Energy modernisation of Neweld Kft. (Q3936156): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
In the framework of the GINOP-4.1.4-19 project, NEWELD Kft. 3078 Bátonyterenye, outskirts of the building of the branch registered under heading No 086/16 will be upgraded to energy. The building provides industrial and office functions, with the necessary service spaces. In line with domestic and EU climate protection targets, it is appropriate to reduce the consumption of primary energy and emissions of pollutants in the building and to increase the capacity of renewable energy. Achieving these can be achieved through cost-effective solutions, so we recommend the following developments to be implemented in accordance with the present tender objectives. The complex project also includes activities to improve energy efficiency and to increase the use of renewable energy. During the energy renovation of the building, the following professional content will be carried out: > facade thermal insulation on a total surface of 383 m² — The side walls of the building are covered with expanded polystyrene hard foam plate of 20 cm thickness on 328 m², fixed by plastic lining, the plinth section is insulated with 20 cm polystyrene insulation on a 55 m² surface. > replacement of building industrial gates on a total surface area of 17.28 m² (Oktotrade Classic for narrow sectional industrial gates; 2 pieces of 3.200 mm x 2.700 mm per piece) > on the metal plate-covered oblique roof of a building 156 pcs 330 W monocrystalline solar panels are installed. Solar cables are installed under the solar panels on the roof plane attached to the supporting structure. The inverter will be installed in the building and the AC cable will reach the electrical distribution cabinet in a cable tray. Solar panels: JinkoSolar Eagle HC60M G2 330 monocrystalo solar panels weighing 19 kg each, size 1.684x1002x35 mm. The total power of the built-in 156 solar panels will be 51.24 kWp. The data sheet for built-in solar panels is set out in an annex. Inverter: The Growatt 50000TL3-S inverter is a high-efficiency (99 %) non-transformer equipment. Comply with the standards laid down in the distribution code. Specially designed for performance optimisations. An independent processor system checks network data, continuously performs impedance checks, and shuts off if the network synchronisation cannot be maintained. The input voltage of the inverter is connected to the network by reaching the set-on value. If the distribution network is disconnected for any reason, the inverter will immediately cease its operation, it will not operate in isolated operation. The data sheet of the built-in inverter is set out in an annex. The solar system does not require the manual intervention of external personnel with fully automatic operation. The inverter is automatically connected to the internal grid when solar panels are produced and detached, when the light energy becomes insufficient, or if the production would exceed the demand for internal grid consumption power. The connection equipment meets and fulfils the requirements of the connection point specified by ÉMÁSZ Networki Kft. and the specified service conditions. Design of the system: Solar panel modules are placed on the console on the roof surface of the house with a southern orientation. The inverter is located near the solar panels in the technical location of the plant. The built-in overvoltage protection system is designed to avoid the effects of network and environmental overvoltage. The production equipment is designed in a standard lightning protection zone. (English)
Property / summary: In the framework of the GINOP-4.1.4-19 project, NEWELD Kft. 3078 Bátonyterenye, outskirts of the building of the branch registered under heading No 086/16 will be upgraded to energy. The building provides industrial and office functions, with the necessary service spaces. In line with domestic and EU climate protection targets, it is appropriate to reduce the consumption of primary energy and emissions of pollutants in the building and to increase the capacity of renewable energy. Achieving these can be achieved through cost-effective solutions, so we recommend the following developments to be implemented in accordance with the present tender objectives. The complex project also includes activities to improve energy efficiency and to increase the use of renewable energy. During the energy renovation of the building, the following professional content will be carried out: > facade thermal insulation on a total surface of 383 m² — The side walls of the building are covered with expanded polystyrene hard foam plate of 20 cm thickness on 328 m², fixed by plastic lining, the plinth section is insulated with 20 cm polystyrene insulation on a 55 m² surface. > replacement of building industrial gates on a total surface area of 17.28 m² (Oktotrade Classic for narrow sectional industrial gates; 2 pieces of 3.200 mm x 2.700 mm per piece) > on the metal plate-covered oblique roof of a building 156 pcs 330 W monocrystalline solar panels are installed. Solar cables are installed under the solar panels on the roof plane attached to the supporting structure. The inverter will be installed in the building and the AC cable will reach the electrical distribution cabinet in a cable tray. Solar panels: JinkoSolar Eagle HC60M G2 330 monocrystalo solar panels weighing 19 kg each, size 1.684x1002x35 mm. The total