conservation Circle of Ttúrkeve was registered in 1998. During its nearly two decades of operation, it operates as one of the most important civil society organisations in the region implementing nature conservation, environmental education and environmental protection projects. In 2005, together with its partner organisation, István Fekete founded the Nature and Environmental Education Centre of Túrkeve, which awaits the interested parties with a 10 ha protected forest, a built-in “measyfoot” study, educational boards and thematic programs. The application of environmentally friendly technologies (solar panel, solar collector, pellet boiler, etc.) The organisation has participated several times in recent years in the implementation of a project aimed at promoting environmental awareness and energy awareness supported by EU and national sources. The overall objective of the project is to: The aim of our program is for people living in the region to learn about energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable and alternative energy utilisation solutions through concrete, working examples, highlighting the youth age group, thereby contributing to the widespread dissemination of the values and tools of an energy-conscious lifestyle, and to the development of competent and responsible behaviour. The objective is to make the public aware of the environmental impact of their current consumption patterns, to demonstrate energy-conscious consumption alternatives, the benefits of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, and to raise awareness of the values of sustainability. Target groups: 1. young people (aged 8-15) living in the settlements of the region 2. the adult population of the region The main location of the project is: Túrkeve, head office of our association (beneficiary district) Other locations: Mezőtúr, Kétpó (beneficiary districts) Kisújszállás (district to be developed) Kunhegyes (a district to be developed with a complex programme) Project activities: 1. institutional, multi-municipal interactive thematic awareness-raising programme: the organisation of diverse, interactive programs in the 20 educational institutions of the region, involving students, teachers and parents — projector lecture: old-new nature-friendly architectural solutions, modern technologies, energy efficiency-enhancing devices, passive houses, etc. — transfer of knowledge about the extent and composition of individual energy consumption, awareness raising and advice on reducing energy demand. — interactive presentation tools: lighting energy efficiency: demonstration of the difference between a conventional filament-compact fluorescent lamp-LED bulb (received energy, consumption, pollutant content); generator connected to indoor bikes to show the energy consumption of household appliances (phone charging, hair dryer, etc.) 2. awareness-raising actions, independent appearances promoting energy awareness and renewable energy sources in 5 large-visit cultural-traditional events in 5 settlements with their own stand, interactive presentation tools, awareness-raising publications, public advice, thematic children’s games 3. Organisation of energy awareness specialists at the Fekete István Training Centre: thematic specialisation based on the transfer of practical knowledge to primary school students (32 weeks + 3-day thematic summer camp): empirically promoting energy-saving solutions and renewable energy uses in everyday life. Topics: energy-efficient construction solutions, experiments to learn about insulation methods, homemade solar collector, reporting energy efficiency markings in the household, thermal-surveillance testing with rented device, etc. 4. Organising and organising a study trip 2 times with the participation of pupils, educators and citizens from primary schools. Location: Renewable Energy Park Research Centre, Debrecen. 5. Development of an educational showroom at the Fekete István Training Centre: by further developing our existing equipment pool and making it visitor friendly, visitors can learn about the practical implementation, real operation and benefits of energy-conscious solutions in everyday life. In order to present the existing solar system, we design touchscreen infoterminated, which — via the bluetooth connected to the solar system inverter — displays its real data The night illumination of the Training Center is currently provided by an island solar system, the operation of which is also presented. In addition, an educational board system of 6 modern residential energy efficiency solutions and renewable energy sources will be set up. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 9 February 2022
Revision as of 10:35, 9 February 2022
Project Q3944456 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | IS IT ENERGY? CONSCIOUSLY, YOU KNOW! — implementation of awareness-raising programmes in the settlements of Nagykunság |
Project Q3944456 in Hungary |
4,993,040 forint
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1 November 2019
