Introduction of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Integrated Corporate Management System at CONTROLSOFT Kft. (Q3923327): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The Microsoft Navision 4.0 system was introduced in 2008. In the first years of the system it met its expectations, the company’s ICT potential improved, and through the coordination of the systems redundant work ceased. Improved data, information reliability and faster extraction from the system have led to more sophisticated decision-making methods. Later, however, we gradually began to perceive the limitations of the system: ERP does not co-operate with the software that has been renewable in the meantime, the speed of the system decreased as the volume of data increased, the product support ceased, and the system cannot be upgraded. Based on the above, it has become clear that the development of the current ERP system is not economical and that the current system does not support our vision of flexible working and the use of cloud-based services. We have contacted several system developers, whose unanimous view is that the current system cannot be upgraded, it is necessary to think about the introduction of a completely new system. Our company has collected the expectations of the new IT system, which are as follows: • A new ERP system based on state-of-the-art database technology, which as the only system covers the entire activity of the company. • The system to be developed ensures the flexible working needs of the modern 21st century (remote access, teleworking, “home office” option, cloud services, development of internal organizational communication, Office integration, etc.). • The system supports and integrates as much as possible external documents and files used by us and our partners (e-mail, calendar functions, comments, group work files, etc.). • Replacing outdated server equipment with an up-to-date equipment. • Develop a corporate internal network through the exchange of network tools. Our company pays continuous attention to the regular replacement and modernisation of workstations, but the structure of the internal network is about 15 years behind. The company’s current cable network is suitable for increasing the current data rate of 100 mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s at a relatively favourable investment cost — by purchasing network equipment. A fast network will allow seamless use of cloud services and improve the quality of remote access workflows. On our servers, you run software services necessary for operation (e.g. SVN, Active Directory, ERP, site access control system, etc.). They are currently running on outdated 10-year-old servers, which poses an increasing operational risk. We plan to acquire a new central hardware for these services and run the services on separate virtual machines. The new ERP works from this server. The NAS devices currently used are suitable for the implementation of data backups. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The Microsoft Navision 4.0 system was introduced in 2008. In the first years of the system it met its expectations, the company’s ICT potential improved, and through the coordination of the systems redundant work ceased. Improved data, information reliability and faster extraction from the system have led to more sophisticated decision-making methods. Later, however, we gradually began to perceive the limitations of the system: ERP does not co-operate with the software that has been renewable in the meantime, the speed of the system decreased as the volume of data increased, the product support ceased, and the system cannot be upgraded. Based on the above, it has become clear that the development of the current ERP system is not economical and that the current system does not support our vision of flexible working and the use of cloud-based services. We have contacted several system developers, whose unanimous view is that the current system cannot be upgraded, it is necessary to think about the introduction of a completely new system. Our company has collected the expectations of the new IT system, which are as follows: • A new ERP system based on state-of-the-art database technology, which as the only system covers the entire activity of the company. • The system to be developed ensures the flexible working needs of the modern 21st century (remote access, teleworking, “home office” option, cloud services, development of internal organizational communication, Office integration, etc.). • The system supports and integrates as much as possible external documents and files used by us and our partners (e-mail, calendar functions, comments, group work files, etc.). • Replacing outdated server equipment with an up-to-date equipment. • Develop a corporate internal network through the exchange of network tools. Our company pays continuous attention to the regular replacement and modernisation of workstations, but the structure of the internal network is about 15 years behind. The company’s current cable network is suitable for increasing the current data rate of 100 mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s at a relatively favourable investment cost — by purchasing network equipment. A fast network will allow seamless use of cloud services and improve the quality of remote access workflows. On our servers, you run software services necessary for operation (e.g. SVN, Active Directory, ERP, site access control system, etc.). They are currently running on outdated 10-year-old servers, which poses an increasing operational risk. We plan to acquire a new central hardware for these services and run the services on separate virtual machines. The new ERP works from this server. The NAS devices currently used are suitable for the implementation of data backups. