Development of plastic raw material production capacity at Remat Zrt. (Q3915756): Difference between revisions
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Property / summary | |||||||||||||||
Remat Zrt. processes the by-products of MOL Petrolchemistry and Slovnaft a.s. from the production of raw materials. Due to the nature of the by-products thus purchased, the following plastic materials are manufactured: Through semi-automatic dispensing system (shredder + transport strips), the by-products are transferred to the existing washing system of the Zrt., where the impurities are partially cleaned, after the investment, in 100 % by washing with water. The washed, cleaned material is transferred to the granulating extruder through a drying transport system, where it is poured, free of any impurities contained in it through a very fine (110 µ) filter system and granulated. The formed plastic material is packaged in the form of 25 kg/bag or 1.300 kg/big-bag. As the waste water is treated 100 %, the content of suspended matter will be minimal and the quality of the purified and returned to MOL Petrolchemia will be kept well within the prescribed values. In addition, the volume of recirculated water would increase, significantly reducing the water demand for processing. At the same time, the amount of waste water generated and transferred will be reduced. Better use of resources, service of increased production capacity and energy-saving aspects are also required. The installation of a bridge balance on its premises in Tiszaújváros, which facilitates the accounting of purchased and sold material on the basis of a credible weighing. Manufacturing support software that meets Industry 4.0 requirement would provide accurate, objective, up-to-date data directly on extruders in connection with the existing ERP system. Based on this database, product quality control during production design, plastic raw material manufacturing, product traceability and order delivery can be planned and controlled. Remat Zrt. Innovative SMEs: it has a funded and completed project related to research and innovation activities carried out in the past. Among the projects successfully implemented is the R & D & I project implemented under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Green Industrial Innovation Programme. Total cost of the project: 809 724 440 HUF HUF 404 766 041 Remat Zrt. introduced an ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System in 2006 and an Integrated Management System in March 2007 (ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004). The operation of the integrated environmental management system is also an indication of the company’s awareness and commitment to the environment. (English) | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Remat Zrt. processes the by-products of MOL Petrolchemistry and Slovnaft a.s. from the production of raw materials. Due to the nature of the by-products thus purchased, the following plastic materials are manufactured: Through semi-automatic dispensing system (shredder + transport strips), the by-products are transferred to the existing washing system of the Zrt., where the impurities are partially cleaned, after the investment, in 100 % by washing with water. The washed, cleaned material is transferred to the granulating extruder through a drying transport system, where it is poured, free of any impurities contained in it through a very fine (110 µ) filter system and granulated. The formed plastic material is packaged in the form of 25 kg/bag or 1.300 kg/big-bag. As the waste water is treated 100 %, the content of suspended matter will be minimal and the quality of the purified and returned to MOL Petrolchemia will be kept well within the prescribed values. In addition, the volume of recirculated water would increase, significantly reducing the water demand for processing. At the same time, the amount of waste water generated and transferred will be reduced. Better use of resources, service of increased production capacity and energy-saving aspects are also required. The installation of a bridge balance on its premises in Tiszaújváros, which facilitates the accounting of purchased and sold material on the basis of a credible weighing. Manufacturing support software that meets Industry 4.0 requirement would provide accurate, objective, up-to-date data directly on extruders in connection with the existing ERP system. Based on this database, product quality control during production design, plastic raw material manufacturing, product traceability and order delivery can be planned and controlled. Remat Zrt. Innovative SMEs: it has a funded and completed project related to research and innovation activities carried out in the past. Among the projects successfully implemented is the R & D & I project implemented under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Green Industrial Innovation Programme. Total cost of the project: 809 724 440 HUF HUF 404 766 041 Remat Zrt. introduced an ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System in 2006 and an Integrated Management System in March 2007 (ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004). The operation of the integrated environmental management system is also an indication of the company’s awareness and commitment to the environment. (English) / rank | |||||||||||||||
Normal rank | |||||||||||||||
Property / summary: Remat Zrt. processes the by-products of MOL Petrolchemistry and Slovnaft a.s. from the production of raw materials. Due to the nature of the by-products thus purchased, the following plastic materials are manufactured: Through semi-automatic dispensing system (shredder + transport strips), the by-products are transferred to the existing washing system of the Zrt., where the impurities are partially cleaned, after the investment, in 100 % by washing with water. The washed, cleaned material is transferred to the granulating extruder through a drying transport system, where it is poured, free of any impurities contained in it through a very fine (110 µ) filter system and granulated. The formed plastic material is packaged in the form of 25 kg/bag or 1.300 kg/big-bag. As the waste water is treated 100 %, the content of suspended matter will be minimal and the quality of the purified and returned to MOL Petrolchemia will be kept well within the prescribed values. In addition, the volume of recirculated water would increase, significantly reducing the water demand for processing. At the same time, the amount of waste water generated and transferred will be reduced. Better use of resources, service of increased production capacity and energy-saving aspects are also required. The installation of a bridge balance on its premises in Tiszaújváros, which facilitates the accounting of purchased and sold material on the basis of a credible weighing. Manufacturing support software that meets Industry 4.0 requirement would provide accurate, objective, up-to-date data directly on extruders in connection with the existing ERP system. Based on this database, product quality control during production design, plastic raw material manufacturing, product traceability and order delivery can be planned and controlled. Remat Zrt. Innovative SMEs: it has a funded and completed project related to research and innovation activities carried out in the past. Among the projects successfully implemented is the R & D & I project implemented under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Green Industrial Innovation Programme. Total cost of the project: 809 724 440 HUF HUF 404 766 041 Remat Zrt. introduced an ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System in 2006 and an Integrated Management System in March 2007 (ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004). The operation of the integrated environmental management system is also an indication of the company’s awareness and commitment to the environment. (English) / qualifier | |||||||||||||||
point in time: 8 February 2022
Revision as of 14:36, 8 February 2022
Project Q3915756 in Hungary
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Development of plastic raw material production capacity at Remat Zrt. |
Project Q3915756 in Hungary |
358,846,524 forint
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1,961,904.089 Euro
0.0027336256 Euro
14 December 2021
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717,693,048.0 forint
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50.0 percent
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20 November 2017
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30 January 2020
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ReMat Hulladékhasznosító Zrt.
