Expansion of manufacturing activities (Q3914942): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed an Item: Adding English translations)
Property / summary
1: increase in production capacity: There is an extension of production capacity for the production of 1629 Other products of wood, cork and wicker: this will increase capacity by 20 % and we can produce a new product (G50 fraction), i.e. to create and expand modern product development and product production capabilities with higher accuracy than before. 2. Preparatory activities: We are implementing development in an area where management already has a strong practice, since it has consistently implemented similar developments in recent years, partly through support. Several manufacturing machines have been procured earlier and customer needs have been identified, and we have developed our well-founded development in the knowledge of this. 3. Key steps of the project: our goal is to acquire a machine and IT equipment in which we have great experience. We will implement the project by 31.12.2016. 4. Professional standards: in the course of development, we act in accordance with professional (ISO, DIN) standards and customer requirements. When selecting the equipment to be procured, we have selected known suppliers with a good service background. 5. to ensure and maintain the procedures, methods and professional standards that ensure the implementation of professional standards during the implementation of the project: During operation and implementation, we place great emphasis on following the procedures required by the customers, so the effective implementation and maintenance of the project will be without problems. 6. In technology investments, project management has a lot of experience and has already implemented several of these projects with the help of grants. 7. Novelty and added value of the asset: we will be able to offer higher capacity than competitors and produce G50 fraction products. 8. Presentation of project elements: Device to be procured: VECOPLAN VNZ 250 High-Performance Shredder The tool allows us to produce chopping faster than ever, in better quality (less metal content) and in other smaller fraction sizes, significantly increasing our competitiveness. Main parameters: Input width 1 600 mm Input length 2 492 mm Rotor dimensions 640 mm Number of cutting crowns 60 pcs Wire diameter 60 mm Shredder power 20 t/h. This is how the other elements of the project are connected to the acquisition of the new production equipment: It tools (apple macbook air and pro, IPAD, laptop, printer) will provide an efficient administrative background for surplus production. 9 SMEs moving forward in the production value chain: during our project, we are clearly moving forward in the production value chain, as the processing level is improving, we can produce G50 fraction instead of G100, which can be sold at a higher price by 6-7 %, with less production costs, significantly increasing the added value. 10. R & D & I activity aspect: In our GOP-131/C application, innovation in the production process was realised by purchasing a loader whose size we were able to carry out work that had not previously been done. (English)
Property / summary: 1: increase in production capacity: There is an extension of production capacity for the production of 1629 Other products of wood, cork and wicker: this will increase capacity by 20 % and we can produce a new product (G50 fraction), i.e. to create and expand modern product development and product production capabilities with higher accuracy than before. 2. Preparatory activities: We are implementing development in an area where management already has a strong practice, since it has consistently implemented similar developments in recent years, partly through support. Several manufacturing machines have been procured earlier and customer needs have been identified, and we have developed our well-founded development in the knowledge of this. 3. Key steps of the project: our goal is to acquire a machine and IT equipment in which we have great experience. We will implement the project by 31.12.2016. 4. Professional standards: in the course of development, we act in accordance with professional (ISO, DIN) standards and customer requirements. When selecting the equipment to be procured, we have selected known suppliers with a good service background. 5. to ensure and maintain the procedures, methods and professional standards that ensure the implementation of professional standards during the implementation of the project: During operation and implementation, we place great emphasis on following the procedures required by the customers, so the effective implementation and maintenance of the project will be without problems. 6. In technology investments, project management has a lot of experience and has already implemented several of these projects with the help of grants. 7. Novelty and added value of the asset: we will be able to offer higher capacity than competitors and produce G50 fraction products. 8. Presentation of project elements: Device to be procured: VECOPLAN VNZ 250 High-Performance Shredder The tool allows us to produce chopping faster than ever, in better quality (less metal content) and in other smaller fraction sizes, significantly increasing our competitiveness. Main parameters: Input width 1 600 mm Input length 2 492 mm Rotor dimensions 640 mm Number of cutting crowns 60 pcs Wire diameter 60 mm Shredder power 20 t/h. This is how the other elements of the project are connected to the acquisition of the new production equipment: It tools (apple macbook air and pro, IPAD, laptop, printer) will provide an efficient administrative background for surplus production. 