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The Microsoft Navision 4.0 system was introduced in 2008. In the first years of the system it met its expectations, the company’s ICT potential improved, and through the coordination of the systems redundant work ceased. Improved data, information reliability and faster extraction from the system have led to more sophisticated decision-making methods. Later, however, we gradually began to perceive the limitations of the system: ERP does not co-operate with the software that has been renewable in the meantime, the speed of the system decreased as the volume of data increased, the product support ceased, and the system cannot be upgraded. Based on the above, it has become clear that the development of the current ERP system is not economical and that the current system does not support our vision of flexible working and the use of cloud-based services. We have contacted several system developers, whose unanimous view is that the current system cannot be upgraded, it is necessary to think about the introduction of a completely new system. Our company has collected the expectations of the new IT system, which are as follows: • A new ERP system based on state-of-the-art database technology, which as the only system covers the entire activity of the company. • The system to be developed ensures the flexible working needs of the modern 21st century (remote access, teleworking, “home office” option, cloud services, development of internal organizational communication, Office integration, etc.). • The system supports and integrates as much as possible external documents and files used by us and our partners (e-mail, calendar functions, comments, group work files, etc.). • Replacing outdated server equipment with an up-to-date equipment. • Develop a corporate internal network through the exchange of network tools. Our company pays continuous attention to the regular replacement and modernisation of workstations, but the structure of the internal network is about 15 years behind. The company’s current cable network is suitable for increasing the current data rate of 100 mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s at a relatively favourable investment cost — by purchasing network equipment. A fast network will allow seamless use of cloud services and improve the quality of remote access workflows. On our servers, you run software services necessary for operation (e.g. SVN, Active Directory, ERP, site access control system, etc.). They are currently running on outdated 10-year-old servers, which poses an increasing operational risk. We plan to acquire a new central hardware for these services and run the services on separate virtual machines. The new ERP works from this server. The NAS devices currently used are suitable for the implementation of data backups. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 17:39, 8 February 2022
Project Q3923327 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Introduction of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Integrated Corporate Management System at CONTROLSOFT Kft. |
Project Q3923327 in Hungary |
58,327,750 forint
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398,615.576 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
15 December 2021
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145,819,375.0 forint
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40.0 percent
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5 September 2017
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18 December 2019
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CONTROLSOFT-AUTOMATIKA Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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2008-ban került bevezetésre cégünknél a Microsoft Navision 4.0-ás rendszere. A rendszer első éveiben beváltotta a hozzá fűzött reményeket, a társaság infokommunikációs potenciálja javult, a rendszerek összehangolása révén megszűntek a redundáns munkavégzések. Az adatok, információk megbízhatóságának javulása és a rendszerből történő gyorsabb kinyerhetősége kifinomultabb döntéshozói módszerekhez vezettek. Később azonban fokozatosan kezdtük érzékelni a rendszer korlátait: az ERP nem működik együtt az időközben megújuló szoftverekkel, az adatok mennyiségének növekedésével csökkent a rendszer sebessége, a terméktámogatás megszűnt, a rendszer nem upgradelhető. Fentiek alapján világossá vált, hogy a jelenlegi ERP rendszer fejlesztése nem gazdaságos, illetve, hogy jelenlegi rendszer nem