Implementation of energy development at the headquarters of Simon Interior Design Limited Liability Company (Q3935096): Difference between revisions
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(Removed claim: summary (P836): In the framework of this project, our goal is the complex energy renovation of the building located under Szentgotthárd 1665, during which our objective is to transform the existing lighting system of the building into energy saving, as well as to install a 117.7 kWp solar panel system. The technical characteristics of the development of the solar system installation are as follows: The main components of the renewable photovoltaic power gener...) |
(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
In the framework of this project, our goal is the complex energy renovation of the building located under Szentgotthárd 1665, during which our objective is to transform the existing lighting system of the building into energy saving, as well as to install a 117.7 kWp solar panel system. The technical characteristics of the development of the solar system installation are as follows: The main components of the renewable photovoltaic power generation system to be developed are the solar panels, which bear the Canadian Solar CS6K-275WP. They have 10 years full manufacturer warranty and 80 % 20 year performance guarantee, as well as TÜV, CE, IEC certificates. During the project, 428 solar panels, i.e. a total of 117,7 kWp systems, will be installed on the top of the property. To fix the solar panels, aluminum rails are placed on the plate roof using special perefield screws and watertight insulation. The direct current produced by the PV panels, the inverters specially manufactured for this task, are converted into alternating current, and in the case of this investment 5 Fronius products manufactured in Austria will be installed. All other electrical wiring, fuses, circuit breakers, parts certified in accordance with standards and requirements. The electricity produced by the small solar power plant and not consumed locally will be fed back into the existing public network, and the additional consumption fee will be paid to the network licensed electricity supplier in a separate settlement. In the present case, the small power plant does not produce more on an annual basis than the energy needs of the property, so the investing company does not generate any surplus, it does not become an energy trader, but it will be necessary to purchase a certain amount of energy from the electricity supplier. A system with Visszwatt protection will be installed. According to Section 116(3)(b) of the VET, a construction permit procedure is not required if the solar power plant does not return to the electricity plant. Transforming existing lighting system into energy saving: The electrical power demand is determined by the intended purpose of the building. In addition to the performance of the technological machines to be installed, the energy demand is determined by the external and internal lighting of the building, the operation of the sectional gate, the need for a wood-fired boiler and HMV boiler for heating and hot water supply, as well as the need for the office negotiation section and the performance of the social building. Taking into account the installed power requirements of the used woodworking machines and their simultaneous load, the installed electrical power is: PBE = 150 kW. This may increase due to subsequent improvements. Estimated simultaneous performance demand: PE = around 75-90 kW — depending on the operation. — Connection tension level: 3x400/230V; 50 Hz. When the power cable is sized, it=3x200A load is the tightening (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In the framework of this project, our goal is the complex energy renovation of the building located under Szentgotthárd 1665, during which our objective is to transform the existing lighting system of the building into energy saving, as well as to install a 117.7 kWp solar panel system. The technical characteristics of the development of the solar system installation are as follows: The main components of the renewable photovoltaic power generation system to be developed are the solar panels, which bear the Canadian Solar CS6K-275WP. They have 10 years full manufacturer warranty and 80 % 20 year performance guarantee, as well as TÜV, CE, IEC certificates. During the project, 428 solar panels, i.e. a total of 117,7 kWp systems, will be installed on the top of the property. To fix the solar panels, aluminum rails are placed on the plate roof using special perefield screws and watertight insulation. The direct current produced by the PV panels, the inverters specially manufactured for this task, are converted into alternating current, and in the case of this investment 5 Fronius products manufactured in Austria will be installed. All other electrical wiring, fuses, circuit breakers, parts certified in accordance with standards and requirements. The electricity produced by the small solar power plant and not consumed locally will be fed back into the existing public network, and the additional consumption fee will be paid to the network licensed electricity supplier in a separate settlement. In the present case, the small power plant does not produce more on an annual basis than the energy needs of the property, so the investing company does not generate any surplus, it does not become an energy trader, but it will be necessary to purchase a certain amount of energy from the