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31 October 2021
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Projekt megnevezése: Energia? Tudatosan! – szemléletformáló programok megvalósítása a Nagykunság településein Pályázó bemutatása: A túrkevei Herman Ottó Természetvédő Kör 1998-ban került bejegyzésre. Közel két évtizedes működése során a térség egyik legjelentősebb, természetvédelmi-, környezeti nevelési-, és környezetvédelmi projekteket megvalósító civil szervezeteként működik. 2005-ben partnerszervezetével együtt hozta létre Túrkevén a Fekete István Természet- és Környezetvédelmi Oktatóközpontot, mely 10 ha-os védett erdővel, kiépített “mezítlábas” tanösvénnyel, ismeretterjesztő táblákkal és tematikus programokkal várja az érdeklődőket. Az egyesület beruházásai és beszerzései során elsődleges szempont a környezetkímélő technológiák alkalmazása (napelem, napkollektor, pelletkazán stb.) A szervezet az elmúlt években több alkalommal vett részt EU-s és hazai forrásból támogatott környezeti szemléletformálást ill. energiatudatosságot célul tűző projekt megvalósításában. A projekt átfogó célja: Programunk célja, hogy a térségben élő emberek – kiemelve az ifjúsági korosztályt – konkrét, működő példákon keresztül ismerjék meg az energiatakarékossági, energiahatékonysági lehetőségeket, a megújuló és alternatív energiahasznosítási megoldásokat, ezáltal hozzájáruljon az energiatudatos életmód értékeinek és eszközeinek széleskörű elterjesztéséhez, a kompetens és felelős magatartás fejlesztéséhez. Célkitűzés, hogy a lakossággal megismertessük a jelenlegi fogyasztási szokásaik környezeti hatásait, bemutassuk az energiatudatos fogyasztási alternatívákat, az energiahatékonyság és a megújuló energiaforrások alkalmazásának előnyeit, és mindezzel tudatosítsuk a fenntarthatóság értékrendjét. Célcsoportok: 1. a térség településein élő fiatalok (8-15 éves korosztály) 2. a térség felnőtt lakossága Megvalósítási helyszínek: A projekt elsődleges helyszíne: Túrkeve, egyesületünk székhelytelepülése (kedvezményezett járás) További helyszínek: Mezőtúr, Kétpó (kedvezményezett járások) Kisújszállás (fejlesztendő járás) Kunhegyes (komplex programmal fejlesztendő járás) Projekt tervezett tevékenységei: 1. intézményi, több települést (5) érintő interaktív tematikus szemléletformálási programsorozat: az energiahatékonyság tematikájára épülő, egymással összefüggő témákat többféle módon megközelítő, sokszínű, interaktív programok lebonyolítása a térség 20 oktatási intézményében, a diákok, pedagógusok és szülők bevonásával - projektoros előadás: régi-új természetbarát építészeti megoldások, modern technológiák, energiahatékonyságot fokozó eszközök, passzív házak stb. - az egyéni energiafogyasztás mértékére és összetételére vonatkozó ismeretek átadása, energiaigények csökkentésére való figyelemfelhívás és tanácsadás. - interaktív bemutató eszközök: világítás-energiahatékonyság: hagyományos izzó-kompakt fénycső-LED izzó közötti különbség demonstrálása (felvett energia, fogyasztás, károsanyag-tartalom); szobabiciklivel összekapcsolt generátor a háztartási eszközök energiafelvételének bemutatására (telefontöltés, hajszárító stb.) 2. figyelemfelhívó akciók, energiatudatosságot és a megújuló energiaforrásokat népszerűsítő önálló megjelenések 5 település nagy látogatottságú kulturális-hagyományőrző rendezvényein saját standdal, interaktív bemutató eszközökkel, szemléletformáló kiadványokkal, lakossági szaktanácsadással, tematikus gyermekjátékokkal 3. Energiatudatossággal kapcsolatos szakkörök szervezése a Fekete István Oktatóközpontban: gyakorlati ismeretek átadására épülő tematikus szakkör általános iskolás diákoknak (32 hét +3 napos tematikus nyári tábor): a mindennapi élet során alkalmazandó energiatakarékos megoldások és megújuló energiafelhasználási formák megismertetése empirikus úton. Témakörök: energiahatékony építési megoldások, kísérletek a szigetelési módszerek megismerésére, házi készítésű napkollektor, energiahatékonysági jelölések jelentése a háztartásban, hőkamerás épületvizsgálat bérelt eszközzel stb. 4. Szakmai tanulmányút szervezése és lebonyolítása Tanulmányi kirándulás 2 alkalommal az általános iskolák diákjai, pedagógusai és lakossági érdeklődők részvételével. Helyszín: Megújuló Energiapark Kutatóközpont, Debrecen. 5. Ismeretterjesztő bemutatóhely kialakítása a Fekete István Oktatóközpontban: meglévő eszközparkunk továbbfejlesztésével, látogatóbaráttá tételével az energiatudatos megoldások gyakorlati megvalósítását, valós működését és a mindennapi élet során megtapasztalható előnyeit ismerheti meg látogató. A meglévő napelemes rendszer bemutatására érintőképernyős infoterminált tervezünk, amely – a napelemes rendszer inverteréhez kapcsolódó bluetooth-on keresztül – megjeleníti annak valós adatait Az Oktatóközpont éjszakai megvilágítását jelenleg egy szigetüzemű napelemes rendszer biztosítja, amelynek működése szintén bemutatásra kerül. Emellett egy 6 db-os, korszerű lakossági energiahatékonysági megoldásokat és megújuló energiaforrásokat bemutató ismeretterjesztő táblarendszer is kialakításra kerül. (Hungarian)
