Capacity-enhancing investment at PLASTOBO Kft. in Sárbogárd (Q3921765): Difference between revisions
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(Changed an Item: Adding English translations) |
Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
The roofing of the hall building, which was built in the early 1960s, had to be regularly improved in recent years due to new roofing. The doors and windows of the combined wings are no longer properly closed, its iron and wooden structure is worn out and its glazing is outdated. Industrial gates and entrance doors are plated steel, uninsulated. The hall of brick boundary masonry design is plastered, uninsulated. We would like to make the following improvements in the hall building, taking advantage of the possibility of applying: With the support of the steel frame structure and elements, a 12 cm thick sandwich panel top shell (Uw=0.17W/m2K) has been designed, with the installation of a 4pcs 9,3x1m roof light (Uw=1,15W/m2K) — we consider it necessary to introduce natural light, thereby reducing the use of artificial light. Modern plastic “A” category 70 mm cross-section, 5-chamber, 2-sealed, galvanised steel-rigid windows and entrance doors are installed, windows (Uw=0.9W/m2K) are three- and the entrance doors (Uw=1.1 W/m2K) have double-layered glazing. The industrial gates were designed with a steel frame structure, insulated and plated on both sides. The outer facade will receive 12 cm vtg. graphite hungarocell, the plinth will be insulated 8 cm XPS with plaster application. We want to replace our gas-powered heating system with a modern, economical low-emission air-air heat pump heat-cooler. We want to produce the electricity needed by solar panels. We want to produce the electricity needed for the hall building and our production technology with additional solar panels. By carrying out the modernisation works described above, the cost of the hall’s overhead can be minimised. Purchase of equipment: 1. With the band saw machine you would like to purchase, we could make the same settings that we can only perform in several operations and inaccurately in the case of the currently used saw machine, the new saw machine could make the production of our sports equipment more efficient. 2. With the motor scissors to be purchased, we could also cut 5 mm thick plates without problems. Currently, sheet cuttings with a thickness of more than 3 mm have to be released for hire work by an external company. We could make better use of the working time of our employees with the new disk scissors. 3. With the hydro-pneumatic press to be purchased, we could perform special bending operations during the production of basket rings, which we cannot do at the moment. Some of the special bending operations also have to be manufactured by external companies. 4. By purchasing the water-cooled aluminum welding machine, we could achieve more efficient production during the production of football gates and handball gates, significantly shortening working hours. Overall, by purchasing four production machines described above, our company would have the opportunity to compete on both domestic and export markets (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The roofing of the hall building, which was built in the early 1960s, had to be regularly improved in recent years due to new roofing. The doors and windows of the combined wings are no longer properly closed, its iron and wooden structure is worn out and its glazing is outdated. Industrial gates and entrance doors are plated steel, uninsulated. The hall of brick boundary masonry design is plastered, uninsulated. We would like to make the following improvements in the hall building, taking advantage of the possibility of applying: With the support of the steel frame structure and elements, a 12 cm thick sandwich panel top shell (Uw=0.17W/m2K) has been designed, with the installation of a 4pcs 9,3x1m roof light (Uw=1,15W/m2K) — we consider it necessary to introduce natural light, thereby reducing the use of artificial light. Modern plastic “A” category 70 mm cross-section, 5-chamber, 2-sealed, galvanised steel-rigid windows and entrance doors are installed, windows (Uw=0.9W/m2K) are three- and the entrance doors (Uw=1.1 W/m2K) have double-layered glazing. The industrial gates were designed with a steel frame structure, insulated and plated on both sides. The outer facade will receive 12 cm vtg. graphite hungarocell, the plinth will be insulated 8 cm XPS with plaster application. We want to replace our gas-powered heating system with a modern, economical low-emission air-air heat pump heat-cooler. We want to produce the electricity needed by solar panels. We want to produce the electricity needed for the hall building and our production technology with additional solar panels. By carrying out the modernisation works described above, the cost of the hall’s overhead can be minimised. Purchase of equipment: 1. With the band saw machine you would like to purchase, we could make the same settings that we can only perform in several operations and inaccurately in the case of the currently used saw machine, the new saw machine could make the production of our sports equipment more efficient. 