Building energy development through the use of renewable energy at the branch of TANK-GY Kft. in Nagyatád. (Q3934763): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: add summary)
(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
The technical preparation of the project is reflected by the fact that the energetic designer prepared the building design documentation and the energy certificates (existing, planned) following the on-site survey and determined the quantifiable results and indicators of the project accordingly. Investment aimed at the use of purely renewable energy is not subject to authorisation, so that the acquisition of those contributions is not relevant. In addition to the above-mentioned engineering tasks, requests from technical inspectors have been made, the name and the eligibility number of the inspector to be used during the implementation of the project are indicated in the detailed description of the project data sheet. The responsibility of project management is the correct implementation of the project by the deadline. For this task, a broad-minded (external) company with significant background experience and expertise will be selected, with sufficient references for the implementation of EU projects of similar scale and development, as the company does not have sufficient experience in the implementation of EU projects. In addition to the above, the information package in accordance with the provisions of the Széchenyi 2020 JTK will be implemented, i.e. a table will be posted until the end of the maintenance period, a photo documentation suitable for communication will be prepared, which will be uploaded into the TÉRKÉPTÉR application, and a press release will be prepared at the end of the project, and press releases will be collected. A solar panel system will be installed to ensure proper modernisation and energy requirements. In the context of development, the call 3.1.1. A self-sufficient eligible activity under III would be implemented. This includes the purchase and installation of solar systems, structural and support elements, and the purchase and installation of the elements necessary for connection to the building’s electrical system and the grid and for technically safe operation; the purchase and installation of measuring and control equipment would take place. With regard to the technical content of the only building involved in the development and of the solar system necessary for the supply of electricity to the current economic and production processes, the conditions for the installation of the system are met. The roof structure does not require reinforcement. 76 (21+ 21+ 17+ 17+ 17) modules are installed on the trapezoid above the well columns and 44 (22+ 22) modules are installed on the flat roofed building. 120 cell monocrystalline modules with aluminium frame, 3.2 mm iron-free hardened solar glass, EVA filling, IP65 connector box, solar wire, solar connectors. They have a rated power of 280 W or a maximum of 285 W. Panels planned under the project: TrinaSolar Honey TSM-PE06H 285 W, while designed inverters: 30 kVA (1 Fronius SYMO 17.5-3-M, 1 Fronius SYMO 12.5-3-M) is a three-phase 400/3x230V inverter operating in synchronous operation with a 50 Hz network with a wifi module. The support structure of the supported activity is stainless steel and aluminium lightweight duct system with connecting elements, PV-generator arrangement for mounting partly with scaffolding and partly parallel to the roof plane. (English)
Property / summary: The technical preparation of the project is reflected by the fact that the energetic designer prepared the building design documentation and the energy certificates (existing, planned) following the on-site survey and determined the quantifiable results and indicators of the project accordingly. Investment aimed at the use of purely renewable energy is not subject to authorisation, so that the acquisition of those contributions is not relevant. In addition to the above-mentioned engineering tasks, requests from technical inspectors have been made, the name and the eligibility number of the inspector to be used during the implementation of the project are indicated in the detailed description of the project data sheet. The responsibility of project management is the correct implementation of the project by the deadline. For this task, a broad-minded (external) company with significant background experience and expertise will be selected, with sufficient references for the implementation of EU projects of similar scale and development, as the company does not have sufficient experience in the implementation of EU projects. In addition to the above, the information package in accordance with the provisions of the Széchenyi 2020 JTK will be implemented, i.e. a table will be posted until the end of the maintenance period, a photo documentation suitable for communication will be prepared, which will be uploaded into the TÉRKÉPTÉR application, and a press release will be prepared at the end of the project, and press releases will be collected. A solar panel system will be installed to ensure proper modernisation and energy requirements. In the context of development, the call 3.1.1. A self-sufficient eligible activity under III would be implemented. This includes the purchase and installation of solar systems, structural and support elements, and the purchase and installation of the elements necessary for connection to the building’s electrical system and the grid and for technically safe operation; the purchase and installation of measuring and control equipment would take place. With regard to the technical content of the only building involved in the development and of the solar system necessary for the supply of electricity to the current economic and production processes, the conditions for the installation of the system are met. The roof structure does not require reinforcement. 