electricity supplier. A system with Visszwatt protection will be installed. According to Section 116(3)(b) of the VET, a construction permit procedure is not required if the solar power plant does not return to the electricity plant. Transforming existing lighting system into energy saving: The electrical power demand is determined by the intended purpose of the building. In addition to the performance of the technological machines to be installed, the energy demand is determined by the external and internal lighting of the building, the operation of the sectional gate, the need for a wood-fired boiler and HMV boiler for heating and hot water supply, as well as the need for the office negotiation section and the performance of the social building. Taking into account the installed power requirements of the used woodworking machines and their simultaneous load, the installed electrical power is: PBE = 150 kW. This may increase due to subsequent improvements. Estimated simultaneous performance demand: PE = around 75-90 kW — depending on the operation. — Connection tension level: 3x400/230V; 50 Hz. When the power cable is sized, it=3x200A load is the tightening (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: In the framework of this project, our goal is the complex energy renovation of the building located under Szentgotthárd 1665, during which our objective is to transform the existing lighting system of the building into energy saving, as well as to install a 117.7 kWp solar panel system. The technical characteristics of the development of the solar system installation are as follows: The main components of the renewable photovoltaic power generation system to be developed are the solar panels, which bear the Canadian Solar CS6K-275WP. They have 10 years full manufacturer warranty and 80 % 20 year performance guarantee, as well as TÜV, CE, IEC certificates. During the project, 428 solar panels, i.e. a total of 117,7 kWp systems, will be installed on the top of the property. To fix the solar panels, aluminum rails are placed on the plate roof using special perefield screws and watertight insulation. The direct current produced by the PV panels, the inverters specially manufactured for this task, are converted into alternating current, and in the case of this investment 5 Fronius products manufactured in Austria will be installed. All other electrical wiring, fuses, circuit breakers, parts certified in accordance with standards and requirements. The electricity produced by the small solar power plant and not consumed locally will be fed back into the existing public network, and the additional consumption fee will be paid to the network licensed electricity supplier in a separate settlement. In the present case, the small power plant does not produce more on an annual basis than the energy needs of the property, so the investing company does not generate any surplus, it does not become an energy trader, but it will be necessary to purchase a certain amount of energy from the electricity supplier. A system with Visszwatt protection will be installed. According to Section 116(3)(b) of the VET, a construction permit procedure is not required if the solar power plant does not return to the electricity plant. Transforming existing lighting system into energy saving: The electrical power demand is determined by the intended purpose of the building. In addition to the performance of the technological machines to be installed, the energy demand is determined by the external and internal lighting of the building, the operation of the sectional gate, the need for a wood-fired boiler and HMV boiler for heating and hot water supply, as well as the need for the office negotiation section and the performance of the social building. Taking into account the installed power requirements of the used woodworking machines and their simultaneous load, the installed electrical power is: PBE = 150 kW. This may increase due to subsequent improvements. Estimated simultaneous performance demand: PE = around 75-90 kW — depending on the operation. — Connection tension level: 3x400/230V; 50 Hz. When the power cable is sized, it=3x200A load is the tightening (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 22:00, 8 February 2022
Project Q3935096 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Implementation of energy development at the headquarters of Simon Interior Design Limited Liability Company |
Project Q3935096 in Hungary |
40,800,000 forint
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202,785.317 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
15 December 2021
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74,181,818.182 forint
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55.0 percent
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1 October 2020
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31 December 2021