power of the built-in 156 solar panels will be 51.24 kWp. The data sheet for built-in solar panels is set out in an annex. Inverter: The Growatt 50000TL3-S inverter is a high-efficiency (99 %) non-transformer equipment. Comply with the standards laid down in the distribution code. Specially designed for performance optimisations. An independent processor system checks network data, continuously performs impedance checks, and shuts off if the network synchronisation cannot be maintained. The input voltage of the inverter is connected to the network by reaching the set-on value. If the distribution network is disconnected for any reason, the inverter will immediately cease its operation, it will not operate in isolated operation. The data sheet of the built-in inverter is set out in an annex. The solar system does not require the manual intervention of external personnel with fully automatic operation. The inverter is automatically connected to the internal grid when solar panels are produced and detached, when the light energy becomes insufficient, or if the production would exceed the demand for internal grid consumption power. The connection equipment meets and fulfils the requirements of the connection point specified by ÉMÁSZ Networki Kft. and the specified service conditions. Design of the system: Solar panel modules are placed on the console on the roof surface of the house with a southern orientation. The inverter is located near the solar panels in the technical location of the plant. The built-in overvoltage protection system is designed to avoid the effects of network and environmental overvoltage. The production equipment is designed in a standard lightning protection zone. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: In the framework of the GINOP-4.1.4-19 project, NEWELD Kft. 3078 Bátonyterenye, outskirts of the building of the branch registered under heading No 086/16 will be upgraded to energy. The building provides industrial and office functions, with the necessary service spaces. In line with domestic and EU climate protection targets, it is appropriate to reduce the consumption of primary energy and emissions of pollutants in the building and to increase the capacity of renewable energy. Achieving these can be achieved through cost-effective solutions, so we recommend the following developments to be implemented in accordance with the present tender objectives. The complex project also includes activities to improve energy efficiency and to increase the use of renewable energy. During the energy renovation of the building, the following professional content will be carried out: > facade thermal insulation on a total surface of 383 m² — The side walls of the building are covered with expanded polystyrene hard foam plate of 20 cm thickness on 328 m², fixed by plastic lining, the plinth section is insulated with 20 cm polystyrene insulation on a 55 m² surface. > replacement of building industrial gates on a total surface area of 17.28 m² (Oktotrade Classic for narrow sectional industrial gates; 2 pieces of 3.200 mm x 2.700 mm per piece) > on the metal plate-covered oblique roof of a building 156 pcs 330 W monocrystalline solar panels are installed. Solar cables are installed under the solar panels on the roof plane attached to the supporting structure. The inverter will be installed in the building and the AC cable will reach the electrical distribution cabinet in a cable tray. Solar panels: JinkoSolar Eagle HC60M G2 330 monocrystalo solar panels weighing 19 kg each, size 1.684x1002x35 mm. The total power of the built-in 156 solar panels will be 51.24 kWp. The data sheet for built-in solar panels is set out in an annex. Inverter: The Growatt 50000TL3-S inverter is a high-efficiency (99 %) non-transformer equipment. Comply with the standards laid down in the distribution code. Specially designed for performance optimisations. An independent processor system checks network data, continuously performs impedance checks, and shuts off if the network synchronisation cannot be maintained. The input voltage of the inverter is connected to the network by reaching the set-on value. If the distribution network is disconnected for any reason, the inverter will immediately cease its operation, it will not operate in isolated operation. The data sheet of the built-in inverter is set out in an annex. The solar system does not require the manual intervention of external personnel with fully automatic operation. The inverter is automatically connected to the internal grid when solar panels are produced and detached, when the light energy becomes insufficient, or if the production would exceed the demand for internal grid consumption power. The connection equipment meets and fulfils the requirements of the connection point specified by ÉMÁSZ Networki Kft. and the specified service conditions. Design of the system: Solar panel modules are placed on the console on the roof surface of the house with a southern orientation. The inverter is located near the solar panels in the technical location of the plant. The built-in overvoltage protection system is designed to avoid the effects of network and environmental overvoltage. The production equipment is designed in a standard lightning protection zone. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 22:02, 8 February 2022

Project Q3936156 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Energy modernisation of Neweld Kft.