76 (21+ 21+ 17+ 17+ 17) modules are installed on the trapezoid above the well columns and 44 (22+ 22) modules are installed on the flat roofed building. 120 cell monocrystalline modules with aluminium frame, 3.2 mm iron-free hardened solar glass, EVA filling, IP65 connector box, solar wire, solar connectors. They have a rated power of 280 W or a maximum of 285 W. Panels planned under the project: TrinaSolar Honey TSM-PE06H 285 W, while designed inverters: 30 kVA (1 Fronius SYMO 17.5-3-M, 1 Fronius SYMO 12.5-3-M) is a three-phase 400/3x230V inverter operating in synchronous operation with a 50 Hz network with a wifi module. The support structure of the supported activity is stainless steel and aluminium lightweight duct system with connecting elements, PV-generator arrangement for mounting partly with scaffolding and partly parallel to the roof plane. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The technical preparation of the project is reflected by the fact that the energetic designer prepared the building design documentation and the energy certificates (existing, planned) following the on-site survey and determined the quantifiable results and indicators of the project accordingly. Investment aimed at the use of purely renewable energy is not subject to authorisation, so that the acquisition of those contributions is not relevant. In addition to the above-mentioned engineering tasks, requests from technical inspectors have been made, the name and the eligibility number of the inspector to be used during the implementation of the project are indicated in the detailed description of the project data sheet. The responsibility of project management is the correct implementation of the project by the deadline. For this task, a broad-minded (external) company with significant background experience and expertise will be selected, with sufficient references for the implementation of EU projects of similar scale and development, as the company does not have sufficient experience in the implementation of EU projects. In addition to the above, the information package in accordance with the provisions of the Széchenyi 2020 JTK will be implemented, i.e. a table will be posted until the end of the maintenance period, a photo documentation suitable for communication will be prepared, which will be uploaded into the TÉRKÉPTÉR application, and a press release will be prepared at the end of the project, and press releases will be collected. A solar panel system will be installed to ensure proper modernisation and energy requirements. In the context of development, the call 3.1.1. A self-sufficient eligible activity under III would be implemented. This includes the purchase and installation of solar systems, structural and support elements, and the purchase and installation of the elements necessary for connection to the building’s electrical system and the grid and for technically safe operation; the purchase and installation of measuring and control equipment would take place. With regard to the technical content of the only building involved in the development and of the solar system necessary for the supply of electricity to the current economic and production processes, the conditions for the installation of the system are met. The roof structure does not require reinforcement. 76 (21+ 21+ 17+ 17+ 17) modules are installed on the trapezoid above the well columns and 44 (22+ 22) modules are installed on the flat roofed building. 120 cell monocrystalline modules with aluminium frame, 3.2 mm iron-free hardened solar glass, EVA filling, IP65 connector box, solar wire, solar connectors. They have a rated power of 280 W or a maximum of 285 W. Panels planned under the project: TrinaSolar Honey TSM-PE06H 285 W, while designed inverters: 30 kVA (1 Fronius SYMO 17.5-3-M, 1 Fronius SYMO 12.5-3-M) is a three-phase 400/3x230V inverter operating in synchronous operation with a 50 Hz network with a wifi module. The support structure of the supported activity is stainless steel and aluminium lightweight duct system with connecting elements, PV-generator arrangement for mounting partly with scaffolding and partly parallel to the roof plane. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 21:46, 8 February 2022

Project Q3934763 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Building energy development through the use of renewable energy at the branch of TANK-GY Kft. in Nagyatád.
Project Q3934763 in Hungary


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    9,883,800 forint
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    27,330.78 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    49,124.743 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    15 December 2021
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    17,970,545.455 forint
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    55.0 percent
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    30 November 2020
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    30 June 2021
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    TANK-SZER Üzemanyagtöltő-állomás Építő, Szerelő és Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    46°12'27.22"N, 17°21'59.87"E
