Technological modernisation and production capacity expansion at Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft. (Q3916538): Difference between revisions

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Property / summary
In the framework of the project, production capacity expansion, extension of production lines, production automation (e.g. automatic crumb setting) will be realised. Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft. has an annual turnover of more than HUF 10 billion over the years, of which about 95 % comes from foreign sales. Our main trading partners with an indication of the share of sales: Clama GmbH (D): 15.5 %, Rewe Central AG (D): 13 %, Edeka AG (D): 9.2 %, Kaufland Warenhandel GmbH (D): 8.5 %, ETN Franz Colruyt (B): 3.8 %. Our completed and completed R & D & I projects: GOP-131/07-1-2008-0027 “Corporate innovation=plus 50 % capacity at the Distributed Hydrostatic Steriliser (OHS) equipment”: Aid of HUF 34.78, total cost of HUF 69.56. With the transformation of the continuous pressure OHS sterilisation equipment, based on practical experience and daily needs, other chain and beaker designs have created a new prototype with an excess capacity of 50 %. GOP-131/08-2-2009-0033 “Development of a new type single-phase-vacuumter can closing machine at Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft.” project was implemented with a total cost of HUF 33 255 000 and a total cost of HUF 133 million. The rollers of the new machine permanently seal the cans with one operation, the pre- and end closure takes place in one phase, on the one hand, the risk of impurities entering the product is greatly reduced, on the other hand the amount of scrap, maintenance and energy costs is halved. GOP-131/11-A-2012-0026 ‘Development of a new type of green pea classification and packaging production line with the creation of sample operating conditions at Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft.’, the company received a grant of HUF 380 975 809, with the help of which we carried out an innovative technological development worth HUF 975 million in 2012 and 2013, and developed and applied a new type of green pea classification and packaging production line. The newly developed computer-controlled grading line can classify it into 5 fractions at the same time. This eliminates the changeover time, the product quality improved, the product became homogeneous, the amount of broken grains and impurities decreased by 90 %, so that the canned peas with a grain size of 6-7.5 mm can be produced efficiently. The developed new packaging production line does not use plastic, the environmental product fee has been abolished and modern packaging has increased the added value of the product. The 3 456 m² sample plant meets the standards of food safety and all other aspects of the European Union. The company has IFS (International Food Standard) and BRC (Global Standard For Food Safety) certification systems that are widespread in the EU, and it also meets the specific audit criteria required by HACCP, ISO 9001:2008 and partner supermarket chains. The company is also suitable for the production of Kosher-standard canned cans according to the requirements of the Israeli partners. Industry 4.0 solution presented in a separate document. (English)
Property / summary: In the framework of the project, production capacity expansion, extension of production lines, production automation (e.g. automatic crumb setting) will be realised. Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft. has an annual turnover of more than HUF 10 billion over the years, of which about 95 % comes from foreign sales. Our main trading partners with an indication of the share of sales: Clama GmbH (D): 15.5 %, Rewe Central AG (D): 13 %, Edeka AG (D): 9.2 %, Kaufland Warenhandel GmbH (D): 8.5 %, ETN Franz Colruyt (B): 3.8 %. Our completed and completed R & D & I projects: GOP-131/07-1-2008-0027 “Corporate innovation=plus 50 % capacity at the Distributed Hydrostatic Steriliser (OHS) equipment”: Aid of HUF 34.78, total cost of HUF 69.56. With the transformation of the continuous pressure OHS sterilisation equipment, based on practical experience and daily needs, other chain and beaker designs have created a new prototype with an excess capacity of 50 %. GOP-131/08-2-2009-0033 “Development of a new type single-phase-vacuumter can closing machine at Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft.” project was implemented with a total cost of HUF 33 255 000 and a total cost of HUF 133 million. The rollers of the new machine permanently seal the cans with one operation, the pre- and end closure takes place in one phase, on the one hand, the risk of impurities entering the product is greatly reduced, on the other hand the amount of scrap, maintenance and energy costs is halved. GOP-131/11-A-2012-0026 ‘Development of a new type of green pea classification and packaging production line with the creation of sample operating conditions at Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft.’, the company received a grant of HUF 380 975 809, with the help of which we carried out an innovative technological development worth HUF 975 million in 2012 and 2013, and developed and applied a new type of green pea classification and packaging production line. The newly developed computer-controlled grading line can classify it into 5 fractions at the same time. This