9 SMEs moving forward in the production value chain: during our project, we are clearly moving forward in the production value chain, as the processing level is improving, we can produce G50 fraction instead of G100, which can be sold at a higher price by 6-7 %, with less production costs, significantly increasing the added value. 10. R & D & I activity aspect: In our GOP-131/C application, innovation in the production process was realised by purchasing a loader whose size we were able to carry out work that had not previously been done. (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / summary: 1: increase in production capacity: There is an extension of production capacity for the production of 1629 Other products of wood, cork and wicker: this will increase capacity by 20 % and we can produce a new product (G50 fraction), i.e. to create and expand modern product development and product production capabilities with higher accuracy than before. 2. Preparatory activities: We are implementing development in an area where management already has a strong practice, since it has consistently implemented similar developments in recent years, partly through support. Several manufacturing machines have been procured earlier and customer needs have been identified, and we have developed our well-founded development in the knowledge of this. 3. Key steps of the project: our goal is to acquire a machine and IT equipment in which we have great experience. We will implement the project by 31.12.2016. 4. Professional standards: in the course of development, we act in accordance with professional (ISO, DIN) standards and customer requirements. When selecting the equipment to be procured, we have selected known suppliers with a good service background. 5. to ensure and maintain the procedures, methods and professional standards that ensure the implementation of professional standards during the implementation of the project: During operation and implementation, we place great emphasis on following the procedures required by the customers, so the effective implementation and maintenance of the project will be without problems. 6. In technology investments, project management has a lot of experience and has already implemented several of these projects with the help of grants. 7. Novelty and added value of the asset: we will be able to offer higher capacity than competitors and produce G50 fraction products. 8. Presentation of project elements: Device to be procured: VECOPLAN VNZ 250 High-Performance Shredder The tool allows us to produce chopping faster than ever, in better quality (less metal content) and in other smaller fraction sizes, significantly increasing our competitiveness. Main parameters: Input width 1 600 mm Input length 2 492 mm Rotor dimensions 640 mm Number of cutting crowns 60 pcs Wire diameter 60 mm Shredder power 20 t/h. This is how the other elements of the project are connected to the acquisition of the new production equipment: It tools (apple macbook air and pro, IPAD, laptop, printer) will provide an efficient administrative background for surplus production. 9 SMEs moving forward in the production value chain: during our project, we are clearly moving forward in the production value chain, as the processing level is improving, we can produce G50 fraction instead of G100, which can be sold at a higher price by 6-7 %, with less production costs, significantly increasing the added value. 10. R & D & I activity aspect: In our GOP-131/C application, innovation in the production process was realised by purchasing a loader whose size we were able to carry out work that had not previously been done. (English) / qualifier
point in time: 8 February 2022
Precision1 day

Revision as of 14:32, 8 February 2022

Project Q3914942 in Hungary
Language Label Description Also known as
Expansion of manufacturing activities
Project Q3914942 in Hungary


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    229,281,730 forint
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    3 December 2021
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    1,392,823.126 Euro
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    14 December 2021
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    509,514,955.556 forint
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    15 May 2018
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    ADÁCS 2005 Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
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    47°1'18.48"N, 17°17'48.77"E