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Project name: Is it energy? Consciously, you know! — implementation of awareness-raising programmes in the villages of Nagykunság Presentation of the Applicant: The Herman Ottó Nature Conservation Circle of Ttúrkeve was registered in 1998. During its nearly two decades of operation, it operates as one of the most important civil society organisations in the region implementing nature conservation, environmental education and environmental protection projects. In 2005, together with its partner organisation, István Fekete founded the Nature and Environmental Education Centre of Túrkeve, which awaits the interested parties with a 10 ha protected forest, a built-in “measyfoot” study, educational boards and thematic programs. The application of environmentally friendly technologies (solar panel, solar collector, pellet boiler, etc.) The organisation has participated several times in recent years in the implementation of a project aimed at promoting environmental awareness and energy awareness supported by EU and national sources. The overall objective of the project is to: The aim of our program is for people living in the region to learn about energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable and alternative energy utilisation solutions through concrete, working examples, highlighting the youth age group, thereby contributing to the widespread dissemination of the values and tools of an energy-conscious lifestyle, and to the development of competent and responsible behaviour. The objective is to make the public aware of the environmental impact of their current consumption patterns, to demonstrate energy-conscious consumption alternatives, the benefits of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, and to raise awareness of the values of sustainability. Target groups: 1. young people (aged 8-15) living in the settlements of the region 2. the adult population of the region The main location of the project is: Túrkeve, head office of our association (beneficiary district) Other locations: Mezőtúr, Kétpó (beneficiary districts) Kisújszállás (district to be developed) Kunhegyes (a district to be developed with a complex programme) Project activities: 1. institutional, multi-municipal interactive thematic awareness-raising programme: the organisation of diverse, interactive programs in the 20 educational institutions of the region, involving students, teachers and parents — projector lecture: old-new nature-friendly architectural solutions, modern technologies, energy efficiency-enhancing devices, passive houses, etc. — transfer of knowledge about the extent and composition of individual energy consumption, awareness raising and advice on reducing energy demand. — interactive presentation tools: lighting energy efficiency: demonstration of the difference between a conventional filament-compact fluorescent lamp-LED bulb (received energy, consumption, pollutant content); generator connected to indoor bikes to show the energy consumption of household appliances (phone charging, hair dryer, etc.) 2. awareness-raising actions, independent appearances promoting energy awareness and renewable energy sources in 5 large-visit cultural-traditional events in 5 settlements with their own stand, interactive presentation tools, awareness-raising publications, public advice, thematic children’s games 3. Organisation of energy awareness specialists at the Fekete István Training Centre: thematic specialisation based on the transfer of practical knowledge to primary school students (32 weeks + 3-day thematic summer camp): empirically promoting energy-saving solutions and renewable energy uses in everyday life. Topics: energy-efficient construction solutions, experiments to learn about insulation methods, homemade solar collector, reporting energy efficiency markings in the household, thermal-surveillance testing with rented device, etc. 4. Organising and organising a study trip 2 times with the participation of pupils, educators and citizens from primary schools. Location: Renewable Energy Park Research Centre, Debrecen. 5. Development of an educational showroom at the Fekete István Training Centre: by further developing our existing equipment pool and making it visitor friendly, visitors can learn about the practical implementation, real operation and benefits of energy-conscious solutions in everyday life. In order to present the existing solar system, we design touchscreen infoterminated, which — via the bluetooth connected to the solar system inverter — displays its real data The night illumination of the Training Center is currently provided by an island solar system, the operation of which is also presented. In addition, an educational board system of 6 modern residential energy efficiency solutions and renewable energy sources will be set up. (English)
9 February 2022
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Túrkeve, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok
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