eliminates the changeover time, the product quality improved, the product became homogeneous, the amount of broken grains and impurities decreased by 90 %, so that the canned peas with a grain size of 6-7.5 mm can be produced efficiently. The developed new packaging production line does not use plastic, the environmental product fee has been abolished and modern packaging has increased the added value of the product. The 3 456 m² sample plant meets the standards of food safety and all other aspects of the European Union. The company has IFS (International Food Standard) and BRC (Global Standard For Food Safety) certification systems that are widespread in the EU, and it also meets the specific audit criteria required by HACCP, ISO 9001:2008 and partner supermarket chains. The company is also suitable for the production of Kosher-standard canned cans according to the requirements of the Israeli partners. Industry 4.0 solution presented in a separate document. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: In the framework of the project, production capacity expansion, extension of production lines, production automation (e.g. automatic crumb setting) will be realised. Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft. has an annual turnover of more than HUF 10 billion over the years, of which about 95 % comes from foreign sales. Our main trading partners with an indication of the share of sales: Clama GmbH (D): 15.5 %, Rewe Central AG (D): 13 %, Edeka AG (D): 9.2 %, Kaufland Warenhandel GmbH (D): 8.5 %, ETN Franz Colruyt (B): 3.8 %. Our completed and completed R & D & I projects: GOP-131/07-1-2008-0027 “Corporate innovation=plus 50 % capacity at the Distributed Hydrostatic Steriliser (OHS) equipment”: Aid of HUF 34.78, total cost of HUF 69.56. With the transformation of the continuous pressure OHS sterilisation equipment, based on practical experience and daily needs, other chain and beaker designs have created a new prototype with an excess capacity of 50 %. GOP-131/08-2-2009-0033 “Development of a new type single-phase-vacuumter can closing machine at Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft.” project was implemented with a total cost of HUF 33 255 000 and a total cost of HUF 133 million. The rollers of the new machine permanently seal the cans with one operation, the pre- and end closure takes place in one phase, on the one hand, the risk of impurities entering the product is greatly reduced, on the other hand the amount of scrap, maintenance and energy costs is halved. GOP-131/11-A-2012-0026 ‘Development of a new type of green pea classification and packaging production line with the creation of sample operating conditions at Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft.’, the company received a grant of HUF 380 975 809, with the help of which we carried out an innovative technological development worth HUF 975 million in 2012 and 2013, and developed and applied a new type of green pea classification and packaging production line. The newly developed computer-controlled grading line can classify it into 5 fractions at the same time. This eliminates the changeover time, the product quality improved, the product became homogeneous, the amount of broken grains and impurities decreased by 90 %, so that the canned peas with a grain size of 6-7.5 mm can be produced efficiently. The developed new packaging production line does not use plastic, the environmental product fee has been abolished and modern packaging has increased the added value of the product. The 3 456 m² sample plant meets the standards of food safety and all other aspects of the European Union. The company has IFS (International Food Standard) and BRC (Global Standard For Food Safety) certification systems that are widespread in the EU, and it also meets the specific audit criteria required by HACCP, ISO 9001:2008 and partner supermarket chains. The company is also suitable for the production of Kosher-standard canned cans according to the requirements of the Israeli partners. Industry 4.0 solution presented in a separate document. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:35, 8 February 2022

Project Q3916538 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Technological modernisation and production capacity expansion at Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft.
Project Q3916538 in Hungary


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    Kecskeméti Konzervgyártó és Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    46°54'29.09"N, 19°41'34.12"E
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    A projekt keretében termelési kapacitásbővítés, gyártóvonalak bővítése, gyártási automatizálás (pl. automata morzsolók beállítása) valósul meg. A Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft. évekre visszamenőleg 10 milliárd Ft-ot meghaladó évi árbevételre tesz szert, amelynek mintegy 95%-a külföldi értékesítésből származik. Főbb kereskedelmi partnereink az eladási részarány feltüntetésével: Clama GmbH (D): 15,5%, Rewe Central AG (D): 13%, Edeka AG (D): 9,2%, Kaufland Warenhandel GmbH (D): 8,5%, ETN Franz Colruyt (B): 3,8%. Megvalósított és lezárt K+F+I projektjeink: GOP-131/07-1-2008-0027 „Vállalati innováció=plusz 50 % kapacitás az Osztott Hidrosztatikus Sterilező (OHS) berendezésnél”: 34,78 MFt támogatás, 69,56 MFt összköltség. A folyamatos üzemű, nyomás alatt működő OHS sterilizáló berendezés átalakításával a gyakorlati tapasztalatok, napi munka során felmerült igények alapján, más lánc és serlegkialakítással 50% kapacitás-többletet produkáló új prototípust jött létre. GOP-131/08-2-2009-0033 „Új típusú, egyfázisú-vákuumteres konzervdoboz zárógép kifejlesztése a Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft.-nél” projekt 33 255 000 Ft támogatásból, 133 millió Ft összköltséggel valósult meg. Az új gép görgői egy művelettel véglegesen lezárják a konzervdobozokat, egy fázisban megtörténik az elő- és végzárás, üzembe állításával egyrészt nagymértékben csökken a szennyeződések termékbe történő bejutásának kockázata, másrészt a selejt, a karbantartási- és energiaköltségek mennyisége feleződött. GOP-131/11-A-2012-0026 „Új típusú zöldborsó osztályozó- és csomagoló gépsor kifejlesztése mintaüzemi körülmények létrehozásával a Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft-nél” projekt keretében a cég 380 975 809 Ft összegben vissza nem térítendő támogatásban részesült, amelynek segítségével 2012-ben és 2013-ban 975 millió forint értékű innovatív technológiai fejlesztést hajtottunk végre, új típusú zöldborsó osztályozó- és csomagoló gépsort fejlesztettünk ki és alkalmaztunk. Az új fejlesztésű, számítógép-vezérelt osztályozó gépsor egyszerre 5 frakcióra tud osztályozni, ezzel megszűnt az átállási idő, a termékminőség javult, a termék homogénné vált, a tört szemek, szennyeződések mennyisége 90%-kal csökkent, így a 6-7,5 mm szemnagyságú borsókonzerv hatékonyan állítható elő. A kifejlesztett új csomagoló gépsor nem használ műanyagot, a környezetvédelmi termékdíj megszűnt, a korszerű csomagolás pedig növelte a termék hozzáadott értékét. A 3456 m2 alapterületű mintaüzem élelmiszerbiztonsági és minden egyéb tekintetben megfelel az Európai Uniós színvonalnak. A vállalat rendelkezik az EU-ban elterjedt IFS (International Food Standard) és a BRC (Global Standard For Food Safety) minősítési rendszerekkel, ezen felül megfelel a HACCP, az ISO 9001:2008 és a partner áruházláncok által elvárt egyedi audit szempontoknak. A vállalat alkalmas továbbá az izraeli partnerek igényei szerinti kóser szabványú konzervek gyártására is. Ipar 4.0 megoldás bemutatása külön dokumentumban. (Hungarian)
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    In the framework of the project, production capacity expansion, extension of production lines, production automation (e.g. automatic crumb setting) will be realised. Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft. has an annual turnover of more than HUF 10 billion over the years, of which about 95 % comes from foreign sales. Our main trading partners with an indication of the share of sales: Clama GmbH (D): 15.5 %, Rewe Central AG (D): 13 %, Edeka AG (D): 9.2 %, Kaufland Warenhandel GmbH (D): 8.5 %, ETN Franz Colruyt (B): 3.8 %. Our completed and completed R & D & I projects: GOP-131/07-1-2008-0027 “Corporate innovation=plus 50 % capacity at the Distributed Hydrostatic Steriliser (OHS) equipment”: Aid of HUF 34.78, total cost of HUF 69.56. With the transformation of the continuous pressure OHS sterilisation equipment, based on practical experience and daily needs, other chain and beaker designs have created a new prototype with an excess capacity of 50 %. GOP-131/08-2-2009-0033 “Development of a new type single-phase-vacuumter can closing machine at Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft.” project was implemented with a total cost of HUF 33 255 000 and a total cost of HUF 133 million. The rollers of the new machine permanently seal the cans with one operation, the pre- and end closure takes place in one phase, on the one hand, the risk of impurities entering the product is greatly reduced, on the other hand the amount of scrap, maintenance and energy costs is halved. GOP-131/11-A-2012-0026 ‘Development of a new type of green pea classification and packaging production line with the creation of sample operating conditions at Kecskeméti Konzerv Kft.’, the company received a grant of HUF 380 975 809, with the help of which we carried out an innovative technological development worth HUF 975 million in 2012 and 2013, and developed and applied a new type of green pea classification and packaging production line. The newly developed computer-controlled grading line can classify it into 5 fractions at the same time. This eliminates the changeover time, the product quality improved, the product became homogeneous, the amount of broken grains and impurities decreased by 90 %, so that the canned peas with a grain size of 6-7.5 mm can be produced efficiently. The developed new packaging production line does not use plastic, the environmental product fee has been abolished and modern packaging has increased the added value of the product. The 3 456 m² sample plant meets the standards of food safety and all other aspects of the European Union. The company has IFS (International Food Standard) and BRC (Global Standard For Food Safety) certification systems that are widespread in the EU, and it also meets the specific audit criteria required by HACCP, ISO 9001:2008 and partner supermarket chains. The company is also suitable for the production of Kosher-standard canned cans according to the requirements of the Israeli partners. Industry 4.0 solution presented in a separate document. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Kecskemét, Bács-Kiskun
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