2. With the motor scissors to be purchased, we could also cut 5 mm thick plates without problems. Currently, sheet cuttings with a thickness of more than 3 mm have to be released for hire work by an external company. We could make better use of the working time of our employees with the new disk scissors. 3. With the hydro-pneumatic press to be purchased, we could perform special bending operations during the production of basket rings, which we cannot do at the moment. Some of the special bending operations also have to be manufactured by external companies. 4. By purchasing the water-cooled aluminum welding machine, we could achieve more efficient production during the production of football gates and handball gates, significantly shortening working hours. Overall, by purchasing four production machines described above, our company would have the opportunity to compete on both domestic and export markets (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: The roofing of the hall building, which was built in the early 1960s, had to be regularly improved in recent years due to new roofing. The doors and windows of the combined wings are no longer properly closed, its iron and wooden structure is worn out and its glazing is outdated. Industrial gates and entrance doors are plated steel, uninsulated. The hall of brick boundary masonry design is plastered, uninsulated. We would like to make the following improvements in the hall building, taking advantage of the possibility of applying: With the support of the steel frame structure and elements, a 12 cm thick sandwich panel top shell (Uw=0.17W/m2K) has been designed, with the installation of a 4pcs 9,3x1m roof light (Uw=1,15W/m2K) — we consider it necessary to introduce natural light, thereby reducing the use of artificial light. Modern plastic “A” category 70 mm cross-section, 5-chamber, 2-sealed, galvanised steel-rigid windows and entrance doors are installed, windows (Uw=0.9W/m2K) are three- and the entrance doors (Uw=1.1 W/m2K) have double-layered glazing. The industrial gates were designed with a steel frame structure, insulated and plated on both sides. The outer facade will receive 12 cm vtg. graphite hungarocell, the plinth will be insulated 8 cm XPS with plaster application. We want to replace our gas-powered heating system with a modern, economical low-emission air-air heat pump heat-cooler. We want to produce the electricity needed by solar panels. We want to produce the electricity needed for the hall building and our production technology with additional solar panels. By carrying out the modernisation works described above, the cost of the hall’s overhead can be minimised. Purchase of equipment: 1. With the band saw machine you would like to purchase, we could make the same settings that we can only perform in several operations and inaccurately in the case of the currently used saw machine, the new saw machine could make the production of our sports equipment more efficient. 2. With the motor scissors to be purchased, we could also cut 5 mm thick plates without problems. Currently, sheet cuttings with a thickness of more than 3 mm have to be released for hire work by an external company. We could make better use of the working time of our employees with the new disk scissors. 3. With the hydro-pneumatic press to be purchased, we could perform special bending operations during the production of basket rings, which we cannot do at the moment. Some of the special bending operations also have to be manufactured by external companies. 4. By purchasing the water-cooled aluminum welding machine, we could achieve more efficient production during the production of football gates and handball gates, significantly shortening working hours. Overall, by purchasing four production machines described above, our company would have the opportunity to compete on both domestic and export markets (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 17:28, 8 February 2022
Project Q3921765 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Capacity-enhancing investment at PLASTOBO Kft. in Sárbogárd |
Project Q3921765 in Hungary |
33,597,323 forint
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306,253.967 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
15 December 2021
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112,032,155.124 forint
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29.989291 percent
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22 February 2018
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20 February 2019
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"PLASTOBO" Sportszergyártó Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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Az 1960-as évek elején épült csarnoképület tetőhéjazatát az utóbbi évek során rendszeresen javítani kellett az újabb és újabb helyen kialakuló tetőbeázások miatt. Az egyesített szárnyú fa nyílászárók zárása már nem megfelelő, vasalata és faszerkezete elhasználódott, üvegezése korszerűtlen. Az ipari kapuk és bejárati ajtók lemezelt acélszerkezetűek, szigeteletlenek. A csarnok tégla határoló falazat kialakítása vakolt, hőszigeteletlen. A pályázat lehetőségét kihasználva az alábbi fejlesztéseket kívánjuk elvégezni a csarnoképületen: Az acél vázszerkezet és szelemenek meghagyásával, egy 12cm vastagságú szendvicspanel-tetőhéjazat (Uw=0,17W/m2K) lett betervezve, 4db 9,3x1m-es tetőbevilágító (Uw=1,15W/m2K) elhelyezésével – elsősorban