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    1: termelési kapacitás bővülés: A 1629 Egyéb fa-, parafatermék, fonottáru gyártásához kapcsoló termelési kapacitásbővítés valósul meg: melynek révén 20 %-al nő a kapacitás és újfajta terméket tudunk gyártani (G50 frakció), azaz a korszerű termékfejlesztési és termék előállítási képességek megteremtését és bővítését szolgálja, a korábbinál nagyobb pontosság mellett. 2. Előkészítő tevékenységek: Egy olyan területen valósítunk meg fejlesztést, melyben a vezetésnek már komoly gyakorlata van, hiszen következetesen valósított meg az elmúlt években is hasonló fejlesztéseket, részben támogatásból. Korábban beszerzésre került több gyártó gép és a vevői igények feltérképezése megtörtént, ennek az ismeretében alakítottuk ki a megalapozott fejlesztésünk. 3 . A projekt legfontosabb lépései: célunk egy gép és it eszközök beszerzése, amelyben nagy gyakorlatunk van A projektet 2016.12.31-ig megvalósítjuk. 4. Szakmai standardok: a fejlesztés során az szakmai (ISO, DIN) szabványok és a vevői követelményeket figyelembe véve járunk el. A beszerzendő eszközök kiválasztásánál ismert szállítókat választottunk, jó szervizháttérrel. 5. a szakmai standardok megvalósulását biztosító eljárások, módszerek és a szakmai színvonal biztosítása és fenntartása a projekt végrehajtása során: A működés és megvalósítás során nagy hangsúlyt fektetünk a vevők által megkövetelt eljárások követésére, így a projekt eredményes megvalósítása és fenntartása problémamentes lesz. 6. A technológiai beruházásokban a projekt menedzsmentnek nagy tapasztalata van, révén már több ilyen projektet valósított meg támogatás segítségével. 7. Az eszköz újdonságtartalma, többlet értéke: képesek leszünk a versenytársaknál magasabb kapacitást kínálni és G50 frakciójú terméket gyártani. 8. megvalósuló projektelemek bemutatása: A beszerzendő eszköz: VECOPLAN VNZ 250 nagyteljesítményű aprítógép Az eszköz segítségével az eddiginél gyorsabban, jobb minőségben (kevesebb fémtartalom) és más, kisebb frakcióméretben tudunk gyártani aprítékot, jelentősen növelve a versenyképességünket. Főbb paraméterei: Bemenő szélesség 1600 mm Bemenő hossz 2492 mm Rotor méretek 640 mm Vágókoronák száma 60 db Szűrőlyuk átmérő 60 mm Aprító teljesítmény 20 t/h. Az új termelő eszköz beszerzéséhez így kapcsolódnak a projekt egyéb elemei.: Az it eszközök (apple macbook air és pro, IPAD, laptop, nyomtató) a többlettermelés hatékony adminisztratív hátterét fogják biztosítani. 9 Termelési értékláncban előrelépő KKV: projektünk során egyértelműen előre lépünk a termelési értékláncban, hiszen a feldolgozási szint javul, G100 helyett G50 frakciót is elő tudunk állítani, ami 6-7 %-al magasabb áron értékesíthető, kevesebb gyártási költség mellett, jelentősen növelve a hozzáadott értéket. 10. K+F+I tevékenység szempont: A GOP-131/C pályázatunkban a termelési folyamat innovációja valósult meg azzal, hogy beszereztünk egy olyan rakodógépet, aminek a mérete révén olyan munkát is el tudtunk végezni, amit korábban nem. (Hungarian)
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    1: increase in production capacity: There is an extension of production capacity for the production of 1629 Other products of wood, cork and wicker: this will increase capacity by 20 % and we can produce a new product (G50 fraction), i.e. to create and expand modern product development and product production capabilities with higher accuracy than before. 2. Preparatory activities: We are implementing development in an area where management already has a strong practice, since it has consistently implemented similar developments in recent years, partly through support. Several manufacturing machines have been procured earlier and customer needs have been identified, and we have developed our well-founded development in the knowledge of this. 3. Key steps of the project: our goal is to acquire a machine and IT equipment in which we have great experience. We will implement the project by 31.12.2016. 4. Professional standards: in the course of development, we act in accordance with professional (ISO, DIN) standards and customer requirements. When selecting the equipment to be procured, we have selected known suppliers with a good service background. 5. to ensure and maintain the procedures, methods and professional standards that ensure the implementation of professional standards during the implementation of the project: During operation and implementation, we place great emphasis on following the procedures required by the customers, so the effective implementation and maintenance of the project will be without problems. 6. In technology investments, project management has a lot of experience and has already implemented several of these projects with the help of grants. 7. Novelty and added value of the asset: we will be able to offer higher capacity than competitors and produce G50 fraction products. 8. Presentation of project elements: Device to be procured: VECOPLAN VNZ 250 High-Performance Shredder The tool allows us to produce chopping faster than ever, in better quality (less metal content) and in other smaller fraction sizes, significantly increasing our competitiveness. Main parameters: Input width 1 600 mm Input length 2 492 mm Rotor dimensions 640 mm Number of cutting crowns 60 pcs Wire diameter 60 mm Shredder power 20 t/h. This is how the other elements of the project are connected to the acquisition of the new production equipment: It tools (apple macbook air and pro, IPAD, laptop, printer) will provide an efficient administrative background for surplus production. 9 SMEs moving forward in the production value chain: during our project, we are clearly moving forward in the production value chain, as the processing level is improving, we can produce G50 fraction instead of G100, which can be sold at a higher price by 6-7 %, with less production costs, significantly increasing the added value. 10. R & D & I activity aspect: In our GOP-131/C application, innovation in the production process was realised by purchasing a loader whose size we were able to carry out work that had not previously been done. (English)
    8 February 2022
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    Csabrendek, Veszprém
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