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    A projekt kellő műszaki előkészítettségét tükrözi, hogy az energetikus, tervező a helyszíni felmérést követően elkészítette az építési tervdokumentációt és az energetikai tanúsítványokat (meglévő, tervezett), s ennek megfelelően meghatározta a projekt számszerűsíthető eredményeit, indikátorait. A tisztán megújuló energia használatát célzó beruházás nem minősül engedélykötelesnek, így ezen hozzájárulások beszerzése nem releváns. A fent említett mérnöki feladatokon túl műszaki ellenőri ajánlatkérések megtörténtek, a projekt megvalósítás során igénybe veendő műellenőr nevét és jogosultsági számát a projekt részletes bemutatása adatlapon feltüntettük. A projektmenedment felelőssége a projekt határidőre történő hibátlan végrehajtása, így erre a feladatra széles látókörű, jelentős háttértapasztalatokkal és szakértelemmel rendelkező – külső – vállalkozás kerül kiválasztásra, akik kellő referenciákkal rendelkeznek a hasonló volumenű és fejlesztésű célú uniós projektek lebonyolítása terén, mivel a társaság nem rendelkezik uniós projektek lebonyolítása terén kellő tapasztattal. Az előzőeken túl, a Széchenyi 2020 KTK rendelkezései szerinti tájékoztatási csomag kerül megvalósításra, azaz tábla kerül kihelyezésre a fenntartási időszak végéig, kommunikációs célra alkalmas fotódokumentáció készül, amelyet a térképtér alkalmazásba is feltölt a társaság, illetve sajtóközlemény készül a projekt zárásakor, a sajtómegjelenéseket pedig összegyűjtik. A megfelelő korszerűsítés és energetikai követelmények megvalósítása érdekében napelemes rendszer telepítésére kerül sor. A fejlesztés keretében a felhívás 3.1.1. A/III. szerinti önálló támogatható tevékenység valósulna meg. Ennek keretében napelemes rendszerek, szerkezeti- és tartóelemek beszerzésére és telepítésére, az épület elektromos rendszeréhez illetve a hálózathoz való csatlakozáshoz és a műszakilag biztonságos működéshez szükséges elemek beszerzésére és ezek kiépítésére; mérő- és szabályozó berendezések beszerzésére és felszerelésére kerülne sor. A kizárólag a fejlesztésben érintett épület és az abban folyó gazdasági-termelési folyamatok villamosenergia-ellátásához szükséges napelemes rendszer műszaki tartalma kapcsán elmondható, hogy a rendszer kiépítésének feltételei adottak. A tetőszerkezet nem igényel megerősítést. A kútoszlopok felett elhelyezkedő trapéztetőn 76 (21+21+17+17) db, a lapostető fedésű épületen 44 (22+22) db modul kerül elhelyezésre. 120 cellás, monokristályos modulok alu keretben, 3,2 mm vasmentes edzett szolárüveggel, EVA kitöltéssel, IP65-ös csatlakozó dobozzal, szolár vezetékkel, szolár csatlakozókkal. Névleges teljesítményük minimum 280 W, maximum 285 W lehet. A projekt keretében tervezett panelek: TrinaSolar Honey TSM-PE06H 285W, míg a tervezett inverterek: 30 kVA ((1 db Fronius Symo 17.5-3-M, 1 db Fronius Symo 12.5-3-M) háromfázisú 400/3x230V, 50Hz hálózattal szinkron üzemben működő, wifi modullal rendelkező inverter. A támogatott tevékenység tartószerkezete rozsdamentes acél és alumíniumból készült könnyűszerkezetű alépítmény rendszer csatlakozó elemekkel, a PV-generátor elrendezéséhez illesztett, részben állványos, részben tetősíkkal párhuzamos szereléshez. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    The technical preparation of the project is reflected by the fact that the energetic designer prepared the building design documentation and the energy certificates (existing, planned) following the on-site survey and determined the quantifiable results and indicators of the project accordingly. Investment aimed at the use of purely renewable energy is not subject to authorisation, so that the acquisition of those contributions is not relevant. In addition to the above-mentioned engineering tasks, requests from technical inspectors have been made, the name and the eligibility number of the inspector to be used during the implementation of the project are indicated in the detailed description of the project data sheet. The responsibility of project management is the correct implementation of the project by the deadline. For this task, a broad-minded (external) company with significant background experience and expertise will be selected, with sufficient references for the implementation of EU projects of similar scale and development, as the company does not have sufficient experience in the implementation of EU projects. In addition to the above, the information package in accordance with the provisions of the Széchenyi 2020 JTK will be implemented, i.e. a table will be posted until the end of the maintenance period, a photo documentation suitable for communication will be prepared, which will be uploaded into the TÉRKÉPTÉR application, and a press release will be prepared at the end of the project, and press releases will be collected. A solar panel system will be installed to ensure proper modernisation and energy requirements. In the context of development, the call 3.1.1. A self-sufficient eligible activity under III would be implemented. This includes the purchase and installation of solar systems, structural and support elements, and the purchase and installation of the elements necessary for connection to the building’s electrical system and the grid and for technically safe operation; the purchase and installation of measuring and control equipment would take place. With regard to the technical content of the only building involved in the development and of the solar system necessary for the supply of electricity to the current economic and production processes, the conditions for the installation of the system are met. The roof structure does not require reinforcement. 76 (21+ 21+ 17+ 17+ 17) modules are installed on the trapezoid above the well columns and 44 (22+ 22) modules are installed on the flat roofed building. 120 cell monocrystalline modules with aluminium frame, 3.2 mm iron-free hardened solar glass, EVA filling, IP65 connector box, solar wire, solar connectors. They have a rated power of 280 W or a maximum of 285 W. Panels planned under the project: TrinaSolar Honey TSM-PE06H 285 W, while designed inverters: 30 kVA (1 Fronius SYMO 17.5-3-M, 1 Fronius SYMO 12.5-3-M) is a three-phase 400/3x230V inverter operating in synchronous operation with a 50 Hz network with a wifi module. The support structure of the supported activity is stainless steel and aluminium lightweight duct system with connecting elements, PV-generator arrangement for mounting partly with scaffolding and partly parallel to the roof plane. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Nagyatád, Somogy
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