Support for the development of the capacity building of the TFK Student School Cooperative in Small Teleek by purchasing equipment (Q3920776): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: add summary)
(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
As a result of the project, we expect a significant increase in capacity, as the cooperative intends to develop the preparatory activities of the co-operative through the purchase of equipment, but with the help of the production we can reduce the cost of the products. With the implementation of the project, new, innovative printing equipment will be purchased, thanks to which we can offer new product portfolios in the future. Equipment will be purchased during the implementation of the project. Items to be purchased under the project: Printing machine, engineering system, drawing folding machine, punching-perforating machine, stapler, folding machine, bookmaking machine, foiling machine, book binding machine. The technical parameters and uses of these tools are set out in the quotations attached to the tender file. The necessary steps were taken in connection with the preparation of the project, we searched the potential suppliers and asked for quotations. Considering the different offers, the company to deliver the equipment leading to an increase in production capacity was selected after examining the value obtained at the appropriate price. Based on economical considerations, our company has chosen the equipment offered by Eurojet Ltd., whose high level of technology can be widely used in the production of precision products. Once we have prepared the implementation of the project, in the case of a successful tender, we would conclude the contracts with the chosen supplier as a first step. When the machines are installed, we use the training service of the winning bidder for all relevant colleagues. Our employees are highly qualified people who can be expected to acquire knowledge of the management of assets in addition to their existing professional qualifications. The equipment is delivered and commissioned at 6760 Kistelek, Kossuth Lajos utca 29. After delivery and payment, the accounts would be made, including the closure of the tender project. Within the framework of the project, we plan to double counting in order to facilitate funding. The main result of capacity expansion is to increase productivity and turnover, and to join the production value chain in a way that increases added value. Thanks to the new technologies, we can produce our products at a lower price with fewer errors and cheaper prices. The technological knowledge base, the professional human resources through training and the broadening of the service range alike provide them. (English)
Property / summary: As a result of the project, we expect a significant increase in capacity, as the cooperative intends to develop the preparatory activities of the co-operative through the purchase of equipment, but with the help of the production we can reduce the cost of the products. With the implementation of the project, new, innovative printing equipment will be purchased, thanks to which we can offer new product portfolios in the future. Equipment will be purchased during the implementation of the project. Items to be purchased under the project: Printing machine, engineering system, drawing folding machine, punching-perforating machine, stapler, folding machine, bookmaking machine, foiling machine, book binding machine. The technical parameters and uses of these tools are set out in the quotations attached to the tender file. The necessary steps were taken in connection with the preparation of the project, we searched the potential suppliers and asked for quotations. Considering the different offers, the company to deliver the equipment leading to an increase in production capacity was selected after examining the value obtained at the appropriate price. Based on economical considerations, our company has chosen the equipment offered by Eurojet Ltd., whose high level of technology can be widely used in the production of precision products. Once we have prepared the implementation of the project, in the case of a successful tender, we would conclude the contracts with the chosen supplier as a first step. When the machines are installed, we use the training service of the winning bidder for all relevant colleagues. Our employees are highly qualified people who can be expected to acquire knowledge of the management of assets in addition to their existing professional qualifications. The equipment is delivered and commissioned at 6760 Kistelek, Kossuth Lajos utca 29. After delivery and payment, the accounts would be made, including the closure of the tender project. Within the framework of the project, we plan to double counting in order to facilitate funding. The main result of capacity expansion is to increase productivity and turnover, and to join the production value chain in a way that increases added value. Thanks to the new technologies, we can produce our products at a lower price with fewer errors and cheaper prices. The technological knowledge base, the professional human resources through training and the broadening of the service range alike provide them. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: As a result of the project, we expect a significant increase in capacity, as the cooperative intends to develop the preparatory activities of the co-operative through the purchase of equipment, but with the help of the production we can reduce the cost of the products. With the implementation of the project, new, innovative printing equipment will be purchased, thanks to which we can offer new product portfolios in the future. Equipment will be purchased during the implementation of the project. Items to be purchased under the project: Printing machine, engineering system, drawing folding machine, punching-perforating machine, stapler, folding machine, bookmaking machine, foiling machine, book binding machine. The technical parameters and uses of these tools are set out in the quotations attached to the tender file. The necessary steps were taken in connection with the preparation of the project, we searched the potential suppliers and asked for quotations. Considering the different offers, the company to deliver the equipment leading to an increase in production capacity was selected after examining the value obtained at the appropriate price. Based on economical considerations, our company has chosen the equipment offered by Eurojet Ltd., whose high level of technology can be widely used in the production of precision products. Once we have prepared the implementation of the project, in the case of a successful tender, we would conclude the contracts with the chosen supplier as a first step. When the machines are installed, we use the training service of the winning bidder for all relevant colleagues. Our employees are highly qualified people who can be expected to acquire knowledge of the management of assets in addition to their existing professional qualifications. The equipment is delivered and commissioned at 6760 Kistelek, Kossuth Lajos utca 29. After delivery and payment, the accounts would be made, including the closure of the tender project. Within the framework of the project, we plan to double counting in order to facilitate funding. The main result of capacity expansion is to increase productivity and turnover, and to join the production value chain in a way that increases added value. Thanks to the new technologies, we can produce our products at a lower price with fewer errors and cheaper prices. The technological knowledge base, the professional human resources through training and the broadening of the service range alike provide them. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 17:15, 8 February 2022