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Simon Belsőépítész Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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Jelen projekt keretében célunk a Szentgotthárd 1665 helyrajzi számon található épület komplex energetikai felújítása, melynek során célkitűzésünk az épület meglévő világításrendszerének energiatakarékossá alakítása, valamint egy 117,7 kWp-s napelemrendszer telepítése. A napelemes rendszer telepítésére irányuló fejlesztés műszaki jellemzői az alábbiak: A fejleszteni kívánt, megújuló energiát hasznosító fotovoltaikus áramtermelő rendszer fő alkotóelemei a napelem panelek, melyek a Canadian Solar CS6K-275WP típusjelet viselik. 10 év teljes körű gyártói garanciával és 80%-os 20 éves teljesítménygaranciával valamint TÜV, CE, IEC tanúsítványokkal rendelkeznek. A projekt során 428 db napelemtábla, azaz összesen 117,7 kWp méretű rendszer kerül felszerelésre az ingatlan tetejére. A napelem panelek rögzítéséhez alumínium sínek kerülnek a lemeztetőre speciális peremező csavarok és vízzáró szigetelés használatával. A PV panelek által megtermelt egyenáramot, a speciálisan erre a feladatra gyártott inverterek alakítják át váltóárammá, valamint ezen beruházás esetében az ausztriai gyártmányú 5 db Fronius terméke kerül felszerelésre. Minden egyéb elektromos vezeték, biztosíték, megszakító, a szabványoknak és követelményeknek megfelelő minősítésekkel rendelkező alkatrész. A napelemes kiserőmű által megtermelt és helyben el nem fogyasztott elektromos áramot a meglévő közvezeték hálózatba táplálja vissza, majd szaldós elszámolásban kerül kifizetésre a szükséges többletfogyasztás díja a hálózati engedélyes áramszolgáltató felé. Jelen esetben a kiserőmű éves szinten nem termel többet, mint az ingatlan energiaszükséglete, tehát a beruházó cég nem termel többletet, nem válik energia kereskedővé, hanem szükséges lesz az áramszolgáltatótól bizonyos mennyiségű energia vásárlása. Visszwatt védelemmel ellátott rendszer kerül telepítésre. A VET 116§ (3) b. pontja szerint nem kell lefolytatni építési engedélyezési eljárást, ha az adott naperőmű nem táplál vissza villamosműre. Meglévő világításrendszer energiatakarékossá alakítása: A villamos teljesítményigényt az épület rendeltetése határozza meg. Az energiaszükséglet a beépítésre kerülő technológiai gépek teljesítményén kívül az épület külső és belső világítása, a szekcionált kapu működtetése, az épület fűtését- és melegvízellátást biztosító fatüzelésű kazán és HMV bojler villamos igénye , valamint az irodatárgyaló rész és a szociális épületrész teljesítmény szükséglete szabják meg. Az alkalmazott faipari gépek beépített teljesítményigényét és egyidejű terhelésüket is figyelembe véve a beépített villamos teljesítmény: PBE = 150 kW . Ez a későbbi fejlesztések miatt növekedhet. A becsült egyidejű teljesítményigény: PE = 75-90 kW körüli érték – az üzemmenettől függően. - A csatlakozási fesz. szint: 3x400/230V; 50Hz . A tápkábel méretésénél It=3x200A-es terheléssel számolva a fesz.esés (Hungarian)
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In the framework of this project, our goal is the complex energy renovation of the building located under Szentgotthárd 1665, during which our objective is to transform the existing lighting system of the building into energy saving, as well as to install a 117.7 kWp solar panel system. The technical characteristics of the development of the solar system installation are as follows: The main components of the renewable photovoltaic power generation system to be developed are the solar panels, which bear the Canadian Solar CS6K-275WP. They have 10 years full manufacturer warranty and 80 % 20 year performance guarantee, as well as TÜV, CE, IEC certificates. During the project, 428 solar panels, i.e. a total of 117,7 kWp systems, will be installed on the top of the property. To fix the solar panels, aluminum rails are placed on the plate roof using special perefield screws and watertight insulation. The direct current produced by the PV panels, the inverters specially manufactured for this task, are converted into alternating current, and in the case of this investment 5 Fronius products manufactured in Austria will be installed. All other electrical wiring, fuses, circuit breakers, parts certified in accordance with standards and requirements. The electricity produced by the small solar power plant and not consumed locally will be fed back into the existing public network, and the additional consumption fee will be paid to the network licensed electricity supplier in a separate settlement. In the present case, the small power plant does not produce more on an annual basis than the energy needs of the property, so the investing company does not generate any surplus, it does not become an energy trader, but it will be necessary to purchase a certain amount of energy from the electricity supplier. A system with Visszwatt protection will be installed. According to Section 116(3)(b) of the VET, a construction permit procedure is not required if the solar power plant does not return to the electricity plant. Transforming existing lighting system into energy saving: The electrical power demand is determined by the intended purpose of the building. In addition to the performance of the technological machines to be installed, the energy demand is determined by the external and internal lighting of the building, the operation of the sectional gate, the need for a wood-fired boiler and HMV boiler for heating and hot water supply, as well as the need for the office negotiation section and the performance of the social building. Taking into account the installed power requirements of the used woodworking machines and their simultaneous load, the installed electrical power is: PBE = 150 kW. This may increase due to subsequent improvements. Estimated simultaneous performance demand: PE = around 75-90 kW — depending on the operation. — Connection tension level: 3x400/230V; 50 Hz. When the power cable is sized, it=3x200A load is the tightening (English)
8 February 2022
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Szentgotthárd, Vas
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