Project Q3936156 in Hungary


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    18,973,200 forint
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    4 December 2021
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    15 December 2021
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    34,496,727.273 forint
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    1 November 2020
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    NEWELD Hegesztéstechnikai Ipari Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    48°0'21.71"N, 19°47'5.64"E
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    A GINOP-4.1.4-19 projekt keretében a NEWELD Kft. 3078 Bátonyterenye, külterület 086/16 helyrajzi számon nyilvántartott fióktelep épületének energetikai korszerűsítése valósul meg. Az épület ipari és irodai funkciót lát el, a szükséges kiszolgáló helyiségekkel. A hazai és európai uniós klímavédelmi célokkal összhangban az épület primerenergia fogyasztásának és károsanyag kibocsátásának csökkentése, valamint a megújuló energia kapacitásának növelése indokolt. Ezek elérése költséghatékony megoldásokkal megoldható, így jelen pályázati célokkal összhangban javasoljuk az alábbi fejlesztések megvalósítását. A komplex projekt keretében az energiahatékonyság javítására vonatkozó tevékenységek és megújuló energiafelhasználás növelését célzó tevékenység is történik. Az épület energetikai korszerűsítése során az alábbi szakmai tartalommal valósulnak meg az egyes tevékenységek: > homlokzati hőszigetelése összesen 383 m2 felületen - Az épület oldalfalai 328 m2-en 20 cm vastagságú, műanyag dűbelezéssel rögzített, expandált polisztirol keményhab lemezzel kerülnek burkolásra, a lábazati rész szigetelése 55 m2 felületen 20 cm-es lábazati polisztirol szigeteléssel történik. > épület ipari kapuinak cseréje összesen 17,28 m2 felületen (Oktotrade Classic keskeny bordás szekcionált ipari kapura; 2 db, darabonként 3.200 mm x 2.700 mm méretben) > épület fém lemez borítású ferdetetőjére 156 db 330 W-os monokristályos napelem kerül telepítésre. A szolár kábelek a napelemek alatt a tetősíkon a tartószerkezethez rögzítve kerülnek telepítésre. Az inverter az épületben lesz elhelyezve, az innen induló AC kábel kábeltálcában jut el a villamos elosztószekrényéhez. Napelemek: JinkoSolar Eagle HC60M G2 330 monokristályo napelemek egyenként 19 kg tömegűek, 1.684x1002x35 mm méretűek. A beépített 156 db napelem összes teljesítménye 51,24 kWp lesz. A beépített napelemek adatlapját melléklet tartalmazza. Inverter: Az alkalmazott GROWATT 50000TL3-S inverter magas hatásfokú (99%) transzformátor nélküli berendezés. Teljesíti az elosztói szabályzatban rögzített szabványok előírásait. Kifejezetten teljesítmény optimalizálókhoz fejlesztették ki. Független processzoros rendszer ellenőrzi a hálózati adatokat, folyamatosan impedancia-ellenőrzést végez, és kikapcsol, amennyiben a hálózati szinkron nem tartható. Az inverter bemeneti feszültsége a beállított kapcsolási értéket elérve kapcsolódik a hálózatra. Amennyiben az elosztóhálózat valamilyen okból lekapcsol, az inverter azonnal megszünteti üzemét, szigetüzemben nem működik. A beépített inverter adatlapját melléklet tartalmazza. A napelemes rendszer teljesen automatikus működésű, külső személyzet kézi beavatkozását nem igényli. Az inverter a belső hálózatra automatikusan kapcsolódik, amikor a napelemek termelnek és leválik, amikor a fényenergia elégtelen mértékűvé válik, ill. ha a termelés meghaladná a belső hálózat fogyasztási teljesítmény igényét. Az ÉMÁSZ Hálózati Kft. által a csatlakozási pontra előírt, illetve a megadott szolgáltatói feltételeket a csatlakozó berendezések kielégítik, teljesítik. A rendszer kialakítása: A napelem modulok elhelyezése a ház déli tájolású tetőfelületén kialakított konzolon történik. Az inverter a napelemekhez közeli helyen az üzem műszaki helységében kerül elhelyezésre. A beépített túlfeszültségvédelmi rendszer a hálózati és környezeti fellépő túlfeszültség hatásainak elkerülésére szolgál. A termelő berendezés szabványos villámvédelmi zónában kerül kialakításra. (Hungarian)