Project Q3920776 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for the development of the capacity building of the TFK Student School Cooperative in Small Teleek by purchasing equipment
Project Q3920776 in Hungary


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    37,822,000 forint
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    104,585.77 Euro
    0.00276521 Euro
    3 December 2021
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    206,782.375 Euro
    0.0027336256 Euro
    14 December 2021
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    75,644,000.0 forint
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    50.0 percent
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    10 April 2018
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    6 June 2018
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    MÁTRIX Diák-2000 Vállalkozásszervező Iskolaszövetkezet
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    46°30'9.14"N, 19°56'32.42"E
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    A projekt eredményeképpen jelentős kapacitásbővülést várunk, hiszen a nyomdai előkészítő tevékenységét kívánja fejleszteni a szövetkezet eszközbeszerzés segítségével, a gyártás segítségével viszont csökkenthetjük a termékek bekerülési költségét. A projekt megvalósításával új, innovatív nyomdatechnikai berendezések kerülnek beszerzésre, melynek köszönhetően új termékportfóliókat tudunk kínálni a jövőben. A projekt megvalósítása során eszköz beszerzésre kerül sor. A projekt keretében beszerezni kívánt tételek: Nyomógép, mérnöki rendszer, rajzhajtogató gép, biegelő-perforálógép, tűzőgép, hajtogató gép, füzetkészítő gép, fóliázó gép, könyvkötő gép. Ezen eszközök műszaki paraméterei, felhasználási területei a pályázati anyaghoz csatolt árajánlatokban szerepelnek. A projekt előkészítéséhez kapcsolódóan megtörténtek a szükséges lépések, felkutattuk a lehetséges beszállítókat és árajánlatokat is bekértük. Mérlegelve a különböző ajánlatokat, a megfelelő árért kapott értéket megvizsgálva kiválasztásra került az a vállalat, amely a termelési kapacitás bővítését eredményező berendezéseket leszállítja. Cégünk a gazdaságossági szempontok alapján az Eurojet Kft. által kínált berendezések mellett döntött, amelynek magas szintű technológiáját széles körben kihasználhatjuk a precíziós termékek legyártásánál. Miután előkészítettük a projekt megvalósítását, nyertes pályázat esetén első lépésként megkötnénk a szerződéseket a választott szállítóval. A gépek beüzemelésekor a nyertes ajánlatadó betanítási szolgáltatását igénybe vesszük, minden érintett kollega részére. Munkavállalóink olyan felsőfokú szakképzett emberek, akiktől elvárható, hogy a meglévő szakképesítésük mellé el tudják sajátítani az eszközök kezelésének tudását. A berendezések leszállítása, üzembe helyezése 6760 Kistelek, Kossuth Lajos utca 29. szám alatt valósul meg. A leszállítást és kifizetést követően kerülne sor az elszámolásra, amelynek keretében a pályázati projekt is lezárásra kerülne. A projekt keretében a finanszírozás megkönnyítése érdekében kétszeri elszámolást tervezünk. A kapacitásbővítés legfőbb eredménye a termelékenység és árbevétel növelése, valamint a termelési értéklánchoz való csatlakozásunk hozzáadott érték növekedést eredményező módon. Az új technológiáknak köszönhetően kevesebb hibával, olcsóbban tudjuk előállítani termékeinket és azok értékesítése is kedvezőbb áron történik. A technológiai tudásbázis, a szakmai humántöbblet a betanítások révén és szolgáltatási paletta szélesedés egyaránt ezeket adják. (Hungarian)
    0 references
    As a result of the project, we expect a significant increase in capacity, as the cooperative intends to develop the preparatory activities of the co-operative through the purchase of equipment, but with the help of the production we can reduce the cost of the products. With the implementation of the project, new, innovative printing equipment will be purchased, thanks to which we can offer new product portfolios in the future. Equipment will be purchased during the implementation of the project. Items to be purchased under the project: Printing machine, engineering system, drawing folding machine, punching-perforating machine, stapler, folding machine, bookmaking machine, foiling machine, book binding machine. The technical parameters and uses of these tools are set out in the quotations attached to the tender file. The necessary steps were taken in connection with the preparation of the project, we searched the potential suppliers and asked for quotations. Considering the different offers, the company to deliver the equipment leading to an increase in production capacity was selected after examining the value obtained at the appropriate price. Based on economical considerations, our company has chosen the equipment offered by Eurojet Ltd., whose high level of technology can be widely used in the production of precision products. Once we have prepared the implementation of the project, in the case of a successful tender, we would conclude the contracts with the chosen supplier as a first step. When the machines are installed, we use the training service of the winning bidder for all relevant colleagues. Our employees are highly qualified people who can be expected to acquire knowledge of the management of assets in addition to their existing professional qualifications. The equipment is delivered and commissioned at 6760 Kistelek, Kossuth Lajos utca 29. After delivery and payment, the accounts would be made, including the closure of the tender project. Within the framework of the project, we plan to double counting in order to facilitate funding. The main result of capacity expansion is to increase productivity and turnover, and to join the production value chain in a way that increases added value. Thanks to the new technologies, we can produce our products at a lower price with fewer errors and cheaper prices. The technological knowledge base, the professional human resources through training and the broadening of the service range alike provide them. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Kistelek, Csongrád-Csanád
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