támogatja a rugalmas munkavégzésre és a felhőalapú szolgáltatások használatára vonatkozó elképzeléseinket. Felvettük a kapcsolatot több rendszerfejlesztővel, akiknek az egyöntetű álláspontja az, hogy a mostani rendszer nem upgradelhető, gyakorlatilag egy teljesen új rendszer bevezetésében szükséges gondolkodnunk. Társaságunk összegyűjtötte az új IT rendszerrel szembeni elvárásokat, melyek a következők: • Új, korszerű adatbázis technológiára épülő ERP rendszer, mely egyedüli rendszerként a cég teljes tevékenységét lefedi. • A kialakítandó rendszer biztosítsa a modern 21. századi rugalmas munkavégzési igényeket (távoli elérés, távmunka, „home office” lehetőség, felhőalapú szolgáltatások, belső szervezeti kommunikáció fejlesztése, Office integráltság, stb.). • A rendszer támogassa és lehetőség szerint minél jobban integrálja az általunk és partnereink által is legelterjedtebben használt külső dokumentumokat és állományokat (e-mail, naptár funkciók, megjegyzések, csoportmunka állományok, stb.). • Elavult szerver berendezések kiváltása egy korszerű berendezéssel. • Céges belső hálózat fejlesztése a hálózati eszközök cseréjével. Társaságunk folyamatos figyelmet fordít a munkaállomások rendszeres időközönkénti cseréjére és korszerűsítésére, azonban a belső hálózat struktúrája kb. 15 éves lemaradásban van. A cég jelenlegi kábelhálózata alkalmas rá, hogy viszonylag kedvező beruházási költséggel - a hálózati eszközök beszerzésével – a jelenlegi 100 mbit/s adatátviteli sebességet 1 Gbit/s sebességűre növeljük. A gyors hálózat által lehetővé válik a felhőalapú szolgáltatások zökkenőmentes alkalmazása és a távoli elérési munkafolyamatok minőségének javítása. Cégünk szerverein a működéshez szükséges szoftveres szolgáltatásokat futtat (pl. SVN, Active Directory, ERP, telephelyi beléptető rendszer, stb). Ezek jelenleg korszerűtlen, 10 éves kiszolgálókon futnak, mely egyre magasabb üzemeltetési kockázatot jelent. Terveink szerint ezekhez a szolgáltatásokhoz egy új központi hardvert szerzünk be, a szolgáltatásokat pedig külön virtuális gépeken futtatjuk. Erről a kiszolgálóról működik az új ERP is. Az adatmentések megvalósításához a jelenleg használt NAS eszközök alkalmasak. (Hungarian)
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The Microsoft Navision 4.0 system was introduced in 2008. In the first years of the system it met its expectations, the company’s ICT potential improved, and through the coordination of the systems redundant work ceased. Improved data, information reliability and faster extraction from the system have led to more sophisticated decision-making methods. Later, however, we gradually began to perceive the limitations of the system: ERP does not co-operate with the software that has been renewable in the meantime, the speed of the system decreased as the volume of data increased, the product support ceased, and the system cannot be upgraded. Based on the above, it has become clear that the development of the current ERP system is not economical and that the current system does not support our vision of flexible working and the use of cloud-based services. We have contacted several system developers, whose unanimous view is that the current system cannot be upgraded, it is necessary to think about the introduction of a completely new system. Our company has collected the expectations of the new IT system, which are as follows: • A new ERP system based on state-of-the-art database technology, which as the only system covers the entire activity of the company. • The system to be developed ensures the flexible working needs of the modern 21st century (remote access, teleworking, “home office” option, cloud services, development of internal organizational communication, Office integration, etc.). • The system supports and integrates as much as possible external documents and files used by us and our partners (e-mail, calendar functions, comments, group work files, etc.). • Replacing outdated server equipment with an up-to-date equipment. • Develop a corporate internal network through the exchange of network tools. Our company pays continuous attention to the regular replacement and modernisation of workstations, but the structure of the internal network is about 15 years behind. The company’s current cable network is suitable for increasing the current data rate of 100 mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s at a relatively favourable investment cost — by purchasing network equipment. A fast network will allow seamless use of cloud services and improve the quality of remote access workflows. On our servers, you run software services necessary for operation (e.g. SVN, Active Directory, ERP, site access control system, etc.). They are currently running on outdated 10-year-old servers, which poses an increasing operational risk. We plan to acquire a new central hardware for these services and run the services on separate virtual machines. The new ERP works from this server. The NAS devices currently used are suitable for the implementation of data backups. (English)
8 February 2022
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Veszprém, Veszprém
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