Acquisition of capacity-enhancing equipment at Kayo Logistics Ltd. (Q3920314): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
The machining machines to be purchased during the investment by Kayo Logistics Ltd. are high-precision CNC equipment, which allow for high precision series production of parts and sheet metal products to be machined. The investment will result in a significant increase in capacity in the applicant company’s plant in Gyöngyös. The development involves the acquisition of three instruments. The first machine is a MAZAK machining center with a working table of 900 mmx430 mm. It is controlled with high smoothness, fracture-free corner control and variable acceleration control. It also has an automatic turn-on and an automatic tool length measurement system and a break detector. The machine also has swirling drilling and tapping functions with relocation sensors. It enables 3-axis machining coordinates and large machining range, which allows industry to produce parts of different sizes with typically high capacity and economy. The other machine is a ERMAKSAN CNC edge bending machine, which allows for high precision and productive production of sheet coverings of machine tools, solar collector frame parts, storage cabinet parts. Due to its particularly high repetition accuracy, it is suitable for serial production of sheet parts. The machine has DelemDa58T graphical control for 4 axis control. CNC-controlled motorised table with pre-loading function and Promecam quick changer upper tool grip system, which assists quick transitions. The bending length of the machine is 3 100 mm, the bending force is 175 tons. The third machine is a PTP 2030 HIFOCUS 130 neo plasma cutter, which allows the company to customise metal sheet materials of different thicknesses with high precision. Positioning accuracy is 0.01 mm. The machine has touch-screen control, graphic PLC system. The plasma cutter is the first in the production line to cut the plate to size. The MAZAK machining center is capable of performing various boring and surface finishing functions with high precision and serial number, while ERMAKSAN is able to perform fast and accurate edge bending work phases in the design of various plate parts. The three machines represent a stand-alone production line as a complete technology, but can also be incorporated into other production lines. (English)
Property / summary: The machining machines to be purchased during the investment by Kayo Logistics Ltd. are high-precision CNC equipment, which allow for high precision series production of parts and sheet metal products to be machined. The investment will result in a significant increase in capacity in the applicant company’s plant in Gyöngyös. The development involves the acquisition of three instruments. The first machine is a MAZAK machining center with a working table of 900 mmx430 mm. It is controlled with high smoothness, fracture-free corner control and variable acceleration control. It also has an automatic turn-on and an automatic tool length measurement system and a break detector. The machine also has swirling drilling and tapping functions with relocation sensors. It enables 3-axis machining coordinates and large machining range, which allows industry to produce parts of different sizes with typically high capacity and economy. The other machine is a ERMAKSAN CNC edge bending machine, which allows for high precision and productive production of sheet coverings of machine tools, solar collector frame parts, storage cabinet parts. Due to its particularly high repetition accuracy, it is suitable for serial production of sheet parts. The machine has DelemDa58T graphical control for 4 axis control. CNC-controlled motorised table with pre-loading function and Promecam quick changer upper tool grip system, which assists quick transitions. The bending length of the machine is 3 100 mm, the bending force is 175 tons. The third machine is a PTP 2030 HIFOCUS 130 neo plasma cutter, which allows the company to customise metal sheet materials of different thicknesses with high precision. Positioning accuracy is 0.01 mm. The machine has touch-screen control, graphic PLC system. The plasma cutter is the first in the production line to cut the plate to size. The MAZAK machining center is capable of performing various boring and surface finishing functions with high precision and serial number, while ERMAKSAN is able to perform fast and accurate edge bending work phases in the design of various plate parts. The three machines represent a stand-alone production line as a complete technology, but can also be incorporated into other production lines. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: The machining machines to be purchased during the investment by Kayo Logistics Ltd. are high-precision CNC equipment, which allow for high precision series production of parts and sheet metal products to be machined. The investment will result in a significant increase in capacity in the applicant company’s plant in Gyöngyös. The development involves the acquisition of three instruments. The first machine is a MAZAK machining center with a working table of 900 mmx430 mm. It is controlled with high smoothness, fracture-free corner control and variable acceleration control. It also has an automatic turn-on and an automatic tool length measurement system and a break detector. The machine also has swirling drilling and tapping functions with relocation sensors. It enables 3-axis machining coordinates and large machining range, which allows industry to produce parts of different sizes with typically high capacity and economy. The other machine is a ERMAKSAN CNC edge bending machine, which allows for high precision and productive production of sheet coverings of machine tools, solar collector frame parts, storage cabinet parts. Due to its particularly high repetition accuracy, it is suitable for serial production of sheet parts. The machine has DelemDa58T graphical control for 4 axis control. CNC-controlled motorised table with pre-loading function and Promecam quick changer upper tool grip system, which assists quick transitions. The bending length of the machine is 3 100 mm, the bending force is 175 tons. The third machine is a PTP 2030 HIFOCUS 130 neo plasma cutter, which allows the company to customise metal sheet materials of different thicknesses with high precision. Positioning accuracy is 0.01 mm. The machine has touch-screen control, graphic PLC system. The plasma cutter is the first in the production line to cut the plate to size. The MAZAK machining center is capable of performing various boring and surface finishing functions with high precision and serial number, while ERMAKSAN is able to perform fast and accurate edge bending work phases in the design of various plate parts. The three machines represent a stand-alone production line as a complete technology, but can also be incorporated into other production lines. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 17:17, 8 February 2022

Project Q3920314 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Acquisition of capacity-enhancing equipment at Kayo Logistics Ltd.