a természetes fény bejutását tartjuk szükségesnek, csökkenteni lehet ezáltal a mesterséges fény használatát. Korszerű műanyag „A” kategóriás, 70mm keresztmetszetű, 5 kamrás, 2 tömítésű, horganyzott acélmerevítésű ablakok és bejárati ajtók kerülnek elhelyezésre, ablakok (Uw=0,9W/m2K) három-, a bejárati ajtók (Uw= 1,1W/m2K) kétrétegű üvegezésűek. Az ipari kapuk acélváz keretszerkezettel, szigetelve, kétoldalt lemezelve lettek betervezve. A külső homlokzat 12cm vtg. grafitos hungarocellt, a lábazat 8cm-es XPS szigetelést fog kapni, vakolatfelhordással. A jelenleg gázzal működő hőlégbefúvásos fűtésrendszerünkett, egy korszerű, gazdaságos alacsony károsanyag kibocsátásű levegő-levegő hőszivattyús fűtő-hűtő renszerre kívánjuk cserélni. Az ehhez szükséges villamos energia szükségletet napelemekkel szeretnénk megtermeltetni. A csarnoképülethez és a gyártás technológiánkhoz szükséges villamos energia szükségletet további napelemekkel kívánjuk megtermeltetni. A fent leírt korszerűsítési munkák elvégzésével minimálisra lehet csökkenteni a csarnok rezsiköltségét. Eszközbeszerzés: 1. A beszerezni kívánt szalagfűrészgéppel, olyan beállításokat el tudnánk végezni, amlyeket jelenleg használandó fűrészgép esetében csak több műveletben, pontatlanul tudunk elvégezni, az új fűrészgéppel hatékonyabbá tudna válni a sporteszközeink termelése. 2. A megvásárolandó motoros lemezollóval 5mm vastagságú lemezeket is problémamentesen tudnánk darabolni. Jelenleg a 3mm-nél vastagabb lemezvágásokat külsős cégnek bérmunkába kell kiadnunk. Az új lemezolló géppel dolgozóink munkaidejét jobban ki tudnánk használni. 3. A beszerezni kívánt hidro-pneumatikus présgéppel olyan speciális hajlítási műveleteket el tudnánk végezni a kosárgyűrűk gyártása során, amelyeket jelenleg nem tudunk elvégezni. Egyes speciális hajlítási műveleteket szintén bérmunkában kell gyártatnunk külsős cégekkel. 4. A vízhűtéses alumínium hegesztőgép beszerzésével a labdarúgó kapuk és kézilabda kapuk gyártása során, a munkaidőt jelentősen lerövidítve, hatékonyabb termelést tudnánk elérni. Összességében elmondható, hogy a fent leírt, összesen négy féle termelőgép beszerzésével cégünknek lehetősége nyílna mind a belföldi, mind az export piacon saját versenyképességé (Hungarian)
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The roofing of the hall building, which was built in the early 1960s, had to be regularly improved in recent years due to new roofing. The doors and windows of the combined wings are no longer properly closed, its iron and wooden structure is worn out and its glazing is outdated. Industrial gates and entrance doors are plated steel, uninsulated. The hall of brick boundary masonry design is plastered, uninsulated. We would like to make the following improvements in the hall building, taking advantage of the possibility of applying: With the support of the steel frame structure and elements, a 12 cm thick sandwich panel top shell (Uw=0.17W/m2K) has been designed, with the installation of a 4pcs 9,3x1m roof light (Uw=1,15W/m2K) — we consider it necessary to introduce natural light, thereby reducing the use of artificial light. Modern plastic “A” category 70 mm cross-section, 5-chamber, 2-sealed, galvanised steel-rigid windows and entrance doors are installed, windows (Uw=0.9W/m2K) are three- and the entrance doors (Uw=1.1 W/m2K) have double-layered glazing. The industrial gates were designed with a steel frame structure, insulated and plated on both sides. The outer facade will receive 12 cm vtg. graphite hungarocell, the plinth will be insulated 8 cm XPS with plaster application. We want to replace our gas-powered heating system with a modern, economical low-emission air-air heat pump heat-cooler. We want to produce the electricity needed by solar panels. We want to produce the electricity needed for the hall building and our production technology with additional solar panels. By carrying out the modernisation works described above, the cost of the hall’s overhead can be minimised. Purchase of equipment: 1. With the band saw machine you would like to purchase, we could make the same settings that we can only perform in several operations and inaccurately in the case of the currently used saw machine, the new saw machine could make the production of our sports equipment more efficient. 2. With the motor scissors to be purchased, we could also cut 5 mm thick plates without problems. Currently, sheet cuttings with a thickness of more than 3 mm have to be released for hire work by an external company. We could make better use of the working time of our employees with the new disk scissors. 3. With the hydro-pneumatic press to be purchased, we could perform special bending operations during the production of basket rings, which we cannot do at the moment. Some of the special bending operations also have to be manufactured by external companies. 4. By purchasing the water-cooled aluminum welding machine, we could achieve more efficient production during the production of football gates and handball gates, significantly shortening working hours. Overall, by purchasing four production machines described above, our company would have the opportunity to compete on both domestic and export markets (English)
8 February 2022
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Sárbogárd, Fejér
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