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A ReMat Zrt. a MOL Petrolkémia és a Slovnaft a.s. alapanyaggyártásból eredő melléktermékeinek feldolgozását végzi. Az így megvásárolt melléktermékek jellegükből adódóan az alábbi műanyag-alapanyag gyártási folyamaton esnek át: Félautomata feladagoló rendszeren keresztül (shredder + szállító szalagok) a melléktermékek a Zrt. meglévő mosórendszerébe kerülnek, ahol a szennyeződésektől részben, a beruházás után 100%-ban, vizes mosáson keresztül megtisztításra kerülnek. A megmosott, megtisztított anyag szárító-szállító rendszeren keresztül a granuláló extrúderbe kerül, ahol megömlik, nagyon finom (110 µ) szűrőrendszeren keresztül az esetlegesen magába zárt szennyeződésektől mentesül és granulálódik. A képződött műanyag alapanyag lecsomagolásra kerül 25 kg/zsák vagy 1.300 kg/big-bag formájában. Mivel a szennyvíz 100%-ban kezelésre kerül, a lebegőanyag tartalma minimális lesz, a megtisztított és a MOL Petrolkémiának visszaadott szennyvíz minősége bőven az előírt értékeken belül tartható lesz. Ezenfelül a visszaforgatott víz mennyisége megnövekedne, jelentősen csökkentve a feldolgozáshoz szükséges vízigényt. Ezzel egyidejűleg csökken a keletkezett, átadásra kerülő szennyvíz mennyisége. Az erőforrások jobb kihasználtsága, a megnövekedett termelési kapacitás kiszolgálása és energiatakarékossági szempontokból is szükséges a Zrt. Tiszaújvárosi telephelyére egy hídmérleg letelepítése, amely elősegíti a megvásárolt és az eladott anyagok hiteles mérlegelés alapján történő elszámolását. Az Ipar 4.0 követelménynek megfelelő, gyártást támogató szoftver a meglévő vállalatirányítási rendszerhez kapcsolódva pontos, objektív, naprakész adatokat szolgáltatna közvetlenül az extrúderekről. Ezen adatbázis alapján a gyártástervezés, a műanyag-alapanyaggyártás közbeni termékminőség ellenőrzés, a termékek nyomon követhetősége és a rendelés-kiszállítás tervezhető, ellenőrizhető. A ReMat Zrt. Innovatív KKV: korábban elvégzett kutatási és innovációs tevékenységgel kapcsolatos támogatott és lezárt projekttel rendelkezik. A sikeresen megvalósított projektek közül kiemelendő a Norvég Finanszírozási Mechanizmus 2009-2014 Zöld Ipari Innováció Program keretében megvalósított K+F+I projekt. A projekt összköltsége:809 724 440 Ft A támogatás összege: 404 766 041 Ft. A ReMat Zrt. a műanyag-alapanyag gyártás és értékesítés területén 2006-ban ISO 9001:2000 Minőségirányítási rendszert, 2007 márciusában Integrált irányítási rendszert vezetett be (ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004. Az integrált környezeti irányítási rendszer működtetése is a vállalkozás környezet iránti tudatosságát, elkötelezettségét jelzi. (Hungarian)
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Remat Zrt. processes the by-products of MOL Petrolchemistry and Slovnaft a.s. from the production of raw materials. Due to the nature of the by-products thus purchased, the following plastic materials are manufactured: Through semi-automatic dispensing system (shredder + transport strips), the by-products are transferred to the existing washing system of the Zrt., where the impurities are partially cleaned, after the investment, in 100 % by washing with water. The washed, cleaned material is transferred to the granulating extruder through a drying transport system, where it is poured, free of any impurities contained in it through a very fine (110 µ) filter system and granulated. The formed plastic material is packaged in the form of 25 kg/bag or 1.300 kg/big-bag. As the waste water is treated 100 %, the content of suspended matter will be minimal and the quality of the purified and returned to MOL Petrolchemia will be kept well within the prescribed values. In addition, the volume of recirculated water would increase, significantly reducing the water demand for processing. At the same time, the amount of waste water generated and transferred will be reduced. Better use of resources, service of increased production capacity and energy-saving aspects are also required. The installation of a bridge balance on its premises in Tiszaújváros, which facilitates the accounting of purchased and sold material on the basis of a credible weighing. Manufacturing support software that meets Industry 4.0 requirement would provide accurate, objective, up-to-date data directly on extruders in connection with the existing ERP system. Based on this database, product quality control during production design, plastic raw material manufacturing, product traceability and order delivery can be planned and controlled. Remat Zrt. Innovative SMEs: it has a funded and completed project related to research and innovation activities carried out in the past. Among the projects successfully implemented is the R & D & I project implemented under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 Green Industrial Innovation Programme. Total cost of the project: 809 724 440 HUF HUF 404 766 041 Remat Zrt. introduced an ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System in 2006 and an Integrated Management System in March 2007 (ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004). The operation of the integrated environmental management system is also an indication of the company’s awareness and commitment to the environment. (English)
8 February 2022
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Tiszaújváros, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén
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