Project Q3920314 in Hungary


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    78,806,921 forint
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    217,917.69 Euro
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    3 December 2021
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    430,857.233 Euro
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    157,613,842.0 forint
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    49.999999 percent
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    24 July 2018
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    25 September 2018
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    Kayo Logisztika Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    47°46'47.93"N, 19°55'44.83"E
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    A Kayo Logisztika Kft. által megvalósításra kerülő beruházás során megvásárlásra kerülő megmunkálógépek nagy pontosságú CNC berendezések, melyek a megmunkálandó alkatrészek és lemezgyártmányok nagy pontosságú sorozatgyártását teszi lehetővé. A beruházással jelentős kapacitás-növekedés valósul meg a pályázó társaság gyöngyösi üzemében. A fejlesztés három eszköz beszerzését tartalmazza. Az első gép egy MAZAK megmunkáló központ, 900mmx430mm munkaasztallal rendelkezik. Vezérlése nagy simaságú, törésmentes sarokvezérléssel és változtatható gyorsulásvezérléssel. Automata ki és bekapcsolóval, illetve automatikus szerszámhossz mérőrendszerrel és törésérzékelővel is rendelkezik a berendezés. A gép áthelyezés érzékelővel ellátott, örvénylő fúrás és menetfúrás funkciókkal is rendelkezik. 3 tengelyes megmunkálási koordinátamegadást, és nagyméretű megmunkálási tartományt tesz lehetővé, mely az ipar számára különböző méretű alkatrészek gyártását teszi lehetővé jellemzően nagy kapacitás és gazdaságosság mellett. A másik gép egy ERMAKSAN CNC él hajlító berendezés, mely szerszámgépek lemezburkolatait, napkollektor vázalkatrészek, tároló szekrény lemezalkatrészeinek nagy pontosságú és termelékeny gyártását teszi lehetővé. Különösen nagy ismétlési pontosságú tulajdonsága miatt alkalmas a lemezalkatrészek sorozatgyártására. A gép DelemDa58T grafikus vezérléssel rendelkezik a 4 tengely vezérlésére. CNC vezérléses motoros asztal előfeszítés funkcióval és Promecam gyorscserélős felső-szerszám megfogási rendszerrel rendelkezik, mely a gyors átállásokat segíti. A gép által végezhető hajlítási hossz 3100 mm, a hajlító erő 175 tonna. A harmadik gép egy PTP 2030 HIFOCUS 130 neo plazmavágó, mellyel a különböző vastagságú fémlemez alapanyagok szabászatát végezheti el a társaság nagy pontossággal. Pozícionálási pontossága 0.01mm. A gép érintő-képernyős vezérléssel, grafikus PLC rendszerrel rendelkezik. A plazmavágó a gyártósorban a legelső, a gyártáshoz szükséges lemez méretre vágását végzi. A MAZAK megmunkálóközpont a különböző furatolási, felületmegmunkálási funkciókat képes elvégezni nagy pontossággal és sorozatszámmal, míg az ERMAKSAN a különböző lemez alkatrészek kialakításánál az élhajlítás munkafázis gyors, pontos elvégzésére képes. A három gép komplett technológiaként önálló gyártási vonalat képvisel, de más gyártási vonalakba is bedolgozhat. (Hungarian)
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    The machining machines to be purchased during the investment by Kayo Logistics Ltd. are high-precision CNC equipment, which allow for high precision series production of parts and sheet metal products to be machined. The investment will result in a significant increase in capacity in the applicant company’s plant in Gyöngyös. The development involves the acquisition of three instruments. The first machine is a MAZAK machining center with a working table of 900 mmx430 mm. It is controlled with high smoothness, fracture-free corner control and variable acceleration control. It also has an automatic turn-on and an automatic tool length measurement system and a break detector. The machine also has swirling drilling and tapping functions with relocation sensors. It enables 3-axis machining coordinates and large machining range, which allows industry to produce parts of different sizes with typically high capacity and economy. The other machine is a ERMAKSAN CNC edge bending machine, which allows for high precision and productive production of sheet coverings of machine tools, solar collector frame parts, storage cabinet parts. Due to its particularly high repetition accuracy, it is suitable for serial production of sheet parts. The machine has DelemDa58T graphical control for 4 axis control. CNC-controlled motorised table with pre-loading function and Promecam quick changer upper tool grip system, which assists quick transitions. The bending length of the machine is 3 100 mm, the bending force is 175 tons. The third machine is a PTP 2030 HIFOCUS 130 neo plasma cutter, which allows the company to customise metal sheet materials of different thicknesses with high precision. Positioning accuracy is 0.01 mm. The machine has touch-screen control, graphic PLC system. The plasma cutter is the first in the production line to cut the plate to size. The MAZAK machining center is capable of performing various boring and surface finishing functions with high precision and serial number, while ERMAKSAN is able to perform fast and accurate edge bending work phases in the design of various plate parts. The three machines represent a stand-alone production line as a complete technology, but can also be incorporated into other production lines. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Gyöngyös, Heves
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