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    In the framework of the GINOP-4.1.4-19 project, NEWELD Kft. 3078 Bátonyterenye, outskirts of the building of the branch registered under heading No 086/16 will be upgraded to energy. The building provides industrial and office functions, with the necessary service spaces. In line with domestic and EU climate protection targets, it is appropriate to reduce the consumption of primary energy and emissions of pollutants in the building and to increase the capacity of renewable energy. Achieving these can be achieved through cost-effective solutions, so we recommend the following developments to be implemented in accordance with the present tender objectives. The complex project also includes activities to improve energy efficiency and to increase the use of renewable energy. During the energy renovation of the building, the following professional content will be carried out: > facade thermal insulation on a total surface of 383 m² — The side walls of the building are covered with expanded polystyrene hard foam plate of 20 cm thickness on 328 m², fixed by plastic lining, the plinth section is insulated with 20 cm polystyrene insulation on a 55 m² surface. > replacement of building industrial gates on a total surface area of 17.28 m² (Oktotrade Classic for narrow sectional industrial gates; 2 pieces of 3.200 mm x 2.700 mm per piece) > on the metal plate-covered oblique roof of a building 156 pcs 330 W monocrystalline solar panels are installed. Solar cables are installed under the solar panels on the roof plane attached to the supporting structure. The inverter will be installed in the building and the AC cable will reach the electrical distribution cabinet in a cable tray. Solar panels: JinkoSolar Eagle HC60M G2 330 monocrystalo solar panels weighing 19 kg each, size 1.684x1002x35 mm. The total power of the built-in 156 solar panels will be 51.24 kWp. The data sheet for built-in solar panels is set out in an annex. Inverter: The Growatt 50000TL3-S inverter is a high-efficiency (99 %) non-transformer equipment. Comply with the standards laid down in the distribution code. Specially designed for performance optimisations. An independent processor system checks network data, continuously performs impedance checks, and shuts off if the network synchronisation cannot be maintained. The input voltage of the inverter is connected to the network by reaching the set-on value. If the distribution network is disconnected for any reason, the inverter will immediately cease its operation, it will not operate in isolated operation. The data sheet of the built-in inverter is set out in an annex. The solar system does not require the manual intervention of external personnel with fully automatic operation. The inverter is automatically connected to the internal grid when solar panels are produced and detached, when the light energy becomes insufficient, or if the production would exceed the demand for internal grid consumption power. The connection equipment meets and fulfils the requirements of the connection point specified by ÉMÁSZ Networki Kft. and the specified service conditions. Design of the system: Solar panel modules are placed on the console on the roof surface of the house with a southern orientation. The inverter is located near the solar panels in the technical location of the plant. The built-in overvoltage protection system is designed to avoid the effects of network and environmental overvoltage. The production equipment is designed in a standard lightning protection zone. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Bátonyterenye, Nógrád
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